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The Authors:<br />

Dr.-Ing. Natti S. Rao, 327 Route 216, Ghent, NY 12075, USA<br />

Dr. Gunter Schumacher, Am Bollerweg 6, 75045 Walzbachtal-Johlingen, Germany<br />

Distributed in the USA and in Canada by<br />

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data<br />

Rao, Natti S.<br />

Design formulas for plastics engineers.-- 2nd ed. / Natti S. Rao, Gunter Schumacher.<br />

p. cm.<br />

Includes bibliographical references and index.<br />

ISBN 1-56990-370-0 (pbk.)<br />

1. Plastics. I. Schumacher, Gunter. II. Title.<br />

TPl 140.R36 2004<br />

668.4-dc22<br />

2004017192<br />

Bibliografische Information Der Deutschen Bibliothek<br />

Die Deutsche Bibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der DeutschenNationalbibliografie;<br />

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ISBN 3-446-22674-5<br />

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© Carl <strong>Hanser</strong> Verlag, <strong>Munich</strong> 2004<br />

Production Management: Oswald Immel<br />

Typeset by Manuela Treindl, Laaber, Germany<br />

Coverconcept: Marc Muller-Bremer, Rebranding, Munchen, Germany<br />

Coverdesign: MCP <strong>•</strong> Susanne Kraus GbR, Holzkirchen, Germany<br />

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