Persia from the Earliest Period to the Arab

Persia from the Earliest Period to the Arab

Persia from the Earliest Period to the Arab


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we know that "Darius <strong>the</strong> Mede" signs with his<br />

own hand a document brought <strong>to</strong> him by his<br />

nobles, while, at <strong>the</strong> <strong>Persia</strong>n Court, as probably else-<br />

where, a volume was preserved called " The book of<br />

<strong>the</strong> chronicles of <strong>the</strong> kings of Media and <strong>Persia</strong> 1 "<br />

There must also have been for common and private<br />

use, some form of cursive writing (perhaps in Phoeni-<br />

cian characters), easy <strong>to</strong> write and easy <strong>to</strong> read,<br />

as, on some of <strong>the</strong> Assyrian monuments, officers<br />

may be noticed writing down lists of spoil, captives,<br />

&c., on a material evidently papyrus, parchment, or<br />

lea<strong>the</strong>r.<br />

Having now said something of <strong>the</strong> personal his<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

of early kings of <strong>Persia</strong>, and of <strong>the</strong> inscriptions enshrining<br />

<strong>the</strong> truest details about <strong>the</strong>m, I shall give some<br />

account of <strong>the</strong> most important antiquities, whe<strong>the</strong>r<br />

buildings or <strong>to</strong>mbs, belonging <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> same race.<br />

Now, of buildings, with <strong>the</strong> exception of <strong>the</strong> Tomb<br />

of Cyrus, .already described, it is a remarkable fact, that<br />

scarcely a fragment is now certainly recognisable, with<br />

<strong>the</strong> exception of <strong>the</strong> great groups on <strong>the</strong> platform at<br />

Persepolis; but <strong>the</strong>se are so famous, that, although<br />

<strong>the</strong>y have been given fully in many modern works, not<br />

difficult of access, it is necessary for me <strong>to</strong> offer a short<br />

account. The usual modern name of <strong>the</strong>se ruins is<br />

Takht-i-Jamshid, (<strong>the</strong> structure of Jamshid)<br />

or Chehl<br />

Miiiar (<strong>the</strong> -Forty Pillars) : <strong>the</strong>y are situated a little<br />

off <strong>the</strong> . main road between Ispahan and Shiniz, on a<br />

platform chiefly artificial, overlooking a rich and well<br />

watered plain. These ruins certainly represent <strong>the</strong><br />

remains of one or more of <strong>the</strong> chief structures of <strong>the</strong>'<br />

1 Esth. x. a.

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