The Highlanders of Scotland - Clan Strachan Society

The Highlanders of Scotland - Clan Strachan Society The Highlanders of Scotland - Clan Strachan Society
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8 THE HIGHLANDERS [part i Tribes. Districts. 8. Lougoi .... Inhabiting Parishes of Kildonnan, South Clyne, Golspie, Dornoch and Rogart in Sutherland. 9. Mertai .... Parishes of Criech and Lairg in Sutherland. 10. Vakomagoi . The County of Elgin, Strathspey, Strathavon, Braemar, and Strathardle. 11. Vernicomes . Merns, Angus, and Fife. 12. Taixaioi . . . Buchan and Banfifshire. 13. Damnonioi . Perthshire, except Atholl. In this state they ma}- be supposed to have continued with little variation down to the end of the third century. Hitherto the only people mentioned by the Roman authors, as inhabiting North Britain, have been the Maeatae and Caledonii, and the Roman writers are after this period altogether silent for some time on this subject, but when they again commence to give us a few scattered notices of the inhabitants of Britain, we find a very remarkable change in their language. The formid- able names of Caledonii and Maeatae vanish, and in their place we find the enemies of the provincial Britons appearing under the appellations of Picti, Scotti, Saxones, and Attacotti.^ The Saxons. history of the Saxons is too well known to require an\' examination ; their attacks upon the Romans and provincial Britons were merel}' piratical excursions, and they had no settlement in the island till long after this period. From Dio.'s account, there can be no doubt that in Picti. .... his time there existed but one nation in the northern or unconquered part of Britain, which was divided into two great tribes of Maeat^ and Caledonii ; the Picti must therefore either be their descendants or a new colon)-, who had arrived in the island after the time of Dio. Their antiquity in the country however is evident from Eumenius, the first author who mentions from whom it appears, that they certainly existed the Picts ; and in Britain as early as the days ofCssar;^ and their identity with the Caledonii and Msata; of Dio. rests upon authority equally * Amm. Mar., 1. 26, c. 4. Hibernis assueta liostibus.— Eumen- » Soli Britanni Pictis mode et ii^s, paneg. Constantio.

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