Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net


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salt-varemos us dying for this secular life and being reborn in a transhuman life,<br />

impossible to define and describe.<br />

2 Samghabhadra, quoted by L, de la Vallee-POUSIN, Nirvana (Paris, 1925), p. 73-74.<br />

Visuddhimagga, P. 507: "Can not say that something exists just because na fools perceive<br />

not."<br />

For this rawSn is that the symbolism of death, the renaissance and the initiation persist cn<br />

Buddhist texts. The monk must be staffed by "a new body," "reborn" as in other initiations,<br />

after "dead." The Buddha himself proclaimed: "I mos-trated my disciples the<br />

means by which they can create, pair-ing of this body (made up of four elements) other<br />

intellectual substantia body (rupim manoyam), complete with limbs with powers and<br />

transcendental (abhinin-Driya). It's just like when a man pulls an arrow from a CAFI, or a<br />

sword from its sheath, or a dead snake skin. The man is aware that the arrow and the<br />

coffee growing are two different things, and that the snake and its old skin are also<br />

different things, and so on. (Majjhima-Nikaya \ I, 17). initiatory symbolism is clear: the<br />

image of the snake and its spoils belong to flow more ancient symbols of mystical death<br />

and resurrection: it is also found in the literature Brahmana (Brahmana Jaiminiya, II, 134,<br />

etc.). Ananda Coomaraswamy has shown that the Buddhist ordination was a prolongation<br />

of the Vedic initiation (diksa) and fell within the scheme of initiation: the monk left his<br />

name and became "son of Buddha" (sakyaputto), since there was "born among the saints"<br />

(ariya), as I said when discussing whether Kassapa same: "Hijonatural the Blessed One,<br />

born of his mouth, born of dhatnma, shaped by the dhamma, and so on."<br />

(SamyutaNikaya, U, 221). "The importance of the guru as teacher is not a minor initiation<br />

into Buddhism than in any other Indian soteriology<br />

The Buddha taught the way and means to die with respect to the human condition,<br />

slavery and suffering - to be reborn into freedom, and the unconditioned bliss of Nirvana.<br />

But hesitated to speak of that unconditioned, not to betray-ing. If you ever had attacked<br />

the Brahmins and paribba-jaka, was precisely because it ran too about the inexpressible<br />

and pretended to define the self (Atman). To the Buddha, "arguing that the atman exists<br />

as real and permanent, is a false view" (Vasubandhu, quoted by L. de la Vallee-Poussin,<br />

p. 107, n. 2). But read what it says about the release,<br />

8 See Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, Some Pali words (Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies,<br />

IV. 1939, p. 116-190) in P. 144 et seq.<br />

"Nirvana", see that this is similar in all respects to the "liberated in life", the non-<br />

Buddhist fivanmukta. This "from this life, severed (nicchata)," Nirvana "(nibbuti) sensing<br />

whether the happiness and spends his time with the soul identified with Brahman"<br />

(AnguttaraNikaya, II, 206). L. de la Vallee - Poussin, who played this text reminds us of<br />

the Bhagavad-Gita, V, 24: "He who can not find happiness, joy, and light if only within,<br />

the yogi attains Brahman found Nirvana is Brahman (brahma-nirvanam). "We see here<br />

that continuously sense the Buddha Indian ascetic-mystical tradition, believes in a<br />

liberation in life> but refuses to define". "If the Buddha did not want to talk about<br />

released, not because the saint, still alive, does not actually exist, but because nothing<br />

precise can be said about the Released "(L. de la Vallee - Poussin, p. 112). All you can<br />

speak on e \ fivanmukta (or" nirvana "according to Buddhist terminology) is not of this<br />

world." The Tathagata can no longer be named as a subject, sen-sations, ideas, volitions,<br />

knowledge, and this release from these de-nominations, is deep, immeasurable,<br />

unfathomable as a vast ocean. Not true: it is not, is and is not, nor is or is not

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