Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net


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should be "completed" the 16 stanzas (sukta) held the Rig Veda hymn X, 90<br />

(Purusasukta): the first verse in his hand left, second on the right hand, and so on in the<br />

feet, knees, caderas.el navel, heart, throat region, the two arms, mouth, eyes and the skull.<br />

Now if we consider that the Purusasukta explains the creation of the universe with the<br />

sacrifice of the Giant primordial14 (Purusa) the "projection ritual" (Nyasa) of its verses in<br />

different parts of the body will result in the simultaneous identification with the universe<br />

and the gods (who, too, pa-pray it emerged from the slaughter). The Nyasa obtained at<br />

the Tantris-mo unexpected prestige, which confirms once more the sense of the great<br />

synthesis tardias Hindu: Vedic material will be integrated and enhanced cultural contexts<br />

increasingly alienated from the primordial tradition. The Rgvidhana justify everything<br />

from the ordinary magic of love to the Bhakti Yoga and through references to the Vedic<br />

scriptures. The subsequent texts and did not experience the need to justify the higher<br />

author-ity orthodox great Vedic gods, will be partly forgotten. The Purusasukta like sukta<br />

of Vishnu, says Rgvidhana (III, 35, 1), leading to heaven, "and this is the highest yoga<br />

meditation. We do not know the exact feoh this assertion, but in that time yogi technique<br />

was fully integrated with the orthodoxy.<br />

Ascetics and contemplated, "GOOD" and "bad"<br />

We will not address the history of the ascetic orders and mystical sects of India is far<br />

from our subject. But it is important to note, starting from a given text, which direction<br />

they take the ascetics, yogis and ecstatic. The most complete information at our disposal<br />

are several centuries later in the bu-ism, a fact that must be taken into account provided.<br />

But we have seen that the ascetics and mystics were already numerous since the time<br />

rgve certainty. Certain types of ammunition, and yogis of tapasvin but regis-tered only in<br />

very late texts, probably dating to the early history hindu.<br />

The Vaikhanasasmartasutra, 16 whose date can be fixed in<br />

Myth 14 Indo-curopeo, but also recorded in other ethnic groups, and the most archaic.<br />

Edition of 18 W. Caland (Library indicates, Calcutta, 1927); traduction<br />

English for the same.<br />

sixth century AD, but it contains much more ancient materials, presents a long list of<br />

"orders" ascetic are the vari-ous categories ermitafios who retire to the woods with or<br />

without their wives. We distinguish (VII *, 6) four classes of ascetics with women: l9)<br />

Audumbara, living on fruits, roots or wild plants, practicing asceticism, but with the fire<br />

ritual sramandka; 29) Vairinca, even those who practice rites (Agnihotra sramanaka,<br />

vaisvadeva) but are "completely ab-sort Narayana (theists, have chosen the path of<br />

hhakti; 29) Valakhilya, distinguished by his hair and robes des-logs or bark trees; 49)<br />

Fenapo, who are ecstatic (un-mattaka), sleep on the floor, live on "what falls to the<br />

ground" and called candrayana practice penance (meals are governed by the phases of the<br />

moon); " Narayana fix their thinking and only aspire to liberation. " The ermitafios<br />

without wives can be of many kinds: no name, but are called by names derived from his<br />

ascetic practices (those living as doves, those who eat only what the sun dry, etc.., VIII,<br />

8). They resemble the modern fakirs of India, which shows the extraordinary power of<br />

these conservation practices. Another category is that of the ascetics who strive to obtain<br />

the release implying that other ermitafios not seek the "liberation" but perhaps<br />

immortality, joy, or yogic powers (except Fenapo, who also moksameva prarthayate ,

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