Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net


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ii Furthermore, tantric elements are not lacking: we know the Kundalini (82) and two<br />

sexual prowess mudra, vafroli and khecart (126).<br />

CIBN of auditory phenomena acompafian certain yogic exercises. By the sound<br />

perceived in Siddhasana position, which makes him deaf to every sound from the outside<br />

world, the Yogi reaches the state in a fortnight turiya (31-32). At first the sounds<br />

perceived are violent (similarity above the ocean, thunder, waterfalls), then take a<br />

musical structure (of Mardala, bell and horn) and finally, hearing becomes very sensitive<br />

(sounds de vina, flute, from abe-ja, 33-35). The yogi must strive to get more sounds for<br />

your-tiles is the only possible way to progress in their meditation. Finally, the yogi<br />

proved experimentally the junction with the sound lacks Parabrahman (asabda). This<br />

state-vo meditatio probably resembles a cataleptic state, since the text states that "the<br />

yogi remains dead is freed (muk-ta). His body, in that state unmani (made at the time that<br />

has passed the audition yogi mystic) is "like a piece of wood, she feels neither hot nor<br />

cold, neither joy nor pain" (53-54). He hears no sound and<br />

This Upanishad suggests, also originated "experimental" was undoubtedly made in a<br />

specialized yogi "auditions mystical", ie to obtain the "ecstasy" through concentration on<br />

the sounds. Let us not forget that such a "concentration" is obtained only through the<br />

application of a technique yogi (asana, pranayama, etc.). And that its ultimate goal is to<br />

transform the entire cosmos in a wide theophany sound (with referendums to "sounds<br />

mystical" , see Note HI, 6).<br />

The most abundant indications Upanishad techniques and re-wakes mystical, of all the<br />

Upanishads late, is undoubtedly the Dhyanabindu. His magical and contrary to the<br />

obvious devotion from the first row, which says that the sins of one man, for more serious<br />

they are, are destroyed by the dhyana-yoga. It's exactly the point of view of Tantrism<br />

extremist: the total emancipation of the adept, with respect to all moral and social laws.<br />

The Dhyanabindu, such as Nadabindu, beginning with an iconographic description of the<br />

syllable OM, which must be "provided" as identical with Brahman. Each of the letters of<br />

the syllable (a + u + m) has a color "mystical" and is accredited to a god. Moreover,<br />

assimilation to the gods (devoid of any religious value here and regarded as iconographic<br />

symbols) is not particular to the syllable OM. Pranayama is also identified with the three<br />

main gods of the Vedic pantheon: Brahma is considered the aspiration. Visnu the<br />

suspension (of respiration), Rudra's expiration. However, it is advisable to get the<br />

pranayama through concentration on the syllable OM (19).<br />

In the text we are referring to the physiology "subtle" is especially strong. Detailed (25)<br />

that the "lotus of the heart" and Trienta has eight petals and filaments. Pranayama<br />

acquires special value, the inspiration to be effected by the "three mystical vein, susumna,<br />

Ida ypingala and absorbed" between the eyebrows ", a place that is both" the root of the<br />

nose and the abode of immortality "(40). Asana is mention four, seven cakra (centers)<br />

and ten nodi names (the "veins" of "Hindu mystic physiology) .12 Similarly, it cites (66)<br />

the" awakening "of Paramesvari, ie Kundalini Tantric specifically on the process that will<br />

already be-ing opportunity to speak. It also reveals an element of magic erotica, a<br />

technique with certain analogies with gestures "or" giasticos "of vamacari (gropes" left<br />

hand ") and the sahajiya sect. Obviously, these are only indications, not detailed and<br />

comprehensive instructions. Thus, for example, make sure that whoever efectiia the<br />

khecarimudra1 ' "never nopierde his seed, even embraced by a woman" (84). (The is

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