Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

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Dharam particular, Gobernabilidad by a god to make the meditation that is proper, the yogi becomes duefio of an element. Let's see what can be done in pro-cede to achieve (85): "From the ankles to the knees, is said to be the region of the prthivl (land), (Figure icono-graphic of this element) is so square, yellow and has (as a mantra) to the letter. Taking the respiration, while the point along the region of soil (prthivl, ie the ankles to knees) and contemplating Brahma (which has) four faces and four mouths yellow, (the Yogi) should practice Dharana in place for two hours. So wins the power to dominate the floor. Death is no longer a threat to if you purchased that power to dominate the floor. " Apas Element (water) is the mystic letter "oh dharana should be concentrated in the region from the knees straight. Making this Dharana, the yogi no longer has to fear death by water. (Some texts specify that, after this meditation, the man gets to float in the water). Element Agni (fire) are the letter region ra and going straight to the heart, making this place dharana yogi becomes fireproof. The region between the heart and the inter- Go's budge is Vayu (air), which corresponds to the letter and he that does this Dharana, need no longer fear to the atmosphere. From brows to crown extends the region of the AHAC (ether, cosmic space) to the corresponding point ka: by Dharana, acquired the power to cross the air. All these familiar siddhi in both misticc-Hindu ascetic traditions and the folklore concerning the yogis. Alii Samadhi is described as resulting in the paradoxical situation in which they find djioatma (individual soul) and Paramatma (the Universal Spirit) from the time when they will not differ from each other. The yogi can then do what he pleases: if you wish, can be absorbed by the para-brahman, if the contrary, wants to maintain its body, can be on earth and be possessed of all siddhi. It may also be-come a god, to live surrounded by honors, in heaven, take any form desired. "The Yogi can become live as long as God wills." Upon completion, the Yogatattva Up also gives a list of asana and mudra (112) of those who find some in the Hathayogapradipika. \ Amb \ m is the medi-tative position that is maintained on the head, feet in the air, position of therapeutic effects: the wrinkles and gray hair disappear after three months of this year (128). Other mudra have resulted in the Acquisition of siddhi well known-the power of gliding through the air, knowledge of the future, and even immortality (through cofroUmudra). Immortality is often roamed In this Upanishad sc Yogatattva technique reveals a yogi revalued to the dialectics hiz Vedantin: jtvotmo and the pa - here to replace ramatma purusa and Isvara, the "b * and Pero, More significantly, this nuance Vedantin is earperi-mental stress that characterizes all of this Upanishad. The text retains the character of a technical manual with strict indications for use of the ascetics. The objective of this former prisoner distiplina alii this clearly: the obtention of the condition of "man-god," an endless life span and total freedom. This is the leimotio baroque of all varieties of Yoga, which give the greatest Tantrism amplitud.11 The Nadabmdu Up presents a mythical personification of the mystic syllable OM, which envisions as a bird, whose right-hand wing would be the letter A, etc.., Describing then cosrnico value (the dif-ferent worlds that belong to it, etc. . 1-5). It follows a series of twelve dharana with indications on the fate of the yogis who die in this or that degree of this meditation (a-worlds that Iran near that God was, etc.).. The reason held Vedantin of the serpent and the rope that is used for the explication and discussion of the theory of illusion, is also mentioned alii. But the most interesting part of this Upanishad is the

description ii Furthermore, tantric elements are not lacking: we know the Kundalini (82) and two sexual prowess mudra, vafroli and khecart (126). CIBN of auditory phenomena acompafian certain yogic exercises. By the sound perceived in Siddhasana position, which makes him deaf to every sound from the outside world, the Yogi reaches the state in a fortnight turiya (31-32). At first the sounds perceived are violent (similarity above the ocean, thunder, waterfalls), then take a musical structure (of Mardala, bell and horn) and finally, hearing becomes very sensitive (sounds de vina, flute, from abe-ja, 33-35). The yogi must strive to get more sounds for your-tiles is the only possible way to progress in their meditation. Finally, the yogi proved experimentally the junction with the sound lacks Parabrahman (asabda). This state-vo meditatio probably resembles a cataleptic state, since the text states that "the yogi remains dead is freed (muk-ta). His body, in that state unmani (made at the time that has passed the audition yogi mystic) is "like a piece of wood, she feels neither hot nor cold, neither joy nor pain" (53-54). He hears no sound and This Upanishad suggests, also originated "experimental" was undoubtedly made in a specialized yogi "auditions mystical", ie to obtain the "ecstasy" through concentration on the sounds. Let us not forget that such a "concentration" is obtained only through the application of a technique yogi (asana, pranayama, etc.). And that its ultimate goal is to transform the entire cosmos in a wide theophany sound (with referendums to "sounds mystical" , see Note HI, 6). The most abundant indications Upanishad techniques and re-wakes mystical, of all the Upanishads late, is undoubtedly the Dhyanabindu. His magical and contrary to the obvious devotion from the first row, which says that the sins of one man, for more serious they are, are destroyed by the dhyana-yoga. It's exactly the point of view of Tantrism extremist: the total emancipation of the adept, with respect to all moral and social laws. The Dhyanabindu, such as Nadabindu, beginning with an iconographic description of the syllable OM, which must be "provided" as identical with Brahman. Each of the letters of the syllable (a + u + m) has a color "mystical" and is accredited to a god. Moreover, assimilation to the gods (devoid of any religious value here and regarded as iconographic symbols) is not particular to the syllable OM. Pranayama is also identified with the three main gods of the Vedic pantheon: Brahma is considered the aspiration. Visnu the suspension (of respiration), Rudra's expiration. However, it is advisable to get the pranayama through concentration on the syllable OM (19). In the text we are referring to the physiology "subtle" is especially strong. Detailed (25) that the "lotus of the heart" and Trienta has eight petals and filaments. Pranayama acquires special value, the inspiration to be effected by the "three mystical vein, susumna, Ida ypingala and absorbed" between the eyebrows ", a place that is both" the root of the nose and the abode of immortality "(40). Asana is mention four, seven cakra (centers) and ten nodi names (the "veins" of "Hindu mystic physiology) .12 Similarly, it cites (66) the" awakening "of Paramesvari, ie Kundalini Tantric specifically on the process that will already be-ing opportunity to speak. It also reveals an element of magic erotica, a technique with certain analogies with gestures "or" giasticos "of vamacari (gropes" left hand ") and the sahajiya sect. Obviously, these are only indications, not detailed and comprehensive instructions. Thus, for example, make sure that whoever efectiia the khecarimudra1 ' "never nopierde his seed, even embraced by a woman" (84). (The is

Dharam particular, Gobernabilidad by a god to make the meditation that is proper, the<br />

yogi becomes duefio of an element. Let's see what can be done in pro-cede to achieve<br />

(85): "From the ankles to the knees, is said to be the region of the prthivl (land), (Figure<br />

icono-graphic of this element) is so square, yellow and has (as a mantra) to the letter.<br />

Taking the respiration, while the point along the region of soil (prthivl, ie the ankles to<br />

knees) and contemplating Brahma (which has) four faces and four mouths yellow, (the<br />

Yogi) should practice Dharana in place for two hours. So wins the power to dominate the<br />

floor. Death is no longer a threat to if you purchased that power to dominate the floor. "<br />

Apas Element (water) is the mystic letter "oh dharana should be concentrated in the<br />

region from the knees straight. Making this Dharana, the yogi no longer has to fear death<br />

by water. (Some texts specify that, after this meditation, the man gets to float in the<br />

water). Element Agni (fire) are the letter region ra and going straight to the heart, making<br />

this place dharana yogi becomes fireproof. The region between the heart and the inter-<br />

Go's budge is Vayu (air), which corresponds to the letter and he that does this Dharana,<br />

need no longer fear to the atmosphere. From brows to crown extends the region of the<br />

AHAC (ether, cosmic space) to the corresponding point ka: by Dharana, acquired the<br />

power to cross the air. All these familiar siddhi in both misticc-Hindu ascetic traditions<br />

and the folklore concerning the yogis.<br />

Alii Samadhi is described as resulting in the paradoxical situation in which they find<br />

djioatma (individual soul) and Paramatma (the Universal Spirit) from the time when they<br />

will not differ from each other. The yogi can then do what he pleases: if you wish, can be<br />

absorbed by the para-brahman, if the contrary, wants to maintain its body, can be on earth<br />

and be possessed of all siddhi. It may also be-come a god, to live surrounded by honors,<br />

in heaven, take any form desired. "The Yogi can become live as long as God wills."<br />

Upon completion, the Yogatattva Up also gives a list of asana and mudra (112) of those<br />

who find some in the Hathayogapradipika. \ Amb \ m is the medi-tative position that is<br />

maintained on the head, feet in the air, position of therapeutic effects: the wrinkles and<br />

gray hair disappear after three months of this year (128). Other mudra have resulted in the<br />

Acquisition of siddhi well known-the power of gliding through the air, knowledge of the<br />

future, and even immortality (through cofroUmudra). Immortality is often roamed<br />

In this Upanishad sc Yogatattva technique reveals a yogi<br />

revalued to the dialectics hiz Vedantin: jtvotmo and the pa -<br />

here to replace ramatma purusa and Isvara, the "b * and Pero,<br />

More significantly, this nuance Vedantin is earperi-mental stress that characterizes all of<br />

this Upanishad. The text retains the character of a technical manual with strict indications<br />

for use of the ascetics. The objective of this former prisoner distiplina alii this clearly: the<br />

obtention of the condition of "man-god," an endless life span and total freedom. This is<br />

the leimotio baroque of all varieties of Yoga, which give the greatest Tantrism<br />

amplitud.11<br />

The Nadabmdu Up presents a mythical personification of the mystic syllable OM, which<br />

envisions as a bird, whose right-hand wing would be the letter A, etc.., Describing then<br />

cosrnico value (the dif-ferent worlds that belong to it, etc. . 1-5). It follows a series of<br />

twelve dharana with indications on the fate of the yogis who die in this or that degree of<br />

this meditation (a-worlds that Iran near that God was, etc.).. The reason held Vedantin of<br />

the serpent and the rope that is used for the explication and discussion of the theory of<br />

illusion, is also mentioned alii. But the most interesting part of this Upanishad is the

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