Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net


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importance of his revelations. Because even reproduces the Upanishads theories about<br />

sleep and wakefulness. (For example Brhad. Up, IV, 4, 7; Chand Up, VIII, 6, etc..)<br />

Mandukhya offers the first homologation system between states of consciousness,<br />

mystical lyrics and, as Zimmer as see, leaning on a Cankara allusion to the four yuga.<br />

The trend towards compliance with the different planes of reality is essential throughout<br />

archaic and traditional spirituality: atesti-brada from Vedic times, is expanding the<br />

Brahmana and Upanishad. But Mandukhya marks the triumph of a long tra-low synthesis,<br />

namely the integration of various levels of referenda: Upanishads, yogi, "mystical"<br />

cosmological.<br />

Indeed, the first stanza proclaims Mandukhya eJ my-tery and the greatness of OM: w this<br />

syllable is the All. Now. This Everything, which is Brahman, which is the Atman has<br />

four parts (pada, "foot": "as the four feet of the cow," noted Sankara), on the other hand,<br />

we can distinguish four elements in the mystical syllable: the letters A, U, M and the final<br />

synthesis, the sound OM. This division quasi -<br />

w antigiledad Referring to the meditation on the syllable OM, and notable in the Vedas,<br />

see Deussen, Allgemeine Geschichte der Philosophie, II, 349; Hauer, W / Yoga-Praxis<br />

der ange, 180-181.<br />

Tripartite leads to a bold homologation: the four states of consciousness are related to the<br />

four "quarters" of atman-brahmdn, the four elements of the OM and, if we consider the<br />

commentary of Sankara, with the four yuga. "What is in a state of sail, having the<br />

outward-oriented knowledge (...) is the first room, called Vaisvanara (" universal, which<br />

is common to all men ") which is the sound Vaisvanara A (9). "What is in a state of<br />

ensuefio, taking knowledge-oriented interior (...) is the second room, called taisaja (that<br />

glitters": this represents the sound U (10). "When one is asleep, and not any desire longs,<br />

and is not no suefio, is the deep suefio (susupta): What is in a state of deep suefio (...) is<br />

the third room, called prajna (the one who knows ) "and prajna is the third sound, M (11).<br />

It is considered as the fourth state which has no outward-oriented knowledge, or<br />

knowledge oriented toward the interior, or both at once, or undifferentiated knowledge:<br />

what is invisible, ineffable, elusive, indefinable, unnamable, whose essence is the<br />

experience of self (ekatmapratyayasaram), which is more diversity alia, that is quiet<br />

(Santam), cozy (sivam) without duality (advaitam) . It is the Self, who is the object of<br />

knowledge "(7, trans. Em. Lesimple, slightly modified)." And the fourth estate (...) is the<br />

syllable OM (12).<br />

A passage from the Upanishad Amrtabindu (XI, 12) points out that it should be<br />

understood as one and the same atman to all that is experienced while awake, playing or<br />

just sleeping without dreams, but one gets the liberation that has transcended these three<br />

dimensions of spirit, ie who has attained the state of Turiya. In other words, the whole<br />

experience belongs to the atman, but freedom is won only through the transcendence of<br />

experience (in the sense of know-bay experience, clear). The fourth state, Turiya,<br />

corresponds to samadhi: the total situation of the spirit, without any specification, all that<br />

in cosmological level, represents a complete cycle, invoking the four yuga as lucrative as<br />

the timeless period of Reintegration primordial unity. The turiya samadhi, represents the<br />

Spirit in their undifferentiated unity. We know that, for India, the unit is not feasible but<br />

before or after the Creation, before or after the time. The total reintegration, or return to<br />

is to the Indian spirit, the supreme goal of all being responsible. We shall find this image<br />

copies in all levels of spirituality and in all cultural contexts.

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