Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

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incorporation of power. Number of episodes from the mythology or Indian religious folklore show us mortals to gods or reduced to ash through the covers of a great ascetic. The Indo-Europeans knew about the technique and \ i ideology of the "magical heat" because it still depended archaic spiritual horizon, like some Asian ethnic groups. But it is mainly in India that have been developed, with an amplitude unknown elsewhere, the practices of asceticism, and an extremely complex ideology has formed around the notion of tapas. In other words, in the Indian soil is where the tradition ma - 4 Ymir Gajomard A. Christensen, honune Le premier et le premier roi dans lTiistoire tegendaire des Iraniens, I (Uppsala, 1918), p. 14, 36, H. Giintert, Der Arisch WeUkimig und HeUand (Halle, 1923), p. 348; Sven S. Hartman, Gayomart (Uppsala, 1953): Cuchulainn, Batradz: G. Dumézil, Horace et les Curiaco (Paris 1942) p. 35, idem sur les LSgendes Nartes (Paris 1930) p. 50, 179. gica an archaism, and universal impact, co - notional full expansion, unprecedented in any region of the earth. (See III, 3). It is important to know how the caps were treated by the technique yogui.5 A preliminary observation: this "flushing" ritual was not just reserved for ascetics and "ecstatic". The soma sacrifice demanded of the officiant and his wife diksa compliance with, the rite of consecration that included the evening ascetic, silent meditation, fasting, and also the "heat", the lids and the ritual could take from a day Even a yr. However, the soma sacrifice was one of the most important of the Vedic and Brahmanic India is like saying that the caps were part of the religious experience of the Indian people in total. From there seems to be that, theoretically, there was no solution of continuity between ritual and the techniques and contemplative ASCE-tics: the difference between the officiant and tapasvin was at first minimal. The continuity between ritual and asceticism is also seen elsewhere: in the Christian world, monks and laity pray the same prayers and share the same religious calendar, but vary the degree of their personal experiences. But it is im-portant to stress the unity of the fundamental conceptions existed since the Vedic era, to better understand the meaning of the subsequent Hindu synthesis, carried out mainly by means of assimilation and homologation of religious values and even extra-extra- Brahmanical Aryans. However, the tapas, which is obtained by ensuring fast near the fire, and so on., Is also obtained by the retention of respiration. The retention of the respiration desempefiar start, especially since the time of the Brahmana, a ritual role: to sing the Gaya-trastotra, do not breathe (Jaim.-Br. Ill, 3, 1; Kausit. Br XXIII , 5). Recall the references to the respiration in the Atharva Veda (XV, 15-18). More accurate is the information of Baudhayana Dharma Sutra, IV, 1, 24, according to which heat is produced magic rete-NienD the respiration. (The MajjhimanikayaJ, 244, etc., Us-thing the same tradici6n). We shall see in what sense are targeted all these indications: in order to devote himself to the sacrifice of soma, 5 The Yoga-Sutra refteren four times to the spiritual value of Tapas; II, 1, 32, 43, VI, 1. lids must practice and become "hot", being the "heat ma-gic" the sign par excellence of the remoteness of the human condition, from the "profane". But the heat is effected by means of discipline or the detention of respiration, which will allow one hand, assimilation techniques to methods orthodox yogis, Brahmans, and secondly, to assimilate the yogi tapasvin: in order we perceive the bold and homologation of the Vedic

sacrifice with the techniques of ecstasy. This homologation has been possible mainly by theories of the Brahmana with respect to sacrifice. It is unnecessary to recall the importance of sacrifice, since Vedic times. The sacrifice is all powerful. The same gods subsist on ritual offerings: "It is the sacrifice, Indra, who has made you so powerful ... It is the worship that helped you when lightning struck the Dragon" (Rig Veda, III, 32.12) ... It is the sacrifice the principle of life and soul of every god and every (SatapathaBr, VIII, 6, 1.10, etc.). ... At first the gods were mortal (Taitt, samhitta, VIII, 4, 2,1, etc.). ... became divine and immortal by sacrifice (ibid. VI, 3, 4, 7, VI, 3, 10, 2, and so on., living in the present land as men live in the present from heaven (ibid. , III, 2, 9, 7, etc.).. But above all, sacrifice expresses the level of action, "works" the desire to remake the world, to gather the members of Prajapati. The myth is known: when Prajapati created the world, its members fell away and the gods have "reconstructed" (Taitt. Br I, 2, 6.. 1, etc.). By the sacrifice is Prajapati rebuilt (Taitt. Samhita V, 5, 2, 1 ) but that can also be understood in the sense that it is Prajapati "reconstructed" so you can repeat the cosmo-Goni and that the world can endure, continue. As noted by Sylvain Levi (op. cit, p. 79-80) slaughter not done, it expands, it continues: it is necessary to prevent that slaughter This paradoxical description of the slaughter-expressed as a continuity that is however a return to primordial unity, to the fullness of Prajapati pre-Creation-fiuicion not alter its essential: to ensure "the second birth." Effec - 6 were the main texts in the work of Sylvain Levi, La Doctrine du sacrifice dans les Brahmanas (Paris 1898); A. Coomaraswamy, Hinduism and Buddhism (1943). tively, the initiatory symbolism of sacrifice is emphasized by its sexual symbolism and gynecological. The texts are clear (Sylvain Levi, p. 104, cit). The Aitareya-Brahmana, I, 3, makes clear exposition homologation system: "The priests embryo trans-man in him whom give diksa. Doused it with water, water is the virile seed (...) Le they enter the special hangar, is the parent who makes the diksa, they pit him well in the matrix for you. they cover it with clothes: clothes, is the amnion (...) It is put over a skin black antelope: the chorion in fact, is above the amnion (...) Pufi Keeps closed: indeed, the fetus has Pufi closed while in the womb, the child to, at birth, the little pig is closed ( ...) will remove the skin of antelope to get into his bath: that's why the world fetuses are deprived of the corium. Keep your clothes on entering the Bafia and that is why that the child is born covered by the amnion . This symbolism is not creation of the Brahmana. Universally, the initiate has been likened to a newborn and there are examples where the hut initiatic was seen as the belly of a monster (Frazer, Spirits of the Corn, I, p. 225): the candidate) was alii " swallowed "ritually" killed ", but also in an embryo. As the purpose of sacrifice was to obtain, after death, heaven (suarga), a common dwelling with the gods, or quality of God (devatma), and find here a symmetry with the fundamental concept of the initiation archaic of which were believed to ensure the initiated, the better conditions in the afterlife. But still: the initiation ritual is not just about death and rebirth, but also includes a secret gnosis However, the "science" of the Brahmana, but are concentrated around the mysteries of sacrifice desempefia an equally important role. T "This world (the world of the gods) belongs only to those who know" (SatapathaBr. X, 5, 4, 18). In the Brahmana, the phrase

sacrifice with the techniques of ecstasy.<br />

This homologation has been possible mainly by theories of the Brahmana with respect to<br />

sacrifice. It is unnecessary to recall the importance of sacrifice, since Vedic times. The<br />

sacrifice is all powerful. The same gods subsist on ritual offerings: "It is the sacrifice,<br />

Indra, who has made you so powerful ... It is the worship that helped you when lightning<br />

struck the Dragon" (Rig Veda, III, 32.12) ... It is the sacrifice the principle of life and soul<br />

of every god and every (SatapathaBr, VIII, 6, 1.10, etc.). ... At first the gods were mortal<br />

(Taitt, samhitta, VIII, 4, 2,1, etc.). ... became divine and immortal by sacrifice (ibid. VI,<br />

3, 4, 7, VI, 3, 10, 2, and so on., living in the present land as men live in the present from<br />

heaven (ibid. , III, 2, 9, 7, etc.).. But above all, sacrifice expresses the level of action,<br />

"works" the desire to remake the world, to gather the members of Prajapati. The myth is<br />

known: when Prajapati created the world, its members fell away and the gods have<br />

"reconstructed" (Taitt. Br I, 2, 6.. 1, etc.). By the sacrifice is Prajapati rebuilt (Taitt.<br />

Samhita V, 5, 2, 1 ) but that can also be understood in the sense that it is Prajapati<br />

"reconstructed" so you can repeat the cosmo-Goni and that the world can endure,<br />

continue. As noted by Sylvain Levi (op. cit, p. 79-80) slaughter not done, it expands, it<br />

continues: it is necessary to prevent that slaughter<br />

This paradoxical description of the slaughter-expressed as a continuity that is however a<br />

return to primordial unity, to the fullness of Prajapati pre-Creation-fiuicion not alter its<br />

essential: to ensure "the second birth." Effec -<br />

6 were the main texts in the work of Sylvain Levi, La Doctrine du sacrifice dans les<br />

Brahmanas (Paris 1898); A. Coomaraswamy, Hinduism and Buddhism (1943).<br />

tively, the initiatory symbolism of sacrifice is emphasized by its sexual symbolism and<br />

gynecological. The texts are clear (Sylvain Levi, p. 104, cit). The Aitareya-Brahmana, I,<br />

3, makes clear exposition homologation system: "The priests embryo trans-man in him<br />

whom give diksa. Doused it with water, water is the virile seed (...) Le they enter the<br />

special hangar, is the parent who makes the diksa, they pit him well in the matrix for you.<br />

they cover it with clothes: clothes, is the amnion (...) It is put over a skin black antelope:<br />

the chorion in fact, is above the amnion (...) Pufi Keeps closed: indeed, the fetus has Pufi<br />

closed while in the womb, the child to, at birth, the little pig is closed ( ...) will remove<br />

the skin of antelope to get into his bath: that's why the world fetuses are deprived of the<br />

corium. Keep your clothes on entering the Bafia and that is why that the child is born<br />

covered by the amnion .<br />

This symbolism is not creation of the Brahmana. Universally, the initiate has been<br />

likened to a newborn and there are examples where the hut initiatic was seen as the belly<br />

of a monster (Frazer, Spirits of the Corn, I, p. 225): the candidate) was alii " swallowed<br />

"ritually" killed ", but also in an embryo. As the purpose of sacrifice was to obtain, after<br />

death, heaven (suarga), a common dwelling with the gods, or quality of God (devatma),<br />

and find here a symmetry with the fundamental concept of the initiation archaic of which<br />

were believed to ensure the initiated, the better conditions in the afterlife. But still: the<br />

initiation ritual is not just about death and rebirth, but also includes a secret gnosis<br />

However, the "science" of the Brahmana, but are concentrated around the mysteries of<br />

sacrifice desempefia an equally important role. T "This world (the world of the gods)<br />

belongs only to those who know" (SatapathaBr. X, 5, 4, 18). In the Brahmana, the phrase

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