Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net


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10; Vratya, P. 291. For the five rhythms of breath, see Note III, 2.<br />

8 Frazer. The Dying Cod (London 1918) p. 156-277; nuestrc shamanistic-mo, p. 127.<br />

ing "red dress, practice covers (Ath. Veda, XI, 5, 6-7). In mahavrata, as we saw, a<br />

brahmacarin (- Magadha) ritually joined with pumscali.<br />

We assume that Vratya representing a mysterious confraternity belonging to the vanguard<br />

of the invading Aryans (Hauer). However, there were distinguished the Kesin Rigvedic<br />

too: in some comments, Ruda is called Vratya-pati (Hauer, p. 191) and the Mahabharata<br />

Vratya reserve the term to de-designate to sivaitas Bacchae (Hauer, 233). These trends<br />

orgias-tions must not consign to oblivion the cosmic structure of their "mystical"<br />

experience. However, this type of experience-ba occupies a very important position<br />

among aboriginal peoples, pre-Aryan, which makes it difficult, sometimes, to decide<br />

which things belong to the Indo-European contribution to the substrate and which pre-<br />

Aryan, on his arrival India, the Indo-preserved, they also, a certain number of elements of<br />

archaic culture.<br />

TAPAS <strong>AND</strong> <strong>YOGA</strong><br />

The equivalence between the religious archaism ar-Indo-European and Aboriginal<br />

CAISM this entry well in relief for the practice and theo-ry of the lids. This term (literally<br />

"hot, burning") indicates the ascetic effort in general. The tapas is clearly attested in the<br />

Veda feigning (eg p.1. VIII, 59, 6: X, 136, 2, 154, 2, 4, 167, 1 109, 4, etc.). And powers<br />

are creators, both the cosmic and the spiritual piano, through the ascetic tapas becomes<br />

clairvoyant and participates in the quality of God. Prajapati creates the world "inflame"<br />

dose "to an extreme degree by the ascetic (Aitareya Brahmana, V, 32, I), it creates, in<br />

effect, a kind of magic sweat. For the Brahmanic theory, Prajapati himself was a product<br />

of tapas, at first (aggressive) the Non-being (asat) became spirit (manas) and acalorandose<br />

(atapyata), gave rise to smoke, light, fire and end-mind to Prajapati (Taitt.Br.<br />

II. 2, 9, 1-10; in others, the Non-Being is represented by the primordial waters, Br<br />

Satapatha XI, 1, 6, 1). But the cosmogony and sweat anthropogony are mythical motifs<br />

also found elsewhere (eg North America). You are probably linked to an ideological<br />

Jogia shamanic shamans are known to in-troducon Americans in steam baths to provoke<br />

profuse sweating (our Shamanism, but this habit on the other hand,<br />

is but one aspect of a larger ideological complexity, prior to shamanism itself: we refer to<br />

the "magical heat" and "mastery of fire" (see Shamanism, below). Magically increase the<br />

body's own heat or do-undermine the fire until it becomes insensitive to the temperature<br />

of the grill, are two prestigious universal own-medicine men, shamans and fakirs.<br />

However, as we shall see later, one of the techniques tantric yogi par excellence-is<br />

precisely to produce internal heat ( "mystical heat"). The continuity between known and<br />

oldest technique is tantric yoga on this point, undeniable.<br />

The "sweating creative" and the magic of heat production were equally familiar to the<br />

Indo-Europeans. The human couple na-cio sweat of Ymir and the cause sweating in the<br />

body of Ga-Jomard, Ahura Mazda created man. The Irish hero Cuchulain comes out as<br />

"heated" in his first hazafia warrior (the equivalent of a military initiation), which sets off<br />

the plates and rings of Cuba where he had buried, the same "rage-burning" on-Contra the<br />

hero of the Nartes Caucasians, as demonstrated Badraz.4 ^ Georges Dum zil, several<br />

vocabulary terms "he" ROIC "Indo-European-rage, ferg, wut, less-expressed precisely<br />

this" extreme heat "and that" anger "that characterized in other levels of sacredness, the

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