Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

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point of view, moreover, this "ENSTAT experience" is not univalent, its forms are numerous. Let us try, proceeding in stages, to see it re-fiere samadhi. This word is used in principle in its acceptance epistemological: Samadhi is that state of contemplation in which thought immediately internalizes the object's shape without the aid of the imagination (svarupa) in its essential aspect and as if "it were emptied himself "(arthamatranirbhasam svarupacunyamiva, YS, III, 3). Commenting on this text, Vacaspati Misra cites a passage from Visnu Purana (VI, 7, 90) which says that the yogi that I miss the "imagination", and does not consider the act and the object of meditation as different from one another . There is a real match between the knowledge of the subject and the object of knowledge: This item is no longer presented to consciousness in ways that delimit and define it as a phenomenon, but "as if emptied of self." Illusion and imagination (Kalpana) are so definitely abolished by the sama-dhi. Or as expressed Vijnana Bhiksu (Yoga-sara-samgrana, p. 44) leads to samadhi "when released dyana separate notions of meditation, the object of meditation and meditative subject, and remains only in the form of order thought ", ie an-when there is nothing more out of this new ontological dimension represented by the transformation of the" object "(the Mundo) in" knowledge-possession ". Vijnana Bhiksu adds that there is a clear difference between dhyana and samadhi: meditation can be interrupted, ' "if the senses come into contact with attractive ob-jects, while a state of samadhi is invulnerable, com-pletely closed to stimuli . We must not consider this state yogi, however, as a simple hypnotic trance. The "psychology" hindu knows hypnosis, and attributes it to a state of casual and temporary concentration (viksipta). Some texts of the Mahabharata reveals the popular Hindu conception concerning the hypnotic trance: According to this concept, that trance is not only an automatic barrier at the "river of conscience" and not a yogi ekagrata. The fact that yogis not confused with trance hypnosis yogis are clearly highlighted in a passage from the Mahabharata (XIII, 40, 46, 47, 50-51, 41, 13, 18). Devascarman, which should set out on pilgrimage in fulfillment of a vow, asks his disciple, Vipul, to protect his wife, Ruci, the enchantment of Indra. Vipul then looks into his eyes and Ruci becomes unconscious of the influence of magnetic my-ated (uvcsa raksane Yukta abudhyata na ca sa tam, 40, 59). Once the operating fixed gaze, his spirit enters the body and this is Ruci "petrified like a painting." Upon entering the room Indra, Ruci would get up and do their duty of hostess, but "having been immobilized and subjugated" by Vipul "was unable to make a move. Indra spoke: "Calls by Ananga, God of Love, I've come for your love, | oh, you, (female) happy smile!" Ruci, who wanted to answer, "He was unable to get up and talk" because Vipul "had sub-yugado their senses through yoga chains (babandha yogabandhaic ca tasyah sarvendriyani sah) and he could not move (Nirvikar: unchanged , 41, 3-12). The hypnotic process is summarized as follows: "uniting (samyojya) rays from the eyes of the rays to the eyes of her, get into your body, such as wind ef penetrates through the air" (40, 56-57) .10 For oti or side Kallat Bhatta in his treatise Spanda Karika, describes the differences between the hypnotic trance and sonambulo type, and viksipta status samadhi.11 is but a shutdown of mental flow emotional or volitional origin, we must not confuse this barrier with the samadhi, which is obtained exclusively through the ekagrata, or after the plurality of mental states (sarvartha) has been suppressed. (Y. S., Ill, 11).

The hypnotic trance is certainly means yogis, but pn itself is not an experienced yogi. Vipul's episode proves that even non-technical literature, hypnosis was known and described with considerable precision. See below. or S. N. Dast; uptu. Yopa Philosophy, pag. 352. Lindquist Sigurd dedicate a whole book. Die Mvthcden des Yoga (Lunja, 1932) to demonstrate the ca-mttiT hipntjlico of r \]) eriencias yogis. Minimal contact with yoga sustcntacion would have saved the theory of so reckless. Samadhi "With support" More than a "knowledge", samadhi is a "state", a form of Yoga ENSTAT specified. We will see then that this "state" enables the I autorrevelaci6n (purusha), through an act that is not part of an "experience". But not just any samadhi reveals the self, nor any "stasis" final liberation becomes real. Patanjali and his commentators go-tion distinguish species or stages of supreme concentration. When samadhi is achieved with the help of an object or an idea (ie, setting the thinking at a point in space or an idea), the stasis Samprajnata called samadhi (enstasy "supported" or "differentiated"). When, however, samadhi is obtained outside of any "relation" (either outside or menial order), ie when you get a "conjunction" in which no in-terviene any "otherness", but is sion simply a deep understanding of self, is the asamprajnatasamadhi ( "stasis" no differ-ences ") that done. Vijnana Bhiksu (Yoga-sara-Samgraha, p. 4) notes that the Samprajnata Samadhi is a medium of free - cion to the extent that it allows the understanding of truth and put an end to all kinds of suffering. asamprajnata But samadhi destroys the "impressions (saṁskāra) of all history mental functions" and get up to stop the forces already karmicas highlighted by the previous activity of the yogi. During the "stasis differentiated, continuous Vijnana Bhiksu, all mental functions are" detained "(" inhibited ") with the exception of the function that" meditating on the object ", while the asamprajnata samddhi away any "consciousness": the set of mental functions is blocked. "During this stasis, there is no other trace of the mind (citta) outside impressions (samskara) left-das ago (by its past performance) . If these perceptions do not exist, there would be no possibility of return to consciousness. " We are therefore in the presence of two kinds of "states" or diferentesr the first series is acquired through Yogic technique of concentration (Dharana) and meditation (dhyana): The second class includes in fact only one " state ", namely the in-stasis unprovoked, the" abduction ". No doubt even this assem-Prajnatara samadhi is always due to the prolonged efforts of the yogi. It is a gift, not a state of grace. We can not reach it without first adequately tested in samadhi species contained in the first class. It is the culmination of Innu merables "concentrations" and "meditations" that preceded it. But without the call arrives without provoke him, without expressly prepare ourselves: that's why it can be called: a "rapture". Clearly, differentiated, involves several stages: this is because this is perfectible and not calling a "state" absolute and irreducible. Generally refers to four stages or species "arguments" (Savitar-ka), "nonargumentative" (nirvitarka), "reflective" (Savica), "adrenal-inflected" (nirvicara; YS I, 42-44). Patanjali also knows another terminology: vitarka, Vicāra, ananda, asmita (YSI, 17) .12 But as noted Bhiksu Vijnana, when playing this second list, "the four are purely

point of view, moreover, this "ENSTAT experience" is not univalent, its forms are<br />

numerous. Let us try, proceeding in stages, to see it re-fiere samadhi. This word is used in<br />

principle in its acceptance epistemological: Samadhi is that state of contemplation in<br />

which thought immediately internalizes the object's shape without the aid of the<br />

imagination (svarupa) in its essential aspect and as if "it were emptied himself<br />

"(arthamatranirbhasam svarupacunyamiva, YS, III, 3). Commenting on this text,<br />

Vacaspati Misra cites a passage from Visnu Purana (VI, 7, 90) which says that the yogi<br />

that I miss the "imagination", and does not consider the act and the object of meditation<br />

as different from one another . There is a real match between the knowledge of the<br />

subject and the object of knowledge: This item is no longer presented to consciousness in<br />

ways that delimit and define it as a phenomenon, but "as if emptied of self." Illusion and<br />

imagination (Kalpana) are so definitely abolished by the sama-dhi. Or as expressed<br />

Vijnana Bhiksu (Yoga-sara-samgrana, p. 44) leads to samadhi "when released dyana<br />

separate notions of meditation, the object of meditation and meditative subject, and<br />

remains only in the form of order thought ", ie an-when there is nothing more out of this<br />

new ontological dimension represented by the transformation of the" object "(the Mundo)<br />

in" knowledge-possession ". Vijnana Bhiksu adds that there is a clear difference<br />

between dhyana and samadhi: meditation can be interrupted, ' "if the senses come into<br />

contact with attractive ob-jects, while a state of samadhi is invulnerable, com-pletely<br />

closed to stimuli .<br />

We must not consider this state yogi, however, as a simple hypnotic trance. The<br />

"psychology" hindu knows hypnosis, and attributes it to a state of casual and temporary<br />

concentration (viksipta). Some texts of the Mahabharata reveals the popular Hindu<br />

conception concerning the hypnotic trance: According to this concept, that trance is not<br />

only an automatic barrier at the "river of conscience" and not a yogi ekagrata. The fact<br />

that yogis not confused with trance hypnosis yogis are clearly highlighted in a passage<br />

from the Mahabharata (XIII, 40, 46, 47, 50-51, 41, 13, 18). Devascarman, which should<br />

set out on pilgrimage in fulfillment of a vow, asks his disciple, Vipul, to protect his wife,<br />

Ruci, the enchantment of Indra. Vipul then looks into his eyes and Ruci becomes<br />

unconscious of the influence of mag<strong>net</strong>ic my-ated (uvcsa raksane Yukta abudhyata na ca<br />

sa tam, 40, 59). Once the operating fixed gaze, his spirit enters the body and this is Ruci<br />

"petrified like a painting." Upon entering the room Indra, Ruci would get up and do their<br />

duty of hostess, but "having been immobilized and subjugated" by Vipul "was unable to<br />

make a move. Indra spoke: "Calls by Ananga, God of Love, I've come for your love, | oh,<br />

you, (female) happy smile!" Ruci, who wanted to answer, "He was unable to get up and<br />

talk" because Vipul "had sub-yugado their senses through yoga chains (babandha<br />

yogabandhaic ca tasyah sarvendriyani sah) and he could not move (Nirvikar: unchanged ,<br />

41, 3-12). The hypnotic process is summarized as follows: "uniting (samyojya) rays from<br />

the eyes of the rays to the eyes of her, get into your body, such as wind ef pe<strong>net</strong>rates<br />

through the air" (40, 56-57) .10 For oti or side Kallat Bhatta in his treatise Spanda Karika,<br />

describes the differences between the hypnotic trance and sonambulo type, and viksipta<br />

status samadhi.11 is but a shutdown of mental flow emotional or volitional origin, we<br />

must not confuse this barrier with the samadhi, which is obtained exclusively through the<br />

ekagrata, or after the plurality of mental states (sarvartha) has been suppressed. (Y. S., Ill,<br />


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