Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net


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the sin which had swallowed above ... "(p. 109).<br />

Finally we should mention the basic treaty, La methode de la sainte et priere attention,<br />

long attributed to Symeon the New Theologian: "The booklet could be of Nicephorus's<br />

contemporary if not of the same Nicephorus, as he thinks, not without reason Irenaeus<br />

Hausherr (Jean Gouillard, cited, p. 206). The Reverend Father Hausherr had included an<br />

edition and translation into the pamphlet in his work: The method hesychast of prayer<br />

(the portion that interests us is translated on pages 164-165). We reproduce here the new<br />

translation of Jean Gouillard (Petite Philocalie, p. 216): "Then sit in a quiet cell, isolated<br />

in a corner and dedicate to do this I say: shut the door, your spirit rises above all purpose<br />

vain or passenger. Then, put your chin to your chest, eye directs the body to-gether with<br />

all your mind, the center of your body, ie the om-Blige, compresses the suction air that<br />

passes through the nose so as not to breathe easily and mentally searches inside your<br />

bowels in search of the site of the heart, to which all powers "of the soul like to visit. At<br />

first, you will find darkness and opacity stubborn, but if you persevere, if day and night<br />

practice this exercise, you will find, joh, wonder! happiness without limits. " Fi-nally, one<br />

might cite other texts by authors hesychast eg Gregory of Sinai (1255-1346), of which<br />

Philocalie Petite Jean Gouillard includes some major fragments (on the "positions"<br />

ascetic for prayer, p. 248 ; on the retention of respiration, p. 249). Also will always look<br />

forward to the apology of hesychasm Gregory Palamas (1296-1359) "the last great name<br />

of Byzantine theology. (See some excerpts on the work of Jean Gouillard, p. 269-285).<br />

Do not be fooled by these external analogies with pranayama. The discipline of breathing<br />

and posture are intended, among hesychast, preparing mental prayer, in the Yoga-Sutra,<br />

the exercises seek to "unification" of consciousness and the preparation of meditation,<br />

and the role of God (Isvara) is quite modest. But it is equally true that the two techniques<br />

referred to are under the phenomenological aspects, sufficiently similar to the problem of<br />

influence of physiology on the Indian mystic hesychasm can be raised. Not going to<br />

elaborate here on such a comparative study hesychasm, see K. Holl, Enthusiasmus und<br />

bei Bussgewalt griechischen Monchtum, Leipzig, 1898, p. 214 et seq., M. Jugie, Les<br />

origines de la méthode d'oraison des Hesychast, Echos d'Orient, 30, 1931, p, 179,185, Dr.<br />

Andre Blum, Contemplation et ascese, ortho-doxe contribution in Carmélitaines Etudes,<br />

1948 (Technical and contemplation) p. 49; LHesychasme, Yoga Chretien? Yoga, edited<br />

by Jean Masui, Paris 1953, p. 177-195, and the list of topics and bibliographies submitted<br />

by Jean Gouillard, Petite Philocalie, P. 22, 37 and L. Gardet, La mention du nom divin, p<br />

645 onwards.<br />

"Concentration" and "meditation" <strong>YOGA</strong><br />

The asana, pranayama and have succeeded in eliminating ekagrata-if only for the short<br />

time that lasts the year-the human condition. Motionless, with his breathing rhythm, fi-<br />

Jando their gaze and attention on one point, the yogi mentally beyond the profane mode<br />

of being. Begins to become autonomous with respect to Cosmos, the external stresses do<br />

not disturb already (in effect having surpassed the "opposite" is insensitive to both cold<br />

and heat, and light to dark, etc.). Sensory activity and not projected outward to the objects<br />

of the senses psychomental current and is not forced or directed by the distractions, the<br />

automatic and memory, this "con-centrated", "unified". This "retreat" outside of the<br />

Cosmos is accompanied by a self submersion whose progress they sympathize with the

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