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Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net


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influence of Tantric Yoga: Certain respiratory practices and sexual simultaneously<br />

entered China from the seventh century of the Christian era (see below) . Dr. Jean<br />

Filliozat concluded for a copy of India, categorically: "Taoism could not have copied the<br />

notion of the physiological role of respiration systematized in this way, the old Chinese<br />

medicine because it did not exist "(Taoism et Yoga in Vietnam, No. 3, August 1949, ps.<br />

113-120). On the other par-te, in China there were certain techniques archaic shamanic<br />

structure, who programmed the imitation of movements and breathing of the animals (see<br />

our book Le shamanism archaïque et les techniques de l'Extase, p . 402). Breathing<br />

"deeply and quiet" of ecstasy was like the breathing of the animals during hibernation,<br />

and we know that spontaneity and fullness of animal life was, for the Chinese, the<br />

quintessential model of a perfect existence harmony with the Cosmos. Marcel Gra<strong>net</strong><br />

joint function admirably sums orga-cal and spiritual this embryonic respiration,<br />

characteristic of both organic and full of ecstasy. "Whoever wants to avoid vertigo pamaking<br />

and should learn to breathe not only through the your throat, but the whole body<br />

from the heels. Only this breath, deep and silent, refines and enriches the subs -tance.<br />

Moreover, respiration is imposing both dur-ing the hibernation and during ecstasy. When<br />

breathing with the neck bent or extended laminar get to breath and five-taesenciar its<br />

vivifying power. The ultimate goal is to establish a kind of internal circulation of the vital<br />

principles in such a way that the individual can remain perfectly waterproof and endure<br />

without molestation from the immersion test. became one waterproof, independent,<br />

invulnerable, from the moment you see po - art of eating and breathing in a closed circuit,<br />

a powerful way to an embryo "(Marcel Gra<strong>net</strong>, La pense chinoise, Paris, 1934, ps. 514-<br />

515). It is possible, then, that Indian influences in the media have acted neo-Taoist<br />

claiming for, not scientific Chinese medicine, but the tradition of "mystical" autocto-na:<br />

now, this still had the nostalgia immemorial of bliss and spontaneity animals. However,<br />

Lao Tzu (Tao Te Ching, 6) and Tchouang Tse (Chapter 15) already knew the "respiration<br />

methods.<br />

The breathing technique is also used by the mystic island-mica (J. Goldziher,<br />

Vorlesungen der Tiber Islam, Heidelberg, 1910, p. 164, M. Moreno, Muslim mystics and<br />

Indian mysticism in Lateranensi Annali, 1946, ps. 102 -- 212, esp. p. 140, and especially<br />

L. Gar-det, La mention du nom divin (dhikr) dans la mystique musulmane, "Revue<br />

thomiste, 1952, ps. 641-679, 1953, ps. 197-213, study uti-ized below). Whatever this<br />

origen5 res-expiratory technique within the Islamic tradition, it is clear that some Muslim<br />

mystics of India have been copied and practiced the financial years yogis. (One of them,<br />

Prince Muhammad Dara Shikoh, attempt to develop a mystical synthesis Indo-Islamic<br />

Mahfuz-ul-Hak, Majma-ul-Bahrain or the mingling of the two Oceans, Calcutta, libraries<br />

Indica, 1929.) The technique of dhikr has sometimes surprising formal analogy with the<br />

Hindu discipline of breaths. Hughes (Dictionary of Islam, London, 1885, p. 703 et seq.)<br />

Re-took the information that a priest of the border region had practiced ghana af-dhikr so<br />

getting suspend breathing for nearly three hours. (Concerning the dhikr, see below.)<br />

An interesting problem is raised by the hesychasm. Cer -<br />

5 It is known that, according to some authors-and first Max Horten, Indische Strömung<br />

Mystik in der islamischen (2 vol. Heidelberg 1927-28) - Sufism would have been a<br />

powerful influence hindu. Louis Massignon mos-ing the exaggeration of this thesis (Essai<br />

sur les origines du lexique technique de la vie mystique musulmane, Paris, 1922, pp. 63<br />

and 80) and Mario Moreno has lately come to negative results regarding the importance

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