Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net


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established in Europe and America. Finally, the rise of sociology and cultural<br />

anthropology in the first quarter of this century, has inspired new perspectives.<br />

All these experiments were the prize because respon-dian primarily to the problems<br />

inherent in European culture. While the various access methods used by Western scholars<br />

could not always reveal the intrinsic values of spirituality hindu, why not give less help<br />

and little by little, the co-Menz India to assert its presence in the European consciousness.<br />

It is true that for a long time, this presence is revealed particularly in comparison<br />

gramdticas scanty, timidly, India made their appearance in histories of philosophy, where<br />

the oscillating position laba, according to the fashion of the day, between the alemdn<br />

idealism and "mint-ability pre-logic" when the interest in sociology was imposed, there<br />

were long epilogue on the caste system. But all these attitudes are explained by taking<br />

into account the horizons of modern Western culture. When a culture included among its<br />

capital problemus the explanation of a language law or a social struc-turing, invoking to<br />

India to resolve this etymology or illustrate such a stage of social evolution, did not mean<br />

to diminish India, was well mds assurances of respect and admiration. Moreover, the<br />

forms of access were not bad in itself, they were just too individual, and your opportunity<br />

to unveil the spiritual content of a large and complex intellectualism was limited, because<br />

of that, to the same extent. Fortunately, the methods are perfect and the failures of the<br />

past is not lost: soon learned to not renew the mistakes of predecessors. Simply measure<br />

the progress of the studies of Indo-European mythology, from Max Muller, po-der to<br />

judge the gains that draw a George Dumézil knew, so no-regret of comparative philology,<br />

but also of sociology, of history of religions and ethnology to give a precise and infinitely<br />

mds mds fruitful, major categories of the mythical Indo-European thought.<br />

Everything leads us to believe that at the current time becomes possible mds exact<br />

knowledge of Hindu thought. India has entered the circuit of History and the European<br />

spirit, rightly or wrongly, is inclined to take seriously mds philosophies present people in<br />

history. Moreover, especially after the last generation philosophical, std European spirit<br />

being taken on an increasingly intense mds defined with respect to issues of temporality<br />

and historicity. During mds of a cen-tury, the better part of the European scientific and<br />

philosophical effort was devoted to andlisis of the factors "condition" to be human hand<br />

could be demonstrated to what extent cudnto and std man conditioned by his physiology,<br />

by their heredity, their social, cultural ideology involved, by his subconscious, and, above<br />

all, by history, by its historical moment and by their own uniqueness personal history.<br />

This latest discovery of Western thought, namely that man is essentially an temporal and<br />

historical, that is not, nor can it stop being "a product of the history, philosophy still<br />

dominates Europe. Some philosophical reach the conclusion that the only task worthy<br />

and valuable offered to man, is free and fully assume this temporality and historicity this<br />

case any choice would be equivalent to an escape toward the abstract and untrue and<br />

would pay the sterility and death, which inexorably punished in the treason made history.<br />

Not for us to discuss these arguments. Senalonos however, that the problems that excite<br />

the European consciousness prepare pupils to better understand the Indian spiritualism:<br />

mds Moreover, the in-cite to use for his own philosophical work, an ancient Indian<br />

experience. To explain: it is the human condition which constitutes the subject of recent<br />

mds European philosophy, especially human temporality, the temporality is what makes<br />

possible all other "constraints" and that, ultimately, makes man a being "conditioned", a<br />

series of vague and evanescent "conditions". However, this problem of "conditioning" of

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