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G. W. Briggs, Gorakhnath and the Kanphata Yogis (Calcutta, 1938), p. 251-258, Dr.<br />

Mohan Singh, Gorakhnatha and Mediaeval Hindu Mysticism (Lahore, 1937), p. 8 and<br />

sig. See also below, in this book, note VIII, 3.<br />

Numerous editions of Goragsasataka with commentaries (Goraksa Pad-dhati, etc.).<br />

Edition and Translation of Satake, by Briggs, cited, p. 284-303. About Gorasasamhita,<br />

see also Tucci, Animadversiones indicae, P. 134-136.<br />

Hathayogapradipika: edition with commentary glosses Brahmanarjda and Srdhara<br />

(Bombay, 1889, several editions) with German Translation<br />

in the collection Sacred Books of the Hindus, the numeration of the verses sometimes<br />

differs from one to another edition).<br />

Gheranda samhita: ed. Vasak Bhuvanana Chandra (Calcutta, 1877), trans, English by<br />

Chandra Vasu Rai Bahadur SIRS (Bombay, 1895, Allahabad, 1914, in the collection<br />

Sacred Books of the Hindus, Adyar, 1933), trans, German by Richard Schmidt, Fakir and<br />

Fakirtum in alten und und modem iridium (Berlin, 1908, 2nd ed, 1921).<br />

Sim samhita: ed. and trans, into English by SIRS Chandra Bahadur Rai Vidya-nanda<br />

(Lahore, 1884; REEDICION Allahabad, 1923, Sacred Books of the Hindus).<br />

It were a great many paragraphs of these three treaties in Theos Bernard, Hatha Yoga<br />

(Columbia UMV. Press, New York, 1944) and Alain Da-nielou, Yoga, the method of reintegration<br />

(London, 1949). See also H. Zimmer, Lehren des Hathayoga. Lehrtexte<br />

(Yoga, Erne International Zeitschrift, 1, p. 45-82).<br />

For interpretaci6n, in medical terms, anatomy and physiology tantric, see, among others,<br />

Major Basu, Hindu System of Medicine (pu-blished study at Guy's Hospital Gazette, 118,<br />

reprinted in part in the introduction to Sioa-samhita, Allahabad, 1923). Also R. Roeseler,<br />

Die Grundlagen der Psychologis-chen Yoga practice (Stuttgart, 1928), p. 39 et seq., Dr.<br />

V. Relay, The Mysterious Kundalini (Bombay, 1929).<br />

Scientific Observations on hathayoguis: Charles Lalbry and Therese Brosse, Documents<br />

sur les Indes aux recueiUis "Yogis" par I'enregistrement simultane du Poulsen, of the<br />

respiration et de I'electrocardiagramme (Presse Medicate, 83 TP, 14 Oct 1936). See also<br />

Hubert Risch, Le Hatha Yoga, the somaire Expose mithode, quelques experiences and<br />

applications Fisiològiques tner-peutiques (ThiseFaculte of Medicine of Paris (1951); Jean<br />

Filliozat, Les limites des pouvoirs humains dans I'lnde (VHumain Limits, Carmélitaines<br />

Etudes, 1953, p. 23-38) with additional references and footnotes.<br />

Note VI, 9: Cakra, adhara, etc..<br />

For the doctrine of the cakra: Satcakranirupana et Padukapancaka (ed. trans, into English<br />

by Sir John Woodroffe, The Serpent Power, 3rd ed., Madras-London, 1941); Kulamava<br />

Tantra (ed. Taranatha Vidyaratna, Tantrik Texts, Vol . V, London, 1917), chap. VIII;<br />

Goraksasataka (Poona edition, reprinted by Briggs, Goraknath and the Kanphata Yogis,<br />

Calcutta, Oxford, p. 284-304).<br />

About adhara, see Briggs, op cit, p. 317 et seq. Description and interpretation of the cakra<br />

in J. Evola, The Yoga della Potenza, P. 311 et seq. Recall that hesychasts tradition (see p.<br />

71) distinguishes, according to some authors, four "centers" "concentration and prayer:<br />

V>) middle frontal cranial brain (locahzado in the region between the eyebrows), 29<br />

central bucco-laryngeal (co-sponding to the "most common thought: the intelligence that<br />

is expressed in conversation, correspondence and in the early stages of prayer" A.<br />

Bloom), 3 ') pectoral center (located at the top and mid-chest. "Stability of thought, and

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