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Eastern Conference , p. 134 ff., idem, The Home of Tantric Buddhism, BC Law Volume,<br />

Calcutta, 1945, I, 354361); S. K. From, The Buddhist Tantric Literature of Bengal (New-<br />

Indian Antiquary, I, Bombay, 1938-1939, p. 1-23); Sankrtyayana Rahula, Recherches<br />

bouddhiques: I. Les origines du Mahayana, 11. L'origine du 84 Siddhas Vajrayanaet them<br />

(Journal Asiatique, 1934, p. 195-230) G. Tucci, Animadversiones indicae, passim, idem,<br />

Tibetan Painted Scroll (Rome, 1939), p. 209-249 (p. 211 et seq., Compared with<br />

Gnosticism), idem, Buddhist Notes (Melanges chinois et bouddiques, IX, 1951, p. 173-<br />

220), H. von Glasenapp, Tantrismus und Saktismus (Ostasiatische ZeMschrift, XII, 1936,<br />

p. 120-133), idem, Die Enstechung des Vajrayana (Zeit. Deutsche Morgan. Gesell., 1936,<br />

p. 546-572); idem Buddhistische Mysterien ( 1940, trans, franc. 1944), idem, der Ein<br />

Buddhistische InUiationsrHus Javanisch Mittelalters (Tribes, NF, II-III, 1952-1954, p.<br />

259-274; it is the San Hyan Kamahayanam mantranaya, Tantric texts translated into<br />

Javanese in the thirteenth century, edited by J. Kats in 1910 and reissued in 1935 by<br />

Wulff K), L. de la Vallee-Poussin, Notes of bibliographic bouddhique (Melanges chinois<br />

et bouddhiques, V. 1937, p. 277 et seq.). About Tantrism in China and Tibet: Lin<br />

Likouang, Punyodaya (Na-t'i), a Tantrism in propagateur du Chine et au Cambodge to Go<br />

~ poker Hhian-Tsang (Journal Asiatique, 1935, p. 83 -100), Chou Yi-Liang, Tantrism in<br />

China (Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, VIII, 1945, p. 241-332), Li An-Che, Rninmapa,<br />

the early form of Lamaism (Journal Royal Asiatic Society, 1948, p. 142-163) and<br />

especially G. Tucci, Tibetan Painted Scrolls, passim (see also Indo Tibetan, I, p. 93-135,<br />

III, p. 75 on Tattvasamgraha).<br />

About Nagarjuna: good bibliography in the article Nalinaksha Dutt, Indian Historical<br />

Quarterly, 1931, 633-653; add annotated bibliographies by L. de la Vallee-Poussin,<br />

Melanges chinois et bouddhiques, I, p. 383, n. 2, 392, III, 365, 374, V, 270. See<br />

especially Etienne Lamotte, Le Traite de la Grande Vertu de Sagesse de Nagarjuna<br />

(Mdhaprajna-paramitasastra). Translation with commentary, I-II (Louvain, 1944, 1949)<br />

and the analysis of P. Demieville, Journal Asiatique, 1950, p. 375-495. For the traditions<br />

concerning physician and alchemist Nagarjuna, see Jean Filliozat, La Doctrine classique<br />

de la medecine indienne (Paris, 1949), p. 9, 12. Also S. Levi, Un nouveau document sur<br />

le bouddhisme de basse epoque dans Vlnde (Bulletin London School Oriental Studies,<br />

VI, 1931, p. 417-429), p. 420,421, and our note VII, 2.<br />

Among the recent editions of Buddhist tantric texts, let us note: Sadho-namala (ed. B.<br />

Bhattacaryya, 1928, Gaekwad Oriental Series), B. Battacaryya, Two Vayrayana Works<br />

(Gaekwad Or. Ser, 1929: includes Prajfiopayaviniscayasiddhiy the Jnanasiddhi); Louis<br />

Finot, Sanskrit manuscripts of Sadhanas retrouvds en Chine (JournalAsiatique, 1934, 2,<br />

p. 1-86, editing and small Translation of texts tantric), P. C. Baggchi, Kaulajnananimaya<br />

and some minor texts of the school of Matsyendranatha (Calcutta Oriental Series, 1934:<br />

there are three short treatises: Akulavrratantra, Kulanandatantra, Jnanakarika)<br />

Sekoddesatika af Nadapada (ed. Mario Carelli, COS, Baroda, 1941).<br />

For the Hindu Tantra, Tantrik Texts show edited under the direction of Arthur Avalon<br />

(Sir John Woodroffe) from 1913 (twenty volumes in 1952). The most important are:<br />

Kulamava Tantra (vol. V of the Tantrik Texts, edited by Taranata Vidyaratna, London,<br />

1917: text of capital importance for the Kaula school); KdivUasa Tantra (vol. VI, 1917,<br />

edited by PC Tarkatirtha); Mahanirwna-Tantra (trans.: The Tantra af the Great<br />

Liberation, 2nd ed., Madras, 1927), Tantra-Tattva (trans.: The Principles of Tantra, 2<br />

vol., London, 1914-1916); Satcakranirupana and Padukapancaka (trans.: Serpent Power.

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