Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

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Note V, I: The Yogo and Buddhism. He found the essence of the biography of the Buddha and the Buddhist doctrine and techniques * in: E. J. Thomas, The Life of Buddha as Legend and History (London, 1927), Etienne Lamotte, La legende du Bouddha (Rev. Hist Rel, 1947-1948, p. 37-71); J. Bagot, Le Bouddha (Paris, 1947); A. Foucher, La vie du Bouddha d'apres les textes et les monuments de vindo (Paris, 1949); andre1 Bareau, La date du Nirvana (Journal Asiatique, 1953, p. 27-62); G. Tucci, II Buddhism (Foligno, 1926); Ed Conze, Le Bouddhisme dans son essence et son developpement (Oxford, 1951, trad. Fr. Rerou Marie-Simone, Paris, 1952), Louis de la Vallee-Poussin, Nirvana ( Paris, 1925); id., La Morale bouddhique

concentration in a beam of mental states that appear at the same time that she, his preliminary condition is the calm before his appearance, his support is prudence (as it is said, "He who stays calm, knows and sees"). .. Its meaning is the mental stability "(cited Rhys Davids, The Yogavacara's Manual Introduction, p. XXVII). The word samadhi is not found, according to Rhys Davids, before the Pitaka, or the Pali or Sanskrit. The one Mahavyutpattida samadhi list of 118 (P. Oltramare, The theosophia Bouddhique, p. 357, footnote 2). Anguttara, I, 299 (Sutta 163), Samyutta IV, 363 and Vinaya, 3, 93, gives a list of three species of samadhi : sunnat (characterized by emptiness, appa-nihita (no lens) and animitta (no signs). Buddhagosa explains it this way: free from appetites, lusts, stupidity, no target because it has renounced the goal rebirth in heaven, without signs, it is devoid of the three signs, laksana (Rhys Davids, op cit, p. XXVII). But these explanations are external scholastics. The negative effect of these three higher (samyak samadhi-samadhi ) must be understood as refusing to toda.clasificaci6n and delimitation. See also Abhi-Dharmakara, VIII p. 183, L. de la Vallee-Poussin, Crying et Narada, p. 203 onwards (on the seven Harivarman samadhi) ; E. Lamotte, Le traite de la Grande Vertude Sagesse, I, p. 321 (Nagarjuna on the three samadhi), idem, II, p. 1028 (on the dhyana), 1035 (the dhyana and Samapatti) HobogiHn, III, p. 283 (the jhana), A. Coomaraswamy, Some Pali words, p. 138 (jhana, samadhi). Note V, 3: Dhyana Buddhist and non-pseudo-dhyana of the Buddhists. Potthapada says, "But long ago, sir, repeatedly, with different teachers, and satnana Brahmins got together and took their seats in the conference room, conversation was upon the faith trance (abhisatmanirodho," suspension of consciousness ") and the question was: "

concentration in a beam of mental states that appear at the same time that she, his<br />

preliminary condition is the calm before his appearance, his support is prudence (as it is<br />

said, "He who stays calm, knows and sees"). .. Its meaning is the mental stability "(cited<br />

Rhys Davids, The Yogavacara's Manual Introduction, p. XXVII). The word samadhi is<br />

not found, according to Rhys Davids, before the Pitaka, or the Pali or Sanskrit. The one<br />

Mahavyutpattida samadhi list of 118 (P. Oltramare, The theosophia Bouddhique, p. 357,<br />

footnote 2). Anguttara, I, 299 (Sutta 163), Samyutta IV, 363 and Vinaya, 3, 93, gives a<br />

list of three species of samadhi : sunnat (characterized by emptiness, appa-nihita (no lens)<br />

and animitta (no signs). Buddhagosa explains it this way: free from appetites, lusts,<br />

stupidity, no target because it has renounced the goal rebirth in heaven, without signs, it<br />

is devoid of the three signs, laksana (Rhys Davids, op cit, p. XXVII). But these<br />

explanations are external scholastics. The negative effect of these three higher (samyak<br />

samadhi-samadhi ) must be understood as refusing to toda.clasificaci6n and delimitation.<br />

See also Abhi-Dharmakara, VIII p. 183, L. de la Vallee-Poussin, Crying et Narada, p.<br />

203 onwards (on the seven Harivarman samadhi) ; E. Lamotte, Le traite de la Grande<br />

Vertude Sagesse, I, p. 321 (Nagarjuna on the three samadhi), idem,<br />

II, p. 1028 (on the dhyana), 1035 (the dhyana and Samapatti) HobogiHn,<br />

III, p. 283 (the jhana), A. Coomaraswamy, Some Pali words, p. 138 (jhana, samadhi).<br />

Note V, 3: Dhyana Buddhist and non-pseudo-dhyana of the Buddhists.<br />

Potthapada says, "But long ago, sir, repeatedly, with different teachers, and satnana<br />

Brahmins got together and took their seats in the conference room, conversation was<br />

upon the faith trance (abhisatmanirodho," suspension of consciousness ") and the<br />

question was: "

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