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Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

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have seen the importance of elements to proto-Australoid, which probably constituted the lower strata of society. This element endures today in the tribes autoc - 37 Ernest Mackay, The Civilization of Vindus (trad, French, Paris, 1936). p. 68, is more circumspect: "But it might not be so because a very similar kind of eyes was observed in ancient clay figures from Kish and Our". tonas of South India (Gordon Childe, p. 208). Without doubt, I go into the synthesis harappiana as later came into the hin-duistas synthesis. Around 2000 BC J. C, the Indus civilization was on the defensive: shortly afterwards, was part of Harappa fires mediated by invaders from the Northwest. These "barbarians" were not even Indo-Europeans, but their invasion was no doubt linked to the general movement of the West, who were involved in the Indo-Europeans (Piggott, p. 255). Some centuries later, they halted, roughly, to everything he subsisted civilizaci6n even the Indus. Until recently, although it was believed that by invading India, the Indo-Aryan aboriginal tribes had found only that culturally, they were still in a state etnografico: it was the Dasyus whose. "strong" Indra, the Rig Veda, attacked and des-trui were but modest trenches, it was said But Whee .. jr has been shown to hold hymn of the Rig Veda (I, 53) that exalts occasion Indra conquer the "strong" of Dasyus refers to the solid defense of the citadel at Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro (Piggott, p. 263). Hence we conclude that the Indo-Aryans during their descent into central India * found not only aboriginal tribes, but also the latest so-brevivientes of the Indus civilization, who handed the draft of gratia. In the cultural piano, the harappianos were clearly passed higher in the Indo-Europeans: the urban and industrial civilization had no point of comparison with the "barbarism" of the Indo-Europeans. But they felt no vocation harappianos combat (until we can assume that theocracy was a kind of commercial and industrial), to be poorly prepared for this attack of a young and aggressive, were defeated and destroyed. However, the destruction of the Indus culture could not be definitive. The collapse of urban civilization equals being not outright extinction of the culture, but simply to their regression toward rural ways, larval, j, "popular". (This is a phenomenon widely observed in Europe during and after the great barbarian invasions). But soon, the "Aryanization" of Punjab attracted to the movement of the great synthesis that would one day become in Hinduism. The considerable number of elements "harappianos" registered in Hinduism can be explained by a single-mind contact, established in the early days, including conquerors and the representatives of the culture of Indus. These representatives were not necessarily the founders of the Indus civilization and its direct descendants: the tax could be, by irradiation, certain cultural forms harappia-pines, which were preserved in remote regions, first observed by the tides of arianizaci6n. This fact would explain the follow-ing, apparently strange: the cult of the Great Goddess and of Siva, the phallic and dendrolatria, asceticism and yoga, and so on., First appeared in India as religious expression of a high civilization urban, the Indus, while, however, most of these religious elements are characteristic of? cultures "po- Pulaar" in medieval India and modem. The truth is that existed since the time harappiana, a synthesis between the spirituality of Aborigines Australoid and the "masters", the founders of urban civilization. But we think not only that non-thesis was retained but it was too scientific and almost exclusive contribution of the "masters" (relative

contribution to their theocratic conception, mainly) could not be explained otherwise assumed considerable importance Brahmins after the Vedic period. Most likely, all these concepts harappianas religio-sas-Nonda contrast with those of the Indo-Europeans were retained, with the inevitable regressions in layers "popular" at the margins of society and civilization of new teachers Aryan language: de alii emerged in successive floods during the subsequent synthesis leading to the formaei6n of Hinduism. CONCLUSIONS At the end of this work, imposing several general observations. It attempts to summarize all of the above for us, or to address the summary of each chapter. The important thing is to get some facts first piano, starting with this: Yoga is a specific dimension of the spirit in-gave such an extent that wherever they have reached the Indian culture and religion, are also more or less pure Yoga (see Note IX, 1). In India, Yoga has been integrated and valorized by all religious movements, both Hindus as "heretical." The Yoga diferenjtes or non-Christians in India cretistas modem is another proof that Indian religious experience as a necessity requires the yogic methods of "meditation" and "concentration". For Yoga has ter-mined, as we have seen, to absorb and integrate all kinds of spiritual and mystical techniques, from the most elementary to the most complex. The generic name of yogisdesignates both saints and mystics and the magi, the orgiastic and vul-gares fakirs and witches. Each of these types of magico-religious behavior also correspond to a particular form of Yoga. To get to 'be what it is, for many centuries, a body that is pan-Indian spiritual techniques, it was necessary to respond fully to the Yoga the deeper needs of the Indian soul. We have already responded in that way to this need, pointing to a reaction against the metaphysical theorizing and excesses of ritualism fossilized, represented the same tendency toward the concrete, to personal experience, which is located in the popular devotion expressed in the bid and the bhakti. There is always a form of Yoga when it comes to experi-ence to reach the sacred or perfect mastery over himself, which is the first step towards world domination magic. It is a rather significant that the noblest mystical experiences, as well as the most daring magical wishes are carried through the technique zan yogi, or, more precisely, that Yoga can fit either one or the other path. Several hypotheses could account for this. The first invoke the two spiritual traditions which, after multiple stresses, and at the end of a long ta-area synthesis, ultimately formed the Hindu: the religious tradition of the Indo-European Aryan language and tradition of the aborigines (quite complex, as we saw and including elements Dravidian, Munda, protomunda and harappianos). The Indo-European structure provided a patriarchal society, an economy ministry and the worship of the gods of heaven and the atmosphere, in a word, the "religion of the Father." The pre-Aryan aborigines knew and agriculture and urban planning (the Indus civilization), and in general terms involving the "religion of the Mother. Hinduism, as it is presented from the twilight of the Middle Ages, represents the synthesis of these two traditions, but with marked predominance of aboriginal factors: the contribution of Indo Asianise end up being radically. The Hindu religious means victory of the soil.

have seen the importance of elements to proto-Australoid, which probably constituted the<br />

lower strata of society. This element endures today in the tribes autoc -<br />

37 Ernest Mackay, The Civilization of Vindus (trad, French, Paris, 1936). p. 68, is more<br />

circumspect: "But it might not be so because a very similar kind of eyes was observed in<br />

ancient clay figures from Kish and Our".<br />

tonas of South India (Gordon Childe, p. 208). Without doubt, I go into the synthesis<br />

harappiana as later came into the hin-duistas synthesis.<br />

Around 2000 BC J. C, the Indus civilization was on the defensive: shortly afterwards,<br />

was part of Harappa fires mediated by invaders from the Northwest. These "barbarians"<br />

were not even Indo-Europeans, but their invasion was no doubt linked to the general<br />

movement of the West, who were involved in the Indo-Europeans (Piggott, p. 255). Some<br />

centuries later, they halted, roughly, to everything he subsisted civilizaci6n even the<br />

Indus. Until recently, although it was believed that by invading India, the Indo-Aryan<br />

aboriginal tribes had found only that culturally, they were still in a state etnografico: it<br />

was the Dasyus whose. "strong" Indra, the Rig Veda, attacked and des-trui were but<br />

modest trenches, it was said But Whee .. jr has been shown to hold hymn of the Rig Veda<br />

(I, 53) that exalts occasion Indra conquer the "strong" of Dasyus refers to the solid<br />

defense of the citadel at Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro (Piggott, p. 263). Hence we<br />

conclude that the Indo-Aryans during their descent into central India * found not only<br />

aboriginal tribes, but also the latest so-brevivientes of the Indus civilization, who handed<br />

the draft of gratia. In the cultural piano, the harappianos were clearly passed higher in the<br />

Indo-Europeans: the urban and industrial civilization had no point of comparison with the<br />

"barbarism" of the Indo-Europeans. But they felt no vocation harappianos combat (until<br />

we can assume that theocracy was a kind of commercial and industrial), to be poorly<br />

prepared for this attack of a young and aggressive, were defeated and destroyed.<br />

However, the destruction of the Indus culture could not be definitive. The collapse of<br />

urban civilization equals being not outright extinction of the culture, but simply to their<br />

regression toward rural ways, larval, j, "popular". (This is a phenomenon widely observed<br />

in Europe during and after the great barbarian invasions). But soon, the "Aryanization" of<br />

Punjab attracted to the movement of the great synthesis that would one day become in<br />

Hinduism. The considerable number of elements "harappianos" registered in Hinduism<br />

can be explained by a single-mind contact, established in the early days, including<br />

conquerors and the representatives of the culture of<br />

Indus. These representatives were not necessarily the founders of the Indus civilization<br />

and its direct descendants: the tax could be, by irradiation, certain cultural forms<br />

harappia-pines, which were preserved in remote regions, first observed by the tides of<br />

arianizaci6n. This fact would explain the follow-ing, apparently strange: the cult of the<br />

Great Goddess and of Siva, the phallic and dendrolatria, asceticism and yoga, and so on.,<br />

First appeared in India as religious expression of a high civilization urban, the Indus,<br />

while, however, most of these religious elements are characteristic of? cultures "po-<br />

Pulaar" in medieval India and modem. The truth is that existed since the time harappiana,<br />

a synthesis between the spirituality of Aborigines Australoid and the "masters", the<br />

founders of urban civilization. But we think not only that non-thesis was retained but it<br />

was too scientific and almost exclusive contribution of the "masters" (relative

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