Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net


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European.<br />

i 'R. Blechsteiner, L'Eglise Jattne (trad, fr., Paris, 1937), ps. 194-195. About gtohod, see<br />

also Alexandra David-Neel, et magiciens Mystiques Tibet (Paris, 1929), p. 126 et seq.<br />

SIMILAR found elsewhere: for<br />

ple in Australia or in certain North American tribes. In the case of Tcho, we are in the<br />

presence of a mystical revalorization initiation chamaluca scheme. His side "sinister" is<br />

rather apparent: it is an experience of death and resurrection that, like all such<br />

experiences are "terrifying". Indo-Tibetan Tantrism even more radically spiritualized<br />

irriciatico scheme of "conduction to death" by demons. Here is some tantric meditations<br />

aimed dismissal * jar the body of his flesh, and the contemplation of the skeleton itself.<br />

The Yogi is asked to imagine their body as a corpse, and his own intelli-gence in as an<br />

angry goddess, holding a skull and a knife. "Think she cut the head of the corpse, and<br />

cutting the body into pieces and throws them into the skull as an offering to the gods ..<br />

Another exercise is viewed as" one-skeleton is white, bright and huge, where out flames<br />

as high-ties that fill the void of the universe. "Finally, the third meditation yogi proposes<br />

seen as tra ^ nsformado in dakini angry, ripping the skin of his body. The continual text"<br />

Stretch that skin to cover the universe (...) • And it piles on your bones and your flesh.<br />

Then, when evil spirits are in full your joy, imagine making the dakini irritated skin and<br />

wound (...) and crashed hard, reduc-dola, like all its contents, a pulpy mass of flesh and<br />

bones, which will be devoured by hordes of wild animals, produce acids mentalrnente ".*<br />

4<br />

Surely this is a genre of meditations which can be dedicated in certain Indian yogis<br />

cemeteries (see p. 284). Now this is a spiritual exercise specific arctic shamanism. The<br />

Eskimo shamans, whom Rasmussen questioned on the ability to watch himself as a<br />

skeleton, were inaccurate, because it is a big secret. Let us see what Rasmussen says:<br />

"Although no shaman can explain the how and why, can, however, by the power that gets<br />

your pen-cessing of the supernatural, depriving his body of flesh and blood, so that<br />

nothing is left but the bones (• • ■). Con -<br />

l * Kasi Lama Dawa Samdup and W. Y. Evans-Wentz, Tibetan Yoga and secret lot<br />

doctrine * (trad. fr. Paris, 1938), ps. 315, 322 and ff.<br />

temple as well, naked and completely liberated from the flesh and blood perishable and<br />

ephemeral, embodied the same (using) the sacred language of the shamans, to his great<br />

task, through the body part that is designed to withstand longer the action of sun, wind<br />

and time "18<br />

The reduction to a skeleton and the ability to see himself co-mo a skeleton rising above<br />

the mean the profane human condition, namely, the initiation or release. We know that<br />

the ritual costume of Siberian shamans often tries to imitate a skeleton (our Le<br />

Chamanisme, p. 151 et seq.). However, the same symbolism is widely reported in Tibet<br />

and the Himalayan regions. According to legend, Padmasambhava was dancing on the<br />

roof of his house, a mystical dance, dressed solely the "seven bone ornaments. We know<br />

also the paper by de-empefiado human skulls and femurs in tantric ceremonies and<br />

Iamaistas. The dance called the skeleton has first-rate importance in the dramatic setting<br />

called tcham, proposed, inter alia, to familiarize viewers with the terrible images that<br />

arise in the bardo state, ie in the intermediate state between death and a new<br />

reincarnation. Des-from that point of view the skeleton dance should be considered as an

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