Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net


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as called three times without re-CIBIR answer, then took a knife, as if glue-curly, it took<br />

the rope and disappeared too. Then a hand shot into the floor of the girls do, then one<br />

foot, the other hand, the other foot The body and head went down, panting, his clothes<br />

were blood-Chad man (...) • As the Amir ordered him something, our hom-bre take the<br />

ends of a teenager, joined, and behold, that the child is rises and stands erect. muchi This<br />

surprises me nth, and suffered a palpitation of the heart similar to the one I had when I<br />

witnessed something similar in the king's palace in India. .. "11 With regard to Europe, a<br />

number of texts, to me "we are from the thirteenth century, they refer to exactly the same<br />

miracles, performed by magicians and sorcerers, who also owned the power to fly and<br />

become invisible, as shamans and yoguis.13<br />

11 Travel of Ibn Batoutah, Arabic text, accompanied by a traduction of<br />

C. Dr. B. Defremeryy R. Sangui<strong>net</strong>ti, t. IV (Paris, SocUti Asiatique, 1822),<br />

ps. 291-292. For biographies on miracles fakirs, see Note VIII, 5.<br />

12 Examples collected by A. Jacoby, Zum Zerttiickdtmg and Wieder -<br />

belebungswunder der Indischen Fakir (Archivjilr ReligionswUaenschaft, vol. 17<br />

1914, ps. 455-475), p. 466 ff. You can not even decide formally whether the<br />

rope trick of European magicians is due to the influence of Oriental magic or<br />

techniques derived from ancient local chamalucas. The fact that, firstly,<br />

the rope-trick is registered in Mexico, and the dismemberment other initia -<br />

tico of the magician is also found in Australia, Indonesia and South America,<br />

In this "miracle" we can distinguish two different Shamanic elements: l9) the<br />

dismemberment (iniciatieo rite) and 2) the ascent to heaven. For the moment let's<br />

consider the first item. "We know that during their" suefios initiations, the shaman<br />

futures asis-ten at their own dismemberment executed for "ghosts" or "devils" who play<br />

the role of teachers in the initiation: they cut the head and also pequefios the body into<br />

pieces, they are lim-pian bones, etc., and finally the "demons" the bones together and<br />

covered with meat Jos new. (See the materials in our Le Chamanisme, p. 47 et seq., With<br />

accompanying commentary from all those symbol-ism.) We are here with ecstatic<br />

experience initiatic structure: a symbolic death is followed by the renovation of the<br />

organs and the resurrection of the candidate. It is useful to recall that vi-sions and similar<br />

experiences are also among the Australians, Eskimos, American and African tribes (our<br />

Le Chamanisme, p. 55 et seq.). We are thus in the presence of an extremely archaic<br />

initiatic technique.<br />

Now if the "miracle of the chord" shines spectacular elements of this scheme iniciatieo<br />

shamanic, Indo-Tibetan rituals are even close to him, from the point of view of the<br />

structure. Behold, according to the summary that gives Bleich-steiner, a Himalayan and<br />

Tibetan tantric ritual, the tcho (gtchod), which is to provide our own flesh to be devoured<br />

by demons. "To the sound of the drum made from human skulls, and the trumpet carved<br />

from a femur, dedicates one to dance and spirits are invited to the festivities. The power<br />

of meditation gives rise to a goddess with a naked sword, she jumps to the head of<br />

offering the sacrifice, the decapitated and quartered, then the demons and wild beasts<br />

rush on the spoils throbbing, eat the meat and drink the blood. The remarks refer to<br />

certain Jatakas, described how Buddha, during his previous lives, he came to his own<br />

demons and hungry animals anthro-phage "18<br />

inclines us to believe that in Europe, could be a magical ténica survival of local pre-Indo-

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