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Matsyendranatha <strong>AND</strong> THE MYTH OF THE "TRANSMISSION DOCTRINAL"<br />

other major Hindu movements, the self -<br />

guis say that their sect existed before the Creation and the Gods Brahma, Vishnu and<br />

Siva, fiieron the first disciples of Gorakhnath (Briggs, p. 228). Is this a way to express the<br />

timeless character of the doctrine Ethem, but most of the traditions and detail that<br />

Adinath preceded Gorakhnath Matsyendranatha and that Matsyendra was his guru. It is<br />

difficult to clarify the historical reality that will eventually be hidden in these traditions.<br />

The very names indicate degrees rather spiritual personalities flesh. Adi-nath is an<br />

incarnation of Siva, and his name is also applied to Buddha Vajrasattva, in certain<br />

Buddhist Tantra, Adi-Bhuta-nath nath and are epithets applied to Vajrasattva (Dasgupta,<br />

Obscure Religious Cults, p. 224). This means that the founders of the sect has been the<br />

same God. Through Yoga, identifies Gorakhnath Siva and worship iconografiay see it as<br />

an incarnation of Siva (Briggs, p. 181, and Note VIII, 3). As Matsyendranatha, it became<br />

the patron deity of Na-pal, where he was identified with Avalokitesvara.7 The historic<br />

personali-ties and specific events will soon be trans-formed and found the mythical<br />

dimensions of the exemplary figures and both divine.<br />

From there we may conclude that Matsyendranatha and Gorakhnath ar> Ortabe a new<br />

revelaci6n, which they claimed to have received directly from Siva The myth of<br />

"transmisi6n doctrine" was well known and tempos past had often been used: it was the<br />

initiatory dialogue between God and his "Wife", sor -<br />

7 Sylvain Levi, Le Nepal, I, p. 347 et seq. According to Tucci, Matsyendranatha would<br />

be a mystical name given to all siddha who has reached a certain degree of spiritual<br />

perfection: maisy, "peseado" played by school<br />

Kashmir as its own to designate the "meanings" (mdriya), Tucci, AM-madversiones<br />

indicae, ps. 133-134. P. C. Baggchi rejects this hypothesis: the name of Matsyendranatha<br />

would indicate the profession of "fisher" and some other minor Katdajnananirnaya test<br />

"of the school of Matsyendranatha, P. 6 and sig. But lack even explain all the symbolism<br />

of "peseado" and "fisherman", present in cultivated countless contexts, and always in<br />

connection with a "rtvelaci6n, more exactly with the passage of a doctrine of o'vido or"<br />

blind -ing "the state to fully materialize.<br />

pinned by a semi-divine, occult, which becomes in the Messenger. For Matsyendranatha,<br />

the story is this: a day, Siva to his wife Parvati teaching the doctrine of Yoga, along the<br />

sea during the lection, Parvati he remained dor-mi da, but Lokesvara (-Avalokitesvara)<br />

had occasion to hear everything, because they had hidden in the water, taking the shape<br />

of a fish, hence comes the name of Matsyendranatha, which after use (Wright, History of<br />

Nepal, p. 140 et seq.). The oldest allusion to Matsyendranatha written, is in the<br />

Katdajnananimaya, for whose use a Baggchi edition manuscript of the eleventh century,<br />

the tra-ma has some variances from the version nepaulita: Shiva (Bhairava) reveals to his<br />

wife that a fish has swallowed the Sastra (the Doctrine) that the disciple Karttikeya throw<br />

into the sea (Kaulaj-nananimaya, verse 22). Another legend says that Siva, hearing the<br />

pleas of a woman who begged him to send him a son, gave him to eat a substantia But the<br />

woman did not eat and throw on a pile of manure. Matsyendranatha, which took the form<br />

of a fish, listen to teach the doctrine Siva Parvati, new step-mind for this place 12 afios<br />

later and asked the woman who we-strate the child. On hearing what happened, he sent a

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