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Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

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acy and spiritual spontaneity (see reviews and bibliography on Note VII, 4). The gold and jade, therefore participating in the yang cosmological principle, preserve the body of corruption. "If you put gold and jade in the new openings in the cadaver is preserve of putrefaction "writes the alchemist Ko Hung. And the treaty Tao Hung-Ching (v century) we find the details if - lowing: "If when you open a tomb inside the cadaver lifelike yet, know that the body inside a large quantity of gold and jade. According to the rules of the Han dynasty, the princes and nobles were buried with their clothes decorated with pearls and jade boxes to preserve the body of de-composici6n.8 For the same reason alchemical gold containers are specified under: life-prolonging to infinity. The magician Li Chao-Kiun tells the Emperor Wu Ti of the Han Dynasty: "Sacrificad using the oven (tsao), and you can make things appear (supernatural), cinnabar powder processing may be do in yellow gold and when the yellow gold has been produced, you can make the eating utensils and drinking and you will have then extended longevity. When your longevity has been pro-long, you can see the blessed (hsien) of the island P'on - which is in the midst of the seas. When you have seen, and once you have made the sacrifices and then not The most celebrated Chinese alchemist, Pao P'u (pseudo - Ko-Hung nimo, 254-334; Note VII, 5), said: "If this gold tar - mico you doing dishes and tableware, and if you eat and drink on this plate, vivi - reis long time "(trans. Notes p. The gold to be effective, must be "prepared". Gold "manufacturing market" is superior to gold natural.10 The Chinese believed that the sub-stances found in the bosom of the earth were unclean and they need Taban be "prepared" as food to be assimilated -tonnes (Waley, p. 18). 8 B. Laufer, Jade, A Study in Chinese Archeology and Religion (Field Museum, Chicago, 1912), p. 299. See also J. J. M. de Groot, The Religious System of the Chinese (Leiden, 1892), I, 269;). Przyluski, L 'Or, are origine et ses pouvoirs magiques (Bull. Ecole Fr Extr. Orient. XIV 1914, p. 1-17), p. 8. 9 reproduces Translation by Edouard Chavannes, Les Memoires histo-m & riques de Sema-Chien, t. Ill, 2nd part (Paris, 1899), p. 465. The text was also translated by Waley, op cit, p. 2, Johnson, Chinese Alchemy, ps. 76-77 and Dubs, Beginnings of Alchemy, ps. 67- 68. 10 The gold produced by the sublimation and transmutation process tar - mica possessed a higher vitality, by which salvation could be obtained cion and immortality. It was found, through the alchemy of gold transcendental quality to allow the human body spiritualization (Laufer, Isis 1929, p. 331). If even the herb may prolong life, ^ Why do not you introduce evidence in your mouth the Elixir? Gold, because of its nature, does no harm, why, among all objects, but that of jjrecio. When the artist (the alchemist) it includes in its diet the duration of his life shall never end ... When the golden dust enters the five bowels, as the mist dissipates the clouds heavy with rain, wind

... The white hair turn black, fallen teeth grow again. The tired old man is again a young man full of desires; The old woman is overwhelmed again a maiden. The shape-shifting and escape the dangers of life, is the name title "True Man" 11 The first historical mention of! To alchemy, on the other hand, is related to the fabrication of gold: in 144 BC, an imperial edict threatens public performance to all those who are caught in the act of making gold (text re -produced by Dubs, p. 63). According to W. H. Barnes, the first references to alchemy could date from the fourth century or in. Dubs believes (p. 77) that the founder of Chinese alchemy would Tsou Yen-porary of Mencius (fourth century). That this opinion whether or not its substance, we should distinguish the historical beginnings and development of a pre-chemistry, alchemy 16gica Soteria-like technique: the latter accepted (and I keep doing it until the eighteenth century of our era ) methods and the mythologies, mainly Taoist, pursuing a very different objective to "make gold". Gold had imperial character: he was in the "Center" of the Earth and had relations with chue mystical (sulfide), yellow mercury and the afterlife (the "Yellow sources"). Here's how Tung Ch'i an 11 TS, chap. XXVII, trans. Waley, Notes, p. 11, trans. Ch'iang Lu Wu, ps. 240-241. Ts'an Tung Ch'i, the text's popular alquiirrico-Yang Wei Po (a pseudonym to "style" of Lao-Ts6, 120-150 AD) means "union of the compound correlation. About this treaty, see An ancient Chinese treatise, ps. 212-216, Johnson, A Study of Chinese Alchemy, p. 133. present it in a text of 122 BC, in are also recorded where the belief in a hasty metamorphosis in metals (translated by r'ragmento Dubs, ps. 71-73). It is possible that this text comes from the school of Tsou Yen, if not the Master himself (ibid., p. 74). In China, the belief in the natural metamorphosis of metals is quite old, and also is found in Annam, in India and Malaysia. The inhabitants of Tonkin said: "The bronze is the mother of black gold." Gold is naturally generated by the bronze. But for this transmutation takes place, it is necessary that the bronze nezca permanent underground for quite a long time. "Thus, the anami-tas are convinced that the gold found in mines alii is formed slowly over the course of centuries, and that if hu-bier revised the floor in its origins, would have uncovered bronze where today is gold "(J. Przyluski, Ei Gold, p. 3). The al-quimista does nothing but accelerate the growth of metals such as its western counterpart, the Chinese alchemist contributes to the work of nature, precipitating the rhythm of Time. "But we've not forgotten that the transmutation of metals into gold also presents its" spiritual "side: as the imperial gold metal," per-fect "," liberated "from impurities, im pursuing alchemical operation make explicit the "perfection" of nature, that is, ultimately, his absolution and freedom. The gestation of the metal within the Earth due to these temporal rhythms that "tied" to the carnal man in his condition and "dethroned" hasten the gestation of metals by the alchemical work is equivalent to ab-solver of the law Time: Similarly, the yogi and tantric released by proper techniques, your temporary condition, and conquering the "immortality". Recall the Vedic proverb: gold is immortality. This explains the alchemical operations are always ^ ien relations with the liberation beyond Time. In China there is a pa-rentesco evident in the "preparation of gold," the obtaining of the "drug of immortality" and "evocation" of the Immortals: Tai Luan

acy and spiritual spontaneity (see reviews and bibliography on<br />

Note VII, 4). The gold and jade, therefore participating in the<br />

yang cosmological principle, preserve the body of corruption.<br />

"If you put gold and jade in the new openings in the cadaver is<br />

preserve of putrefaction "writes the alchemist Ko Hung. And<br />

the treaty Tao Hung-Ching (v century) we find the details if -<br />

lowing: "If when you open a tomb inside the cadaver<br />

lifelike yet, know that the body inside a large quantity of gold and jade. According to the<br />

rules of the Han dynasty, the princes and nobles were buried with their clothes decorated<br />

with pearls and jade boxes to preserve the body of de-composici6n.8<br />

For the same reason alchemical gold containers are specified under: life-prolonging to<br />

infinity. The magician Li Chao-Kiun tells the Emperor Wu Ti of the Han Dynasty: "Sacrificad<br />

using the oven (tsao), and you can make things appear (supernatural), cinnabar<br />

powder processing may be do in yellow gold and when the yellow gold has been<br />

produced, you can make the eating utensils and drinking and you will have then extended<br />

longevity. When your longevity has been pro-long, you can see the blessed (hsien) of the<br />

island P'on -<br />

which is in the midst of the seas. When you have seen,<br />

and once you have made the sacrifices and then not<br />

The most celebrated Chinese alchemist, Pao P'u (pseudo -<br />

Ko-Hung nimo, 254-334; Note VII, 5), said: "If this gold tar -<br />

mico you doing dishes and tableware, and if you eat and drink on this plate, vivi -<br />

reis long time "(trans. Notes p.<br />

The gold to be effective, must be "prepared". Gold "manufacturing market" is superior to<br />

gold natural.10 The Chinese believed that the sub-stances found in the bosom of the earth<br />

were unclean and they need Taban be "prepared" as food to be assimilated -tonnes<br />

(Waley, p. 18).<br />

8 B. Laufer, Jade, A Study in Chinese Archeology and Religion (Field Museum, Chicago,<br />

1912), p. 299. See also J. J. M. de Groot, The Religious System of the Chinese (Leiden,<br />

1892), I, 269;). Przyluski, L 'Or, are origine et ses pouvoirs magiques (Bull. Ecole Fr<br />

Extr. Orient. XIV 1914, p. 1-17), p. 8.<br />

9 reproduces Translation by Edouard Chavannes, Les Memoires histo-m & riques de Sema-Chien,<br />

t. Ill, 2nd part (Paris, 1899), p. 465. The text was also translated by Waley, op<br />

cit, p. 2, Johnson, Chinese Alchemy, ps. 76-77 and Dubs, Beginnings of Alchemy, ps. 67-<br />

68.<br />

10 The gold produced by the sublimation and transmutation process tar -<br />

mica possessed a higher vitality, by which salvation could be obtained<br />

cion and immortality. It was found, through the alchemy of gold<br />

transcendental quality to allow the human body spiritualization<br />

(Laufer, Isis 1929, p. 331).<br />

If even the herb may prolong life,<br />

^ Why do not you introduce evidence in your mouth the Elixir? Gold, because of its<br />

nature, does no harm, why, among all objects, but that of jjrecio. When the artist (the<br />

alchemist) it includes in its diet the duration of his life shall never end ... When the<br />

golden dust enters the five bowels, as the mist dissipates the clouds heavy with rain, wind

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