Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net


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that a number of references to "immortality" of the yogi, which abound in the texts<br />

mainly hathayoguis, they are concerned with the experiences of these "living dead".<br />


<strong>YOGA</strong> <strong>AND</strong> ALCHEMY<br />

LEGENDS of yogis ER<br />

Tantric Vajrayana tended to seek a "diamond body"<br />

incorruptible, outside of becoming. The Hathayoga fortifying the body to prepare for the<br />

"transmutation" final and to make it suitable for "immortality".<br />

As we have seen, tantric processes were done in a subtle body, approved at the same time<br />

the Cosmos and the Pantheon, body and somehow divine. Important detail: the disciplesit<br />

was to contemplate the dissolution and the creation of the Universe and, finally,<br />

experience in itself "death" (= disoluci6n) and the "resurrection" (= re-creation) of his<br />

subtle body so as Cosmos (p. 262). This process of dissolution and re-creation hacc<br />

remember to solve et coagula of Western alchemy. As the alchemist, the yogi makes<br />

changes in the "substantia" and this, in India, is the work of Prakrti or Shakti (or the<br />

Maya, the archetype of the Magician). Tantric Yoga for fatally showed prolongation<br />

alchemical one: firstly, to master the secrets of the Sakti, the Yogi manages to imitate his<br />

"transformation" and the transmutation of common metals into gold early falls between<br />

traditional siddhi: the other hand, the "diamond body" of the Vajrayana, the siddha-deha<br />

of hathayoguis, has some resemblance to the "body of glory" of the Western alchemists,<br />

the transmutation is made from the meat, it produces a "divine body " '(divya-deha), a"<br />

body of Gnosis (jnana-deha), a worthy receptacle for the one who is liberated in life<br />

"(jivanmukta).<br />

The solidarity between Yoga and alchemy was also perceived in India, both as the first<br />

foreign travelers by the<br />

people that quickly draw up a whole yogi-alchemical folklore, integrating the themes of<br />

the elixir of immortality and the transmutation of metals into the mythology of the Yogi-<br />

Magician. Exa-mined before alchemical texts as such, presents some in teres<br />

remembering some observations of travelers and certain le-going on the famous<br />

alchemists: as quite often, the "myth" is more eloquent than the historical reality and<br />

allows us to better pe<strong>net</strong>rate the deeper meaning of a historical fact that the recorded<br />

documents.<br />

Marco Polo, speaking of chugchi (yogis) who "live 150 or 200 years," writes: "They used<br />

very rarely drink, prepare pupils for a potion made from a mixture of sulfur and mercury,<br />

and drink it twice month. It gives them, they say, very long life, and is a potion that<br />

usually take from childhood "(Yule, Travels of Marco Polo, edition of H. Cordier, 1903,<br />

vol. II, p. 365 ff. ). Marco Polo seems to have given greater importance to the yogis,<br />

alchemists. Francois Bernier, however, who had ob-served and studied to various sects of<br />

ascetics natives, have been de-syndicated several pages that formed until the early<br />

ni<strong>net</strong>eenth century, the main source of information about the yogis and fakirs (Voyages<br />

Francois Bernier, Docteur en Medicine, Faculty of Montpellier, Amsterdam, edited by<br />

David Paul Marret, II, pp. 121-131). I keep noticing his alchemical knowledge: "There

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