Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net


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tantric) is well known. The more depraved and libertine is the wife, but is suitable for the<br />

rite. Dombi (the washed-dera, in the secret language means however nairatma) is a<br />

favorite of all authors tantric (eg, the Cary of Kanha, in the work cited for 5h;> hi-Dullah,<br />

p. 111 ). "joh, Dombi, has sullied tcdo!... Some will call it ugly, but wise men hold you<br />

against your chest. .. Oh. Dombi. / IADI no more dissolute as you!" (Shahidullah, cited,<br />

p. 120, note). In the legends of the 84 mahasiddha (magicians) translated from Tibetan by<br />

Griinwedel (Die Ge-sehichten der Zauberer 84, Baessler Archiv, 1916, ps. 137-228) are<br />

often the "theme" of the low caste girl full of wisdom, possessing magical powers, who<br />

marries a king (Ps. 147-148), who knows how to prepare gold, etc.. (ps. 221-222). This<br />

exaltation of low caste mtijeres derived from several ra-zones. First, make the reaction<br />

"popular" against the orthodox systems, which is also a native elements counterattack<br />

against the ideology of caste and hierarchies introduced by hindii-Aryan society. But this<br />

is only one aspect of the problem, and negligible importance. The most im-portant lies in<br />

the symbolism of the "washer" and "court" and must take into account that, according to<br />

the tantric teachings of the identification of opposites, "the most noble and worthy" is just<br />

hidden<br />

Valtee-Poussin, the tnaithuna can be understood both as a * ct concrete and internalized<br />

as a ritual consisting of mudra (= yogini) is decirpor gestures, body positions and images<br />

displayed profoundly. Tara the religious, maithuna is an essential act of initiation<br />

(Sampradaya). At an order from deso-bedecen guru to the laws of chastity that henceforth<br />

must meet. This, in my opinion, the doctrine of Pancakrama (HI, 40) (...) • The practice<br />

not truly maithuna, if praetico once in his life, in the time of initiation, obtained under<br />

Yoga the supreme Samapatti (...) The maithuna not actu-ally practiced (samvratya =<br />

lokavyavaharatah) are replaced by interior-type exercises, for acts in which the mudra<br />

(yogini) is an intellectual form, a symbolic gesticulation, shape, or operation of<br />

physiology extrafia. "(De la Vallee-Poussin, Etudes et MatSriaux, p. 142-143).<br />

The texts repeatedly stress on the idea that maithuna is primarily the integration of the<br />

Principles, "the true sexual union is the union of Paracakti (kundalini) with Atman, the<br />

others represent only carnal relations with women" (KuZdrna - Tantra is, V, 111-112).<br />

KdUoUasa Tantra (Ch. X-XI), describes the ritual, but details that must be performed<br />

only with a wife initiated (parastri). A commentator adds that the ceremonial flame-do<br />

pancatattva (the five makara, ie the five words that show with the letter m: Matsya, fish;<br />

Mamy, meat, Madya, intoxicating bev-da, mudra and maithuna) is observed only in a<br />

literal sense by the low caste (Sudra). The same text asserts, moreover, that ritual is<br />

intended for Kaliyuga (Chapter V) or which is adapted to this stage c6smico-hist6rica<br />

that the Spirit is hidden and "CAFD" in a carnal condici6n. But the author knows very<br />

well that is interpreted pancatattva lite-rally, mainly in the magical atmosphere and in<br />

regions<br />

between "the lowest ID and vulgar". The alchemists occidenfales otherwise not come<br />

when they claimed that the raw material, identical to philosophorum lapis was<br />

everywhere and in its lowest form, vii figure. The authors of the Dombi helluva saw the<br />

representative of the "emptiness", ie the unskilled Grund and inexpressible, because s61o<br />

the laundress was devoid of every attribute or qualification social, religious, etc.<br />

Regarding the role of the Women in Tantris-mo as a spiritual guide, see W. Koppers,<br />

indiichen Probleme der Religions-getchichte (Anthrbpos, vols. 25-26, 1940-1941), p.

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