Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

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yogi (kumbhaka). The "house" is the seat of bliss, the "pending" signifies the beginning of blackening and the "thief" symbolizes the Sahajanand (the bliss of Sahaja, which will discuss in a moment), "Midnight" is the state of complete absorption in the bliss. The "father" (susur) is the respiration, the "day" means the active state (pravrtti) thinking and "night" its resting state (nivritti) etc.20 We find a world of analogies, homologies and do-able ways. All erotic phenomena can be expressed in this "intentional language", an exercise hathayogui or stage of the meditation, like any symbol, any "state of holiness" 2 "Dasgupta, Obscure Religious Cults, p. 480 ff. It is notable that the use of this enigmatic style has no known interruptions in mcderna Indian Ktcratura, of Caryapada to miestras days. can have an erotic sense. It reaches an outcome such that a text. Antrico can be read with different keys: liturgical, yogi, tantric, and so on. Pundits insist mainly on these two last: reading a book with the "key yogi means to decipher the vari-ous stages of meditation to which the text refers. The Tantric meaning is almost always erotic, but it's hard to decide whether it is specific acts or sexual symbolism. To be more accurate, re-consultation painful distinguish between the "concrete" and "symbolic" taking aim sadhana precisely the trans-substanciaci6n any particular experience, the transformation of the physiology in liturgy. Several words cliches of Mahayana Buddhism are enriched in cl Tantrism, a sense erotic: padma (lotus) is interpreted as bhaga (parent); vajra (thunderbolt) means linga (penis). It may therefore say that Buddha (Vajrasattva) lies in the mysterious bhaga Bhagavati.30 N. Shahidullah reconstruct some series of equivalence, according to the Doha-Kosa, P. C. Baggchi study the symbolism of certain technical vocabularies of Carya, but the interpretation of the ciphertexts, the "intentional language" and even allegorical is far from over. Some examples, mainly from the Doha tornado-kosa: vajra (thunderbolt) .- linga - Sunya (emptiness), ravi, surya (sun) - slices of women (menses) Pingala - right nostril - Upaya (Middle) sasin, Candra (moon) - Sukra (semen virile) - round - nostril left - Prajna. lalana (female) - round - abhava (not be) - candra-apana - nothing - prakriti (Nature) - Tamas (one of the three guna) - Ganga (Ganges) - svara (voice) - Nirvana, etc.., Rasario (language)-Pingala - Prana - cracks (one of the guna) - purusha - kali - vyanjana (consonants) - Yamuna (Yamuna river) - bhava (be), etc.., avadhuti - the woman ascetic - sucumna - prajna - nairatma, etc. Thought-boddhicitta Awakening - sukra (senun virile) taruni - maiden - Mahamudra, grhini - wife - Mahamudra - divyamudra, jnanamudra, sama - so L. de la Vallee-Poussin, Boudhisme. Etudes et materiaux, P. 134. For the equivalence vajra = tn linga vradip'ka HY, see the Index of Walter edition, vajrakandara. rasa - equal pleasure - sex - detention of respiration - immobility of thought - detention of semen. Here is a text of Kanha: 81 "Women and language are vilizadas inmo-side of the Sun and the Moon." The first meaning is hathayogui: detention of the two times of respiration (prana and apana) in the first leg and the Pingala, followed by immobilization of the

activity of these two subtle veins. But there is a second meaning: Women's knowledge (prajna) and the language effort, through action (upaya) are both trying to stop the Gnosis as the energy wasted in the realization, and this "immobilization" can only be gained through Yoga (detenci6n of respiration). The "detention of respiration" in this context be understood as they accompanied the arrest of seminal emission. Kanha expressed in his cryptic style: "I thought Inmovil encompasses the Enlightenment (trans. Shahidullah, is also reflected by the Awakening Thought) despite the dust that adorns it. You see a lotus seed, pure nature, in his own body. " The Sanskrit commentary explains, if the maithuna (pulling) the sukra (s semen) is emitted, also thought remains motionless (Shahidullah). Indeed, the "dust" (rajas) is the "slices of the women-res" (both menses and genital secretions) during the maithuna, the yogi cause the release of its compafiera, while his Cukra immobilized, with the double effect of which on one hand and stops her thinking that the other becomes capable of absorbing "the seed of the lotus" (= the cracks). Accordingly, we find the three "retention" or "immobility ties" that speak hathayoguis texts (see p. 240): deten-tion of breath, semen and thought. The deep significant pieces of this "freeze" is not easy to discover. Before ad-dress their study, Ml stop at the ritual function of sexuality in ancient India and yogis-tintricas techniques. * i Shahidullah mistakenly introduced him as a "nihilistic": see Les Chants et Kanha mystiques Doha-Kosa, P. 14: "Kanha and Saraha are n hilistas. As for other philosophers madhyarnikas, there is nothing bhava or nirvana, or bhava (being) or abhava (nonbeing). The truth is innate (sahaja) is that emptiness. " Kanha rejects the "mind of the duality of the pairs of opposites, the condioionamientos, and seeks the non-con-conditioning (sahaja). THE EROTICA MISTICA The meithuna is known since the Vedic times, but I play to Tantrism turned into instruments of salvation. Distinguishing We in India pre-tantric, two values possible ritual sexual union, the other two, on the other hand, the archaic structure of incontestable antigiiedad: 1) the marital union as sacred, 2 °) orgiastic sexual union, which aims either universal fruitfulness (rain, crops, rebafios, women, etc..), or the creation of a magic defense. "Do not dwell on the marital act transformed into something sacred: jyo am the sky, you are the Earth! "says the husband and wife (Brhad. Up, VI, 4, 20). The union is a ceremony which includes a lot of foot-limiriares purification, symbolic approvals and prayers, all of which takes place in a Vedic ritual. The woman is previously transfigure bay, has become the sacred place where the slaughter occurs: "The lap is the altar, the hair is the lawn, the skin is the winery of the holy spirit, fire is the middle of the vulva 82 Both were obtained by sacrificing vajapeya, who obtained both sa-biendolo well below practice game ... " (ibid., VI, 4, 3). Note-ing a very important fact: since the Brharanyaka- UpanishadsQ imposes the belief that the fruit of the "works"-the result of a Vedic sacrifice, can be obtained by a marital union ritual consumption. The identification of the sacrificial fire with the female sexual organ is confirmed by the magic spell that is exerted on the woman's lover: "You've sucked in my fire", etc.. (ibid., VI, 4, 12). A ritual detail of the union when it is desired that the woman conceives, he betrays some confused ideas related to the reabsorption of semen: After exhaled, the inhaled saying my force,

activity of these two subtle veins. But there is a second meaning: Women's knowledge<br />

(prajna) and the language effort, through action (upaya) are both trying to stop the Gnosis<br />

as the energy wasted in the realization, and this "immobilization" can only be gained<br />

through Yoga (detenci6n of respiration). The "detention of respiration" in this context be<br />

understood as they accompanied the arrest of seminal emission. Kanha expressed in his<br />

cryptic style: "I thought Inmovil encompasses the Enlightenment (trans. Shahidullah, is<br />

also reflected by the Awakening Thought) despite the dust that adorns it. You see a lotus<br />

seed, pure nature, in his own body. " The Sanskrit commentary explains, if the maithuna<br />

(pulling) the sukra (s semen) is emitted, also thought remains motionless (Shahidullah).<br />

Indeed, the "dust" (rajas) is the "slices of the women-res" (both menses and genital<br />

secretions) during the maithuna, the yogi cause the release of its compafiera, while his<br />

Cukra immobilized, with the double effect of which on one hand and stops her thinking<br />

that the other becomes capable of absorbing "the seed of the lotus" (= the cracks).<br />

Accordingly, we find the three "retention" or "immobility ties" that speak hathayoguis<br />

texts (see p. 240): deten-tion of breath, semen and thought. The deep significant pieces of<br />

this "freeze" is not easy to discover. Before ad-dress their study, Ml stop at the ritual<br />

function of sexuality in ancient India and yogis-tintricas techniques.<br />

* i Shahidullah mistakenly introduced him as a "nihilistic": see Les Chants et Kanha<br />

mystiques Doha-Kosa, P. 14: "Kanha and Saraha are n hilistas. As for other philosophers<br />

madhyarnikas, there is nothing bhava or nirvana, or bhava (being) or abhava (nonbeing).<br />

The truth is innate (sahaja) is that emptiness. " Kanha rejects the "mind of the duality of<br />

the pairs of opposites, the condioionamientos, and seeks the non-con-conditioning<br />

(sahaja).<br />


The meithuna is known since the Vedic times, but I play to Tantrism turned into<br />

instruments of salvation. Distinguishing We in India pre-tantric, two values possible<br />

ritual sexual union, the other two, on the other hand, the archaic structure of incontestable<br />

antigiiedad: 1) the marital union as sacred, 2 °) orgiastic sexual union, which aims either<br />

universal fruitfulness (rain, crops, rebafios, women, etc..), or the creation of a magic<br />

defense. "Do not dwell on the marital act transformed into something sacred: jyo am the<br />

sky, you are the Earth! "says the husband and wife (Brhad. Up, VI, 4, 20). The union is a<br />

ceremony which includes a lot of foot-limiriares purification, symbolic approvals and<br />

prayers, all of which takes place in a Vedic ritual. The woman is previously transfigure<br />

bay, has become the sacred place where the slaughter occurs: "The lap is the altar, the<br />

hair is the lawn, the skin is the winery of the holy spirit, fire is the middle of the vulva 82<br />

Both were obtained by sacrificing vajapeya, who obtained both sa-biendolo well below<br />

practice game ... " (ibid., VI, 4, 3). Note-ing a very important fact: since the Brharanyaka-<br />

UpanishadsQ imposes the belief that the fruit of the "works"-the result of a Vedic<br />

sacrifice, can be obtained by a marital union ritual consumption. The identification of the<br />

sacrificial fire with the female sexual organ is confirmed by the magic spell that is<br />

exerted on the woman's lover: "You've sucked in my fire", etc.. (ibid., VI, 4, 12). A ritual<br />

detail of the union when it is desired that the woman conceives, he betrays some confused<br />

ideas related to the reabsorption of semen: After exhaled, the inhaled saying my force,

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