Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

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Before talking about it, it is necessary to clarify that the awakening of kundalini, caused in this way is just the beginning of the year: the yogi is dedicated to maintaining the kundalini in the "channel" means (su-Sumner), and also to make it go up through the cakra to the top of the head. However, in the opinion of the authors tantric very, very rarely this effort is crowned with success. Here is an enigmatic text of Tarakhanda (he is equally at Tantrasara, Avalon, Principles of Tantra, II, p. CVIII): "If you drink, if you drink again, but even if you drink until he fell to the ground, and if one gets up and begins to drink, you go out forever from the sky of the re-birth. " This is an experiment carried out during the detention of the total respiration. Let's see what the commentary said: "During the first stage of sadhana satcakra (= the penetration of the cakra), the disciple can not hold his breath long enough as to be able to practice concentration and meditation on each of the cakra. Consequently, it fails to retain the kundalini in susumna more than what is allowed by the kumbhaka (detention of respiration). should therefore be dropped by land-that is, ei mnladhara cakra, which represents the element Earth after having drunk the celestial ambrosia (which can be interpreted in vari-ous ways, especially as abundant saliva prqvocada by obstruction of the cavum). The pupil must repeat this exercise many times, and by constant practice, destroys the causes of the cycle of re-births. " 27 To carry out successfully, the frenulum of the tongue must be cut beforehand. View the personal experience of Theos Bernard, P. 27 and ff. To speed the ascent of the kundalini, certain schools have combined Tantric body positions with sexual practices. The idea was that he had hidden to get the "immobility" of breathing, thinking and semen at the same time. The Go-rate-samhita (61-71) states that during the khecari-mudra, the bindu (~ semen) "falls" while one is kissed by a woman. And "while the bindu remains in the body, there is the fear of Death. Even if the semen is ejaculated, the yonimudra stops. The Hatha-yogapradipika, III, 82, intends to obtain the same results, vojroli-mudra. You have to have milk and a "docile woman. The yogi "needs to pump his medhra (the bindu ejaculated during maithuna)", and this act of absorption must also be made by women. "Having pumped the bindu ejaculated. The yogi can conserve it, through the loss of bindu Death comes with its retention, the Life." All these texts insist on the interdependence between respiration, psychomental experience and semen virile. "As much as the air (respiration) moves, moves bindu, becomes stationary when breathing stops moving. As a consequence, the yogi should control their respiration and obtain immobility" (Goragsa-sam, 90 ). While prana is in the body, life (jiva) will not, death is the departure of Respiration (Goraksa-sam, 91). We see that the bindu is dependent on respiration, and that somehow this approved on: for both heading and the other one is death. In the same way, this type-gado bindu to citta28 and thus leads to the homologation of the three levels which are exercised, whether the "movement" and "immobility" prana, bindu, citta. As the kundalini is awakened by a sharp-whether detention of respiration, and the seminal emission (followed, if made, by the regression of semen) - it is important you know the structure and the ramifications of approval these three planes. More so when the texts do not always determine that the reference plane in question. 28 In the Goraksa-Samhita 90, the manuscript says cittam Benares in Bindura War (cf.

Briggs, op. Cit. 302) as well as the HY-Pr. II. 2; "When respiration moves, the moves also espirifii; where breaths stops spirit becomes motionless. See also IV. 21. THE "intentional language" Often the tantric texts are rextactados cn "k nguaje intentional '(sandhya-Bhasa), secret language, confusing, two-way, in which a state of consciousness is expressed with a term erotic and mythological or cosmolopico this vocabulary charged with sexual meanings hathayoguis. Saddharmapundarika In expressions are repeatedly Sandha-bhasita, sar.dha bhasya, Sandha-vacan. Burnouf translated as the "enigma-tic language," Kern for "mystery" and Max Muller by "word hidden ". In 1916, Shastri Harapresad proposed:" twilight language, "language of" light and darkness "(alo-a-Dhari). Vidushekar But Shastri is the first in his study Sandhabhasa (Indian Historical Quarterly, IV, 1928, ps. 287-296) demonstrated that this is an abbreviated form of the word sandhaya and can be translated as "intention", "having as its aim the" "intends," "to referendum, and so on. (op. above, p. 289). There was no question of "twilight language," "It is likely that copyists, not knowing the true meaning of sandhaya or abbreviated form Sandha, the have c;; mbiado by sandhya (twilight = ), expression that was familiar to them "(ibid., p. 296). The Hevajratantraconsidera to sandhabhasa as the" great teaching "(mahasamaya) of yogis, the" great language "(mahabhasam) and proclaims it" full of sense of the doctrines "(samaya-sanketavistaram). Its value seems well estab-lished as" hidden secret "(see also Note VI, 10 with bibliography and explication). The puzzles and riddles rituals were used since the time vt'dica (Rig Veda, I, 164; I, 152, 3; VIII, GO, 14, X, 55, 5, etc.., Atharva Veda, VII, I, IX , 8, 10), on his way revealed the secrets of the universe. But in Tantrism we find an entire system of numbers, very elaborate, and it can not account for the inco-nications ds-tantric yogi experiences, to refer to such experiences had been used long symbolized the, mantra, mystical lyrics. The sandhya-Bhasa pursues another finali-ty: want to hide the doctrine to non-initiates, the yogi project mainly to the "paradox", which is essential for spiritual entrenamieruo. The semantics of the word versatility eventually replaced with the wrong ccmiin system of referenda, inherent in any ordinary language: the destruction of language contributes, she also, to "break" the profane universe and replace CVS ing them by a universe of convertibles levels and integrable. The symbol-ism, generally, do a "porous" universal, "opening" of beings and things that go alia meanings of the material. But in Tantrism, the language of 'intellectual' cn becomes a spiritual exercise, is part of sadhana. The disciple must experimented continuously the mysterious process of approval and that this convergence at the base of the cosmic manifestation, for it is now a microcosm and must wake up to te-ner aware of them, all these forces that, on multiple levels will create and periodically reabsorbed the Universe. The disciple is invited to understand boddhicitta as "Thought for the des-awakening" and male seed to hide not only to non-initiates the Great Secret: the yogi must penetrate through the language itself (ie through the creation of a new and paradoxical language which replaces the abolished profanity) to that level where the seed can be transformed into thought, and vice versa. It is clear from the comments, the sense seems to be the following: the two are the two "veins", round Pingala, the liquid being "ordeiia" is the boddhicitta (which can be taken in several senses), and " Bucket "(pita-pitha) is the Manipura (the cakra of the umbilical region). The "tree" (Rukh-vrksa) means the body, and the "fruit of the tamarind" semen virile boddhicitta the way, the "crocodile" that "eats" is the detention of the respiration

Briggs, op. Cit. 302) as well as the HY-Pr. II. 2; "When respiration moves, the moves<br />

also espirifii; where breaths stops spirit becomes motionless. See also IV. 21.<br />

THE "intentional language"<br />

Often the tantric texts are rextactados cn "k nguaje intentional '(sandhya-Bhasa), secret<br />

language, confusing, two-way, in which a state of consciousness is expressed with a term<br />

erotic and mythological or cosmolopico this vocabulary charged with sexual meanings<br />

hathayoguis. Saddharmapundarika In expressions are repeatedly Sandha-bhasita, sar.dha<br />

bhasya, Sandha-vacan. Burnouf translated as the "enigma-tic language," Kern for<br />

"mystery" and Max Muller by "word hidden ". In 1916, Shastri Harapresad proposed:"<br />

twilight language, "language of" light and darkness "(alo-a-Dhari). Vidushekar But<br />

Shastri is the first in his study Sandhabhasa (Indian Historical Quarterly, IV, 1928, ps.<br />

287-296) demonstrated that this is an abbreviated form of the word sandhaya and can be<br />

translated as "intention", "having as its aim the" "intends," "to referendum, and so on.<br />

(op. above, p. 289). There was no question of "twilight language," "It is likely that<br />

copyists, not knowing the true meaning of sandhaya or abbreviated form Sandha, the<br />

have c;; mbiado by sandhya (twilight = ), expression that was familiar to them "(ibid., p.<br />

296). The Hevajratantraconsidera to sandhabhasa as the" great teaching "(mahasamaya)<br />

of yogis, the" great language "(mahabhasam) and proclaims it" full of sense of the<br />

doctrines "(samaya-sanketavistaram). Its value seems well estab-lished as" hidden secret<br />

"(see also Note VI, 10 with bibliography and explication).<br />

The puzzles and riddles rituals were used since the time vt'dica (Rig Veda, I, 164; I, 152,<br />

3; VIII, GO, 14, X, 55, 5, etc.., Atharva Veda, VII, I, IX , 8, 10), on his way revealed the<br />

secrets of the universe. But in Tantrism we find an entire system of numbers, very<br />

elaborate, and it can not account for the inco-nications ds-tantric yogi experiences, to<br />

refer to such experiences had been used long symbolized the, mantra, mystical lyrics. The<br />

sandhya-Bhasa pursues another finali-ty: want to hide the doctrine to non-initiates, the<br />

yogi project mainly to the "paradox", which is essential for spiritual entrenamieruo. The<br />

semantics of the word versatility eventually replaced with the wrong ccmiin system of<br />

referenda, inherent in any ordinary language: the destruction of language contributes, she<br />

also, to "break" the profane universe and replace CVS ing them by a universe of<br />

convertibles levels and integrable. The symbol-ism, generally, do a "porous" universal,<br />

"opening" of beings and things that go alia meanings of the material. But in Tantrism, the<br />

language of 'intellectual' cn becomes a spiritual exercise, is part of sadhana. The disciple<br />

must experimented continuously the mysterious process of approval and that this<br />

convergence at the base of the cosmic manifestation, for it is now a microcosm and must<br />

wake up to te-ner aware of them, all these forces that, on multiple levels will create and<br />

periodically reabsorbed the Universe. The disciple is invited to understand boddhicitta as<br />

"Thought for the des-awakening" and male seed to hide not only to non-initiates the<br />

Great Secret: the yogi must pe<strong>net</strong>rate through the language itself (ie through the creation<br />

of a new and paradoxical language which replaces the abolished profanity) to that level<br />

where the seed can be transformed into thought, and vice versa.<br />

It is clear from the comments, the sense seems to be the following: the two are the two<br />

"veins", round Pingala, the liquid being "ordeiia" is the boddhicitta (which can be taken<br />

in several senses), and " Bucket "(pita-pitha) is the Manipura (the cakra of the umbilical<br />

region). The "tree" (Rukh-vrksa) means the body, and the "fruit of the tamarind" semen<br />

virile boddhicitta the way, the "crocodile" that "eats" is the detention of the respiration

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