Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

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However, the texts insist continually on this theme: jconservad the middle path, e] are right and the left was "Bosco! "jCortad two wings called Sol y Luna!" (Caryapada of Gundari, 4) "We must destroy and Rasan lalana two sides" (DohaJjsa of Kanhupada, 3) "When the Moon and Sun are well mixed with each other, the, merit and non-merit immediately disappear" (Sarah). Obtained the Great Bliss (mahasukha) "kept in the path of the medium and dominate (the roads dc) right and left" (Cart, "8. Kambalapada). "The right and left are ambushes" (Carya 32, Sarahapada: all these texts are reproduced, along with a large quantity of other texts, by PC Baggchi, Studies on the Tantras, p. 61 et seq.). Recall for the moment, two aspects of this symbolism: 1) the most important thing lies in the two main breathing, prana and apana, similar to the Sun and the Moon: it is thus a "cos-optimization" of the human body, 2 ?) but the whole effort of svdha-ka is in order to unify the "Luna" and "Sol" and to do so, to ma the middle path. Polivalentc soon see the complexity of the symbolism of the Sun-Moon union. Prinieramenix finish-n analysis of the subtle body, with the description of the cakra. The cakras According to the Hindu tradition, there are seven importantcs cakra, which relate to the six plexuses and suture frontalis.2 * I9) tnuladhara (mula ~ root) is located at the base of the spine between the anal opening and genital organs (coccygeus sacral plexus). Has the form of a red lotus of four petals, which are engraved in gold letters v, s, c, s. In the middle of the lotus is a yellow square, the emblem of the Earth element (prthivl) in the middle has an inverted triangle, symbol of the yoni called Kamarupa; in the heart of the triangle is placed on svayambhulinga (the linga that exists by itself ), head shining like a jewel. Eight times up (like a snake) around it, as bright as lightning, sleeping Kundalini, who with his mouth (or your head) encloses the hole in the linga. Thus, blocking the brahmadvara Kundalini (the door of Brahma ', see page. 223) and the access to this susutnna.Muladhara cakra in relation to the cohesive force of matter, with the inertia, the birth of the sound, smell, the respiration apana, the gods Indra, Brahma, Dakini, Shakti, etc.. 24 For a more complete description, see-e 'treated more authority ^, ^ (the conc-Ja rniente cakra doctrine, Satcckra Nirupana (ed.. And trans. Avalcn Arthur, The Serpent Power, London-Madras, 1 19>, V '* r t.imbien Note VI. 9. 2?) Svadhistliana cakra, also called jalamandala (because its pull-tattva is water) and medhradhara (medhra = penis) is located at the base of the male generative organ (plexus sacred). Lotus with six petals orange, which has carved the letters b, bh, m, r, I. In the midst of the lotus, is a white crescent in mystic relation with Varuna. In the midst of the moon, a bija mantra, in whose center is Visnu, his side is the goddess Sakini (according Sivasamhita, V, 99, Rakini). Svadhisthana cakra is in relation to the Water element, color bianco, the respiration prana, sense of smell, hand, etc. 39) manipura (mani = jewel, pure - city) or nabhisthana (na-bhi = navel), located in the lumbar region up to the belly button (epigastric plexus). Blue lotus with ten petals and the letters d, dh, n, t, th, d, dh, n, p, ph. In the midst of the lotus, a red triangle, and the triangle Maharudra god, seated on a bull at his side to Lakini Sakti, blue. This cakra is in

elation with the element Fire, the Sun, the rajas (menstrual flow), the respiration Samana, the sense of sight, and so on. 4P) anahata (anahahata sabdo is the sound made car without touching two objects, a "mystical sound") region of the heart, seat of prana and Jivatman. Red. Golden lotus with twelve petals (letters k, kh, g, gh, etc.).. In between, two triangles placed in position "seal of Solomon", color smoke, in whose center there is another triangle, gold, which conceals a shining linga. Above the two triangles is Isvara, coupled with the Kakini Sakti (red). Anahata cakra is in relation with the Air element, the sense of touch, the phallus, the driving force, the circulatory system, etc.. 5P VISUDDHA cakra (the cakra of purity): region of the chest (laryngeal and pharyngeal plexus, at the junction of the spinal cord and medulla oblongata) seat udana respiration and bindu, 16-petal lotus red ash (letters a, i, u, etc.).. Inside the lotus, a blue space, symbol of the element akasa (ether, space) in the middle is a circle surrounding bianco an elephant. On the element rests Fante bija-mantra h (Hang) holding Sadasiva, half silver and half gold, as God is represented under its aspeeto androgynous (aidhanarisvara). Sitting on a bull, carries in its nu-merous hands a number of objects and emblems that belong (vajra, trident, bell, etc.).. Half his body is the Sada Guri, with ten arms and five faces (three eyes each). The color in relation to the target, the Sound, skin, etcetera. 6?) Ajna (-command, control) cakra, located between the eyebrows (cavernous plexus). Lotus bianco two petals, with the letters h and ks. Seat of the cognitive faculties: Buddhi, ahamkara, manas and indrya (= sense) in its subtle form. The lotus is a triangle recorded bianco, inverted (symbol of the yoni) in the middle of the triangle, a linga bianco also called ITAR (the "other") .. This is the seat of paramasa. The bija-mantra OM. The tutelary goddess is Hakini: it has six faces and six arms, and is sitting on a lotus bianco. 7 °) Sahasrara cakra: at the top of the head, represented as a lotus of thousand petals, turned (sahasra-thousand). It is also called brahmasthana, Brahmarandhra, nirvanacakra, etcetera. The petals are all possible pronunciations of Sanskrit alphabet, which has 50 points (50 X 20). In the midst of the lotus is the full moon enclosing a triangle. That's where the union is experienced end (unmani) of Siva and Sakti, target of tantric sadhana: kudalini arrives there after having gone through six cakra-sado lower. It should be noted that the sahasrara no longer belongs to the level of the body that appoints and transcendent-president level, and this explains the generally speak of the doctrine of the "six cakra. Cakra there are other, less important, between the mu-Ladha and is the yonisthana Svadhisthana: place of reunion of Shiva and Shakti, also called place of bliss (co-rn the Muladhara) Kamarupa. It is the source of desire and carnal level, an anticipation of the Shiva-Shakti union that ended in the Sahasrara. Ajnacakrase are very close sisters and soma cakra cakra, related to the functions and certain experiences intelligences yogis. About ajnacakra are also the karana-rupa, the seat of the seven "forms" causal ", of which it is said that central and produced are the body" subtle "and body" physical ". Finally, other texts speak of a certain number of adhara (= support, recep-tacular) located between the cakra or identified with them. (See Note VI, 9.) The only four known Buddhist Tantra cakra located respectively in the umbilical region, cardiac, laryngeal plexus and brain: the latter, the most important, is called usnisa-kamala

elation with the element Fire, the Sun, the rajas (menstrual flow), the respiration<br />

Samana, the sense of sight, and so on.<br />

4P) anahata (anahahata sabdo is the sound made car without touching two objects, a<br />

"mystical sound") region of the heart, seat of prana and Jivatman. Red. Golden lotus with<br />

twelve petals (letters k, kh, g, gh, etc.).. In between, two triangles placed in position "seal<br />

of Solomon", color smoke, in whose center there is another triangle, gold, which conceals<br />

a shining linga. Above the two triangles is Isvara, coupled with the Kakini Sakti (red).<br />

Anahata cakra is in relation with the Air element, the sense of touch, the phallus, the<br />

driving force, the circulatory system, etc..<br />

5P VISUDDHA cakra (the cakra of purity): region of the chest (laryngeal and pharyngeal<br />

plexus, at the junction of the spinal cord and medulla oblongata) seat udana respiration<br />

and bindu, 16-petal lotus red ash (letters a, i, u, etc.).. Inside the lotus, a blue space,<br />

symbol of the element akasa (ether, space) in the middle is a circle surrounding bianco an<br />

elephant. On the element rests Fante bija-mantra h (Hang) holding Sadasiva, half silver<br />

and half gold, as God is represented under its aspeeto androgynous (aidhanarisvara).<br />

Sitting on a bull, carries in its nu-merous hands a number of objects and emblems that<br />

belong (vajra, trident, bell, etc.).. Half his body is the Sada Guri, with ten arms and five<br />

faces (three eyes each).<br />

The color in relation to the target, the<br />

Sound, skin, etcetera.<br />

6?) Ajna (-command, control) cakra, located between the eyebrows (cavernous plexus).<br />

Lotus bianco two petals, with the letters h and ks. Seat of the cognitive faculties: Buddhi,<br />

ahamkara, manas and indrya (= sense) in its subtle form. The lotus is a triangle recorded<br />

bianco, inverted (symbol of the yoni) in the middle of the triangle, a linga bianco also<br />

called ITAR (the "other") .. This is the seat of paramasa. The bija-mantra OM. The<br />

tutelary goddess is Hakini: it has six faces and six arms, and is sitting on a lotus bianco.<br />

7 °) Sahasrara cakra: at the top of the head, represented as a lotus of thousand petals,<br />

turned (sahasra-thousand). It is also called brahmasthana, Brahmarandhra, nirvanacakra,<br />

etcetera. The petals are all possible pronunciations of Sanskrit alphabet, which has 50<br />

points (50 X 20). In the midst of the lotus is the full moon enclosing a triangle. That's<br />

where the union is experienced end (unmani) of Siva and Sakti, target of tantric sadhana:<br />

kudalini arrives there after having gone through six cakra-sado lower. It should be noted<br />

that the sahasrara no longer belongs to the level of the body that appoints and<br />

transcendent-president level, and this explains the generally speak of the doctrine of the<br />

"six cakra.<br />

Cakra there are other, less important, between the mu-Ladha and is the yonisthana<br />

Svadhisthana: place of reunion of Shiva and Shakti, also called place of bliss (co-rn the<br />

Muladhara) Kamarupa. It is the source of desire and carnal level, an anticipation of the<br />

Shiva-Shakti union that ended in the Sahasrara. Ajnacakrase are very close sisters and<br />

soma cakra cakra, related to the functions and certain experiences intelligences yogis.<br />

About ajnacakra are also the karana-rupa, the seat of the seven "forms" causal ", of which<br />

it is said that central and produced are the body" subtle "and body" physical ". Finally,<br />

other texts speak of a certain number of adhara (= support, recep-tacular) located between<br />

the cakra or identified with them. (See Note VI, 9.)<br />

The only four known Buddhist Tantra cakra located respectively in the umbilical region,<br />

cardiac, laryngeal plexus and brain: the latter, the most important, is called usnisa-kamala

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