Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net


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However, the texts insist continually on this theme:<br />

jconservad the middle path, e] are right and the left was "Bosco! "jCortad two wings<br />

called Sol y Luna!" (Caryapada of Gundari, 4) "We must destroy and Rasan lalana two<br />

sides"<br />

(DohaJjsa of Kanhupada, 3) "When the Moon and Sun are well mixed with each other,<br />

the, merit and non-merit immediately disappear" (Sarah). Obtained the Great Bliss<br />

(mahasukha) "kept in the path of the medium and dominate (the roads dc) right and left"<br />

(Cart, "8. Kambalapada). "The right and left are ambushes" (Carya 32, Sarahapada: all<br />

these texts are reproduced, along with a large quantity of other texts, by PC Baggchi,<br />

Studies on the Tantras, p. 61 et seq.).<br />

Recall for the moment, two aspects of this symbolism: 1) the most important thing lies in<br />

the two main breathing, prana and apana, similar to the Sun and the Moon: it is thus a<br />

"cos-optimization" of the human body, 2 ?) but the whole effort of svdha-ka is in order to<br />

unify the "Luna" and "Sol" and to do so, to ma the middle path. Polivalentc soon see the<br />

complexity of the symbolism of the Sun-Moon union. Prinieramenix finish-n analysis of<br />

the subtle body, with the description of the cakra.<br />

The cakras<br />

According to the Hindu tradition, there are seven importantcs cakra, which relate to the<br />

six plexuses and suture frontalis.2 *<br />

I9) tnuladhara (mula ~ root) is located at the base of the spine between the anal opening<br />

and genital organs (coccygeus sacral plexus). Has the form of a red lotus of four petals,<br />

which are engraved in gold letters v, s, c, s. In the middle of the lotus is a yellow square,<br />

the emblem of the Earth element (prthivl) in the middle has an inverted triangle, symbol<br />

of the yoni called Kamarupa; in the heart of the triangle is placed on svayambhulinga (the<br />

linga that exists by itself ), head shining like a jewel. Eight times up (like a snake) around<br />

it, as bright as lightning, sleeping Kundalini, who with his mouth (or your head) encloses<br />

the hole in the linga. Thus, blocking the brahmadvara Kundalini (the door of Brahma ',<br />

see page. 223) and the access to this susutnna.Muladhara cakra in relation to the cohesive<br />

force of matter, with the inertia, the birth of the sound, smell, the respiration apana, the<br />

gods Indra, Brahma, Dakini, Shakti, etc..<br />

24 For a more complete description, see-e 'treated more authority ^, ^ (the conc-Ja rniente<br />

cakra doctrine, Satcckra Nirupana (ed.. And trans. Avalcn Arthur, The Serpent Power,<br />

London-Madras, 1 19>, V '* r t.imbien Note VI. 9.<br />

2?) Svadhistliana cakra, also called jalamandala (because its pull-tattva is water) and<br />

medhradhara (medhra = penis) is located at the base of the male generative organ (plexus<br />

sacred). Lotus with six petals orange, which has carved the letters b, bh, m, r, I. In the<br />

midst of the lotus, is a white crescent in mystic relation with Varuna. In the midst of the<br />

moon, a bija mantra, in whose center is Visnu, his side is the goddess Sakini (according<br />

Sivasamhita, V, 99, Rakini). Svadhisthana cakra is in relation to the Water element, color<br />

bianco, the respiration prana, sense of smell, hand, etc.<br />

39) manipura (mani = jewel, pure - city) or nabhisthana (na-bhi = navel), located in the<br />

lumbar region up to the belly button (epigastric plexus). Blue lotus with ten petals and the<br />

letters d, dh, n, t, th, d, dh, n, p, ph. In the midst of the lotus, a red triangle, and the<br />

triangle Maharudra god, seated on a bull at his side to Lakini Sakti, blue. This cakra is in

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