Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net


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"conscience" (or in some cases trans-consciousness ") 12 seeks wholeness and gain<br />

freedom. For this discovery, unconscious, a new scheme iniciatieo not isolated: we know<br />

that all the great mystical symbolism found in spontaneously suefios, in hallucinations<br />

and even the ecstasy duck-Logic, indeed, there have been experiences and symbols of<br />

ascension, of the March to the Center, "descent into hell, death and resurrecci6n, test<br />

initiation, and even the sim-bolismos complex alchemy. In a way, one can speak of an<br />

"apelike imitation" taking to the expression in its truest sense, imitation of behavior and<br />

gestures, but without the integral experience of the content involved.<br />

The mandala can be found inside the body-selves, and then the liturgy is "internalized,"<br />

ie, becomes a series of meditations' on the various "centers" and subsidi-tiles.<br />

We put 12 words in quotation marks to indicate that these are only taken in a<br />

psychological sense.<br />

PRAISE THE BODY. THE Hathayoga<br />

The human body takes in Tantrism, which never reached significance in the spiritual<br />

history of India. Certainly, the health and strength, interest in the Cosmos hbmologable<br />

physiology and implicitly sanctified, are Vedic values, if not pre-Vedic. But the extreme<br />

consequences trantrismo takes the concepts that holiness is only effective in a "divine<br />

body". The pessimism and asceticism and postupanishadicos Upanishads are abolished.<br />

The body is no longer a "source of pain," but the instrument track safer and that man has<br />

to "con-cyst death." And since we can obtain the liberation in this life itself, the body<br />

must be preserved as long as possible, and in perfect condition, precisely to facilitate<br />

meditation (Gheranda Satnhita, I, 8). As we will see a continuation, Indian alchemy<br />

proposed such a goal.<br />

Hevajra In Tantra, the Buddha (Bhagavan) proclaims that without a perfectly healthy<br />

body can not know the bliss. This is an adage repeated insistently in tantric literature and<br />

SADHA-jiya. Saraha tells it your way, full of pictures: "Here (in the body) are the<br />

Ganges and Jumna, Prayag and Benares: here the moon and sun, the sacred sites, and<br />

Pitha Upapitha. I have not known even a place at a time of pilgrimage and bliss,<br />

comparable to my body. " The Buddha himself is hiding in the body, also says Saraha.<br />

(Text reproduced by Dasgupta, Obscure Religious Cults, p. 103 et seq.)<br />

We can distinguish at least two orientations, different and converging at once, this<br />

emphatic appreciation of the human body and its possibilities: l ^) the emphasis on the<br />

total experience of life considered as part of the sadhana, this is the general position of all<br />

Tantric schools, 2) to dominate the will of the body to transform it into a "divine body",<br />

this is mainly the position of Hathayoga. A domination of that class should start with no<br />

pretensions, based on detailed knowledge of the organs and functions. Because, "^ as able<br />

to achieve perfection yogis who do not know your body and (if) a house with one column<br />

and nine gates, chaired by the five tutelary deities?" (Goraksa Sataka, 14). But it is the<br />

perfection that is sought, and this, as we shall soon see, there is no atletico higrenico<br />

order. £ 1-ga Hathayo not and must not be confunJido with gymnastics. The appearance<br />

of Hathayoga is attached to the name of an ascetic, Gorakhnath, founder of an order, that<br />

of Kanphata Yogi. He lived in the twelfth century, perhaps earlier. Everything we know

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