Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net


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egime change is preceded by a series about large of "evidence" that the candidate must<br />

perform successfully. initiatic-type test is the "struggle with the monster" (in the literal<br />

sense of the word in the<br />

"One of the most important tantric texts relating to the initiation into a mandala, the text<br />

of Nadapada (Naropa), is called just-Satik Sekodde ie" Comments on the Treaty of<br />

Baptism ".<br />

initiatives at the "monsters" clings "<br />

Mejana subconscious forces outputs to "empty" universal: it is overcoming the fear<br />

aroused. Now, we know that the grandeur and terrible aspect of the "monsters" are<br />

nothing more than a creation of the "fear iniciatieo.<br />

This aspect of the initiation cieitas reveals similarities in structure between the mandala<br />

and labyrinth. Ura amount of mandala on the other hand, has a purely labyrinthine<br />

pattern. Among the ritual functions of the labyrinth, we are interested mainly two: first,<br />

sim-alia metabolize the most, and whoever the pe<strong>net</strong>rate, make an ad descensus infer (<br />

"death" followed by "resurrection"), repre-senting also a "defense" both espirilual<br />

(against the dull spirits and demons, forces of chaos) and content (against enemies) In<br />

appointing the city a "Center of the World," as the temple or palace, the maze walls and<br />

defended by both the invaders and against the evil forces against the "ghosts of the desert,<br />

trying to drag shapes from amorphous state where leave. Approached from this angle, the<br />

function of the mandala-like labyrinth-would double, at least: first, the insertion of a<br />

mandala drawn on the ground amounts to an initiation, the other the mandala "defends"<br />

the disciple -what against all destructive force and at the same time helps you to<br />

concentrate, find their own "center. The latter function will appear more clearly when we<br />

speak of tantric sadhana.<br />

The liturgy includes a certain number of rites. We choose carefully the land on which the<br />

mandala will be drawn: it must be plain without stones or herbs; this approved, in effect,<br />

the transcendent level, indicating spatial and temporal symbolism of the mandala is a<br />

question to bring the piano to an ideal disciple, "transc6smico. We know that the "flat" is<br />

the image of Paradise or any other piano transcendent orographic changes, however,<br />

mean the creation, the appearance of Forms and Time. We can see then, in the mandala to<br />

a picture of paradise. Several attested there are paradisiacal symbolism. There is, for<br />

starters, similarity between the Pantheon built into the mandala and Paraisos had<br />

envisioned as Buddhists (Sukha-vati, Abhirati, Tusita, Trayastrimsa, etc..), The supreme<br />

God is in the center, sitting in his pavilion real, amid a park-swimming ENGAL lakes,<br />

flowers and birds, and surrounded by other deities<br />

(Tucci, Buddhist Notes, p. 196). But the Buddhist Paradise cs no more than a variant of<br />

Paradise among the other Indian, whose image is the oldest of Uttarakuru, the North<br />

Country, considered the abode of the blessed (Aitareya-Brahmana, VIII, 23; Tucci , p.<br />

197). According to Buddhist texts, Uttarakuru, Land of gold, it shines day and night and<br />

has four qualities: the terrain is flat, completely calm reigns there, is pure and their trees<br />

without thorns. The rice grows without having sown, as happened on earth, in the Age of<br />

Oro.10<br />

The symbolism of the mandala paradise also arises from another element: the expulsion<br />

of demons. It purifies the land of demons by invoking the Goddess of the Earth, the same<br />

that was invoked by the Buddha during each night of Bodhgaya. In other words. repeat

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