Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

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proposes a meditation on the the left hand fingers are identified with the five cosmic elements and the five tutelary deities, while five syllables a1 mystical "respectively bianco color, yellow, red, black and green" are "imposed" on ufias; these syllables re-presented to the five Tathagata: Vairocana, Amitabha, Aksobhya, and Amoghasiddhi Batnasambhava. To some extent, depend on the iconography-as at first tried to imitate the postures and gestures of the Buddha-the mudra, a term that offers a number of meanings (stamp, gestures, FingersteUung, disposition of the fingers, etc.). , one of which is erotica (see below, Note VI, 4). In tantric liturgy, mudra can receive various interpretations, the most common being the "realizaci6n" certain states of consciousness through hieratic gestures and postures, plus exactly by the echo effect in the deeper layers of the human being behind the re-discovery of "message" hidden in every archetypal gesture. For Hatbayoga, mudra bandha or designate a body posture during practiced pranayama and concentration in order to "freeze" the semen viril.8 But keep in mind that the tantric sadhana-articulated in a complex Liturgical the involved images, gestures and sounds at once. (Referring to the various meanings of mudras see Note VI, 4.) MANTRA, DHARANI Since Vedic times it was known the value of the "sounds mistH *". From the Yajurveda, OM, the mantra for excellence cia, go / prestige to universal has been identified with Brahman, with Veda, with all the great gods, Patanjali (Yoga-Sutra, I, 27) regarded it as a expression of Isvara. It is useless to recall the * Edited and translated by L. Finot, Manuscrtts Sanscrit * Sadhana (As'atique Journal, July-September 1934, p. 54-58, 69-71). t> About mulabaudha: Hathayogapradipika, III, 61-63; Gheranda-sam-hita. III, 14-17; Sivasamhita, TV, 64-66, on Mahabandha, Sivasamhita, IV, 37-42; you. Y-Pradipika, III, 19-21; Gheranda, III, 18-20; on mudra see the third chapter of the Gheranda-Samhita; on one of the most impor-tant Sakticalana-mudra, HY-Pradipika, III, 114 -118. List of mudra and description of the most important Sivasamhita, IV, 22; also Alain Dani lou, Yoga, P. 40 and ff. theories on Vak (the Word), the creative value of the ritual formulas (Aitareya Br X, 3, 1, XIII, 11, 7, etc.).. Simply note that certain tantric mantra are already in the Brahmana (eg.: Khat, photos, etc..; Apastamba, XII, 11, 10, etc.).. But it is mainly Tantric, Buddhist or sivaita, which elevated the mantra and the dignity dharani car of salvation (mantrayana) .* It is important to distinguish various aspects of this universal fashion of the sacred formula, fashion on one hand led to the most ele-vate theories concerning the "sounds mystical," and on the other, the mo-Flax lamaicas prayers. Above all, we must take into account the inevitable "popular success" of a similar method, the facili-'dad apparent to achieve salvation, or at least make merit, repeating the mantra and dharani. Not dwell on this phenomenon of vulgarization and spiritual decadence of a technique, is well known in the history of religions, and ultimately, it is their "people's victory" which can reveal the secret mantrayana. The practical value and importance of philosophical mantra orders are based on two facts: first, the yogi function of phonemes used as "carriers" for the concentration, then the actual contribution Tantric: the elaboration of a system and

gnostico revaluing depth liturgy archaic traditions concerning the "mystical sound. The dharani, literally "that which holds or locks, and served in Vedic times as" support "and" defense "of the concentration (Dharana), hence the name raksa Kavac and" protection "" co-race " , which also are given. For the uninitiated, the dharani are talismanes *: protect against demons, disease and male-efits. But for ascetics, yogis, the contemplative, the dharani become instruments of concentration, either through pranayama rhythmic, and mentally repeat during the phases of respiration. It is sometimes possible to guess the meaning of certain words mutilated (WABA, Vimala, hime, does it matter, kale, etc.., Expressing notions of purity, snow, etc..; Cchinde, which suggests the act of tearing, cutting, etc. .), but in most cases is extrafios phonemes and inintiligibles: Hrim, Hram, hrum, phat. etcetera. As probably the dharani were used and per - 8 Text and critical bibliography: Note VI, 5. during guided meditations by the invention cion fonetica necessarily limited to a certain number of syllables, es-taba offset by the deep resonance within such "so-mystical nests. Moreover, whatever the historical origin of dharani, were certainly the value of a secret language of initiation. Indeed, these sounds only revealed his message during meditation. To the layman, the dharani were ininteligi-able: its "meaning not belong to the rational language, used for the communication of experiences lay. A dharani, a man-anger revealed its meaning only when they were delivered according to the rules and the like, ie discovery, "awake." This process will be better understood when we take the metaphysical involutions in mantrayana-CRADA. Phonemes discovered during the meditation expressing states of consciousness probably estruclura "cosmic" hard to express through a secular terminology. Experiences of this kind were known in Vedic times, although the few documents that have been transmitted to us rather be content with alu-making, mainly in the form of images and symbols. Thus we have a spiritual technique clearly archaic certain "ecstasy Cosmi-ing" of the shamans are expressed font'ticas inventions which sometimes unintelligible to the creation of a "secret language" (our Shamanism, pag. 99 et seq.) . It is therefore supportive of the discovery experience of language in a way, and that by ecstatic vuclia a primary situation, provo-can the outbreak of daily consciousness. The entire effort is used in tantric yogi "awakening this primordial awareness and rediscover the preceding pler.itud to language and consciousness of time. The trend towards a" rediscovery of language, "for the purpose of comprehensively to revalue worldly experience, is revealed in Tantrism, especially by the use of "lexical secrets" (see page. 248). The dharani, as the mantra, you learn from "the mouth of the teacher" (gurucaktratah) is not because of phonemes belonging to profane language or that one can learn from books: one must "receive". But once received from the lips of the teacher, the mantra has unlimited powers. A tantric text of the first order, as Sadhanamala not hesitate to say the following: ^ What's that can not be done by the mantra, if implemented according to the rules? (ed. Bhattacharya, p. 575). You can even get the condition of Buddha (idem, p. 270). The mantra lokanatha, for example, can absolve the sins pray May (ibid., p. 31, and eka-jata mantra is so powerful that the moment he pronounces it, the initiate is free from all danger and reaches the sacredness of the Buddha (idem, p. 262). All siddhis ks, of any kind that are-from success in love to the obtaining of salvaci6n-obtsnidas by taies

gnostico revaluing depth liturgy archaic traditions concerning the "mystical sound.<br />

The dharani, literally "that which holds or locks, and served in Vedic times as" support<br />

"and" defense "of the concentration (Dharana), hence the name raksa Kavac and"<br />

protection "" co-race " , which also are given. For the uninitiated, the dharani are talismanes<br />

*: protect against demons, disease and male-efits. But for ascetics, yogis, the<br />

contemplative, the dharani become instruments of concentration, either through<br />

pranayama rhythmic, and mentally repeat during the phases of respiration. It is<br />

sometimes possible to guess the meaning of certain words mutilated (WABA, Vimala,<br />

hime, does it matter, kale, etc.., Expressing notions of purity, snow, etc..; Cchinde, which<br />

suggests the act of tearing, cutting, etc. .), but in most cases is extrafios phonemes and<br />

inintiligibles: Hrim, Hram, hrum, phat. etcetera. As probably the dharani were used and<br />

per -<br />

8 Text and critical bibliography: Note VI, 5.<br />

during guided meditations by the invention<br />

cion fo<strong>net</strong>ica necessarily limited to a certain number of syllables, es-taba offset by the<br />

deep resonance within such "so-mystical nests. Moreover, whatever the historical origin<br />

of dharani, were certainly the value of a secret language of initiation. Indeed, these<br />

sounds only revealed his message during meditation. To the layman, the dharani were<br />

ininteligi-able: its "meaning not belong to the rational language, used for the<br />

communication of experiences lay. A dharani, a man-anger revealed its meaning only<br />

when they were delivered according to the rules and the like, ie discovery, "awake." This<br />

process will be better understood when we take the metaphysical involutions in<br />

mantrayana-CRADA.<br />

Phonemes discovered during the meditation expressing states of consciousness probably<br />

estruclura "cosmic" hard to express through a secular terminology. Experiences of this<br />

kind were known in Vedic times, although the few documents that have been transmitted<br />

to us rather be content with alu-making, mainly in the form of images and symbols. Thus<br />

we have a spiritual technique clearly archaic certain "ecstasy Cosmi-ing" of the shamans<br />

are expressed font'ticas inventions which sometimes unintelligible to the creation of a<br />

"secret language" (our Shamanism, pag. 99 et seq.) . It is therefore supportive of the<br />

discovery experience of language in a way, and that by ecstatic vuclia a primary situation,<br />

provo-can the outbreak of daily consciousness. The entire effort is used in tantric yogi<br />

"awakening this primordial awareness and rediscover the preceding pler.itud to language<br />

and consciousness of time. The trend towards a" rediscovery of language, "for the<br />

purpose of comprehensively to revalue worldly experience, is revealed in Tantrism,<br />

especially by the use of "lexical secrets" (see page. 248).<br />

The dharani, as the mantra, you learn from "the mouth of the teacher" (gurucaktratah) is<br />

not because of phonemes belonging to profane language or that one can learn from<br />

books: one must "receive". But once received from the lips of the teacher, the mantra has<br />

unlimited powers. A tantric text of the first order, as Sadhanamala not hesitate to say the<br />

following: ^ What's that can not be done by the mantra, if implemented according to the<br />

rules? (ed. Bhattacharya, p. 575). You can even get the condition of Buddha (idem, p.<br />

270). The mantra lokanatha, for example, can absolve the sins pray May (ibid., p. 31, and<br />

eka-jata mantra is so powerful that the moment he pronounces it, the initiate is free from<br />

all danger and reaches the sacredness of the Buddha (idem, p. 262). All siddhis ks, of any<br />

kind that are-from success in love to the obtaining of salvaci6n-obtsnidas by taies

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