Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net


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the rediscovery of the Goddess has carnal relations with the condition of the Spirit in the<br />

kali-yuga. Indeed, the authors present the tantric doctrine as a new revelation of timeless<br />

truth, for the man in the "Dark Ages" in which the spirit is deeply mourned by the meat.<br />

Hindu Tantrism specialists believe that the Vedas and the Brahmanical tradition are<br />

inadequate for the "modern" man no longer has the spontaneity and vigor spiritually he<br />

enjoyed early in the sky, is unable to directly reach Truth (Maha-nirvana-tantra, I, 20-29,<br />

37-50), ie it is necessary to "swim against the stream" and that from the fundamental<br />

experiences and overcome your specific condition, ie, the same sources of his life here's<br />

causing "a living ritual" desempefia a decisive role in tantric sadhana, for which reason<br />

the "heart" and "sexuality" are the times of vehicles to achieve transcendence.<br />

For Buddhists, the same way, Vajrayana is a new revelation of the doctrine of Buddha,<br />

adapted to the possibilities, rather small, man, modern. In-7'antra Kalacakra as we are<br />

told the king Sucandra, approaching the Buddha, he asked the Yoga can save men's kaliyuga.<br />

The Buddha then revealed that the Cosmos is in the body of the hom-bre, I explain<br />

the importance of sexuality and taught him to control<br />

temporal rhythms through the discipline of<br />

order to escape the empire of Time. The meat, Cosmos vi-wind, weather, are three key<br />

elements of the Sad-hana Tantric.<br />

From here comes a first feature of Tantrism: their attitudes in general ascetic and antitheoretical.<br />

"The donkeys and other animals roam, they also naked. ^ Are yogis for that?"<br />

(Kularnava Tantra, V, 48). Since the human body represents the cosmos and all the gods,<br />

since the release can only be obtained based on the body, it is very important to have a<br />

healthy body and strong. In some schools tantric contempt for asceticism and theorizing<br />

is. Accompanied by the categorical rejection of all meditative practices: the liberation is<br />

pure spontaneity. Sarahs writes: "The yogis children, like many other ascetics, will never<br />

be able to find their own nature. You do not need the mantra, nor pictures, nor dharani all<br />

are cause confusion. In vain he seeks liberation through meditaci6n ... All are<br />

mesmerized by the system of jhana (meditation), but nobody has an interest in making his<br />

own ego. Another author sahajiya, Lui-pa writes back: "^ is the use of meditation?<br />

Despite it, one dies in pain. Abandon complicated because all practices and hope to get<br />

some siddhi, and accepts the Vacuum (Sun-ya) as your true nature. "<br />

From the outside, Tantrism would seem so set up an "easy path which leads in nicely, and<br />

almost without obstacles - to freedom. Because, and this we shall soon reach the<br />

vamacari think the identification with Siva and Sakti, using, in a ritual, wine, meat and<br />

carnal love. The Ktdarnava-tantra (VIII, 107) details that the ultimate union with God is<br />

obtained only through sexual union. And Guhyasamaja-tantra says hold on a pe -rentoria:<br />

"No one attains perfection to get through opera-tions difficult and tiring, but the<br />

perfection can be purchased easily through satisfaction of all desires" (ed. Bhattachanryya,<br />

Baroda, 1931, pag. 27). The same text says that lust is permitted (allowing, for<br />

example, eat any meat, and also human flesh pag. 26, etc..), that the tantric can kill any<br />

animal, which can lie, steal, adulte commit-ment, and so on. (pp. 20, 98, 120).<br />

(Noolvidemos that GuhyasamdjaTantra aims to obtain quickly the condition of Buddha!<br />

And when the House reveals the countless this strange truth, and these protesters, Buddha<br />

makes them see that what is not teaching them anything other than the boddhisattvacarya,<br />

"the behavior of the Bodhisattva". Because, he says (p. 37), "the conduct of the passions<br />

and affections (ragacarya) is the same as the conduct of a Bodhisattva (bodhisattva-

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