Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net Mircea Eliade YOGA IMMORTALITY AND ... - Brihaspati.net

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valid, as the Samana and the Brahmans were always there in time-and Buddha's problem, the problem of Yoga, were jus settling the "Time Out", access to the unconditioned: the comments made within the infinite sky of the trans-migration, nothing could be inferred as to the " reality "that began more karmic alia sky. As the Samana and the Brahmins, Buddhist monks are en-forced to recall their past lives. "He, who has concentrated, purified, clarified the spirit (...) becomes their minds to the knowledge of previous residences, by mem-ory. Remember the various previous residences, an existence of two stocks, three. .. four ... five ... ten ... Cincu-ta, a hundred, thousand, one hundred thousand stock (...) various periods of creation and destruction "(Majjhimanikaya ^, 22; in other texts, DemievihV pag. 284). As we see, this is the same High Science, both among Buddhists as among non-Buddhists. ^ What is this science? The texts do not say anything, show that the here-jes way off the notion of eternity, knowledge of their vi-das earlier, but the Buddhist notion being alone specified in the literature appears that in the An - contiguous memory of past lives is conceived in the spirit of yoga as a 'simple supernatural knowledge "(Demieville, cited, pag. 299). From Mahavibhasa specifies the benefit that a Buddhist monk can draw from this high Science: the reluctance of intermittent (non-permanent cia) and the same opinion is shared by the Abhidharma Kosa ^ Vasubandhu (Demieville, pag. 292 et seq.). But this justification late Buddhist scholasticism not look right and reveals the triumph of the "theoretical" versus "experimental feeders" of the theory against the mystic yogi. On the use given by the Buddha to the knowledge of past lives, although we have no information as to guide us. So, for starters, remember that the Buddha placed great importance on the function of such memory: the gods lost their divine status and fall from the heavens when "his memory is confused" (Digha, i, 19). But still: the inability to recall old stocks toci ignorance equals metaphysics / Buddha makes the case of the fallen gods of heaven because of his poor memory, some of them, once made men, withdrew from the world, practiced asceticism and meditation and obtained through yogic discipline, the ability to remember their past lives, but not all (Dhiga, id.) so they do not remember the beginning of the series of stock, and because of this "neglect" have a mistaken idea of the eternity of the world and the gods. So, the Buddha placed in a privileged place the ability to recognize old stocks. Through this mystical ability, it could access the "beginning of time", implying, as we shall see, the "Time Out". Ananda and other disciples "recalled the birth" (Jatim saranti) were of "the-whoremembered-the-birth" (jatissara). A. K. Coomaraswamy has the epithet pointing or jatissaro (Muinde Panha, 78, etc..) Reminds the epithet of Agni, jdtavedas because Agni also "knows all births (visvavedajanima, Rig Veda, VI, 15, 13) and is" omniscient "(visvavit, Rig Veda, III, 29, 7, etc.).. Vamadeva, author of a celebrated hymn Rigveda, was speaking 13 Recollection, Indian and Platonic (Supplement to the Journal of the American Oriental Society, n. 3 April-june 1944, p. 1-18). to himself: "found in the matrix (garbha nu san) have known all births of the gods" (Rig Veda, IV, 27, 1, according to the Garbha Upanishad, III, 4, the memory of intrauterine life na is lost at birth), "This is what Vamaveda, found in the matrix" (itareya Aranyaka, II, 5). Krisna "knows all stocks (Bhagavad-Gua, IV, 5). So, then, for Brahmanism as for the Buddha, the memory (in short, knowledge) was a faculty" divine "and extremely

valuable," which know ',' re-cord which "proves that this" concentrated "distraction, forgetfulness, ignorance," fall "are behaviors and situations in string. In scholastic Buddhist texts we are offered pre-cisos more information on the technique used. "It is the faculty consisting of re-assembling, by way of remembrance, the course of the days, months and to reach afios remaining in the matrix and finally to the past ones: an existence, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, a koti of stock. The great Arhat Prayekabuddha reach and overcome, through recall, 80,000 great kalpa. The great Bodhisattvas and the Buddha knows an unlimited number of kalpa " '(E. Lamotte, Traite de la Grande Vertude Sagesse, pag. 332). According Abhidharma Kosa, VII, pag. 123, "the ascetic who wants to remember their old stocks began to study the character of thinking just of dying, starting from this think-ing, traces its course considering the states that happen-ing one after another until the thought of conception . When you remember a moment of thought of the existence intermediary (antarabhaw), the abhijna this realixada. " (Nota de Lamotte, op cit. 332, No. 2). It is therefore at a given time from the closest to the present moment, and retracing the path traverse time (pa-Thomas, skr. Pratiloman "against") to get ad originem, when the first life "exploded" in sparking World Time, and closer to that paradoxical moment beyond which Time did not exist, because nothing had been said yet. It comunderstandable meaning and fhulidad of this technique is to unroll yogi time backwards. This results in true High Science, as it is achieved not only re-learn all the old stocks, but arrives at the "beginning of the world" and one turns to back "against the" must necessarily find the starting point , ultimately coincides with the Cos - with the first cosmic manifestation. Reliving past lives is to understand themselves, and to some extent, to "burn" their "sins", ie the sum of the acts under the rule of ignorance and passed (this amount) from one existence to another by the law of karma. But something even more important: it arrives at the beginning of time and meets one with the No-Time, the eternal present that precede temporal experience founded by the first human existence fall. In other words, it "reaches" the non-conditioned state that preceded the fall in Time and the wheel of stock. Which means that, starting from some time in the temporal duraci6n exhaust that can reach duration run at backwards and eventually lead to the no-time, in eternity. But this is already beyond the human condition and enter Nirvana. It's what to say to Buddha that he was the only one who had re-met all its previous stock, while the Arhats knew a considerable amount of their past lives, but is "far from knowing their Taban totalidadj as to Samana and the brahmr.nes, hastened to declare as we have seen, some philosophical theories about the reality of the world and I, instead of penetrating deeper into the past and to assist the solution of all these "realities" (as the only true reality, the Absolute, was not expressible in ordinary language philosophy). We realize the importance that the memory of old stocks in the art is yogi, which persecuted the escape of Time. But Buddha did not intend that this was the only means. He claimed he could very well exceed the time, namely the abolition of the profane condition, using the "right time" (Khan), getting the "instant enlightenment" (ekaksanabhi-sambodhi Mahayanists authors), which "broke the Time "and enabled" out of the "through a ruptured niveles.14

valid, as the Samana and the Brahmans were always there in time-and Buddha's problem,<br />

the problem of Yoga, were jus settling the "Time Out", access to the unconditioned: the<br />

comments made within the infinite sky of the trans-migration, nothing could be inferred<br />

as to the " reality "that began more karmic alia sky.<br />

As the Samana and the Brahmins, Buddhist monks are en-forced to recall their past lives.<br />

"He, who has concentrated, purified, clarified the spirit (...) becomes their minds to the<br />

knowledge of previous residences, by mem-ory. Remember the various previous<br />

residences, an existence of two stocks, three. .. four ... five ... ten ... Cincu-ta, a hundred,<br />

thousand, one hundred thousand stock (...) various periods of creation and destruction<br />

"(Majjhimanikaya ^, 22; in other texts, DemievihV pag. 284). As we see, this is the same<br />

High Science, both among Buddhists as among non-Buddhists. ^ What is this science?<br />

The texts do not say anything, show that the here-jes way off the notion of eternity,<br />

knowledge of their vi-das earlier, but the Buddhist notion being alone specified in the<br />

literature appears that in the An -<br />

contiguous memory of past lives is conceived in the spirit of yoga as a 'simple<br />

supernatural knowledge "(Demieville, cited, pag. 299). From Mahavibhasa specifies the<br />

benefit that a Buddhist monk can draw from this high Science: the reluctance of<br />

intermittent (non-permanent cia) and the same opinion is shared by the Abhidharma Kosa<br />

^ Vasubandhu (Demieville, pag. 292 et seq.).<br />

But this justification late Buddhist scholasticism not look right and reveals the triumph of<br />

the "theoretical" versus "experimental feeders" of the theory against the mystic yogi. On<br />

the use given by the Buddha to the knowledge of past lives, although we have no<br />

information as to guide us. So, for starters, remember that the Buddha placed great<br />

importance on the function of such memory: the gods lost their divine status and fall from<br />

the heavens when "his memory is confused" (Digha, i, 19). But still: the inability to recall<br />

old stocks toci ignorance equals metaphysics / Buddha makes the case of the fallen gods<br />

of heaven because of his poor memory, some of them, once made men, withdrew from<br />

the world, practiced asceticism and meditation and obtained through yogic discipline, the<br />

ability to remember their past lives, but not all (Dhiga, id.) so they do not remember the<br />

beginning of the series of stock, and because of this "neglect" have a mistaken idea of the<br />

eternity of the world and the gods. So, the Buddha placed in a privileged place the ability<br />

to recognize old stocks. Through this mystical ability, it could access the "beginning of<br />

time", implying, as we shall see, the "Time Out".<br />

Ananda and other disciples "recalled the birth" (Jatim saranti) were of "the-whoremembered-the-birth"<br />

(jatissara). A.<br />

K. Coomaraswamy has the epithet pointing or jatissaro (Muinde Panha, 78, etc..)<br />

Reminds the epithet of Agni, jdtavedas because Agni also "knows all births<br />

(visvavedajanima, Rig Veda, VI, 15, 13) and is" omniscient "(visvavit, Rig Veda, III, 29,<br />

7, etc.).. Vamadeva, author of a celebrated hymn Rigveda, was speaking<br />

13 Recollection, Indian and Platonic (Supplement to the Journal of the<br />

American Oriental Society, n. 3 April-june 1944, p. 1-18).<br />

to himself: "found in the matrix (garbha nu san) have known all births of the gods" (Rig<br />

Veda, IV, 27, 1, according to the Garbha Upanishad, III, 4, the memory of intrauterine<br />

life na is lost at birth), "This is what Vamaveda, found in the matrix" (itareya Aranyaka,<br />

II, 5). Krisna "knows all stocks (Bhagavad-Gua, IV, 5). So, then, for Brahmanism as for<br />

the Buddha, the memory (in short, knowledge) was a faculty" divine "and extremely

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