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THE BRITISH TRAVEL HEALTH ASSOCIATION REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND UNAUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR 1 APRIL 2007 TO 31 MARCH 2008 Macfarlane Gray Limited Chartered Accountants Macfarlane Gray House Castlecraig Business Park Springbank Road Stirling FK7 7WT Registered Charity Number: 1080546 h `'P

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>BRITISH</strong> <strong>TRAVEL</strong> <strong>HEALTH</strong> <strong>ASSOCIATION</strong><br />

<strong>REPORT</strong> OF <strong>THE</strong> EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND<br />


FOR <strong>THE</strong> YEAR 1 APRIL 2007 TO 31 MARCH 2008<br />

Macfarlane Gray Limited<br />

Chartered Accountants<br />

Macfarlane Gray House<br />

Castlecraig Business Park<br />

Springbank Road<br />

Stirling<br />

FK7 7WT<br />

Registered Charity Number: <strong>1080546</strong><br />

h `'P

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>BRITISH</strong> <strong>TRAVEL</strong> <strong>HEALTH</strong> <strong>ASSOCIATION</strong><br />

<strong>REPORT</strong> AND ACCOUNTS FOR <strong>THE</strong> YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2008<br />


Officers and professional advisors 1<br />

Executive committee's report 2-3<br />

Independent examiner's report 4<br />

Statement of financial activities incorporating a profit and loss account 5<br />

Balance sheet 6<br />

Notes to the accounts 7- 10

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>BRITISH</strong> <strong>TRAVEL</strong> <strong>HEALTH</strong> <strong>ASSOCIATION</strong><br />


President<br />

Dr Eric Walker<br />

Executive Committee<br />

Dr John Davies, Chairman<br />

Dr lain McIntosh, Deputy Chairman<br />

Dr George Kassianos, Honorary Secretary<br />

Mrs Claire Wong, Deputy Honorary Secretary<br />

Dr Julie Gallagher, Honorary Treasurer<br />

Dr Damian Williams, Deputy Honorary Treasurer [Co-opted member]<br />

Professor Larry Goodyer<br />

Dr Reggie Cooke<br />

Ms Sarah Buckley<br />

Principal Office<br />

61 Plough Lane, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 1 RQ<br />

Accountants<br />

Macfarlane Gray Limited, Macfarlane Gray House, Castlecraig Business Park, Springbank<br />

Road, Stirling, FK7 7WT<br />

Bankers<br />

Bank of Scotland, 1 Munro Road, Stirling, FK7 7SY<br />

Abbey National, 147/149 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3EW<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>BRITISH</strong> <strong>TRAVEL</strong> <strong>HEALTH</strong> <strong>ASSOCIATION</strong><br />

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE'S ANNUAL <strong>REPORT</strong> FOR <strong>THE</strong> YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2008<br />

Status<br />

The organisation is an unincorporated charity, constituted on 26 June 1999 and registered as a<br />

charity on 3 May 2000. Charity number <strong>1080546</strong>.<br />

Charitable Objects<br />

The objects of the charity are the relief of sickness and the protection of health primarily, but not<br />

exclusively, among people who travel overseas.<br />

Treasurer's Report<br />

The British Travel Health Association accounts are presented.<br />

The BTHA income comes primarily from membership fees and sponsorship.<br />

During 2007 we received £7,500 as Gold Sponsors from GlaxoSmithKline and £7,500 as Gold<br />

Sponsors from Sanofi Pasteur MSD.<br />

These monies are used to provide our membership benefits, which include the now twice yearly<br />

Journal, the Quarterly Travel Wise newsletter, educational grants and research bursaries. The<br />

monies also fund our secretarial support provided by Mrs Diane Jones and cover Council<br />

expenses for the 3-4 face to face Council meetings per annum and the regular Council<br />

teleconferences.<br />

Membership subscriptions have been increased for the first time since the Association was<br />

founded. This was done partially to compensate for the loss of sponsorship monies following the<br />

withdrawal of Chiron Evans.<br />

We have contributed in January 2007 to the 2"d Northern European Conference to be held in<br />

Helsinki in May 2008. We expect a positive return from this investment.<br />

The excellent 9th Annual BTHA Conference held in London, June 2007 was cost neutral.<br />

We have invested in a major upgrade of the BTHA web site and also introduced membership<br />

cards, online payment facilities and a members' forum. Publication costs have increased as we<br />

now publish 2 journals per year and have expanded the size of our quarterly newsletter Travel<br />

Wise. Following the loss of Chiron Evans sponsorship after the Novartis take over, we are<br />

currently in negotiation with several sources to establish further sponsorship both for the<br />

Association in general and for the excellent educational publications produced.<br />

Reserves<br />

The executive committee's policy on reserves is to retain sufficient funds to meet the cost of at<br />

least 12 months of ongoing commitments.<br />

Investment powers, policy and performance<br />

The executive committee has the power to invest surplus funds as it sees fit to maximise the<br />

benefit of the Association. Having considered the options available, the executive committee<br />

has decided to hold funds in a mixture of current and investment accounts to optimise interest<br />

earned and accessibility. This will be reviewed in the year commencing 1 April 2008.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>BRITISH</strong> <strong>TRAVEL</strong> <strong>HEALTH</strong> <strong>ASSOCIATION</strong><br />

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE'S ANNUAL <strong>REPORT</strong> FOR <strong>THE</strong> YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2008<br />

Governance and internal control<br />

The executive committee has considered the various risks to which the Association is exposed<br />

and is satisfied that there are appropriate systems in place to mitigate any exposure to these<br />

risks.<br />

Statement of committee's responsibilities<br />

Charity law requires the executive committee to prepare financial statements for each financial<br />

year which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the charity at the year end and of its<br />

incoming resources and resources expended during that year. In preparing those financial<br />

statements, the executive committee is required to:<br />

select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently.<br />

make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent.<br />

state whether applicable accounting standards and statements of recommended<br />

practice have been followed subject to any departures disclosed and explained in the<br />

financial statements; and<br />

prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate<br />

to presume that the charity will continue in business.<br />

The executive committee is responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose<br />

with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the charity and enable them to<br />

ensure that the financial statements comply with the Charities Act 1993. They are also<br />

responsible for safeguarding the assets of the charity and hence for taking reasonable steps for<br />

the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.<br />

Macfarlane Gray Limited (previously Macfarlane Gray) will remain in office until further<br />

notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..<br />

This report was approved by executive committee on<br />

And signed on its behalf by ... ... ....~ ..... Dr John Davies, Chairman<br />

-. r George Kassianos, Honorary Secretary<br />

3<br />

. Dr Julie Gallagher, Honorary Treasurer<br />



<strong>THE</strong> <strong>BRITISH</strong> <strong>HEALTH</strong> <strong>TRAVEL</strong> <strong>ASSOCIATION</strong><br />

FOR <strong>THE</strong> PERIOD ENDED 31 MARCH 2008<br />

I report on the accounts for the year to 31 March 2008 set out on pages 5 to 10.<br />

Respective responsibilities of trustees and examiner<br />

The charity's executive committee are responsible for the preparation of the accounts. The<br />

charity's executive committee consider that an audit is not required for this period (under<br />

Section 43(2) of the Charities Act 1993 (the 1993 Act)) and that an independent examination is<br />

required.<br />

It is my responsibility to:<br />

examine the accounts (under Section 43(3)(a) of the 1993 Act)<br />

to follow the procedures laid down in the General Directions given by the Charity<br />

Commission (under Section 43(7)(b) of the 1993 Act); and<br />

to state whether particular matters have come to my attention.<br />

Basis of the independent examiner's report<br />

My examination was carried out in accordance with the General Directions given by the Charity<br />

Commission. An examination includes a review of the accounting records kept by the charity<br />

and a comparison of the accounts presented with those records. It also includes consideration<br />

of any unusual items or disclosures in the accounts, and seeking explanations from you as<br />

trustees concerning any such matters. The procedures undertaken do not provide all the<br />

evidence that would be required in an audit, and consequently I do not express an audit opinion<br />

on the view given by the accounts.<br />

Independent examiner's statement<br />

In connection with my examination, no matter has come to my attention:<br />

(1) which gives me reasonable cause to believe that, in any material respect, the<br />

requirements<br />

to keep accounting records in accordance with Section 41 of the 1993 Act; and<br />

to prepare accounts which accord with the accounting records and comply with the<br />

accounting requirements of the 1993 Act<br />

have not been met; or<br />

(2) to which, in my opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper<br />

understanding of the accounts to be reached.<br />

be.n.~ Seur~<br />

Denise Laffe rty<br />

Macfarlane Gray Limited<br />

Chartered Accountants<br />

Macfarlane Gray House<br />

Castlecraig Business Park<br />

Springbank Road<br />

Stirling<br />

FK7 7WT<br />

Date: ..................................<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>BRITISH</strong> <strong>TRAVEL</strong> <strong>HEALTH</strong> <strong>ASSOCIATION</strong><br />


ACCOUNT FOR <strong>THE</strong> YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2008<br />

Unrestricted Restricted Total Funds Total Funds<br />

Notes Funds Funds 2008 2007<br />

£ £ £ £<br />

Incoming Resources<br />

Members' subscriptions - 9,186 9,186 11,212<br />

Activities in furtherance of<br />

the charity's objects:<br />

Conference and sponsorship 22,791 - 22,791 48,731<br />

Interest received 1,073 - 1,073 1.154<br />

Total Incoming Resources 2 23,864 9,186 33,050 61,097<br />

Resources Expended<br />

Charitable Expenditure<br />

Cost of activities including<br />

conferences and publications 17,060 22,088 39,148 38,205<br />

Support costs 2,337 - 2,337 2,713<br />

Governance costs 3,731 - 3.731 3.586<br />

Total Resources Expended 3 23,128 22,088 45,216 44,504<br />

Net Incoming/(Outgoing)<br />

Resources 736 (12,902) (12,166) 16,593<br />

Total Funds at 1 April 2007 60,180 - 60,180 43,587<br />

Transfer Between Funds (12.90 2) 12,902 -<br />

Total Funds at 31 March 2008<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>BRITISH</strong> <strong>TRAVEL</strong> <strong>HEALTH</strong> <strong>ASSOCIATION</strong><br />


2008 2007<br />

Notes<br />

£ £<br />


Sundry debtors 5 8,050 13,600<br />

Prepayments (NECTM 2) 5 3,374 3,427<br />

Bank accounts 38,624 52,426<br />

50,048 69.453<br />


Trade creditors<br />

Accruals and deferred income<br />


Represented by:<br />


General funds<br />

Designated funds<br />

Approved by the executive committee and signed on their behalf by:<br />

Dr George Kassianos (HonZrFacy~~cretary)<br />

Dr Julie Gallagher (Honora ry Treasurer)<br />

Date... .. 4"l ....<br />

6<br />

6<br />

7<br />

6<br />

,-~--<br />

799 7,804<br />

1,235 1,469<br />

2,034 9,273<br />

48.014 60.180<br />

32,014 44,180<br />

16,000 16,000<br />

48,014 60,180<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>BRITISH</strong> <strong>TRAVEL</strong> <strong>HEALTH</strong> <strong>ASSOCIATION</strong><br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> ACCOUNTS FOR <strong>THE</strong> YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2008<br />

1. Accounting Policies<br />

Basis of Accounting<br />

The Accounts have been prepared under the historical cost basis of accounting and in<br />

accordance with Accounting and Reporting by Charities 2005 - Statement of Recommended<br />

Practice.<br />

Funds<br />

The executive committee have defined funds in terms of those of a restricted nature and those<br />

which are unrestricted.<br />

Unrestricted funds are available for use at the discretion of the members in furtherance of<br />

the general objectives of the charity.<br />

Designated funds are unrestricted funds earmarked by the executive committee for<br />

particular purposes.<br />

Restricted funds are subjected to restrictions on their expenditure imposed by the donor or<br />

through the terms of an appeal.<br />

Incoming resources<br />

All incoming resources are included in the Statement of Financial Activities when the charity is<br />

entitled to the income and the amount can be quantified with reasonable accuracy. The<br />

following specific policies are applied to particular categories of income:<br />

Incoming resources from sponsorships are accounted for as the charity earns the right to<br />

consideration.<br />

Resources expended<br />

Expenditure is recognised on an accruals basis as a liability is incurred. Expenditure includes<br />

any VAT which cannot be recovered, and is reported as part of the expenditure to which it<br />

relates:<br />

Charitable expenditure comprises those costs incurred by the charity in the delivery of its<br />

activities and services for its beneficiaries.<br />

Governance costs include those costs associated with meeting the constitutional and<br />

statutory requirements of the charity and include the accountancy fees.<br />

All costs are allocated between the expenditure categories of the Statement of Financial<br />

Activities on a basis designed to reflect the use of the resource.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>BRITISH</strong> <strong>TRAVEL</strong> <strong>HEALTH</strong> <strong>ASSOCIATION</strong><br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> ACCOUNTS FOR <strong>THE</strong> YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2008<br />

2. Total Incomina Resources<br />

Restricted funds<br />

Members' subscriptions<br />

Designated fund<br />

Charitable fund<br />

Contingency fund<br />

General fund<br />

At At<br />

01 Apr Incoming Outgoing 31 Mar<br />

2007 Resources Resources Transfers 2008<br />

£ £ £ £ £<br />

9,186 (22,088) 12,902<br />

1,000 - - - 1,000<br />

15,000 - - - 15,000<br />

44,180 23,864 (23,128) 1<br />

( 2,902) 32,014<br />

60,180 33,050 (45,216) - 48,014<br />

Incoming resources allocated to general funds include the following:<br />

Sponsorship<br />

GSK Services<br />

Sundry Sponsorship<br />

Chiron Vaccines<br />

Sanofi Pasteur<br />

Conferences<br />

IN Conference Limited<br />

Conference income<br />

Newsletters and Journals<br />

Red Door<br />

Masta<br />

Sanofi Pasteur<br />

GSK Services<br />

Elsevier<br />

Roche<br />

Bank interest<br />

2008 2007<br />

£ £<br />

7,500 8,500<br />

538 -<br />

(5,000) 5,725<br />

7,500 18,500<br />

- 7,258<br />

9,020 6,748<br />

- 1,500<br />

- 500<br />

500<br />

1,500 -<br />

983 -<br />

250 -<br />

22,791 48,731<br />

1,073 1,154<br />

23.864 49.885<br />

BTHA are still in negotiation with Chiron Vaccines and are hopeful that the sponsorship of<br />

£5,000 for the year ended 31 March 2007 will be received, however no debtor has been<br />

provided in the accounts.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>BRITISH</strong> <strong>TRAVEL</strong> <strong>HEALTH</strong> <strong>ASSOCIATION</strong><br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> ACCOUNTS FOR <strong>THE</strong> YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2008<br />

3. Total resources expended<br />

Charitable<br />

Travelling and accommodation<br />

Conference<br />

Printing, stationery and postages<br />

Newsletters and journals<br />

Administration<br />

Website<br />

Secretarial support<br />

Education bursary<br />

Research grant<br />

Other<br />

Accountancy<br />

4. Employee information<br />

Activities<br />

£<br />

2,364<br />

13,586<br />

1,266<br />

18,766<br />

Support 2008 2007<br />

Costs Governance Total Total<br />

£ £ £ £<br />

- - 2,364 2,598<br />

- - 13,586 14,147<br />

- - 1,266 4<br />

- - 18,766 18,035<br />

- 105 - 105 377<br />

2,232 2,232 2,232 6,696 7,008<br />

200 - - 200 299<br />

500 - - 500 -<br />

234 - - 234 786<br />

- - 1,499 1,499 1,250<br />

39,148 2,337 3,731 45,216 44,504<br />

The Association does not employ any staff. The executive committee receive no remuneration<br />

for their duties. Members of the executive committee were reimbursed for travel and<br />

accommodation costs only.<br />

5. Debtors<br />

Sundry debtors: Sanofi Pasteur<br />

Bank interest<br />

2008 2007<br />

£<br />

£<br />

7,500<br />

550<br />

8.050 13.600<br />

Prepayments: NECTM 2 3,374 3,427<br />

6. Creditors<br />

2008 2007<br />

£ £<br />

Trade creditors: PR Print 799<br />

Accruals and deferred income: Accountancy 1,235<br />

2.034<br />

9,273<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>BRITISH</strong> <strong>TRAVEL</strong> <strong>HEALTH</strong> <strong>ASSOCIATION</strong><br />

NOTES TO <strong>THE</strong> ACCOUNTS FOR <strong>THE</strong> YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2008<br />

7. Analysis of Net Assets Between Funds<br />

Restricted Designated General Total<br />

Funds Funds Funds Funds<br />

£ £ £ £<br />

Balance at 1 April 2007 - 16,000 44,180 60,180<br />

Surplus/(deficit) for year (12,902) - 736 (12,166)<br />

Transfer between funds 12,902 - (12,902) -<br />

Balance at 31 March 2008 16.000 32,014 48.014<br />

Represented by:<br />

Current assets - 16,000 34,048 50,048<br />

Current liabilities - - (2,034) (2,034)<br />

- 16.000 32,014 48.014<br />

Purposes of the restricted funds:<br />

1. Members' subscriptions: to provide information and updates.<br />

Purposes of designated funds:<br />

1. Charitable fund: to provide grants to people carrying out overseas charity work, to a<br />

maximum of £250 per application.<br />

2. Contingency fund: to provide a reserve to carry on the activities of the organisation in<br />

case of reduced sponsorship.<br />


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