Dairy Sheep Symposium - the Department of Animal Sciences ...

Dairy Sheep Symposium - the Department of Animal Sciences ... Dairy Sheep Symposium - the Department of Animal Sciences ...

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Prentice A., Addey C.V. and Wilde C.J. (1989). Evidence for local feedback control of human milk secretion. Biochemical Society Transactions 17, 122. Pulina G. (1990). L’influenza dell’alimentazione sulla qualitá del latte ovino (The effect of nutrition on the quality of sheep milk). L’informatore Agrario 37, 31-9. Pulina G. and Rassu S.P.G. (1991a). Qualitá del latte, occhio all’alimentazione (Milk quality, keep an eye on nutrition). Informatore Zootecnico 38, 28-34. Pulina G. and Rassu S.P.G. (1991b). Effetto dell’impiego della Flavomicina sul contenuto in cellule somatiche nel latte ovino (Effect of Flavomycin on the somatic cell count of sheep milk). Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium Qualitá del latte ovino-caprino , Varese I, 193-6. Pulina G., Cannas A., Rassu S.P.G., Rossi G. (1995) - Effect of fibre and protein content of a complete pelleted feed on lactating dairy ewes. Agricoltura Mediterranea 125,115-20. Pulina G., Cappio-Borlino A., Papoff C.M., Campus R.L. and Rassu S.P.G. (1991). Influenza della conta cellulare nella valutazione del contenuto proteico del latte di pecore di razza Sarda (Influence of cell count on the evaluation of protein concentration in the milk of Sarda sheep). Proceedings of the 9th National ASPA (Associazione Scientifica Produzione Animale) Congress 1009-17. Pulina G., Forbes J.M., Nudda A. and Brandano P. (1994a). Analisi delle correlazioni fra ingestione alimentare, peso corporeo e produzione lattea quanti-qualitativa in pecore di razza Sarda (Analysis of the correlation between food intake, liveweight and yield and quality of milk in Sarda sheep). Proceedings of the 8th National Congress of the Italian Society of Pathology and Farming of Ovines and Caprines (SIPAOC) 397-400. Pulina G., Nudda A. and Contu M. (1992). Indagine su alcuni fattori di variazione della qualitá del latte ovino (Investigation on some factors of variation in the quality of sheep milk). Proceedings of the Italian Society of Pathology and Farming of Ovines and Caprines (SIPAOC) on ‘Sheep milk and market: production, technologies and marketing’ 29-36. Pulina G., Nudda A., Rassu S.P.G. and Brandano P. (1994b). Milk secretion during the day and the night in Sarda dairy ewes milked with different intervals. 45 Annual Meeting European Association of Animal Production, Edinburgh (UK) 195. Pulina G., Rossi G., Cannas A., Papoff C.M. and Campus R.L. (1990a). Influenza della concentrazione proteica della razione sulla produzione quanti-qualitativa di latte in pecore di razza Sarda (Influence of protein concentration in the ration on the yield and quality of milk in Sarda sheep). Agricoltura Ricerca 105, 65-70. Pulina G., Serra A., Campus R.L. and Papoff C.M. (1990b). Effetto della grassatura e della concentrazione proteica della razione sulla composizione acidica del grasso del latte di pecore di razza Sarda (Effect of fat addition and protein concentration in the ration on the fatty acid composition of Sarda sheep milk fat). Proceedings of the 9th National Congress of the Italian Society of Pathology and Farming of Ovines and Caprines (SIPAOC) 3, 3. Pulina G., Serra A., Macciotta N.P.P. and Nudda A. (1993). La produzione continua di latte nella specie ovina in ambiente mediterraneo (Continuous milk production from sheep in a mediterranean environment). Proceedings of the 10th National ASPA (Associazione Scientifica Produzione Animale) Congress 353-6. Purroy Unanua A. (1986). Machine milking of sheep. Proceedings of the International Dairy Federation Seminar on Production and Utilization of Ewe’s and Goat’s Milk. Athens, Greece. Bulletin of the International Dairy Federation No 202/1986, 28-41.

Ranieri M.S. (1993). La variazione dei principali costituenti del latte ovino durante la mungitura (Variation of the principal constituents of sheep milk during milking). L’Allevatore di Ovini e di Caprini 10, 14-6. Ranucci S.E. and Morgante M. (1994). Sanitary control of sheep udder: total and differential cell controls in milk. Proceedings of the International symposium ‘Somatic cells and milk of small ruminants’, Bella, Italy, 25-27 September. Rao I.V. and Ludri R.S. (1984). Effect of increasing milking frequency on efficiency of milk production and its organic constituents in crossbred cows. Indian Journal of Animal Science 54, 33-7. Resmini P (1978). Appunti di Industrie Agrarie (Notes on Agricultural Industries). CLESAV, Milano Italy. Reynolds L.L. and Brown D.L. (1991). Assessing dairy potential of Western White-Faced ewes. Journal of Animal Science 69, 1354-62. Ricordeau G. (1974). Problèmes liés a la finition de la traite a la machine des brebis et des chèvres: importance et intérêt des égouttages machine et manuel et simplification de ces opérations. Proceedings of the Symposium sur la Traite Mechanique des Petites Ruminants, Millau, France. Annales de Zootechnie - Numéro Hors Série/1974 , 123-31. Robinson J.J. (1988). Energy and protein requirements of the ewe. In ‘ Recent developments in ruminant nutrition’. (Ed. W. Haresign & D.J.A. Cole) Butterworths, London 365-81. Robinson J.J., Foster W.H. and Forbes T.J. (1968). An assessment of the variation of milk yield of ewes determined by the lamb-suckling technique. Journal of Agricultural Science (Cambridge) 70, 187-94. Robinson J.J., Fraser C., Gill J.C. and McHattie I. (1974). The effect of dietary crude protein concentration and time of weaning on milk production and body weight change in the ewe. Animal Production 19, 331-9. Robinson J.J., McHattie I., Calderon-Cortes J.F. and Thompson J.L. (1979). Further studies on the response of lactating ewes to dietary proteins. Animal Production 29, 257-69. Ronchi B., Lacetera N.G., Bernabucci U. and Nardone A. (1994). Preliminary report on the relationship between selenium status amd milk somatic cell count in selenium deficient Sardinian ewes. Proceedings of the International symposium ‘Somatic cells and milk of small ruminants’, Bella, Italy, 25-27 September. Rossi G. and Pulina G. (1991). Il ruolo dell’alimentazione nella composizione lipidica del latte ovino (Role of nutrition in the lipidic composition of sheep milk). L’informatore Agrario 47, 1-5. Rossi G., Pulina G. and Cannas A. (1988). Alimentazione bilanciata per avere piú latte (A balanced nutrition to produce more milk). Informatore Zootecnico 36, 41-44. Rossi G., Pulina G., Serra A., Cannas A., Brandano P. (1991). L’impiego di un alimento unico pellettato nell’alimentazione della pecora da latte: 1 Produzione quanti-qualitativa di latte, livello di ingestione e variazione del peso vivo (Use of a pelleted feed for dairy sheep: 1 Quantity and quality of milk produced, voluntary food intake and live weight variation). Zootecnia e Nutrizione Animale 17, 23-34. Ruiu A. and Pulina G. (1992). Mastiti ovine, qualitá del latte e prospettive di profilassi sanitaria (Ovine mastitis, milk quality and prospects of prevention). L’Informatore Agrario 48, 37-40. Russo V., Davoli R. and Migliori L. (1981). Polimorfismo genetico delle proteine del latte nelle pecore di razza Sarda e Massese. (Genetic polymorphism in the proteins of Sarda and Massese sheep milk). Zootecnia e Nutrizione Animale 7, 421-8.

Ranieri M.S. (1993). La variazione dei principali costituenti del latte ovino durante la mungitura<br />

(Variation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> principal constituents <strong>of</strong> sheep milk during milking). L’Allevatore di Ovini e<br />

di Caprini 10, 14-6.<br />

Ranucci S.E. and Morgante M. (1994). Sanitary control <strong>of</strong> sheep udder: total and differential cell<br />

controls in milk. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> International symposium ‘Somatic cells and milk <strong>of</strong><br />

small ruminants’, Bella, Italy, 25-27 September.<br />

Rao I.V. and Ludri R.S. (1984). Effect <strong>of</strong> increasing milking frequency on efficiency <strong>of</strong> milk<br />

production and its organic constituents in crossbred cows. Indian Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Animal</strong> Science<br />

54, 33-7.<br />

Resmini P (1978). Appunti di Industrie Agrarie (Notes on Agricultural Industries). CLESAV,<br />

Milano Italy.<br />

Reynolds L.L. and Brown D.L. (1991). Assessing dairy potential <strong>of</strong> Western White-Faced ewes.<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Animal</strong> Science 69, 1354-62.<br />

Ricordeau G. (1974). Problèmes liés a la finition de la traite a la machine des brebis et des<br />

chèvres: importance et intérêt des égouttages machine et manuel et simplification de ces<br />

opérations. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Symposium</strong> sur la Traite Mechanique des Petites Ruminants,<br />

Millau, France. Annales de Zootechnie - Numéro Hors Série/1974 , 123-31.<br />

Robinson J.J. (1988). Energy and protein requirements <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ewe. In ‘ Recent developments in<br />

ruminant nutrition’. (Ed. W. Haresign & D.J.A. Cole) Butterworths, London 365-81.<br />

Robinson J.J., Foster W.H. and Forbes T.J. (1968). An assessment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> variation <strong>of</strong> milk yield<br />

<strong>of</strong> ewes determined by <strong>the</strong> lamb-suckling technique. Journal <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Science (Cambridge)<br />

70, 187-94.<br />

Robinson J.J., Fraser C., Gill J.C. and McHattie I. (1974). The effect <strong>of</strong> dietary crude protein<br />

concentration and time <strong>of</strong> weaning on milk production and body weight change in <strong>the</strong> ewe.<br />

<strong>Animal</strong> Production 19, 331-9.<br />

Robinson J.J., McHattie I., Calderon-Cortes J.F. and Thompson J.L. (1979). Fur<strong>the</strong>r studies on<br />

<strong>the</strong> response <strong>of</strong> lactating ewes to dietary proteins. <strong>Animal</strong> Production 29, 257-69.<br />

Ronchi B., Lacetera N.G., Bernabucci U. and Nardone A. (1994). Preliminary report on <strong>the</strong><br />

relationship between selenium status amd milk somatic cell count in selenium deficient<br />

Sardinian ewes. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> International symposium ‘Somatic cells and milk <strong>of</strong><br />

small ruminants’, Bella, Italy, 25-27 September.<br />

Rossi G. and Pulina G. (1991). Il ruolo dell’alimentazione nella composizione lipidica del latte<br />

ovino (Role <strong>of</strong> nutrition in <strong>the</strong> lipidic composition <strong>of</strong> sheep milk). L’informatore Agrario 47,<br />

1-5.<br />

Rossi G., Pulina G. and Cannas A. (1988). Alimentazione bilanciata per avere piú latte (A<br />

balanced nutrition to produce more milk). Informatore Zootecnico 36, 41-44.<br />

Rossi G., Pulina G., Serra A., Cannas A., Brandano P. (1991). L’impiego di un alimento unico<br />

pellettato nell’alimentazione della pecora da latte: 1 Produzione quanti-qualitativa di latte,<br />

livello di ingestione e variazione del peso vivo (Use <strong>of</strong> a pelleted feed for dairy sheep: 1<br />

Quantity and quality <strong>of</strong> milk produced, voluntary food intake and live weight variation).<br />

Zootecnia e Nutrizione <strong>Animal</strong>e 17, 23-34.<br />

Ruiu A. and Pulina G. (1992). Mastiti ovine, qualitá del latte e prospettive di pr<strong>of</strong>ilassi sanitaria<br />

(Ovine mastitis, milk quality and prospects <strong>of</strong> prevention). L’Informatore Agrario 48, 37-40.<br />

Russo V., Davoli R. and Migliori L. (1981). Polimorfismo genetico delle proteine del latte nelle<br />

pecore di razza Sarda e Massese. (Genetic polymorphism in <strong>the</strong> proteins <strong>of</strong> Sarda and<br />

Massese sheep milk). Zootecnia e Nutrizione <strong>Animal</strong>e 7, 421-8.

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