Dairy Sheep Symposium - the Department of Animal Sciences ...

Dairy Sheep Symposium - the Department of Animal Sciences ... Dairy Sheep Symposium - the Department of Animal Sciences ...

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Casu S. and Boyazoglu J.G. (1974). Effets de la suppression de la traite du soir chez la brebis Sarde. Proceedings of the Symposium sur la Traite Mechanique des Petites Ruminants. Held in Millau, France 7-11 May 1973. Annales de Zootechnie - Numéro Hors Série/1974 139-44. Casu S. and Labussière J. (1972). Premiers résultats concernant la suppression d’une ou plusieurs traites par semaine chez la brebis Sarde. Annales de Zootechnie 21, 223-32. Casu S. and Marcialis A. (1966). Contributo alla conoscenza delle relazioni fra composizione del latte e resa in formaggio di tipo Pecorino Romano (Contribution to the knowledge of the relationship between milk composition and yield of Pecorino Romano cheese). Scienza e Tecnica Lattiero Casearia 17, 2-213. Casu S. and Sanna S. (1990). Aspetti e problemi del miglioramento genetico della composizione del latte di pecora e di capra (Aspects and problems of genetic improvement of the composition of milk from sheep and goats). Proceedings of the Second International Symposium ‘ Nuove prospettive della ricerca sugli ovi-caprini’. Varese , Italy 171-95. Casu S., Boyazoglu J.G. and Ruda G. (1978a). Essais sur la traite mechanique semplifiee des brebis Frisonne x Sarde. Proceedings of the Symposium sur la Traite Mechanique des Petites Ruminants. Alghero, Italy 235-43. Casu S., Sanna A., Sanna G. and Piccinelli G. (1978b). Simplification des operations de la traite mechanique des brebis Sardes: la suppression de la repasse a la machine. Proceedings of the Symposium sur la Traite Mechanique des Petites Ruminants. Alghero, Italy 215-23. Cavani C., Bianconi L., Manfredini M., Rizzi L. and Zarri M.C. (1991). Effects of a complete diet on the qualitative characteristics of ewe milk and cheese. Small Ruminant Research 5, 273-84. Chapman H.R. (1981). Standardization of milk for cheesemaking at research level. Journal of the Society of Dairy Technology 34, 147-52. Chiofalo L. and Micari P. (1987). Attuali conoscenze sulle varianti delle proteine del latte nelle popolazioni ovine allevate in Sicilia. Osservazioni sperimentali. Scienza e Tecnica Lattiero Casearia 38, 104-14. Chiofalo L., Micari P. and Sturniolo G. (1982). Polimorfismo delle proteine del latte nella pecora Siciliana (Polymorphism in the proteins of milk in Sicilian sheep). Zootecnia e Nutrizione Animale 8, 263-8. Chiofalo L., Micari P., Chiofalo V. and Giunta P. (1989). Parametri chimici e di coagulazione nel latte delle razze Sarda e Comisana (Chemical and coagulation parameters in the milk of the Sarda and Comisana Breeds). Proceedings of the SISVET (Italian Society of Veterinary Science) 43,1851-6. Chiofalo V., Micari P., Savoini G., Zumbo A., Bontempo V. and Ziino M. (1993). Impiego di differenti fonti energetiche per l’alimentazione della pecora: effetti sulle caratteristiche quanti-qualitative nel latte (use of different energy sources to feed sheep: effects on milk quantity and quality). Proceedings of the 10th National ASPA (Associazione Scientifica Produzione Animale) Congress 339-44. Cogan T.M. and Hill C. (1993). Cheese starter cultures In ‘Cheese: chemistry, physics and microbiology’. Editor P.F. Fox. Chapman and Hall 1, 193-255. Coop I.E., Clark V.R. and Claro D. (1972). Nutrition of the ewe in early lactation. I. Lamb growth rate. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 15, 203-8. Corbett J.L. (1968). Variation in the yield and composition of milk of grazing Merino ewes. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 19, 283-94.

Cowan R.T., Robinson J.J., McHattie I. and Pennie K. (1981). Effects of protein concentration in the diet on milk yield, change in body composition and the efficiency of utilization of body tissue for milk production in ewes. Animal Production 33, 111-20. Cuccurru C., Zucconi A., Caria A., Ruffo G. and Contini A. (1994). Analyis of risk for somatic cell count in ewes: envirommental, management and microbiological factors. Proceedings of the International symposium ‘Somatic cells and milk of small ruminants’, Bella, Italy, 25-27 September. Dattilo M (1971). L’influenza di alcuni fattori esogenetici sulla produzione lattea degli ovini (The influence of some esogenous factors on milk production in sheep). Studi Sassaresi - Annali della Facoltá di Agraria dell’Universitá di Sassari 19, 338-65. Davies H.L. (1958). Milk yield of Australian Merino ewes and lamb growth under pastoral conditions. Proceedings of the Australian Society of Animal Production 2, 15-21. Davis S.R., Hughson G.A., Farquhar P.A and Rattray P.V. (1980). The relationship between the degree of udder development and milk production in Coopworth ewes. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production 40, 163-5. Davoli R., Dall’Olio S. and Russo V. (1985). Polimorfismo delle proteine del latte nella razza ovina delle Langhe. (Genetic polymorphism in the proteins of Langhe sheep milk). Proceedings of the 6th National ASPA (Associazione Scientifica Produzione Animale) Congress 349- 53. Dawe S.T. (1992). Sheep dairy parlours. In ‘Sheep dairying. The Manual’. Editors S.T. Dawe and M. Dignand. NSW Agriculture. Dawe S.T. and Langford C.M. (1987). The development of a NSW sheep dairying industry. Proceedings of the Sheep and Wool Seminar and Refreshers Course, N.S.W. Department of Agriculture, Goulburn, New South Wales, Australia 32, 1-11. De Maria-Ghionna C., Dell’Aquila S. and Carini S. (1982). Influenza di una soppressione di una mungitura giornaliera sulla produzione, su talune caratteristiche qualitative e sull’attitudine alla coagulazione del latte in pecore di razza Comisana (Effect of suppressing one milking per day on quality, yield and clotting ability of milk in the Comisana breed of sheep). Zootecnia e Nutrizione Animale 8, 407-18. Delacroix-Buchet A., Barillet F. and Lagriffoul G. (1994). Caratterisation de l’aptitude fromagere des laits de brebis Lacaune a l’aide d’un Formagraph. Lait 74, 173-86. Dell’Aquila S., Pilla M.A., Catillo G., Scardella G. and Taibi L. (1993). Produzione di latte in pecore di razza Comisana, Delle Langhe, Massese, Sarda e loro meticce. Zootecnica e Nutrizione Animale 14, 95-102. Dell’Orto V. and Savoini G. (1989). Sali di calcio degli acidi grassi nell’alimentazione della bovina da latte (Calcium salts in the nutrition of the dairy cow). L’informatore Agrario 6, 117-24. Denamur R. and Martinet J. (1961). Action de l’ocytocine sur la sécrétion du lait de brebis (Action of oxytocin on milk secretion in sheep). Annales d’ Endocrinologie 22, 777-81. Dilanian, A.H. (1969). FIL-IDF Annual Bulletin, Part IV, Cited by Anifantakis (1986). Dolby R.M. (1971). Standardization of the fat content of cheese. New Zealand Journal of Dairy Science and Technology, 6 28-9. Doney J.M. and Munro J. (1962). The effect of suckling, management and season on sheep milk production as estimated by lamb growth. Animal Production 4, 215-220.

Cowan R.T., Robinson J.J., McHattie I. and Pennie K. (1981). Effects <strong>of</strong> protein concentration<br />

in <strong>the</strong> diet on milk yield, change in body composition and <strong>the</strong> efficiency <strong>of</strong> utilization <strong>of</strong> body<br />

tissue for milk production in ewes. <strong>Animal</strong> Production 33, 111-20.<br />

Cuccurru C., Zucconi A., Caria A., Ruffo G. and Contini A. (1994). Analyis <strong>of</strong> risk for somatic<br />

cell count in ewes: envirommental, management and microbiological factors. Proceedings <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> International symposium ‘Somatic cells and milk <strong>of</strong> small ruminants’, Bella, Italy, 25-27<br />

September.<br />

Dattilo M (1971). L’influenza di alcuni fattori esogenetici sulla produzione lattea degli ovini<br />

(The influence <strong>of</strong> some esogenous factors on milk production in sheep). Studi Sassaresi -<br />

Annali della Facoltá di Agraria dell’Universitá di Sassari 19, 338-65.<br />

Davies H.L. (1958). Milk yield <strong>of</strong> Australian Merino ewes and lamb growth under pastoral<br />

conditions. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Australian Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Animal</strong> Production 2, 15-21.<br />

Davis S.R., Hughson G.A., Farquhar P.A and Rattray P.V. (1980). The relationship between <strong>the</strong><br />

degree <strong>of</strong> udder development and milk production in Coopworth ewes. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

New Zealand Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Animal</strong> Production 40, 163-5.<br />

Davoli R., Dall’Olio S. and Russo V. (1985). Polimorfismo delle proteine del latte nella razza<br />

ovina delle Langhe. (Genetic polymorphism in <strong>the</strong> proteins <strong>of</strong> Langhe sheep milk). Proceedings<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 6th National ASPA (Associazione Scientifica Produzione <strong>Animal</strong>e) Congress 349-<br />

53.<br />

Dawe S.T. (1992). <strong>Sheep</strong> dairy parlours. In ‘<strong>Sheep</strong> dairying. The Manual’. Editors S.T. Dawe<br />

and M. Dignand. NSW Agriculture.<br />

Dawe S.T. and Langford C.M. (1987). The development <strong>of</strong> a NSW sheep dairying industry.<br />

Proceedings <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Sheep</strong> and Wool Seminar and Refreshers Course, N.S.W. <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

Agriculture, Goulburn, New South Wales, Australia 32, 1-11.<br />

De Maria-Ghionna C., Dell’Aquila S. and Carini S. (1982). Influenza di una soppressione di una<br />

mungitura giornaliera sulla produzione, su talune caratteristiche qualitative e sull’attitudine<br />

alla coagulazione del latte in pecore di razza Comisana (Effect <strong>of</strong> suppressing one milking<br />

per day on quality, yield and clotting ability <strong>of</strong> milk in <strong>the</strong> Comisana breed <strong>of</strong> sheep).<br />

Zootecnia e Nutrizione <strong>Animal</strong>e 8, 407-18.<br />

Delacroix-Buchet A., Barillet F. and Lagriffoul G. (1994). Caratterisation de l’aptitude<br />

fromagere des laits de brebis Lacaune a l’aide d’un Formagraph. Lait 74, 173-86.<br />

Dell’Aquila S., Pilla M.A., Catillo G., Scardella G. and Taibi L. (1993). Produzione di latte in<br />

pecore di razza Comisana, Delle Langhe, Massese, Sarda e loro meticce. Zootecnica e<br />

Nutrizione <strong>Animal</strong>e 14, 95-102.<br />

Dell’Orto V. and Savoini G. (1989). Sali di calcio degli acidi grassi nell’alimentazione della<br />

bovina da latte (Calcium salts in <strong>the</strong> nutrition <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> dairy cow). L’informatore Agrario 6,<br />

117-24.<br />

Denamur R. and Martinet J. (1961). Action de l’ocytocine sur la sécrétion du lait de brebis<br />

(Action <strong>of</strong> oxytocin on milk secretion in sheep). Annales d’ Endocrinologie 22, 777-81.<br />

Dilanian, A.H. (1969). FIL-IDF Annual Bulletin, Part IV, Cited by Anifantakis (1986).<br />

Dolby R.M. (1971). Standardization <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fat content <strong>of</strong> cheese. New Zealand Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dairy</strong><br />

Science and Technology, 6 28-9.<br />

Doney J.M. and Munro J. (1962). The effect <strong>of</strong> suckling, management and season on sheep<br />

milk production as estimated by lamb growth. <strong>Animal</strong> Production 4, 215-220.

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