Dairy Sheep Symposium - the Department of Animal Sciences ...

Dairy Sheep Symposium - the Department of Animal Sciences ... Dairy Sheep Symposium - the Department of Animal Sciences ...

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Battaglini A., De Maria C., Dell’Aquila S. and Taibi L. (1979). Effetti della soppressione di una mungitura giornaliera sulla produzione e su talune caratteristiche qualitative del latte di pecore di razza Comisana (Effects of omitting one daily milking on milk production and on some qualitative characteristics of the milk of Comisana ewes). Annali dell’Istituto Sperimentale per la Zootecnia 12, 1-11. Battaglini A., De Maria C., Dell’Aquila S. and Taibi L. (1977). Influenza della soppressione di una mungitura giornaliera sulla produzione e su talune caratteristiche chimico-fisiche del latte prodotto da un gruppo di pecore Wurttemberg x (Ile de France x Gentile di Puglia) (Influence of omitting one daily milking on milk yield and on some chemical and physical characteristics of the milk produced by a group of Wurttemberg x (Ile de France x Gentile di Puglia) ewes. Annali dell’Istituto Sperimentale per la Zootecnia 10, 123-35. Bencini R. (1993). The sheep as a dairy animal: lactation, production of milk and its suitability for cheese making. PhD thesis, The University of Western Australia. Bencini R. and Johnston K. (1997). Factors affecting the clotting properties of sheep milk. Proceedings of the International Dairy Federation Seminar on production and utilization of sheep and goats milk. Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, 19-21 October. In press. Bencini R. and Knight T. W. (1994). Double cupping and machine stripping optimise the yield and the composition of sheep milk. Proceedings of the Australian Society of Animal Production 20, 171-4. Bencini R. and Purvis I.W. (1990). The yield and composition of milk from Merino sheep. Proceedings of the Australian Society of Animal Production 18, 144-8. Bencini R., Hartmann P.E. and Lightfoot R.J. (1992). Comparative dairy potential of Awassi x Merino and Merino ewes. Proceedings of the Australian Association of Animal Breeding and Genetics 10, 114-7. Bergonier D., Lagriffoul G. and Berthelot X. (1994). Facteurs de la variation des comptages de cellules somatiques chez les ovins et les caprins laitieres. Proceedings of the International symposium ‘Somatic cells and milk of small ruminants’, Bella, Italy, 25-27 September. Bertoni G. (1992). Ruolo dell’alimentazione nel modificare i parametri qualitativi del latte ovino (Role of nutrition in the modification of sheep milk quality). Proceedings of the 10th Conference Italian Society of Pathology and Farming of Ovines and Caprines (SIPAOC) on ‘Sheep milk and market: production, technologies and marketing’ 11-27. Bloquel R. and Veillét-Poncét L. (1980). Evolution et détermination de la flore bactérienne d’un lait crus réfrigéré paucimicrobien en funtion du temps. Le Lait 60, 474-86. Bolla P., Caroli A., Rizzi R. and Acciaioli A. (1986). Relazioni tra polimorfismo della _- Lattoglobulina e caratteri produttivi della pecora Massese (Connections between _-Lactoglobulin polymorphism and productive traits in Massese ewe). Proceedings of the SISVET (Italian Society of Veterinary Science) 40, 591-5 Bolla P., Cerotti G. and Caroli A. (1985). Analisi delle proteine del latte ovino mediante isoelettrofocalizzazione (Analysis of sheep milk proteins by isoelectric focusing). Proceedings of the SISVET (Italian Society of Veterinary Science) 39, 399-402. Boquier F., Kann G. and Theriez M. (1990). Relationships between secretory patterns of growth hormone, prolactin and body reserves and milk yield in dairy ewes under different photoperiod and feeding conditions. Animal Production 51, 115-25. Boyazoglu J.G. (1963). Aspect quantitatifs de la production laitiére des brebis (Quantitative aspects of milk production in sheep). Annales de Zootechnie 12, 237-96. Boylan W.J. and Sakul H. (1989). Milk production in Finn-Sheep and Romanov breeds. Animal Breeding Abstracts 57, 3319.

Bufano G., Dario C. and Laudadio V. (1994). The characterizing of Leccese sheep milk: variation of chemical and lattodinamographic parameters in milk related to somatic cell count. Proceedings of the International symposium ‘Somatic cells and milk of small ruminants’, Bella, Italy, 25-27 September. Burris J. and Baugus C.A. (1955). Milk consumption and growth of suckling lambs. Journal of Animal Science 14, 186-191. Buttazzoni L. and Aleandri R. (1990). Stima della quantitá di formaggio Parmigiano Reggiano prodotto da latte a composizione nota ed effetti dei polimorfismi genetici delle proteine del latte (Evaluation of the quality of Parmesan cheese produced with milk of known composition and effects of genetic polymorphism of milk proteins). Associazione Italiana Allevatori. Nota Zootecnica N6 1-36. Calderon-Cortes J.F., Robinson J.J., McHattie I. and Fraser C. (1977). The sensitivity of ewe milk yield to changes in dietary crude protein concentration. Animal Production 24, 135. Campus R.L., Papoff C.M., Cannas A. and Serra A. (1990). Effetto della grassatura e della concentrazione proteica della razione sulla composizione azotata e sulla attitudine alla coagulazione del latte di pecora di razza Sarda. Proceedings of the 8th Conference Italian Society of Pathology and Farming of Ovines and Caprines (SIPAOC) 3.2. Cannas A. (1995). The effects of particle size of the diet on feeding behaviour and milk production in sheep. MS thesis, Cornell, Ithaca (New York). Cannas A., Pes A. and Pulina G. (1995). Effect of dietary energy and protein concentration on milk urea content in dairy ewes. Annual Meeting ADSA, Ithaca (New York), 25-28 June. Cannas A., Pulina G., Rassu S.P.G. and Macciotta N.P.P. (1991). Influenza della terza mungitura sulla produzione quanti-qualitativa in pecore di razza Sarda (Influence of a third milking on quantity and quality of milk produced by Sarda sheep). Proceedings of the SISVET (Italian Society of Veterinary Science) 45, 1769-72. Cant G.P., DePeters E.J. and Baldwin R.L. (1993). Mammary amino acid utilization in dairy cows fed fat and its relationship to milk protein depression. Journal of Dairy Science 76, 762-74. Cappio-Borlino A., Pulina G., Cannas A. and Rossi G. (1989). La curva di lattazione di pecore di razza Sarda adattata ad una funzione del tipo gamma. Zootecnica e Nutrizione Animale 15, 59- 63. Caroli A., Bolla P., Pagnacco G. and Fraghi A. (1989). Studio sul controllo genetico del fenotipo Welsh di as-Caseina nella pecora. Proceedings of the 24th Simposio Internazionale di Zootecnia 275-82. Casoli C., Duranti E. and Mahrabi H. (1990). Valutazione dell’attitudine alla coagulazione del latte ovino. Proceedings of the SISVET (Italian Society of Veterinary Science) 44, 1671-5. Casoli C., Duranti E., Morbidini L., Panella F. and Vizioli V. (1989). Quantitative and compositional variations of Massese sheep milk by parity and stage of lactation. Small Ruminant Research 2, 47-62. Casoli C., Pauselli M., Morgante M., Ranucci S., Duranti E. and Mehrabi H. (1992). Comportamento reologico del latte ovino in rapporto alle caratteristiche chimico-fisiche e cellulari (Rheological behaviour of sheep milk in relation to its chemical, physical and cellular characteristics). Proceedings of the 10th Conference Italian Society of Pathology and Farming of Ovines and Caprines (SIPAOC) 250-1.

Bufano G., Dario C. and Laudadio V. (1994). The characterizing <strong>of</strong> Leccese sheep milk: variation<br />

<strong>of</strong> chemical and lattodinamographic parameters in milk related to somatic cell count.<br />

Proceedings <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> International symposium ‘Somatic cells and milk <strong>of</strong> small ruminants’,<br />

Bella, Italy, 25-27 September.<br />

Burris J. and Baugus C.A. (1955). Milk consumption and growth <strong>of</strong> suckling lambs. Journal <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Animal</strong> Science 14, 186-191.<br />

Buttazzoni L. and Aleandri R. (1990). Stima della quantitá di formaggio Parmigiano Reggiano<br />

prodotto da latte a composizione nota ed effetti dei polimorfismi genetici delle proteine del<br />

latte (Evaluation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> quality <strong>of</strong> Parmesan cheese produced with milk <strong>of</strong> known composition<br />

and effects <strong>of</strong> genetic polymorphism <strong>of</strong> milk proteins). Associazione Italiana<br />

Allevatori. Nota Zootecnica N6 1-36.<br />

Calderon-Cortes J.F., Robinson J.J., McHattie I. and Fraser C. (1977). The sensitivity <strong>of</strong> ewe<br />

milk yield to changes in dietary crude protein concentration. <strong>Animal</strong> Production 24, 135.<br />

Campus R.L., Pap<strong>of</strong>f C.M., Cannas A. and Serra A. (1990). Effetto della grassatura e della<br />

concentrazione proteica della razione sulla composizione azotata e sulla attitudine alla<br />

coagulazione del latte di pecora di razza Sarda. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 8th Conference Italian<br />

Society <strong>of</strong> Pathology and Farming <strong>of</strong> Ovines and Caprines (SIPAOC) 3.2.<br />

Cannas A. (1995). The effects <strong>of</strong> particle size <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> diet on feeding behaviour and milk production<br />

in sheep. MS <strong>the</strong>sis, Cornell, Ithaca (New York).<br />

Cannas A., Pes A. and Pulina G. (1995). Effect <strong>of</strong> dietary energy and protein concentration on<br />

milk urea content in dairy ewes. Annual Meeting ADSA, Ithaca (New York), 25-28 June.<br />

Cannas A., Pulina G., Rassu S.P.G. and Macciotta N.P.P. (1991). Influenza della terza mungitura<br />

sulla produzione quanti-qualitativa in pecore di razza Sarda (Influence <strong>of</strong> a third milking<br />

on quantity and quality <strong>of</strong> milk produced by Sarda sheep). Proceedings <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> SISVET<br />

(Italian Society <strong>of</strong> Veterinary Science) 45, 1769-72.<br />

Cant G.P., DePeters E.J. and Baldwin R.L. (1993). Mammary amino acid utilization in dairy<br />

cows fed fat and its relationship to milk protein depression. Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dairy</strong> Science 76,<br />

762-74.<br />

Cappio-Borlino A., Pulina G., Cannas A. and Rossi G. (1989). La curva di lattazione di pecore<br />

di razza Sarda adattata ad una funzione del tipo gamma. Zootecnica e Nutrizione <strong>Animal</strong>e<br />

15, 59- 63.<br />

Caroli A., Bolla P., Pagnacco G. and Fraghi A. (1989). Studio sul controllo genetico del fenotipo<br />

Welsh di as-Caseina nella pecora. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 24th Simposio Internazionale di<br />

Zootecnia 275-82.<br />

Casoli C., Duranti E. and Mahrabi H. (1990). Valutazione dell’attitudine alla coagulazione del<br />

latte ovino. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> SISVET (Italian Society <strong>of</strong> Veterinary Science) 44, 1671-5.<br />

Casoli C., Duranti E., Morbidini L., Panella F. and Vizioli V. (1989). Quantitative and compositional<br />

variations <strong>of</strong> Massese sheep milk by parity and stage <strong>of</strong> lactation. Small Ruminant<br />

Research 2, 47-62.<br />

Casoli C., Pauselli M., Morgante M., Ranucci S., Duranti E. and Mehrabi H. (1992).<br />

Comportamento reologico del latte ovino in rapporto alle caratteristiche chimico-fisiche e<br />

cellulari (Rheological behaviour <strong>of</strong> sheep milk in relation to its chemical, physical and<br />

cellular characteristics). Proceedings <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 10th Conference Italian Society <strong>of</strong> Pathology<br />

and Farming <strong>of</strong> Ovines and Caprines (SIPAOC) 250-1.

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