great lakes dairy sheep symposium - the Department of Animal ...

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6 – References Albenzio M., Taibi L., Muscio A., Sevi A., 2002. Prevalence and etiology of subclinical mastitis in intensively managed flocks and related changes in the yield and quality of ewe milk. Small Ruminant Research 43 (2002) 219-226. Barillet F., Astruc J.M., Lagriffoul G., 2006. Functional traits in small dairy ruminants: genetic variation and relationships with milk production. Proc. 8 th World Congres. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Belo-Horizonte, 13-18 August 2006, Brazil. CD-ROM communication 2-01. Barillet, F., Rupp, R., Mignon-Grasteau, S., Astruc J. M., Jacquin M. ,2001a. Genetic analysis for mastitis resistance and milk somatic cell score in French Lacaune dairy sheep. Genet. Sel. Evol. 33 : 297-415. Barillet F., Marie C., Jacquin M., Lagriffoul G., Astruc J. M. ,2001b. The French Lacaune dairy sheep breed: use in France and abroad in the last 40 years., Livest. Prod. Sci. 71: 17-29. Bergonier D., Lagriffoul G., Berthelot X., 2006. Etiologie, épidémiologie et diagnostic des mammites ovines. Bulletin des GTV n°36-octobre 2006:98-108. Bergonier D., de Cremoux R., Rupp R., Lagriffoul G., Berthelot X., 2003. Mastitis of dairy small ruminants. Vet. Res. 34:689-716. Bergonier D. 2005. Les mammites de la brebis laitière : étiologie et épidémiologie. In "Actualités sur la maîtrise des infections mammaires des brebis laitières", Intervet édit., 13-26. Bergonier D. 2005. Les mammites de la brebis laitière : diagnostic et maîtrise. In "Actualités sur la maîtrise des infections mammaires des brebis laitières », Intervet édit., 27-44. Berthelot X., Lagriffoul G., Concordet D., Barillet F., Bergonier D., 2006. Physiological and pathological thresholds of somatic cell counts in ewe milk. Small Ruminant Research 62 : 27-31. Bianchi L., Bolla A., Budelli E., Caroli A. Casoli C., Pauselli M., Duranti E., 2004. Effect of udder health status and lactation phase on the characteristics of Sardinian ewe milk. J. Dairy Sci. 87:2401-2408. Billon P., Lagriffoul G., Maraval E., 2003. La traite mécanique des brebis : état du parc des machines à traire et relation avec la qualité du lait., CR 2033101, Institut de l’Elevage, janvier 2003 25p. El Saied U.M., Carriero J.A., De La Fuente L.F., San Primitivo F. ,1999. Genetic parameters of lactation cell counts and milk and protein yield in dairy ewes. J. Dairy Sci. 81: 2956-2961. Gonzalo C., Carriedo J.A., Blanco M.A., Beneitez E., Juarez M.T., De La Fuente L.F. and San Primitivo F. 2005. Factors of variation influencing bulk tank somatic cell count in dairy sheep. J. Dairy Sci. 88:969-974. Gonzalo C., Carriedo J.A., Beneitez E., Juarez M.T., Fuente L.F de la. and San Primitivo F. 2006. Bulk tank total bacterial count in dairy sheep: factors of variation and relationship with somatic cell count. J. Dairy Sci. 88:969-974. Gonzalo C., Martinez J.R., Carriedo J.A. and San Primitivo F., 2003. Fossomatic cell-counting on ewe milk : comparison with direct microscopy and study of variation factors. J.Dairy Sci. 86:138-145. Gonzalo C., Ariznabarreta A., Carriedo J.A., San Primitivo F., 2002. Mammary pathogens and their relationship to somatic cell count and milk yield losses in dairy ewes. J. Dairy Sci. 85:1460-1467. IDF, 1995. Enumeration of somatic cells. International Dairy Federation (FIL-IDF Standard N° 148A), Brussels, Belgium. 54

Lafi S.Q. 2005. Use of somatic cell counts and California Mastitis Test results from udder halves milk samples to detect subclinical intramammary infection in Awassi sheep. Small Ruminant Research 62(2006) 83-86. Lagriffoul G. 2005. La maîtrise des infections mammaires : un enjue de filière. In "Actualités sur la maîtrise des infections mammaires des brebis laitières », Intervet édit., 27-44. Lagriffoul G. 2003. Evalutation de l’action ” maîtrise en élevage des comptages de cellules somatiques”. Document de travail. Legarra A., Ugarte E. ,2005. Genetic parameters of udder traits, somatic cell score and milk yield in Latxa sheep J. Dairy Sci. 88: 2238-2245. Leitner G., Chaffer M., Caraso Y., Ezra E., Kababea D., Winkler M., Glickman A. Saran A., 2003. Udder infection and milk somatic cell count, NAGase activity and milk compositionfat, protein and lactose-in Israleli-Assaf and Awassi sheep. Small Ruminant Research 49(2003) 157-164. Martinez J.R., Gonzalo C., Carriedo J.A., San Primitivo F. 2003., Effect of freezing on Fossomatic cell counting in ewe milk. J. Dairy Sci. 86:2583-2587. Mavrogenis A.P., Koumas A., Gavrielidis G. ,1999. The inheritance of somatic cell counts in Chios sheep. EAAP Publication N° 95, pp 389-392. McDougall S., Murdough P., Pankey W., Delaney C., Barlow J., Scruton D., 2001. Relationship among somatic cell count, California mastitis test, impedance and bacteriological status of milk in goasts and sheep early lactation. Small Ruminant Research 40(2001) 245-254. Othmane M.H., Carriedo J.A., San Primitivo F., de la Fuente J.A. ,2002. Genetic parameters for lactation traits of milking ewes: protein content and composition, fat, somatic cells and individual laboratory cheese yield. Genet. Sel. Evol. 34 : 581-596. Pirisi A. Piredda G. Corona M., Pes M., Pintus S. Ledda A. 2000. Influence of somatic cell count on ewes milk composition, cheese yield and cheese quality. 6th Great lakes dairy sheep symposium. Nov 2-4. 2000. Rupp R., Boichard D. ,2003. Genetics of resistance to mastitis in dairy cattle. Vet. Res. 34: 671- 688. Rupp R., Lagriffoul G., Astruc J.M., Barillet F. ,2003. Genetic parameters for milk somatic cell scores and relationships with production traits in French Lacaune dairy sheep J. Dairy Sci. 86: 1476-1481. Rupp R., Bergonier D., Dion S., Hygonenq M.C., Aurel M.R., Foulon E., Foucras G. ,2006. Effects of SCC-based selection for mastitis resistance: first results from a divergent selection experiment in sheep. Proc. 8 th World Congres. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Belo-Horizonte, 13-18 August 2006, Brazil. CD-ROM communication 15-16. Serrano M., Perez-Guzman M.D., Montoro V., Jurado J.J. ,2003. Genetic analysis of somatic cell count and milk traits in Manchega ewes : Mean lactation and test-day approaches Livest. Prod. Sci. 84: 1-10. Vivar-Quintana A.M., Beneitez De La Mano E., Revilla I., 2006. Relationship between somatic cell counts and the properties of yoghurt made from ewes’ milk. Int. Dairy Journal 16(2006) 262-267. Wiggans G.R., Shook G.E. ,1987. A lactation measure of somatic cell count J. Dairy Sci. 77: 2666-2672. 55

Lafi S.Q. 2005. Use <strong>of</strong> somatic cell counts and California Mastitis Test results from udder halves<br />

milk samples to detect subclinical intramammary infection in Awassi <strong>sheep</strong>. Small Ruminant<br />

Research 62(2006) 83-86.<br />

Lagriffoul G. 2005. La maîtrise des infections mammaires : un enjue de filière. In "Actualités sur<br />

la maîtrise des infections mammaires des brebis laitières », Intervet édit., 27-44.<br />

Lagriffoul G. 2003. Evalutation de l’action ” maîtrise en élevage des comptages de cellules<br />

somatiques”. Document de travail.<br />

Legarra A., Ugarte E. ,2005. Genetic parameters <strong>of</strong> udder traits, somatic cell score and milk yield<br />

in Latxa <strong>sheep</strong> J. Dairy Sci. 88: 2238-2245.<br />

Leitner G., Chaffer M., Caraso Y., Ezra E., Kababea D., Winkler M., Glickman A. Saran A.,<br />

2003. Udder infection and milk somatic cell count, NAGase activity and milk compositionfat,<br />

protein and lactose-in Israleli-Assaf and Awassi <strong>sheep</strong>. Small Ruminant Research<br />

49(2003) 157-164.<br />

Martinez J.R., Gonzalo C., Carriedo J.A., San Primitivo F. 2003., Effect <strong>of</strong> freezing on<br />

Fossomatic cell counting in ewe milk. J. Dairy Sci. 86:2583-2587.<br />

Mavrogenis A.P., Koumas A., Gavrielidis G. ,1999. The inheritance <strong>of</strong> somatic cell counts in<br />

Chios <strong>sheep</strong>. EAAP Publication N° 95, pp 389-392.<br />

McDougall S., Murdough P., Pankey W., Delaney C., Barlow J., Scruton D., 2001. Relationship<br />

among somatic cell count, California mastitis test, impedance and bacteriological status <strong>of</strong><br />

milk in goasts and <strong>sheep</strong> early lactation. Small Ruminant Research 40(2001) 245-254.<br />

Othmane M.H., Carriedo J.A., San Primitivo F., de la Fuente J.A. ,2002. Genetic parameters for<br />

lactation traits <strong>of</strong> milking ewes: protein content and composition, fat, somatic cells and<br />

individual laboratory cheese yield. Genet. Sel. Evol. 34 : 581-596.<br />

Pirisi A. Piredda G. Corona M., Pes M., Pintus S. Ledda A. 2000. Influence <strong>of</strong> somatic cell count<br />

on ewes milk composition, cheese yield and cheese quality. 6th Great <strong>lakes</strong> <strong>dairy</strong> <strong>sheep</strong><br />

<strong>symposium</strong>. Nov 2-4. 2000.<br />

Rupp R., Boichard D. ,2003. Genetics <strong>of</strong> resistance to mastitis in <strong>dairy</strong> cattle. Vet. Res. 34: 671-<br />

688.<br />

Rupp R., Lagriffoul G., Astruc J.M., Barillet F. ,2003. Genetic parameters for milk somatic cell scores and<br />

relationships with production traits in French Lacaune <strong>dairy</strong> <strong>sheep</strong> J. Dairy Sci. 86: 1476-1481.<br />

Rupp R., Bergonier D., Dion S., Hygonenq M.C., Aurel M.R., Foulon E., Foucras G. ,2006.<br />

Effects <strong>of</strong> SCC-based selection for mastitis resistance: first results from a divergent selection<br />

experiment in <strong>sheep</strong>. Proc. 8 th World Congres. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Belo-Horizonte,<br />

13-18 August 2006, Brazil. CD-ROM communication 15-16.<br />

Serrano M., Perez-Guzman M.D., Montoro V., Jurado J.J. ,2003. Genetic analysis <strong>of</strong> somatic cell<br />

count and milk traits in Manchega ewes : Mean lactation and test-day approaches Livest.<br />

Prod. Sci. 84: 1-10.<br />

Vivar-Quintana A.M., Beneitez De La Mano E., Revilla I., 2006. Relationship between somatic<br />

cell counts and <strong>the</strong> properties <strong>of</strong> yoghurt made from ewes’ milk. Int. Dairy Journal 16(2006)<br />

262-267.<br />

Wiggans G.R., Shook G.E. ,1987. A lactation measure <strong>of</strong> somatic cell count J. Dairy Sci. 77:<br />

2666-2672.<br />


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