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Many people participated in this study. It is not possible to mention all of them here.<br />

However a few of them deserve special thanks for their encouragement and support they<br />

gave me throughout the period of preparing this dissertation.<br />

I would like to express my deep and sincere grateful to my sponsor, The Medical Mission<br />

Support Germany and indeed to my employer, the Bugamba Rural Health Programme for<br />

releasing me to attend this course.<br />

I would like also to convey my heartfelt thanks to the district authorities in Kigoma for<br />

allowing me to conduct the study. My thanks also go to the administrators of all health<br />

facilities, community leaders and all the respondents in Kalinzi and Mahembe divisions.<br />

The company of the research assistants particularly Mr. Christopher Luwi was highly<br />

appreciated during data collection.<br />

Special thanks also go to all my tutors for their careful guidance during this report,<br />

particularly Dr. Ntunaguzi, Western Zonal Coordinator and Dr. Godfrey Mbaruku RMO<br />

Kigoma for their advice.<br />

I wish to convey my heartfelt gratitude to my research supervisor Dr. Shemhilu H.S.S. for<br />

his constructive suggestion thoughtful; comments close guidance and advice which was<br />

of great value to production of this dissertation.<br />

I am also owed to express my sincerely thanks to Dr. B. T. Ndawi (The Director) and<br />

Dr. R.B. Momburi both for their technical advice in both the research proposal and the<br />

whole research work.<br />

I owe my thanks to Ms. Aghata Mtapila and I. Kiduge for an arduous word processing of<br />

this dissertation.<br />


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