mmpc - National Indian Health Board

mmpc - National Indian Health Board

mmpc - National Indian Health Board


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MMPC October 9, 2012 Teleconference Agenda Notes<br />

Roll Call: Liz Heintzman, Myra Munson, Rhonda Butcher (IHS), Jennifer Cooper, John Stevens, Sam Ennis,<br />

Mim Dixon, Trevelyn Cross, Jay Stiener, Doneg McDonough, Carmealita Skeeter, Phil Norrgard, Jessica<br />

Imotichey, Elliot Milhollin, Jim Roberts, Anthony Yepa, Sherri Varner (IHS), Tammy Clay (IHS), Tom<br />

Gordon, Carol Chicharello, Don Wright, John Rael, Judy Parker, Trevlyn Cross Jim Roberts, Ed Fox, Jessica<br />

Imotichey, Gerald Moses, Dee Sabattus, Diddy Nelson, Valerie Davidson, Doneg McDonough, Sam Ennis,<br />

Myra Munson, D’Shane Barnett, Mim Dixon, John Stephens, and Jim Crouch met with John Dann and<br />

Christie Jacobs from IRS.<br />

Facilitator: Cyndi Ferguson<br />

1. Update on meeting with IRS during the NIHB ACC Conference<br />

Items discussed:<br />

To do List:<br />

-<strong>Indian</strong> definition<br />

-Identify a path to call on Treasury Secretary and HHS Secretary to collaborate together for IHS<br />

essential coverage<br />

-Advanced premium tax credit-can be split between health plan and dental plan?<br />

-MAGI-resource exemptions are consistent with Medicaid’s<br />

-Outreach-what will IRS be doing with the requirements/responsibilities and how related to<br />

<strong>Indian</strong> country<br />

-tribal representatives suggest that IHS database should be used for electronic identification for<br />

coverage-Christi said those discussions are just starting now<br />

-Organize a Tribal meeting during the NCAI Conference to be held in Sacramento later this<br />

month*will report later (Jim Roberts and Ron Allen are setting this up)<br />

-Provide recommendation to have Christi join in on TTAG ACA subcommittee call with Pete from<br />

CCIIO<br />

Questions still to be answered:<br />

What extent can taxpayers assign a refund to someone else (prove the like-hood that tribe could<br />

subsidize into the exchange)? Individual can apply 100% tax credit to purchase insurance in exchange or<br />

use portion?

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