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FK 2004 25


By<br />


n 31. ,<br />

Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies.<br />

Universiti Putra Malaysia in Fulfillment of the<br />

Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science<br />

February 2004<br />

*, 4': t<br />

. -

My parents :<br />


Lew Kwan Shin & Lee Se Moy<br />

My brothers and sister :<br />

Yuan Huai. Yuan Sing & Yuan Yee<br />

and<br />

Yien Yien

Abstract of thesis presented to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia in fulfillment<br />

of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science<br />



February 2004<br />

Chairman : Associate Professor Hj. Abdul Rahman Ramli, Ph.D.<br />

Faculty : Engineering<br />

Gesture <strong>recognition</strong> represents an important ability by which a computer is able to<br />

directly accept human <strong>gesture</strong> as input to trigger different actions just like<br />

conventional input devices such as keyboard. mouse, joystick and etc. As the Human<br />

Computer Interaction (HCI) progresses over the years, emphasis is placed more on<br />

developing input devices which are most convenient and easy to use. Human <strong>gesture</strong><br />

is not only natural and intuitive to a user, but can also represent motions of high<br />

degree of freedom which is of utmost importance in many applications especially in<br />

virtual reality.<br />

This thesis presents the design of an offline system which is capable of recognizing<br />

hand postures fiom the visual input of a <strong>web</strong> <strong>camera</strong>. The hand segmentation is based<br />

on image subtraction technique and a skin color modeling process. Fourier<br />


descriptors are used as the features to describe the geometry of different hand<br />

postures while the <strong>recognition</strong> process is based on minimum distance classifier. The<br />

results obtained indicate that the system is able to recognize hand postures with<br />

reasonable accuracy.

Abstrak tesis yang dikemukakan kepada Senat Universiti Putra Malaysia untuk<br />

memenuhi keperluan untuk Ijazah Master Sains<br />


Pengerusi<br />

Fakulti<br />

Oleb<br />


Februari 2004<br />

: Profesor Madya Hj. Abdul Rahman Ramli, Ph.D.<br />

: Kejuruteraan<br />

Pengecaman pergerakan merupakan sesuatu keupayaan yang penting di mana sebuah<br />

komputer dapat menerirna pergerakan manusia sebagai input untuk melanwkan<br />

pelbagai tindakan seperti yang dilakukan oleh peranti input tradisional misalnya<br />

papan kekunci. tetikus, kayu bedik dan sebagainya. Seiring dengan perkembangan<br />

cam interaksi antara manusia dengan komputer selama ini, lebih banyak penekanan<br />

diberikan kepada pembangunan peranti input yang berguna dan senang dipakai.<br />

Pergerakan manusia bukan sahaja semulajadi clan intuitif kepada seorang pengguna<br />

komputer, tetapi juga &pat mewakili pergerakan yang berdarjah kebebasan tinggi,<br />

menjadikannya arnat penting dalam banyak aplikasi terutamanya kenyataan maya.<br />

Tesis ini membentangkan proses rekabentuk sebuah sistem luar talian yang mampu<br />

mengecam keadaan tangan daripada input visual sebuah karnera <strong>web</strong>. Segmentasi<br />

tangan adalah berdasarkan kaedah penolakan irnej dan sebuah proses permodelan<br />


warna kulit. Deskriptor Fourier pula digunakan sebagai penghurai untuk<br />

menggambarkan geometri keadaan tangan yang beriainan manakala proses<br />

pengecaman adalah berpandukan pengelas jarak minimum. Keputusan yang<br />

diperoleh menunjukkan bahawa sistem ini dapat mengecam keadaan tangan dengan<br />

ketepatan yang rnunasabah.


My deepest thanks to my supervisor, Dr. Hj. Abdul Rahman Ramli, without<br />

whom this project would never have materialized in the first place. He has constantly<br />

encouraged me and given me clear guidance to make sure that I am able to complete<br />

the thesis within a reasonable time frame. Also to both my co-supervisors, Dr.<br />

Veeraraghavan Prakash and Mrs Roslizah Ali who have given me valuable advices<br />

throughout the whole period of the writing of this thesis.<br />

A very big thanks to Qussay Abbas Salih al-Badri. my senior in the research<br />

group, who has been most generous in sharing his ideas and experiences. Also to my<br />

colleagues. Koay Su Yeong and Beh Kok Siang who have provided me valuable<br />

feedbacks on my thesis.<br />

Not to mention also all the lecturers and staffs of Department of Computer<br />

and Communication Systems Engineering as well as members of Multimedia and<br />

Intelligent Systems Research Group who have all played their supporting roles.<br />

Last but not least. 1 would like to thank my parents and family members who<br />

have been most supportive in each and every way I could think of. Also, I owe many<br />

thanks to Yien Yien, who has stood behind me no matter how harsh the situation is.<br />


I certify that an Examination Committee met on loth February 2004 to conduct the final<br />

examination of Lew Yuan Pok on his Master of Science thesis entitled "Gesture<br />

Recognition Using Web Camera" in accordance with Universiti Pertanian Xlalaysia<br />

(Higher Degree) Act 1980 and Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (Higher Degree)<br />

Regulations 1981. The Committee recommends that the candidate be awarded the<br />

relevant degree. Members of the Examination Committee are as follows:<br />

Mohamad Khazani Abdullah, Ph.D.<br />

Faculty of Engineering<br />

Universiti Putra Malaysia<br />

(Chairman)<br />

Hj. Abdul Rahman Ramli, Ph.D.<br />

Associate Professor<br />

Faculty of Engineering<br />

Universiti Putra Malaysia<br />

(Member)<br />

Veeraraghavan Prakash, Ph.D.<br />

Faculty of Engineering<br />

Universiti Putra Malaysia<br />

(Member)<br />

Roslizah .41i<br />

Faculty of Engineering<br />

Universiti Putra Malaysia<br />

(Member)<br />

~rofessor.~e~ut)\~e~<br />

School of Graduate Studies<br />

Universiti Putra 3lala~sia<br />

Date: 1 7 JUN 2004

This thesis submitted to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia and has been<br />

accepted as fi~lfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. The<br />

members of the Supervisory Committee are as follows:<br />

Associate Professor Hj. Abdul Rahrnan Ramli, Ph.D.<br />

Faculty of Engineering<br />

Universiti Putra Malaysia<br />

(Chairman)<br />

Veeraraghavan Prakash, Ph.D.<br />

Faculty of Engineering<br />

Universiti Putra Malaysia<br />

(Member)<br />

Roslizah Ali<br />

Faculty of Engineering<br />

Universiti Putra Malaysia<br />

(Member)<br />

Y<br />

AINI IDERIS, Ph.D.<br />

Professor/Dean<br />

School of Graduate Studies<br />

Universiti Putra Malaysia<br />

Date : 0 8 SEP 2004


1 hereby declare that the thesis is based on my original work except for quotations<br />

and citations which have been duly acknowledged. I also declare that it has not been<br />

previously or con-currently submitted for any other degree at UPM or other tertiary<br />

institution.<br />














1.1 Background<br />

1.1.1 Gesture Recognition<br />

1.1.2 Web Camera<br />

Objectives<br />

Thesis Organization<br />


2.1 Machine Vision<br />

2.1.1 Working Principles of Machine Vision<br />

2.1.2 Examples of Machine Vision Applications<br />

Computer Vision<br />

Gesture Recognition<br />

2.3.1 Vision Based Gesture Recognition<br />

2.3.2 Gesture Recognition Using Other Sensors<br />

Static Hand Gesture Recognition<br />

Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition<br />

Hand Segmentation Methods<br />

Feature Extraction Methods<br />

Gesture Recognition Methods<br />

2.8.1 Template Matching<br />

2.8.2 Neural Network Methods<br />

2.8.3 Statistical Methods<br />

2.8.3 Rule-based Methods<br />


3.1 Overview<br />

3.2 Hand Segmentation<br />

3.2.1 lmage Subtraction<br />

3.2.2 Segmentation for Gray Level Image<br />

3.2.3 Segmentation for RGB Color Image<br />

3.2.4 Segmentation for Normalized RGB Color Image<br />

3.2.5 Skin Color Modeling<br />

ii<br />

. . .<br />

Ill<br />

v<br />

vii<br />

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Vlll<br />

X<br />

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Xlll<br />

xv<br />


3.2.6 Segmentation with Skin Color Model<br />

~e~resentation and Description<br />

3.3.1 Preprocessing<br /> Holes Filling<br />

3.3. 1 2 Morphological Opening<br /> Median Filtering<br />

Hand Representation<br /> Boundary Extraction<br /> Boundary Correction<br /> Boundary Points Selection<br />

3.3.3 Fourier Descriptors<br />

Recognition<br />

3.4.1 Cluster Analysis<br />

3 -4.2 K-means Clustering<br />

3.4.3 Training Phase<br />

3.4.3. I Preparation<br /> Clustering<br />

Recognition Phase<br /> Minimum Distance Classifier<br />


4. I Comparison of Segmentation Techniques<br />

4.1.1 Segmentation for Gray Level Image<br />

4.1.2 Segmentation for RGB Color Image<br />

4.1.3 Segmentation for Normalized RGB Color Image<br />

4.1.4 Summary<br />

Segmentation with Skin Color Model<br />

Preprocessing<br />

4.3.1 Holes Filling<br />

4.3.2 Morphological Opening<br />

4.3.3 Median Filtering<br />

Hand Representation<br />

4.4.1 Boundary Extraction<br />

4.4.2 Boundary Correction<br />

4.4.3 Boundary Points Selection<br />

Fourier Descriptors<br />

K-means Clustering of Training Samples<br />

Classification of Training Samples<br />

Classification of Testing Samples<br />


5.1 Summaq<br />

C 7 d .- Future Research Directions<br />




Figure<br />


2.1 Fiber Optic Inspection System (developed by Dynamic Motion<br />

Control)<br />

Multiple Wavelength Images of A Single Apple<br />

Elements Of Computer Vision Process<br />

Static Hand Gesture Recognition System Block Diagram<br />

Hand Segmentation Flow Chart<br />

Original RGB Color Image<br />

Illustration of the Concept in Image Subtraction<br />

Gra). Level Image<br />

Skin Color Modeled As Normal Distributions<br />

Hand Representation and Description Flow Chart<br />

Examples of Six Hand Postures<br />

Illustration of the Block Operations Used in Holes Filling<br />

Elements in Morphological Opening<br />

Median Filtering Operation<br />

Examples of Image with High Potential of Being Misclassified<br />

Parameters Used in Correcting the Boundary<br />

A Digital Boundary and Its Representation As A Complex<br />

Sequence<br />

Hand Posture Recognition Process Flow Chart<br />

Samples of Five Hand Images Used for Segmentation<br />

Samples of Hand Images Representing Six Different Postures<br />

Page<br />

Segmentation Result Using Skin Color Modeling for Sample 6 - 106<br />

xiii<br />


Sample I I<br />

Holes Filling Result for Sample 6 - Sample I 1<br />

Morphological Opening Result for Sample 6 - Sample 1 1<br />

Median Filtering Result for Sample 6 - Sample 1 1<br />

Boundary Extraction Result for Sample 6 - Sample 1<br />

Boundary Correction Result for Sample 6 - Sample I I<br />

Hand Boundq Represented by Selected Points for Sample 6 -<br />

Sample 11<br />

Training Samples for K-means Clustering<br />

Testing Samples Used to Analyze the Recognition Performance<br />

Euclidean Distance between Cluster Centers and Testing Images<br />

(a) - (h) in Table 4.9<br />

Distortion in Hand Boundary Extracted fiom Testing Image in<br />

Table 4.9(f)<br />

Euclidean Distance between Cluster Centers and Testing Images<br />

(a)-(f) in Table 4.8<br />


Table<br />

4.1<br />


Page<br />

Segmentation for Samples of Five Gray Level Images Based on 97<br />

the Threshold Value of 10%. 15% and 20% Respectively<br />

Segmentation for Samples of Five Images in the RGB Color Space 99<br />

Based on the Threshold Value of 10% 15% and 20%<br />

Respectively<br />

Segmentation for Samples of Five Images in the Normalized RGB 10 1<br />

Color Space Based on the Threshold Value of 10%. 15% and 20%<br />

Respectively<br />

Segmentation for Samples of Five Images Based on the Skin 103<br />

Color Model Applying Threshold Value of 10%, 15% and 20%<br />

Respectivel).<br />

Coordinates of Boundq Points for Sample 6<br />

Steps for Deriving Fourier Descriptors<br />

Total Squared Error (TSE) for Individual Cluster<br />

Examples of Classification Result<br />

Examples of Falsely Classified Testing Images

2 D<br />

3 D<br />

m<br />

A1<br />

CCD<br />

CMOS<br />

DFT<br />

DTW<br />

FSM<br />

FD<br />

GUI<br />

HMM<br />

HCI<br />

IR<br />

IC<br />

MIPS<br />

NIR<br />

PC<br />

QE<br />

RBFNN<br />

Rx's<br />

RNN<br />

RGB<br />

ROI<br />

USB<br />

VLSI<br />

VE<br />


Two Dimension<br />

Three Dimension<br />

Analogue to Digital<br />

Artificial Intelligence<br />

Charge Couple Device<br />

Complex Metal Oxide Semiconductor<br />

Discrete Fourier Transform<br />

Dynamic Time Warping<br />

Finite State Machine<br />

Fourier Descriptors<br />

Graphical User Interface<br />

Hidden Markov Model<br />

Human Computer Interaction<br />

Infrared<br />

Integrated Circuit<br />

Millions of Instructions per Second<br />

Near Infrared<br />

Personal Computer<br />

Quantum Eficiency<br />

Radial Basis Function Neural Network<br />

Receivers<br />

Recurrent Neural Network<br />

Red, Green, Blue<br />

Region of Interest<br />

Universal Serial Bus<br />

Very Large Scale Integration<br />

Virtual Environment<br />


1.1 Background<br />

CHAPTER 1<br />

The evolution of the interaction bemeen computer and human or better<br />

known as Human Computer Interaction (HCI) has always been interesting. The first<br />

generation computer user interface is a text based interface where user interact by<br />

typing relevant commands. By typing the commands through keyboard, the computer<br />

will perform relevant actions and inform the user of the outcome.<br />

Then came the Graphical User Interface (GUI) where the main medium of<br />

interaction are symbolic graphics called icons. Each icon is assigned a specific<br />

meaning intended for specific application or certain action (Webopedia, 2003). In<br />

order to carry out a specific action or to run a specific application, the user can just<br />

click on the relevant icon by <strong>using</strong> a mouse. Texc is still dominant in this second<br />

generation computer user interface as it is impossible to convert every line of<br />

command into icon, however, the use of text is minimized or avoided when<br />

necessap.<br />

Nevertheless, it was soon realized that no matter how powerful the two kinds<br />

of user interface are, they will never be able to replace the way human communicate<br />

most naturally, i.e. through the use of <strong>gesture</strong>. As applications shift fiom 2D to 3D

and eventually Virtual Environment (VE), the use of conventional input devices such<br />

as keyboard, mouse, trackball or joystick becomes more awkward and inconvenient<br />

than ever. It was then understood that nothing is able to navigate better in such<br />

applications than the human <strong>gesture</strong> itself. The human <strong>gesture</strong> is not only natural and<br />

intuitive to a user, it can also represent motions of high degree of freedom impossible<br />

to achieve <strong>using</strong> other input devices.<br />

Owing to the many advantages displayed by the use of human <strong>gesture</strong> as a<br />

powerful input device and the potential applications, <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong> has become<br />

an important research field in recent years. Covering the diverse fields of motion<br />

modeling, motion analysis, pattern <strong>recognition</strong>, machine learning and even<br />

psycholinguistic studies, <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong> focuses on the study of human posture<br />

and movement of different parts of body such as hand and head (Wu and Huang,<br />

1999). These also become the major motivation of this thesis to study various aspects<br />

of the vision based static hand <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong> system and to implement a system<br />

which can eventually be used as input in VE.<br />

1.1.1 Gesture Recognitioo<br />

Gestures are loosely defined by different researchers in different disciplines.<br />

From the point of view of biologists, the notion of <strong>gesture</strong> is to embrace all kinds of<br />

instances where an individual engages in movements whose communicative intent is<br />

paramount, manifest, and openly acknowledged (Nespoulous, 1986). This includes<br />

pointing at an object to indicate a reference, putting a thumb up to indicate consent or<br />


approval or conveying abstract meaning to one another <strong>using</strong> sign language. Gesture<br />

<strong>recognition</strong> on the other hand can be defined as the ability to identify specific human<br />

<strong>gesture</strong>s by a machine or computer and <strong>using</strong> them to convey information or for<br />

controlling a device.<br />

Gestures are important part of human communication where large amount of<br />

information is encoded in vet compact form such as specific hand shape or<br />

orientation accompanied by certain movement. The ability to recognize these<br />

<strong>gesture</strong>s represents an oppommity to decode the information conveyed most<br />

naturally by human. It is an alternative way of interaction between human and<br />

computer where little learning is required on the user as <strong>gesture</strong> is part of human's<br />

daily life communication.<br />

Teaching a computer to recopize human <strong>gesture</strong>s has been a goal of pursuit<br />

by various researchers since the 1980's. Earlier efforts in this research are focused on<br />

<strong>using</strong> a mechanical glove to capture the human <strong>gesture</strong>s. On the mechanical glove,<br />

sensors are used to measure the bending angle of various joints of the hand and the<br />

pressure exerted b) the palm. The different bending angle measurement will<br />

correspond to different geometric representation of the hand. In order to determine<br />

the position and orientation of the forearm in space, tracking sensors are used.<br />

However, the use of the mechanical glove is considered intrusive and unnatural to a<br />

user.<br />

The focus in <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong> research later shifis to vision based <strong>gesture</strong><br />

in conjunction with the advances made in the field of machine vision and<br />


computer vision. Vision based <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong> is a <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong> approach<br />

based on visual input. Imaging device such as <strong>camera</strong> is used to capture image<br />

sequences of human motion. Geometric properties of human hand or head together<br />

with their trajectories are then extracted from the image sequences to reconstruct<br />

human <strong>gesture</strong>. The vision based approach proves to be an attractive alternative since<br />

it is natural and not intrusive.<br />

Earlier vision based <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong> system uses gray level image<br />

sequences as the input. In 1992, first attempt was made to recognize hand <strong>gesture</strong><br />

from color video signals in real time. This was no coincidence as it is also the year<br />

where the first frame gabber for color video signal is available (Kohler, 2002). This<br />

marks the gradual shift of <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong> research from gray level video input to<br />

the color video input. The presence of color provides an additional and powerful cue<br />

for researchers especially in the area of segmentation.<br />

Presently, <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong> still remains an active area of research which is<br />

still in infancy. As different applications are put to the drawing board, more <strong>gesture</strong><br />

<strong>recognition</strong> techniques are still being improved, developed and created. This includes<br />

areas in segmentation, tracking, motion modeling, feature extraction and <strong>recognition</strong><br />

techniques. Since there is no single known technique which can cater for all the<br />

situations to be encountered, <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong> is highly problem orientated.

1.1.2 Web Camera<br />



As explained in the Memam-Webster Online dictionary (2003). a <strong>web</strong><br />

<strong>camera</strong> or <strong>web</strong>cam is a <strong>camera</strong> used in transmitting live images over the World Wide<br />

Web. Generally speaking, any video <strong>camera</strong> or digital <strong>camera</strong> that can perform this<br />

function qualifies as a <strong>web</strong> <strong>camera</strong>. The term refers more specifically to the bction<br />

perform rather than the hardware itself as suggested by the definition.<br />

Over the years, as hosting live images in the World Wide Web becomes more<br />

and more popular, a class of <strong>camera</strong> which is dedicated to this fiurction mainly plus<br />

other additional features begins to emerge in the market and redefine the term, <strong>web</strong><br />

<strong>camera</strong>. It is a class of low cost <strong>camera</strong> usuilly in the range from above RMlOO to<br />

RM 400 which is connected to a PC through parallel port or USB port also known as<br />

pc <strong>camera</strong>.<br />

Web <strong>camera</strong> is a class of <strong>camera</strong> which either use Charge Couple Device<br />

(CCD) or Complex Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) as the photo sensor. It<br />

usually has optical resolution of not more than 640x480 pixels and can produce<br />

digital still image or video which can be directly stored inside a pc. Compared to the<br />

conventional CCD <strong>camera</strong> which still use analogue signal, <strong>web</strong> <strong>camera</strong> proves to be<br />

more convenient as no extra image capture card is needed to do the Analogue to<br />

Digital (AID) conversion. However, lower sensitivity and higher noise level are the<br />

two major drawbacks of <strong>web</strong> <strong>camera</strong> compared to higher quality CCD <strong>camera</strong> as<br />

justified by its lower cost.

Despite the shortcomings in the ability of <strong>web</strong> <strong>camera</strong>, it is still an attractive<br />

tool for performing <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong> especially when it is readily available in the<br />

market at a substantially lower price compared to other CCD <strong>camera</strong>. Web <strong>camera</strong> is<br />

still adequate to perform real-time <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong> as the key to its successful<br />

implementation lies not in the <strong>camera</strong> but in the processing speed of the computer<br />

carrying out the necessary manipulation of the image and the algorithm which<br />

determines how to manipulate the image effectively and efficiently.<br />

1.2 Objectives<br />

Vision based static hand <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong> is a complex task which is<br />

consisted of a series of structured steps. The aim of this thesis is to study the<br />

necessary steps of vision based static hand <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong> which will eventually<br />

lead to successful <strong>recognition</strong> of the human hand <strong>gesture</strong>s off line <strong>using</strong> <strong>web</strong> <strong>camera</strong>.<br />

The main objective of this thesis is to design a vision based static hand<br />

<strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong> system <strong>using</strong> MATLAB which is able to perform <strong>recognition</strong> of<br />

six different sets of predefined hand postures.<br />

The secondary objective of this thesis is to study the techniques involved in<br />

various stages of hand <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong> task and to propose modification<br />

whenever necessary.

1.3 Organization<br />

The main issue to be addressed in this thesis is vision based static hand<br />

<strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong>. Omine <strong>recognition</strong> of six different sets of hand posture is<br />

implemented <strong>using</strong> MATLAB 6.1 on a Pentium 111 667 with 256MB of memory. A<br />

<strong>web</strong> <strong>camera</strong> is employed as the imaging device for capturing different hand postures.<br />

The thesis is organized as follows:<br />

Chapter 2 lays a background on the whole subject of computer vision and<br />

machine vision. Detailed discussions are then given one <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong><br />

namely on vision based <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong> including facial <strong>gesture</strong>s and hand<br />

<strong>gesture</strong>s. Hand <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong> is then divided into two major areas which<br />

are static hand <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong> and dynamic hand <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong><br />

respectively. Major differences between the two areas are highlighted<br />

especially in terms of the different approaches adopted. Different techniques<br />

used for the various stages of the hand <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong> ranging from<br />

segmentation, features extraction and <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong> technique are then<br />

treated in details.<br />

Chapter 3 presents the methodology involved in constructing the vision based<br />

static hand <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong> system. Discussions however focus on the<br />

three most important rntijor steps of the system namely: (1)hand<br />

segmentation; (2)representation and description and (3)<strong>recognition</strong>. Hand<br />

segmentation technique is adopted to extract hand region from the visual<br />

input. Segmentation is done in gray level image, Red, Green, Blue (RGB)

color space and normalized RGB color space. A skin color modeling<br />

techniques <strong>using</strong> the property of human skin color in color space is then<br />

proposed. Representation and description on the other hand explains the<br />

methods used starting from preprocessing of the extracted hand region until a<br />

set of usehl features are extracted to represent the different hand postures.<br />

Recognition 5 presents the techniques used in classifying the feature vectors<br />

for the six different hand postures. Details on the steps used for implementing<br />

K-means clustering and the <strong>recognition</strong> method used are presented as well.<br />

Chapter 4 shows the results obtained from segmentation in different color<br />

space. The results for segmentation <strong>using</strong> the proposed skin color model are<br />

illustrated followed by the preprocessing, representation and eventually<br />

<strong>recognition</strong> based on the set of features proposed.<br />

Chapter 5 summarizes the thesis by restating the common problems arise in<br />

different stages of the <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong> task, thus laying down the<br />

requirements for a successful hand <strong>gesture</strong> <strong>recognition</strong> task as a whole and to<br />

check how much this thesis has helped to answer these requirements. For the<br />

questions and problems not addressed in other part of the thesis, they will be<br />

addressed in the future research directions.

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