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Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 281<br />

There have been the measurements of cutting force strains on the node,<br />

the values in Table 3 were obtained for the following node diameters: 4.74 mm<br />

for wheat, 3.02 mm at barley, 3.17 mm at oats, 6.93 mm at triticale, 4.92 mm at<br />

soybean, 3.45 mm at pea, 4.72 mm at beans, 11.56 mm at rapeseed, 22.68 mm<br />

for sunflower, 8.13 mm at sorghum and 31.02 mm for maize. So, for wheat the<br />

lowest values of cutting force is recorded at the JOHN DEERE and NEW<br />

HOLLAND blades type, at soybean, rapeseed, sorghum, oats and peas CLASS<br />

model, at sunflower oats, triticale and corn bean FENDT model, followed by<br />

JOHN DEERE model at soy, oats and corn.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. Having regard to specific geometric characteristics of each type of<br />

cutting blades, in terms of width blade, sharpening angle and opening angle of<br />

the blade grained, one can say that there is no constructive alternative to record<br />

the minimum cutting force values for all the cultures studied.<br />

2. On the basis of experimental data can be choosing a type of harvester<br />

for each crop, or a group of crops for which the values of the cutting force are<br />

minimum.<br />

3. As regards of the process of cutting the stems, cutting blades from the<br />

romanian combines registered values not closer to the minimum in any of the<br />

cultures studied, and this must be investigated and find a solution to reduce<br />

cutting force levels comparable with the imported machinery.<br />


Bochat A., Identification of Quasi-static Cutting Force of Triticale-straws for<br />

Designing Use of Scissor and Finger Cutting Sets. Journal of Polish CIMAC, 4-3,<br />

17-22 (2009).<br />

Neculaiasa V., Operaţii şi procese de lucru ale maşinilor agricole de recoltat. Ed.<br />

,,Gheorghe Asachi”, Iaşi, 2002.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Se prezintă rezultatele experimentale obţinute la tăierea tulpinilor la 11 culturi<br />

agricole, cele mai importante în agricultura românească, folosind aparatelor de tăiere de<br />

tip cuţit deget <strong>din</strong> dotarea unor combine de recoltat cereale aflate în exploatare. Au fost<br />

studiate aparatele de tăiere de la combinele româneşti DROPIA, SEMA şi GLORIA,<br />

precum şi de la combinele CLASS, FENDT, JOHN DEERE şi NEW HOLLAND, pe un<br />

stand care a permis măsurarea forţei de tăiere a tulpinilor pe intervalul <strong>din</strong>tre noduri şi<br />

pe nod.<br />

Cu ajutorul unui traductor de forţă s-a măsurat forţa necesară tăierii tulpinilor la<br />

grâu, orz, ovăz, triticale, porumb, floarea-soarelui, mazăre, soia, fasole, sorg şi rapiţă,<br />

atât la tăierea între nodurile tulpinilor, cât şi la tăierea pe nod.

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