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Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 241<br />

From Eqs. (2), (4) and (6), (7) there can be seen that the unknowns Rgx,<br />

Rgy, Rgz and Mgx, Mgy, Mgz are linearly depen<strong>din</strong>g on the components of the<br />

reaction with the ground Sx R , Sy R and Sz R the weight force of the foot Gp, the<br />

linear and angular accelerations of the foot but, at the same time, they are<br />

depen<strong>din</strong>g on the anthropometrical data of the foot, geometrical position of the<br />

contact point between the foot and ground, as well as the angles of dorsal –<br />

plantar and inversion – eversion flexions.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. From Eqs. (2), (4) and (6), (7) there can be determined the reaction<br />

forces and moments in ankle joint, which are necessary to evaluate the<br />

mechanical stresses loa<strong>din</strong>g tibia, fibula or astragal. Function of the value of<br />

these stresses, there can be analyzed various osteosynthesis techniques and can<br />

be made recommendations regar<strong>din</strong>g the gait during bone healing<br />

(osteosynthesis) as simultaneous technique of articular rehabilitation.<br />

2. In case of tibial malleolus fracture, the mechanical load of the<br />

osteosynthesis assembly during the gait should not exceed the critical values for<br />

fracture fragments displacement. Thus, on the basis of reaction forces and<br />

moments in ankle, there can be analyzed the distribution of mechanical stresses<br />

in tibia and certain features of the gait can be recommended to patient, for a<br />

correct healing and articular rehabilitation.<br />


Budescu E., Iacob I., Bazele biomecanicii în sport. Ed. Univ. “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, 2005.<br />

Papilian V., Anatomia omului. Vol. 1, Aparatul locomotor. Ed. Didactică şi Pedagogică,<br />

Bucureşti, 1982.<br />

Poteraşu V.F., Popescu D., Curs de mecanică teoretică. Vol. 1 şi 2, Ed. Universităţii<br />

Tehnice “Gheorghe Asachi”, Iaşi, 1995.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Lucrarea prezintă modelul <strong>din</strong>amic tridimensional al articulaţiei gleznei,<br />

considerând ca mişcări independente flexia dorsală-plantară şi inversia-eversia. Forţele<br />

interne care acţionează asupra piciorului au fost reduse în centrul articulaţiei la o forţă şi<br />

un moment unice. Folosind analiza <strong>din</strong>amică inversă, au fost scrise ecuaţiile de mişcare<br />

ale piciorului, pentru patru poziţii distincte ale contactului <strong>din</strong>tre picior şi sol în timpul<br />

mersului. Ecuaţiile pot fi folosite pentru determinarea forţei şi momentului articular <strong>din</strong><br />

gleznă, fiind necesare valori ale caracteristicilor antropometrice, forţei şi momentului de<br />

inerţie şi forţei de contact <strong>din</strong>tre picior şi sol.

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