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Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 211<br />

active plates, a series of additional tangential efforts exceed the maximum<br />

allowable material limit. Thus, failure of material occurs before its maximum<br />

limit of deformation.<br />

3. It should be noted that, the forming limit diagram obtained using<br />

hydraulic bulging test provides information only for the positive values of<br />

deformation.<br />

4. The constructive solution made, for the experimental, tests may be a<br />

suitable facility for a research laboratory because of the simplicity of<br />

construction and high mobility.<br />

Acknowledgements. This paper was realized with the support of EURODOC<br />

“Doctoral Scholarships for research performance at European level” project, financed<br />

by the European Social Fund and Romanian Government.<br />


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(Rezumat)<br />

Principalul obiectiv în elaborarea lucrării propuse l-a constituit evaluarea<br />

modului în care curbele limită de deformare pot caracteriza capacitatea de deformare a<br />

unui material. De asemenea, în cadrul demersului s-a dorit identificarea şi studierea<br />

unor factori ce pot altera, sau nu, calitatea informaţiei transmise prin intermediul CLD,<br />

în condiţiile în care la ora actuală curba limită de deformare constituie cel mai utilizat

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