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148 Anca Elena Eliza Sterpu and Anca Iuliana Dumitriu<br />

3.2.5. Distillation Curve Points. Fig. 5 shows the distillation curves for<br />

pure fuels (B0, B100) and for B5, B10, B15 and B20 blends. As can be seen in<br />

this figure, all curves<br />

tend to intercept at a point which defines two zones with<br />

different<br />

behaviour. Before the interception point (10% distilled percentage),<br />

distillation temperature increases with distilled percentage, while after this point<br />

the trend is reversed.<br />

3.2.6. Calculated Cetane Index. Cetane numbers rate the ignition properties<br />

of diesel fuel as a measure of the fuel’s ignition on compression as measured by<br />

ignition<br />

delay. The ignition<br />

delay in a diesel engine is defined as the time<br />

between<br />

the start of fuel injection and the start of combustion. The ignition<br />

quality of a fuel is usually characterized by its cetane number. Higher cetane<br />

number generally means shorter ignition delay (Canakci, 2007). Cetane number<br />

is measured in a single-cylinder engine compared with reference blends of ncetane<br />

and heptamethylnonane accor<strong>din</strong>g to ASTM D613 or in a constant<br />

volume combustion apparatus following ASTM D6890. However, these tests<br />

are awkward and expensive. For this reason there have been many attempts to<br />

develop methods to estimate the cetane number of a fuel. In order to<br />

differentiate predicted from measured values, the former is called calculated<br />

cetane index (CCI), and the latter cetane number.<br />

Fig.5 – Distillation curves of rapeseed oil biodiesel – diesel fuel blends.<br />

The CCI can be determined using empirical correlations in accordance<br />

with the ASTM D976 and D4737. Using ASTM D976, this parameter<br />

is<br />

btaine d as a function of fuel density at 15 curve<br />

point.<br />

o o<br />

C and the T50 distillation<br />

ASTM D4737 additionally takes into account T10 and T90 values. Figs.<br />

6 and 7 show the CCI values using the two standards. Distillation curve points<br />

were taken accor<strong>din</strong>g to the measured values shown in Fig. 5 and the values of<br />

density at 15 o C were obtained from Fig. 2. For comparison, the CCI values<br />

were then calculated from values of blend densities at 15 o C and distillation<br />

curve points obtained using Kay’s mixing rule.

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