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Fig. 2 – The closed system the<br />

related availability streams.<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 131<br />

with this environment. This state of<br />

equilibrium is defined as the dead state of<br />

the system and it depends on the pressure<br />

P0, the temperature T0 and the composition<br />

of the environment. In the present study,<br />

the environment is dry atmospheric air<br />

with P0=1 bar and T0=298 K. Thermal<br />

equilibrium is achieved when there is no<br />

heat exchange between the system and the<br />

environment, i.e. when the system is at<br />

temperature T0. Similarly, mechanical<br />

equilibrium is achieved when there is no<br />

work exchange between the system and its<br />

environment. Chemical equilibrium is<br />

achieved when no system component can<br />

react with the environment. For the present<br />

case, this means that in the dead state all<br />

the 11 species of the working medium have been either oxidized or reduced to<br />

N2, O2, CO2, and H2O. It is shown in Refs. (Bejan, 1988) that the availability of<br />

a closed system is equal to<br />

Φ = U + P V −T<br />

S − G . (4)<br />

0<br />

A direct consequence of the above definition is that when a differential<br />

amount of reversible work dW=(P-P0)dV is extracted from a system, its<br />

availability is reduced by exactly that amount. Similarly, when a differential<br />

amount of heat dQ is supplied to the system at temperature T, the system<br />

availability is increased by an amount dQ(1-T0/T).<br />

The system under consideration is shown in Fig. 2. It is a closed system,<br />

since only the part of the cycle from inlet valve closing to exhaust valve<br />

opening is considered. The only mass influx to the system is the prepared fuel,<br />

which takes place after injection.<br />

The differential availability fluxes can also be seen in Fig. 2. On the basis<br />

of the availability balance, the differential variation of the working medium<br />

availability is given by<br />

d Φ=−( P− P)d V + [dQ+ d N ( h −h )](1 − T / T) + dN a −dI<br />

. (5)<br />

0<br />

0 pr fl fv 0<br />

pr fv<br />

On the right hand side, the first term is availability out flux from the<br />

system in the form of work. The second term is availability input through heat<br />

flux and the third term is availability added to the system by the fuel vapor. The<br />

term dI makes Eq. (5) different from a conservation equation.<br />

During combustion working medium availability is destroyed and a<br />

differential amount dI of combustion irreversibility is produced. Similarly,<br />


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