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DIN IAŞI<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII)<br />

Fasc. 4<br />


2012 Editura POLITEHNIUM




Editorial Office: Bd. D. Mangeron 63, 700050, Iaşi, ROMANIA<br />

Tel. 40-232-278683; Fax: 40-232-237666; e-mail: polytech@mail.tuiasi.ro<br />

Editorial Board<br />

President: Prof. dr. eng. Ion Giurma, Member of the Academy of Agricultural<br />

Sciences and Forest, Rector of the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi<br />

Editor-in-Chief: Prof. dr. eng. Carmen Teodosiu, Vice-Rector of the<br />

“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi<br />

Honorary Editors of the Bulletin: Prof. dr. eng. Alfred Braier,<br />

Prof. dr. eng. Hugo Rosman<br />

Prof. dr. eng. Mihail Voicu, Correspon<strong>din</strong>g Member of the Romanian Academy,<br />

President of the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi<br />

Editors in Chief of the MACHINE CONSTRUCTIONS Section<br />

Prof. dr. eng. Radu Ibănescu, Assoc. prof. dr. eng. Aristotel Popescu<br />

Honorary Editors: Prof. dr. eng. Gheorghe NagîŃ, Prof. dr. eng. Cezar Oprişan<br />

Associated Editor: Assoc. prof. dr. eng. Eugen Axinte<br />

Editorial Advisory Board<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Nicuşor Amariei, „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical Prof.dr.eng. Dorel Leon, „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical<br />

University of Iaşi<br />

University of Iaşi<br />

Assoc.prof.dr.eng. Aristomenis Antoniadis, Technical Prof.dr.eng. James A. Liburdy, Oregon State University,<br />

University of Crete, Greece<br />

Corvallis, Oregon, SUA<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Virgil Atanasiu, „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical Prof.dr.eng.dr. h.c. Peter Lorenz, Hochschule für Technik<br />

University of Iaşi<br />

und Wirtschaft, Saarbrücken, Germany<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Petru Berce, Technical University of<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Nouraş -Barbu Lupulescu, University<br />

Cluj-Napoca<br />

Transilvania of Braşov<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Ion Bostan, Technical University of Chişinău, Prof.dr.eng. Fabio Miani, University of U<strong>din</strong>e, Italy<br />

Republic of Moldova<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Mircea Mihailide, „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Walter Calles, Hochschule für Technik und University of Iaşi<br />

Wirtschaft des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany Prof.dr.eng. Sevasti Mitsi, Aristotle University of<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Doru Călăraşu, „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical Thessaloniki, Salonic, Greece<br />

University of Iaşi<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Vasile Neculăiasa, „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Francisco Chinesta, École Centrale de Nantes, University of Iaşi<br />

France<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Fernando José Neto da Silva, University of<br />

Assoc.prof.dr.eng. Conçalves Coelho, University Nova of Aveiro, Portugal<br />

Lisbon, Portugal<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Dumitru Olaru, „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Juan Pablo Contreras Samper, University of University of Iaşi<br />

Cadiz, Spain<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Manuel San Juan Blanco, University of<br />

Assoc.prof.dr.eng. Mircea Cozmîncă, „Gheorghe Asachi” Valladolid, Spain<br />

Technical University of Iaşi<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Loredana Santo,University „Tor Vergata”,<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Spiridon CreŃu, „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical Rome, Italy<br />

University of Iaşi<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Cristina Siligardi, University of Modena, Italy<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Gheorghe Dumitraşcu, „Gheorghe Asachi” Prof.dr.eng. Filipe Silva, University of Minho, Portugal<br />

Technical University of Iaşi<br />

Prof.dr.eng. LaurenŃiu Slătineanu, „Gheorghe Asachi”<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Cătălin Fetecău, University „Dunărea de Jos” of Technical University of Iaşi<br />

GalaŃi<br />

Lecturer dr.eng. Birgit Kjærside Storm, Aalborg<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Mihai GafiŃanu, „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical Universitet Esbjerg, Denmark<br />

University of Iaşi<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Ezio Spessa, Politecnico di Torino, Italy<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Radu Gaiginschi, „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical Prof.dr.eng.Roberto Teti, University „Federico II”, Naples, Italy<br />

University of Iaşi<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Alexei Toca, Technical University of Chişinău,<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Francisco Javier Santos Martin, University of Republic of Moldova<br />

Valladolid, Spain<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Hans-Bernhard Woyand, Bergische University<br />

Prof. dr. Dirk Lefeber, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium Wuppertal, Germany



Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4 2012<br />


S U M A R<br />


MASSIMO MORALE (Italia), Recuperarea energiei generate în procesul<br />

de vaporizare a gazelor naturale lichefiate (engl., rez. rom.) .....................<br />


testarea unui gazeificator cu circulaţie descendentă, cu puterea 50 kW<br />

(engl., rez. rom.)..........................................................................................<br />

Pag.<br />


ANA ŢÂRLEA, Studiu teoretic comparativ privind îmbunătăţirea <strong>din</strong><br />

punct de vedere al eco-eficienţei unui sistem frigorific ca urmare a<br />

înlocuirii hidrocarburilor şi amestecurilor de HFC cu amoniac (engl.,<br />

rez. rom.)..................................................................................................... 35<br />

NICOLAE BARA şi MARIN BICA, Influenţa factorilor de mediu şi<br />

constructivi asupra performanţelor vaporizatoarelor (engl., rez. rom.)....... 43<br />

IONEL OPREA, Metoda multicriterială de alegere a agenţilor frigorifici<br />

pentru pompele termice (engl., rez. rom.)................................................... 51<br />


BARZIC şi GHEORGHE DUMITRAŞCU, Proprietăţi termice ale<br />

nanocompozitelor polistiren/nanotuburi de carbon obţinute prin metoda<br />

forfecării (engl., rez. rom.).......................................................................... 59<br />



unui schimbător de căldură cu plăci în curent încrucişat (engl., rez. rom.) 65<br />

ION ZABET şi GRAŢIELA-MARIA ŢÂRLEA, Rezultate experimentale<br />

privind un compressor scroll cu injecţie de vapori (engl., rez. rom.) ....... 71<br />


Studiu asupra performanţelor motorului cu aprindere prin scânteie<br />

alimentat cu hidrogen (engl., rez. rom.)............................................. 81<br />


Aspectre privind utilizarea bioetanolului în motoare cu aprindere prin<br />

scânteie (engl., rez. rom.)............................................................................ 91<br />

1<br />



Nivelul emisiilor poluante ale motoarelor cu ardere internă care<br />

utilizează combustibili clasici şi alternativi (engl., rez. rom.) ................... 101<br />


ALEXANDRU CERNAT, Investigaţii teoretice experimentale ale<br />

motorului cu aprindere prin scânteie supraalimentat (engl., rez.<br />

rom.)............................................................................................................<br />


efectului adăugării hidrogenului în adaos la un motor alimentat cu<br />

benzină (engl., rez. rom.)............................................................................. 117<br />


LESCU, Analiza funcţionării motorului diesel cu combustibilii metan,<br />

metanol şi diesel (engl., rez. rom.) ...........................................................<br />


amestecare pentru predicţia proprietăţilor de ardere ale combustibililor<br />

pentru motoarele diesel ale autovehiculelor (engl., rez. rom.) ..................<br />


Optimizarea controlului debitului de aer la un sistem de răcire al unui<br />

motor termic (engl., rez. rom.) ................................................................... 153<br />


Modelarea unui sistem de propulsie auto cu funcţionare stabilă (engl.,<br />

rez. rom.)..................................................................................................... 161<br />

MARIANA LUPCHIAN, Determinarea componentelor sistemului de propulsie<br />

la bordul unui petrolier (engl., rez. rom.).................................................. 171<br />


Inroducere în sistemul de injecţie Common Rail (engl., rez.<br />

rom.)............................................................................................................ 177<br />


Ruperea prin forfecare a unui material cromoplastic (engl., rez.<br />

rom.)............................................................................................................<br />


variaţiei rugozităţii tablelor subţiri în funcţie de deformaţia obţinută la<br />

întindere (engl., rez. rom.)...........................................................................<br />

OVIDIU NIŢĂ şi VASILE BRAHA, Determinarea curbelor limită de<br />

deformare utilizând metoda umflării hidraulice (engl., rez. rom.) ............. 205<br />


ONESCU şi RADU NICOLAE DOBRESCU, Consideraţii privind<br />

comportarea oţelului XC45 la frecare uscată la temperatura de 80 o C<br />

(engl., rez. rom.) .........................................................................................<br />


obţinute la modelarea <strong>din</strong>amică a articulaţiei cotului (engl., rez. rom.) .... 221<br />

109<br />

127<br />

141<br />

187<br />

197<br />


VICTOR COTOROS şi EMIL BUDESCU, Aspecte privind biomecanica<br />

articulară: articulaţia gleznei (engl., rez. rom.) ..........................................<br />

VICTOR COTOROS şi EUGEN MERTICARU, Fractura maleolei tibiale:<br />

model virtual şi analiza cu metoda elementelor finite (engl., rez. rom.) ....<br />


Stand de laborator pentru studiul impactului traficului agricol şi a<br />

lucrărilor tehnologice asupra proprietăţilor fizice ale solului (engl., rez.<br />

rom.)............................................................................................................<br />


NARCIS BÂRSAN şi DANA CHIŢIMUŞ, Studiul obţinerii traiectoriei<br />

unei particule solide pe o suprafaţă plană oscilantă (engl., rez. rom.)........<br />

GELU NUŢU şi IOAN BĂISAN, Stand de laborator pentru studiul tăierii<br />

tulpinilor vegetale cu aparate de tăiere de tip cuţit-deget<br />

(engl., rez. rom.) .........................................................................................<br />

GELU NUŢU şi IOAN BĂISAN, Cercetări privind tăierea tulpinilor vegetale<br />

cu aparate de tăiere de la combinele de recoltat cereale (engl., rez.<br />

rom.)............................................................................................................<br />


CLAUDIA TOMOZEI şi OANA IRIMIA, Studiul comportării produselor<br />

alimentare supuse mărunţirii prin tăiere prin metoda analizei de<br />

textură (engl., rez. rom.).............................................................................. 283<br />

229<br />

243<br />

255<br />

263<br />

271<br />




Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4 2012<br />



MASSIMO MORALE (Italy), Energy Recovery from Regasification of<br />

LNG (English, Romanian summary)...........................................................<br />


Testing of a 50 kW Downdraft Gasifier (English, Romanian<br />

summary).....................................................................................................<br />


ANA ŢÂRLEA, Theoretical Eco-Efficiency Comparative Study Case,<br />

Hydrocarbons, Ammonia and HFC Mixture Alternative Retrofit<br />

(English, Romanian summary)....................................................................<br />

NICOLAE BARA and MARIN BICA, Influence of Environmental and<br />

Constructive Factors on the Vaporizers Performance (English, Romanian<br />

summary).....................................................................................................<br />

IONEL OPREA, An Improved Method for Heat Pumps Refrigerant Choice<br />

(English, Romanian summary) ..................................................................<br />


BARZIC and GHEORGHE DUMITRAŞCU, Thermal Properties of<br />

Polystyrene/Carbon Nanotubes Composites Prepared by Shear Casting<br />

(English, Romanian summary)....................................................................<br />



Modelling of a Plate Cross Flow Heat Exchanger (English, Romanian<br />

summary).....................................................................................................<br />

ION ZABET and GRAŢIELA-MARIA ŢÂRLEA, Experimental Results on a<br />

Vapour Injection Scroll Compressor (Engliah, Romanian summary)........<br />

CORNELIU CRISTESCU PETRIN DRUMEA, CĂTĂLIN DUMITRESCU și DRAGOȘ ION GUȚĂ, Experimental Research Regar<strong>din</strong>g the Dynamic Behavior of Linear Hydraulic Servo-Systems (English, Romanian Summary) ................................................................................<br />

C O N T E N T S<br />


A Study on Performance of a Hydrogen Fuelled Spark Ignition Engine<br />

(English, Romanian summary)...................................................................<br />

Pp.<br />

1<br />

29<br />

35<br />

43<br />

51<br />

59<br />

65<br />

71<br />



Aspects Regar<strong>din</strong>g the Use of Bioethanol in Spark Ignition Engines<br />

(English, Romanian summary)...................................................................<br />


SVOBODA, Emission Level from Internal Combustion Engine Using<br />

Fosil and Alternative Fuels (English, Romanian summary) ...................... 101<br />


and ALEXANDRU CERNAT, Theoretical and Experimental Investigations<br />

of the SI Engine Turbocharging (English, Romanian summary) ... 109<br />


Investigation the Effect of Hydrogen Addition in a Spark Ignition Engine<br />

(English, Romanian summary).................................................................... 117<br />


HALESCU, Analysis of Diesel Engine Operation on Methane, Methanol<br />

and Diesel Fuels (English, Romanian summary) ....................................... 127<br />


Rules for Predicting the Ignition Properties of Automotive Diesel Engine<br />

Fuels (English, Romanian summary).......................................................... 141<br />


Optimization of the Air Flow Control for a Car Engine Cooling System<br />

(English, Romanian summary) ................................................................... 153<br />


Modeling a Car Powertrain System with Stable Operation (English,<br />

Romanian summary)................................................................................... 161<br />

MARIANA LUPCHIAN, Determination of Propulsion System Components on<br />

Board a Tanker Ship (English, Romanian summary).................................. 171<br />


Introduction to Common Rail Injection System (English, Romanian<br />

summary)..................................................................................................... 177<br />


Study of a Chromoplastic Material Shear Breaking (English, Romanian<br />

summary)..................................................................................................... 187<br />


of Sheets Metal Roughness Variation Depen<strong>din</strong>g on Tensile Strain<br />

(English, Romanian summary).................................................................... 197<br />

OVIDIU NIŢĂ and VASILE BRAHA, Determination of Forming Limit<br />

Diagrams Using Hydraulic Bulging Test (English, Romanian<br />

summary)..................................................................................................... 205<br />



ONESCU and RADU NICOLAE DOBRESCU, Considerations<br />

Regar<strong>din</strong>g the Behaviour of Steel XC45 at Dry Friction at a Temperature<br />

of 80 o C (English, Romanian summary)..................................................... 213<br />


Achieved through the Dynamic Shaping of the Elbow Joint (English,<br />

Romanian summary.) ................................................................................. 221<br />

VICTOR COTOROS and EMIL BUDESCU, Dynamic Analysis of Ankle<br />

Joint – 3D Biomechanics Model (English, Romanian summary).............. 229<br />

VICTOR COTOROS and EUGEN MERTICARU, Tibial Malleolus Fracture:<br />

Virtual Model and Analysis with the Finite Element Method (English,<br />

Romanian summary)................................................................................... 243<br />


Laboratory Stand for Traffic Impact Study of Agriculture and<br />

Technology Works on Physical Properties of Soil (English, Romanian<br />

summary)..................................................................................................... 255<br />


NARCIS BÂRSAN and DANA CHIŢIMUŞ, The Study to Obtaining the<br />

Trajectories of Solid Particles on an Oscillatory Flat Surface (English,<br />

Romanian summary) .................................................................................. 263<br />

GELU NUŢU and IOAN BĂISAN, Laboratory Stand for the Study of Cut<br />

Strains Vegetable with Knife-Fingers Type Cutting Apparatus (English,<br />

Romanian summary)................................................................................... 271<br />

GELU NUŢU and IOAN BĂISAN, Researches Concerning the Cutting of<br />

Strains Plant with Cutting Devices from Combine Harvesters (English,<br />

Romanian summary)................................................................................... 277<br />


CLAUDIA TOMOZEI and OANA IRIMIA, Study the Behaviur of Food<br />

Materials with Soft Textured Subject to Shred by Cutting through the<br />

Texture Analysis Method (English, Romanian summary) ......................... 283


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />



BY<br />


and MASSIMO MORALE 2<br />

1 University of Nottingham, UK,<br />

Department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering<br />

2 Università di Palermo, Italy,<br />

Dipartimento dell’Energia<br />

Received: April 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: June 2012<br />

Abstract. The international forecasts on energy consumption in the next<br />

future show an increasing trend due also to growing markets, and among this the<br />

lea<strong>din</strong>g emerging economies connected to BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia,<br />

India, China and South Africa). We need more and more energy. On the other<br />

side the environmental problem is arising and the climate change is a more and<br />

more pressing emergency. The latest environmental disasters, as the oil spill in<br />

the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 and the earthquake with the following tsunami in<br />

Japan in 2011, struck the public opinion and so, as in many European countries,<br />

the nuclear program is under a deep revision or even stopped.<br />

So it is necessary to utilize as well as possible all energy resources. Among<br />

these resources, natural gas is undoubtedly one of the most used. A lot of gas<br />

pipelines were build and many others are under construction or in project. At the<br />

same time many countries utilizing gas are far from production countries, for<br />

example Japan that actually is reconverting the national energy plan pushing up<br />

on natural gas. Therefore the only way to utilize gas in these countries is to<br />

achieve it by transportation with ships, and the better way is in liquid state, so it<br />

is possible to maximize mass per unit volume.<br />

The transport of natural gas is made by gas pipeline from gas field to the<br />

harbour where are located the gasification terminal. In these industrial sites the<br />

gasification process takes place with consumption of the natural gas itself, i.e. an<br />

huge amount of energy is used in order to liquefy the gas.<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: vincenzo.larocca@unipa.it

2 Antonino La Rocca et al.<br />

At the terminal of arrival, the regasification process of LNG returns it back<br />

to gas state before its transport in the pipeline network. Again energy<br />

consumption is required and, moreover, a huge amount of cold is produced. The<br />

recovery of cold may be of capital interest because it has a relevant<br />

environmental impact, usually on the sea near the regasification site, and, by an<br />

energetic point of view, it is not a suitable operation to waste a lot of energy.<br />

So it is possible to consider both the production of electrical energy<br />

recovering the energy available as cold, using the cryogenic stream of LNG<br />

during regasification as cold source in an improved CHP Plant (Combined Heat<br />

and Power), and to utilize directly cold in some suitable process where cold is<br />

need.<br />

This paper, after a survey of the natural gas market, deals with some<br />

feasible process utilizing waste cold from regasification of LNG, showing an<br />

application in order to produce electric energy and another case study which<br />

reutilize cold directly.<br />

Key words: LNG regasification, energy efficiency, energy from waste,<br />

CHP plants.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Nowadays the international markets are afflicted by a deep economic<br />

crisis. In Europe many countries was obliged to reduce their expenses, to<br />

increase taxation, to cut wages and jobs; many firms was obliged to restructure<br />

their factories and these policies led particularly to an increasing<br />

unemployment. In the Euro Area the unemployment rate in March 2012 reach<br />

the value of 10.9%, an increasing value from the value of 9.9% only one year<br />

ago. Among the European countries Spain and Greece have the highest values<br />

of unemployed, reaching respectively the values of 24.1% and 21.7% (data:<br />

Eurostat website).<br />

On the other side in the world the energy production and consumption are<br />

still increasing, but this is due only to the growing economies. European Union<br />

registers a negative trend in the primary energy production and, moreover, it has<br />

pledges to cut its energy consumption by 20% by 2020.<br />

The emerging economies connected to BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia,<br />

India and China) collectively consume around 27% of the world’s primary<br />

energy demand, 17% of oil demand, 19% of gas demand and nearly half of<br />

global coal demand.<br />

All these scenarios are reported in the latest IEA World Energy Outlooks.<br />

In these reports we can see an increasing demand of energy and the linked<br />

request to stop the climate change, related the use of fossil fuels.<br />

So the main keywords are: convert to renewables and use in a better way<br />

all the energy resources, performing also the CCS, i.e. the Carbon Capture and<br />

Sequestration, for fossil fuels if it is possible.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 3<br />

The energetic scenario prospected by IEA and other statistical reports, as<br />

for example the BP Energy Outlook 2011, will be dominate again by fossil fuels<br />

and nuclear, with a more and more increasing role of all renewables in the next<br />

years until 2035. Considering the increasing discontent in many countries about<br />

nuclear energy we have to consider a shift on traditional reliable energy<br />

resources.A recent news point that Japan stop all nuclear reactors and many<br />

analysts doubt that these plant will operate again, due to the shock that struck<br />

the Japanese people after the tsunami. The reopening will be subject to an<br />

approval by Prefectures, a political choice that can’t take into account the public<br />

opinion; nuclear energy in the last years covered about 30% of energy<br />

production in Japan. Germany also is rethinking about nuclear energy and stated<br />

to stop in the next 10 years all the plants. In Italy there is no nuclear plant<br />

operating and the nuclear program, when some approach was made to<br />

reintroduce it, was stopped for many years, and maybe forever, by a referendum<br />

that took place in 2011.<br />

So despite all, the role of fossil fuels is still essential and among these,<br />

the natural gas (NG) isone of the most attractive. Many gas pipelines are<br />

operating now and many others will be realized in the next future. The<br />

Liquefied Natural Gas, LNG, will be increasing its role and it is easy to think<br />

that Japan, for example, actually the leader country for number of LNG<br />

regasification plants, will convert on LNG the lack of nuclear energy<br />

production. BP in his outlook points that the “global natural gas trade<br />

increased by a robust 10.1% in 2010. A 22.6% increase in LNG shipments was<br />

driven by a 53.2% increase in Qatari shipments. Among LNG importers, the<br />

largest volumetric growth was in South Korea, the UK and Japan. LNG now<br />

accounts for 30.5% of global gas trade. Pipeline shipments grew by 5.4%, led<br />

by growth in Russian exports”.<br />

2. The Use of NG and LNG<br />

The NG is a leader among the fossil fuels. In 2010 the world production<br />

was 3193.3 billion of cubic metres. The NG international trade was 975.22<br />

billion of cubic metres of which 297.63 as LNG.<br />

LNG made possible to use gas where isn’t possible to transport it by<br />

pipeline directly from the extraction wells. The natural gas reaches by pipeline<br />

the terminal plant near the sea. Here the liquefaction process take place and it<br />

uses energy given directly by the gas itself. So the natural gas, in liquid state, is<br />

stored in suitable tanks located into a ship that sails to the arrival terminal,<br />

where the gas is regasified and inserted into the distribution pipeline. The<br />

regasification process uses energy, given once again by the gas itself, and, at the<br />

same time, a huge amount of cold is produced and it need to be utilized or<br />

discharged in some way; usually cold is lost into the sea water utilized in the<br />


4 Antonino La Rocca et al.<br />

2.1. Energy Recover from Regasification Process of LNG<br />

As suggested by several scientists (Cravalho et al., 1977; Buffiere &<br />

Vincent, 1972; Snamprogetti, 1978, Dispenza et al., 2002), there are several<br />

possibilities to recover energy from the regasification process of LNG.<br />

Among these we may consider to storage the cold energy by means of a<br />

suitable media carrier (a refrigerant), as may be Nitrogen or oxygen, and then to<br />

transport it back to the gasification site; this solution, very attractive from a<br />

thermodynamic point of view, is not practicable: in fact we need additional<br />

storage and process plants at both the gasification and the regasification site,<br />

moreover the handling of LNG and refrigerant is more complicated. Another<br />

possibility is to use the regasifying LNG to produce liquid oxygen and liquid<br />

Nitrogen. It is also possible to utilize cold directly in some foodstuff factory that<br />

need cold. Till now these options had no fortune because they involved a plant<br />

more complicated and economically there was no convenience. But now, with<br />

energetic costs so high, it is necessary to change point of view and operate with<br />

the maximum recover of energy.<br />

The production of electric energy may be realised in several ways<br />

(Dispenza et al., 2006). A first possibility is to enhance the overall electric<br />

efficiency of Electric Utilities in Power stations working with a cycle with<br />

Steam Turbines, lying near the regasification site, by lowering the temperature<br />

of the condenser utilizing the water rejected by the Open Rack units. The idea<br />

has been applied in Japan.<br />

Another new idea is applied also in Japan at Himeji LNG Terminal: it<br />

pertains to an application where cold energy of LNG during regasification, in an<br />

Electric Utility lying inside the Terminal area which has an Electric Power<br />

capacity of 50 MW and works with a combined cycle with Gas Turbine and<br />

Steam Turbine, is utilized to cool gas turbine inlet air.<br />

An improved Process was proposed in the past (Snamprogetti, 1978) by a<br />

patent which was proved in-field in the Regasification site of SNAM (ENI<br />

Group) located in Panigaglia, La Spezia, Italy. The process pertains the use of a<br />

CHP Binary Cycle composed of two Brayton Cycles: the Top Cycle is an open<br />

cycle working with a conventional Gas Turbine and the Bottom closed Cycle<br />

works with Nitrogen which is heated recovering the reject heat of the top cycle<br />

and then it goes into a cryogenic Heat Exchanger into which LNG is regasified.<br />

Now the development of innovatory technology in the field of Gas<br />

Turbines, Compressors and Heat Transfer Equipment and devices offers a new<br />

perspective. Then, it seems very interesting the analysis of some improved<br />

Cycles of such kind addressed to recovery exergy of cold during the<br />

regasification of LNG producing Electric Energy.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 5<br />

2.2 The Regasification Process of LNG<br />

The Italian natural gas transmission system works with major pipelines at<br />

a pressure rating up to more than 70 bar, then the LNG regasified has to be sent<br />

in the transport pipeline at a pressure of the same order of magnitude.<br />

Fig. 1 – Thermodynamic process during regasification of LNG (La Rocca, 2010).<br />

In principle it is possible to pump natural gas at this pressure after<br />

regasification at a low pressure (Fig. 1, path AB’D’D), but this option isn’t<br />

applied in Europe. When the regasification is carried out at low pressures and,<br />

then, the gas is compressed at the pressure required by pipelines, the pumping<br />

power, WNG, is very high. Instead, if the LNG is pumped in liquid phase, at a<br />

pressure lying in the pressure rating required by pipelines (usually a<br />

hypercritical pressure in Europe) there is convenience because the pumping<br />

power, WLNG, is lower (see Fig.1, path ABCD). The ratio WNG/WLNG is higher<br />

than 20. Moreover, with regasification at hypercritical pressures, the heat<br />

exchange by the LNG side is very good and heat transfer equipment is more<br />

reliable.<br />

In this paper a summary and some results of researches carried out at the<br />

Dipartimento dell’Energia of Palermo are reported.<br />

3. Production of Cold from Regasification of LNG<br />

The research developed on this subject includes both cryogenic<br />

applications and industrial use of cold at very low temperature inside the<br />

regasification site and cold utilization by end users far from the regasification<br />

site in deep freezing facilities and for space conditioning in the commercial<br />

sector (e.g.: Supermarkets and Hypermarkets).<br />

An application that want recovery cold from a regasification plant of<br />

LNG, need to be as close as possible to the regasification site, but this is very<br />

difficult due to safety restriction. LNG is flammable and a fire may take place in<br />

case of leakage, so it is necessary to fix safety distances with other production<br />

site or other activities.

6 Antonino La Rocca et al.<br />

There are still many problems to transfer cold recovered outside the<br />

regasification site, because the long distances need a suitable brine or safe<br />

fluids.<br />

In a previous work of the Research Team at Dipartimento dell’Energia of<br />

Palermo University, which Authors belong, is proposed the process shown in<br />

Fig.2, concerning a modular multipurpose regasification facility in order to<br />

recover LNG physical exergy for cold utilization.<br />

Fig. 2 –A proposed plant for cold recovery during LNG regasification<br />

(La Rocca, 2010).<br />

The design of the process allows the use of cold at two different<br />

temperatures: one lower for industrial use and one higher, suitable for other<br />

applications. Two applications utilizing cold recovered are here considered: a<br />

cluster of Agro Food Factories and a large Hypermarket.<br />

The plant proposed is modular and has a regasification capacity of 2 × 10 9<br />

Stm 3 /y when working 270 d/y 24 h a day all the year around.<br />

The facility requires an intermediate Power Cycle, working with a<br />

suitable fluid such as Ethane, able to produce 3MWof electric power, but the<br />

own purpose of the modular unit is to deliver cold suitable for industrial and<br />

commercial use in the proper temperature range utilizing Carbon Dioxide as<br />

secondary fluid to transfer cold from regasification site to far end users.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 7<br />

Fig. 3 reports a simplified thermodynamic cycle of the Power Cycle<br />

working with Ethane which is included in the Modular Unit.<br />

The evaporator section is constituted by KE1, KE2, KE3 and there is at<br />

exit a dryer/separator. The preheater section is represented by the Heat<br />

exchanger CU. The condenser section includes the Ethane condenser and the<br />

Ethane receiver from which liquid Ethane is pumped in CU. Ethane pump is<br />

driven by a low pressure Ethane expander, while GT is the Ethane power<br />

expander.<br />

Fig. 3 – Power Cycle working with Ethane (La Rocca, 2010).<br />

In the process (Fig. 2) cold can be produced at lower temperatures<br />

suitable for industrial applications (-90 °C, -80 °C, -35 °C) in the Heat<br />

Exchangers CU (4 MW), CU1 (9.5 MW) and at higher temperatures (-35 °C up<br />

to 0 °C) in the Kettle type evaporators KE1 (3.5 MW), KE2 (14.2 MW), KE3 (5<br />

MW) and in the Heat Exchanger CU2 (16.1 MW). The Open Rack units will be<br />

used to manage the matching of duty.<br />

Two other Service Cycles working with CO2 are included in the design of<br />

the modular plant related facilities (Figs. 4-5) in order to transfer cold to the<br />

end-user.<br />

Part of the cycles operates inside the regasification site: condensing the<br />

gaseous CO2 phase returning from the end users facilities and pumping the<br />

liquid phase of CO2 obtained in the heat exchangers CU1 and KE2 (respectively<br />

for the Agro Food Factories and for the Hypermarket: note also that Kettle<br />

reboilers 1, 2, 3 are used as heating heat exchangers for the power cycle<br />

working with Ethane recovering cold which is utilized for a lot of processes,<br />

Open Rack units operate when the modular unit is stan<strong>din</strong>g).<br />

Part of the cycles operates inside the end users facilities: the CO2 liquid<br />

phase evaporates releasing cold. The transfer of liquid phase of CO2 from the<br />

regasification site to end users is made via a liquid phase CO2 pipeline (CO2 is<br />

pumped in liquid phase inside the regasification facility). The transfer of<br />

gaseous phase of CO2, obtained during the process of refrigeration inside the

8 Antonino La Rocca et al.<br />

end users facilities and returning to the regasification site, is made via a gaseous<br />

phase CO2 pipeline (the pressure losses along the flow path are accounted in the<br />

design of the service cycles, see Figs. 6 and 7).<br />

Fig. 4 – The Service Cycle for the Agro Food Factories (La Rocca, 2010).<br />

Fig. 5 – The Service Cycle for the Hypermarket (La Rocca, 2010).<br />

The pumping process of the CO2 in liquid phase is a good practice for<br />

saving energy (Dispenza et al., 1979).<br />

The process proposed works at hypercritical pressures (LNG in the<br />

regasification process has pressure lying in the range 80 ÷ 75 bar).<br />

3.1. The Feasibility Study<br />

The recovery of cold from LNG regasification in the proposed process<br />

considers two kind of facilities as end user: first a cluster of Agro Food<br />

Factories, where there is need of cold for the freezing process of foods and to<br />

maintain these at low temperature; second Supermarkets and Hypermarkets<br />

where the need of cold is mainly for space air conditioning and some cold is<br />

required for the refrigeration of display cases and cabinets in the sales area and<br />

for the preparation of foodstuffs and their cold storage in cold storage rooms.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 9<br />

The two clusters have a mean distance of 2 km from the regasification site.<br />

Fig. 6 – The cooling cycle for transfer an utilization of cold in Agro Food Factories<br />

diagram: courtesy of IIR (La Rocca, 2010).<br />

Fig. 7 – The cooling cycle for transfer an utilization of cold in Hypermarket<br />

diagram: courtesy of IIR (La Rocca, 2010).

10 Antonino La Rocca et al.<br />

The mean single regasification capacity in the regasification sites planned<br />

in the World is 8 × 10 9 Stm 3 /y. The modular regasification facility reported in<br />

Fig. 2 has a regasification capacity of 2 × 10 9 Stm 3 /y and it has a potential<br />

capacity to delivery cold power, recovered for cold utilization, of more than<br />

50MWand can produce 3 MW of electric power.<br />

The power required by the cluster inclu<strong>din</strong>g Agro Food Factories<br />

amounts to 9 MW of cold. The duty can be satisfied by the use of cold delivered<br />

in the exchanger CU1.<br />

The end use in the Hypermarket pertains mainly to the process of space<br />

air conditioning and a quantity of cold is required in the refrigeration utilities.<br />

The whole amount of power required is of 6 MW of which 100 kW delivered as<br />

cold at -35 °C and the remaining part delivered as cold at -10 °C. The whole<br />

duty can be satisfied by the use of cold delivered in the Kettle evaporators KE2.<br />

The remaining cold recovered can be used inside the regasification site<br />

for a lot of other processes which requires cold.<br />

3.2. The Transfer of Cold Between the Regasification Facility and the End Users<br />

This phase of the research activity at Dipartimento dell’Energia of<br />

Palermo University required a thorough analysis of a lot of options. The transfer<br />

of cold between the regasification facility and the clusters of Agro Food<br />

Factories and the Hypermarket takes place by means of two pipelines into<br />

which travels Carbon Dioxide: in the fee<strong>din</strong>g pipeline it is in liquid phase and in<br />

the return pipeline it is in gaseous phase.<br />

Carbon Dioxide is liquefied in the regasification facility recovering cold<br />

available in the regasification process (Fig.2, Units: CU1 and KE2) and it is<br />

pumped in liquid phase. The selected option allows a considerable saving of<br />

pumping power (e.g.: it results for the Case Study of the Agro Food Factories<br />

that for the gaseous phase it would be more than 30 time higher). Carbon<br />

Dioxide in liquid phase goes to the clusters of users in each factory and feeds<br />

evaporators of cold utilities while the gaseous phase returns back to the<br />

regasification facility where it is liquefied and then pumped in the fee<strong>din</strong>g<br />

pipeline.<br />

3.3. Agro Food Factories<br />

A process sheet of the condensation facility and of the liquid Carbon<br />

Dioxide pumping station lying in the regasification site is reported in Fig. 4<br />

(exchanger CU1, receiver A and Carbon Dioxide Liquid Pump). In the same<br />

Figure it is reported a schematic sheet indicating some clusters of end users<br />

(CLi), the storage system (Bi) of the liquid Carbon Dioxide installed ahead of<br />

the end users in a Factory. The gaseous phase returning from the evaporators<br />

comes in the receiver (Ci). From this device installed in each Factory it goes<br />

(almost dry) in a common receiver (C, installed in the cluster area) and then it

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 11<br />

goes in the return pipeline collecting all the gaseous Carbon Dioxide returning<br />

from the whole cluster of Factories.<br />

Fig. 6 represents the process which takes place in the secondary line<br />

(which includes the Carbon Dioxide pipeline) on the p-h diagram. The line 1-2<br />

indicates the condensation process of the gaseous phase which returns from the<br />

Agro Food Factories. The evaporation process takes place in the evaporators (at<br />

the end user, line 5-6). The pumping of the liquid phase is indicated by the line<br />

2-3 and line 3-4 indicates the pressure losses along the path in which the liquid<br />

phase travels. Line 4-5 indicates, for sake of simplicity, the whole adiabatic<br />

throttling process which takes place in all evaporators. For sake of simplicity<br />

pressure losses are not represented on the diagrams, but these were duly taken<br />

into account in the study.<br />

The line 6-1 indicates the process which pertains to the pressure losses<br />

during the return of the gaseous phase. The pipeline ahead of the end uses has a<br />

mean diameter of 8 inch (thickness 8.18 mm, pressure rating 40 bar, seamless<br />

steel API 5L). The pipeline downstream of the end uses (return pipeline) has a<br />

mean diameter of 18 inch (thickness 11.13 mm, pressure rating 40 bar, seamless<br />

steel API 5L). The insulation material is polyurethane foam, which has high<br />

thermal efficiency and is mechanically strong. The system is capable of working<br />

in a temperature range of -200 °C to 150 °C. The condensation and pumping<br />

facility (in the regasification site) and the facility lying in the cluster will be<br />

monitored on-line by means of a master PC (cluster controller) which receives<br />

signals by the data acquisition and control peripherals (remote units, at the end<br />

uses). The main task of the supervision system will be to assure the right<br />

fee<strong>din</strong>g of the evaporators at the end use.<br />

3.4. Hypermarket<br />

Fig. 5 shows a process sheet of the condensation facility and of the liquid<br />

Carbon Dioxide pumping station lying in the regasification site (exchanger<br />

KE2, receiver A’ and Carbon Dioxide Liquid Pump). In the same Figure it is<br />

reported a schematic sheet of some end users, the storage system (B’) of the<br />

liquid Carbon Dioxide installed ahead of the end users. In the receiver (C’)<br />

comes the gaseous phase returning from the evaporators; from this device it<br />

goes (almost dry) in the return pipeline. In Fig. 7 it represents the process which<br />

takes place in the secondary line (which includes the Carbon Dioxide pipeline)<br />

on the p-h diagram. The processes represented both for the end use at -35 °C<br />

and for the end use at -15 °C, are similar to those explained for Fig. 4.<br />

Note that here there is need to equip the facility with a compressor (see<br />

Fig. 5) which pumps the gaseous phase coming out from the evaporators<br />

working at a lower temperature up to a pressure level suitable for mixing the<br />

gaseous phase with that coming out from the Air Treatment Units in the<br />

Hypermarket. The pipeline lying ahead of the end uses has a mean diameter of 6

12 Antonino La Rocca et al.<br />

inch (thickness 10.97 mm, pressure rating 80 bar, seamless steel API 5L). The<br />

pipeline lying downstream of the end uses (return pipeline) has a mean diameter<br />

of 12 inch (thickness 17.48 mm, pressure rating 80 bar, seamless steel API 5L).<br />

The insulation material is polyurethane foam, which has high thermal efficiency<br />

and is mechanically strong. The system is capable of working in a temperature<br />

range of -200 °C to 150 °C.<br />

3.5. The Regasification Modular Unit, Thermodynamic Analysis<br />

The regasification facility is a cogeneration system which has the aim to<br />

produce electric power and release cold at various temperature levels and to<br />

regasify LNG.<br />

The cogeneration system proposed uses as heat source the cooling duty of<br />

various kinds of refrigeration processes, as cold source the LNG to be regasified<br />

(first step of regasification process) is used. Other cold is recovered in the heat<br />

exchangers CU1 and CU2. The main design criteria adopted in the study for the<br />

regasification modular unit are the following:<br />

i) there is need to manage cold for some process different from cryogenic<br />

applications at a suitable temperature lying in a range allowing the use of<br />

available secondary fluids;<br />

ii) following the above criterion the facility includes also a suitable power<br />

plant heated by heat released by secondary fluids carrying cold far from the<br />

regasification site or inside the same regasification site;<br />

iii) a part of cold available during the regasification process of LNG can<br />

be used inside the same regasification site area (e.g.: air liquefaction producing<br />

Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, deep freeze industrial warehouse and cold storage<br />

warehouse, etc.).<br />

The main operating parameters of the power plant thermodynamic cycle<br />

working with Ethane (pressures and temperatures) shall be selected on the basis<br />

of some criteria adopted in design:<br />

i) lower pressure shall be higher than external atmospheric pressure (to<br />

avoid air infiltration in the plant: in the feasibility analysis it was selected as 1.3<br />

bar);<br />

ii) higher pressure shall be selected at a value allowing to have a<br />

temperature near -40 °C, in dependence of working fluid selected;<br />

iii) Ethane: lower pressure 1.3 bar (tsat=-83.85 °C), higher pressure 7.8 bar<br />

(tsat=-39.91 °C).<br />

The pinch temperature difference in the condenser between the working<br />

fluid and LNG (at the exit of the device) was selected as 10 K.<br />

Numerical simulations have been performed in the study with an<br />

algorithms developed at Dipartimento dell’Energia, using as a main tool the<br />

software EES, Engineering Equation Solver, of S.A.Klein and A.Alvarado,<br />

release 7.934.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 13<br />

Making thermodynamic analysis it is useful to analyse some details:<br />

The regasification process using Open Rack technology is fully<br />

dissipative, moreover cold is released in the sea near the regasification site and<br />

it gives rise to environmental problems.<br />

Some other regasification technologies (e.g.: Fired heaters with<br />

water/intermediate fluid, Submerged combustion vaporizers, CHP Plants) use a<br />

lot of LNG vaporized, although in improved CHP Plants (e.g.: Dispenza et al.,<br />

2009 a-b) a considerable cold exergy recovery there is, this improves<br />

noteworthy the plant performance.<br />

The modular unit proposed don’t use heat produced burning LNG<br />

regasified, moreover it allows to recovery cold physical exergy to be used in a<br />

lot of various processes and the regasification process reaches a suitable<br />

thermodynamic performance reducing process irreversibility.<br />

The use of CO2 as a secondary cold transfer fluid requires the study of<br />

innovative systems into which dissipative service cycles are used, these are<br />

based on the concept of: pumping CO2 in liquid phase, transfer of CO2 in liquid<br />

phase to end users, use of CO2 in liquid phase evaporators to end users to<br />

delivery cold available for refrigeration processes, transfer of CO2 in gaseous<br />

phase returning it to regasification site.<br />

The exergy of LNG and of NG considered in the Thermodynamic<br />

analysis is the Physical Exergy. Actually, all processes which evolve in the<br />

Modular Unity proposed (Dispenza et al., 2009 c) don’t include burning of<br />

LNG regasified. The input exergy of LNG to be regasified include the physical<br />

exergy of cold and the physical exergy due to pumping LNG in liquid phase.<br />

The output exergy of NG is its physical exergy. The Dead State considered is a<br />

Restricted Dead State: the fixed quantity of matter under consideration is<br />

imagined to be sealed in an envelope impervious to mass flow, at zero velocity<br />

and elevation relative to coor<strong>din</strong>ates in the environment, and at the temperature<br />

T0 and pressure P0. Thermodynamic analysis includes both Energy and Exergy<br />

analysis. A methodology has been built, duly defining each parameter included<br />

in the detailed analysis reported below (Nomenclature). Main results obtained<br />

derived by numerical simulation using the model derived at DREAM (Dispenza<br />

et al., 2009 c) are reported later.<br />

For sake of clearness some results of Exergy analysis are shown later in<br />

Fig. 8 in graphical format (Sankey Diagrams).<br />

3.6. Energy and Exergy Efficiency of the Modular Unit<br />

In the plant working with Ethane cold is delivered to a secondary fluid or<br />

a cooling process in the heat exchangers CU, KE1, KE2, KE3 (Fig. 2).<br />

At the same time Ethane is heated and it vaporizes. The cold duty of each<br />

device composes the whole cold duty for this part of the regasification facility.

14 Antonino La Rocca et al.<br />

The condenser of the Ethane Cycle is cooled by the LNG which is to be<br />

regasified. Moreover the completion of the LNG regasification takes place in<br />

heat exchangers CU1 and CU2. The cold released in the equipment is also<br />

utilized. An appropriate Energetic efficiency parameter (Dispenza et al., 2009 c)<br />

for such complex kind of modular plant is a COP which is defined as follows. It<br />

can be estimated as the percentage recovered of cold energy supplied to the<br />

system (in the condenser of the Ethane Cogeneration Plant and in the LNG heat<br />

exchangers CU1 and CU2):<br />

COP Ethane Cogeneration Plant. The COP for this part of the modular<br />

plant is defined by the formula<br />

Pel + QCU + QKE1 + QKE2+ QKE3 QR<br />

COPEthCP<br />

= × 100 = × 100, (1)<br />

Q Q<br />

R el<br />

cond cond<br />

Q = P + Q + Q + Q + Q<br />

CU KE1 KE2 KE3<br />

. (2)<br />

COP of the Whole Regasification Facility. This COP is defined by the<br />

formula<br />

COP<br />

reg<br />

Q + E + Q + Q<br />

=<br />

Q + P<br />

R NG CU1 CU2<br />

LNG LNG<br />

× 100.<br />

The Exergy efficiency ε for the modular plant can be estimated as the<br />

percentage recovered of cold exergy supplied to the system (the exergy of the<br />

LNG stream to be regasified).<br />

Exergy Efficiency of Ethane Cogeneration Plant. It is defined by the<br />

formula<br />

(3)<br />

Eroare! . (4)<br />

Exergy Efficiency of Whole Regasification Facility. It is defined by<br />

ε<br />

Re g<br />

ERE + ENG + ERCU1+ ERCU<br />

2<br />

= × 100.<br />

(5)<br />

E<br />

LNG<br />

3.7. Main Results of Thermodynamic Analysis<br />

In this section main results of thermodynamic analysis performed by<br />

numerical simulation are reported. Considering the power cycle working with<br />

Ethane represented in Fig. 3, main parameters pertaining the numerical<br />

simulation for a typical steady-state assessment has been derived.<br />

Mean pressure level in the kettle reboilers is 7.8 bar (-40 °C) and the<br />

vapour is superheated at a temperature of 10 °C reaching point 5. Mean pressure<br />

level in the Ethane condenser is 1.3 bar (-84 °C). Isentropic efficiency of the

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 15<br />

Ethane power expander was assumed 0.89, while isentropic efficiency of the<br />

Ethane low pressure expander (which drives Ethane pump) 0.83. Isentropic<br />

efficiency of the Ethane pump is assumed to be equal to 0.86; while the<br />

efficiency of the Electric generator and mechanical efficiency of the system are<br />

respectively equal to 0.94 and 0.91. Ethane flow rate is 35.4 kg/s. LNG flow<br />

rate to be regasified is 62.7 kg/s, when the modular unit operates 9 months/year<br />

it regasifies 2 × 10 9 Stm 3 /year.<br />

For the case study analysed for the modular unit proposed the significant<br />

Energetic efficiency parameters above defined have the following<br />

values:COPEthCP= 161% and COPReg= 201%, while the Exergy efficiency as<br />

above defined have the values: εEthCP= 35% and εReg= 64%.<br />

It is worth of mention that ε would be a 42% if the same Regasification<br />

Plant of Fig. 2 regasifies LNG at a pressure below that pseudo-critical, as<br />

proposed in eastern countries. Moreover, ε would be a 48% for a simple<br />

regasification plant based on Open Rack technology working at hypercritical<br />

pressure and a 32% when the same works at a pressure below that of the<br />

pseudo-critical state of LNG. Note that, the exergy “recovered” in both the last<br />

two cases is only that of the natural gas regasified.<br />

The simulation analysis for the whole regasification facility, represented<br />

in Fig. 2, gives the main results reported in Fig. 8, which shows main results<br />

obtained performing the Exergy analysis of each part of the process.<br />

The input exergy is represented in Fig. 8 by the exergy of the stream of<br />

LNG to be regasified. This quantity includes the exergy of cold contained in the<br />

LNG stream to be regasified and the LNG liquid pumping power.<br />

The Dead State parameters used in the Exergy analysis are: P0= 1 atm<br />

and T0 = 15 °C (288.15 K).<br />

The flow rate of LNG to be regasified in the plant is 62.7 kg/s.<br />

kW.<br />

Fig. 8 – Main results of exergetic analysis (La Rocca, 2010).<br />

The exergy of LNG at inlet in the regasification facility (ELNG) is 69,666

16 Antonino La Rocca et al.<br />

In Fig. 8: ENG (47.7% of ELNG) is the exergy of the exit stream of NG<br />

regasified; EL.CO (25.7% of ELNG) is the exergy of cold available during the<br />

regasification process of LNG delivered in the Ethane condenser (see Fig.2);<br />

EL.CU1 (6.4% of ELNG) is the exergy of cold available during the regasification<br />

process of LNG delivered in the LNG cryogenic heater CU1; EL.CU2 (4.3% of<br />

ELNG) is the exergy of cold available during the regasification process of LNG<br />

delivered in the cryogenic heater CU2; ED.PS (15.9/% of ELNG) represents the<br />

exergy destroyed by the whole amount of pressure losses in the regasification<br />

facility of Fig. 2 by the LNG side.<br />

Fig. 8 shows also a detail of the above parameters and splits each part of<br />

exergy exchanged in the regasification facility indicating the item pertaining to<br />

exergy recovered in the Ethane condenser, in the cryogenic LNG heaters and<br />

the item pertaining the pressure losses in the whole regasification facility.<br />

The exergy delivered in the Ethane condenser requires a thorough<br />

analysis, the results obtained are shown in Fig. 8. The item ER.EL is the part of<br />

LNG exergy which is recovered as electric power produced by the Power Cycle<br />

working with Ethane. This cycle has a mean overall efficiency of a 14% and it<br />

produces a rated power of 3.2 MW (16.7% of input exergy delivered by LNG in<br />

the Ethane condenser), exergy losses in the Ethane pump unit (ED.PU) amounts<br />

to a 0.10% of input exergy. The item ER.PU is the part which is recovered and<br />

then used to drive the Ethane pump and it represents a 0.30% of input exergy.<br />

The ER.CU indicates the exergy recovered in the Ethane preheater CU (see Fig. 2)<br />

and ED.CU indicates the exergy destroyed, the nomenclature used in the Fig.8<br />

with the prefix ER (e.g.: ER.CU1) indicates the exergy recovered in the device<br />

named with the same symbol in Fig. 2, those with the prefix ED (e.g.: ED.CU1)<br />

indicates the exergy destroyed in each device. The item ED.P (7.1% of input<br />

exergy) indicates the exergy destroyed by the pressure losses along the Ethane<br />

Loop.<br />

4. Production of Electric Energy from Regasification of LNG<br />

The analysis performed at Dipartimento dell’Energia, Palermo<br />

University, on this subject includes two ventures: one of them pertains to a CHP<br />

Binary Cycle composed of two Brayton Cycles whose Bottom cycle works with<br />

Helium and another has the Bottom cycle working with Nitrogen but the<br />

pressures of the cycle have been selected, after an optimization analysis, higher<br />

than those pertaining the Process described in (Snamprogetti, 1978). Heat<br />

transfer Equipment proposed are also analysed designing a suitable heat transfer<br />

matrix to improve the processes analysed.<br />

4.1.The Process Proposed<br />

The process proposed for this application is shown in Fig. 9. The Top<br />

cycle includes a modern gas turbine system working at high temperatures which

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 17<br />

is shown in the higher part of figure at left. The bottom Cycle, which is shown<br />

in the higher part of figure at right, works with Helium, the higher pressure is<br />

22.6 bar and the lower is 3 bar; the temperature of Helium at the inlet in GTbottom<br />

turbine is 480°C, then Helium coming out of gas turbine gives heat to LNG in<br />

the Cryogenic Regasifier and it is cooled down to -129°C, it is then pumped by<br />

the Cryogenic Compressor C2 and at the exit it has a temperature of 74°C.<br />

Fig. 9 – The modular process proposed for regasification of LNG<br />

(Dispenza et al., 2006).<br />

The heat exchanger managing the LNG to be regasified has a heat<br />

transfer matrix made with tubes having a special extended surfaces (Fig. 10).<br />

LNG crosses the units from the tube side while Helium flows from the<br />

shell side. Tubes have turbulence promoters inside and the hollow tie rods on<br />

the shell side have windows of rectangular shape with rounded corners, this<br />

feature assures lateral injection in the stream crossing the matrix enhancing<br />

turbulence.<br />

In the plant proposed there are four Heat Exchangers: a train of two is in<br />

series and then the trains are connected in parallel. The shell of a unit has an<br />

external diameter of 1.20m and is 8.50m long; there are 300 tubes of Stainless<br />

Steel suitable for cryogenic exploitation which have an external diameter of<br />

(3/4)”. The cold box has the following dimensions: 3.60m ×3.60m ×9.50m. The<br />

exchangers for heating Helium are two units with a feature of the heat transfer

18 Antonino La Rocca et al.<br />

matrix seeming that of Fig.10, but the inner of tubes has also an extended<br />

surface and there are inside turbulence promoters. The shell of a unit has an<br />

external diameter of 2.90m and is 12.00m long; there are 450 tubes of Stainless<br />

Steel which have an external diameter of 1.5 inch.<br />

Fig. 10 –Tubes proposed for the cryogenic regasifer of LNG (Dispenza et al., 2009 a).<br />

The Open Rack facility is required for operation for which isn’t produced<br />

Electric Energy or during maintenance operation. The Plant layout for a module<br />

with a regasification capacity of 2 ×10 9 Stm 3 /y requires a whole surface of a<br />

1,500 m 2 . The Plant operating with Nitrogen has seeming feature, but it requires<br />

higher pressures inside the Bottom Cycle and its performance is lower.<br />

The use of Helium calls for R. and D. on the related technology for a<br />

large worldwide diffusion of this kind of CHP Plant, but it is very interesting to<br />

look forward. Helium is easy available in USA, Russia and Italy, moreover, as<br />

far as it pertains to the technology, much R. and D. was carried out in past years<br />

for Nuclear Reactors Power Cycles.<br />

The use of Nitrogen has the advantage that technology is easy available<br />

on commission in the Petrochemical World.<br />

4.2. The Proposed CHP Plants<br />

Main characteristics of CHP Binary Cycles proposed are reported in the<br />

following sections. Some other features of the CHP cycle proposed have been<br />

described previously.<br />

4.2.1. The Proposed CHP Plants Working with Helium. The values<br />

reported pertain to a modular plant with a regasification capacity of 2 ×10 9<br />

Stm 3 /y when working 24 h a day all a year around (270 days). The mean net<br />

power inlet in bottom cycle is 74.32 MW, the mean Electric production 27.53<br />

MW and 44.03 MW is the thermal power exchanged in the cryogenic regasifier.<br />

The mean electric efficiency is of a 37%. The mean electric efficiency of top<br />

cycle is of a 27%; the thermal power furnished is 168.7 MW and gross thermal<br />

power recovered by flue gas is 80.78 MW while the Electric power produced is

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 19<br />

44.96 MW. The gas consumption is a 5,7% of the quantity regasified but only a<br />

3% is attributable to the regasification process. The overall electric efficiency of<br />

the CHP cycle is 43% and the whole efficiency of the CHP cycle is 69%.<br />

Considering a mean Lower Heating Value for NG of 36,209 kJ/Stm 3 (8,560<br />

kcal/Stm 3 ) the gas consumption is 108.69 ×10 6 Stm 3 /y which correspond to<br />

94.00 ktoe/y of primary energy. The amount of electric energy produced is<br />

469.73 GWh/y. Bearing in mind these values, the primary energy need in Italy<br />

to produce the same amount of electric energy is of 103.33 ktoe/y, so there is a<br />

primary energy saving of 9.33 ktoe/y.<br />

4.2.2. The Proposed CHP Plants Working with Nitrogen. The process<br />

proposed is seeming to the other working with Helium (Fig. 9). The Top cycle<br />

includes a modern gas turbine system working at high temperatures which is<br />

shown in the higher part of figure at left. The bottom Cycle, which is shown in<br />

the higher part of figure at right, works with Helium, the higher pressure is 37.4<br />

bar and the lower is 5 bar; the temperature of Nitrogen at the inlet in GTbottom<br />

turbine is 479°C, then Nitrogen coming out of gas turbine gives heat to LNG in<br />

the Cryogenic Regasifier and it is cooled down to -129°C, is then pumped by<br />

the Cryogenic Compressor C2 and at the exit it has a temperature of 0°C. The<br />

values reported pertain to a modular plant with a regasification capacity of 2<br />

×10 9 Stm 3 /y when working 24 h a day all a year around (270 days).<br />

The mean net power inlet in bottom cycle is 67.96 MW, the mean<br />

Electric production 22.28 MW and 44.03 MW is the thermal power exchanged<br />

in the cryogenic regasifier. The mean electric efficiency is of a 33%. The mean<br />

electric efficiency of top cycle is of a 27%; the thermal power furnished is 146.3<br />

MW and gross thermal power recovered by flue gas is 70.04 MW while the<br />

Electric power produced is 39.00 MW. The gas consumption is a 4,9% of the<br />

quantity regasified but only a 3% is attributable to the regasification process.<br />

The overall electric efficiency of the CHP cycle is 42% and the whole<br />

efficiency of the CHP cycle is 72%. Considering a mean Lower Heating Value<br />

for NG of 36,209 kJ/Stm 3 (8,560 kcal/Stm 3 ) the gas consumption is 94.24 ×10 6<br />

Stm 3 /y which correspond to 80.00 ktoe/y of primary energy. The amount of<br />

electric energy produced is 397.05 GWh/y. Bearing in mind these values, the<br />

primary energy need in Italy to produce the same amount of electric energy is of<br />

87.00 ktoe/y, so there is a primary energy saving of 7.00 ktoe/y.<br />

4.3. Comparison Between CHP Modular Plants Working with Helium or Nitrogen<br />

The advantage offered by use of innovative modular CHP plants<br />

proposed in comparison with OR evaporators technology is mainly attributable<br />

to reduced environmental impact of cold released in the sea near the<br />

regasification site (mean avoided release of cold: 740…750 kJ/kg of LNG<br />

regasified); other benefits follow from the use of such a kind of CHP innovative

20 Antonino La Rocca et al.<br />

plant (e.g., saving of fossil energy resources, reduced greenhouse gas emission,<br />

etc.).<br />

As far as it pertains to regasification, considering prudentially the whole<br />

cost of production only attributable to electricity production, regasification costs<br />

are included in a low range because, actually, only the incidence of<br />

regasification of LNG using the OR back-up system during the period of its<br />

operation is to be considered apart.<br />

Considering the two different kind of innovative modular CHP plants,<br />

operating respectively with Helium or with Nitrogen, for the same quantity of<br />

LNG regasified (requiring a thermal energy of 740…750 kJ/kg of LNG) a<br />

modular plant working with Helium produces an amount of electric energy of<br />

0.38 kWhe/kg of LNG regasified while a modular plant working with Nitrogen<br />

produces 0.29 kWhe/kg of LNG regasified (24% less).<br />

Cryogenic heat exchangers for regasification of LNG have the same<br />

nominal duty (45 MWt) and their cost is almost the same (5% less for Nitrogen<br />

plants, note that Nitrogen works at higher pressures and its molecular weight is<br />

higher than that of Helium, but this last has better thermo-physical properties<br />

and the mass flow rate required is less: 0.5 kgHe/kgLNG; while for Nitrogen 1.8<br />

kgN2/kgLNG).<br />

The duty of a compressor using Nitrogen gas is less than 55%, compared<br />

with that using Helium, and a gas turbine using Nitrogen gas has a duty less<br />

than 44% compared with that using Helium. As a result of a thorough feasibility<br />

study, done by the Authors and pertaining to conceptual design of machines to<br />

be used in CHP plants working with Helium or with Nitrogen), on the contrary,<br />

it results that CHP modular plants working with Helium, for the same quantity<br />

of LNG regasified, can produce 24% more electric energy.<br />

OR technology for a nominal regasification capacity of 2040 MStm 3 /y<br />

(287 days/y, 24 h/day; 2.6 months/y not in operation) requires 11.728 GWh/y of<br />

electric energy for pumping sea water (it is considered a mean decrease of 8 °C<br />

of sea water temperature from inlet in OR to exit) and for auxiliary services of<br />

facility. The CHP plants proposed when working both with Helium or Nitrogen<br />

have a mean electric production efficiency ηe = 0.43 (a little more when Helium<br />

is used).<br />

Note that in Italy, now, combined cycles of electric utilities (top gas<br />

turbines and bottom steam turbines) have been built using modern equipment<br />

and have a mean electric production efficiency of 52%. But, modular CHP<br />

plants proposed for LNG regasification based on Brayton cycles working with<br />

inert gases allow a saving of 11.728 GWh/y (equivalent electric power need of<br />

7.7MWe for pumping sea water when OR technology is used). Thus, to have a<br />

figure for comparison of order of magnitude, a mean overall electric efficiency<br />

can be accounted for 49% working with Helium and 47% working with<br />

Nitrogen. Considering the whole amount of electric utilities operating in Italy,<br />

penalty paid results in 3% working with Helium and 5% working with Nitrogen.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 21<br />

4.4. Thermodynamic Analysis<br />

Thermodynamic analysis is based on a careful numerical simulation<br />

which has been performed with a software developed at DREAM, using as a<br />

main tool the EES, Engineering Equation Solver, of S.A. Klein and A.<br />

Alvarado, Professional version 6.567. The results obtained by exergetic analysis<br />

are presented separately for the plant working with Helium and the plant<br />

working with Nitrogen.<br />

The regasification facility is a CHP (cogeneration system), which has the<br />

aim to produce electric power and heat to regasify LNG. It can be defined a<br />

process efficiency based on the first thermodynamic principle (energetic<br />

efficiency) and a process efficiency based on the second thermodynamic<br />

principle (exergetic efficiency) by two different point of view.<br />

4.4.1. Energetic Efficiency: (a) First definition: The whole facility<br />

(see Fig. 9) can be considered a CHP system producing electric energy and heat.<br />

Then, the input energy is represented by heat furnished in the top cycle burning<br />

natural gas in the top turbine gas generator - CC. The outputs are: electric power<br />

generated in the top and bottom Brayton cycles and heat supplied to LNG which<br />

regasifies in cryogenic regasifiers. This approach allows to define the first<br />

thermodynamic principle energetic efficiency with<br />

η<br />

NHP<br />

Peltop + Pelbottom + Qreg<br />

= .<br />

(6)<br />

Q<br />

NGburned<br />

(b) Second definition: Heat furnished in top cycle, the energy of<br />

cold furnished by LNG to be regasified and the pumping power of LNG stream<br />

in liquid phase, which regasifies at hypercritical pressures, are considered as<br />

input items. As output items they can be considered: the electric power<br />

generated in the top and bottom Brayton cycles and the exergy available in the<br />

NG regasified at a pressure suitable for direct transfer in pipeline network. So, a<br />

COP can be defined as a first thermodynamic principle energetic efficiency<br />

parameter with<br />

COP<br />

CHP<br />

Pel + Pel + Ex<br />

=<br />

Q + Q + W<br />

top bottom NG<br />

NGburned OLNG pLNG<br />

The parameters defined by the relationships of Eqs.(6) and (7) for the<br />

CHP plants analysed are:<br />


Working fluid in bottom cycle: Helium 0.69 0.51<br />

Nitrogen 0.72 0.64<br />

4.4.2. Exergetic Efficiency. (a) First definition: This kind of<br />

analysis (second thermodynamic principle) considers the plant as a CHP plant<br />

.<br />


22 Antonino La Rocca et al.<br />

for cogeneration of electric energy and heat to be supplied at LNG to be<br />

regasified. The exergetic efficiency ζCHP for the cogeneration system can be<br />

defined by<br />

η<br />

CHP<br />

Peltop + Pelbottom + ExQreg<br />

= .<br />

(8)<br />

Ex<br />

NGburned<br />

(b) S e c o n d d e f i n i t i o n : Exergetic efficiency of the CHP cycle is<br />

defined by<br />

ζ<br />

CHP<br />

Pel + Pel + Ex<br />

=<br />

Ex + Ex + Ex<br />

top bottom Ng<br />

NGburned air LNG<br />

where ExLNG=ExcoldLNG+WpLNG; Exair is the exergy of air going to the suction side<br />

of top cycle compressor; air is cooled by sea water coming out from OR units.<br />

The definition of Eq (9) properly accounts for all kind of exergy items<br />

involved in such a complex process. The parameters defined by the<br />

relationships of Eqs (8) and (9) for the CHP plants analysed are:<br />

ζCHP ζ * CHP<br />

Working fluid in bottom cycle: Helium 0.51 0.49<br />

Nitrogen 0.53 0.47<br />

The exergy efficiency defined by the Eq (9) is the most appropriate,<br />

because it accounts for all kind of exergy item involved in such a complex CHP<br />

plant. The results show that a plant working with Helium has a higher exergetic<br />

efficiency.<br />

4.5. Results of Exergetic Analysis for the Plant Working with Helium.<br />

A detailed analysis has been performed, considering all items which<br />

compose the whole top cycle process. There is a need for this approach to<br />

derive a comprehensive synthesis of exergy losses and exergy recovered. Fig.<br />

11 shows results obtained for the top cycle of a CHP plant working with<br />

Helium. Input exergy is given by<br />

the exergetic efficiency is defined as<br />

.<br />

(9)<br />

ExNGburned+ Exair= 169.975.79 kW; (10)<br />

ζ<br />

topCHP<br />

Pel + Ex<br />

=<br />

Ex + Ex<br />

top Qrec<br />

NGbumed air<br />

,<br />

(11)<br />

the input item includes the exergy of heat power furnished in top cycle (gas<br />

generator CC, Fig. 9) and exergy of air going to the suction side of top cycle<br />

compressor; air is cooled by sea water coming out from OR units. In Fig. 11<br />

items are reported in detail of exergy losses in main plant components and

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 23<br />

exergy output. Fig. 12 shows the results obtained for the bottom cycle working<br />

with Helium. Input exergy is given by<br />

Ex + Ex = 110.738.00 kW . (12)<br />

ING Qrec<br />

The input item includes the exergy of LNG to be regasified and the<br />

exergy of heat power furnished in bottom cycle, which is recovered by flue gas<br />

of the top cycle. The exergy efficiency for the bottom cycle is given, then, by<br />

Pelbottom + ExNG<br />

ζ bottomCHP =<br />

.<br />

(13)<br />

Ex + Ex<br />

LNG Qrec<br />

Exergy output is represented by electric power generated in bottom cycle<br />

and the exergy of stream of natural gas regasified. In Fig. 12 items are reported<br />

in detail of exergy losses in main plant components and exergy output.<br />

Fig. 11 – Exergetic analysis:CHP with Helium, top cycle (Dispenza et al., 2009 a).<br />

Fig. 12 –Exergetic analysis:CHP with Helium, bottom cycle (Dispenza et al., 2009 a)<br />

4.6. Results of Exergetic Analysis for the Plant Working with Nitrogen<br />

An exergetic analysis has been performed considering all items which<br />

compose the whole top cycle process. Fig.13 shows the results obtained for the<br />

top cycle of a CHP plant working with Nitrogen. Input exergy is given by

24 Antonino La Rocca et al.<br />

ExNGburned + Exair<br />

= 136,455.22 kW.<br />

(14)<br />

The exergetic efficiency is defined by means of Eq (11). Fig. 14 shows<br />

the results obtained for the bottom cycle working with Nitrogen. Input exergy is<br />

given by<br />

ExLNG+ ExQrec = 100,021.00 kW. (15)<br />

The exergetic efficiency is defined by means of Eq (13).<br />

Fig. 13 –Exergetic analysis: CHP with Nitrogen, top cycle (Dispenza et al., 2009 a).<br />

Fig. 14 –Exergetic analysis: CHP with Nitrogen, bottom cycle (Dispenza et al., 2009 a).<br />

5. Conclusions<br />

1. In this paper is presented a wide review of possibilities of energy<br />

recover from LNG regasification analysed by the Research Team of<br />

Dipartimento dell’Energia, University of Palermo, which Authors belongs.<br />

2. In this works is shown how is possible to utilize a process, the LNG<br />

regasification, recovering the cold energy that otherwise have to be discharged<br />

in the sea water. The cold may be utilised in the regasification site in order to<br />

help electric energy production with innovative CHP plants or far from the site<br />

in activities that need cold energy, avoi<strong>din</strong>g the consumption of electric energy

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 25<br />

produced in some typical power plant and limiting the emissions of greenhouse<br />

gases and the consumption of other fossil fuels.<br />

3. Maybe these proposal can effectively contribute to the objectives fixed<br />

by various Conferences on Climate Change and Sustainable Development.<br />

Nomenclature<br />

CHP Combined Heat and Power plant<br />

COP Coefficient of performance<br />

E, Ex Exergy (kW)<br />

ED Exergy destroyed (kW)<br />

EL Exergy of cold available during the regasification process of LNG (kW)<br />

ELNG Exergy of LNG to be regasified (kW)<br />

ENG Exergy of the exit stream of NG regasified (kW)<br />

ER Exergy recovered (kW)<br />

Exair Exergy of air going to top cycle compressor (kW)<br />

ExcoldLNG Cold exergy of LNG to be regasified (kW)<br />

ExLNG Whole exergy of LNG to be regasified (kW)<br />

ExNG Exergy of exit stream of NG regasified (kW)<br />

ExNGburned Exergy of NG burned in CC (kW)<br />

Exergy input in bottom cycle (kW)<br />

ExQrec<br />

ExQreg<br />

Exergy of thermal power required by regasification process (kW)<br />

LNG Liquefied Natural Gas<br />

NG Natural Gas<br />

OR Open Rack units<br />

P, p Pressure (bar)<br />

Pel Electric power generated (kW)<br />

PLNG Pumping power of LNG to be regasified (kW)<br />

Q Cycle power input (kW)<br />

Q’LNG Cold power delivered by LNG to be regasified (kW)<br />

QCU Cold power delivered in CU (kW<br />

QCU1 Cold power delivered in CU1 (kW)<br />

QCU2 Cold power delivered in CU2 (kW)<br />

Power input from NG burned in gas generator CC (kW)<br />

QNGburned<br />

Qreg<br />

Thermal power required by regasification process (kW)<br />

T, t Temperature (K)<br />

WNG Pumping power required by NG<br />

WLNG – Pumping power required by LNG<br />

Greek symbols<br />

ε, ζ – exergetic efficiency η – energetic efficiency<br />

Subscripts<br />

e – electric bottom – bottom cycle<br />

t – thermal sat – saturation condition<br />

top – top cycle

26 Antonino La Rocca et al.<br />


*** BP Energy Outlook 2030. January 2011, London, UK, http://www.bp.com.<br />

*** Eurostat web site: http://europa.eu/documentation/statistics-polls/index_en.htm<br />

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Palermo. 2005.<br />

Dispenza C., Dispenza G., La Rocca V., Panno G., CHP Plants for Production of<br />

Electrical Energy During Regasification of LNG Recovering Exergy of Cold.<br />

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and Conservation, Vol. II. Milan, May 14-17, 2006, p. 593-603.<br />

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Regasification: Electric Energy Production (I). Applied Thermal Engineering, 29,<br />

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LNGregasification: Electric Energy Production (II). Applied Thermal<br />

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(Rezumat)<br />

Conform prognozelor, consumurile energetice pe glob vor avea ten<strong>din</strong>ţă de<br />

creştere în viitorul apropiat, datorită creşterii pieţelor de consum. În acest sens se

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 27<br />

remarcă grupul BRICS (Brazilia, Rusia, India, China şi Africa de Sud), al ţărilor cu cea<br />

mai rapidă dezvoltare a pieţelor <strong>din</strong> lume. Aşadar avem nevoie de tot mai multă energie.<br />

Pe de altă parte, schimbările climatice generate de poluarea tot mai accentuată a<br />

mediului înconjurător reprezintă o problemă tot mai apăsătoare, care necesită luarea<br />

urgentă de măsuri. Marile dezastre ecologice <strong>din</strong> ultima perioadă, cum ar fi deversarea<br />

de petrol <strong>din</strong> Golful Mexic, petrecută în anul 2010, sau cutremurul urmat de ţunami,<br />

care a avut loc în Japonia în 2011, au marcat profund opinia publică şi au făcut ca multe<br />

state, cum ar fi cele europene, să-şi reevalueze profund programele nucleare sau chiar să<br />

le stopeze.<br />

Aşadar se impune utilizarea cât mai raţională a tuturor resurselor energetice.<br />

Indubitabil, gazul natural reprezintă una <strong>din</strong>tre cele mai utilizate astfel de resurse, motiv<br />

pentru care s-au realizat numeroase reţele de transport a acestuia. Pe lângă reţelele deja<br />

realizate, există multe altele aflate în fază de construcţie sau de proiectare. Totodată,<br />

există ţări consumatoare de gaze naturale care se află la distanţă foarte mare de ţările<br />

furnizoare. Un exemplu în acest sens este Japonia, ţară care, in prezent, îşi reevaluează<br />

politica energetică, principala resursa energetică promovată fiind gazul natural. În astfel<br />

de cazuri, singura posibilitate de furnizare a gazelor naturale este cu ajutorul<br />

transportului naval. Varianta cea mai bună este lichefierea lor prealabilă deoarece starea<br />

lichidă permite transportarea masei maxime de gaze naturale într-un spaţiu cu volum<br />

dat, aşa cum este cazul rezervoarelor de combustibil.<br />

De la locul de extracţie, gazele naturale sunt transportate prin conducte până la<br />

terminalul de îmbarcare, amplasat într-un port. Acest terminal este de fapt o unitate<br />

industrială care are ca scop lichefierea gazelor naturale. Procesul de lichefiere<br />

presupune consumuri energetice foarte mari care sunt acoperite utilizând chiar o parte<br />

<strong>din</strong> gazele ce urmează a fi transportate.<br />

La terminalul de sosire are loc re-gazeificarea (vaporizarea) LNG şi, ulterior,<br />

introducerea gazelor naturale obţinute în reţelele existente. Procesul de re-gazeificare<br />

presupune, de asemenea, un consum foarte mare de energie şi generează, la rândul lui, o<br />

cantitate foarte mare de frig. Recuperarea frigului reprezintă o problemă de interes<br />

major, atât <strong>din</strong> punct de vedere vedere energetic cât mai ales ecologic: în cazul în care<br />

nu ar avea loc recuperarea, energia respectivă ar fi risipită, fiind disipată în mare, fapt ce<br />

ar avea un important impact ecologic asupra mării, în zona terminalului.<br />

Pentru recuperarea frigului pot fi luate în considerare atât varianta producerii de<br />

energie electrică într-o instalaţie cogenerativă, care să utilizeze sectorul criogenic al<br />

terminalului de re-gazeificare ca sursă rece, cât şi utilizarea directă a frigului în procese<br />

în care acesta este necesar.<br />

După o privire de ansamblu asupra pieţei gazelor naturale, în lucrare sunt<br />

discutate câteva posibile variante de utilizare a frigului rezidual rezultat <strong>din</strong> procesul de<br />

re-gazeificare a LNG. Este analizată o instalaţie de producere a energiei electrice şi este<br />

realizat un studiu de caz privind utilizarea directă a frigului.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />



BY<br />


1 “Gheorge Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi,<br />

Department of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering<br />

Received: November 22, 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: November 29, 2012<br />

Abstract. The paper presents design, manufacture and testing of a<br />

downdraft gasifier with a thermal output of 50 kW. The constructive solutions<br />

adopted, the main dimensions and the test results are presented.<br />

Key words: downdraft gasifier, design, testing.<br />

1. General Considerations<br />

This gasifier is intended to be a part of on microcogeneration unit with<br />

electrical power of 10 kW. The wood gas generator will be designed for<br />

operation in conjunction with a piston engine. Producer gas, the gas generated<br />

when wood is gasified with air, is the fuel for a piston engine driving an<br />

electrical generator.<br />

Was chosen a downdraught gasifier, in which primary gasification air is<br />

introduced at or above the oxidation zone. The producer gas is removed at the<br />

bottom of the apparatus, so that fuel and gas move in the same direction. The<br />

advantages of downdraft gasiefier are the flexible adaptation of gas production<br />

to load and low sensitivity to charcoal dust and tar content of fuel. The open<br />

top permits fuel to be fed more easly and allows easy access.<br />

Four distinct processes take place in a downdraft gasifier as the fuel<br />

makes its way to gasification. They are: drying of fuel, pyrolysis – a process in<br />

which tar and other volatiles are driven off, combustion, reduction.<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: ddragomir03@yahoo.com

30 Daniel Dragomir-Stanciu and Marian Stancu<br />

Fig. 1 shows schematically these regions for downdraft gasifier.<br />

Air<br />

g<br />

g s<br />

Pyrolysis<br />

Combustion<br />

Reduction<br />

Biomass<br />

Fig. 1 – Processes in the downdraft gasifier.<br />

System should contain a cyclone for separating solid particles and a filter<br />

for retaining tar.<br />

2. Design of the Downdraft Gasiefier<br />

2.1. Design Guidelines for Downdraft Gasiefiers<br />

One of the most important parameters for the downdraft gasifiers is so<br />

call “hearth load”.<br />

The hearth load Bg is defined as the amount of producer gas reduced to<br />

normal (p, T) conditions, divided by the surface area of the “throat” at the<br />

smallest circumference and is usually expressed in m³/cm²/h. Alternatively the<br />

hearth load can be expressed as the amount of dry fuel consumed, divided by<br />

the surface area of the narrowest constriction (Bs), in which case hearth load is<br />

expressed in kg/cm²/h.<br />

Because one kilogramme of dry fuel under normal circumstances<br />

produces about 2.5 m³ of producer gas, the relation between Bg and Bs is given<br />

by:<br />

Air<br />

B = 2.5 B .<br />

(1)<br />

In the case of a “single” throat design, hearth diameter at air inlet height<br />

should be 100 mm larger than “throat” diameter. Height of the reduction zone<br />

should be more than 200 mm. Height of the air inlet nozzle plane should be 100<br />

mm above the constriction. Throat inclination should be around 45°…60°.<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 31<br />

2.2. Main Dimensions and Construction of the Gasifier<br />

From preliminary calculations is known the wood consumption of the<br />

gasifier 15.1 kg/h, for a heating value of generated gas Hi = 1503.5 kcal/ Nm 3 .<br />

This gasifier uses 1.5 kg biomass to produce 1 kWh electricity.<br />

Diameter of throat at smallest cross-sectional area dt =70 mm ;<br />

Once the throat diameter has been fixed, further important gasifier<br />

dimensions can be determined: surface area “throat” St = 0.003846 m 2 , hearth<br />

load Bg = 0.742, height h of the nozzle plane above the smallest cross-section<br />

of the throat h = 100 mm.<br />

Assumption gasifier to be equipped with 5 nozzles. The necessary air<br />

massflow is 15.68 Nm 3 /h.<br />

i) nozzle diameter dn = 8 mm<br />

ii) ratio between nozzle flow area, Sn, and throat area, St , Sn/St = 0.072<br />

iii) nozzle air outlet velocity w = 15.4 m/s.<br />

Arrangement of the nozzles is shown in Fig. 2.<br />

72<br />

Φ 260<br />

Φ 70 Φ 170<br />

Fig. 2 – Arrangement of the nozzles.<br />

The gas generator is manufacturated by wel<strong>din</strong>g, using carbon steel S235<br />

JR, except for the heart of reactor using a steel alloy W1 4828 for high<br />

temperature. The gas generator is represented in Fig. 3.<br />

For optimal functioning of gas generator is neccesary a preheating of the<br />

air. For air preheating was adopted an innovative solution: air flows to the<br />

nozzles through five semicircular pipes, welded on the outside surface of the<br />

reactor. These pipes can be seen well in the photo in Fig. 4.<br />

4. Testing and Results<br />

It was performed the first series of tests, using as fuels fir, beech and<br />

wood pellets.<br />

Before entering in the burner, gas was mixed with air in an ejector.<br />

The following parameters were measured:<br />

i) temperature in combustion zone ( smallest section): 900...1200°C;<br />

ii) temperature in bottom reduction zone: 700...800 °C;<br />

iii) pressure after reduction zone: 1.015...1.02 bar;<br />

iv) temperature of the gas after filter: 100…120 °C .

32 Daniel Dragomir-Stanciu and Marian Stancu<br />

Fig. 3 – The gas generator and the cyclone.<br />

Fig. 4 – The reactor.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 33<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The pressure and temperature values indicate a good functioning of gas<br />

generator.<br />

2. Flame shape and color indicate a high calorific value of the gas.<br />

3. The presence of the tar require better filtration and gas cleaning.<br />

4. Experiments will continue, and will accurately determine the gas flow,<br />

gas composition and calorific value.<br />

5. The next phase of testing will be using of the gas as combustible for a<br />

piston engine and engine power measurement.<br />


Mathieu P., Dubuisson R., Performance Analysis of a Biomass Gasifier. Energy,<br />

Conversion and Management, 43, 8, 1291-1299 (2002).<br />

Mukunda H.S., Shrinivasa D.U., Open Top Wood Gasifiers. Renewable Energy,<br />

Sources for Fuels and Electricity. Island Press, 1993, pp. 699-728.<br />

Rajvanshi A.K., Biomass Gasification. In Alternative Energy in Agriculture. Vol. II,<br />

Ch. 4, Ed. D. Yogi Goswami, CRC Press, 1986, pp. 83-102.<br />

Reed T.B., Das A., Handbook of Biomass Downdraft Gasifier Engine Systems. SERI/SP<br />

271-3022, Solar Research Institute, Golden CO, 1988.<br />

Schmidt D., Martin K., Biomass Gasifier Power System Feasibility; Final Report for<br />

Buil<strong>din</strong>g Materials Hol<strong>din</strong>g Corporation; EERC Publication 2005-EERC-10-02;<br />

Energy & Environmental Research Center, Grand Forks, ND, 2005.<br />

Wandera P.R., Altafinib C.R., Barretob R., Assessment of a Small Sawdust Gasification<br />

Unit. Biomass and Bioenergy, 27, 467-476 (2004).<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Lucrarea prezintă proiectarea, realizarea şi testarea unui gazeificator cu puterea<br />

de 50 kW pentru o instalatie de microcogenerare. Gazeificatorul este cu circulaţie<br />

descendentă, biomasa utilizată fiind lemnul. Au fost efectuate calculele pentru<br />

dimensionarea gazeificatorului şi s-a stabilit soluţia constructivă. Pentru preîncălzirea<br />

aerului s-a adoptat o soluţie nouă, aerul fiind trimis spre zona de combustie prin canale<br />

semicirculare sudate pe corpul reactorului. Primele încercări şi teste au indicat o bună<br />

funcţionare a gazeificatorului. Experimentele vor continua, urmând să fie găsite soluţii<br />

pentru o reducere mai pronunţată a gudronului, iar în continuare se vor efectua teste<br />

pentru combustia gazului într-un motor cu piston.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />





BY<br />


and ANA ŢÂRLEA 2<br />

1 Romanian General Association of Refrigeration of Bucharest<br />

2 Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest<br />

Received: September 20, 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: November 10, 2012<br />

Abstract. Several natural refrigerant alternatives are compared on the basis<br />

of their cycle coefficient of performance and TEWI factor (Total Equivalent<br />

Warming Impact – in respect with SR EN 378-1).<br />

These natural alternatives: ammonia and mixtures have zero or low global<br />

warming potential (GWP).<br />

The theoretical study uses as reference a single stage refrigeration system<br />

which works with R 404A. To implement the international Legislation, in the<br />

future it is necessary to retrofit HFC refrigerants with ecological refrigerants<br />

(with zero ODP and zero GWP).<br />

Energy efficiency is directly related to global warming and greenhouse<br />

gases emissions<br />

Key words: energy efficiency, TEWI, natural refrigerants, refrigeration<br />

system.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The retrofitted single stage refrigeration system is used for chilled<br />

products in a cold storage (0…4°C). Initial refrigeration system is composed by:<br />

condenser, scroll compressors, evaporators, refrigerant vessel and thermostatic<br />

valves.<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: gratiela.tarlea@gmail.com

36 Graţiela Maria Ţârlea et al.<br />

The single stage refrigeration system was upgraded by replacing the<br />

scroll compressor (working with R404A) with open drive screw compressor<br />

(working with R717). The new refrigeration system is composed by: condenser,<br />

open drive screw compressor, ammonia vessel, ammonia pump, cooling oil<br />

vessel, and equalization column and ammonia evaporators.<br />

In the following lines the eco-efficiency comparative study between three<br />

refrigerants (R717, R404A and R507A) are described. The eco-efficiency<br />

comparative study consists in performance coefficient, annual energy<br />

consumption and TEWI factor (Ţârlea et al., 2010).<br />

2. Study Case<br />

In this section, the method and step calculation for eco-efficiency of<br />

single stage refrigeration system will be described. Fig. 1 shows the schematic<br />

representation of the single stage refrigeration system which must be retrofitted<br />

from R404A to R717. The R404A refrigerant from the discharge compressor<br />

port goes to the condenser (where appear the condensation process), then from<br />

the condenser outlet it goes into liquid receiver. From the liquid receiver the<br />

refrigerant enter in evaporator 1 and 2 (where appear evaporation process) and<br />

after the evaporator the refrigerant goes to suction port of the compressor.<br />

First the working conditions are described; secondly the theoretical ecoefficiency<br />

parameters (presented in the introduction) and thirdly the results of<br />

the theoretical study are shown.<br />

The working conditions are given in Table 1. The refrigeration system<br />

works 8 hours/day (nhours) and 261 days/year (ndays). The life cycle of the<br />

refrigeration system is 15 years (nyears). The refrigerant charge (m) is: R404A –<br />

14kg, R717 – 6.45 kg and R507A – 14.11 kg. The requirement electrical power<br />

(Pe) is shown in Table 1. The carbon dioxide emission (β) is 0,6kg/kWh. The<br />

recovery factor (αrec) is 75%. The refrigerant leak (msc) is 8%.<br />

The electrical power values were calculated and established by each<br />

refrigeration system, depen<strong>din</strong>g on properties and evaporation temperature<br />

(Zabet, 2011).<br />

Refrigerant Φ0<br />

kW<br />

M<br />

kg<br />

Table 1<br />

Working conditions<br />

Tc<br />

K<br />

TSH<br />

K<br />

TSUB K T0<br />

K<br />

263.2 273.2 278.2<br />

Pe , kW<br />

R404A 12.3 14 3.70 5.25 5.47<br />

R717 10 6.45 308.2 10 3 3.55 4.00 3.85<br />

R507A 10 14.11<br />

3.80 3.94 4.07<br />

where: Φ0 is refrigerant capacity, T0 evaporation temperature; TC condensing<br />

temperature, TSH superheating temperature; TSUB subcooling.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 37<br />

Fig. 1 – Schematic representation of refrigeration system: where: T1 – refrigerant<br />

temperature at suction compressor, ºC; T2 – refrigerant temperature at discharge<br />

compressor, ºC; T3 refrigerant temperature at condenser inlet, ºC; T4 – refrigerant<br />

temperature at condenser outlet, ºC; T5 – air temperature at inlet evaporator 1, ºC; T6 –<br />

air temperature at outlet evaporator 1, ºC; T7 – refrigerant temperature at discharge of<br />

evaporator 1, ºC; T8 – air temperature at inlet evaporator 2, ºC; T9 – air temperature at<br />

outlet evaporator 2, ºC; T10 – refrigerant temperature at discharge of evaporator 2, ºC;<br />

T11 – air temperature at condenser inlet, ºC; T12 – air temperature at condenser<br />

outlet, ºC.<br />

2.1. Calculation of the Theoretical Eco-efficiency Parameters<br />

The theoretical eco-efficiency parameters discussed in this paper are: the<br />

performance coefficient, annual energy consumption and TEWI factor. For<br />

fin<strong>din</strong>g the eco-efficiency parameters, classic thermodynamics relations<br />

together with parameters defined in Table 1 were used (Ţârlea et al., 2010).<br />

i) Fin<strong>din</strong>g the performance coefficient<br />

First of all was calculated the refrigerant mass flow by<br />

0 M&<br />

Φ<br />

= ,<br />

Δh<br />

(1)<br />


38 Graţiela Maria Ţârlea et al.<br />

where Δhev<br />

is enthalpy difference at evaporation working condition, kJ/kg; M is<br />

the refrigerant mass flow rate, kg/s.<br />

Secondly, the mechanical power for the compressor was found, by<br />

(2)<br />

,<br />

W& = M& Δh<br />

cp cp<br />

where: Wcp is the mechanical power, kW;<br />

&<br />

compression working conditions, kJ/kg.<br />

Δ hcp<br />

is the enthalpy difference at<br />

Finally, the results of the coefficient of performance (COP) by<br />

Φ0<br />

COP = .<br />

W&<br />

ii) Fin<strong>din</strong>g the annual energy consumption<br />

The annual energy consumption (Eannual) is calculated accor<strong>din</strong>g SR EN<br />

378-1 by<br />

E = n n P<br />

(4)<br />

iii) Fin<strong>din</strong>g the TEWI factor<br />

cp<br />

annual hours days e.<br />

The TEWI factor is calculated by SR EN 378-1 by<br />

( )<br />

TEWI = GWP ⋅ Ln + GWP ⋅m1− α + n E β (5)<br />

years rec years annual<br />

where: GWP – global warming potential [-]; L – refrigerant leak during a year<br />

working, kg<br />

(3)<br />

L= m m.<br />

(6)<br />

sc<br />

Table 2 shows the global warming and ozone depletion potential values<br />

for analysed refrigerants (Ţârlea et al., 2011).<br />

Table 2<br />

Global warming and ozone depletion potential values<br />

Refrigerant GWP ODP<br />

R404A 3260 0<br />

R717 0 0<br />

R507A 3300 0<br />

3. Theoretical Eco-Efficiency Study Results<br />

The theoretical results are presented in the next lines by tables and<br />

figures. Table 3 shows the study results for the coefficient of performance,<br />

annual energy consumption and TEWI factor (Zabet & Ţârlea, 2011).<br />

As it is shown in Fig. 2, the electrical power for R717 refrigerant is 15%<br />

smaller than R404A and R507A and this electrical power savings has a great<br />

impact over the environment pollution and maintenance cost.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 39<br />

Table 3<br />

The study results<br />

Refrigerant COP [-] E annual , kWh TEWI, tonsCO 2<br />

R404A 4.484 6.328 7.724 10962 8352 8227 164.8 141.3 140.2<br />

R717 4.812 6.689 8.101 7726 7412 7934 69.5 66.7 71.4<br />

R507A 4.461 6.273 7.639 11421 8039 8498 170.3 139.9 144<br />

Fig. 2 – Electrical power versus evaporation temperature.<br />

Fig. 3 shows the variation of the coefficient of performance’s versus<br />

evaporation temperature. One could observe that the coefficient of performance<br />

for R717 refrigerant is higher by 6% than R404A and by 7% than R507A<br />

(Ţârlea et al., 2010). This is happens due to convenient thermodynamics<br />

properties of R717.<br />

Fig. 3 – Coefficient of performance versus evaporation temperature.<br />

Fig. 4 presents the variation of TEWI factor versus evaporation<br />

temperature. As shown, the TEWI factor for R717 refrigerant is 60% smaller<br />

than R404A and R507A. This implies that R717 refrigerant is the most suitable<br />

for environment from the global warming point of view.

40 Graţiela Maria Ţârlea et al.<br />

Fig. 4 – TEWI factor versus evaporation temperature.<br />

Fig. 5 shows the annual energy consumption versus the evaporation<br />

temperature. It can be observed that the annual energy consumption for R717<br />

refrigerant is 15% smaller than R404A and R507A.<br />

Fig. 5 – Annual energy consumption versus evaporation temperature.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The theoretical study analysed a single stage refrigeration system with<br />

R 404A as refrigerant.<br />

2. To improve the eco-efficiency, the HFC refrigerant was replaced with<br />

an ecological refrigerant R717.<br />

3. The comparative study of these facilities was based on the coefficient<br />

of performance of a refrigeration system and the TEWI factor.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 41<br />

4. The refrigerant R717 is more eco-efficient than R404A and R507A<br />

with a 15% lower electrical power consumption, 6% higher coefficient of<br />

performance, 60% lower TEWI factor and 15% lower annual energy<br />

consumption.<br />

5. Retrofitting the single stage refrigeration system by replacing R404A<br />

refrigerant with R717 it is proven that the savings are higher from the ecoefficiency<br />

point of view and the costs are lower (more equipment in the case of<br />

R717 than R404A).<br />


Ţărlea G.M., Vinceriuc M., Zabet I., Ţărlea A., Ecological Alternative for R404A<br />

Refrigerant. The 41st HVAC&R Congress KGH 2010, Tome “Heating,<br />

Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning”, 3-5 December, Belgrad, Serbia, 2010, pp.<br />

27-33.<br />

Ţărlea G.M.,Vinceriuc M., Zabet I., Ţărlea A., Theoretically Study of Ecological<br />

Alternative for R404A, R507A and R22. The 42nd International Congress and<br />

Exhibition Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning November 30 – December<br />

2, Belgrade, 2011.<br />

Ţărlea G.M., Vinceriuc M., Zabet I., Ammonia as a Very Eco-efficient Romanian<br />

Refrigerant. International Congress, 5-7 May COFRET, Iaşi, 2010.<br />

Zabet I., Contribution Regar<strong>din</strong>g the Study of the Eco-efficiency in Refrigeration<br />

Systems. PhD Thesis, 2011.<br />





(Rezumat)<br />

Criza energetică majoră precum şi încălzirea globală care afectează în prezent<br />

economia mondială şi viitorul societăţii umane, impun creşterea performanţelor<br />

energetice şi ecologice ale echipamentelor şi sistemelor frigorifice şi de aer condiţionat.<br />

În acest scop pe plan mondial există un efort susţinut pentru reducerea emisiilor de<br />

dioxid de carbon rezultate <strong>din</strong> arderea combustibililor fosili şi a altor emisii de gaze cu<br />

efect de seră.<br />

Se prezintă un sistem frigorific într-o treaptă de comprimare cu vapori<br />

funcţionând cu agentul frigorific R404A, instalaţie care a fost optimizata prin înlocuirea<br />

cu agentul frigorific R717.<br />

Structura aleasa la redactarea lucrării prezente este următoarea: în prima parte s-a<br />

făcut o scurta descriere a condiţiilor de lucru, în partea a doua s-au calculat parametrii<br />

teoretici de eco-eficienţă (TEWI, COP, puterea electrică consumată şi consumul anual<br />

de energie electrică) şi în a treia parte s-au prezentat rezultatele obţinute în urma<br />

studiului teoretic.

42 Graţiela Maria Ţârlea et al.<br />

Conform celor arătate în Fig. 2 consumul electric al sistemului frigorific<br />

funcţionând cu agentul frigorific R717 este cu 15% mai mic decât în cazul utilizării<br />

agentului frigorific R404A si R507A. Aceasta reducere aduce un câştig semnificativ <strong>din</strong><br />

punct de vedere al costurilor precum şi al impactului ecologic asupra mediului<br />

înconjurător.<br />

Conform celor prezentate în Fig. 3 se poate observa un coeficient de performanţă<br />

mai mare în cazul agentului frigorific R717: cu 6% faţă de R404A şi cu 7% faţă de<br />

R507A.<br />

În concluzie se poate afirma că optimizarea sistemului frigorific cu vapori într-o<br />

treaptă de comprimare prin înlocuirea agentului frigorific R404A cu agentul frigorific<br />

R717 aduce un câştig <strong>din</strong> punct de vedere al eficienţei energetice, costurilor şi un<br />

avantaj <strong>din</strong> punct de vedere al mediului înconjurător prin reducerea gradului de poluare.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />




Received: November 3, 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: November 30, 2012<br />

BY<br />


1 Frigotehnica SA Bucharest<br />

2 University of Craiova<br />

Abstract. Correct design and choice of vaporizers are very important for<br />

refrigeration systems proper operation and for their efficiency. A wrong sized<br />

vaporizer may produce an excessive decrease of the vaporization temperature,<br />

and reducing it with every degree corresponds to a reduction in cooling power<br />

with approx. 3…4%. This is why the vaporizer can not be dissociated from its<br />

liquid supply system. In practice, often a proper rebound refrigerant corresponds<br />

to each type of vaporizer. The measurements for vaporizers with the rib step<br />

between 2 mm and 3.5 mm were performed on the Thermotechnics Laboratory<br />

stand from the Faculty of Mechanics of Craiova. The most pronounced air<br />

cooling occurs for the rib step value equal to 2 mm. So, it is confirmed the<br />

statement that the rib step has to be chosen for each type of heat exchanger, after<br />

carefully testing on laboratory stands.<br />

Key words: vaporizer, refrigeration system, rib step.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Vaporization is the thermodynamic process through which the refrigerant<br />

changes its state of aggregation from liquid to vapors, absorbing heat from the<br />

cold source represented by the cooled environment. In any refrigeration<br />

machine the vaporizer is the unit absorbing heat, achieving the machine useful<br />

effect.<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: marinbica52@gmail.com

44 Nicolae Bara and Marin Bica<br />

There are many types of vaporizers, depen<strong>din</strong>g on their destination: vaporizers<br />

for air cooling; vaporizers for liquids cooling.<br />

Correct design and choice of vaporizers are very important for<br />

refrigeration systems proper operation and for their efficiency. A wrong sized<br />

vaporizer may produce an excessive decrease of the vaporization temperature,<br />

and reducing it with every degree corresponds to a reduction in cooling power<br />

with approx. 3…4%. This is why the vaporizer can not be dissociated from its<br />

liquid supply system. In practice, often a proper rebound refrigerant corresponds<br />

to each type of vaporizer.<br />

2. Experimental Research<br />

For the chosen vaporizer represented in Fig. 1, measurements were made<br />

on the air flow at different velocities. The results are presented in Table 1. In<br />

this case the air flow velocity variation was performed with the help of the car<br />

speed variator. In this case the air flow velocity variation was performed with<br />

the help of the car speed variator.<br />

Fig. 1 – The air conditioner vaporizer from a baby-car.<br />

Table 1<br />

Variation of the cooled air temperature depen<strong>din</strong>g on the flow (tair: 28.4 ° C and 22 o C)<br />

Nr. mair [kg/s] t 2<br />

′ [°C] t 2<br />

′ [°C] Number of plates Channel width<br />

1 0.081 28.4 21.1 14 0.002<br />

2 0.110 28.4 18.2 14 0.002<br />

3 0.127 28.4 17.1 14 0.002<br />

4 0.142 28.4 15.4 14 0.002<br />

5 0.089 22 18 14 0.002<br />

6 0.117 22 16.2 14 0.002<br />

7 0.132 22 14.3 14 0.002<br />

8 0.147 22 12.8 14 0.002<br />

where t 2 – ambient temperature,<br />

′<br />

t 2<br />

′ – air temperature at vaporizer outlet.<br />

The graph shown in Fig. 2 highlights the known decreasing trend of the<br />

temperature at vaporizer outlet, when air velocity (air flow) increases. There are<br />

confirmed the conclusions from the specialty literature that the flow becomes<br />

turbulent when velocity increases, causing an intensification of heat transfer on

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 45<br />

the air. Taking into account the large differences of values between αair and<br />

αlf coefficients and the lowest values obtained on the air flow, research has to be<br />

focused on increasing their values in order to increase the overall heat transfer<br />

coefficient. The research performed on the vaporizer turns out that an air flow<br />

velocity increasing is a solution up to a certain value and then the increasing<br />

slope of the heat exchange is negligible.<br />

Fig. 2 – Cooled air temperature variation depen<strong>din</strong>g on flow.<br />

The two curves were built for different ambient conditions, respectively<br />

28.4 and 22 o C. Measurements to determine the air flow were performed using a<br />

Kimo-type thermo-anemometer provided by ICMET Craiova. There were<br />

measured air temperatures at the vaporizer entry and exit, and the air flow

46 Nicolae Bara and Marin Bica<br />

velocity. There were calculated the volume and mass air flow, and the air<br />

density at average temperature was determine using the tables. The obtained<br />

values are listed in Table 2.<br />

Nr.<br />

S,<br />

m 2<br />

ρair<br />

kg/m 3<br />

Table 2<br />

Values measured to determine the air flow<br />

t′ air<br />

o<br />

C<br />

t′′ air ,<br />

o<br />

C<br />

tair, m<br />

o C<br />

wair<br />

m/s<br />

Vair<br />

m 3 /s<br />

mair<br />

kg/s<br />

1 0.0279 1.205 22 18 20 2.64 0.07385 0.089<br />

2 0.0279 1.208 22 16.2 19.1 3.47 0.09685 0.117<br />

3 0.0279 1.212 22 14.3 18.15 3.90 0.10891 0.132<br />

4 0.0279 1.215 22 12.8 17.4 4.34 0.12128 0.147<br />

The parameters obtained for the step of 0.002 were measured in order to<br />

highlight the influence of the rib step width dimensions, and then they were<br />

calculated for other values. The measurements and calculations results were<br />

listed in Table 3.<br />

No.<br />

Table 3<br />

Values determined by calculus for different dimensions of the air flow channel<br />

Channel<br />

width<br />

t′ air<br />

°C<br />

t′′ air<br />

°C<br />

t air. m<br />

o C<br />

ρ air<br />

kg/m 3<br />

w air<br />

m/s<br />

m air<br />

kg/s<br />

1. 0.001 28.4 22.3 25.35 1.183 2.68 0.0792 0.025<br />

2. 0.001 28.4 20.2 24.3 1.188 3.86 0.1146 0.025<br />

3. 0.001 28.4 18.1 23.25 1.192 4.22 0.1257 0.025<br />

4. 0.001 28.4 16.8 22.6 1.194 4.84 0.1444 0.025<br />

5. 0.001 28.4 16.2 22.3 1.195 5.02 0.1499 0.025<br />

6. 0.001 28.4 15.8 22.1 1.196 5.18 0.1548 0.025<br />

7. 0.001 28.4 15.2 21.8 1.197 5.45 0.1630 0.025<br />

8. 0.001 28.4 14.8 21.6 1.1986 5.89 0.1764 0.025<br />

9. 0.0015 28.4 20.1 24.25 1.188 2.68 0.0865 0.0264<br />

10. 0.0015 28.4 19.2 23.8 1.189 3.86 0.124 0.0264<br />

11. 0.0015 28.4 18.4 23.4 1.191 4.22 0.1364 0.0264<br />

12. 0.0015 28.4 17.6 23.00 1.193 4.84 0.1568 0.0264<br />

13. 0.0015 28.4 17.1 22.75 1.194 5.02 0.162 0.0264<br />

14. 0.0015 28.4 16.4 22.4 1.1954 5.18 0.185 0.0264<br />

15. 0.0015 28.4 15.6 22.00 1.197 5.45 0.190 0.0264<br />

16. 0.0015 28.4 14.2 21.3 1.1998 5.89 0.1944 0.0264<br />

17. 0.002 28.4 19.2 23.8 1.189 2.68 0.0866 0.0272<br />

S<br />

m 2

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 47<br />

18. 0.002 28.4 17.6 23.00 1.193 3.86 0.1252 0.0272<br />

19. 0.002 28.4 15.8 22.10 1.196 4.22 0.1372 0.0272<br />

20. 0.002 28.4 14.4 21.40 1.199 4.84 0.578 0.0272<br />

21. 0.002 28.4 14.00 21.2 1.2002 5.02 1.6388 0.0272<br />

22. 0.002 28.4 13.8 21.1 1.2006 5.18 1.1691 0.0272<br />

23. 0.002 28.4 13.4 20.9 1.2024 5.45 1.1782 0.0272<br />

24. 0.002 28.4 13.00 20.7 1.2026 5.89 1.1926 0.0272<br />

25. 0.0025 28.4 20.4 24.40 1.187 2.68 0.0881 0.0277<br />

26. 0.0025 28.4 18.8 23.60 1.190 3.86 0.1272 0.0277<br />

27. 0.0025 28.4 17.1 22.75 1.194 4.22 0.1395 0.0277<br />

28. 0.0025 28.4 15.8 22.10 1.196 4.84 0.1603 0.0277<br />

29. 0.0025 28.4 15.3 21.85 1.1976 5.02 0.1665 0.0277<br />

30. 0.0025 28.4 14.9 21.65 1.1984 5.18 0.1719 0.0277<br />

31. 0.0025 28.4 14.2 21.30 1.1998 5.45 0.1811 0.0277<br />

32. 0.0025 28.4 13.9 21.15 1.2004 5.89 0.1958 0.0277<br />

33. 0.003 28.4 21.1 24.75 1.186 2.68 0.0893 0.0281<br />

34. 0.003 28.4 18.2 23.3 1.1918 3.86 0.1292 0.0281<br />

35. 0.003 28.4 17.1 22.75 1.194 4.22 0.1415 0.0281<br />

36. 0.003 28.4 15.4 21.9 1.1974 4.84 0.1628 0.0281<br />

37. 0.003 28.4 15.2 21.8 1.1978 5.02 0.1689 0.0281<br />

38. 0.003 28.4 14.9 21.65 1.1984 5.18 0.1744 0.0281<br />

39. 0.003 28.4 14.4 21.4 1.1994 5.45 0.1836 0.0281<br />

40. 0.003 28.4 14.00 21.2 1.2002 5.89 0.1986 0.0281<br />

41. 0.0035 28.4 21.2 24.8 1.185 2.68 0.0898 0.0283<br />

42. 0.0035 28.4 19.1 23.75 1.19 3.86 0.1299 0.0283<br />

43. 0.0035 28.4 18.4 23.4 1.191 4.22 0.1422 0.0283<br />

44. 0.0035 28.4 16.2 22.3 1.195 4.84 0.1636 0.0283<br />

45. 0.0035 28.4 15.8 22.1 1.1966 5.02 0.1699 0.0283<br />

46. 0.0035 28.4 15.3 21.85 1.1976 5.18 0.1755 0.0283<br />

47. 0.0035 28.4 14.9 21.65 1.1985 5.45 0.1848 0.0283<br />

48. 0.0035 28.4 14.00 21.2 1.2002 5.89 0.2000 0.0283<br />

The measurements for a vaporizer with 2 mm rib step were performed on<br />

the Thermotechnics Laboratory stand from the Faculty of Mechanics of<br />

Craiova. Thermal efficiency was calculated for ribs having the step of 1 mm,<br />

respectively 3.5 mm, using the thermal model adopted by the specialty<br />

literature. The most pronounced air cooling occurs for the 2 mm step.<br />

So, it is confirmed the statement that the rib step has to be chosen for<br />

each type of heat exchanger, after carefully testing on laboratory stands.<br />

Graphical results are presented in Fig. 3.

48 Nicolae Bara and Marin Bica<br />

Fig. 3 –Cooling efficiency depen<strong>din</strong>g on the rib step.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. For surfaces with sinusoidal ribs, specialty literature data regar<strong>din</strong>g the<br />

behavior of these heat transfer surfaces is poor. Some recent data are obtained<br />

on the computer and it substantially deviate from the values obtained by<br />

experimental research, showing that theoretical models are still improvable.<br />

2. Theories about the entry effect and the effect of the boundary layer<br />

release from the sinusoidal rib demonstrated by complex experimental research<br />

open opportunities for thermally superior devices in relation to existing devices.<br />

These results have led to research for the development of exchangers with the<br />

two fluids in counter current flow.<br />

3. Research on new constructive solutions obtaining for heat exchangers<br />

in refrigeration systems has highlighted the importance of ribs surface quality<br />

and of the step got in their fabrication.<br />

4. Obtaining much better thermal efficiency leads to vehicles total mass<br />

decreasing and fuel consumption reducing with direct implications in limiting<br />

environmental pollution.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 49<br />


* * * Thermal Management for Heavy Vehicles (Class 7 -8 Trucks). Workshop Report<br />

and Multiyear Program Plan (Draft), U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Heavy<br />

Vehicles Technologies, 2000.<br />

Bică M., Nagi M., Transfer de masă şi căldură. Universitaria, Craiova, 1999.<br />

Chiriac F., Chiriac V., Cristea A., An Alternative Method for the Cooling of Power<br />

Microelectronics Using Classical Refrigeration. Thermal Issues in Emerging<br />

Technologies, ThETA 1, Cairo, Egypt, Jan 3-6, 2007.<br />

Frank P., Incropera F., DeWitt D., Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer. Wiley &<br />

Sons, 2002.<br />

Gray A., The Growth of Aluminum in Automotive Heat Exchangers. Innoval<br />

Technology Limited, Banbury, OX16 1TQ, UK, 2005.<br />

Natarajan V., Convective Heat Transfer from a Stacked Electronic Package. ThETA 1,<br />

Cairo, Egypt, 2007.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Proiectarea şi alegerea corectă a vaporizatoarelor are o importanţă mare pentru<br />

funcţionarea corectă a instalaţiilor frigorifice şi pentru eficenţa acestora. Un vaporizator<br />

greşit dimensionat poate să producă o scădere excesivă a temperaturii de vaporizare, iar<br />

la reducerea acesteia cu fiecare grad, corespunde şi o reducere a puterii frigorifice cu<br />

cca. 3…4%. Acesta este şi motivul pentru care nu se poate disocia vaporizatorul de<br />

sistemul său de alimentare cu lichid. În practică, adesea fiecărui tip de vaporizator îi<br />

corespunde un sistem propriu de destindere a agentului frigorific. Pe standul <strong>din</strong><br />

Laboratorul de Termotehnică de la Facultatea de Mecanică <strong>din</strong> Craiova s-au efectuat<br />

măsurători pentru un vaporizatoare cu pasul nervurii cuprins între 2 mm şi 3,5 mm.<br />

Răcirea cea mai pronunţată a aerului se produce la pasul nervurii de 2 mm. Se confirmă<br />

afirmaţia că pasul nervurii trebuie ales pentru fiecare tip de schimbător căldură în parte,<br />

în urma unor încercări minuţioase pe standurile de probe.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />


"Dunărea de Jos" University of Galaţi<br />

Department of Thermal Systems and Environmental Engineering<br />

Received: October 28, 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: November 22, 2012<br />

Abstract. This paper summarizes the impact of thermo-physical properties<br />

on refrigerant selection for HP: R600, R404a, R407c,R410a, R134a, R507,<br />

R134a and R717, which have zero ODP. Impact factors are not sufficient for a<br />

complete evaluation, whereas the multicriteria approach allows for an effective<br />

initial assessment of the refrigerant. Additional parameters such as efficiency and<br />

safety issues will be included in the detailed analysis.<br />

Key words: coefficient of performance; heat of vaporization; heat of<br />

condensation; condensing pressure; evaporation pressure; compressor work;<br />

volume flow.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The choice of a Refrigerant implies compromises between conflicting<br />

desirable thermophysical properties. A refrigerant must satisfy many<br />

requirements, some of which do not directly relate to its ability to transfer heat.<br />

Chemical stability under the conditions of use is an essential requirement.<br />

Safety codes may demand for a nonflammable refrigerant of low toxicity for<br />

some applications. The environmental impact of refrigerant leaks must also be<br />

considered. Cost, availability, efficiency, and compatibility with compressor<br />

lubricants and equipment materials are other concerns.<br />

Transport properties (e.g., thermal conductivity and viscosity) affect the<br />

performance of heat exchangers and piping system. High thermal conductivity<br />

∗ e-mail: ioprea@ugal.ro

52 Ionel Oprea<br />

and low viscosity are desirable. No single fluid satisfies all the attributes desired<br />

of a refrigerant; consequently, various refrigerants are used.<br />

Refrigerant<br />

Table 1.<br />

Refrigerant Atmospheric Lifetime, ODP and GWP values<br />

Atmospheric<br />

Lifetime,<br />

years a<br />

ODP b GWP c 100<br />

R-600 0.018 d 0 ~20 d<br />

R-717 0.01 d 0

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 53<br />

system efficiencies should be expected to be equal to, or higher than, those of<br />

R404a, R717, and R134a systems. The risks represented by the flammability of<br />

the hydrocarbons must be seriously taken into account. The risks can be reduced<br />

by designing the systems for a minimum charge of refrigerant, careful leak<br />

detection during production, hermetic design with a minimum number of<br />

connections, the use of spark-proof electric components and ventilation of<br />

confined spaces.<br />

Fig. 1 – Representation of refrigerant cycle for a zeotropic refrigerant.<br />

The following matters are taken into account in this multicriteria analysis:<br />

1.COP - coefficient of performance: refrigerants with a high critical<br />

temperature give the best COP; the natural refrigerants are superior in this<br />

respect.<br />

2. qk: in HP cycles involving condensation, a refrigerant must be chosen<br />

so that this change of state will occur at a temperature somewhat below the<br />

critical temperature;<br />

3. q0: since the evaporation of the liquid is the only step in the HP cycle<br />

which produces heating, the latent heat of a refrigerant should be as high as<br />

possible. Considering condensation and evaporation, ammonia (R717) is a<br />

better heat conductor, compared with the synthetic refrigerants.<br />

4. V - swept volume flow: compressors are often some of the most critical<br />

and expensive systems at a production facility, and deserve special attention.<br />

5. W - compressor work: for the efficiency of the process the compressor<br />

work is also of interest. The compressor work of isentropic compression from<br />

the temperature of 0°C to 70°C, 60°C, 52°C, 45°C to the condensing<br />

temperature, is given for the different fluids.

54 Ionel Oprea<br />

COP PT<br />

Puterea specifica a condensatorului [kJ/kg]<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

1400<br />

1200<br />

1000<br />

800<br />

600<br />

400<br />

200<br />

0<br />

R407c<br />

R134a<br />

R407c<br />

R134a<br />

Regim I Regim II Regim II<br />

R404a R407c R410a R507 R600 R717 R134a<br />

Fig. 2 – Comparative analysis of COP systems.<br />

R717 R717 R717<br />

R600 R600<br />

R407c<br />

R134a<br />

R600<br />

R134a R134a<br />

R404a<br />

R134a<br />

R404a<br />

R404a<br />

Regim I Regim II Regim II<br />

R404a R407c R410a R507 R600 R717 R134a<br />

Fig. 3 – Comparative analysis of the specific powers of condensation.<br />

6. H – compression ratio: when operating between two specific<br />

temperatures, fluids with low vapour pressures (high normal boiling point) will

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 55<br />

have larger compression ratios than fluids with high vapour pressures.<br />

However, there are exceptions to this general rule and this can be clearly seen in<br />

the comparison.<br />

Table 2<br />

Numerical results for comparative analysis<br />

Agent COP<br />

*R404a<br />

*R407c<br />

*R410a<br />

*R507<br />

**R600<br />

**R717<br />

**R134a<br />

qk<br />

[kJ/kg]<br />

q0<br />

[kJ/kg]<br />

V<br />

[m 3 /kg]<br />

W [kW]<br />

H<br />

[/]<br />

5.132 135.605 109.18 144.13 3.012 3.392<br />

4.188 124.703 94.93 144.13 3.691 3.984<br />

3.288 109.812 76.41 144.13 4.702 4.754<br />

5.57 198.252 162.71 226.42 2.774 3.822<br />

4.697 189.393 149.07 226.42 3.291 4.55<br />

3.905 177.753 132.24 226.42 3.959 5.522<br />

5.24 193.921 156.96 145.43 2.946 3.382<br />

4.347 182.679 140.66 145.46 3.556 3.975<br />

3.499 166.665 119.03 145.46 4.418 4.747<br />

5.38 142.541 116.05 136.02 2.873 3.373<br />

4.463 133.971 103.96 136.02 3.463 3.97<br />

3.56 120.683 86.83 136.02 4.336 3.97<br />

5.22 347.6 254.17 1540.18 3.028 4.606<br />

4.473 335.574 232.78 1540.18 3.561 5.572<br />

3.758 319.233 213.47 1540.18 4.062 6.534<br />

5.11 1311.43 1054.9 1239.01 3.024 4.985<br />

4.44 1310.118 1015.1 1239.01 3.481 6.088<br />

3.813 1306.421 979.41 1239.01 3.882 7.712<br />

4.916 171.256 136.41 296.99 3.145 4.73<br />

4.154 162.769 123.58 296.99 3.722 5.74<br />

3.4 150.937 111.85 296.99 4.278 6.754<br />

*Cycle: 0/15/45; 0/15/52; 0/15/60; **Cycle: 0/15/52; 0/15/60; 0/15/70<br />

ODP GWP<br />

Price per<br />

unit<br />

$<br />

0 3900 234<br />

0 1800 299<br />

0 2100 219<br />

0 4000 255<br />

0 20 172<br />

0 1 86<br />

0 1430 129<br />

7. ODP ozone depleting potential: the fact that these ‘‘harmless’’<br />

substances were found to have a very unexpected and harmful impact on the<br />

global environment, raised doubts also about the use of other manmade<br />

substances, not present in the natural environment. Later, these doubts have<br />

been confirmed by the fact that the emissions of these refrigerants contributed<br />

by more than 20% to the global release of CO2 - equivalents during some years<br />

before the ban of the CFCs (IPCC/TEAP, 2005)

56 Ionel Oprea<br />

8. GWP - global warming potential: the refrigerant selection based on a<br />

simple approach of ‘zero ODP’ will have to pay high costs to both global<br />

warming and energy efficiency. Using this single criterion is no longer<br />

environmentally acceptable today.<br />

9. Price per Unit of refrigerant, $.<br />

Agent<br />

R134a<br />

R717<br />

R600<br />

R507<br />

R410a<br />

R407c<br />

R404a<br />

1<br />

20<br />

1430<br />

1800<br />

2100<br />

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500<br />

GWP<br />

Fig. 4 – Comparative analysis of price.<br />

Fig. 5 – Comparative analysis (70°C, 60°C, 52°C, 45°C condensing temperature and<br />

0°C evaporating temperature).<br />

3900<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 57<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The evaporation heat content of R404a is significantly lower (90%<br />

less) than the baseline R717 value, while that of R410a is slightly higher.<br />

2. The COP cycle of R134a is about 17% lower than the baseline value,<br />

indicating that this refrigerant does not match the baseline R407c cycle<br />

performance. These characteristics imply that both R404a and R410a<br />

refrigerants have weaker heat transfer ability and lower cooling capacity on<br />

equal heat pump load base, as compared to R717.<br />

3. Increased vapor density for R507, R410a and R404a may also lead to<br />

the use of a smaller compressor and coil tubing that could result in less system<br />

power consumption and more efficient component design.<br />

4. Overall, however, a comparable COP system is possible for R404a, and<br />

even a moderate system efficiency improvement might be expected for R410a<br />

for a certain heat pump load.<br />

5. The COP system is also influenced by compressor volumetric<br />

efficiency, which is a function of compression ratio H (pcond/pevap) and<br />

compressor isentropic efficiency, which could be affected by other transport<br />

properties, as well as system design.<br />


*** Report of the Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps. UNEP, Technical<br />

Options Committee, Nairobi, 1998.<br />

*** Livre blanc sur les fluides frigorigènes. Conseil National du Froid, Paris, AFF,<br />

2001, 51 pages.<br />

*** Report of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel April 2000. UNEP.<br />

2000, UNEP, Nairobi, 193 pages.<br />

Harnisch J., Hendriks C., Economic Evaluation of Emission Reductions of HFCs. PFCs<br />

and SF in Europe, Ecofys Energy and Environment, 2001.<br />

Chang Y.S., Kim M.S., Ro S.T., Performance and Heat Transfer Characteristics of<br />

Hydrocarbon Refrigerants in a Heat Pump System. International Journal of<br />

Refrigeration, 23 (3), 232-242 (2000).<br />

Pelletier O., Propaneas Refrigerant in Residential Heat Pumps. Licentiate thesis. Royal<br />

Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 1998.<br />



Lucrarea propune o evaluare multicriterială pentru pompele termice care lucrează<br />

cu agenţi frigorifici cu ODP zero (R600, R404a, R407c, R410a, R134a, R507, R134a şi<br />

R717). Proprietăţilor termo-fizice ale agenţilor nu sunt suficiente pentru o evaluare<br />

completă, iar o abordare multicriterială permite o apreciere completă. Parametrii

58 Ionel Oprea<br />

suplimentari, cum ar fi eficienţa, siguranţa sistemului şi aspectele economice sunt<br />

incluse în analiza detaliată.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />



1 “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi,<br />

Faculty of Mechanics<br />

2 “Petru Poni”Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iaşi<br />

Received: November 10, 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: November 30, 2012<br />

Abstract. The polystyrene/carbon nanotubes (PS/CNT) composite films are<br />

obtained by a simple solution dispersion procedure. The carbon-based nanofillers<br />

are dispersed in methylene chloride, and PS/CNT composites are prepared by<br />

mixing PS/methylene chloride solution with CNT/methylene chloride dispersion,<br />

homogenized by ultrasonication. The correspon<strong>din</strong>g films are characterized by<br />

atomic force microscopy (AFM) technique in order to evaluate the morphology<br />

developed by the resulted system. The thermal conductivity of these materials is<br />

estimated by considering it as an additive function of the PS and CNT<br />

compositions. The obtained results indicate that the studied nanocomposites<br />

exhibit high heat transfer – suitable for protecting chips of overheating in power<br />

electronics.<br />

Key words: thermal conductivity, polymer, carbon nanotubes.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Thermally conductive polymer composites offer new possibilities for<br />

replacing metal parts in several applications, inclu<strong>din</strong>g power electronics,<br />

electric motors and generators, heat exchangers, thanks to the polymer<br />

advantages such as light weight, corrosion resistance and ease of processing.<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: barzicrazvan@tuiasi.ro, gdum@tuiasi.ro

60 Răzvan Florin Barzic et al.<br />

Current interest to improve the thermal conductivity of polymers is focused on<br />

the selective addition of nanofillers with high thermal conductivity. Unusually<br />

high thermal conductivity makes carbon nanotubes (CNT) the best promising<br />

candidate material for thermally conductive composites (Han & Fina, 2011).<br />

For an enhanced thermal conductivity the CNT must be well dispersed and<br />

oriented in the polymer matrix (Ke et al., 2007 and Riggs et al., 2000).<br />

The aim of the present study is to prepare some nanocomposites from<br />

commercial polymer (polystyrene) and CNT, the latter being dispersed by<br />

ultrasonication. The orientation of the used nanofillers was achieved by a new<br />

method which implies a shear field. The morphology of resulted<br />

nanocomposites is evaluated by atomic force microscopy. Thermal conductivity<br />

of these materials is estimated by considering it as an additive function of the<br />

PS and CNT compositions. All these aspects are presented in the context of the<br />

current state of research on thermal and morphological characterization of<br />

polymer composites in heat engineering-oriented applications, marking the own<br />

research and future directions.<br />

2. Experimental<br />

2.1. Materials<br />

Polystyrene (PS) was purchased from Sigma Aldrich having a molecular<br />

weight of 40 000 g/mol. Also, carbon nanotubes (CNT) were achieved from SC<br />

ICEFS COM SRL Savinesti having a diameter of 8…15 nm. To get a better<br />

dispersion and orientation of carbon nanotubes into the matrix of polystyrene<br />

(PS) a new method has been employed, which consists in shearing the<br />

composite starting from the solution phase. For this purpose, we used a solvent<br />

with high diffusion rate, i.e. methylene chloride, to maintain the organization<br />

imposed shear.<br />

Thus, the solution is deposited onto a device similar to that illustrated in<br />

Fig. 1, which has a moving blade, inducing shear controlled orientation of<br />

macromolecular chains and implicitly the carbon nanotubes. To investigate to<br />

what extent this technique leads to the desired result morphological studies were<br />

made on the nanocomposite films prepared as described previously.<br />

2.2. Characterization<br />

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) data were recorded with a camera Pro-<br />

M SPM Solver tool. Peak use is the type NSG10/Au Silicon, having a radius of<br />

curvature of 10 nm and an average oscillation frequency of 255 kHz. The<br />

images were scanned in semi-contact, their resolution is 256 × 256.<br />

The glass transition temperature of PS was determined with a Mettler<br />

differential scanning calorimeter.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 61<br />

3. Results and Discussion<br />

3.1. Morphology<br />

The detailed morphology of both investigated polymer and the<br />

correspon<strong>din</strong>g nanocomposites subjected to shearing was examined by atomic<br />

force microscopy. The topography of the PS film obtained by shearing its<br />

solution in methylene chloride is shown in Fig. 2. AFM image of multiwalled<br />

carbon nanotubes introduced into the PS matrix is illustrated in Fig. 3. AFM<br />

phase contrast image of the PS/CNT nanocomposites films is presented in Fig.<br />

4, and their morphology in Fig. 5.<br />

From AFM data the following observations can be extracted:<br />

i) casting and shearing polystyrene solution leads to macroscopically<br />

oriented films, as shown in Fig. 2;<br />

ii) AFM phase contrast image shows that carbon nanotubes are oriented<br />

in the matrix of PS, with the length perpendicular to the composite film surface;<br />

iii) organization of carbon nanotubes in PS is ideal for improving the<br />

thermal conductivity, resulting in copolymers with materials designed to protect<br />

electrical components overheating circuit.<br />

3.2. Thermal Properties<br />

Thermal properties of PS/CNT composites are theoretically evaluated<br />

using a formalism based on connectivity indices developed by Bicerano<br />

(Bicerano, 1996). The glass transition temperature, Tg<br />

, is calculated using an<br />

equation with terms related the cohesive energy and van der Waals volume. The<br />

estimated value of Tg<br />

is 108.85°C, which is in agreement with experimental<br />

value obtained by differential calorimetry data namely of 103.2°C. In the case<br />

of nanocomposite films the glass transition temperature is high, i.e. 116°C<br />

revealing a good thermal stability induced by the presence of CNT.<br />

The thermal conductivity, λ , of these materials is estimated by<br />

considering it as an additive function of the PS and CNT compositions. First,<br />

the thermal conductivity of PS at room temperature was predicted using<br />

1<br />

0.135614 0.126611 0.108563( 0 0.125 )<br />

BB<br />

+ χ<br />

N N + N − NH<br />

λ = +<br />

. (1)<br />

N N<br />

1 BB<br />

where χ denotes the portion of the first –order connectivity index contributed<br />

by the bounds between pairs of backbone atoms.<br />

1<br />

BB<br />

For polystyrene the value of χ is 0.8165. The thermal conductivity<br />

of PS calculated from Eq. (1) is 0.135 W/m K. Secondly, considering the<br />

thermal conductivity of the multiwalled carbon nanotubes, measured by the

62 Răzvan Florin Barzic et al.<br />

3- ω method, as being 830 W/m K (Choi & Poulikakos, 2005), the λ of the<br />

nanocomposites was estimated from<br />

λnanocomposite = λPS wPS + λCNT wCNT<br />

. (2)<br />

where wPS is the volume fraction of PS and wCNT<br />

is the volume fraction of<br />

CNT.<br />

For a percent of 5% CNT in the PS matrix the thermal conductivity is<br />

increased up to 41.49 W/m K. The obtained results indicate that the studied<br />

nanocomposites could exhibit high heat transfer – suitable for protecting chips<br />

of overheating in power electronics.<br />

polystyrene (PS)<br />

Double-walled carbon<br />

nanotubes<br />

The orientation of the<br />

polymer matrix<br />

by shearing<br />

PS /CNT nanocomposite<br />

Orientation of carbon<br />

nanotubes in the PS matrix by<br />

shearing<br />

Fig. 1 – Scheme for preparation of nanocomposites PS/carbon nanotubes orientated by<br />

shear.<br />

Fig. 2 – AFM image of PS film obtained from a sheared solution in methylene chloride.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 63<br />

Fig. 3 – AFM image of CNT in ultrasonicated aqueous<br />

suspension<br />

deposited on silicon substrate.<br />

Fig. 4 – AFM phase contrast image of the nanocomposite PS/ carbon<br />

nanotubes film.<br />

Fig. 5 – 2D and 3D AFM images of nanocomposite PS/carbon nanotubes film.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. This study presents a new method for orientation<br />

of carbon nanotubes<br />

in polymer<br />

matrix using shear field.<br />

2. The AFM data show a good<br />

organization of the macromolecular chains<br />

and also of the CNT.

64 Răzvan Florin Barzic et al.<br />

3. Theoretical values of thermal conductivity are high recommen<strong>din</strong>g the<br />

investigated nanocomposites<br />

as good thermal conductor materials for power<br />

electronics.<br />

Acknowledgements. This paper was realized with the support of POSDRU<br />


“Doctoral Studies for European Performances in Research and<br />

Innovation” ID79407 project funded by the European Social Fund and Romanian<br />

Government.<br />


Bicerano<br />

J., Prediction of the Properties of Polymers from their Structures. J.M.S. –<br />

Rev. Macromol. Chem. Phys., C36, 161-196 (1996).<br />

Choi T. Y., Poulikakos D., Measurement of Thermal Conductivity of Idividual<br />

Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes by the 3-ω Method. Appl. Phys. Lett., 87 (2005).<br />

Han Z., Fina A., Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Nanotubes and their Polymer<br />

Nanocomposites: A Review. Prog. Polym. Sci., 36, 914-944 (2011).<br />

Ke G., Guan W. C., Tang C. Y., Hu Z., Guan W. J., Zeng D. L., Deng F., Covalent<br />

Modification of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes with a Low Molecular Weight<br />

Chitosan. Chin. Chem. Lett., 18, 361-364 (2007).<br />

Riggs J. E., Guo Z., Carroll D. L., Sun Y. P., Strong Luminescence of Solubilized<br />

Carbon Nanotubes. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 122, 5879-5880 (2000).<br />




(Rezumat)<br />

Pentru a obţine o orientare mai bună a nanotuburilor<br />

de carbon inserate în<br />

matricea de polistiren (PS) s-a utilizat o metodă nouă,<br />

şi anume forfecarea compozitului<br />

încă <strong>din</strong> faza de soluţie.<br />

În acest scop, s-a utilizat un solvent cu rată de difuzie mare, şi<br />

anume clorura de metilen, pentru a menţine organizarea impusă prin forfecare. Astfel,<br />

soluţia se depune pe suportul unui dispozitiv, care prezintă o lamă care se deplasează cu<br />

viteză controlată inducând prin forfecare orientarea catenelor macromoleculare şi<br />

implicit a nanotuburilor de carbon. Pentru a investiga în ce masură această tehnică<br />

conduce la rezultatul dorit s-au făcut studii morfologice a filmelor astfel preparate.<br />

Morfologia filmelor astfel preparate a fost investigată prin microscopie de forţă atomică<br />

(AFM) arată că nanotuburile de carbon sunt orientate în matricea de PS, având lungimea<br />

perpendiculară pe suprafaţa filmului compozit. Organizarea nanotuburilor de carbon în<br />

PS este ideală pentru îmbunătăţirea conductivităţii termice, rezultând materiale polimere<br />

compozite cu rolul de protejare a componentelor circuitului electric de supraîncălzire.<br />

Acest aspect este susţinut şi de calculele teoretice privind conductivitatea termică care<br />

pentru un procent de 5% CNT în matricea de PS creşte până la 41.49 W/m K.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />



“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi,<br />

Department of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering<br />

Received: November 10, 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: November 30, 2012<br />

Abstract. The paper presents heat transfer modelling in a plate heat<br />

exchanger. Inside the heat exchanger, heat is transferred from the flue gas (of a<br />

hot water boiler) to air. The purpose of the paper is to analyse variation of the air<br />

parameters when air passes one channel of the heat exchanger.<br />

Key words: heat transfer, plate heat exchanger, modelling.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Heat exchangers are devices used for heat transfer between two or more<br />

fluids with different temperature levels. They are essential elements for many<br />

thermal systems. For example, they make possible the heat transfer from a<br />

primary to a secondary circuit in a solar thermal system.<br />

Due to their great advantages (intensive heat transfer, low price, high heat<br />

recovery efficiency, compactness, large heat transfer surface, reduced pressure<br />

loss, easy operation) plate heat exchangers are widely spread and studied<br />

(Durmus et al., 2009), (Ghosh et al., 2006), (Chittur et al., 1990).<br />

The purpose of the developed study is the analysis of the heat transfer<br />

from flue gas (delivered by a hot water boiler) to air in a plate heat exchanger.<br />

The first stage of the study was the CFD analysis of the heat exchanger while<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: ddragomir03@yahoo.com

66 Ionel Ivancu et al.<br />

the second stage consists in the experimental analysis of the heat exchanger.<br />

The main objective of the study is the mutual validation of both analysis<br />

methods, theoretical and experimental.<br />

The paper presents the results obtained in the first stage of the study.<br />

2. The Experimental Heat Exchanger<br />

In order to set out the geometry of the plate heat exchanger, the<br />

information from (Jorge et al., 2004) was used. Two pictures of the heat<br />

exchanger are shown in Fig.1a and Fig.1b. The exchanger size is 300 x 300<br />

mm, with a number of 18 channels for air flow and 17 channels for flue gas<br />

flow. The distance between plates is 5 mm. The clamping of the plates is<br />

realized with threaded rods. The plates were made of galvanized steel.<br />

a b<br />

Fig. 1 – The experimental plate heat exchanger.<br />

In order to develop the experimental study, an experimental stand was<br />

conceived and developed. The experimental study is not the subject of the<br />

present paper and will be accomplished in the next stage of the research.<br />

3. Modelling of Heat Transfer<br />

The CAD modelling of both the separating wall and flow channel was<br />

made with CATIA V5 R19 software. Helpful information in this sense comes<br />

from (Haghshenas et al., 2011), (Gut & Pinto, 2003), (Gut et al., 2004),<br />

(Galeazzo et al., 2011). In order to achieve the temperature distribution in the<br />

separating wall of the exchanger, the Steady-Thermal module of ANSYS v13<br />

was used. To achieve the transfer, forced convective conditions were imposed<br />

for walls in contact with fluids.<br />

For the separating wall there were used hexahedron finite elements. The<br />

mesh was composed of 2548 of elements with 19088 nodes. For the modelling<br />

of the air flow channel, tetrahedral finite elements were used. The mesh was<br />

composed of 28579 elements with 9136 nodes. The mesh for the model is<br />

presented in Fig. 2.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 67<br />

The input data required by heat exchanger model are: the pressure – p1<br />

[N/m 2 ], the velocity – c1 [m/s] and the temperature – t1 [°C] of the fluid in the<br />

inlet section of the channel. The parameters have the following values:<br />

p1 = 101378 N/m 2 , c1 = 1.025 m/s, t1 = 18 °C.<br />

Fig. 2 –The mesh for the air flow channel.<br />

The air pressure drop Δp was considered constant and was measured on<br />

the experimental stand. In order to obtain the temperature on the inner surface<br />

of the air flow channel was necessary to accomplish the temperatures<br />

distribution in the separating wall.<br />

Fig. 3 –Distribution of temperature in the separating wall.<br />

The forced convective heat transfer from flue gas to air takes place in<br />

laminar conditions, over a plane plate. Proper calculation methods for this case<br />

are presented in (Popescu, 2003), (Badea & Necula, 2000), (Leca et al., 1998).

68 Ionel Ivancu et al.<br />

a b<br />

Fig. 4 –The experimental plate heat exchanger:<br />

a – distribution of the temperature; b – isothermal lines.<br />

a b<br />

Fig. 5 –Distribution of pressure:<br />

a – total pressure; b – static pressure.<br />

Nusselt and Reynolds criteria are calculated as follows<br />

cLc<br />

ℜ e = ,<br />

(1)<br />

υ<br />

αx<br />

12 13<br />

N u= = 0.332 ℜe Pr<br />

.<br />

(2)<br />

λ<br />

The convective heat transfer coefficient results from Eq. (2). Variation of<br />

temperature in plate material is presented in Fig. 3.<br />

The model was made in the laminar flow hypothesis. CFD analysis of the<br />

model predicts the pressure and temperature distribution in the air channel.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 69<br />

The temperature field is shown in Fig. 4a while the isothermal lines are<br />

presented in Fig. 4b.<br />

The distribution of the total and static pressure are represented in Fig. 5a<br />

and Fig. 5b, respectively.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The results of the analysis offer useful information regar<strong>din</strong>g the<br />

variation of air parameters inside the heat exchanger. It can be observed that the<br />

mounting rods placed in the median line of the channel induce perturbations.<br />

2. Because of the rods placed in the inlet and outlet sections of the flow<br />

channel, the air velocity decreases. Consequently, the static pressure of air<br />

increases upstream the rods while the downstream static pressure of air<br />

decreases.<br />

3. The temperatures distribution is also influenced by the rods. Because<br />

the specific heat of rods material is higher than the specific heat of the air, the<br />

rods behave as thermal accumulators. Consequently, the air temperature around<br />

the rods is higher.<br />

Acknowledgements. This paper was realized with the support of POSDRU<br />

CUANTUMDOC “Doctoral Studies for European Performances in Research and<br />

Innovation” ID79407 project funded by the European Social Fund and Romanian<br />

Government.<br />


Durmus A., Benli H., Kurtbas I., Gül H., Investigation of Heat Transfer and Pressure<br />

Drop in Plate Heat Exchangers Having Different Surface Profiles. International<br />

Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 52, 1451-1457 (2009).<br />

Ghosh I., Sarangi S.K., Das P.K., An Alternate Algorithm for the Analysis of<br />

Multistream Plate Fin Heat Exchangers. International Journal of Heat and Mass<br />

Transfer, 49, 2889-2902 (2006).<br />

Chittur C.L., Owen E.P., Dynamic Simulation of Plate Heat Exchangers. International<br />

Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 33, 995-1002 (1990).<br />

Jorge A.W., Gut J., Pinto M., Optimal Configuration Design for Plate Heat<br />

Exchangers. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 47, 4833-4848<br />

(2004).<br />

Popescu A., Elemente fundamentale de transfer de căldură. Ed. Eurobit, Timişoara,<br />

2003.<br />

Badea A., Necula H., Schimbătoare de căldură. Ed. AGIR, Bucureşti, 2000.<br />

Leca A., Mla<strong>din</strong> E.C., Stan M., Transfer de căldură şi masă. Ed. <strong>Tehnică</strong>, Bucureşti,<br />

1998.<br />

Haghshenas Fard M., Talaie M.R., Nasr S., Numerical and Experimental Investigation<br />

of Heat Transfer of ZnO/Water Nanofluid in the Concentric Tube and Plate Heat<br />

Exchangers. Thermal Science, 15, 1, 183-194 (2011).

70 Ionel Ivancu et al.<br />

Gut J.A.W., Pinto J.M., Modelling of Plate Heat Exchangers with Generalized<br />

Configurations, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 46, 14, 2571-<br />

2585 (2003).<br />

Gut J.A.W. et al., Thermal Model Validation of Plate Heat Exchangers with<br />

Generalized Configuration. Chemical Engineering Science, 59, 21, 4591-4600<br />

(2004).<br />

Galeazzo F.C.C. et al., Experimental and Numerical Heat Transfer in a Plate Heat<br />

Exchanger. Chemical Engineering Science, 61, 21, 7133-7138 (2006).<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

În lucrare este prezentat un schimbator de căldură cu plăci, în curent încrucişat,<br />

ce aparţine instalaţiei experimentale, cu dimensiunile şi materialul <strong>din</strong> care este realizat.<br />

Fluidele care trec prin schimbător sunt aerul şi gazele de ardere.<br />

Ca date iniţiale pentru modelarea schimbului de căldură s-au utilizat presiunea<br />

p1 , viteza c1 şi temperatura t1<br />

fluidului în regim de intrare. Modelele au fost realizate<br />

cu ajutorul programului CATIA iar pentru realizarea distribuţiei de temperaturi a fost<br />

folosit modulul STEADY-THERMAL <strong>din</strong> programul ANSYS. Modelarea a fost făcută<br />

în ipoteza curgerii laminare.<br />

În urma modelării s-au obţinut distribuţiile de temperatură şi presiune.<br />

Modelarea oferă informaţii utile privind variaţia parametrilor aerului la curgerea prin<br />

schimbătorul de căldură.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />


1 Romanian General Association of Refrigeration of Bucharest,<br />

2 Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest<br />

Received: September 12, 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: November 20, 2012<br />

Abstract. This paper presents experimental results from a vapour injection<br />

scroll compressor system. The purpose of this paper is to test a vapour injection<br />

scroll compressor for a heat pump. For the measurements, the inputs were given<br />

by different pressure values (evaporation and condensation process). On this test<br />

rig we mount a pressure sensor on the evaporator supply and a new system of<br />

expansion valves. This new system of the expansion valves allow us to extend<br />

the tests matrix to a wide range of capacities and a higher control over the<br />

system. The expansion valves are mounted three on the evaporator and two on<br />

the injection evaporator. The work is conducted in two phases: the first phase of<br />

the rig consists in the set-up of a test rig, its instrumentation, the calibration of<br />

the measurements devices, the set-up of the data acquisition system and a few<br />

verification tests and the second phase consists in the achievement of the 100<br />

tests. The last part of the paper presents the results obtained by the experimental<br />

model. These results are: performance coefficient, power consumption,<br />

exhausted compressor temperature and refrigerant charge of the refrigerant<br />

R404A in different working conditions.<br />

Key words: vapour injection scroll compressor, exhausted compressor<br />

temperature, refrigerant charge and heat exchanger.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The purpose of this study is to test a vapour injection scroll compressor<br />

and find a simplify model for a heat pump (Lemort, 2008), (Winandy & Lebrun,<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: gratiela.tarlea@gmail.com

72 Ion Zabet and Graţiela-Maria Ţârlea<br />

2002). In the same time we will try to define the point where injection process<br />

take place on the: isentropic process, isochoric process or between them. The<br />

work is conducted in two phases: the first phase of the rig consists in the set-up<br />

of a test rig, its instrumentation, the calibration of the measurements devices,<br />

the set-up of the data acquisition system and a few verification tests; the second<br />

phase consists in the achievement of the 100 tests. On this test rig we mount a<br />

pressure sensor on the evaporator supply and a new system of expansion valves.<br />

This new system of the expansion valves allow us to extend the tests matrix to a<br />

wide range of capacities and a higher control over the system. The expansion<br />

valves are mounted three on the evaporator and two on the injection evaporator.<br />

2. Description of Experimental Model<br />

The schematic representation of the test rig is given in Fig. 1. The<br />

refrigerant circuit (Zabet, 2011) comprises a main evaporator, an injection<br />

evaporator, the compressor, a condenser and different expansion valves. The<br />

refrigerant is R407C.<br />

The main evaporator and injection evaporator are fed by a glycol water<br />

closed loop.<br />

Glycol water is an aqueous solution 50% of propylene glycol. The glycol<br />

water loop is composed of a pump, an electrical boiler, an expansion tank, a bypass<br />

loop and different manual control valves (at the inlet and outlet of the main<br />

evaporator and the injection evaporator). The condenser is cooled by tap water.<br />

Two type of test was performed: with injection and without injection. The<br />

compressor characteristics are: type scroll; injection mode vapour; swept<br />

volume 166 cm 3 ; N= 2900 rpm. The main evaporator is a helical heat<br />

exchanger.<br />

The second evaporator is a helical heat exchanger which is used for heat<br />

the refrigerant liquid to be injected in the compressor. The boiler is built by<br />

using two concentric cylinders. The internal cylinder is completely closed and<br />

filled with gaseous nitrogen. Glycol water circulates upwards between the<br />

external and the internal cylinders. Glycol water is heated by 10 electrical<br />

resistances (6 resistances of 9 kW and 4 resistances of 6 kW). A flow sensor is<br />

installed at the boiler exhaust, to protect the boiler if no water movement is<br />

detected. The nominal flow rate of the pump is 40m 3 /h.<br />

The boiler is equipped with a temperature regulation system, which<br />

allows maintaining a stable temperature set point at the boiler exhaust (by<br />

switching on and off some resistances). On the second evaporator it was<br />

mounted two expansion valves and two different orifice types in order to<br />

varying the injected refrigerant mass flow. On the main evaporator it was<br />

mounted three expansion valves with different orifice size. The expansion<br />

valves are mounted in parallel for both types of evaporator. The condenser is<br />

shell and tubes heat exchanger and use tap water for refrigerant condensation.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 73<br />

Fig. 1 – Schematic representation of the test rig.<br />

3. 3. Experimental Results Analyses<br />

Table 1 presents the results of the experimental test carried out without<br />

vapour injection. Each test point is characterized by the supply pressure (Psu),<br />

exhausted pressure (Pex), superheating temperature (ΔTSI) and subcooling<br />

temperature (ΔTsub).<br />

Table 2 presents the results of the experimental test carried out with<br />

vapour injection. Each test point is characterized by the supply pressure (Psu),<br />

exhausted pressure (Pex), superheating temperature (ΔTSI) and subcooling<br />

temperature (ΔTsub). Let be other types of situations.<br />

Figs. 2–8 (Zabet, 2011) present the cooling capacity (Φ0), heating<br />

capacity (Φcd), compressor power ( W ), coefficient of performance for heating<br />

&<br />

cp<br />

(COPh) and cooling (COPc), compressor exhausted temperature (tex;cp) versus<br />

pressure ratio (π) in the cases with/without injection. As can be seen from the<br />

figures, vapour injection method is better than the case without injection for<br />

pressure ratio between 5 and 7.5.<br />

For the vapour injection tests the injection mass flow rate ( inj<br />

M& ) varied<br />

from 0 to 0.027 kg/s, which corresponds to an injection ratio INJR from 0 to<br />

9.6%. The injection ratio is defined by injection mass flow rate divided by<br />

supply mass flow ratio.

74 Ion Zabet and Graţiela-Maria Ţârlea<br />

Nr.<br />

Test<br />

Table 1<br />

Results of the test without vapour injection<br />

Set points Experimental results without injection<br />

P su ΔT SI Pex ΔT sub π t ex;cp<br />

M cd<br />

& cp W& Φcd Φ0 COPheat<br />

bar K bar K C kg/s kW kW kW<br />

1 2 5 17 2 8.50 111.00 0.044 5.32 10.60 5.78 1.99<br />

2 2 6 20 2 10.00 95.18 0.053 6.22 26.69 6.79 3.94<br />

3 3 9 12 3 4.00 115.00 0.096 5.31 12.20 17.61 1.96<br />

4 4 5 12 2 3.00 73.97 0.100 5.38 30.20 18.10 4.22<br />

5 5 3 14 2 2.80 121.20 0.131 6.38 12.41 23.21 1.72<br />

6 5 5 17 3 3.40 75.00 0.149 7.15 22.28 23.11 4.18<br />

7 6 11 19 4 3.17 109.70 0.171 8.17 28.79 27.03 2.86<br />

Nr.<br />

Test<br />

Table 1 (continued)<br />

Results of the test without vapour injection<br />

Set points Experimental results<br />

without injection<br />

P su ΔT SI Pex ΔT sub π COP cool ε s ε v<br />

bar K bar K<br />

1 2 5 17 2 8.50 1.09 0.65 0.76<br />

2 2 6 20 2 10.00 2.96 0.71 0.78<br />

3 3 9 12 3 4.00 1.09 0.66 0.87<br />

4 4 5 12 2 3.00 3.23 0.71 0.86<br />

5 5 3 14 2 2.80 0.91 0.63 0.86<br />

6 5 5 17 3 3.40 3.33 0.69 0.86<br />

7 6 11 19 4 3.17 1.96 0.72 0.86<br />

In Fig. 9 is presented the compressor power ( W ), the cooling capacity<br />

&<br />

(Φ0) and the coefficient of performance (COP) versus the injection ratio (INJR).<br />

As can be seen from Fig. 9 (Zabet, 2011) the cooling capacity has a slight<br />

increase for injection ratio up to 9%.<br />

After this level, the cooling capacity decreases. In the same time with<br />

cooling capacity increases, the compressor power increases in a similar<br />

proportion which gives a quite constant coefficient of performance in the final.<br />


Nr.<br />

test<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 75<br />

Table 2<br />

Results of the test with vapour injection<br />

Set points Experimental results without injection<br />

P su ΔT SI Pex ΔT sub π t ex;cp<br />

M cd<br />

& cp W& Φcd Φ0 COPheat<br />

bar K bar K C kg/s kW kW kW<br />

1 2 5 17 2 8.50 102.20 0.070 6.67 16.23 10.2 2.43<br />

2 2 6 20 2 10.00 107.60 0.080 7.51 17.72 10.9 2.36<br />

3 3 9 12 3 4.00 81.14 0.087 5.60 21.04 15.6 3.76<br />

4 4 5 12 2 3.00 67.22 0.119 5.77 26.69 21 4.62<br />

5 5 3 14 2 2.80 65.89 0.140 6.38 29.90 23.8 4.69<br />

6 5 5 17 3 3.40 74.23 0.161 7.56 32.78 25.7 4.33<br />

7 6 11 19 4 3.17 84.88 0.181 8.63 36.84 28.8 4.27<br />

Nr.<br />

Test<br />

Table 2 (continued)<br />

Results of the test with vapour injection<br />

Set points Experimental results without injection<br />

Psu ΔTSI Pex ΔTsub π inj M& Pinj tinj;cp COPcool εs εv bar K bar K kg/s bar C<br />

1 2 5 17 2 8.50 0.027 4.4 2.9 1.53 0.52 0.76<br />

2 2 6 20 2 10.00 0.024 4.71 7.7 1.44 0.55 0.78<br />

3 3 9 12 3 4.00 0.02 4.82 20 2.79 0.56 0.81<br />

4 4 5 12 2 3.00 0.01 5.69 8.7 3.63 0.58 0.85<br />

5 5 3 14 2 2.80 0.011 6.68 15 3.73 0.58 0.84<br />

6 5 5 17 3 3.40 0.012 7.58 19 3.39 0.61 0.86<br />

7 6 11 19 4 3.17 0.015 8.81 26 3.34 0.62 0.87<br />

In the above Tables, P, p – pressure (bar), T – temperature (K), t – temperature<br />

(ºC), COP –performance coefficient (-), M& – mass flow rate (kg/s), W & –<br />

compressor power (kW), Φ – capacity (kW), ε – compressor efficiency (-), ΔTSI<br />

– superheating temperature difference (K), ΔTsub – subcooling temperature<br />

difference (K), π – pressure ratio (-), su –supply, ex – exhaust, inj – injection<br />

point, cp –compressor, s – isentropic compression, v – isochor compression, cd<br />

– condensing point, 0 – evaporating point.<br />

The same phenomenon happens for the compressor exhausted<br />

temperature. The discharge temperature increases very slightly up to 9%. After<br />

this point the discharge temperature starts to decrease, as it can be seen from

76 Ion Zabet and Graţiela-Maria Ţârlea<br />

Fig. 10 (Zabet, 2011). This trend is due to two counteracting phenomenon: first<br />

the increase of the pressure inside the scrolls due to vapour injection and second<br />

the decrease of the enthalpy at injection point as the injection ratio increases.<br />

Φ0 [kW]<br />

20,00<br />

16,00<br />

12,00<br />

8,00<br />

Without Injection<br />

With Injection<br />

5,00 5,50 6,00 6,50 7,00 7,50<br />

π [−]<br />

Fig. 2 – Cooling capacity versus pressure ratio.<br />

W cp [kW]<br />

7,80<br />

7,20<br />

6,60<br />

6,00<br />

5,40<br />

4,80<br />

With Injection<br />

Without Injection<br />

4,20<br />

5,00 5,50 6,00 6,50 7,00 7,50<br />

π [−]<br />

Fig. 3 – Compressor power versus pressure ratio.<br />

M cd [kg/s]<br />

0,126<br />

0,112<br />

0,098<br />

0,084<br />

0,070<br />

0,056<br />

Without Injection<br />

With Injection<br />

0,042<br />

5,00 5,50 6,00<br />

π [−]<br />

6,50 7,00 7,50<br />

Fig. 4 – Total mass flow rate versus pressure ratio.<br />

As can be seen from Fig. 9 the cooling capacity has a slight increase for<br />

injection ratio up to 9%. After this level, the cooling capacity decreases. In the<br />

same time with cooling capacity increases, the compressor power increases in<br />

a similar proportion which gives a quite constant coefficient of performance in<br />

the final.

t ex;cp [°C]<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 77<br />

130<br />

120<br />

110<br />

100<br />

90<br />

80<br />

70<br />

Without Injection<br />

With Injection<br />

60<br />

5,00 5,50 6,00 6,50 7,00 7,50<br />

π [−]<br />

Fig. 5 – Compressor exhausted temperature versus pressure ratio.<br />

Φcd [kW]<br />

COP h [-]<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

With Injection<br />

Without Injection<br />

5<br />

5,00 5,50 6,00 6,50 7,00 7,50<br />

π [−]<br />

Fig. 6 – Heating capacity versus pressure ratio.<br />

4,00<br />

3,50<br />

3,00<br />

2,50<br />

2,00<br />

Without Injection<br />

With Injection<br />

1,50<br />

5,00 5,50 6,00 6,50 7,00 7,50<br />

π [−]<br />

Fig. 7 – Heating COP versus pressure ratio.<br />

The same phenomenon is happens for the compressor exhausted<br />

temperature. The discharge temperature increases very slightly up to 9%. After<br />

this point the discharge temperature starts to decrease, as it can be seen from<br />

Fig. 10.

78 Ion Zabet and Graţiela-Maria Ţârlea<br />

COP c [-]<br />

2,50<br />

2,00<br />

1,50<br />

1,00<br />

0,50<br />

Without Injection<br />

With Injection<br />

0,00<br />

5,00 5,50 6,00 6,50 7,00 7,50<br />

π [-]<br />

Fig. 8 – Cooling COP versus pressure ratio.<br />

W cp [kW], COP [-], Φ 0 [kW]<br />

35<br />

28<br />

21<br />

14<br />

7<br />

0<br />

Wcp COP<br />

0,08 0,084 0,088 0,092 0,096<br />

INJR=M inj;cp / Msu;cp [-]<br />

Fig. 9 – Compressor power, cooling capacity and COP versus vapour injection ratio.<br />

This trend is due to two counteracting phenomenon: first the increase of<br />

the pressure inside the scrolls due to vapour injection and second the decrease<br />

of the enthalpy at injection point as the injection ratio increases.<br />

t ex;cp [°C]<br />

128<br />

112<br />

96<br />

80<br />

64<br />

48<br />

Φ0<br />

t ex;cp<br />

0,08 0,084 0,088 0,092 0,096<br />

INJR=M inj;cp / Msu;cp [-]<br />

Fig. 10 – Compressor discharge temperature versus vapour injection ratio.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The experimental analysis shown in this paper allows us to compare<br />

the compressor behaviour with two different configurations: the first one<br />

without injection and the second one with vapour injection.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 79<br />

2. It is shown how the vapour injection permits one to increase slightly<br />

the cooling capacity for injection ratio up to 9%. After this level, the cooling<br />

capacity decreases.<br />

3. In the same time with cooling capacity increases, the compressor<br />

power increases in a similar proportion which gives a quite constant coefficient<br />

of performance.<br />

Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank COPELAND S.A. Europe<br />

and Thermodynamic Laboratory from University of Liege.<br />


Winandy E., Lebrun J., Scroll Compressors Using Gas and Liquid Injection:<br />

Experimental Analysis and Modelling. Int. J. of Refrigeration, 25, 1143-1156<br />

(2002).<br />

Zabet I., Contribution Regar<strong>din</strong>g the Study of the Eco-efficiency in Refrigeration<br />

Systems. PhD Thesis, 2011.<br />

Lemort V., Contribution to the Characterization of Scroll Machines in Compressor and<br />

Expander Modes. PhD Thesis, Liège, Belgium, 2008.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Criza energetică majoră care afectează în prezent economia mondială şi<br />

încălzirea globală, impun creşterea performanţelor energetice şi ecologice ale<br />

echipamentelor şi sistemelor frigorifice şi de aer condiţionat. În acest sens, utilizarea<br />

compresoarelor scroll cu injecţie de vapori şi compresoarelor scroll standard şi a<br />

agenţilor frigorifici ecologici deschid aria unor multiple aplicaţii în domeniul energetic<br />

şi al ingineriei mecanice.<br />

În acest sens s-a realizat un studiu experimental având o matrice de testare<br />

compusă <strong>din</strong> 100 puncte, caracterizate prin diferite presiuni de vaporizare şi condensare.<br />

Realizarea testelor s-a efectuat în două etape: prima fază în realizarea modelului<br />

experimental (setarea, instalarea, calibrarea instrumentelor de măsurat, setarea<br />

sistemului de achiziţie şi realizarea testelor de verificare a standului experimental) şi a<br />

două fază realizarea experimentelor şi analizarea performanţelor compresorului scroll<br />

cu injecţie de vapori. Sistemul de control al modelului experimental s-a realizat prin<br />

intermediul următoarelor reglaje: presiunea la aspiraţia compresorului a fost ajustată<br />

prin controlul debitului masic de agent intermediar care circulă prin vaporizatorul<br />

principal, supraîncălzirea vaporilor la aspiraţia compresorului fiind dată de ventilele de<br />

laminare poziţionate la intrarea în vaporizatorul principal, presiunea la injecţia în<br />

compresor a fost reglată prin controlul debitului masic de agent intermediar care<br />

parcurge vaporizatorul aferent procesului de injecţie, supraîncălzirea vaporilor la<br />

injecţie fiind controlată cu ajutorul ventilelor de laminare la intrarea în vaporizatorului<br />

secundar (pentru injecţie) si presiunea la procesul de condensare a fost controlată şi<br />

setată prin reglarea debitului masic de apă care parcurge condensatorul.

80 Ion Zabet and Graţiela-Maria Ţârlea<br />

Măsurătorile au fost făcute la secundă, mediate pe un interval de timp de 5<br />

minute după atingerea echilibrului termo<strong>din</strong>amic.<br />

In urma cercetărilor efectuate s-a deschis perspectiva unor noi direcţii de studiu<br />

în domeniul optimizării sistemelor frigorifice în procesul de injecţie cu vapori la<br />

compresoarele scroll cum ar fi: simplificarea modelelor de calcul care să conţină un<br />

număr cât mai redus de parametri şi ecuaţii, continuarea studiului cu aplicaţii în<br />

domeniul pompelor de căldura, analizarea performanţelor sistemelor frigorifice şi de aer<br />

condiţionat funcţionând cu compresoare scroll pentru diverşi agenţi frigorifici ecologici<br />

(cu ODP zero şi GWP redus).


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />


“Politehnica” University of Bucureşti,<br />

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics<br />

Received: 26 March 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: 14 April 2012<br />

Abstract. The use of alternative fuels represents a reliable alternative to<br />

decrease the pollutant emissions and it can also increase the independence<br />

regar<strong>din</strong>g the fossil fuels. The combustion properties of hydrogen make this fuel<br />

one of the best solution to replace the classical fuels. Many researches using<br />

hydrogen were made and most of them had good results. In addition to<br />

experimental research, the modelling of the thermo-gas-dynamics processes<br />

inside the cylinder represents an effective investigation tool of engine operation,<br />

reducing the time duration and cost of experimental investigation. The paper<br />

presents results of the thermo-gas-dynamics processes modelling inside the<br />

engine fuelled with hydrogen. The results obtained show that hydrogen is an<br />

excellent fuel, allowing engine operation with the best energetically and<br />

pollution performance. At the use of hydrogen the engine load qualitative control<br />

strategy can be adopted together with the quantitative adjustment.<br />

Key words: internal combustion engines, hydrogen, modelling,<br />

performance.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Considering the pollution problems and the declining fuel reserves today,<br />

investigations have been concentrating on increasing efficiency and lowering<br />

the pollutant emissions by using alternative fuels.<br />

Due to its properties, hydrogen is considered an ideal alternative fuel and<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: pantilevictor@yahoo.com

82 Victor Pantilie et al.<br />

many researchers have studied the effect of using hydrogen as a fuel (pure or<br />

mixed with another fuel) on pollutant emissions and engine performance (Das et<br />

al., 2000), (Al-Baghdadi & Al-Janabi, 2000), (Yamin et al., 2000), (Maher et<br />

al., 2003).<br />

The combustion of hydrogen does not create pollutant emissions such as<br />

CO2, CO, HC or PM because hydrogen does not contain any carbon. From the<br />

oil combustion, some fractions of unburned hydrocarbons are present inside the<br />

engine combustion chamber but these are negligible (Pantile, 2010). The massspecific<br />

lower heating value of hydrogen is almost three times as high as that of<br />

gasoline thus the brake specific fuel consumption is reduced ant the thermal<br />

efficiency of the engine is increased. Hydrogen has antiknock quality due to the<br />

self-ignition temperature of the hydrogen/air mixture which is greater than that<br />

of gasoline. A combustible mixture is produced by a small amount of hydrogen<br />

mixed with air, which can be burned in a conventional spark ignition engine at<br />

an equivalence ratio below the lean flammability limit of gasoline/air mixture.<br />

The resulting ultra-lean combustion produces low flame temperature and leads<br />

directly to lower heat transfer to the walls, higher engine efficiency and lower<br />

NOx emissions in the exhaust (Al-Baghdadi & Al-Janabi, 2003). The laminar<br />

flame speed of a hydrogen-air mixture at stoichiometric conditions is almost 6<br />

times higher than that of gasoline. At lean dosage conditions (λ=2) the laminar<br />

flame speed of hydrogen is approximately equivalent to that of a stoichiometric<br />

gasoline-air mixture (Verhelst & Wallner, 2009). The hydrogen flammability<br />

limits are wider compared to gasoline. This means that the load of the spark<br />

ignition engine can be controlled by the excess air-fuel ratio – the load engine<br />

qualitative adjustment. Furthermore, the compression ratio of the engine can be<br />

increased due to the higher octane number. The main disadvantage comes from<br />

the low density of hydrogen which influences the storage of hydrogen and the<br />

power output which is lower compared to liquid fuels (when comparing engines<br />

with external mixture formation), (Pantile et al., 2011).<br />

The U.S. Department of Energy and Department of Transportation have<br />

taken initiatives to shift towards a hydrogen-based transportation system. The<br />

aim of these researches is to develop and commercialize hydrogen fuel cell<br />

vehicles in an economic manner. However, hydrogen can be used as a fuel for<br />

transportation in internal combustion engines rather than in fuel cells at least for<br />

some decades (Romm, 2006), (Sukumaran & Kong, 2010).<br />

The lack of efficient and economical hydrogen infrastructure represents<br />

one of the major issues in exploiting hydrogen energy. Internal combustion<br />

engines can be considered as a transition technology for achieving economical<br />

hydrogen infrastructure (Safaria et al., 2009). Developing hydrogen programs<br />

are conducted by several automotive companies especially by BMW Group and<br />

Ford Motor Company. BMW has introduced its hydrogen engine in the 7 series;<br />

6.0 L V12 bi-fuel (gasoline – hydrogen) engine which operates with liquid<br />

hydrogen stored on board (Kiesgen et al., 2006). Also, Ford has optimized

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 83<br />

Zetec 2.0 L, I4 engine fuelled with hydrogen dedicatedly (Stockhausen et al.,<br />

2002), (Tang et al., 2002).<br />

Table 1<br />

Hydrogen and gasoline properties<br />

Property Hydrogen Gasoline<br />

Molecular mass, kg/kmol 2.016 114<br />

Density, kg/m 3 0.089 750<br />

Theoretical air-fuel ratio, kg/kg comb 34.32 14.5<br />

Flame velocity in air, m/s 2.37 0.12<br />

Octane number >130 90…98<br />

Auto-ignition temperature, K 850 750<br />

Lower heating value, KJ/kg 119600 42690<br />

Minimum ignition energy, mJ 0.018 0.25<br />

Flammability limits in air, % 4…75 1…7.6<br />

Laminar burning velocity in air, m/s 2…2.3 0.37…0.43<br />

Normal boiling point temperature, K 20 310…478<br />

Stoichiometric composition in air, % 29.5 1.65<br />

Adiabatic flame temperature, K 2384 2270<br />

Although fuel cells have better efficiency than hydrogen engines, the cost<br />

of a hydrogen internal combustion engine is much less than a fuel cell and the<br />

power system of a vehicle. To use hydrogen in an internal combustion engine,<br />

some modifications have to be made but the working process is basically the<br />

same. Some difficulties should be overcome before the engines go into a<br />

common use, such as detonation, backfire and abnormal combustion (Jorach,<br />

1997). By using a suitable mathematical model the performance of a hydrogen<br />

engine can be simulated therefore it is possible to determine a beneficial<br />

working range for optimizing and predicting the engine’s performance (Jie et<br />

al., 2003).<br />

Nowadays, the development of an internal combustion engine is based on<br />

a close link between experimental engine testing and numerical simulation.<br />

Multi-dimensional and one dimensional thermo-fluid dynamic models are<br />

commonly used to optimize the engine design through the prediction of the<br />

unsteady flows in the intake and exhaust systems (Onorati et al., 2007),<br />

(Winterbone & Pearson, 2000), (Morel et al., 2003), (Montenegro et al., 2005),<br />

(Onorati et al., 2004 a), (Onorati et al., 2004 b), and of the combustion and<br />

emission formation processes in the cylinder (D’Errico et al., 2002), (D’Errico<br />

& Lucchini, 2005), (D’Errico et al., 2008).<br />

2. Processes Modelling<br />

There are many numerical simulation models used and because it is less<br />

expensive than experimental engine testing it is widely used in academic and

84 Victor Pantilie et al.<br />

industrial research. The simulation program used in the present paper is AVL<br />

Boost v2011.<br />

The modelling was made for the DOHC Daewoo engine (aspirated<br />

engine and supercharged engine) with the characteristics from Table 2.<br />

The combustion law used was the Vibe law for two zones and the heat<br />

transfer coefficient used was Woschni.<br />

Table 2<br />

Engine specifications<br />

Engine type DOHC<br />

Displacement 1.5, litres<br />

Stroke 81.5, mm<br />

Bore 76.5, mm<br />

Cylinders 4<br />

Number of valves 16<br />

Connecting rod length 120, mm<br />

Compression ratio 9.2<br />

Maximum power engine speed 4800, rpm<br />

Engine operating regimes: full load and 3500 rpm with the next<br />

supercharge pressure and excess air-fuel ratio:<br />

gasoline with normal intake at λ=0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 1;<br />

gasoline with supercharge pressure 1.3 at λ=0.8, 0.85, 0.9;<br />

gasoline with supercharge pressure 1.5 λ=0.8, 0.85, 0.9;<br />

hydrogen with normal intake at λ=1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2, 2.5;<br />

hydrogen with supercharge pressure 1.3 at λ=1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2, 2.5;<br />

hydrogen with supercharge pressure 1.5 at λ=1, 1.4, 1.5, 2, 2.5;<br />

For each simulation were made 50 cycles for better results.<br />

Supercharging the engine prevent backfire, cools the cylinder walls and<br />

increases the engine performance, allowing hydrogen to be used in safe<br />

conditions and with lower pollutant emissions. To protect the engine against<br />

damage the supercharge pressure was limited to 1.5 bar.<br />

3. Results<br />

For the engine running on gasoline with normal intake the maximum<br />

pressure is 48 bar. When the engine is supercharged the pressure increases<br />

significantly reaching 87 bar with a supercharge pressure of 1.5 bar. Using<br />

hydrogen as a fuel, the maximum pressure with normal intake is higher at<br />

stoichiometric excess air-fuel ratio and as the dosage was leaner the pressure<br />

drops at 43 bar at excess air-fuel ratio equal to 2.5. To achieve similar<br />

performance as with gasoline (normal intake), the engine running on hydrogen<br />

is supercharged and for the reduction of the NOx emissions, the values for the<br />

excess air-fuel ratio should be greater than 1.8. The supercharge pressure used is

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 85<br />

1.3 bar and 1.5 bar. Maximum pressure reached when using supercharged<br />

hydrogen is around 89 bar at stoichiometric excess air-fuel ratio (Fig. 1).<br />

Fig. 1 – Maximum pressure diagram.<br />

The maximum temperatures when using gasoline presents a slight<br />

increase as the engine was supercharged and as the excess air-fuel ratio<br />

increased from 0.8 to 0.9 (Fig. 2).<br />

On hydrogen the excess air-fuel ratio has a major impact so the maximum<br />

temperatures reached 2900 K when the engine is supercharged at 1.5 bar at<br />

stoichiometric excess air-fuel ratio and dropped below 1900 K at leaner dosage<br />

(λ=2.5).<br />

Fig. 2 – Maximum temperature diagram.<br />

The brake specific fuel consumption is much lower at the use of<br />

hydrogen due to good hydrogen burning proprieties and heat losses reduction.<br />

A slight impact on BSFC has also the supercharge pressure, and it can be<br />

seen in the figure below that when the engine is supercharged the BSFC<br />

decreases on gasoline as well as on hydrogen.

86 Victor Pantilie et al.<br />

Another influence factor is the excess air-fuel ratio. On gasoline BSFC<br />

decreases when λ increased from 0.8 to 0.9. On hydrogen BSFC decreases when<br />

the excess air-fuel ratio increased from 1 to 1.5 and when the dosage is leaner<br />

the BSFC has a slight increase (Fig. 3).<br />

Fig. 3 – Brake specific fuel consumption diagram.<br />

The NOx emissions level on gasoline increases with the increasing excess<br />

air-fuel ratio from 0.8 to 0.9, but decreases when the engine is supercharged due<br />

to the timing adjustment which decreased to avoid detonation (Fig. 4).<br />

Fig. 4 – Gasoline NOx emissions diagram.<br />

When hydrogen was used the NOx emissions level had a different<br />

behaviour (Fig. 5). When normal intake was used the maximum was reached at<br />

λ=1.3 with more than 5000 ppm.<br />

When the engine was supercharged with 1.3 bar supercharge pressure the<br />

maximum emissions level was reached at λ=1.4 and when the engine was

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 87<br />

supercharged with 1.5 bar supercharge pressure the maximum emissions level<br />

was reached at λ=1.5. From this point the emissions level dropped significantly<br />

and as the dosage was leaner the emissions levels were very low.<br />

Fig. 5 – Hydrogen NOx emissions diagram.<br />

Fig. 6 – NOx emissions vs. power and excess air-fuel ratio diagram.<br />

The hydrocarbons levels are significantly reduced and there are no carbon<br />

monoxide emissions when using hydrogen as a fuel.

88 Victor Pantilie et al.<br />

At the engine running on gasoline calculated around 2000 ppm NOx<br />

emissions at stoichiometric excess air-fuel ratio. At the hydrogen fuelled engine<br />

running to limit this NOx level must be used the excess air-fuel ratio values<br />

greater than 1.8 (Fig. 6).<br />

At this dosage the power output on hydrogen with supercharge pressure<br />

of 1.5 bar is greater than the power output on gasoline with normal intake and at<br />

excess air-fuel ratio greater than 2 the power is similar but the NOx emissions<br />

level is significantly reduced (less than 50 ppm).<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. This paper confirms that hydrogen can be used in internal combustion<br />

engines and by supercharging a spark ignition engine it can obtain similar<br />

performance with lower emissions.<br />

2. Using hydrogen without supercharging it is possible but with a major<br />

impact on the power of the engine if hydrogen is admitted in the intake.<br />

3. The NOx emissions level dropped below 50 ppm at λ=2 and if the<br />

dosage is leaner it can achieve near zero NOx emissions.<br />

4. The high engine efficiency when using hydrogen makes this fuel a<br />

perfect fuel for urban cycles due to combustion improvement.<br />

Acknowledgements. The work has been funded by the Sectoral Operational<br />

Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 of the Romanian Ministry of<br />

Labour, Family and Social Protection through the Financial Agreement<br />

POSDRU/88/1.5/S/61178.<br />

The authors would like to thank AVL GMBH Graz Austria for provi<strong>din</strong>g the<br />

software AVL Boost v2011 used in this study.<br />


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Al-Baghdadi Maher A.S., Al-Janabi Haroun A.S., A Prediction Study of a Spark<br />

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3143-3150 (2003).<br />

D’Errico G., Ferrari G., Onorati A., Cerri T., Modeling the Pollutant Emissions from a<br />

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D’Errico G., Lucchini T., A Combustion Model with Reduced Kinetic Schemes for S.I.<br />

Engines Fuelled with Compressed Natural Gas. SAE Int. Congress & Exp.,<br />

Detroit, Michigan, 2005.<br />

D’Errico G., Onorati A., Ellgas S., 1D Thermo-fluid Dynamic Mdelling of an S.I.<br />

Single-cylinder H2 Engine with Cryogenic Port Injection. International Journal<br />

of Hydrogen Energy, 33, 5829-5841 (2008).

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 89<br />

Das L.M., Gulati R., Gupta P.K., Performance Evaluation of a Hydrogen-fuelled Spark<br />

Ignition Engine Using Electronically Controlled Solenoid-actuated Injection<br />

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Solves Complex Interacting System Issues. SAE Int. Congress & Exp., Detroit,<br />

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paper 2007-01-0495, Detroit, 2007.<br />

Onorati A., Ferrari G., D’Errico G., Secondary Air Injection in the Exhaust after<br />

Treatment System of S.I. Engines: 1D Fluid Dynamic Modelling and<br />

Experimental Investigation. SAE Transactions, Journal of Engines, 112–113,<br />

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Pantile V., Rusu E., Pana C., Aspects of the Hydrogen Use at the SI Engine. Conference<br />

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90 Victor Pantilie et al.<br />

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(Rezumat)<br />

Lucrarea prezintă rezultatele modelării termo-gazo-<strong>din</strong>amice la folosirea<br />

hidrogenului în motorul cu aprindere prin scânteie. Rezultatele obţinute arată că<br />

hidrogenul este un combustibil excelent, care permite funcţionarea motorului cu<br />

performanţe energetice ridicate şi emisii poluante reduse atunci când se foloseşte<br />

supraalimentarea şi valori ale coeficientului de exces de aer λ>1.8.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />


“Politehnica” University Bucharest,<br />

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics<br />

Received: 10 March 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: 22 April 2012<br />

Abstract. During the last years the spark ignition engines have been<br />

further improved in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions (and thus the<br />

greenhouse effect) and fuel consumption, and increasing the engine performance.<br />

The use of alternative fuels represents an efficiency solution for these objectives.<br />

This explains the intense interest world-wide to using bioethanol (originating<br />

from renewable sources) as an automotive fuel, especially in blen<strong>din</strong>g with<br />

gasoline. This paper presents results of simulating to thermo-gas-dynamics<br />

processes inside the cylinder of an SI engine fuelled with ethanol-gasoline blends<br />

with different percentages of ethanol at different engine operating conditions.<br />

The main topics presented are the effects of using blends on: engine<br />

performance, emissions and fuel consumption. The results showed that an<br />

improved engine performance and lower emissions can be obtained with higher<br />

ethanol percentage in the blend, due to the better combustion properties ethanol.<br />

Keywords: spark ignition engine, bioethanol, fuel properties<br />

characteristics, simulation, NOx emissions.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Considering the energy crisis and pollution problems, our investigations<br />

have been concentrating on reducing the fuel consumption and lowering the<br />

concentration of toxic components in combustion products by opting for<br />

alternative fuels. Ethanol is considered as an ideal alternative fuel. Ethanol has<br />

been recognized as an alternate fuel because of highly desirable properties.<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: radu_alex_85@yahoo.com

92 Alexandru Radu et al.<br />

Furthermore the ethanol could be a renewable source of energy if is<br />

produced from biomass and since its characteristics are fairly similar to the<br />

gasoline ones, the conversion of power units from one fuel to another looks<br />

quite promising in terms of efforts and costs (Turner et al., 2007), (Ku et al.,<br />

2000), (Nakata & Utsumi, 2006), (Baeta et al., 2005).<br />

Recently more scientists have recognized ethanol as the best choice<br />

among alcohols for use in SI engines. Their studies have evaluated the effect of<br />

fuel properties and characteristics, and demonstrated the effects of ethanol on<br />

engine performance and on the environment. For example, Kumar et al. (Kumar<br />

et al., 2009) studied three different ethanol-gasoline blends i.e. 10, 30 and 70 %<br />

ethanol blended with gasoline (E10, E30 and E70 respectively), in a onecylinder<br />

engine, 500cc, water-cooled, AVL made a research engine with a CR<br />

10:1. The research engine was coupled with 80 kW, water cooled, eddy current<br />

dynamometer. The net effect on emission was significant reduction in CO and<br />

increase in NOx emission with increasing ethanol content in the blend. However<br />

no significant change in HC emission was observed. Operating with E70 blend,<br />

CO reduces by approximately 60% and NOx increases by approximately 50-<br />

60% at all operating speed under WOT condition.<br />

Wen Dai et al. (Dai et al., 2003) have developed an ethanol model in an engine<br />

cycle simulation tool, GESIM (General Engine Simulation program), for the<br />

simulation of spark-ignition engines using ethanol and ethanol-gasoline blends<br />

as fuels (E22 and E85). The developed model has demonstrated that CO<br />

emissions and unburned hydrocarbons generally decrease, while fuel<br />

consumption increases because of its low lower heating value.<br />

M. Bahattin Celik studied mixtures of E0, E25, E50, E75 and E100<br />

fuels in a single-cylinder four-stroke small engine whose original compression<br />

ratio was 6/1, at a constant load and speed (Celik, 2008). The compression ratio<br />

was raised from 6/1 to 10/1. The experimental results have shown that the most<br />

suitable fuel in terms of performance and emissions was E50. Therefore, engine<br />

power increased by about 29% when running with E50 fuel compared to the<br />

running with E0 fuel and the specific fuel consumption, and CO, CO2, HC and<br />

NOx emissions were reduced by about 3%, 53%, 10%, 12% and 19%,<br />

respectively.<br />

Gogos and al. (Gogos et al., 2008) tested the fuels E0, E10, E20 and E50<br />

in a 1300cc old technology vehicle without a catalytic converter. The results<br />

have shown that increasing the ethanol percentage in the blend has decreased<br />

the CO and HC emissions but increased the NOx emissions. For fuels E10 and<br />

E20 an increase on the engine’s brake torque and power along with a decrease<br />

in fuel consumption were observed and for E50, both brake torque and power<br />

were reduced.<br />

In another study, Nakama et al. (Nakama et al., 2008) ethanol–<br />

gasoline blended fuels (E3, E10, E20, E40, E60, E80 and E100) were tested<br />

in a single-cylinder engine with a displacement of 0.325 litres that has been

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 93<br />

constructed based on the Suzuki M13A. Tests were conducted under conditions<br />

of ε=9.5, 11.0, 13.9,and 15.0 at engine speeds of 1500, 2000, 3000, and 4000<br />

rpm, and with full load and half load. It was confirmed that increasing the<br />

compression ratio together with increasing ethanol content is effective to<br />

overcome the shortcomings of poor fuel economy caused by the low calorific<br />

value of ethanol.<br />

2. Properties of Ethanol<br />

To study the effects of ethanol/gasoline mixtures on the performance of<br />

an internal combustion engine one has to consider some of ethanol’s properties.<br />

The most important are the following:<br />

Ethanol has a higher octane rating (RON=106) than gasoline and because<br />

of its antiknock properties, engines with a higher compression ratio, and<br />

subsequently more power, can be designed.<br />

A major chemical difference in the fuels is the inclusion of oxygen in the<br />

ethanol (Table 1). This allows the use of a poorer air to fuel mixture, and as a<br />

result a better combustion is achieved. This fact further causes fewer emissions<br />

of CO and unburned HC (Radu & Pană, 2007).<br />

Table 1<br />

Physical and chemical properties of gasoline and ethanol<br />

Properties Gasoline Ethanol<br />

Density at 15, kg/m 3 735..760 792<br />

Boiling temperature (at 1.013 bar), o 30..190 78<br />

In flammability limits: λs..λi 0,4..1,4 0,3..1,56<br />

Reid pressure, daN/cm 2 0.8..0.9 0.14<br />

Auto-ignition temperature, o 257..327 420<br />

Lower heating value, kJ/kg 43500 26800<br />

Fuel in water, % negligible 100<br />

Heat of vaporization, kJ/kg 290..380 904<br />

Octane number MON/RON 90/98 87/106<br />

Composition : C/H/O, % mass 85/15/0 52/13/35<br />

Dynamic viscosity at 0 o , mPa s 0.72..0.74 0.796<br />

Stoichiometric burning air, kg/kg 14.5 9<br />

As shown in Table 1, the heat of vaporization of ethanol is approximately<br />

three times higher than that of gasoline and requires more energy to vaporize<br />

the fuel. This property can contribute to the increase of engine power and<br />

efficiency because of the resulting higher density of the mixture.

94 Alexandru Radu et al.<br />

Spark timing is important because of ignition delay issues. Ethanol<br />

actually has a slightly higher flame speed in smooth combustion than does<br />

gasoline. However, it has a much longer delay between application of the spark<br />

and a fully-formed flame (the “ignition delay”). This means that the spark<br />

timing may need to be advanced.<br />

Ethanol flammability range is much wider for air-ethanol mixtures<br />

comparative to gasoline (0, 3...1, 56 versus 0, 4...1, 4) provi<strong>din</strong>g engine run<br />

stability in the area of lean mixtures (Pană et al., 2007).<br />

The enthalpy of evaporation of ethanol is 842-930 kJ/kg that is higher<br />

than the value of 330-440 kJ/kg for gasoline. This property can contribute to the<br />

increase of engine power and efficiency because of the resulting higher density<br />

of the mixture, but this also causes ignition problems at low temperatures<br />

(Cowart et al., 1996).<br />

3. Modelling the Engine Cylinder Process<br />

The main reason for the growth in engine modelling activities arises from<br />

the economic benefits and to reduce the time. Real engine testing cannot be<br />

replaced by models, but they are able to provide good estimates of performance<br />

changes resulting from possible engine modifications.<br />

There are now available comprehensive “commercial” models, which<br />

have a wide purpose of use with refined inputs and outputs to facilitate their use<br />

by engineers. Also, many universities have produced their own thermodynamic<br />

models, of varying degrees of complexity, scope and ease of use.<br />

Such software is AVL BOOST v.2011.6 with which we have developed a<br />

model for the engine running simulation with gasoline and ethanol-gasoline<br />

blends and with normal intake and supercharged admission. The engine<br />

numerical model was validated by comparing the obtained values with the<br />

experimental data when using gasoline and E20 as fuels, on a 1.5L DOHC<br />

engine (76.5 mm bore, 81.5 mm stroke, 9.2 compression ratio).<br />

The theoretical researches were carried at engine speed 2500 rpm, full<br />

load and different dosage values (λ=0.8; 0.85; 0.9 for gasoline and λ=1.0; 1.1;<br />

1.2 for blend) for two fuels: gasoline and E20 (80% gasoline blend with 20%<br />

ethanol) and with different intake pressures for the normal admission engine<br />

and supercharged engine with 1.2 bar. For E20 the tests were carried out for<br />

dosages λ>1 in order to emphasize the main advantages of using ethanol in the<br />

lean mixtures field.<br />

The present investigation specifically concerns the engine performance<br />

and reduction of pollutant emissions from the exhaust of engines using ethanol<br />

fuel as a substitute for gasoline.<br />

3.1. Results<br />

Fig. 1 shows that peak cylinder pressure (pmax) and indicated mean<br />

effective pressure (IMEP) increases for E20 gasoline-ethanol blend comparative

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 95<br />

with gasoline in both cases: normal intake and supercharged. Values of the two<br />

parameters have decreased for leaner mixtures in the field of λ=1…1,2.<br />

Increased peak cylinder pressure is due to higher burning rate of ethanol<br />

determinates a reduced of the combustion duration.<br />

Fig. 1 – Effect of ethanol addition on peak cylinder pressure.<br />

In Fig. 2 can be observed that the peak cylinder temperature is higher in<br />

case of the E20 fuel comparative with gasoline especially to supercharged<br />

engine. In order to reduce the NOx emissions at the engine fuelled with E20 the<br />

dosage must be leaner (e.g. λ=1.2).<br />

Fig. 2 - Effect of ethanol addition on peak cylinder temperature.

96 Alexandru Radu et al.<br />

Fig. 3 – Brake specific fuel consumption vs. indicated mean effective pressure.<br />

The tests have shown an important decrease in emissions of CO and HC for<br />

operation with E20 gasoline-ethanol blend (Fig. 4 and Fig. 5). This is mainly due to<br />

better combustion properties. The level of these emissions increases at the enrichment<br />

of the dosage for both fuels and engines admission type (normal intake and<br />

supercharged).<br />

Fig. 4 – Comparison of specific HC emission for gasoline and E20.<br />

The NOx emissions presents a significant increase for E20 fuelled engine<br />

mainly due to higher combustion temperature. It can be seen that NOx emission<br />

level is higher for the supercharged engine model at the excesses air-fuel ratio<br />

value and decreases at poorer dosages.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 97<br />

Fig. 5 – Comparison of specific CO emission for gasoline and E20.<br />

Fig. 6 – Comparison of specific NOx emission for gasoline and E20.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. Results have shown that the model developed in AVL BOOST has<br />

successfully predicted the trends of engine performance, fuel consumption and<br />

various exhaust emissions for gasoline and E20 fuels.<br />

2. An improved engine performance was obtained at fuelling with<br />

ethanol-gasoline blend due to the ethanol properties which allowed engine<br />

operation at leaner dosages than in the case of engine working with gasoline.<br />

3. The use of ethanol-gasoline blends leads to an important decrease of<br />

HC and CO emissions while NOx emissions level increased but at use of the<br />

leaner dosages (λ>1.17) the NOx emissions level is smaller than standard engine.

98 Alexandru Radu et al.<br />

4. The best results of the investigated parameters were obtained on the<br />

turbocharged engine.<br />

Acknowledgements. The work has been funded by the Sectorial Operational<br />

Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 of the Romanian Ministry of<br />

Labour, Family and Social Protection through the Financial Agreement<br />

POSDRU/88/1.5/S/60203. The authors would like to thank AVL GMBH Graz Austria<br />

for provi<strong>din</strong>g the software AVL Boost v.2011.6 used in this study.<br />


*** http://www.txideafarm.com/ethanol_fuel_properties_and_data<br />

Alok Kumar, Khatri D.S., Babu M.K.G., An Investigation of Potential and Challenges<br />

with Higher Ethanol-gasoline Blend on a Single Cylinder Spark Ignition Research<br />

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Bahattin Celik M., Experimental Determination of Suitable Ethanol–gasoline Blend<br />

Rateat High Compression Ratio for Gasoline Engine. Applied Thermal<br />

Engineering, 28, 396-404 (2008).<br />

Coelho Baeta J.G., Amorim R.J., Molina Valle R.J., Mautone Barros E., Bahia de<br />

Carvalho R.D., Multi-Fuel Spark Ignition Engine – Optimization Performance<br />

Analysis, SAE Paper 2005-01-4145 (2005).<br />

Cowart J.S., Boruta W.E., et al., Powertrain Development of the 1996 Ford Flexible<br />

Fuel Taurus, SAE Paper 952751 (1996).<br />

Heywood John B., Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals. 1998.<br />

Kenjiro Nakama, Jin Kusaka, Yasuhiro Daisho, Effect of Ethanol on Knock in Spark<br />

Ignition Gasoline Engines. SAE Paper 2008-32-0020 (2008).<br />

Ku J., Huang Y., Hollowell B., Belle S., Matthews R., Hall M., Conversion of a 1999<br />

Silverado to Dedicated E85 with Emphasis on Cold Start and Cold Driveability.<br />

SAE Paper 2000-01-0590 (2000).<br />

Merkourios G., Savvidis D., Triandafyllis J., Study of the Effects of Ethanol Use on a<br />

Ford Escort Fitted with an Old Technology Engine. SAE Paper 2008-01-2608<br />

(2008).<br />

Nakata K., Utsumi S., The Effect of Ethanol Fuel on Spark Ignition Engine. SAE Paper<br />

2006-01-3380 (2006)<br />

Pană C., Negurescu N., Popa M. G., Cernat A., Soare D., Some Experimental Aspects of<br />

the Ethanol Use in SI Engine. Automobile, Environment and Farm Machinery,<br />

The 1th International Congress, Tehnical University of Cluj-Napoca (2007).<br />

Radu A., Pana C., Theoretical Research of Bioethanol Use in S.I. Engine. Conference<br />

Procee<strong>din</strong>gs of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, 3, 1, 177 (2011).<br />

Turner J. W. G., Peck A., Pearson R. J., Flex-Fuel Vehicle Development to Promote<br />

Synthetic Alcohols as the Basis of a Potential Negative CO2 Energy Economy,<br />

SAE Paper 2007-01-3618 (2007).<br />

Wen Dai, Sreeni Cheemalamarri, Curtis E.W., Riadh Boussarsar, Morton R.K., Engine<br />

Cycle Simulation of Ethanol and Gasoline Blends. SAE Paper, 2003-01-3093<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 99<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

În ultimii ani, motoarele cu aprindere prin scânteie au fost îmbunătățite<br />

încontinuu în vederea reducerii emisiilor de dioxid de carbon (şi totodată, efectul de<br />

seră), a consumului de combustibil şi creşterea performanţelor motorului. Utilizarea<br />

combustibililor alternativi reprezintă o soluţie eficientă pentru aceste obiective. Astfel<br />

se explică interesul mare la nivel mondial de a utiliza bioetanolul (provenind <strong>din</strong> surse<br />

regenerabile), drept combustibil auto, în special în amestec cu benzina. Lucrarea de faţă<br />

prezintă rezultatele simulării proceselor termo-gazo-<strong>din</strong>amice <strong>din</strong> interiorul cilindrului<br />

unui motor cu aprindere prin scânteie alimentat cu amestecuri benzină-etanol la diferite<br />

condiţii de funcţionare ale motorului. Principalele subiecte abordate sunt efectele<br />

utilizării amestecurilor asupra performanţei motorului, emisiilor şi consumului de<br />

combustibil. Rezultatele au arătat că o performanţă îmbunătăţită a motorului şi emisii<br />

mai reduse pot fi obţinute prin supraalimentarea motorului şi utilizarea amestecurilor<br />

benzină-etanol, datorită proprietăţilor de ardere mai bune ale etanolului.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />


Received: 30 March 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: 14 April 2012<br />

Politehnica University of Timişoara,<br />

MMUT Department<br />

Abstract. The start of the propulsion engines, coming as a result of<br />

technological evolution, revealed quickly different problems like comfort, noise,<br />

performances and, not least, exhaust gases. Appearance of compression ignition<br />

engines and spark ignition engine, technology that replaces the animal traction,<br />

have been received very well by engineering society of that period, but the<br />

problem of exhaust gases was and remains an issue to be solved. The vehicle<br />

emit different pollutant elements through the tailpipe, like carbon dioxide (CO2),<br />

carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (HC), nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile<br />

organic compounds (VOC’s), particulate matter (PM) and other elements, as a<br />

consequence of burning the fossil fuels inside the combustion chamber. The<br />

atmosphere is continuously changing due to all this pollutant elements,<br />

producing damages on human and earth health. The paper present the studies and<br />

experimental research concerning the nature of exhaust gases, for vehicles<br />

equipped with internal combustion engine, realized in “Politehnica” University<br />

of Timisoara, Faculty of Mechanics, taking into account the figures of exhaust<br />

gases for vehicle functioning with diesel as fuel, and vehicle with spark ignition<br />

engine using gasoline and alternative fuel as energy source. The conclusion we<br />

reached are: diesel engines emit less light hydrocarbons than gasoline engines,<br />

and the spark ignition engine working with alternative fuels – namely isobutene<br />

(IP50), emit less nitrogen oxides than gasoline as fuel.<br />

Key words: CO2, pollutant emission, spark ignition engine, diesel engine,<br />

alternative fuels.<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: idhiticas@yahoo.com

102 Ioan Hiticas et al.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Internal combustion engine remains a subject who must be treated due to<br />

the elements involved in the combustion process. In this paper are treated the<br />

exhaust problems, analysing the processes in diesel engine and spark ignition<br />

engine. The oil crisis around the 1970, when along the USA many fuel stations<br />

were closed due to this crisis, conducted to less pollutant emission by vehicle<br />

fleet, and also conducted the engineering to find other sources solution for<br />

vehicle, like alternative fuels or electric vehicles.<br />

The CO2 emissions over the world are structured after the quantities<br />

emitted by”departments”, like vehicles, industry, manufacturing, agriculture,<br />

and other. The first three countries group on IEA report (International Energy<br />

Agency) on CO2 emission, in billions of metric tons, for year 2010, was:<br />

Europe, USA and Australia – over 15 billions of metric tons, China – over 8.1<br />

billions of metric tons, and India – over 1.8 billions of metric tons. The<br />

reference was made for year 2010 because this year was a record for greenhouse<br />

gas emission. Globally, CO2 emission from burning fossil fuel achieved a<br />

record of 30.6 billion metric tons. UNFCCC (United Nations Framework<br />

Convention on Climate Change) presented a national emission report on the<br />

Europe greenhouse gases and the data for Romania are: CO2 emission on Fuel<br />

Combustion sector on year 2010 was 75499.84204 Giga tonnes and CO2<br />

emission for Road Transportation sector was 13498.11400 Giga tonnes. This<br />

numbers must prevent us that the global problems of greenhouse effect have to<br />

be solved and should not be delayed.<br />

Due to the high level of CO2 emission around the world, presented in Fig.<br />

1, situation made for year 2009, and also harmful emission, has made the<br />

countries to applied legislation to reduce them, like Euro I to Euro VI.<br />

Fig. 1 – World CO2 emission by sector (IEA, 2011).<br />

The experimental researches conducted in University Politehnica of<br />

Timisoara and presented in this paper, confirm the danger, on human and earth<br />

health, of CO2 emission level, and harmful emission, produced by thermal<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 103<br />

2. Technical Data<br />

The internal combustion engine, as we know, transforms the heat<br />

produced by fuels burned inside the combustion chamber, in work. But the<br />

process is not en<strong>din</strong>g here. How we obtain the work and how the problem of<br />

exhaust gases is somehow solved, we won’t treat in this paper. The oil resources<br />

will end and the renewable energy will take place the fossil fuels. Until than we<br />

present technical data about the evolution of exhaust gases from diesel engine<br />

and spark ignition engine.<br />

We can calculate the CO2 emission from the combustion of fossil fuels<br />

along one year or more years, following<br />

PE = ∑ FC<br />

Coef ,<br />

FC, j, y i, j, y i, y<br />

i<br />

where: PEFC,j,y [tonnes CO2/year] – CO2 emission from fossil fuels burned in j<br />

process during the year y; FCi,j,y [mass/year] – quantities of fuel type burned in j<br />

process during the year y; Coefi,y [CO2 tonnes/mass] – CO2 emission coefficient<br />

of fuel type i in year y; i – The fuel type burned in process j during the year y.<br />

Taking into account the urban transportation in Timişoara, treated also in<br />

this paper for the exhaust gases aspects, we can obtain the traffic capacity by<br />

calculus, using the velocity map, υ,<br />

⎛ F ⎞<br />

υ =f( γ,ξ,δ) and γ= g ⎜ ⎟,<br />

(2)<br />

⎝ K( φ)<br />

⎠<br />

where: γ – capacity utilization; F – circulation; K(φ) – effective capacity; ξ –<br />

percentage of freight vehicles.<br />

This calculus allowed estimating the traffic capacity, which is a reference<br />

to us to estimate the CO2 emission.<br />

Following, we present a model of calculating the CO2 emission for one<br />

vehicle, the Opel/Vauxhal vehicle, with the following technical data: engine<br />

capacity 1248 cm 3 (1.3 CDTi), 5 door, MPV, manual transmission M5,<br />

manufacturing year 2008, fuel type – diesel, 120 g CO2/km. This calculation<br />

was made for a yearly normal exploitation of 20000 km. Thus<br />

20000 · 120/10 6 = 2.4 tonnes CO2.<br />

After this simple calculus, we can estimate the mass of CO2 emission for<br />

vehicles working with fossil fuel, for a region, country or continent (Höglund &<br />

Niittymäki, 1999). Taking into account the city Timişoara, with over 300000<br />

inhabitants and with almost the same number of vehicles, we can obtain the<br />

estimate value for CO2 emission, keeping the yearly normal exploitation.<br />

2.4 tonnes CO2 · 300000 vehicles = 720000 tonnes CO2.<br />


104 Ioan Hiticas et al.<br />

3. Experimental Research<br />

The experimental research was conducted in vehicle dynamics laboratory<br />

from Faculty of Mechanics, Timişoara. For the experiments we analysed two<br />

engine types: first type was the diesel engine, which equipped the urban<br />

vehicles, and a second engine, a spark ignition engine, which equipped a<br />

passenger car.<br />

In this paper we present the real situation of diesel engine which<br />

equipped the vehicle in urban transportation (Koerner & Klopatek, 2002), and<br />

we monitored the exhaust gases to identify the principal harmful elements, with<br />

adverse health effect.<br />

In compression ignition engines case, we realised measurement for<br />

particulate matter and opacity. Vehicles used for experimental research was an<br />

urban bus, Mercedes, model which fit almost the entire urban city fleet. The<br />

vehicles are equipped with diesel engines (Wallington T.J. et al., 2008); model<br />

MO45LhA, 11 litres displacement, and supercharged, nominal power 183<br />

kW/2100 rpm, and emission standard were Euro III. Usually a diesel engine<br />

emitted through tailpipe different harmful species, like HC, NOx, and others,<br />

inclu<strong>din</strong>g particulate matter which composed the soot. Another reference on this<br />

engine is the degree of smoke and the opacity, which is in correlation with<br />

linear absorption coefficient, k, measured through opacimeter.<br />

Tested vehicle have run a travel distance of 3500 km, divided in five<br />

segments. First segment was 1323 km distance, followed by other 4 segments,<br />

presented in Table 1. For the first segment, we make measurements with the<br />

opacimeter, having k = 0.23 m -1 , or Hartridge Standard Unit, HSU = 0.90 %,<br />

resulting PT (particulate matter) = 0.05 [g/m 3 ], for this first segment.<br />

Table 1<br />

Evolution of particulate matter and opacity<br />

Nr. Travel distance, km k, m -1 HSU, % PT, g/m 3<br />

1 1323 0.23 0.90 0.05<br />

2 1741 0.31 0.86 0.07<br />

3 2322 0.44 0.81 0.09<br />

4 2936 0.26 0.88 0.06<br />

5 3465 0.38 0.83 0.08<br />

The opacity is expressed through linear absorption coefficient, K, through<br />

the equation<br />

1 1−N<br />

k = ln ,<br />

(3)<br />

L 100<br />

where: k – Linear absorption coefficient; L – Effective length of a column of<br />

homogeneous gas, m.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 105<br />

Below, in Fig. 2 and Fig 3, are presented the evolution of particulate<br />

matter and the opacity measured for the Mercedes vehicles, made in University<br />

Politehnica of Timişoara and the graphics present us values which ensure a<br />

function of the vehicles in good parameters, heaving no problems with pollution<br />

standards.<br />

Fig. 2 – Particulate matter evolution.<br />

Fig. 3 – Opacity evolution.<br />

In the second case, for the spark ignition engine, we monitor the<br />

evolution of exhausts, using as energy sources an alternative fuel mixture,<br />

namely isobutene, in proportion: 50% gasoline and 50% isobutene, called<br />

further IP50. We choose this alternative fuel due to his advantages: is a<br />

superior fuel comparing with gasoline, due to his thermal efficiency, applied<br />

especially for high compression engine, but not only. The experimental research<br />

was made for an Opel Omega A, the data given in Table 1:<br />

Maximum<br />

power, kW<br />

85 at 5200<br />

rpm<br />

Maximum<br />

speed [rpm]<br />

6400<br />

Table 1<br />

Opel Omega A data [Hiticas et al., 2012]<br />

Maximum Displacement<br />

torque, Nm cm 3<br />

Diameter x Compression<br />

Stroke mm ratio<br />

170 at 260<br />

rpm<br />

1998 86 X86 9.2<br />

Supply Fuel pressure<br />

bar<br />

Firing order Exhaust control<br />

Bosch<br />

Oxygen probe,<br />

Motronic 1.5 2.5…3 on the 1-3-4-2 catalytic<br />

Injection ramp injector<br />

convertor<br />

The tests were obtained on the Maha LPS 3000 dyno, in the Faculty of<br />

Mechanical Engineering, involving several elements, like user interface, the<br />

remote control, roller, temperature, pressure and humidity module, and another<br />

module for simulating the air flow. The AVL DiCom 4000 gas analyser was

106 Ioan Hiticas et al.<br />

used to monitor the exhaust species and amounts during the measurements on<br />

Opel Omega vehicle, using IP50 as fuel mixture. The elements monitored were<br />

CO, CO2, O2, NOx, HC, and, based on this elements (Crass, 2008), we can<br />

calculate the excess air ratio, λ.<br />

After the necessary adjustments made to prepare the vehicle for<br />

measurements (Bosch, 2004; Atkins, 2009) we analysed the exhaust gases in<br />

two cases: for partial load and for full load. The graphics present the following<br />

curves: the reference curves, which are for 100% gasoline used as fuel, the<br />

second curves are for engine adaptation, and the last curves for engine<br />

functioning with fuel mixture, IP50.<br />

Fig. 4 – CO emission at full load.<br />

Fig. 5 – HC emission at full load<br />

[Hiticas et al., 2012].<br />

Fig. 5 – CO2 emission at partial load.<br />

Fig. 6 – NOx evolution at full load<br />

[Hiticas et al., 2012].<br />

It can be observed from graphics that the fuel mixture present advantages<br />

and also disadvantages. After our experimental research we conclude that this

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 107<br />

alternative fuel mixture can be a future solution applied to vehicle production,<br />

because the hydrocarbon presents very good values, but also, the nitrogen<br />

oxides must be corrected.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The conclusion we reached after the studies and experimental research<br />

involves following elements: greenhouse gas emission from thermal engine<br />

remain a problem. The vehicle equipped with diesel or spark ignition engine<br />

emitted harmful elements with consequences on human and nature health.<br />

2. In first case, the diesel engine, we monitor the particulate matter and<br />

the opacity along a period and distance, we conclude that the urban Mercedes<br />

bus, which is part of the urban fleet, present normal values, comparing the<br />

values of the same parameters for other vehicle, also present in urban fleet.<br />

3. In the second case, the spark ignition engine, we monitor the exhaust<br />

gases evolution when the engine functioning with fuel mixture, IP50. We<br />

achieved that the engine perform well, and HC present acceptable values,<br />

comparing with functioning with gasoline, but the NOx must be corrected, due<br />

to the higher values than functioning with gasoline.<br />

4. As future research, the function of spark ignition engine with fuel<br />

mixture trough alternative fuel, must present better values for nitrogen oxide.<br />

Acknowledgements. This work was partially supported by the strategic grant<br />

POSDRU/88/1.5/S/50783, Project ID 50783 (2009) co-financed by the European Social<br />

Fund – Investing in People, within the sectarial Operational Programme Human<br />

Resources Development 2007-2013.<br />

This work was also partially supported by the strategic grant<br />

POSDRU/21/1.5/G/13798, inside POSDRU Romania 2007-2013, co-financed by the<br />

European Social Fund – Investing in People.<br />


Koerner B., Klopatek J., Anthropogenic and Natural CO2 Emission Sources in an Arid<br />

Urban Environment. Elsevier, Environmental Pollution, 116, S45–S51 (2002).<br />

Wallington T.J., Sullivan J. L., Hurley M. D., Emissions of CO2, CO, NOx, HC, PM,<br />

HFC-134a, N2 O and CH4 from the Global Light Duty Vehicle Fleet.<br />

Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 17, 2, 109-116 (2008).<br />

Hiticas I., Marin D., Mihon L., Experimental Research Concerning the Pollution of an<br />

Internal Combustion Engine with Injection of Gasoline, in Conditions of<br />

Changing the Fuel. IN-TECH, Croatia, 2012 (in print).<br />

Höglund P.G., Niittymäki J., Estimating Vehicle Emissions and Air Pollution related to<br />

Driving Patterns and Traffic Calming. Urban Transport Systems, Lund, Sweden,<br />


108 Ioan Hiticas et al.<br />

Khan S. et al, Idle Emissions from Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles: Review and Recent<br />

Data. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 56, 1404-1419<br />

(2006).<br />

*** Tracking Progress in Carbon Capture and Storage, International Energy Agency,<br />

(April 2012).<br />

*** Tool to Calculate Project or Leakage CO2 Emissions from Fossil Fuel Combustion.<br />

Methodological tool, UNFCCC / CCNUCC Report (August 2008)<br />

*** CO2 Emission from Fuel Combustion. Highlight, International Energy, (2011).<br />

Crass M., Reducing CO2 Emissions from Urban Travel: Local Policies and National<br />

Plans. Procee<strong>din</strong>gs of OECD International Conference, Competitive Cities and<br />

Climate Change, Milan, Italy, October 2008.<br />

Stoicescu A.P., Proiectarea performanţelor de tracţiune şi de consum ale<br />

automobilelor. Ed. <strong>Tehnică</strong>, Bucureşti, 2007.<br />

Blair G. P., Design and Simulation of Four-Stroke Engines. SAE International, USA,<br />

1999.<br />

Raţiu S., Mihon L., Motoare cu ardere internă pentru autovehicule rutiere – Procese şi<br />

caracteristici. Ed. Mirton, Timişoara, 2008.<br />

Bosch R., Gasoline-Engine Management, Handbook, 2 nd Edition, Germany, 2004.<br />

Atkins R. D., An Introduction to Engine Testing and Development. SAE International,<br />

USA, 2009.<br />

Tokar A., Cercetări privind interacţiunea <strong>din</strong>tre automobilul echipat cu motor cu<br />

ardere internă şi mediu. Ed. Politehnica, Timişoara, 2009.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Acest articol prezintă studii şi cercetări experimentale privind autovehiculele<br />

echipate cu motoare cu aprindere prin scânteie şi prin comprimare. Experimentele au<br />

fost realizate în cadrul Universităţii Politehnica <strong>din</strong> Timişoara, Facultatea de Mecanică,<br />

analizând evoluţia gazelor de evacuare la funcţionarea cu motorină, pentru motoarele<br />

diesel, cât şi la funcţionarea cu benzină, dar şi cu un combustibil alternativ (isobutanol),<br />

în amestec în proporţie de 50% cu 50% benzină, în cazul motoarelor cu aprindere prin<br />

scânteie. Concluziile la care s-a ajuns sunt: pentru motoarele monitorizate de către<br />

autori şi care echipează o bună parte <strong>din</strong> parcul auto al transportului urban <strong>din</strong><br />

Timişoara, emit mai puţine hidrocarburi decât motoarele cu aprindere prin scânteie, iar<br />

acestea <strong>din</strong> urmă, la funcţionarea cu amestecul alternativ, emit mai puţini oxizi de azot<br />

decât la funcţionarea numai cu benzină.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />



Received: 28 March 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: 12 April 2012<br />

“Politehnica” University of Bucharest<br />

Abstract. The spark ignition engine turbocharging is a efficient method of<br />

great actuality for their brake mean effective pressure and of the specific power<br />

increasing (downsizing concept) and for the pollution decreasing. The method<br />

can be applied at the SI engines with an efficient control of their operation for to<br />

avoid the knock appearance. The theoretical and experimental investigations<br />

were performed on a turbocharged spark ignition engine with 1.5 l displacement<br />

and fuel MP injection.<br />

The paper presents the influences air supercharging pressure upon the<br />

engine performances. In paper is determined a optimum correlation between<br />

dosage, spark ignition advance, air supercharging pressure, exhaust gas<br />

temperature, brake mean effective pressure, brake specific fuel consumption.<br />

Key words: engine, supercharging, downsizing, downspee<strong>din</strong>g.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Significant increasing in power per litter for spark ignition engine can be<br />

assured by supercharging, which allows the increases of indicated mean<br />

effective pressure. Downsizing and downspee<strong>din</strong>g application for spark ignition<br />

engines represent modern concepts for lower displacement engines development<br />

(compact gauge and low costs), with a lower speed for maximum power/<br />

maximum torque comparative to aspirated engines (for the same or higher<br />

power/torque values), with favourable effects on engine thermal and mechanical<br />

stress, efficiency, pollutant emissions and wear. Supercharging was considered<br />

______________________________<br />

*Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: constantin.pana@mail.upb.ro

110 Costin Dragomir et al.<br />

a common method used for IMEP increasing only for diesel engine. The main<br />

issues of spark ignition engine supercharging are represented by: knocking<br />

phenomena may appears; exhaust gases temperature increases; engine thermalmechanical<br />

stress increases<br />

Nowadays modern management of SIE running allows the supercharging<br />

also for spark ignition engines. Thus, an optimal correlation between<br />

supercharging pressure -compressor exhaust air temperature- compression ratiospark<br />

ignition timing-dosage-exhaust gases temperature can assure the spark<br />

ignition engine operation without knocking combustion and with remarkable<br />

energetically and polluting performances. During the last years the<br />

supercharging of SIE was the most efficient method of increasing performances<br />

from the point of view of energetically and polluting terms.<br />

Thus, in Table 1 some of supercharged spark ignition engines<br />

characteristics are presented.<br />

Engine<br />

Displacement<br />

Table 1<br />

Compression<br />

ratio<br />

Pmax/nPmax<br />

[kW/rpm]<br />

Mmax/nMmax [Nm/rpm]<br />

Uni Melb<br />


0,43<br />

9-13:1<br />

variable<br />

53/9000 65 / 7000<br />

Audi 1.8 9.8 :1 125/5 900 225/1950-5000<br />

VW 1.984 10.5 :1 147/5.700 280/1800-4700<br />

VW 1.4 10 :1 90/5.000-5.500 200/1.500-4.000<br />

Audi Q3 1.8 9.6 :1 125/4300-6000 280/1700-4200<br />

Skoda FW 1.2 40/4750 105/3000<br />

BMW 2.979 10.2 :1 225/5800 400/1200-5000<br />

VW 2.0 FSI 1.984 10.5 :1 147/5700 280/1800-4700<br />

VW1.2MPI 1.2 10.3 :1 44/5200 108/3000<br />

Renault 1.2 10 :1 85/4500 190/2000-4000<br />

MAHLE<br />

Downsizing Engine<br />

1.2 9.75:1 144/6500 285/2500-3000<br />

2. Engine In-cylinder Thermo-gas Dynamic Processes Simulation<br />

Engine in-cylinder processes simulation was developed for 1.5 litter<br />

DAEWOO engine. In order to define the energetically performances and the<br />

cycle performances parameters, a zero dimensional physic-mathematical model<br />

was developed. The model uses a Vibe combustion formal law and takes into<br />

consideration the heat transferred to the walls.<br />

For knock avoi<strong>din</strong>g, the combustion duration was established shorter than<br />

end-gas auto ignition delay, parameters being evaluated by Douaud and Evzat<br />

equation. For program calibration the experimental investigation results were<br />

used and the considered model hypotheses were verified.<br />

In order to determinate the polluting emission level for the simulated<br />

regimes the AVL Boost program was used. Modelling process was developed

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 111<br />

for the aspirated engine and for the supercharged engine designed at built in the<br />

laboratories of the Department of thermotechnics, engines, thermal equipments<br />

and refrigeration installations from University Politehnica of Bucharest.<br />

Different supercharging pressures, ps- absolute pressure and temperatures of the<br />

blower exhaust cooled air were taken into consideration. For knock avoi<strong>din</strong>g the<br />

reach dosages in the area of 0.8….0.9 and cooling of the inlet air were used.<br />

For each regime, the spark ignition timing was set up for efficiency and knock<br />

avoi<strong>din</strong>g. Modelling results for full load and speed of 4800 rpm are shown in<br />

Fig. 1-6.<br />

p max [bar]<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

calculated<br />

20<br />

1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2<br />

ps [bar]<br />

measured<br />

Fig.1 – Maximum pressure versus ps.<br />

p e [bar]<br />

NOx [ppm]<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

calculated<br />

measured<br />

ps [bar]<br />

Fig. 3 – BMEP versus ps.<br />

calculated<br />

0<br />

1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2<br />

p s [bar]<br />

measured<br />

Fig.5 –NOx versus ps.<br />

c e [g /kW h ]<br />

CO [%]<br />

400<br />

350<br />

300<br />

250<br />

HC [ppm ]<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

measured<br />

calculated<br />

1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2<br />

ps [bar]<br />

Fig.2 – BSFC(ci) versus ps.<br />

calculated<br />

0<br />

1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

p s [bar]<br />

measured<br />

Fig.4 –CO versus ps.<br />

measured<br />

calculated<br />

100<br />

1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2<br />

p s [bar]<br />

Fig. 6 –HC versus ps.<br />

3. Experimental Investigations and Results<br />

The experimental researches were carried on an automotive SI engine,<br />

type DAEWOO –1.5 l, at different engine operating regimens. The engine was<br />

mounted on a test bench (Fig. 7) equipped with the next necessary instruments

112 Costin Dragomir et al.<br />

for measuring operations: AVL ALPHA 160 eddy current dynamometer<br />

equipped with throttle actuator that work in parallel with the dyno in order to<br />

operates the control lever of the injection pump, real time AVL data acquisition<br />

system for processing and storage of measured data, AVL in-cylinder pressure<br />

transducer line, AVL gas analyzer, Khrone Optimass mass flow meter, engine<br />

inlet air flow meter, thermo resistances for engine cooling liquid temperature,<br />

engine oil and air intake temperatures and thermocouples for exhaust gas<br />

temperature, manometer for air pressure from engine intake manifold. All<br />

instrumentation was calibrated prior to engine testing. Experimental research’s<br />

carried out to obtain fuel consumption characteristics for different speeds and<br />

engine full load and to determinate the energetically and pollutant engine<br />

performance. Based on fuel consumption characteristics were obtained some<br />

graphic representations for different parameters such as: brake mean effective<br />

pressure (BMEP), brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC), pollutants<br />

emissions level (HC, CO2, and NOx) versus to absolute pressure ps.<br />

Fig. 7- Test bed scheme: AGE exhaust gas analyzer ; AS charge amplifier; B battery; ca<br />

intake manifold; CAD data acquisition computer; ce intake manifold; CF dyno power<br />

cell; CG fuelling system computer; CIG injectors actuation; ct three way catalyst; DA<br />

air flowmeter; DC fuel flowmeter; EGR exhaust gas recirculation valve; F eddy current<br />

dyno; FC fuel filter; IND Indimodul 621 data acquisition unit; IT temperature<br />

indicators; M Daewoo 1.5 spark ignition engine; MP supercharging pressure<br />

manometer; ORS throttle; PCF dyno command panel ; R engine cooler; RI intercooler;<br />

RC fuel reservoir; SA power supply; SCP throttle actuator servomotor; SRAF dyno<br />

cooling system; st gas analyzer speed sensor; TC turbocompressor; tf dyno cooling<br />

water temperature sensor; TF dyno speed transducer; tp cylinder pressure transducer;<br />

TPU angle encoder; UCP principal electronic control unit; UCS secondary electronic<br />

control unit; UPF dyno power unit; UPS throttle actuator servomotor power unit; VE<br />

cooling electric fan for intercooler; x electronic emitter-receptor.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 113<br />

4. Theoretical and Experimental Investigations Results<br />

The results of theoretical and experimental investigations presented in<br />

Fig. 1-6, show good correlation between them.<br />

Supercharging pressures used are in the range of 1.4…1.8 bar.<br />

Comparative to the aspirated engine, the maximum pressure increases with<br />

almost 100 % for a supercharging pressure (ps) of 1.8 bar, Fig. 1. High value of<br />

maximum pressure leads to the limitation of supercharging pressure at 1.4 bar<br />

when the increase of maximum pressure value (~ with 50 % comparative to<br />

classic solution) is acceptable for the engine reliability.<br />

In order to avoid the knocking and to limit the maximum pressure, the<br />

ignition angle value optimization was achieved in such a way that the BSFC is<br />

maintained almost constant for different supercharging pressures (Fig. 2).<br />

For 1.4 bar supercharge pressure the increase BMEP is significant<br />

(~22%) and increase is more at much higher supercharging pressure because of<br />

the influence of ignition timing value (Fig. 3). Also from this reason the<br />

limitation of the supercharging pressure at 1.4 bar is justified.<br />

Due to combustion process improvement the level of CO and HC<br />

emissions decreased (~24% for CO and ~11% for HC) (Fig. 4 and Fig. 6). The<br />

NOx emission level decreases significant for 1.4 bar supercharging pressure<br />

(Fig. 5) fact also influenced by the reduction of spark ignition timing.<br />

Supercharging represents an efficient method of engine downsizing.<br />

Thus, in order to obtain the same power as the reference engine, the engine<br />

displacement must be reduced by 1.5 times for 1.4 supercharging pressure. This<br />

engine displacement reduction can be assured by the limitation of the engine<br />

cylinders number, which also leads to the increase of the engine mechanical<br />

efficiency. Another advantage of supercharging is the reduction of the<br />

maximum power/maximum torque speeds – downspee<strong>din</strong>g concept. Thus, the<br />

same power of 66 kW at 4800 rpm of the normal aspirated engine was obtained<br />

for supercharging at 1.4 bar at 3900 rpm, and the maximum torque of 137<br />

Nm/3600 rpm was reached at the speed of 2500 rpm. The reduction of the fuel<br />

consumption and engine wear are the main advantages of this concept.<br />

Spark ignition timing modification directly affects the combustion<br />

process variability evaluated by coefficient of variability in maximum pressure.<br />

For 4800 rpm the coefficient of variability in maximum pressure reach the value<br />

of (COV) = 6.574% for λ= 0.85 and 1.4 bar supercharging pressure.<br />

p max<br />

The influences of combustion process on engine running are reflected by<br />

the values of the coefficients of cycle variability in indicated mean effective<br />

pressure. The values of variability coefficient in IMEP are (COV)IMEP=1.986%<br />

for λ= 0.85 at ps = 1.4 bar.

114 Costin Dragomir et al.<br />

5. Conclusions<br />

1. The theoretical and experimental investigations results allow<br />

formulating the following conclusions:<br />

2. SI engine supercharging is a method to obtain efficiency and specific<br />

power/torque performance increasing.<br />

3. The pollutant emissions level decreases due to the improvement of the<br />

combustion processes.<br />

4. Knock is the most important limiting factor of the supercharging<br />

engine. An optimum correlation establish between dosage, spark ignition<br />

advance, air boost pressure, air boost temperature, exhaust gas temperature,<br />

brake mean effective pressure, brake specific fuel consumption leads to the<br />

avoi<strong>din</strong>g of knocking phenomena.<br />

5. Supercharging represents an efficient method of engine downsizing<br />

and downspee<strong>din</strong>g.<br />

Acknowledgments. The authors would like to thank to AVL List GmbH Graz,<br />

Austria, for provi<strong>din</strong>g the possibility to use the Simulation Software AVL BOOST<br />


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Becker N., Der Neue 1,0-L- Dreizilinder-MPI- Motor Für Den UP! .ATZ Extra<br />

September 2011, Germany, pp.36-43.<br />

Blaxill H., The Role Of IC Engines In Future Energy Use. MAHLE Powertrain,<br />

Germany, 2011.<br />

Eiser A., Deblaze M., Freidmann K., Kerschenlohr A., Schachner M.(2011), Der<br />

Antrieb, Der neue Audi Q3. ATZ Extra Juli 2011, Germany, pp. 24-31.<br />

Halder J., Dreizylindermotoren von Volkswagen. MTZ 05/2009, Germany, 2009, pp.<br />

354- 360.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 115<br />

Heywood J.B., Symposium University of Madison, Wisconsin, Engine Research<br />

Center, 2005.<br />

Heywood J.B., Internal Combustion Engines Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill Book<br />

Company, 1988.<br />

Kirwan J.E., Mark Shost M., Roth G., Zizelman J., 3-Cylinder Turbocharged Gasoline<br />

Direct Injection: A High Value Solution for Low CO2 and NOx Emission,s SAE<br />

Paper 2010-01-0590, Publishe 04/12/2010, in SAE International (2010).<br />

Klauer N., Kretschmer J., Unger H., Der Antreb des BMW 535i Gran Turismo. ATZ<br />

09/September 2009, Germany, 2009, pp. 610-617.<br />

Korte V., Hancock D., Blaxill H., Downsizing-Motor von Mahle als<br />

Technologiedemonstrator, konzept, Auslegung und Konstruktion, MTZ 01/2009,<br />

Germany, 2009, pp. 10 -19.<br />

Navrátil J., Polášek M., Vítek O., Macek J.,Baumruk P., Simulation of Supercharged<br />

and Turbocharged Small Spark-Ignition Engine. 3 th. International Colloquium<br />

MECCA, Czech, 2003, pp. 27-33.<br />

Pană C., Negurescu N., Popa M.G., Cernat A., Investigations Regar<strong>din</strong>g the Use of the<br />

Turbocharging and Bioethanol at SI Engines. Bul. Inst. Polit. Iasi, LXI(LX), 4, s.<br />

Construcţii de maşini (2010).<br />

Pfalzgraf B., Fitzen M.,Siebler J., Erdmann H.-D., First ULEV Turbo Gasoline Engine-<br />

The Audi 1.8 l 125kW 5-Valve Turbo. SAE Paper 2001-01-1350, SAE<br />

International.<br />

Stephenson M., MAHLE Powertrain, Engine Downsizing - An Analysis Perspective.<br />

SIMULIA Conference, Germany, 2009.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Supraalimentarea motoarelor cu aprindere prin scânteie este o metodă eficientă<br />

de mare actualitate pentru creşterea presiunii medii efective şi a puterii litrice a lor<br />

(conceptul downsizing) şi pentru reducerea emisiilor poluante. Metoda poate fi aplicată<br />

la motoarele cu aprindere prin scânteie cu un management eficient a funcţionării lor în<br />

vederea evitării apariţiei fenomenului de ardere cu detonaţie.<br />

Investigaţiile teoretice şi experimentale au fost efectuate pe un motor cu<br />

aprindere prin scânteie cu cilindreea de 1,5 l şi cu injecţie multipunct transformat <strong>din</strong>trun<br />

motor de serie cu admisie normală.<br />

Lucrarea prezintă influenţe ale presiunii de supraalimentare asupra<br />

performanţelor motorului.<br />

În lucrare a fost stabilită o corelaţie optimă între dozaj, avans la declanşarea<br />

scânteii electrice, presiune de supraalimentare, temperatura gazelor de evacuare,<br />

presiune medie efectivă şi consum specific efectiv de combustibil pentru un control<br />

eficient al funcţionării motorului cu aprindere prin scânteie supraalimentat.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />


“Politehnica” University Bucureşti,<br />

Faculty of Mechanic Engineering and Mecatronics<br />

Received: 10 March 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: 13 March 2012<br />

Abstract. The main concern of the automotive industry at this moment is to<br />

reduce pollutant emissions, fuel consumption, and also increasing the engine<br />

performance. Due to its excellent combustion properties hydrogen can be used as<br />

addition for the improving combustion in the gasoline-fuelled spark ignition (SI)<br />

engines. Beside experimental research thermo-gas-dynamic simulation models<br />

of spark ignition (SI) engines are one of the most effective tools for the analysis<br />

of engine performance, parametric examinations and assistance to new<br />

developments.<br />

The paper presents results of modelling thermo-gas-dynamic processes of<br />

the spark ignition engine fuelled with hydrogen in addition. The research has<br />

focused on emissions (NOx, CO, CO2), fuel consumption, and engine<br />

performance.<br />

Key words: internal combustion engine, hydrogen addition, simulation,<br />

fuel properties, performance<br />

1. Introduction<br />

During the last years SI-engines have been further improved. Engine<br />

development has focused on the reduction of tailpipe emissions, better fuel<br />

economy and higher engine performance as well as reduction of system costs.<br />

The legislation for Particulate Matter is particularly challenging, both in<br />

terms of measurements and in ensuring conformity to legislation. The restriction<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: eugen_rusu21@yahoo.com

118 Eugen Rusu et al.<br />

in PM emission applied to diesel engine might also be applied to gasoline<br />

engines in the near future. In addition, PM has been found to have adverse<br />

effects on human health, especially for the smaller particles, since they have<br />

higher deposition efficiency in the human respiratory system. SI engines have<br />

been found to be the main sources for fine or ultrafine particles.<br />

In order to meet new requirements for emission reduction and fuel<br />

economy a variety of concepts are available for gasoline engines. In the recent<br />

past new ways have been found using alternative fuels and fuel combinations to<br />

reduce costs of engine function and fuel consumption.<br />

The presented concept for a SI-engine consists of combined injection of<br />

gasoline and hydrogen. A hydrogen enriched gas mixture is being injected<br />

additionally to gasoline into the engine.<br />

2. Literature Review of Past Numerical Simulation<br />

Computer simulation has been always a way to overcome the costs of an<br />

experimental study. With the help of the simulation researchers could facilitate<br />

the development of the engines. For the simulation of the thermodynamic<br />

processes inside the cylinder with hydrogen enrichment not many studies have<br />

been done.<br />

G. Fontana from the University of Cassino has conducted a numerical<br />

investigation using a computational model, suitably developed in order to<br />

predict the combustion process of dual fuel mixtures. This model is based on<br />

the KIVA3-V code (Amsden et al., 1989), (Amsden, 1997) and was tested for<br />

simulating the behavior of the engine fueled with gasoline-hydrogen mixtures.<br />

To predict the thermal NO formation the Zeldovich kinetic model has been<br />

used. Tests were done at a wide-open throttle with several equivalence ratios of<br />

both hydrogen-air mixtures and gasoline-air mixtures (Fontana et al., 2002).<br />

The computational analysis has marked the possibility of operating with high air<br />

excess (lean and ultra lean mixtures) without a performance decrease but with<br />

great advantages on pollutant emissions and fuel consumption. The results have<br />

shown a reduction of NOx and CO2 emissions. The utilization of hydrogen as an<br />

additive to a gasoline engine permits reducing the global gasoline consumption,<br />

measured on the reference engine, to the gasoline consumption calculated<br />

considering both gasoline injection and hydrogen production.<br />

Another work regar<strong>din</strong>g the numerical simulation was made by Maher<br />

Abdul and Haroun Abdul (Abdul-Resul & Abdul-Kadim, 1998) from the<br />

University of Babylon. They used a detailed model to simulate a four stroke<br />

cycle of a spark ignition engine fueled with hydrogen-gasoline. The engine<br />

performance parameters have been improved when operating the gasoline S.I.E.<br />

with dual addition. The results of the study were promising. It has been found<br />

that 4% of hydrogen causes a 30% reduction in CO emissions, a 27% reduction<br />

in NOx, emissions a 34% reduction in specific fuel consumption and increase in<br />

the thermal efficiency and output power by 5 and 4%.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 119<br />

3. Hydrogen Properties<br />

Hydrogen has many attractive intrinsic properties that make it a<br />

promising fuel.<br />

Table 1<br />

Properties of gasoline amd hydrogen<br />

Properties Gasoline Hydrogen<br />

Molecular weight (g/mol) 2.015 110<br />

Stoichiometric fuel to air ratio (F/A) 34.3 14.6<br />

Minimum ignition energy (mJ) 0.02 0.24<br />

Ignition temperature (K) 858 530<br />

Adiabatic flame temperature (K) 2384 2270<br />

Flame speed at 20 0 C (cm/s) 237 41.5<br />

Limits of flammability (vol % in air) 4.1/75 1.5/7.6<br />

Quenching gap (cm) 0.06 0.2<br />

Lower heating value (MJ/kg) 120 44<br />

Diffusion coefficient at stoichiometric conditions (cm 2 /s) 0.61 0.05<br />

Main elements that make hydrogen a promising fuel are:<br />

a) The lower minimum ignition energy of hydrogen ensures a more stable<br />

ignition and eases cold start engine operation, but raises the danger of abnormal<br />

combustion.<br />

b) Its high laminar burning velocity (around five times faster than that of<br />

gasoline) is expected to increase the indicated efficiency and reduce the cycleto-cycle<br />

variations in combustion.<br />

c) The higher diffusion coefficient of hydrogen may enhance the mixing<br />

process, which also can increase the engine efficiency and help to produce less<br />

soot and unburned hydrocarbons.<br />

d) Hydrogen also has a smaller quenching distance compared to gasoline,<br />

so that the flame can travel further into crevices to ensure more complete<br />

combustion.<br />

e) Moreover, ad<strong>din</strong>g hydrogen will extend the lean limit due to its lower<br />

flammability limit in air. However, the lower net energy density of hydrogen<br />

compared with gasoline for a unit volume of stoichiometric mixture with air<br />

may reduce the power output.<br />

f) Ad<strong>din</strong>g hydrogen also produces a higher adiabatic flame temperature in<br />

air, which raises concerns over NOx emissions.<br />

4. Modelling<br />

This simulation was done with the help of computer assisted program. In<br />

this paper AVL BOOST was used.<br />

BOOST simulates a wide variety of engines, 4-stroke or 2-stroke, spark<br />

or auto-ignited. Applications range from small capacity engines for motorcycles<br />

or industrial purposes up to large engines for marine propulsion. BOOST can

120 Eugen Rusu et al.<br />

also be used to simulate the characteristics of pneumatic systems (AVL Boost<br />

User Guide).<br />

In the drawing bellow it is presented the main window in AVL Boost<br />

program and the engine setup on which the simulation was done.<br />

Fig.1 – AVL main window.<br />

4.1. Initial Data<br />

All tests were done on a gasoline engine with the following<br />

characteristics<br />

Table 2<br />

Engine characteristics<br />

Type 4 cycle, Gasoline<br />

Fuel delivery Direct injection<br />

Bore x Stroke 76.5 x 81.5<br />

Displacement 1489 dm 3<br />

Maximum power (kW/CP) 65.6/88 @4800<br />

Cylinders 4 in line<br />

Compression ratio 9.2<br />

4.2. Test Conditions<br />

Tests were operated at 3000 rpm at WOT. The gasoline tests were done at<br />

a air fuel ratios of 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 1 while the test when hydrogen was added to<br />

the mixture were done at a air fuel ratio of 1, 1.5, 1.7, 2.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 121<br />

Hydrogen percentage was kept at a maximum of 20%. Also tests were<br />

done at 5%, 10% and 15% of hydrogen percentage. For this test a supercharging<br />

pressure of 1.3 bar was used.<br />

5. Results and Discussions<br />

5.1. Maximum Pressure<br />

Fig. 2 indicates the profiles of peak cylinder pressure against excess air<br />

ratio. It can be seen that the peak cylinder pressure increases with the increase<br />

of hydrogen addition fraction. This is due to the fast burning characteristics of<br />

hydrogen that make the gasoline–hydrogen mixture be burnt in a short time.<br />

Past literature presents that the peak cylinder pressure is related to the fuel<br />

energy flow rate. When the engine fuel air ratio it is increased, the total fuel<br />

(gasoline and gasoline H2) energy flow rate gently decreases, because of that the<br />

peak cylinder pressure decreases with the increase of excess air ratio.<br />

Fig. 2 – Maximum pressure versus air fuel ratio.<br />

5.2. Maximum Temperature<br />

Fig. 3 displays the variations of peak cylinder temperature with excess air<br />

ratio at hydrogen volume fractions of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%. NOx emissions<br />

are related to the peak cylinder temperature so higher temperatures higher NOx<br />

emissions (Heywood, 1988). Fig. 2 demonstrates that peak cylinder temperature<br />

drops with the increase of excess air ratio for both the original engine and the<br />

hydrogen enriched engine due to the reduced fuel energy flow rate. Peak<br />

cylinder temperature increase with the increase of hydrogen addition fraction,<br />

this is because hydrogen has a very small energy density.

122 Eugen Rusu et al.<br />

Fig. 3 – Maximum temperature versus air fuel ratio.<br />

5.3. BSFC<br />

Fig. 4 displays break specific fuel consumtion for gasoline and hydrogen.<br />

Ad<strong>din</strong>g hydrogen will reduce the fuel consumtion in both cases when the engine<br />

was normally aspirated and supercharced with p=1.3bar. When air fuel ratio<br />

reaches 1.5 bsfc remains at a constant value until air fuel ratio is 2.<br />

Fig. 4 – BSFC versus air fuel ratio.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 123<br />

5.4 NOx Emissions<br />

Fig. 5 shows the variations of NOx emissions with excess air ratio at<br />

different hydrogen volume fractions. NOx emissions depend on temperature and<br />

oxygen concentration in the cylinder. NOx emissions increases with the increase<br />

of hydrogen addition fraction. Although the hydrogen-enriched engine produces<br />

more NOx emissions when the excess air ratio is around stoichiometric<br />

conditions, NOx emissions for all hydrogen enrichment levels drop to<br />

acceptable value when the air fuel ratio is around 2.<br />

Fig. 5 – NOx emisions versus air fuel ratio.<br />

5.5. HC Emissions<br />

HC emissions are mainly caused by the unburnt hydrocarbons in IC<br />

engines. Fig. 6 displays the profile of HC emissions at 3000 rpm. As it is shown<br />

in Fig. 6, although the λ increases, the decreased HC emissions go with the<br />

increase of hydrogen addition level, reflecting the capability of hydrogen<br />

enrichment on improving engine combustion. The explanation is that the<br />

increased oxygen concentration would help the fuel be completely burnt, and<br />

thus benefit reducing HC emissions at lean conditions (Rankin, 2008). The high<br />

flame speed of hydrogen also benefits the hydrogen–gasoline fuel mixture to be<br />

fully burnt and results in less HC emissions. Moreover, the short quenching<br />

distance of hydrogen permits the flame of the hydrogen–gasoline mixture to<br />

propagate much closer to the crevices such as the gaps between piston and<br />

cylinder wall than that of the pure gasoline, and thereby reduces HC emissions<br />

(Kahraman et al., 2009). To conclude, HC emissions at lean burn limit are<br />

gradually reduced with the increase of hydrogen addition fraction for the<br />


124 Eugen Rusu et al.<br />

Fig. 6 – HC emissions versus air fuel ratio.<br />

Comparing NOx emissions result with power output we can conclude that<br />

the best way to work with hydrogen in addition regardless the percentage of<br />

hydrogen (1%...20%), best air fuel ratio is 1.62…2. At this air fuel ratio power<br />

output is similar to that of gasoline, also NOx and HC emissions are lower<br />

comparative when using gasoline, (Fig. 7).<br />

Fig. 7– Effective power versus air fuel ratio.<br />

6. Conclusions<br />

As a result of the simulation next conclusions were drawn:<br />

a) The addition of hydrogen improves engine operating at lean<br />

conditions.<br />

b) The maximum temperature increases when adds more hydrogen with<br />

negative effect on the NOx emission level. When using leaner dosages NOx<br />

emission level is reduced.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 125<br />

c) The maximum pressure increases when adds more hydrogen. Using<br />

leaner the maximum pressure will decrease.<br />

d) HC and NOx emissions level are obviously reduced at the increase of<br />

hydrogen addition and at leaner mixtures use.<br />

e) The solution of the hydrogen fuelling system, designed and applied,<br />

has proven its real functionality and offers flexibility in adjusting the parameters<br />

which assures the hydrogen flow control.<br />

Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank AVL GMBH Graz Austria<br />

for provi<strong>din</strong>g the software AVL Boost v.2011.6 used in this study.<br />

The work has been funded by the Sectorial Operational Programme Human<br />

Resources Development 2007-2013 of the Romanian Ministry of Labour, Family and<br />

Social Protection through the Financial Agreement POSDRU/88/1.5/S/60203.<br />


Das L.M., Hydrogen–Oxygen Reaction Mechanism and its Implication to Hydrogen<br />

Engine Combustion. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 21, 703-15 (1996).<br />

Amsden A.A., O'Rourke P. J., Butler T. D., KIVA-II: A Computer Program for<br />

Chemically Reactive Flows with Sprays. Los Alamos National Laboratory Report<br />

LA-11560-MS (May 1989).<br />

Amsden A.A., KIVA-3V: A Block-Structured KIVA Program for Engines with Vertical<br />

or Canted Valves. Los Alamos National Laboratory Report LA-13313-MS (July<br />

1997).<br />

Fontana G., Galloni E., Jannelli E., Minutilo M., Performance and Fuel Consumption<br />

Estimation of a Hydrogen Enriched Gasoline Engine at Part-Load Operation.<br />

SAE Paper 2002-01-2196 (2002).<br />

Abdul-Resul S., Al-Baghdadi M., Abdul-Kadim S., Al-Janabi H., Improvement of<br />

Performance and Reduction of Pollutant Emission of a Four Stroke Spark Ignition<br />

Engine Fueled with Hydrogen-gasoline Fuel Mixture. AVL Boost User Guide,<br />

1998.<br />

Heywood J.B., Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals. McGraw-Hill Book Co.,<br />

1998.<br />

Rankin D.D., Lean Combustion Technology and Control. Elsevier, 2008.<br />

Kahraman N., Ceper B., Akansu S.O., Ay<strong>din</strong> K., Investigation of Combustion<br />

Characteristics and Emissions in a Spark-ignition Engine Fueled with Natural<br />

Gas–hydrogen Blends. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34, 1026-1034<br />

(2009)<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Principala preocupare a industriei de automobile în acest moment este de a<br />

reduce emisiile poluante, consumul de combustibil, şi de asemenea creşterea<br />

performanţelor motorului. Datorită proprietăţilor sale excelente de ardere hidrogenul<br />

poate fi folosit în adaos pentru îmbunătăţirea arderii.

126 Eugen Rusu et al.<br />

Pe lângă cercetarea experimentală simularea proceselor termo-<strong>din</strong>amice cu<br />

ajutorul programelor asistate de calculator este una <strong>din</strong> cele mai eficiente modalităţi de<br />

cercetare.<br />

Lucrarea prezintă rezultatele modelării termo-<strong>din</strong>amice ale proceselor pe motorul<br />

cu aprindere prin scânteie alimentat cu hidrogen în adaos.<br />

Cercetarea s-a concentrat pe emisiile de (NOx, CO, CO2), consumul de<br />

combustibil, şi performanţele motorului.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />



Received: March 23, 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: April 15, 2012<br />

Constanţa Maritime University,<br />

Department of Mechanical Engineering<br />

Abstract. In this paper is presented the results of the second-law analysis<br />

of engine operation with diesel fuel compared with the results of a similar<br />

analysis for cases where a light, gaseous (CH4) and an oxygenated (CH3OH)<br />

fuel are used. The overall energy and availability balance during an engine cycle<br />

are studied analytically. It is shown theoretically that the decomposition of<br />

lighter molecules leads to less entropy generation compared to heavier fuels.<br />

Key words: key irreversibility, equilibrium, availability, second-law<br />

efficiency, combustion.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Recent studies (Dunbar&Lior, 1994) show that almost 1/3 of the energy<br />

of fuel is destroyed during the combustion process in power generation. This<br />

has caused a renewed interest in exergy analyses, since effective management<br />

and optimization of thermal systems is emerging as a major modern technical<br />

problem (Bejan et al., 1996). For internal combustion engines, early work<br />

(Abraham et al., 1994) on the evaluation of the global engine operation using of<br />

second-law techniques was followed by detailed availability and irreversibility<br />

calculations during the engine cycle (Rakopoulos et al.,1993). Second-law<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: ady.sabau@gmail.com

128 Adrian Sabău et al.<br />

arguments have been used to evaluate novel engine concepts (Flynn et<br />

al.,1984), to investigate the effect of operating parameters on efficiency<br />

(Rakopoulos et al.,1993). The overall energy and availability balance during an<br />

engine cycle are studied analytically in Refs. (Bedran&Beretta, 1985). This<br />

article, present a generalization of the method developed in Ref. (Sabau et al.,<br />

2001) for the second-law analysis of the operation with diesel fuel and use it to<br />

analyze the operation with alternative fuels. Specifically, the cases of a light<br />

gaseous fuel (CH4) and an oxygenated (CH3OH) fuel were studied.<br />

2. Experimental Data<br />

The engine used to study the operation with diesel fuel was a T684 (Euro<br />

II) made by Tractorul Plant Braşov, direct-injection diesel engine. This was a<br />

four-stroke, naturally-aspirated, water-cooled engine with a “bowl-piston”<br />

combustion chamber having a bore of 102 mm, a stroke of 115 mm and rod<br />

length 182 mm. The compression ratio was 17.5 and the nominal speed range<br />

was between 800 and 2400 rpm. A five-hole injector nozzle (hole diameter of<br />

240 µm) was used for diesel fuel injection. It was located near the combustion<br />

chamber centre with an opening pressure of 210 bar. The full load conditions<br />

correspond to equivalence ratio of φ=0.625, injection timing of 18°CA BTDC<br />

and injection duration of 24°CA. Measurements were taken for equivalence<br />

ratios 0.600 and 0.470 and injection timings of 16, 18 and 20°CA BTDC.<br />

3. Modelling Approach<br />

A single-zone model was used to simulate the engine operation. The most<br />

important assumptions were the following:<br />

i) The working medium was considered, in general, to be a mixture of 10<br />

species (O2, N2, CO2, H2O, H2, OH, NO, CO, O, H) and fuel vapour.<br />

ii) All 10 species were considered as ideal gases.<br />

iii) Blow by was ignored.<br />

The residual gas fraction was taken equal to 3% independent of<br />

conditions of operation, which was a reasonable assumption for the operating<br />

parameters described above (Rakopoulos et al.,1993).<br />

Experimental data were available only for diesel fuel injection.<br />

Computationally, the cases of methane (CH4) and methanol (CH3OH) injection<br />

were also investigated. Proper processing of the experimentally acquired<br />

indicator diagrams can yield the preparation and reaction rates of the fuel, as<br />

described in detail in Refs. (Bedran & Beretta, 1985) and (Abraham et al., 1994).<br />

The preparation stage involved vaporization of the fuel, its superheating to the<br />

temperature of cylinder gases and mixing with the oxidizer so that a flammable<br />

mixture forms in certain regions of the combustion chamber. The intuitive<br />

assumption that preparation times for gaseous (CH4) injection must be much<br />

shorter than the ones for liquid injection is not correct (Abraham et al., 1994).

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 129<br />

Summarizing the data processing algorithm here for the purpose of<br />

completeness, we can state that it correlates the differential change in mixture<br />

composition to the differential of the natural logarithm of pressure in the<br />

combustion chamber. Similar but significantly simpler approaches to the<br />

calculation of an effective “burning law” from pressure data are presented in<br />

Refs. (Sabau et al., 2001). The reacted and prepared fuel quantities computed<br />

are used as input to the equilibrium code described below. The fitting of a<br />

Wibbe function (Sabau et al., 2001) to the reacted fuel distribution makes this<br />

analysis much simpler. As Fig. 1 shows, the Wibbe function offers a flexible<br />

and accurate approximation to the reacted fuel quantity. The four coefficients of<br />

the function are calculated using a least squares fit.<br />

Fig. 1 – Approximation of the<br />

reacted fuel<br />

quantity by a Wibbe<br />

function.<br />

It should be mentioned that the crank angle at the start of combustion<br />

must be located for such a formulation to work. The onset of combustion could,<br />

in principle, be calculated. However, this complicates the model significantly<br />

without ad<strong>din</strong>g any value to the present study. The angle of onset of combustion<br />

is treated as a parameter of the Wibbe function determined by the least square<br />

algorithm. Once the molar quantities Npr and Nre of prepared and reacted fuel,<br />

respectively, are known, determination of the thermodynamic condition of the<br />

working medium requires calculation of pressure P, temperature T and the<br />

molar quantities Ni of the aforementioned ten species. This calculation was<br />

achieved through the solution of 12 equations consisting of:<br />

The ideal gas equation of state for the mixture<br />

11<br />

PV = RT∑ N .<br />

i=<br />

1<br />

i<br />


130 Adrian Sabău et al.<br />

The energy balance for a closed system of variable volume:<br />

11 11<br />

∑ ∑ .<br />

dQ+ d N ( h −h ) − pdV = udN + dT N c −dN<br />

h<br />

pr fl fv i i i vi pr fv<br />

i= 1 i=<br />

1<br />

The first two terms on the left-hand side are the heat influx. The third<br />

term is the work output of the system. The first two terms on the right hand side<br />

are the change in internal energy of the working medium due to the change of<br />

its composition and temperature respectively. The third term is the enthalpy<br />

influx to the working medium due to fuel vaporization. The volume is<br />

calculated analytically as a function of the crank angle. The thermodynamic<br />

properties are computed as a function of T by polynomial fittings to the data of<br />

JANAF Thermo-chemical Tables. Heat transfer through the system boundary is<br />

calculated as a function of T, the thermodynamic properties of the working<br />

medium and the wall temperature using Annand’s formula, as described in Ref.<br />

(Sabau et al., 2001).<br />

The molar quantities Ni are calculated using a chemical equilibrium<br />

assumption. Specifically, we assume that the following six reactions among the<br />

above 10 species were in equilibrium<br />

H2↔2H, O2↔2O, H2 + O2 ↔2OH,<br />

N + O ↔2NO,<br />

(3)<br />

2 2<br />

2H + O ↔2HO,<br />

2 2 2<br />

2CO + O ↔2CO<br />

.<br />

2 2<br />

At each crank angle, equilibrium equations for these six reactions as well<br />

as atom number conservation equations for the atoms of C, H, O and N,<br />

constitute a 10x10 system of equations which can be solved for Ni. This is a<br />

generalization of the procedure described in Refs. (Rakopoulos et al.,1993) and<br />

(Sabau et al., 2001) for diesel fuel, where the validity of the chemical<br />

equilibrium assumption is discussed. In general, the chemical equilibrium<br />

assumption is not valid for the formation of pollutants. Given the fact that the<br />

quantities of pollutants are small, the main conclusions of work are not affected.<br />

4. Second-law Analysis<br />

Availability of a system is defined as the maximum work that can be<br />

produced from the system through interaction with its surroun<strong>din</strong>gs during a<br />

reversible transition to a state of thermal, mechanical, and chemical equilibrium<br />

with its environment, and while heat is exchanged during the transition only<br />


Fig. 2 – The closed system the<br />

related availability streams.<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 131<br />

with this environment. This state of<br />

equilibrium is defined as the dead state of<br />

the system and it depends on the pressure<br />

P0, the temperature T0 and the composition<br />

of the environment. In the present study,<br />

the environment is dry atmospheric air<br />

with P0=1 bar and T0=298 K. Thermal<br />

equilibrium is achieved when there is no<br />

heat exchange between the system and the<br />

environment, i.e. when the system is at<br />

temperature T0. Similarly, mechanical<br />

equilibrium is achieved when there is no<br />

work exchange between the system and its<br />

environment. Chemical equilibrium is<br />

achieved when no system component can<br />

react with the environment. For the present<br />

case, this means that in the dead state all<br />

the 11 species of the working medium have been either oxidized or reduced to<br />

N2, O2, CO2, and H2O. It is shown in Refs. (Bejan, 1988) that the availability of<br />

a closed system is equal to<br />

Φ = U + P V −T<br />

S − G . (4)<br />

0<br />

A direct consequence of the above definition is that when a differential<br />

amount of reversible work dW=(P-P0)dV is extracted from a system, its<br />

availability is reduced by exactly that amount. Similarly, when a differential<br />

amount of heat dQ is supplied to the system at temperature T, the system<br />

availability is increased by an amount dQ(1-T0/T).<br />

The system under consideration is shown in Fig. 2. It is a closed system,<br />

since only the part of the cycle from inlet valve closing to exhaust valve<br />

opening is considered. The only mass influx to the system is the prepared fuel,<br />

which takes place after injection.<br />

The differential availability fluxes can also be seen in Fig. 2. On the basis<br />

of the availability balance, the differential variation of the working medium<br />

availability is given by<br />

d Φ=−( P− P)d V + [dQ+ d N ( h −h )](1 − T / T) + dN a −dI<br />

. (5)<br />

0<br />

0 pr fl fv 0<br />

pr fv<br />

On the right hand side, the first term is availability out flux from the<br />

system in the form of work. The second term is availability input through heat<br />

flux and the third term is availability added to the system by the fuel vapor. The<br />

term dI makes Eq. (5) different from a conservation equation.<br />

During combustion working medium availability is destroyed and a<br />

differential amount dI of combustion irreversibility is produced. Similarly,<br />


132 Adrian Sabău et al.<br />

during fuel preparation, there is availability destruction due to mixing, which is<br />

included in the calculation of afr. From Eqs. (4) and (5), it can be seen that in<br />

order to calculate the combustion irreversibility, one has to determine the dead<br />

state and calculate afr.<br />

For the system to reach the dead state at P0=1 bar and T0=298 K, all of<br />

the working medium constituents have to be either oxidized or reduced to N2,<br />

O2, CO2 and H2O. Knowledge of the precise mechanism with which this<br />

happens is not necessary for determination of the molar quantity of each of the<br />

four species in the dead state.<br />

This schematic representation has no meaning as a chemical reaction; it<br />

simply shows the relation of molar quantities between the working medium<br />

species and the molar quantities of N2 and O2 in the dead state. A similar<br />

relation for the complete oxidation of an oxygenated fuel vapor gives<br />

⎛ β γ ⎞<br />

β<br />

CHO α β γ + ⎜α+ − O2 αCO2<br />

4 2<br />

⎟ → + . (6)<br />

⎝ ⎠<br />

2H O<br />

Finally, similar considerations for all species yield the following relations<br />

for the composition of the dead state<br />

0 NNO<br />

NN = N<br />

2 N + ,<br />

2 2<br />

0<br />

NCO2 = NCO2 + αN<br />

fv + N,<br />

0 ⎛ β γ ⎞<br />

NO = N<br />

2 O −<br />

2 ⎜α+ − ⎟N<br />

fv +<br />

⎝ 4 2⎠<br />

.<br />

NO + NNO −NH −N 2 CO<br />

+<br />

2<br />

NOH − N H + ,<br />

4<br />

0 β<br />

NHO= N<br />

2 HO+ N N<br />

2 fv + H2<br />

2<br />

NH + NOH<br />

+ .<br />

2<br />

The differential variation of the G0 term is then given by<br />

4 ⎡ ⎛ 0<br />

0<br />

N ⎞⎤<br />

0 = ∑ i ⎢ i 0 0 + 0 ⎜ ⎥<br />

⎜ 0 ⎟<br />

i=<br />

1 N ⎟<br />

1<br />

i<br />

dG d N g ( T , P) RT ln . (8)<br />

⎢⎣ ⎝∑⎠⎥⎦ The second term of this sum corresponds to the entropy of mixing in the<br />

dead state.<br />

2<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 133<br />

The fuel vapor availability consists of two parts. The first part, usually<br />

termed “thermal” or “thermo-mechanical” part, is equal to<br />

a = h −T s −g<br />

. (9)<br />

fv,termomechanical fv 0 fv<br />

0<br />

fv<br />

This is the amount of availability introduced by the injected gas. A<br />

second part, usually termed “thermo-chemical” availability, is due to the ability<br />

of fuel to react and produce reactants of lower availability. For the calculation<br />

of the thermo-chemical availability, we consider the reaction of complete<br />

oxidation of the fuel in atmospheric air.<br />

It is shown (Bejan, 1988), that the thermo-chemical availability is equal<br />

to the difference in Gibbs free energy between reactants and products at<br />

temperature T0 and pressure P0. It follows that<br />

β ⎛ β γ⎞<br />

a g αg g α g<br />

2 ⎝ 4 2⎠<br />

0 0 0 0<br />

fv,termochemical = fv − CO −<br />

2 H2O+ ⎜ + − ⎟ O2<br />

−<br />

β /2<br />

⎡ α ⎛ β ⎞ ⎤ ε<br />

⎢ α ⎜ ⎟ ε ⎥<br />

2<br />

− RT ln ln ⎢ ⎝ ⎠ ⎥,<br />

α+ β/4 −γ/2<br />

⎢⎛ β γ⎞<br />

⎥<br />

ζ<br />

⎢⎜α+ − ⎟ ζ ⎥<br />

⎣⎝ 4 2⎠<br />

⎦<br />

(10)<br />

where the last term of the sum accounts for the difference in entropy of mixing<br />

between products and reactants, and ε and ζ are defined as follows<br />

β γ<br />

ε= α+ − ,<br />

4 2<br />

β<br />

ζ = 0.79ε+<br />

α+<br />

.<br />

2<br />

(11)<br />

Ad<strong>din</strong>g Eqs. (9) and (10) we get for the total fuel availability<br />

β ⎛ β γ⎞<br />

a = h −T s −αg − g + α + − g<br />

2 ⎝ 4 2⎠<br />

0 0 0<br />

fv fv 0 fv CO2 H2O⎜ ⎟ O2<br />

β/2<br />

⎡ α⎛ β ⎞ ⎤ ε<br />

⎢ α ⎜<br />

2<br />

⎟ ε ⎥<br />

− RT ln ⎢ ⎝ ⎠ ⎥.<br />

α+ β/4 −γ/2<br />

⎢⎛ β γ⎞<br />

⎥<br />

ζ<br />

⎢⎜α+ − ⎟ ζ ⎥<br />

⎣⎝ 4 2⎠<br />

⎦<br />

−<br />

.<br />

(12)<br />

If we substitute Eqs. (4) and (8) in Eq. (5) and subtract Eq. (2) multiplied<br />

by T0/T, we get

134 Adrian Sabău et al.<br />

11 T ⎛<br />

0<br />

N ⎞<br />

i<br />

dI = d Nprafv − [dQ+ d Npr( hfl − hfv )] + t0∑dNi⎜si−Rln ⎟−<br />

T ⎜<br />

i= 1<br />

N ⎟<br />

⎝ ∑ i ⎠<br />

T T<br />

− − + +<br />

11 4<br />

0 0<br />

0<br />

dNprhfv VdP∑dNicpidT∑d Nig0i. T T i= 1 i=<br />

1<br />

.<br />

(13)<br />

The energy balance for the system can be reformulated in enthalpy terms as<br />

dQ+ d N ( h − h ) + VdP= hdN +<br />

pr fl fv i i<br />

fv<br />

10 ⎛<br />

⎜∑ i=<br />

1<br />

i pi fv<br />

i=<br />

1<br />

⎞<br />

pfv ⎟d<br />

d prhfv + h + N c + N c T − N<br />

⎝ ⎠<br />

10<br />

∑<br />

(14)<br />

Eq. (14) is the expression of the same energy balance as Eq. (2)<br />

reformulated in terms of enthalpy. If Eq. (14) is multiplied by T0/T and<br />

subtracted from Eq. (13), keeping in mind that the expression for gi is:<br />

it is shown that<br />

Ni<br />

gi = hi − Tsi + RTln<br />

∑ Ni<br />

, (15)<br />

T 11<br />

4<br />

0<br />

dI = − ∑ dNi<br />

gi<br />

+ ∑ dNi<br />

g0i<br />

+ dN pr fv fv<br />

T<br />

[ a − h 1 T / T ]<br />

0 ( − 0<br />

i=<br />

1 i=<br />

1<br />

. (16)<br />

This proves that the differential availability destruction is only a function<br />

of the differential change in mixture composition. It is interesting to note that<br />

one of the main mechanisms of irreversibility production, namely heat transfer,<br />

affects the final result only indirectly since dI is not an explicit function of dQ.<br />

Irreversibility production due to fluid viscosity, as discussed in (Dunbar &<br />

Lior, 1994), cannot be calculated within the framework of the current singlezone<br />

analysis.<br />

5. Results and Analysis<br />

The “availability balance” during the engine cycle is presented for the<br />

diesel fuel injection case in Fig. 3. Only the “closed” part of the engine cycle is<br />

presented. This is a balance between five terms: working medium availability,<br />

availability transfer through work, availability transfer through heat, input of<br />

availability with the injected fuel, and destruction of availability (production of<br />

irreversibility). All five terms are calculated independently as described earlier<br />

use a computer code writes in Matlab. The “deficit” in the balance caused by<br />

the employed numerical scheme is of the order of 1% of the availability of the<br />

injected fuel. Since the availability input with the injected fuel starts and ends<br />

abruptly with the start and end of injection, respectively, it is expected that<br />

discontinuities in the derivative of the correspon<strong>din</strong>g curve should appear.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 135<br />

Fig. 3 – Availability balance for<br />

operation with diesel fuel.<br />

Fig. 4. – Availability balance for<br />

operation with methane.<br />

During fuel injection and preparation, there is a gradual fuel availability<br />

influx. It can be noted that there is a significant loss of working medium<br />

availability during the fuel preparation. This is due to working medium cooling<br />

because of fuel vaporization. The production of irreversibility due to<br />

irreversible heat transfer during compression is negligible compared to the<br />

combustion irreversibility. In fact, significant production of irreversibility takes<br />

place only after ignition. This may be due to insufficient modelling of heat<br />

transfer within the framework of a single-zone.<br />

No Fig. experiments 5 – Availability were balance conducted for wi<br />

operation with methanol.<br />

Diesel Metan Metanol<br />

Fig. 6 – Injected fuel availability.

136 Adrian Sabău et al.<br />

No experiments were conducted with either methanol (CH3OH) or<br />

methane (CH4) injection, since this would involve re-design of the employed<br />

hardware well beyond the scope of this work. The above analysis, though,<br />

shows that the total value of each of the terms of this balance at the end of the<br />

closed cycle is mainly a function of the total quantity of the injected fuel and<br />

not of the detailed preparation and reaction rates.<br />

If we substitute CH3OH and CH4 in the employed code as injected fuels<br />

and keep the equivalence ratio equal to 0.6 as in the diesel fuel case, we can<br />

compute “availability balances” like the ones shown in Figs. 4 and 5. The mass<br />

flow rate of air is also kept the same for all three fuels. This is one simple<br />

baseline that can be used for the comparison. However the methodology to be<br />

presented here can be used for more complicated reference criteria.<br />

The detailed time evolution of each of the terms of the presented balances<br />

of Figs. 4 and 5 is a function of the precise preparation and reaction rates of<br />

CH3OH and CH4 which can only be determined from experimental data.<br />

However, the exhaust gas availability (available for heat recovery devices) and<br />

the total combustion irreversibility can be approximated without the knowledge<br />

of this data, provided that reaction has been completed reasonably early relative<br />

to the exhaust valve opening timing. Figs. 6–8 show the comparison between<br />

injected fuel availability, exhaust gas availability and combustion irreversibility,<br />

for injection with the same equivalence ratio.<br />

Diesel Metan Metanol Diesel Metan Metanol<br />

Fig. 7 –Exhaust gas availability. Fig. 8 – Combustion irreversibility.<br />

It can be seen that the injected fuel availability is significantly higher for<br />

the methanol case. Because of the oxygen content of the fuel, higher molar<br />

quantity of fuel is necessary for combustion with the same equivalence ratio.<br />

Comparing the results for methane and diesel fuel, we observe a significant<br />

decrease of combustion irreversibility for methane combustion.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 137<br />

This is in agreement with the theoretical expectation that the<br />

decomposition of the larger hydrocarbon molecules from diesel fuel during<br />

chemical reaction should create higher entropy increase than the decomposition<br />

of a lighter methane molecule. The decrease of combustion irreversibility is<br />

even higher for the case of oxygenated fuel.<br />

An “second-law efficiency”<br />

can be defined as the ratio of<br />

extracted work over injected fuel<br />

availability. It should be stressed<br />

that this ratio is only calculated<br />

here for the closed part of the cycle<br />

and is not the second-law<br />

efficiency of the full cycle.<br />

Comparison of the efficiency for<br />

the three cases is presented in Fig.<br />

9. It seems that the use of<br />

alternative fuels leads to better<br />

second-law efficiency. However,<br />

Diesel Metan Metanol<br />

especially as far as the comparison<br />

Fig. 9 – Second-law efficiency.<br />

between methane and methanol is<br />

concerned, the difference is small so that conclusions should be drawn with<br />

caution given the assumptions of the current analysis.<br />

Methanol vapor, for instance, was assumed to be an ideal gas but this is<br />

only a coarse approximation. More accurate modelling of the thermodynamic<br />

properties of methanol may alter the injected fuel availability.<br />

Moreover, for the accurate calculation of the irreversibility created during<br />

combustion, an accurate computation of methanol combustion kinetics is<br />

necessary. It would also be interesting to investigate the effect of the fact that<br />

this is a single-zone analysis by incorporating the current arguments in multizone<br />

codes. Revisiting the above assumptions may yield more accurate<br />

information about the advantages Figs. 6–9 imply for oxygenated fuels.<br />

However, the main point remains that entropy increase during combustion is<br />

smaller for such fuels because of the lower mixing entropy of the mixture of<br />

reactants.<br />

5. Conclusions<br />

1. A method for the analytic calculation of irreversibility and exhaust gas<br />

availability is generalized and used to evaluate alternative fuels in a directinjection,<br />

naturally-aspirated, four-stroke diesel engine.<br />

2. Combustion irreversibility is shown to be the main source of<br />

irreversibility during the engine operation and its differential variation is

138 Adrian Sabău et al.<br />

calculated as an analytic function of the differentials of the quantities of the<br />

constituents of the working medium.<br />

3. Decrease in combustion irreversibility is achieved with the use of a<br />

lighter (methane) and, even more, of an oxygenated (methanol) fuel for the<br />

same equivalence ratio of operation.<br />

4. This is due to the combustion characteristics of these fuels which<br />

involve lower entropy of mixing in the combustion products. So far, the driving<br />

force for the study of alternative fuels has been to decrease pollutant emissions.<br />

5. Given the increasing interest in conservation, the use of such fuels may<br />

be seen in a different perspective since there are indications that it involves a<br />

more effective use of the chemical energy of the fuel.<br />


Abraham J., Magi V., MacInnes J., Bracco F.V., Gas vs. Spray Injection: Which Mixes<br />

Faster? SAE Paper No. 940895 (1994).<br />

Bedran E.C., Beretta G.P., General Thermodynamic Analysis for Engine Combustion<br />

Modeling, SAE Paper No. 850205 (1985).<br />

Bejan A., Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics. New York, John Wiley and Sons<br />

Inc., 1988.<br />

Bejan A., Tsatsaronis G., Moran M., Thermal Design and Optimization. New York,<br />

John Wiley and Sons Inc., 1996.<br />

Dunbar W.R., Lior N., Sources of Combustion Irreversibility. Combust Sci Technol.,<br />

103, 41-61 (1994).<br />

Flynn P.F., Hoag K.L., Kamel M.M., Primus R.J., A New Perspective on Diesel Engine<br />

Evaluation Based on Second Law Analysis. SAE Paper No. 840032 (1984).<br />

Rakopoulos C.D., Andritsakis E.C., Kyritsis D.C., Availability Accumulation and<br />

Destruction in a DI Diesel Engine with Special Reference to the Limited Cooled<br />

Case. Heat Recov Syst CHP, 13, 61-75 (1993).<br />

Sabău A., Buzbuchi N., Şoloiu U.V.A., Combustion Numerical Modelling in Diesel<br />

Engines, “A XI-a Conferinţă Naţională de Termotehnică”, Galaţi, 2001.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

În această lucrare este prezentată o metodă pentru calculul irreversibilităţii şi a<br />

disponibilului de energie utilă în cazul unui ciclu diesel. Studiul efectuat se bazează pe<br />

utilizarea principiului al doilea al termo<strong>din</strong>amicii pentru evaluarea performanţelor<br />

termo<strong>din</strong>amice ale unui motor diesel. Analiza comparativă este realizată utilizând un<br />

program de calcul conceput şi realizat de autori, care permite aprecierea eficienţei<br />

energetice a motorului diesel la schimbarea motorinei cu metan sau metanol. Modelul<br />

de calcul utilizat este unul termo<strong>din</strong>amic, fiind completat acolo unde a fost cazul cu

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 139<br />

formulări fenomenologice pentru a putea mai bine scoate în evidenţă, aspectele<br />

importante ale studiului. Calibrarea s-a facut utilizând date experimentale măsurate pe<br />

motorul T650 produs la Uzina Tractorul <strong>din</strong> Braşov la funcţionarea pe motorină. Studiul<br />

a relevat că procesul de combustie este principala sursă de ireversibilitate şi un rol<br />

hotărâtor îl joacă ireversibilitatea chimică dată de modul de descompunere al<br />

hidrocarburilor care compun combustibilul.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />


Received: March 30, 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: April 14, 2012<br />

”OVIDIUS” University, Constanţa,<br />

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering<br />

Abstract. Biodiesel can be defined as fatty acid alkyl esters from<br />

vegetable oils or animal fats for using as fuel in diesel engines and heating<br />

systems due to its technical, environmental and strategic advantages. Because<br />

its physical properties and chemical composition are distinctly different from<br />

conventional diesel fuel, biodiesel can alter the fuel injection and ignition<br />

processes whether neat or in blends. Most research on computational<br />

combustion presents complex mathematical models where the fuel physical<br />

properties are important parameters.<br />

The aim of this study is to present the importance of the physical<br />

properties and their relation to the internal combustion engine and also<br />

proposing a method to determine the volumetric proportion of biodiesel<br />

which will have efficient combustion in compression engines. For this<br />

purpose, the basic properties (density, viscosity, flash point, heating value,<br />

calculated cetane index and three different points of the distillation curve:<br />

T10, T50 and T90) of several rapeseed (Canola) oil biodiesel–diesel fuel<br />

blends (B0, B5, B10, B15, B20, and B100) were measured accor<strong>din</strong>g to the<br />

correspon<strong>din</strong>g ASTM standards. In order to predict these properties, mixing<br />

rules are estimated as a function of the volume fraction of biodiesel in the<br />

blend.<br />

Key words: automotive diesel engine, ignition characteristics,<br />

biodiesel–diesel blends, calculated cetane index.<br />

* Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: asterpu@univ-ovidius.ro

142 Anca Elena Eliza Sterpu and Anca Iuliana Dumitriu<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Diesel engines are the axis of world industry, dominating sectors like<br />

road transport, agricultural, military, construction, maritime propulsion and<br />

stationary electricity production. In recent years, the concern over the depleting<br />

world reserves of fossil fuels and more stringent emission regulations for<br />

harmful pollutants have led to the resolute efforts in searching for renewable<br />

alternative fuels and ultra-low emission combustion strategies. Biodiesel fuel,<br />

which is identified as a clean alternative fuel, has become commercially<br />

available in a number of countries (Zheng et al.., 2008),. In addition, this<br />

biofuel is completely miscible with petroleum diesel, allowing the blen<strong>din</strong>g of<br />

these two fuels in any proportion. Biodiesel can be used neat or blended in<br />

existing diesel engines without major modification in the engine hardware.<br />

However, differences in the chemical nature of biodiesel (mixture of monoalkyl<br />

ester of saturated and unsaturated long chain fatty acids) and conventional<br />

diesel fuel (mixture of paraffinic, naphthenic and aromatic hydrocarbons) result<br />

in differences in their basic properties, affecting engine performance and<br />

pollutant emissions. Biodiesel, produced from any vegetable oil or animal fat,<br />

generally has higher density, viscosity, and cetane number, and lower volatility<br />

and heating value compared to commercial grades of diesel fuel (Benjumea et<br />

al., 2008). Biodiesel most commonly are made from soybean oil in the United<br />

States and from rapeseed (Canola) oil in Europe using methanol.<br />

1.1. Biodiesel as Engine Fuel<br />

Since most modern diesel engines have direct injection fuel systems, and<br />

these engines are more sensitive to fuel spray quality than indirect injection<br />

engines, a fuel with properties that are closer to diesel fuel is needed (Canakci,<br />

2007). The best way to use vegetable oil as fuel is to convert it in biodiesel.<br />

Biodiesel is made from natural, renewable sources such as new or used<br />

vegetable oils and animal fats. The resulting biodiesel is almost similar to<br />

conventional diesel in its main characteristics. Biodiesel is an oxygenated fuel<br />

and leads to more complete combustion; hence CO emissions reduce in the<br />

exhaust. Biodiesel contains no petroleum products, but it is compatible with<br />

conventional diesel and can be blended in any proportion with mineral diesel to<br />

create a stable biodiesel blend. The level of blen<strong>din</strong>g with petroleum diesel is<br />

referred as Bxx, where xx indicates the amount of biodiesel in the blend (i.e.<br />

B20 blend is 20% biodiesel and 80% diesel). It can be used in compression<br />

ignition (CI) engine with no significant modifications to the engine (Agarwal,<br />

2007).<br />

1.2. Combustion Characteristics of Biodiesel<br />

It is important to know the combustion properties of biodiesel–diesel<br />

blends. Some of these properties are required as input data for predictive and

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 143<br />

diagnostic engine combustion models. Additionally, it is necessary to know if<br />

the fuel resulting from the blen<strong>din</strong>g process meets the standard specifications<br />

for diesel fuels. Given the difficulty of obtaining the combustion properties of<br />

the blend by measurement, the ability to calculate these properties using<br />

blen<strong>din</strong>g or mixing rules is very useful.<br />

Some authors (Clements, 1996) proposed blen<strong>din</strong>g rules for estimating<br />

the density, heating value, viscosity, cetane number and cloud point of biodiesel<br />

as a function of its methyl esters profile. By comparing predicted values with<br />

experimental data, they found that the typical average errors were less than 2%,<br />

with the exception of viscosity, where the average error was 10%. Similar<br />

blen<strong>din</strong>g rules for calculating properties of methyl ester blends have also been<br />

used by other researchers for estimating properties of biodiesel–diesel blends.<br />

Tat and Van Gerpen (Tat & Van Gerpen, 1999, Tat & Van Gerpen, 2000)<br />

carried out a study on the density and kinematic viscosity of a commercial<br />

soybean oil biodiesel and its blends with two samples of diesel fuels at 75%,<br />

50% and 20% biodiesel (by weight). Results showed that both density and<br />

viscosity increased with the increase in the percentage of biodiesel. Blend<br />

kinematic viscosities were estimated by means of a blen<strong>din</strong>g rule. The<br />

maximum differences between predicted and measured viscosities were less<br />

than 3.74% of the measured values for the biodiesel blends with both diesel<br />

fuels. Experimental investigations have been carried out by Yuan, Hansen and<br />

Zhang (Yuan et al., 2004) to examine the density using three types of biodiesel<br />

(two produced from soybean oil and another biodiesel prepared from yellow<br />

grease). These were blended with diesel fuel at 75%, 50% and 25% biodiesel<br />

(by weight), and tested from close to the biodiesel crystallization onset<br />

temperature up to 100 o C. The measurements indicated that all biodiesel fuels<br />

and their blends with diesel fuel had a linear specific gravity–temperature<br />

relationship similar to pure diesel fuel. The densities of the blends estimated by<br />

a mixing rule showed an average absolute deviation (AAD) of less than 0.43%<br />

for all tested fuels in the temperature range studied.<br />

The present paper presents experimental density and viscosity data,<br />

together with the flash point and distillation curves for rapeseed oil biodiesel<br />

and its blends with diesel fuel. Additionally, the calculated cetane index and<br />

heating value of the tested neat fuels and their blends is obtained by ASTM<br />

D976 and ASTM D4737 for cetane index and ASTM D4868 for heating value<br />

recommended for hydrocarbon fuels. The aim of this work is to evaluate mixing<br />

rules for predicting the combustion properties of rapeseed oil biodiesel–diesel<br />

fuel blends as a function of biodiesel content (volume fraction). This approach<br />

is more likely to be applicable to other biodiesel fuels and blends than empirical<br />

correlations, which would be valid only for the specific blends tested.

144 Anca Elena Eliza Sterpu and Anca Iuliana Dumitriu<br />

2. Methods<br />

2.1. Blend Preparation<br />

The biodiesel used in this work was produced by basic methanolysis of<br />

rapeseed oil using a methanol/oil molar ratio of 12:1, with 0.5% NaOH by<br />

weight as the catalyst. The reaction temperature and time were 65 o C and 1 h,<br />

respectively. The biodiesel thus produced by this process is totally miscible<br />

with mineral diesel in any proportion.<br />

The experimental samples were prepared by mixing a commercial diesel<br />

fuel with rapeseed biodiesel in different proportions (B0, B5, B10, B15, B20,<br />

and B100). Blends were prepared on a volume basis at 25 o C.<br />

2.2. Experimental<br />

Both density and kinematic viscosity were simultaneously measured<br />

accor<strong>din</strong>g to ASTM D445 using a Anton Paar device, SVM 3000 type. The<br />

Closed-cup Flash Point Analyzer, Pensky-Martens type, was used to measure<br />

the flash point of biodiesel samples with different compositions. This flash<br />

point analyzer is operated accor<strong>din</strong>g to the standard test method, ASTM D93.<br />

The analyzer incorporates control devices to adjust the heating rate of a sample.<br />

The test interval is 1 o C and the heat rate is 2 o C/min. The low heating value was<br />

determined following ASTM D4868, as a function of the fuel density, sulfur,<br />

water, and ash content. All fuels tested were distilled following the procedure<br />

established by ASTM D86. In addition to the initial and final boiling points,<br />

temperatures for distilled percentage multiples of 10 were also registered. The<br />

calculated cetane index for the fuels tested was determined as a function of their<br />

densities and distillation curve data using the empirical correlations<br />

recommended by ASTM D976 and D4737.<br />

3. Results and Discussion<br />

3.1. Basic Properties of Pure Fuels<br />

Experimental data on the properties of rapeseed oil biodiesel and diesel<br />

fuel are presented in Table 1. Rapeseed oil biodiesel (ROB) is slightly denser<br />

and more viscous, and has a narrower boiling interval than diesel fuel,<br />

indicating that the fatty acid methyl esters in biodiesel have similar boiling<br />

points. Diesel fuel, meanwhile, is composed of a wide variety of hydrocarbons<br />

with different volatilities. ROB has a low heating value lower than diesel fuel<br />

due to the presence of oxygen in the methyl ester molecules. This difference in<br />

heating values, expressed as energy per unit mass, is slightly reduced when it is<br />

reported as energy per unit volume, given the greater density of ROB. As a<br />

result of these differences, the calculated cetane index for ROB is higher than<br />

for diesel fuel; this agrees with the tendency reported by several researchers for<br />

both cetane numbers and CCI.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 145<br />

Table 1<br />

The main properties of rapeseed oil biodiesel and diesel fuel<br />

Properties Units ASTM Diesel Rapeseed<br />

method fuel oil biodiesel<br />

Density at 25 o C g/cm 3 D445 0.8374 0.8695<br />

Kinematic viscosity at 40 o C cSt D445 4.6597 6.1415<br />

Flash Point<br />

o<br />

C D93 67 107<br />

Initial boiling point<br />

o<br />

C D86 170 296<br />

Temperature at 50% recovered<br />

o<br />

C D86 260 334.5<br />

Final boiling point<br />

o<br />

C D86 328 343<br />

Calculated cetane index - D976 46.99 52.23<br />

D4737 46.65 54.25<br />

Low heating value kJ/kg D4868 42650 40301<br />

Refractive index - D1218 1.467 1.45<br />

Sulphur content % D5453 0.07 -<br />

Water content % D6304 0.012 0.017<br />

Ash content % D482 0.001 0.003<br />

3.2. Effect of Biodiesel Content<br />

Mixing rules are used for estimating the properties of blends as a function<br />

of pure fuel properties and biodiesel content. The suitability of these rules is<br />

evaluated by means of the absolute average deviation (AAD), calculated as<br />

(Benjumea et al., 2008)<br />

100<br />

AAD<br />

NP i<br />

φ − φ<br />

NP<br />

EXP PR<br />

= ∑ , (1)<br />

= 1 φEXP<br />

where NP is the number of experimental points, φ is the property to be predicted<br />

and the subscripts are EXP for experimental and PR for predicted.<br />

For predicting viscosity of liquid mixture, a geometric volume average<br />

form equation (Benjumea et al., 2008) (Arrhenius-type equation) can be used<br />

ln η = V ln η + V ln η .<br />

B ROB ROB B0 B0<br />

In the above equation, V is the volume fraction and the subscripts are B<br />

for blend, ROB for biodiesel and B0 for diesel fuel. For the remaining<br />

properties, Kay’s mixing rule (Benjumea et al., 2008) is used<br />

n<br />

B i i<br />

i=<br />

1<br />

(2)<br />

φ = ∑ x φ , (3)<br />

where: φB is the property of the blend and φi is the respective property of the i th<br />

component. Using volume fraction instead of molar fraction, Eq. (3) for a<br />

binary mixture takes the form of an arithmetic volume average:

146 Anca Elena Eliza Sterpu and Anca Iuliana Dumitriu<br />

φ = V φ + V φ . (4)<br />

B ROB ROB B0B0 3.2.1. Viscosity. Fig. 1 shows the effect of biodiesel content on the<br />

viscosity of the blends. As can be seen in this figure, viscosity is directly<br />

proportional to biodiesel content. The AAD obtained using the selected mixing<br />

rule (Arrhenius-type equation) for estimating blend viscosity was 0.5%.<br />

Fig. 1 – Variation of blend kinematic viscosity with biodiesel content.<br />

3.2.2. Density. The variation in blend density with biodiesel content is<br />

shown in Fig. 2. As was expected, density slightly increases with biodiesel<br />

content. The AAD value obtained using Kay’s mixing rule to estimate blend<br />

densities was 0.05%.<br />

Fig.2 – Variation of blend density with biodiesel content.<br />

3.2.3. Heating Value. Low heating values (LHV) were determined, taking<br />

into account the ASTM D 4868 method. As can be seen in Fig. 3, the LHV of<br />

blends decreases in direct proportion to the biodiesel content.<br />

The AAD obtained using Kay’s mixing rule to estimate the LHV of<br />

blends was 0.12%.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 147<br />

Fig. 3 – Variation of blend low heating value with biodiesel conten t.<br />

3.2.4. Flash Point. The flash point of a flammable liquid is that<br />

temperature,<br />

as determined under experimental conditions, at which the vapor<br />

pressure of the substance is sufficient to form a combustible mixture with air.<br />

The specific flash point value is generally measured by a flash point analyzer<br />

with closed cup test methods. For the blends tested (B5, B10, B15 and B20) the<br />

effect of biodiesel content on the flash point values of the blend was not<br />

significant, and the results obtained using ASTM D93 method were slightly<br />

decreases. For B100, the value of the flash point obtained was 60% higher than<br />

diesel fuel flash point. The AAD obtained using Kay’s mixing rule to estimate<br />

the flash point values of blends was 30.77%.<br />

Fig. 4 – Variation of blend flash point with biodiesel content.<br />

As can be seen from Fig.4. and the AAD value, the Kay’s mixing rule is<br />

not suitable for predicting the effect of biodiesel content on the flash point<br />

values of the blend.

148 Anca Elena Eliza Sterpu and Anca Iuliana Dumitriu<br />

3.2.5. Distillation Curve Points. Fig. 5 shows the distillation curves for<br />

pure fuels (B0, B100) and for B5, B10, B15 and B20 blends. As can be seen in<br />

this figure, all curves<br />

tend to intercept at a point which defines two zones with<br />

different<br />

behaviour. Before the interception point (10% distilled percentage),<br />

distillation temperature increases with distilled percentage, while after this point<br />

the trend is reversed.<br />

3.2.6. Calculated Cetane Index. Cetane numbers rate the ignition properties<br />

of diesel fuel as a measure of the fuel’s ignition on compression as measured by<br />

ignition<br />

delay. The ignition<br />

delay in a diesel engine is defined as the time<br />

between<br />

the start of fuel injection and the start of combustion. The ignition<br />

quality of a fuel is usually characterized by its cetane number. Higher cetane<br />

number generally means shorter ignition delay (Canakci, 2007). Cetane number<br />

is measured in a single-cylinder engine compared with reference blends of ncetane<br />

and heptamethylnonane accor<strong>din</strong>g to ASTM D613 or in a constant<br />

volume combustion apparatus following ASTM D6890. However, these tests<br />

are awkward and expensive. For this reason there have been many attempts to<br />

develop methods to estimate the cetane number of a fuel. In order to<br />

differentiate predicted from measured values, the former is called calculated<br />

cetane index (CCI), and the latter cetane number.<br />

Fig.5 – Distillation curves of rapeseed oil biodiesel – diesel fuel blends.<br />

The CCI can be determined using empirical correlations in accordance<br />

with the ASTM D976 and D4737. Using ASTM D976, this parameter<br />

is<br />

btaine d as a function of fuel density at 15 curve<br />

point.<br />

o o<br />

C and the T50 distillation<br />

ASTM D4737 additionally takes into account T10 and T90 values. Figs.<br />

6 and 7 show the CCI values using the two standards. Distillation curve points<br />

were taken accor<strong>din</strong>g to the measured values shown in Fig. 5 and the values of<br />

density at 15 o C were obtained from Fig. 2. For comparison, the CCI values<br />

were then calculated from values of blend densities at 15 o C and distillation<br />

curve points obtained using Kay’s mixing rule.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 149<br />

Fig. 6 – Variation of blend calculated cetane index with biodiesel content.<br />

Fig. 7 – Variation of blend calculated cetane index with biodiesel content.<br />

The CCI values obtained using ASTM D4737 methods were almost<br />

similar to the CCI values resulted from mixing rule data and were in better<br />

agreement<br />

with the measured cetane number reported for ROB by other studies<br />

(Benjumea<br />

et al., 2008). Using ASTM D976, the values of the CCI obtained<br />

was higher than that obtained using the mixing rules. The better prediction<br />

obtained using ASTM D4737 is most likely due to the inclusion of the<br />

particular characteristics of the distillation curve. The AADs obtained using<br />

Kay’s mixing rule to estimate blend CCI were 0.26% and 4.39% for the data<br />

correspon<strong>din</strong>g to ASTM D4737 and D976 respectively.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

The objective of this study was to characterize the<br />

effect of volumetric<br />

proportion on the combustion properties of biodiesel-diesel blends. The<br />

combustion characteristics of B0, B5, B10, B15, B20, and B100 were analyzed.<br />

Based on the experimental results, the following conclusions can be drawn:

150 Anca Elena Eliza Sterpu and Anca Iuliana Dumitriu<br />

a) Combustion properties of rapeseed oil biodiesel–diesel fuel blends<br />

were measured accor<strong>din</strong>g to ASTM standards. Accor<strong>din</strong>g to the low values<br />

obtained for the absolute average deviations, it was found that simple mixing<br />

rules are suitable for predicting the combustion properties of rapeseed oil<br />

biodiesel–diesel<br />

blends as a function of biodiesel content (except the flash<br />

point).<br />

b) Density and viscosity of rapeseed oil biodiesel–diesel fuel blends<br />

slightly increases with biodiesel content.<br />

c) Kay’s mixing rule is not suitable for predicting the effect of biodiesel<br />

content on the flash point values of the blend, because the blends flash point<br />

values were slightly decrease with the biodiesel content and for B100 the flash<br />

point value was 60% higher than diesel fuel flah point.<br />

d) Biodiesel has low heating value, 5.5% lower than diesel and calculated<br />

cetane index, about 16% higher.<br />

e) All distillation curves tend to intercept at a point (10% distilled<br />

percentage) which defines two zones with different behaviour. Before the<br />

interception point, distillation temperature increases with distilled percentage,<br />

while after this point the trend is reversed<br />

f) The ASTM D4737 produces a calculated cetane index of rapeseed oil<br />

biodiesel in better agreement with the reported cetane number than the<br />

correspon<strong>din</strong>g to the ASTM D976. This result is most likely due to the fact that<br />

the former standard takes into account the particular characteristics of the<br />

distillation curve.<br />


Agarwal A.K., Biofuels (Alcohols and Biodiesel) Applications as Fuels for Internal<br />

Combustion Engines. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 33, 3, 233-271<br />

(2007).<br />

Benjumea P., Agudelo J., Agudelo A., Basic Properties<br />

of Palm Oil Biodiesel–diesel<br />

Blends. Fuel, 87, 12, 2069-2075 (2008).<br />

Canakci M., Combustion Characteristics of a Turbocharged DI Compression Ignition<br />

Engine Fueled with Petroleum Diesel Fuels and Biodiesel. Bioresource<br />

Technology,<br />

98, 6, 1167-1175 (2007).<br />

Clements D.L., Blen<strong>din</strong>g Rules for Formulating Biodiesel Fuel. Liquid Fuels and<br />

Industrial Products for Renewable Resources.<br />

Procee<strong>din</strong>gs of the Third Liquid<br />

Fuels Conference American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Nashville TN.,<br />

Sept. 15-17, 1996, pp. 44-53.<br />

Tat M .E., Van Gerpen J.H., The Kinematic Viscosity of Biodiesel and its Blends with<br />

Diesel Fuel. JAOCS, 76, 12, 1511-3 (1999).<br />

Tat M.E.,<br />

Van Gerpen J.H., The Specific Gravity of Biodiesel and its Blends with Diesel<br />

Fuel. JAOCS, 77, 2, 115-9 (2000).<br />

Yuan W., Hansen A.C., Zhang Q., The Specific Gravity of Biodiesel Fuels and their<br />

Blends with Diesel Fuel. Agri. Eng. Int., CIGR J. Scientific Res. Div., Manuscript<br />

EE 4, 4, 1-11 (2004).

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 151<br />

Zheng M., Mulenga M. C., Reader G. T., Wang M., Ting D. S-K., Tjong J., Biodiesel<br />

Engine Performance and Emissions<br />

in Low Temperature Combustion. Fuel, 87,<br />

12, 714-722 (2008).<br />


ARDERE<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Datoritǎ proprietǎţilor fizico-chimice diferite faţǎ de cele ale combustibilului<br />

dies el convenţional (motorina), biodieselul poate afecta injecţia de combustibil şi<br />

procesul de ardere, indiferent cǎ este în stare purǎ sau<br />

sub formǎ de amestec cu<br />

motorinǎ. Multe cercetǎri în domeniul combustiei,<br />

prezintǎ modele matematice<br />

complexe ce conţin drept principali parametri, proprietǎţi<br />

fizice ale combustibilului.<br />

Scopul acestei lucrǎri este de a evidenţia importanţa proprietǎtilor de ardere şi<br />

influenţa lor asupra performanţelor motorului cu combustie internǎ şi de asemenea de a<br />

propune o metodǎ de a determina proporţia volumetricǎ de biodiesel care prezintǎ cea<br />

mai eficientǎ comportare în motor. In acest scop au fost determinate experimental unele<br />

proprietǎţi cum ar fi: densitatea, vâscozitatea cinematicǎ, punctul de inflamare, puterea<br />

calorificǎ<br />

inferioarǎ, indicele cetanic calculat şi curbele de distilare STAS ale diferitelor<br />

amestecuri de biodiesel <strong>din</strong> ulei de rapiţǎ (Canola) cu motorinǎ (B0, B5, B10, B15, B20<br />

şi B100), conform metodelor ASTM corespunzǎtoare. In acest scop au fost evaluate<br />

reguli simple de amestecare existente în literatura de specialitate ca funcţii ale fracţiei<br />

volumice de biodiesel în amestec. De asemenea au fost calculate valorile deviaţiei medii<br />

absolute (DMA) pentru verificarea aplicabilitǎţii regulilor de amestecare.<br />

În urma realizǎrii determinǎrilor experimentale şi calculelor s-a observat cǎ<br />

pentru predicţia proprietǎţilor de ardere ale combustibililor (B0, B5, B10, B15, B20 şi<br />

B100) se pot aplica reguli simple de amestecare ca funcţii ale compoziţiei şi<br />

proprietǎţilor combustibililor puri (B0 şi B100). Valorile DMA obţinute în acest caz<br />

sunt foarte scǎzute, fiind cuprinse în intervalul 0.05…4.39%. Excepţie de la aceastǎ<br />

situaţie face punctul de inflamare care nu poate fi determinat utilizând regulile de<br />

amestecare datoritǎ valorilor ridicate ale DMA obţinute în acest caz. Metoda ASTM<br />

D4737 pentru calculul indicelui cetanic este mai exactǎ decât metoda ASTM D976, ca<br />

urmare a utilizǎrii temperaturilor T10, T50 şi T90 <strong>din</strong> curba de distilare STAS a<br />

combustibilului în cazul metodei ASTM D4737.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />


1 MITECO S.A.<br />

2 “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Romania,<br />

Department of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering<br />

Received: 30 March 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: 14 April 2012<br />

Abstract. The servomechanism for air flow control has as effect on cooling<br />

starting: fuel consumption and wear reduction. The shorting of the warming up<br />

engine period has been ascertained. As consequence the wear and the pollution<br />

reduce in time of cold starting. A relevant data in the prosess is the surroun<strong>din</strong>g<br />

temperature. The variation of cooling air flow produces modifications in the<br />

dynamic behaviour of care-engine cooling system, especially when the engine<br />

and coolant liquid are cold by the time of approach to steady states.<br />

Key words: car engine cooling system, cooling air flow, car engine system,<br />

automatic control and servomechanisms.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

When fuel is burnt in an internal combustion engine roughly 30% energy<br />

in the fuel is available as us full work. The rest is rejected as heat in a<br />

accordance with the second law of thermodynamics. Roughly 30% of the<br />

energy is rejected in the exhaust flow, roughly 30% of fuel energy is rejected<br />

into the engine coolant and the rest is radiated off the engine structure into the<br />

atmosphere.<br />

The heat lost to circulating cooling is:<br />

Qr = qr cl ( T ri − T re)<br />

, (1)<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: mariusrec@yahoo.com

154 Marius Receanu et al.<br />

where: qr – the coolant flow rate in the radial loop, cl – the heat capacity of unit<br />

coolant, Tri – the coolant temperature at the inlet of the radiator, Tre – the<br />

coolant temperature at the outlet to the radiator.<br />

Accor<strong>din</strong>g to Eq. (1) it results that the heat Qr of car-engine cooling<br />

system can be modified through the coolant flow, qr or cooling air flow,<br />

ΔT=Tri-Tre. A method for the cooling air flow control is the utilization of blind,<br />

who obturates the radiator of car-engine for the ambient temperature < +5 ˚C.<br />

2. Experiments Results<br />

For two situation of the radiator the heat balances are:<br />

a) is not obturated<br />

b) is obturated<br />

h l e r l<br />

( ri re)<br />

exh rest<br />

Q C Q Q q c T T Q Q<br />

= − + − + + ; (2)<br />

( ri re)<br />

Q C Q Q q c T T Q Q<br />

' '<br />

h l e r l<br />

= − + − + + (3)<br />

exh rest<br />

where: Ch is the fuel mass flow, Ql – specific energy content.<br />

The experiment was performed in the same conditions: the speed of<br />

motor vehicle has (approximately) constant value and the segment of direction<br />

is identically and it results: Qe=const. heat converted into mechanical energy,<br />

Qexh=const. heat lost in exhaust gases, Qrest=const.<br />

After the substraction of Eqs. (2) and (3) it results<br />

' '<br />

( Ch Ch) cl( T re T re)<br />

Q q<br />

− = − .<br />

(4)<br />

l r<br />

Because the temperature T’re>Tre, when the radiator is obturated<br />

'<br />

Ch> Ch.<br />

(5)<br />

The fuel economy is evidently in the case b) when the radiator is partial<br />

or total obturated. The Eq. (4) has valability when the radiator is partial or total<br />

obturated and the process has practical validity when the ambient temperature is<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 155<br />

Fig. 1 – Experimental installation mounted on the motor vehicle.<br />

Fig. 2 – Theoretical graphs Tri(t), Tre(t) and coolant flow qr(t)<br />

in the situations a) and b).<br />

In Fig. 2 we denote: tcl – the time after when the valve of thermostat<br />

becomes to open (1.FTP the first transient phase, the coolant flow becomes to<br />

increase on Laptop); top – the time after when the valve is fully open (approach<br />

to steady states).<br />

We define: ttr=top-tcl (2.STP the second transient phase, time between the<br />

extreme positions: valve is fully closed or fully open); Scl=ν tcl the distance<br />

covered with the speed ν in the time tcl.<br />

When the average fuel consumption is ck [l/100 km] for distance, it<br />

results the fuel consumption: ccl=ckscl. The average fuel consumption in the<br />

second transient phase is: ctr=cT - ccl and in hour is Ch=3600Ctr/ttr.

156 Marius Receanu et al.<br />

In Fig. 2 the functions of temperatures Tri and Tre tend to distinct values at<br />

approach to steady states. In situation b) - radiator obturated, the speed of<br />

increase of the temperatures at the approach to steady states (observed on<br />

Laptop) is greater as the situation a).<br />

The Eq. (4) can be written in the second transient phase for this situations<br />

a) and b)<br />

( Ch Ch) cl( Θ Θ)<br />

Q q<br />

' '<br />

,<br />

l r<br />

− = − (6)<br />

where: Θ and Θ’ are the mean of functions ”product”: qr(t)[Tri(t)–Tre],<br />

respectively: q’r(t)[T’ri–T’re] in the second phases: [0, tr] or [0, t’r]<br />

t op<br />

= 1<br />

q () t ⎡<br />

ri() t re d<br />

r T −T<br />

⎤ t<br />

top − ⎣ ⎦<br />

tcltcl<br />

Θ ∫ , (7)<br />

t<br />

'<br />

op<br />

' 1<br />

' '<br />

Θ = () () d<br />

' ∫ q t ⎡<br />

r T ri t −T<br />

⎤<br />

re t.<br />

(8)<br />

⎣ ⎦<br />

top −tcl<br />

t<br />

cl<br />

The function Θ and Θ’ – (7), (8), can be calculated with software in<br />

LabVIEW, after experiments and the relations<br />

'<br />

Θ −Θ<br />

'<br />

C h C h cl Q l<br />

− = ;<br />

'<br />

Θ −Θ<br />

'<br />

C h C h cl Q l<br />

'<br />

h<br />

= − ,<br />

and fuel economy, in percent : Ch<br />

−C<br />

ε = 100 , in MATLAB/Simulink.<br />

Ch<br />

For different position of the blind who obdurate the radiator: Fig. 3 (in<br />

positions: 0 –radiator is not obturated; 1, 2 ,3 – radiator is obturated) and some<br />

ambient temperatures

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 157<br />

the graphs: Tri(t), Tre(t), qr(t) and T’ri(t), T’re(t), q’r(t) in the position “0” and<br />

“1” of blind.<br />

Table 1<br />

Poz ck v cT tcl top ccl ctr Ch Ch’ ε Ch-Ch’<br />

. l/100 km Km/h l s s l l l/h l/h % l/h<br />

0 9.4 21.7 0.4 270 600 0.153 0.247 2.695 – – –<br />

1 9.5 22.1 0.4 270 500 0.157 0.243 2.646 2.46 7.414 0.196<br />

2 10.4 25 0.3 270 390 0.195 0.105 3.15 2.85 9.535 0.300<br />

3 9.1 20.2 0.2 270 370 0.138 0.062 2.237 1.85 17.31 0.387<br />

Tri(t) T’ri(t)<br />

t[min]<br />

Tre(t) T’re(t)<br />

t[min]<br />

qr(t) q’r(t)<br />

t[min]<br />

Fig. 4 – Graphs of Tri(t), Tre(t), qr(t) and T’ri(t), T’re(t), q’r(t)<br />

for the positions: “0” and “1” of blind.<br />

The experimental data demonstrate that the blind, who obturates the<br />

radiator, decreases time of the second transient phase and produces a fuel<br />

economy (Table 1).<br />

3. Servomechanism for the Air Flow Control<br />

The car-engine cooling (1) system can be modified through the coolant<br />

flow (qr) or cooling air flow (ΔT=Tri–Tre). A method for the cooling air flow<br />

control is the utilization of blind, who obturates the radiator of car-engine for

158 Marius Receanu et al.<br />

the ambient temperature

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 159<br />

blind is an open position, temperature of coolant in engine has a value<br />

approach to steady states. In this moment the action of the blind is ended.<br />

2. The controller can be with the electronic, electromagnetic switches or<br />

the reliable programmable logic controller–PLC.<br />

3. The servomechanism for cooling air flow control, proposed in the<br />

paper, has a robust structure and limited mechanical angular displacement of the<br />

rockers.<br />

4. The design and adjustment of bi-positional controller is realized<br />

through utilizing of the experiment results.<br />


Dăscălescu S.C.D., Receanu M., Reduction Fuel Consumption Possibilities to Motor<br />

Vechicles by Use of Cooling Air Flow Devices. ESFA. The 7 th International<br />

Conference–Fuel Economy, Safety and Reability of Motor Vehicle, 2003.<br />

Dăscălescu S.C.D., Receanu M., Servomecanism de control al debitului de aer pentru<br />

răcirea radiatorului unui motor termic,RO–BOPI 4/2012, 30.04.2012, p. 36,<br />

Buletinul Oficial de Proprietate Industrială, Secţiunea de Brevete de invenţie<br />

(2012).<br />

Receanu Marius, Dăscălescu S. C. D., Fuel Economy of the Car-engine Using the<br />

Variation of Cooling Air flow. Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, LVI(LX), 4B, s. Construcţii<br />

de Maşini, 67-75 (2010).<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Servomecanismul pentru controlul optim al debitului de aer de răcire al<br />

radiatorului, prezentat în lucrare, funcţionează când temperatura lichidului de răcire care<br />

îl traversează este sub o anumită valoare prescrisă, când autoturismul pleacă după o<br />

staţionare şi temperatura mediului ambiant este sub +5 ˚C. Când clapetele dispozitivului<br />

de obturare sunt deschise, în timpul deplasării autoturismului, temperatura Tm lichidului<br />

de răcire care traversează motorul termic a ajuns, pentru început la o temperatură<br />

apropiată de cea de regim. În acest moment sarcina servomecanismului s-a încheiat, iar<br />

temperatura Tm începe să crească până când este comandat, de exemplu, motorul electric<br />

al ventilatorului la o turaţie mai mare. Funcţionarea servomecanismului este<br />

independentă de cea a unităţii electronice de control a autoturismului (ECU) şi poate fi<br />

comandată de sisteme secvenţiale cu relee electronice, electromagnetice sau automate<br />

programabile (PLC). Construcţia servomecanismului, propusă în lucrare, este una<br />

robustă <strong>din</strong> punct de vedere mecanic şi cu mişcări limitate ale mecanismelor<br />

componente. Proiectarea şi reglarea sistemului de control automat bipoziţional s-a<br />

realizat pe baza încercărilor experimentale expuse în lucrare.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />


“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Romania,<br />

Department of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering<br />

Received: 5 March, 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: 15 March, 2012<br />

Abstract. From a mathematical model, previously developed by the<br />

authors, has done a simulation by inserting subroutines in the software package<br />

MATLAB 6.5 and a CATIA V5R16 environment modeling. By customizing the<br />

model obtained can define it completely stabilized operating modes of<br />

propulsion systems and their dynamic, economic and pollution parameters. This<br />

provides, even the design phase, definition of additional constructive and<br />

functional criteria against the current, to ensure stable and economic operation,<br />

in an area as extensive.<br />

Key words: automotive powertrain, stable and economic operation.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Starting from the mathematical model developed has made a complex<br />

simulation of the propulsion system behavior in various constructive-functional<br />

situations, called MATCEL-PROP. The simulation was performed by inserting<br />

subroutines in the software package MATLAB 6.5 and Excel program. Ad<strong>din</strong>g a<br />

tutorial conducted to facilitate the development program. They could thus reveal<br />

a series of theoretical results, described briefly below.<br />

Determination of basic parameters required simulation was made for a<br />

typical car, VW Golf IV; significant values are highlighted in Fig. 1.<br />

Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: edwardrakosi@yahoo.com

162 Florin Popa et al.<br />

Fig. 2 highlights characteristic of the propulsion system model is chosen,<br />

it is the actual power and timing variations in the actual engine propulsion<br />

system obtained by simulation, in the form of an executable.<br />

Fig. 1 – Basic parameters related coefficients picture.<br />

Fig. 2 – Characteristic of the propulsion system.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 163<br />

2. Simulations<br />

From these raw elements, further presented the most significant results of<br />

simulation MATCEL-PROP, looks especially the problem of propulsion system<br />

stability. Were considered, in particular, common situation of equipment for the<br />

real propulsion system model of car chosen, designed to lead to some<br />

conclusions with applicative features, useful in terms of its mechanical and<br />

functional optimization (Heywood, 1988). Results are summarized using the<br />

variation diagrams of engine torque, Mm, resistant torque reduced to motor<br />

shaft, Mrr and specific fuel consumption, ce, depen<strong>din</strong>g on the angular velocity<br />

ω of motor shaft, presented in figures below (Heisler, 2002),. For each case,<br />

algorithm simulation allows determining the position of the system operating<br />

point correspon<strong>din</strong>g to maximum speed of the car. On the other hand, in order<br />

to emphasize the stability of propulsion, these diagrams contain the tangent<br />

lines to variation curves of torques in the operating point, Fct.tan.Mm,<br />

respectively, Fct.tan.Mrr.<br />

In this respect, a first case simulated and analyzed (ES1) with MATCEL-<br />

PROP considers basic equipment of the propulsion system, which includes an<br />

engine having the effective power value 64 kW, assimilated in the model with<br />

an engine power (Pe=Pm), and a 15" wheel diameter. By assigning the value 4<br />

for main gear ratio, i0, variations in Fig. 3 shows a stable operating point at<br />

maximum speed of 149 km/h, and further characterized by an acceptable<br />

specific effective fuel consumption, respectively 173 g/kWh.<br />

M (Nm)<br />

140<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

stable operation i0=4<br />

Pe=64 [kW], d=15"<br />

1200 2200 3200 4200 5200 6200 n (rpm)<br />

160<br />

230<br />

220<br />

210<br />

200<br />

190<br />

180<br />

170<br />

160<br />

0<br />

150<br />

126 230 335 440 545 649<br />

ω (rad/s)<br />

ce (g/kWh)<br />

Mm<br />

Mr reduced<br />

Fct.tan.Mm<br />

Fct.tan.Mrr<br />

Fig. 3 – Conditions for stable operation of the propulsion<br />

system - highlighted by the simulation phase ES1.<br />

Still increasing main gear ratio by only 0.5, thus lea<strong>din</strong>g to the value<br />

i0=4.5, the propulsion system behavior becomes unstable, speed decreases<br />

slightly the value of 148 km/h, there the premises so that it can not be kept<br />

constant, while the value of specific effective fuel consumption rises to 173<br />

g/kWh to 186.4 g/kWh, situation highlighted by the diagrams in Fig. 4.<br />

On the other hand, from baseline, summarized in Fig. 3, reducing by 0.5<br />

the ratio main gear i0, it reaches i0=3.5, achieve a very stable operating point,<br />

lea<strong>din</strong>g to maximum speed 146.9 km/h, very stable value, made with a specific<br />


164 Florin Popa et al.<br />

effective fuel consumption of 162 g/kWh, which confirms the downward trend<br />

of this important parameter, with increasing stability of the system drive. This<br />

condition simulated propulsion system is presented through results obtained in<br />

Fig. 5.<br />

M (Nm)<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

unstable operation i0=4.5<br />

Pe=64 [kW], d=15"<br />

1200 2200 3200 4200 5200 6200 n (rpm)<br />

140<br />

230<br />

220<br />

210<br />

200<br />

190<br />

180<br />

170<br />

160<br />

0<br />

150<br />

126 230 335 440 545 649<br />

ω (rad/s)<br />

ce (g/kWh)<br />

Mm<br />

Mr reduced<br />

Fct.tan.Mm<br />

Fct.tan.Mrr<br />

Fig. 4 – Conditions for unstable operation of the propulsion<br />

system - highlighted by the simulation phase ES1.<br />

M (Nm)<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

very stable operation i0=3.5<br />

Pe=64 [kW], d=15"<br />

1200 2200 3200 4200 5200 6200 n (rpm)<br />

250<br />

230<br />

220<br />

210<br />

200<br />

190<br />

180<br />

170<br />

160<br />

0<br />

150<br />

126 230 335 440 545 649<br />

ω (rad/s)<br />

ce (g/kWh)<br />

ce<br />

Mm<br />

Mr reduced<br />

Fct.tan.Mm<br />

Fct.tan.Mrr<br />

Fig. 5 Conditions for very stable operation of the propulsion<br />

system - highlighted by the simulation phase ES1.<br />

Continuing the iteration of the MATCEL-PROP, the main gear ratio value<br />

i0=3 is reached extremely stable operation of the propulsion system,<br />

characterized by a maximum speed value of 136.3 km/h, in turn extremely<br />

constant value, in fact the smallest of speed values highlighted in this stage of<br />

the simulation and effective specific fuel consumption decreased to 155.6<br />

g/kWh, situation presented in Fig. 6.<br />

Simulate a situation lea<strong>din</strong>g to opposite results as shown in Fig. 7, the<br />

i0=5 value ratio of the main gear reach a very unstable operation, the operating<br />

point is characterized in this case by the speed increased to 144.9 km/h, but can<br />

not be maintained, obtained at engine speed of 6200 rpm and effective specific<br />

fuel consumption increased to a value of 200.4 g/kWh.<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 165<br />

M (Nm)<br />

300<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

extremely stable operation i0=3<br />

Pe=64 [kW], d=15"<br />

1200 2200 3200 4200 5200 6200 n (rpm)<br />

350<br />

230<br />

220<br />

210<br />

200<br />

190<br />

180<br />

170<br />

160<br />

0<br />

150<br />

126 230 335 440 545 649<br />

ω (rad/s)<br />

ce (g/kWh)<br />

Mm<br />

Mr reduced<br />

Fct.tan.Mm<br />

Fct.tan.Mrr<br />

Fig. 6 – Conditions for extremely stable operation of the propulsion<br />

system - highlighted by the simulation phase ES1.<br />

M (Nm)<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

very unstable operation i0=5<br />

Pe=64 [kW], d=15"<br />

1200 2200 3200 4200 5200 6200 n (rpm)<br />

140<br />

230<br />

220<br />

210<br />

200<br />

190<br />

180<br />

170<br />

160<br />

0<br />

150<br />

126 230 335 440 545 649<br />

ω (rad/s)<br />

ce (g/kWh)<br />

ce<br />

Mm<br />

Mr reduced<br />

Fct.tan.Mm<br />

Fct.tan.Mrr<br />

Fig. 7 – Conditions for very unstable operation of the propulsion<br />

system - highlighted by the simulation phase ES1.<br />

Simulation performed with MATCEL-PROP include a second phase of<br />

study (ES2), which takes into account the above stable conditions, characterized<br />

by the motorization of 64 kW and the main gear ratio value i0=4, but with twostage<br />

change diameter wheels. Thus, a diameter of 15"was increased to 16".<br />

The third phase of study (ES3) addressed through simulation MATCEL-<br />

PROP envisages an engine characterized by increased power to 74 kW, keeping<br />

the basic diameter of the wheel motors, thus is 15", but with the i0 main gear<br />

ratio change, with steps of 0.5 in the range of normal values. Stable operation is<br />

achieved with the main gear ratio i0=3.7.<br />

The simulation is MATCEL-PROP addresses equally the fourth stage of<br />

the study (ES4), leaving, primarily from reduced engine power, thus is 54 kW<br />

and secondly, as described above, driving wheel diameter 15". Also, in this case<br />

is considered the i0 main gear ratio change with steps of 0.5. Initializing the<br />

study from i0=4.2 is reached to a stable operating state. The results obtained in<br />

the four stages of the study are summarized in Fig. 8, Fig. 9, Fig. 10 and Fig. 11,<br />

actually describing simulated behavior of the propulsion system, assessed by the<br />

stability parameter variation Δ .<br />


166 Florin Popa et al.<br />

Fig. 8 – Variation of stability parameter with main gear ratio change obtained by<br />

simulating MATCEL-PROP for propulsion engine power of 64 kW.<br />

Fig. 9 – Variation of stability parameter obtained by simulating<br />

MATCEL-PROP for changing wheel diameter.<br />

Fig. 10 – Variation of stability parameter with main gear ratio change obtained<br />

by simulating MATCEL-PROP for propulsion engine power of 74 kW.<br />

Fig. 11 – Variation of stability parameter with main gear ratio change obtained<br />

by simulating MATCEL-PROP for propulsion engine power of 54 kW.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 167<br />

On the other hand, the evolution of specific fuel consumption values for<br />

different states of the propulsion system is highlighted in Fig. 12. It can thus be<br />

noted that increased stability during operation of the propulsion system, values<br />

of these inputs are reduced, which is very advantageous.<br />

effective specific fuel consumption, ce [g/kWh]<br />

190<br />

185<br />

180<br />

175<br />

170<br />

165<br />

160<br />

155<br />

unstable operation<br />

stable operation<br />

very stable<br />

operation<br />

Fig. 12 – Evolution of effective specific fuel consumption values<br />

for different states of the propulsion system.<br />

Using the Fig. 13 a,b,c shown the variation of these inputs for the three<br />

states of the system, and that each state consumption values are very close<br />

together, being practically constant regardless of equipment and characteristics<br />

of propulsion system that obtains the condition of its.<br />

173<br />

180<br />

160<br />

140<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

171.16 0<br />

173<br />

a.<br />

166.2<br />

186.4<br />

200<br />

180<br />

160<br />

140<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

183.9 0<br />

186.4<br />

161.1<br />

181.5<br />

180162<br />

160<br />

140<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

c.<br />

Fig. 13 – The range of values of effective specific fuel consumption<br />

correspon<strong>din</strong>g of the three states of propulsion system.<br />

b.<br />


168 Florin Popa et al.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. Based on MATCEL-PROP simulation, design using CATIA V5R16<br />

environment has created a virtual model of transmission (Sun, Kolmanovsky,<br />

Cook & Buckland, 2005), as a complex part of the propulsion system for the<br />

most stable operating situation highlighted. It was also considered the modeling<br />

of dynamic phenomena mainly in order to validate the equivalent mechanical<br />

model of the propulsion system.<br />

2. Since the equivalent model substitute the presence of trees, gears and<br />

other rotating masses, specific to propulsion system, also was considered useful<br />

an evaluation of a discrete model of the propulsion system, encompassing such<br />

elements assimilated in mechanical model.<br />

3. Thus, the Fig. 14 is presented all the rotating masses of real gearbox<br />

model consisting of a mechanical gearbox with fixed axes, with 5-speed<br />

synchronized.<br />

Fig. 14 – Virtual model for meshing the principal elements<br />

of propulsion system based on the simulation performed.<br />


Heisler H., Advanced Vehicle Technology, Elsevier Science. Reed Educational and<br />

Professional Publishing, 2nd edition, 2002.<br />

Heywood J. B., Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals. McGraw-Hill Series in<br />

Mechanical Engineering, Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication, 1988.<br />

Sun J., Kolmanovsky I., Cook J.A., Buckland J.H., Modeling and Control of Automotive<br />

Powertrain Systems: A Tutorial. Procee<strong>din</strong>gs of the American Control<br />

Conference, June 8-10, Portland, OR, USA, 5, 2005, pp. 3271-3283

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 169<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Lucrarea prezintă un model virtual al sistemului de propulsie generat de autori în<br />

mediul de proiectare CATIA V5R16 şi elaborarea programului de simulare MATCEL-<br />

PROP.<br />

Prin utilizarea modelului virtual s-a căutat zona de maximă stabilitate în<br />

funcţionare pentru sistemele de propulsie auto.<br />

La definirea acestui model s-a luat în considerare şi posibilitatea de modelare a<br />

fenomenelor <strong>din</strong>amice, în principal cu scopul de a valida modelul mecanic echivalent al<br />

sistemului de propulsie.<br />

Deoarece modelul echivalent substituie prezenţa arborilor, roţilor <strong>din</strong>ţate şi a<br />

altor mase de rotaţie, specifice sistemului de propulsie, a fost de asemenea considerată<br />

utilă o evaluare a modelului discret al sistemului de propulsie care să cuprindă aceste<br />

elemente asimilate în modelul mecanic.<br />

Prin personalizarea modelului obţinut se pot defini regimurile de funcţionare<br />

stabilă a sistemele de propulsie auto precum şi parametrii lor <strong>din</strong>amici şi economici încă<br />

<strong>din</strong> faza de concepţie.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />


“Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi,<br />

Department of Thermal Systems and Environmental Engineering<br />

Received: 30 March 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: 13 April 2012<br />

Abstract. The paper presents the calculation of propulsion system<br />

components for different regimes of operation. Choosing the type of<br />

propulsion system must be the result of a technical-economic analysis that<br />

takes into consideration all factors that depend on the safety ship and<br />

economically operation. Propulsion performance are determined for linear<br />

movement of the ship. The ship must carry the parameters for which it<br />

was designed and built, thus satisfying all the technical aspects and<br />

economic.<br />

Key words: energetic plant, propeller, deadweight, Diesel.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Power plants with internal combustion engines, which particularly<br />

become modern automatic systems, cannot be conceived without taking into<br />

consideration the efficiency degree, their framing in minim power, fuel,<br />

material or time consumption.<br />

The shape and size of the ship is of particular importance on the<br />

resistance to progress.<br />

Actual marine engines with compression ignition operating regimes of<br />

power and speed variables, implying change parameters indicate, effective,<br />

characterizing the engine operating regime.<br />

* e-mail: Mariana.Lupchian@ugal.ro

172 Mariana Lupchian<br />

Propulsion engines work in different operating conditions determined by<br />

the technical condition of the ship and propulsion plant and external factors that<br />

influence the operation. Conducting actual work processes of an engine is<br />

accompanied by the appearance of additional losses that adversely affect engine<br />

power and economy.<br />

For naval propulsion plant with internal combustion engines is<br />

considered as independent variables which give its operating regimes by the<br />

functional characteristics of internal combustion engine, power transmission<br />

characteristics, and consumer characteristics.<br />

2. Problem Formulation<br />

2.1. Calculation of Propulsion System Components<br />

Advance relative propeller is<br />

va<br />

J = , (1)<br />

n D<br />

el el<br />

Where: va – feed speed of the propeller; J – the relative advance of propeller in<br />

water; Del= 5.8 m – the propeller diameter; nel – the propeller rotation rot/s.<br />

v = v(1 − w)<br />

, (2)<br />

a<br />

where v m/s – the ship speed; w – shipwake coefficient; H/D m – the relative<br />

pitch of the propeller; zelice = 1 – number of propellers.<br />

4<br />

T = k ρn D [N], (3)<br />

2<br />

1 el el<br />

where k1 – the coeficient of pushing the propeller; ρ – density of water kg/m 3 .<br />

RT<br />

T = [N]; (4)<br />

( 1−<br />

t)<br />

where t – coefficient of suction; RT – ship resistance in advancement, kN; T –<br />

pushing propeller, N; Mel – torque of the propeller, Nm; k2 – the torque<br />

coefficient,<br />

2 5<br />

el 2 e el<br />

Propeller efficiency calculated with<br />

M = k ρn D .<br />

(5)<br />

J k1<br />

η0<br />

= . (6)<br />

2π<br />

k<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 173<br />

3. Case Study<br />

Characteristics of the ship: petroleum is equipped with a propeller, the<br />

propulsion of the vessel being provided by a diesel engine MAN B & W & 6cylinder.<br />

Engine power: 9480 kW, 127 rpm; deadweight in the sea water is 37000<br />

tdw, speed of service: 15 Nd. The ship is equipped with three Diesel generators<br />

each with many 6 cylinder in-line power of 960 kW, speed 900 rpm.<br />

Deadweight in the sea water is 37000 tdw. The manufacturer is running a<br />

trial race at full load, ship ballast water is high, the draft of 10.50 m, the draft<br />

load is 11 m. The ship is equipped with a fixed pitch propeller with four blades:<br />

DW – deadweight 37000 t; L,B,H – lenght, breadth, height of the construction; L<br />

– length overall: 179.96 m; B – beam of ship: 32.20 m; H – height 16.50 m; w –<br />

ship wake coefficient; zp – the number of the propeller’s blades; ηel – propeller’s<br />

efficiency in open water; D – the propeller diameter =5.8 m.<br />

Table 1<br />

Results obtained (ship loaded)<br />

Nr crt. v , [Nd] n , [rot/min] va , [m/s] t η0 J<br />

1. 9.448 80 3.3514 0.242 0.4641 0.4334<br />

2. 10.629 90 3.7773 0.242 0.4928 0.4342<br />

3. 11.810 100 4.2036 0.242 0.5161 0.4348<br />

4. 13.700 116 4.8868 0.242 0.5329 0.4348<br />

5. 14.999 127 5.3571 0.242 0.5249 0.4363<br />

6. 15.483 131 5.5325 0.242 0.5167 0.4369<br />

Table 2<br />

Results obtained (navigation in ballast)<br />

Nr. crt. v, [Nd] n ,[rot/min] va , [m/s] t η0 J<br />

1. 9.448 80 3.3049 0.243 0.574624 0.4273<br />

2. 10.629 90 3.7258 0.243 0.583859 0.4282<br />

3. 11.810 100 4.1473 0.243 0.586627 0.4290<br />

4. 13.700 116 4.8227 0.243 0.569931 0.4301<br />

5. 14.999 127 5.2878 0.243 0.540355 0.4307<br />

6. 15.483 131 5.4613 0.243 0.524893 0.4313

174 Mariana Lupchian<br />

Fig. 1 – The propeller efficiency of naval propulsion (ship loaded).<br />

Fig. 2 – The propeller efficiency of naval propulsion<br />

(navigation in ballast)<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The result is maximum efficiency of the propeller η0 = 0.586627, ship<br />

speed v = 11.810 Nd for navigation in ballast. The propeller efficiency η0 =<br />

=0.5329, ship speed v = 13.700 Nd to load navigation.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 175<br />

2. When designing the propulsion is looking to reduce the size of the<br />

compartment size of machines, to increase the size warehouses for goods<br />

transported and increase passenger space, but taking into account the records of<br />

the prescriptions governing class sizes for convenient and safe exploitation of<br />

the energy of the ship.<br />

3. The problem of achieving the energy plant with internal combustion<br />

engines with advanced technical, thermodynamic and high operating with their<br />

deployment of profitable and competitive economic activities.<br />


Bidoaie I., Sârbu N., Chirica I., Ionaş O. Indrumar de proiectare pentru teoria navei.<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> “Dunarea de Jos”, Galaţi, 1986.<br />

Caraghiulea M. (Lupchian), Exergetic Analysis of a Naval Propulsion Plant With<br />

Internal Combustion Engine Procee<strong>din</strong>gs Of The Internationally Attended<br />

National Conference on Thermodynamics, Vol. 2C, Braşov, 2009, pp. 311-314.<br />

Caraghiulea M. (Lupchian), Thermoeconomic Optimization for a Naval Propulsion<br />

Plants with Internal Combustion Engines by Using Nonlinear Programming<br />

Methods. Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, LIV(LVIII), 2, s. Secţia Construcţii de maşini,<br />

129-133 (2008).<br />

Ceangă V., Mocanu C. I., Teodorescu C, Dinamica sistemelor de propulsie. Ed.<br />

Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti, 2003.<br />

Dumitru Gh. Maşini şi instalaţii de propulsie navale. I, 1, I, 2, <strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>din</strong><br />

Galaţi, 1979.<br />

Simionov M., Instalaţii de propulsie navală. Ed. Universităţii <strong>din</strong> Galaţi, 2009.<br />



Lucrarea prezintă calculul componentelor sistemului de propulsie pentru diferite<br />

regimuri de funcţionare ale instalaţiei energetice navale. Calculul este făcut pentru<br />

navigaţia petrolierului în balast şi pentru cursa cu încărcătură.<br />

Alegerea tipului de sistem de propulsie trebuie să fie rezultatul unei analize<br />

tehnico-economice care să ia în considerare toţi factorii de care depinde siguranţa navei.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />



BY<br />


Received: 17 March 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: 28 March 2012<br />

“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi,<br />

1 Department of Hydraulic,<br />

2 Department of Mechanical Engineering<br />

Abstract. The Diesel engine is known to generate great impellent/<br />

propulsion and is becoming increasingly sought at the moment. The emergence<br />

of injection systems of gasoline engines and the requirements of emissions'<br />

reduction conducted to new solutions development so the Diesel engine can be<br />

used for trucks and cars, alike. These facts seem to have solved the exigencies in<br />

the development of so called Common Rail injection system. The present<br />

scientific approach is focused on Common Rail injection systems, in general and<br />

on mainly solenoid injectors, in relation with certain functional problems and<br />

correction factors<br />

Key words: Diesel engine, common rail, injector, cavitations.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Injection equipment is designed to feed the engine combustion chamber<br />

with fuel, so that burning meets at any time the engine operating regime,<br />

determined to turn its external load. Diesel engine operation is based on selfignition<br />

of fuel injected and sprayed into the engine cylinders when the intake<br />

air above reaches, by compressing the piston cylinder, a temperature sufficient<br />

to produce self -ignition. For proper and economic operation engine at the same<br />

time, injection equipment must meet several requirements, among which the<br />

most important are:<br />

* Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: nnrcvasile@yahoo.com

178 Vasile Gabriel Nenerica et al.<br />

i) To raise fuel pressure to a specified value and to spray into the<br />

combustion chamber so that air and fuel mixture is as good as possible and<br />

combustion is more complete.<br />

ii) Fuel injection-start at some point and finish within a well established<br />

time.<br />

iii) Fuel-injection to be made in accordance with the engine combustion<br />

process in terms of position and shape of the jet.<br />

iv) To inject an appropriate amount of fuel to the engine load at any time.<br />

Since fuel injection should be done with great precision, both in volume<br />

and time, and at a very high pressure, it is required that the clearances among<br />

moving parts that are pumping circuit be very small (1-3 microns). This leads to<br />

the need of a better execution of the pumping element , the relief valve and the<br />

spray especially with the highest precision encountered in engineering. As a<br />

result, size, shape and mutual position deviations of these parts work surfaces<br />

are prescribed and produced in very tight limits, and the same surface roughness<br />

is very small that the injection equipment is manufactured at high precision,<br />

which requires special attention from the operation and repair units.<br />

Fuel injection equipment is made up, in the order passed through by the<br />

fuel, of the following: fuel tank, fuel pump, low pressure pipes, filter battery<br />

(pre-cleaning filter and final filter), the injection pump with regulator, high<br />

pressure pipes, injection and spraying.<br />

The main functions of the high pressure system are provided by the high<br />

pressure injection pump. Thus, the pressure of injection, the dosage amount of<br />

fuel per cycle and cylinder, the injection advance, as well as the optimum<br />

injection characteristics during injection are achieved by the injection pump.<br />

Injection pumps are classified accor<strong>din</strong>g to several criteria:<br />

І. Depen<strong>din</strong>g on the service cylinder engine there can be distinguished:<br />

a) individual pumps;<br />

b) injector pump;<br />

c) rotary distributor pumps;<br />

d) pump line, characteristic of this class is that each cylinder of the<br />

engine is served by one outlet item.<br />

II. After dose adjustment method of diesel:<br />

a) invariable aspiration and partial discharge (eg, piston pumps, gate);<br />

b) variable intake and total discharge (rotary distributor pumps);<br />

III. By mode of operation of the pumping element:<br />

a) mechanical (cam);<br />

b) electromagnetic actuator;

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 179<br />

The main problem with injection pumps is to reach high injection<br />

pressures. Values up to 140 MPa maximum injection pressure can be ensured<br />

only by piston pumps. Size injection pressure implies high requirements to<br />

accuracy of execution of the piston and cylinder pumping element as well as to<br />

sealing the couple parts from the external environment. These requirements<br />

have led to reduction of functional clearances between piston and cylinder to<br />

values of 1.5 ... 3.0 μm and production of certain construction with increased<br />

plunger length compared to its diameter.<br />

This implementation involves fine grin<strong>din</strong>g operations, with extremely<br />

limited deviations in form, surface quality and their mutual position, and<br />

running operations of the piston and cylinder mating. Piston-cylinder torque<br />

thus obtained has the component parts interchangeable.<br />

2. Common Rail System<br />

Common rail is a direct injection type, used in internal combustion<br />

engines, particularly with compression ignition engines. The most important<br />

aspect of a common rail engine is that, distribution of fuel to the injectors is a<br />

main pipeline (hence the common rail) with high pressure to each injector<br />

separately.<br />

The basic idea of the system is creating pressure for injection to occur<br />

independently of the engine speed, and fuel pressure at low speed is still<br />

maximum.<br />

The so called pressure, common rail, has meantime reached that the<br />

German Bosch company and Japanese DENSO to build power pumps that can<br />

sustain pressures up to 2000 bar, presented in 17/09/2007 at IAA (Internationale<br />

Automobil-Ausstellung) Frankfurt.<br />

This system, developed after more than 15 years, but was brought to<br />

commercial use only a few years ago. The system was manufactured by Fiat in<br />

the '80s, but those who have implemented for the first time in a vehicle for sale,<br />

was Mercedes. After them, others have followed, one of them being Peugeot<br />

that in 2000 had spectacular sales increases on vans equipped with such system.<br />

The visible difference from the old system is that fuel injection does not go<br />

directly to the injectors to pump but it builds a common platform and from there<br />

goes directly to the injectors.<br />

Development of common rail injection system was done trying to follow<br />

the principles of gas injection. Many ideas are taken from this system.<br />

The advantages that this system brings from previous versions of diesel<br />

injection systems are:<br />

1. Harm reduction due to better fuel spray into cylinder and due to better<br />

control over the amount of fuel entering the cylinder during injection, CO2<br />

emissions be reduced by up to 20% and carbon monoxide level is reduced by up<br />

to 40%. Unburnt hydrocarbons are decreased by 50%.

180 Vasile Gabriel Nenerica et al.<br />

2. Better fuel spraying is due to high pressure injection that is achieved<br />

during injection (allow the use of same smaller nozzle holes). Such a method is<br />

shown in Fig. 1.<br />

Fig.1 – How to increase flowrate (www.delphi.com).<br />

In the old injection system injection pressure was limited by structural<br />

considerations as follows: the long distance of pipelines from the fuel pump to<br />

the injection pressure limited the increase because of the debt resonance<br />

phenomena which could occur in the pipeline. Even when the engine is stopped<br />

the fuel from common rail pressure is the same so that when it is needed to be<br />

sent to the injector in the shortest time. As a result a second ignition called post<br />

combustion is now possible by using a small amount of diesel fuel in the main<br />

explosive phase on loads of fuel injectors.The result is that it eliminates unburnt<br />

diesel particles after the first explosion reducing hazards through a catalytic<br />

heating installation faster.<br />

3. Reduction of fuel consumption, a doubling of torque at low revs and<br />

increases up to 25% of engine power. It also reduces noise and vibration level<br />

specific to Macs.<br />

4. Better control of injection timing leads to a quieter running engine, a<br />

better performance with a lower consumption;<br />

5. High reliability of engines equipped with such a system.<br />

The system consists of a fuel tank, electric fuel pump (which may exist or<br />

not) that serves to bring fuel from the tank through a filter to the high-pressure<br />

pump, the high pressure pump, a common rail, pipeline and injectors. On cars<br />

fitted with electric pump, when running out of fuel (it was a big problem of

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 181<br />

diesel engines) the pump does not have to be primed because high-pressure<br />

pump is primed due the electric pump. To those not equipped with electric<br />

pump, there is a manual pump located by the filter cartridge and which is<br />

designed to prime the high-pressure pump. However, there are cars that have<br />

none of them, and then the ignition has to be achieved through old methods (eg<br />

Opel Astra 1.7 CDTI has not got such a pump, Renault Megane 1.5 DCI has<br />

got a manual pump).<br />

From filter cartridge, fuel reaches to high pressure pump. The role of<br />

high-pressure pump is to raise fuel pressure to around 2000 bar a wide range of<br />

speeds (Fig. 2).<br />

Fig. 2 – Pressure variation depen<strong>din</strong>g on the speed.<br />

Fig. 3 – Common rail system (www.delphi.com).

182 Vasile Gabriel Nenerica et al.<br />

where 1 – the unit dose; 2 – the temperature sensor; 3 – the high pressure pump;<br />

4 – the pressure sensor; 5 – the injector; 6 – the Venturi; 7 – the valve; 8 – the<br />

rail; 9 – the fuel filter<br />

The values vary from one engine type to another, pressure reaching from<br />

1500 up to 2500 bar. The high-pressure pump is designed to transport fuel from<br />

the tank through a transfer pump that is built into the high pressure pump body.<br />

The fuel, leaves the pump through a unique pipe lea<strong>din</strong>g to the central rail.<br />

The Ramp pressure of fuel taken into account by the pressure sensor in<br />

the common rail pipe is then sent like signal to the engine control unit.<br />

Common rail pressure is regulated by the dosage unit. Dosage unit is<br />

commanded by the engine control unit.<br />

Injection period begins with component command injection via the<br />

engine control unit.<br />

Injection takes place as long as the injector is controlled.<br />

Current common rail systems allows the multiple division of injection<br />

for an improved combustion process.<br />

This common rail, feeds injectors through special pipes for high pressure,<br />

equal in length so that the pressure does not differ to injectors. Precision<br />

injectors or piezo-electric are controlled electronically commanded by the<br />

computer engine ECU (Electronic Control Unit) which can inject fuel up to six<br />

times per cycle combustion cylinder. Controlled injection can be performed at<br />

will, before, during, and after the burning, through which a lower noise is<br />

achieved, a reduction of NOx, CO2, CO, hydrocarbon accor<strong>din</strong>g emissions<br />

standards (Fig. 4) and a better combustion for soot.<br />

Fig. 4 - European emissions standards [www.delphi.com]<br />

One of the most complex components of the injection sistem is Injector.<br />

Because it operates at very high pressures, 1600…2200 bar, the clearances are<br />

very small, micron, and require processing with the latest technology and<br />

assembly to be in rooms where humidity, temperature and cleanliness are<br />

controlled. Injector is very complex and requires a well developed series of<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 183<br />

A very important factor in direct injection diesel engines is the quality of<br />

the diesel spray. An improvement in the air fuel mixing leads to a better<br />

combustion process that results in higher performance, but also modifies<br />

pollutant emissions (Pierpont&Reitz, 1995). The spray characteristics are<br />

strongly influenced by the nature of the flow inside the injection nozzle hole<br />

(Sazhin et al., 2001, Pavri et al., 2004). This internal flow is largely dependent<br />

on the presence of the cavitation phenomenon (Soteriou et al., 1995, Chaves et<br />

al., 1995). On the other hand, momentum flux is a very important parameter for<br />

predicting the mixing potential of injection processes. Despite this, there are<br />

very few studies that use this kind of measurement (Kampmann et al., 1996;<br />

Siebers, 1999). Important factors such as spray penetration, spray cone angle<br />

and air entrainment depend largely on spray momentum (Rajaratnam, 1974).<br />

With the simultaneous determination of the momentum and mass flux it is<br />

possible to determine the velocity in the outlet section of the nozzle hole. In Fig.<br />

5, point i corresponds to the upstream point where velocity could be neglected.<br />

Point b corresponds to the outlet section of the hole. (Payri et al., 2004). It can<br />

be seen in Fig. 5 how the cavitation influence injection.<br />

Fig. 5 – Fluid separation inside a Diesel nozzle hole.<br />

The phase transition from liquid to vapour of a fluid due to low pressure<br />

is called cavitation. Cavitation in a diesel nozzle appears at the inlet of the<br />

nozzle hole. In this region, and due to the strong change in cross-section and<br />

flow direction, the boundary layer tends to separate from the hole wall and a socalled<br />

“vena contracta” is established. As a consequence, a recirculation zone<br />

appears between the vena contracta and the orifice wall. In this zone, there is a

184 Vasile Gabriel Nenerica et al.<br />

pressure depression due to the acceleration of the fluid. If the static pressure<br />

falls below vapour pressure then the phenomenon of cavitation will take place<br />

(Bergwerk, 1959).<br />

This is one of the most dangerous and thus one of the most difficult<br />

problems of the injectors. This problem was solved by changing the geometry<br />

of the spray holes. In the case of the cylindrical nozzle, the minimum pressure<br />

suddenly falls to a minimum value of 0 MPa in an area that can be located at the<br />

upper corner of the orifice inlet. Considering that the vapour pressure is 0.08<br />

MPa, the critical pressure conditions of the onset of cavitation are achieved for<br />

the cylindrical nozzle. Nevertheless, for the convergent nozzle the minimum<br />

pressure is 6 MPa at the orifice exit, thus avoi<strong>din</strong>g any cavitation phenomenon.<br />

Therefore, considering this definition, a critical cavitation number of Kcrit=1.25<br />

is found for the cylindrical nozzle which is the same as the value found<br />

experimentally for the pressure of 30 MPa in Fig. 6. Nevertheless, in the case of<br />

the convergent nozzle, even with an injection pressure of 130 MPa, critical<br />

cavitating conditions were not reached, as experiments have shown (Payri et al.,<br />

2004).<br />

Fig. 6 – Results of the pressure field for the cylindrical (left) and conical (right) nozzle.<br />

Pi=30 MPa, Pb=6 MPa.<br />

3. Conclusions<br />

1. Common rail injection system can operate at very high pressures and<br />

thus combustion is much better, so pollution is much lower<br />

2. With the advent of new processing technology and games could shrink<br />

the componentsand diameter spray holes lea<strong>din</strong>g to increased pressure injection.<br />

3. The cylindrical nozzle, cavitation was detected due to a collapse of<br />

mass flow.<br />

4. This resultmeans that the discharge coefficient will decrease when the<br />

cavitation coefficient decreases.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 185<br />

5. Conical nozzle cavitation effects have not even under severe pressure,<br />

which was explained by means of numerical simulations.<br />


Bergwerk., Flow Pattern in Diesel Nozzle Spray Holes. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., 173(25)<br />

(1959).<br />

Chaves H., Knapp M., Kubitzek A., Experimental Study of Cavitation in the Nozzle<br />

Hole of Diesel Injectors Using Transparent Nozzles. SAE Paper 950290 (1995).<br />

Kampmann S., Dittus B., Mattes P., Kirner M., The Influence of Hydro at VCO Nozzles<br />

on the mixture preparation in a DI diesel engine. SAE Paper 960867 (1996).<br />

Payri F., Bermudez V., Payri R., Salvador F.J., The Influence of Cavitation on the<br />

Internal Flow and the Spray Characteristics in Diesel Injection Nozzles. Fuel, 83,<br />

419-31 (2004).<br />

Payri R., Garcia J.M., Salvador F.J., Gimeno J., Using Spray Momentum Flux<br />

Measurements to Understand the Influence of Diesel Nozzle Geometry on Spray<br />

Characteristics. Science Direct Paper Fuel, 84, 551-561 (2005).<br />

Pierpont D.A., Reitz R.D., Effects on Injection Pressure and Nozzle Geometry on DI<br />

Diesel Emissions and Performance. SAE Paper 950604 (1995).<br />

Rajaratnam N., Turbulent Jets. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1974.<br />

Sazhin S.S., Feng G., Heikal M.R., A Model for Fuel Spray Penetration. Fuel, 80,2171-<br />

2180 (2001).<br />

Siebers D., Scaling Liquid-phase Penetration in Diesel Sprays Based on Mixing-limited<br />

Vaporization. SAE Paper 1999-01-0528 (1999).<br />

Soteriou C., Smith M., Andrews R., Direct Injection Diesel Sprays and the Effects of<br />

Cavitation and Hydraulic Flip on Atomization. SAE Paper 950080 (1995).<br />


(Rezumat)<br />

Se prezintă sistemul de injecţie Common Rail, adică rampa comună, componenta<br />

cât şi modul de funcţionare. De asemenea, am prezentat şi una <strong>din</strong> cele mai dificile<br />

probleme ale injectorului acestui sistem de injecţie şi anume cavitaţia. Acest fenomen<br />

este prezent în interiorul injectorului dar cel mai frecvent apare la orificiile de<br />

pulverizare. Fenomenul de cavitaţie poate fi evitat prin modificarea formelor geometrice<br />

ale orificiilor, şi anume <strong>din</strong> orificii cilindrice în orificii conice. Experimentele au arătat<br />

că astfel fenomenul de cavitaţie nu mai apare şi mai mult de atât, forma jetului este mult<br />

mai bună.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />


Received: May, 26, 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: June 30, 2012<br />

1 Technical Sciences Academy from Romania<br />

2 "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iaşi<br />

3 "Politehnica" University of Bucharest<br />

Abstract. The chromoplastic material is a compounded polymer prepared<br />

at the Chemical Research Institute from Bucharest. A tensile test characteristic<br />

type Prandtl was obtained for this material. Also, a color changing was observed<br />

at the occurrence of the plastic joint, whiten in color when a tensile flow, and<br />

darken in color when a compression load flow is producing.<br />

Authors present pure shear tests results researches on chromoplastic<br />

material specimens, processed accor<strong>din</strong>g to ASTM requirements, which is based<br />

on Iosipescu shear test method. The elasticity theory relations are used and FEM<br />

numerical verifications are carried though to determine the shear broken stress,<br />

crack initiation and fracture section shape.<br />

This work shows benefits of using chromoplastic materials in elastic-plastic<br />

and plastic domain researches.<br />

Key words: chromoplastic material, pure shear, plastic domain, electrical<br />

resistive strain transducers, finite elements.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Strength and rigidity, as well as the industrial or civil structures integrity<br />

calculations fulfilling, requires the knowledge of mechanical and elastic<br />

characteristics of materials and load applied. New materials issuing and<br />

numerical analysis methods development of the stress and strain state by<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: atanasiucostica@yahoo.com

188 Costică Atanasiu et al.<br />

computer programs, requires knowledge of these characteristics, which are<br />

experimentally determined.<br />

Iosipescu has established the pure shear test specimens shape (Iosipescu,<br />

1962; 1963), the way to accomplish the test, and also the shear fixture. Iosipescu<br />

revealed by photo-elasticity studies that the notches sides should be at 90º<br />

and the notch depth must represent a quarter specimen width, in order the shear<br />

stress be constant on the entire shear section. The pure shear method and the<br />

fixture, designed by Iosipescu, were patented in Romania, U. S. A., Switzerland,<br />

Germany and these were the basis of ASTM (ASTM D5379, 2005) on this<br />

test.<br />

2. Experimental Tests<br />

For determine the mechanical and elastic characteristics of the<br />

chromoplastic SDP2 material (Bălan et al., 1964) tensile tests were performed<br />

on a INSTRON 8801 testing machine, with 10mm diameter specimens load at a<br />

strain rate of 0.1mm/min. The material tensile test characteristic shown in Fig. 1<br />

allowed to obtain the module of elasticity E=3200MPa and the yiel<strong>din</strong>g limit<br />

σc=42MPa. This characteristic, resulted from the tensile test, is a slight<br />

hardening Prandtl type curve, having Ep=E/90 slope.<br />

Fig. 1 – The chromoplastic material tensile test characteristic curve.<br />

Shear behavior material research was performed on standard specimens<br />

(ASTM D5379, 2005), shape and size are shown in Figure 2. Specimens were<br />

taken from a 10mm thickness material plate. Loa<strong>din</strong>g to pure shear specimens<br />

was performed using a shear fixture (Mareş et al., 2006; Leiţoiu et al., 2007)<br />

mounted in a WDW50 testing machine, as is shown in Fig. 3.<br />

A special strain-gauge rosette N2A-06-C032A-500 (Micro-<br />

Measurements) was installed in the shear section between the specimen notches<br />

for determining the shear module of the chromoplastic material. This rosette<br />

contains two strain gauges, with side-by-side grids, each aligned to the principal

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 189<br />

extensional strain directions, at 45º in respect with the shear section. The shear<br />

strain is obtained from the relation between the extensional strains (Atanasiu &<br />

Jiga, 2006)<br />

γ=± ε − ε<br />

(1)<br />

( )<br />

1 2 .<br />

Fig. 2 – Pure shear specimen (ASTM D5379, 2005).<br />

Fig. 3 – The specimen in the pure shear fixture.<br />

Connecting the gauges in a Wheatstone half-bridge measurements circuit,<br />

is obtained at the instrument the shear strain<br />

ε = ε − ε<br />

(2)<br />

instr 1 2 ,<br />

where, ε1 is supplied by the first gauge, and ε2 – by the second gauge of the<br />

rosette.<br />

From Eqs. (1) and (2) is conclu<strong>din</strong>g

190 Costică Atanasiu et al.<br />

γ= ε<br />

(3)<br />

instr .<br />

The measurements were performed with N2322/N2314 and P3 Vishay<br />

recor<strong>din</strong>g Wheatstone electronic bridges, and the shear characteristic data were<br />

used for buil<strong>din</strong>g the curves shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. The slopes of that<br />

curves are the shear module of the chromoplastic material. The shear module<br />

G=1241MPa (from the first curve) and G=1072MPa (from the second curve)<br />

was obtained after a statistical processing of data.<br />

Fig. 4 – The shear characteristic obtained from data supplied by N2322/N2314.<br />

Fig. 5 – The shear characteristic curve obtained from data supplied by P3-Vishay<br />

electronic bridge.<br />

Table 1<br />

Test machine crosshead movement near the limit values of the applied load<br />

Crosshead<br />

Crosshead The limit<br />

Specimen<br />

movement near<br />

the maximum<br />

Maximum<br />

force, N<br />

movement near<br />

the elasticity<br />

force of the<br />

elasticity<br />

force, mm<br />

limit, mm domain, N<br />

1 2.9475 4459 2.2762 3891<br />

2 2.6363 4296 1.8500 3501<br />

3 2.7812 4336 2.2150 3930<br />

4 2.6325 4416 1.9712 3820

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 191<br />

The shear stress state in the symmetry notch section was studied on four<br />

specimens. In Fig. 6 is drawn the variation of the crosshead position, which load<br />

the fixture and the specimen, in respect with the force, for one of the specimens.<br />

The Table 1 contains the most important values of the force and the movement<br />

of the crosshead for all specimens. In Table 2 are listed the maximum shear<br />

stress for the tested chromoplastic material. These values are slightly affected<br />

by imperfections of specimens processing, especially in the notch angle, notch<br />

tip radius, notch symmetry in respect with the longitu<strong>din</strong>al axis processing.<br />

Load [kN]<br />

Table 2<br />

Maximum shear stress in the pure shear specimens<br />

Specimen Sectional area<br />

mm 2<br />

Maximum load, N Maximum shear<br />

stress, MPa<br />

1 126.25 4462 35.34<br />

2 126.50 4297 33.97<br />

3 126.05 4336 34.40<br />

4 125.44 4416 35.20<br />

5<br />

4.5<br />

4<br />

3.5<br />

3<br />

2.5<br />

2<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

0 2 4 6 8 10<br />

Deformation [mm]<br />

Fig. 6 – The test machine crosshead movement in respect with the load force<br />

applied to the specimen.<br />

The same appearance fracture of chromoplastic material specimens also<br />

can be found to the graphite polycrystalline specimens (Manhani et al., 2007).

192 Costică Atanasiu et al.<br />

The same appearance fracture of chromoplastic material specimens also<br />

can be found to the graphite polycrystalline specimens (Manhani et al., 2007).<br />

Fig. 7 – Broken specimens.<br />

Fig. 8 – The material simplified characteristic curve.<br />

3. Numerical Determinations<br />

The numerical analysis by finite element method for a chromoplastic<br />

material specimen, at the maximum crosshead test machine displacement, was<br />

carried out in linear and nonlinear regime.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 193<br />

Fig. 9 – The gripping elements in the FEM of the Iosipescu specimen.<br />

Fig 10 – Crosshead movements in vertical direction of Iosipescu specimen halves.<br />

The elastic domain study shows that shear stress is constant in the<br />

specimen minimum area section and the maximum normal stress is at 45º in<br />

respect with specimen axis, being parallel to the notch side. The simplified<br />

material characteristic σ−ε, for the nonlinear behavior regime, was used a<br />

Prandtl type curve, having a hardening slope Ep=35.5MPa (Fig. 8).<br />

The gripping and the load assigned to the model elements was properly to<br />

the fixture load transfer from test machine to specimen (Fig. 9).<br />

In Fig. 10 is shown the vertical movement of the crosshead in relation<br />

with the applied load, experimentally obtained, and in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 is<br />

shown the maximum normal stress distribution, and, respectively, the<br />

equivalent normal stress distribution in Iosipescu specimen, ascertaining the<br />

same broken zone and constant shear stress in the shear section, as in the<br />

experimental study.

194 Costică Atanasiu et al.<br />

Fig. 11 – The maximum normal stress distribution in Iosipescu specimen.<br />

Fig. 12 – Equivalent normal stress distribution in Iosipescu specimen.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The performed researches allow to state that the chromoplastic<br />

materials provide advantages for resistance structures in elastoplastic and plastic<br />

regime study. Chromoplastic materials models structures study, by color

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 195<br />

change, allows an easy detection of the plastic hinges and the determination of<br />

loads that have produced these hinges.<br />

2. Based on the fin<strong>din</strong>gs, the finite element method application can lead<br />

to solving local problems that occur at the parts contact or at the stress<br />

concentrations. The researches on chromoplastic models must be made on parts<br />

obtained from the same batch that was used for the specimens to determine the<br />

mechanic and elastic characteristics, because these characteristics vary<br />

depen<strong>din</strong>g on the compounds components.<br />


Iosipescu N., Determination and Experimentation of a New Procedure for Testing<br />

Steels Subjected to Pure Shear. Etudes et Recherches de Mécanique Appliquée,<br />

XIV, 2, Bucureşti (1963).<br />

Iosipescu, N., Recherches photoélastiques sur un procédé correct d’essais au<br />

cisaillement pur des matériaux. Etudes et Recherches de Mécanique Appliquée,<br />

XIII, 2, Bucureşti (1962).<br />

*** Standard Test for Shear Properties of Composite Materials by the Notched Beam<br />

Method. ASTM Standard D 5379/D 5379M-05, 2005.<br />

Bălan S., Răutu S., Petcu, V., Cromoplasticitatea (Chromoplasticity). Ed. Academiei,<br />

Bucureşti, 1964.<br />

Atanasiu C., Pastramă Ş. D., Baciu F., Vlăsceanu D., Pure Shearing Tests of a Prandtl-<br />

Type Material. U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series D, 72, 3 (2010).<br />

Mareş M., Leiţoiu B., In Plane Shear Modulus Determination for an Unidirectional<br />

Carbon/Epoxy Composite Using the Iosipescu Shear Test. Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, LII<br />

(LVI), 6 B, s. Construcţii de Maşini, 223-226 (2006).<br />

Leiţoiu B., Mareş M., Leiţoiu E., Consideraţii cu privire la aplicarea testului Iosipescu<br />

pentru studiul proprietăţilor materialelor compozite. Conferinţa Naţională de<br />

Mecanica Solidelor, Ed. XXXI, Chişinău, 2007, pp. 267-270.<br />

Atanasiu C., Jiga G., Notions fondamentales de la théorie de l’élasticité et de la<br />

Plasticité. Ed. Printech, 2006, pag. 12-30.<br />

Manhani L., Par<strong>din</strong>i L., Neto F., Assessment of Tensile Strength of Graphite by the<br />

Iosipescu Coupon Test. Materials Research, 10, 3, 233-239 (2007).<br />


(Rezumat)<br />

Materialele cromoplastice sunt polimeri compoundaţi obţinuţi la Institutul de<br />

Cercetări Chimice <strong>din</strong> Bucureşti. Aceste materiale prezintă la solicitări axiale o curbă<br />

caracteristică de tip Prandtl. Totodată materialele au proprietatea de a-şi schimba<br />

culoarea în momentul apariţiei articulaţiei plastice, albindu-se la culoare, când curgerea<br />

este produsă de solicitarea de întindere şi închizându-se la culoare, când curgerea este<br />

produsă de solicitarea de compresiune.<br />

Autorii prezintă rezultatele cercetărilor obţinute experimental prin încercări la<br />

forfecare pură pe epruvete <strong>din</strong> material cromoplastic realizate conform normelor<br />

ASTM, care au la bază procedeul Iosipescu. Se folosesc totodată relaţiile date de teoria

196 Costică Atanasiu et al.<br />

elasticităţii şi se fac verificări numerice prin MEF pentru a determina tensiunea de<br />

rupere la forfecare, iniţierea fisurii şi forma secţiunii de rupere.<br />

Cercetarea dovedeşte avantajele folosirii materialelor cromoplastice în<br />

cercetările <strong>din</strong> domeniul elasto-plastic şi plastic.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />


Received: October 13, 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: October 15, 2012<br />

„Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi,<br />

Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology<br />

Abstract. The aim of this paper is to determine, using an experimental<br />

method, a mathematical relationship of interdependence between thin<br />

sheets surface roughness and deformation reached in the uniaxial<br />

stretching. By determining this relationship is intended to verify the<br />

hypothesis that the roughness can be used as a criterion for the occurrence<br />

of deformation limit. Also, the authors wanted to highlight how the<br />

rolling direction of the material influences the peak strain.<br />

Key words: roughness, uniaxial stretching, deformation limit, rolling<br />

direction etc.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The easiest method of estimate the deformability of sheet metal blanks<br />

used in stamping processes is the forming limit curve method (FLD). This curve<br />

provides an indication of admissible deformation in a certain area of piece<br />

during its deformation (Banabic et al., 1992). As a result we can say that the<br />

size of admissible deformations is dependent on the piece rejection criteria:<br />

necking or fracture. However, if we are talking about the quality of sheet metal<br />

parts, obtained by cold forming processes, we must view the whole range of<br />

defects that may occur in the process of drawing (Charca et al., 2010). Thus,<br />

along necking or material fracture, wrinkling or thinning of material, any major<br />

changes in the appearance or roughness of parts surfaces may be lea<strong>din</strong>g to<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: ov_nita@yahoo.com

198 Ovidiu Niţă et al.<br />

rejection of the piece. Therefore, it is particularly important that, in addition to<br />

plotting FLD, to establish a relationship of interdependence between maximum<br />

stamped parts deformation values and the parameters imposed by rejection<br />

criteria (Banabic et al., 2005; Altmeyer et al., 2012).<br />

In the literature are presented several experimental methods used to<br />

determine the deformation limits (Marciniak et al., 2002; Ramir et al., 2012).<br />

One of the methods that deserve a special attention is the method called after<br />

Kobayashi (Banabic et al., 1992). Together with his colleagues, Kobayashi<br />

found, after analyzing the influence of deformation of work piece on surface<br />

roughness, that, the appearance of necking coincides with a sharp increase in<br />

surface roughness. This sudden increase of surface roughness is used, by<br />

Kobayashi, as a criterion for the occurrence of localized necking. To define this<br />

moment, in the deformation processes, is necessary to measure surface<br />

roughness at different stages of deformation and develop a chart with roughness<br />

variation depen<strong>din</strong>g on major strain ε1.<br />

Based on the method developed by Kobayashi and his team, we wanted<br />

to establish, using the tensile method, a mathematical relationship between thin<br />

sheets surface roughness and the deformation of analyzed material.<br />

2. Preparing an Conducting the Experiments<br />

For this approach we have conducted a series a tensile test which were<br />

aimed to obtain a different numbers of deformation stages for each material<br />

analysed. For the tensile experiments we took into account three of the most<br />

common used metallic sheets produced in Romania. Thus, in the experimental<br />

research we used rectangular specimens cut from thin sheets of the following<br />

materials: steel (wide strip steel B2), brass (CuZn37) and aluminium (Al<br />

99.5%).<br />

In order to determine the number of experimental tests and, of course, to<br />

determine the number of samples necessary to meet the proposed approach, we<br />

resorted to a factorial plan. Given that the ultimate goal of the entire process is<br />

to make a chart that will reflect the changes of specimen surface roughness<br />

depen<strong>din</strong>g by deformation, the tensile force is considered the main parameter to<br />

be change during the test. Thus, we used five different levels of the force<br />

generated by the universal test machine (Table 1).<br />

Nr.<br />

Crt.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

Factor Cod<br />

Table 1<br />

Factors of influence<br />

Factor<br />

level 1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

Lamination<br />

direction<br />

A 6 0 0<br />

30 0<br />

45 0<br />

60 0<br />

75 0<br />

Tensile force<br />

(FkN)<br />

B 6 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5<br />

90 0<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 199<br />

Another aspect that was taken into account for evaluating the behaviour<br />

of material is the lamination direction of blanks. Thus, six different directions to<br />

the direction of rolling were taking into account for the tests: 0 0 , 30 0 , 45 0 , 60 0 ,<br />

75 0 and 90 0 (Table 1). In conclusion, for the specific experimental tensile tests<br />

of the study two factors were considered the main influential factors of the<br />

system.<br />

Should be noted that, for conducting the experimental research we used<br />

the universal test machine WDW-50E and the strain rate was considered<br />

constant at 10mm/min. Also, the measurements of the surface roughness were<br />

undertaken using TAYLOR HOBSON-Surtronic25. Both experimental<br />

planning and data processing was made in Minitab v.15 (trail version).<br />

In Fig. 1 are captured two specimens in various stages of deformation.<br />

From the images we can, easily, see the direction of localized necking or how<br />

the rupture is propagate.<br />

a b<br />

Fig. 1 – Specimens subjected to tensile test:<br />

a – aluminium specimen; b – brass specimen.<br />

Since the first phase of the research was found that, from all of the three<br />

types of material studied, steel and brass specimens showed the most<br />

pronounced elongation compare with tensile force applied to the sample. In<br />

aluminium specimens case, necking and material failure occurred very early and<br />

elongation value stood at less than a third of the elongation recorded by brass or<br />

steel.<br />

3. Experimental Results<br />

3.1. Thin Sheets Deformation Capability in Relation to Lamination Direction<br />

The aspect that stood out even during the first phase of experimental tests<br />

was that the lamination direction has a significant influence on the deformation<br />

capability of specimens. For example, in Fig. 2 are illustrated the characteristic<br />

diagrams, obtained from the tensile test, for specimens orientated at 0 0 and 90 0<br />

degrees orientation to main rolling direction. As can be seen from Fig. 2,

200 Ovidiu Niţă et al.<br />

aluminium presents the highest sensibility to lamination direction. Basically, the<br />

breaking of aluminium specimen, cut at 90 0 to the lamination direction,<br />

occurred in the mid-range elongation obtained for the specimen orientated after<br />

rolling direction.<br />

a b<br />

Fig. 2 – Characteristic diagrams obtained by tensile test:<br />

a – aluminium; b – brass.<br />

It should be noted that, the steel specimens recorded the lower sensitivity<br />

regar<strong>din</strong>g deformation capacity to the lamination direction. This phenomenon is<br />

illustrated in Fig. 3, where the characteristic diagram obtained for steel blanks is<br />

shown.<br />

Fig. 3 – Characteristic diagrams obtained for steel specimens.<br />

3.2. Mathematical Relations between Roughness and Tensile Strain<br />

After the accomplish of experimental tests, it was found that the<br />

transition from lower to higher levels, of the considered influencing factors,<br />

determine a noticeable variation in surface roughness. Both influencing factors<br />

consider have a direct influence on the roughness, but only increasing the<br />

tensile force leads to a significant increase in roughness. Varying the lamination<br />

direction orientation also produces a fluctuation of roughness values but this<br />

variation occurs randomly and not after a predictable pattern.<br />

The nest step after the acquisition of surface roughness values was to<br />

draw the roughness evolution diagrams depen<strong>din</strong>g of specimen elongation. For

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 201<br />

exemplification in Fig. 4 are presented the graphics (drawn from point to point)<br />

of roughness evolution drawn for brass specimens oriented at 0 0 and 60 0 to the<br />

lamination direction. Thus, we can easily see that both graphs shows two zones<br />

of inflection, suggesting that at a certain level of specimen’s deformation<br />

roughness indicate a pronounced variation.<br />

A b<br />

Fig. 4 – Roughness evolution depen<strong>din</strong>g on elongation:<br />

a – brass specimens 0 0 ; b – brass specimens 60 0 .<br />

In the first phase of deformation the roughness remain relatively constant<br />

then, when the specimen elongation reaches around 35%...40% of maximum,<br />

Ra parameter register a rapid growth. After the first inflection point the surface<br />

roughness do not show a significant increase but it increases again sharply in<br />

the vicinity of the failure zone. Accor<strong>din</strong>g to the results analysis it seems that<br />

roughness value increases by 100%, near the area where break occurs, from the<br />

initial value read from specimen surface.<br />

In all studied cases the mathematical relationship between surface<br />

roughness, of the specimens subjected to tensile testing, and elongation can be<br />

described by an exponential equation<br />

ax<br />

y = be . (1)<br />

In Fig. 5 a it is presented, for exemplification, the regression function,<br />

that describes the phenomenon studied, for steel specimens orientated at 30 0<br />

from rolling direction. It is noted that the coefficient of determination (R 2 )<br />

represents a measure of the quality of predictions about future dependent values<br />

and in almost each studied cases this coefficient was above 0.8 which confirms<br />

the validity of the model.<br />

Also, in Fig. 5 b are presented, for comparative purposes, the roughness<br />

evolution graphs for each of the six orientations to the lamination direction,<br />

determined for steel specimens. By analysing the graph it can be concluded that<br />

the lamination direction can influence the surface roughness but not in a<br />

significant way.

202 Ovidiu Niţă et al.<br />

a b<br />

Fig. 5 – Roughness evolution depen<strong>din</strong>g on elongation:<br />

a – steel specimens 30 0 ; b – comparative graph.<br />

It is noted that the graphs and the regression functions were determined<br />

using Microsoft Office Excel software facilities.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. After analysing the results obtained here, we can say that the<br />

lamination direction has a strong influence regar<strong>din</strong>g deformation capacity of<br />

the specimens consider in this study. Thus, it was noted that, for sheet<br />

specimens cut after a direction perpendicular to the rolling direction of material,<br />

the elongation value was approximately 20…25% lower than the situation when<br />

the blanks retain the same orientation to the lamination direction.<br />

2. If we were to make a classification of the three analysed materials we<br />

can certainly say that steel specimens have the highest elongation until the<br />

breaking point. Instead, when we used aluminium specimens the failure point<br />

occurred much sooner than expected. This indicates that the aluminium used in<br />

the experimental research does not lead itself to getting through the stamping<br />

process of stamping.<br />

3. Establishing a mathematical relationship of interdependence between<br />

surface roughness (Ra) and deformation of specimens strengthens the<br />

hypothesis that this phenomenon, a sudden increase in roughness, can be used<br />

as a criterion for developing localized necking. Thus, for defining the moment<br />

when a work-piece deformation reaches the critical region is sufficient to<br />

measure roughness at different stages of deformation and to represent it<br />

depen<strong>din</strong>g on the maximum deflection.<br />

4. In conclusion we can say that tensile testing is one of easiest ways of<br />

experimental testing because it allows the use of a conventional test machine,<br />

present in most research laboratories. Also, the specimens, used for this type of<br />

testing, are easy to achieve, especially ones with the rectangular calibrated<br />

zones.<br />

Acknowledgements. This paper was realized with the support of EURODOC<br />

“Doctoral Scholarships for research performance at European level” project, financed<br />

by the European Social Fund and Romanian Government.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 203<br />


Altmeyer G., Abed-Meraim F., Balan T., Formability Prediction of Thin Metal Sheets,<br />

Using, Various, Localization Criteria. International Journal of Material Forming,<br />

2, 423-426 (2005); www.springerlink.com, accessed at 16.04.2010.<br />

Banabic, D., Dörr, I.R., Deformabilitatea tablelor metalice subţiri. Metoda curbelor<br />

limită de deformare, Ed. OIDICM, Bucureşti, 1992.<br />

Banabic, D., H., Aretz, D.S., Comsa, L., Părăianu, An Improved Analytical Description<br />

of Orthotropy in Metallic Sheets. International Journal of Plasticity, 21, 3, 493-<br />

512 (2005); www.sciencedirect.com, accessed at 20.01.2010.<br />

Charca G., Ramos, et al., Study of a Drawing-quality Sheet Steel. (I) Stress/Strain<br />

Behaviors and Lankford Coefficients by Experiments and Micromechanical<br />

Simulation. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 47, 17, 2285-2293<br />

(2010); www.sciencedirect.com, accessed at: 08.09.2010.<br />

Marciniak Z.., Duncan J.L., Hu S.J., Mechanics of Sheet Metal Forming. Sec. Ed.,<br />

Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 2002.<br />

Ramin, Hashemi, et al., Application of the Hydroforming Strain-and Stress-limit<br />

Diagrams to Predict Necking in Metal Bellows Forming Process. 46, 5-8, 551-<br />

561, source: www.springerlink.com, accessed at: 12.02.2010.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Pornind de la metoda elaborată de Kobayashi s-a dorit stabilirea, pe cale<br />

experimentală, unei relaţii de interdependenţă între rugozitatea suprafeţelor şi gradul de<br />

deformare a materialului. Pentru realizarea acestui demers s-au efectuat o serie de<br />

încercări la tracţiune ce au avut drept scop obținerea unui număr diferit de grade de<br />

deformare pentru fiecare material supus analizei.<br />

În urma analizării rezultatelor obținute s-a constatat ca direcția de laminare<br />

influențează puternic capacitatea de deformare a epruvetelor <strong>din</strong> tablă. Astfel, s-a<br />

observat că pentru epruvetele <strong>din</strong> tablă ce au fost debitate după o direcție perpendiculară<br />

față de direcția de laminare alungirea materialului a fost cu aproximativ 20...25% mai<br />

mică decât în cazul epruvetelor ce pastrează aceeași orientare față de direcția de<br />

laminare. Totodată s-a constat faptul ca aluminiul ales pentru studiu prezintă un<br />

comportament atipic față de previziunile făcute anterior începerii cercetărilor<br />

experimentale. Practic, ruperea materialului a survenit la grade de deformare mult<br />

inferioare celor preconizate.<br />

Cel mai important aspect ce trebuie menționat este faptul ca supunerea<br />

epruvetelor <strong>din</strong> tablă la întindere a permis determinarea unei relații de interdependență<br />

între rugozitatea Ra a suprafeţei şi gradul de deformare înregistrat de material. Aceasta<br />

relaţie, ce îmbracă forma unei ecuaţii de tip exponenţial, întăreşte ipoteza conform

204 Ovidiu Niţă et al.<br />

căreia acest fenomen, de creştere bruscă a rugozităţii, poate fi utilizat ca şi criteriu de<br />

apariție a gâtuirii localizate sau a ruperii. Astfel, pentru definirea momentului în care<br />

deformația semifabricatului intră în zona critică este suficient să măsurăm rugozitatea în<br />

diferite stadii de deformare și să o reprezentăm în funcție de deformația maximă.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />




Received: October 13, 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: October 15, 2012<br />

BY<br />


„Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi,<br />

Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology<br />

Abstract. Estimation of technological possibility of obtaining a piece<br />

by stamping can be done most effectively by using the forming limit<br />

diagrams (FLD). The aim of this paper was to determine the deformation<br />

limit diagrams, for three metallic materials commonly used in Romanian<br />

industry, using hydraulic bulging test. Also, the authors wanted to<br />

highlight the influence of blank thickness or the deformation path on<br />

FLD.<br />

Key words: forming limit diagrams, FLD, bulging test etc.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Sheet metal deformability expresses their ability to be plastic deformed<br />

and to take a given form, without defects in the specimen (Banabic, 1992). One<br />

of the most popular methods used for assessing the capacity of sheets<br />

deformation is the forming limit diagrams (FLD) method. Basically, forming<br />

limit curves mark off (inside a rectangular system of axes) the acceptable<br />

deformations from the zone where deformation turns the specimen in to scrap<br />

(Fig. 1a) (Marciniak, 2002; Banabic, 2005).<br />

Forming limit diagram is a graph obtained by plotting the evolution of the<br />

main deformations (ε1, ε2) in plane sheet, when fracture and necking occurs<br />

(Fig. 1b). As a result of using two limit deformation criterions (necking and<br />

fracture) the FLD have two types of forming limit curves (FLC): one for<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: ov_nita@yahoo.com

206 Ovidiu Niţă and Vasile Braha<br />

necking and another one for breaking (Marciniak, 2002; Banabic, 2008).<br />

However, the moment when the necking of material occurs is considered a<br />

deformation limit and this is almost unanimously accepted to be the criterion<br />

that defines the forming limit curve (FLC) of a specific material (Bressan,<br />

2003).<br />

a b<br />

Fig 1 – Forming limit diagram (FLD)<br />

a – FLD (www.eqsgroup.com); b – forming limit curves (FLC) (Marciniak, 2002).<br />

The main objective in developing the proposed paper was to evaluate<br />

how the deformation limit curves characterize the deformation capacity of a<br />

specific material. While the forming limit diagram is the currently the most<br />

widely used tool for assessing the deformability of sheet metal plates, the<br />

approach was intended to identify and study the main factors that affect, or not,<br />

the quality of information transmitted by FLD.<br />

2. Experimental Testing Conditions<br />

2.1. Methods and Equipment Used<br />

The most common method used to determine, experimentally, the<br />

forming limit diagram of deformation is the “network” method. On the surface<br />

of the blank, which will be subjected to a deformation process, the operator will<br />

print a rectangular, circular or radial-circular network (Fig. 2).<br />

a b<br />

Fig. 2 – Circular network with interleaved patterns:<br />

a – before deformation; b – after deformation.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 207<br />

In the deformation process, the network geometry, previously mapped,<br />

will change shape, provi<strong>din</strong>g important information on the efforts direction or<br />

displacement. In this case the specimen surface was printed with a circular<br />

network with interleaved patterns.<br />

To achieve experimental tests we have designed and developed a<br />

hydraulic inflation device (Fig. 3). The equipment is distinguished both by<br />

manoeuvrability and ability to easily change the active plate type used in the<br />

deformation process. Thus, the facility includes a total of three interchangeable<br />

active boards with circular, square and elliptical shape.<br />

a b<br />

Fig. 3 – Hydraulic device<br />

a – assembly; b – section view (1 – lower body; 2 – port-mold plate (sli<strong>din</strong>g); 3 – upper<br />

body; 4 – elastic membrane; 5 – fixing screw; 6 – active plate (or mold plate)).<br />

2.2. Condition Imposed for Experimental Test<br />

For conducting experimental research, aimed to determine FLD, three<br />

types of metallic materials were considered. Thus, we choose the most<br />

commonly materials used in Romanian industry: steel (wide strip steel B2),<br />

brass (CuZn37) and aluminium (Al 99.5%).<br />

The factors considered to be influencing factors of the system are the<br />

active plate shape and the thickness of specimen used for data determination.<br />

Thus, for the experimental test we used specimens with thickness of 0.5 mm, 1<br />

mm, 1.5 mm, depen<strong>din</strong>g on the studied material. It should be noted that the<br />

design of the hydraulic stand allowed varying active plate between the rounded,<br />

elliptical and square plate.<br />

After conducting the preliminary experiments it was found that, for<br />

aluminium specimen with 0.5 mm thickness, material fracture occurs at very<br />

low pressures and deformation. Thus, we take into account the introduction, for<br />

further experiments, of specimens with 1.5 mm thickness.

208 Ovidiu Niţă and Vasile Braha<br />

3. Experimental Results<br />

As was stated in the introduction Forming limit diagram (FLD) is<br />

determined experimentally through the points of coor<strong>din</strong>ates (ε1, ε2), where ε1<br />

and ε2 define the appropriate limit deformations of a given mode of loa<strong>din</strong>g of<br />

the specimen. The mathematical relationship that characterizes the addiction<br />

between ε1 and ε2 is, in fact, the equation which outlines the forming limit<br />

curve.<br />

After conducting the experimental research it was found that, in all<br />

studied situations, the mathematical equation that fits the best on our case is the<br />

second-degree polynomial relation<br />

2<br />

y = ax + bx + c . (1)<br />

Fig. 4 shows, for exemplification, the forming limit diagrams determined<br />

for 0.5mm and 1.5mm, brass and aluminium specimens, using circular active<br />

plate.<br />

e1<br />

0.18<br />

0.16<br />

0.14<br />

0.12<br />

0.10<br />

0.08<br />

0.06<br />

0.04<br />

0.02<br />

0.00<br />

0.00<br />

0.02<br />

FLD brass 0.5mm<br />

0.04<br />

0.06 0.08<br />

e2<br />

0.10<br />

0.12<br />

0.14<br />

e1<br />

0.25<br />

0.20<br />

0.15<br />

0.10<br />

0.05<br />

0.00<br />

0.00<br />

FLD aluminum 1.5mm<br />

0.05<br />

0.10<br />

e2<br />

a b<br />

Fig. 4 – FLD obtained with circular active plate:<br />

a – brass specimen 0.5mm thickness; b – aluminium specimen 1mm thickness.<br />

The most important observation that lies in forming limit curves analysis<br />

is that, the method chosen to obtain strains does not give sufficient information<br />

regar<strong>din</strong>g the negative deformation. Basically, the charts obtain by hydraulic<br />

bulging test shows the limit deformation curve only for the positive principal<br />

strains.<br />

If we analyze the variation of forming limit curves positions depen<strong>din</strong>g<br />

on active plate form we can easily see that the only valid curve is obtained only<br />

for the circular shape of the active mold. When using elliptical or square forms<br />

the specimens do not reach their full potential deformation and tearing<br />

prematurely install. It was also found that material fracture does not occur in the<br />

maximum deformation stage, as would have been natural, but along the edge<br />

radius that limits matrix form. This can only lead to the hypothesis that, when<br />

using elliptical and square plates, a series of additional tangential efforts<br />

appears, excee<strong>din</strong>g the maximum allowable material capacity. Thus, the<br />

0.15<br />

0.20<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 209<br />

material failure occurs not because the material has reached its deformation<br />

limits. In conclusion, the use of elliptical or square active shapes can affect the<br />

accuracy of results.<br />

In the following lines is presented, through a series of comparative charts,<br />

the variation of FLD depen<strong>din</strong>g on active plate shape and the thickness of<br />

specimens.<br />

e1<br />

e1<br />

FLD variation for brass 0.5mm<br />

0.18<br />

0.16<br />

0.14<br />

0.12<br />

0.10<br />

0.08<br />

0.06<br />

0.04<br />

0.02<br />

0.00<br />

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14<br />

e2<br />

0.25<br />

0.20<br />

0.15<br />

0.10<br />

0.05<br />

0.00<br />

0.00<br />

0.05<br />

Variable<br />

Circular<br />

Eliptic<br />

Square<br />

e1<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

0.1<br />

0.0<br />

0.0<br />

FLD variation for brass 1mm<br />

0.1<br />

0.2<br />

e2<br />

a b<br />

Fig. 5 – FLD variation depen<strong>din</strong>g on active shape (brass)<br />

a – 0.5mm thickness specimens; b – 1mm thickness specimens.<br />

FLD variation for aluminum 1mm<br />

0.10 0.15<br />

e2<br />

0.20<br />

0.25<br />

Variable<br />

Circular<br />

Eliptic<br />

Eliptic<br />

e1<br />

0.25<br />

0.20<br />

0.15<br />

0.10<br />

0.05<br />

0.00<br />

0.00<br />

0.05<br />

0.10 0.15<br />

e2<br />

0.3<br />

0.20<br />

0.4<br />

FLD variation for aluminum 1.5mm<br />

a b<br />

Fig. 6 – FLD variation depen<strong>din</strong>g on active shape (aluminium)<br />

a – 1mm thickness specimens; b – 1.5mm thickness specimens.<br />

0.25<br />

Variable<br />

Circular<br />

Eliptic<br />

Square<br />

Variable<br />

Circular<br />

Eliptic<br />

Square<br />

Looking at Fig. 6 it can be easily seen that, for aluminium, the use of<br />

elliptical and square active plates causes very small deformations of the material<br />

comparative to circular plate. This leads to the conclusion that the aluminium<br />

chosen for the experimental tests it is not suitable for stamping processes.<br />

The analysis of Fig. 7, which depicts the variation of FLC for steel<br />

specimens, leads to the idea that the use of elliptical active plate shape provides<br />

distorted information on material deformability under analysis. As stated earlier<br />

this phenomenon is due, on the one hand, to the big difference between the<br />

surfaces exposed to deforming pressure and blank flange, and on the other hand,<br />

to additional tangential efforts located on the radius edge what limits the active<br />

plate form.

210 Ovidiu Niţă and Vasile Braha<br />

e1<br />

e1<br />

0.20<br />

0.15<br />

0.10<br />

0.05<br />

0.00<br />

FLD variation for steel 0.5mm<br />

0.05<br />

0.10<br />

e2<br />

0.15<br />

0.20<br />

Variable<br />

Circular<br />

Eliptic<br />

Square<br />

e1<br />

0.35<br />

0.30<br />

0.25<br />

0.20<br />

0.15<br />

0.10<br />

0.05<br />

0.00<br />

FLD variation for steel 1mm<br />

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15<br />

e2<br />

0.20 0.25 0.30<br />

a b<br />

Fig. 7 – FLD variation depen<strong>din</strong>g on active shape (steel):<br />

a – 0.5mm thickness specimens; b – 1mm thickness specimens.<br />

Variable<br />

Circular<br />

Eliptic<br />

Square<br />

After processing the experimental data was seen that the specimen’s<br />

thickness have a significantly influence, regar<strong>din</strong>g the FLC position on graphs,<br />

only when using squares active plate. In other cases FLC position are very close<br />

and sometimes have tangent points (Fig. 8).<br />

0.12<br />

0.10<br />

0.08<br />

0.06<br />

0.04<br />

0.02<br />

FLD variation - square active plate<br />

0.000<br />

0.025 0.050<br />

e2<br />

0.075<br />

0.100<br />

Variable<br />

0.5 mm<br />

1 mm<br />

e1<br />

0.12<br />

0.10<br />

0.08<br />

0.06<br />

0.04<br />

0.02<br />

0.00<br />

FLD variation - elliptical active plate<br />

0.00<br />

0.01<br />

0.02<br />

0.03<br />

0.04<br />

0.05<br />

e2<br />

0.06<br />

0.07<br />

0.08<br />

0.09<br />

a b<br />

Fig. 8 – FLD variation depen<strong>din</strong>g on specimen thickness (brass):<br />

a – square active plate shape; b – elliptical active plate shape.<br />

Variable<br />

0.5 mm<br />

1 mm<br />

It should be noted that, both experimental planning and graphs were<br />

obtained using Minitab V15 (trail version) software.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The research presented in this paper provided an opportunity to<br />

determine a mathematical relationship that characterizes the interdependence<br />

between the two principal strains ε1 and ε2. In all studied cases it was found that<br />

the best equation for describing the forming deformation curve is the second<br />

degree polynomial equation.<br />

2. One of most important conclusions that deriving from this study is that,<br />

the use of elliptical and square active plate shapes can affect the accuracy of<br />

results. This can only lead to the hypothesis that, when using elliptical or square

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 211<br />

active plates, a series of additional tangential efforts exceed the maximum<br />

allowable material limit. Thus, failure of material occurs before its maximum<br />

limit of deformation.<br />

3. It should be noted that, the forming limit diagram obtained using<br />

hydraulic bulging test provides information only for the positive values of<br />

deformation.<br />

4. The constructive solution made, for the experimental, tests may be a<br />

suitable facility for a research laboratory because of the simplicity of<br />

construction and high mobility.<br />

Acknowledgements. This paper was realized with the support of EURODOC<br />

“Doctoral Scholarships for research performance at European level” project, financed<br />

by the European Social Fund and Romanian Government.<br />


Assempour A. et al., A Methodology for Prediction of Forming Limit Stress Diagrams<br />

Considering the Strain Path Effect. Computational Materials Science, 45, 2, 195-<br />

204 (2009); www.sciencedirect.com, accessed at 25.10.2009.<br />

Banabic D., Dörr, I.R., Deformabilitatea tablelor metalice subţiri. Metoda curbelor<br />

limită de deformare. Ed. OIDICM, Bucureşti, 1992.<br />

Banabic, D., Aretz H., Comşa D.S., Paraianu L., An Improved Analytical Description of<br />

Orthotropy in Metallic Sheets. International Journal of Plasticity, 21, 3, 493-512<br />

(2005), source: www.sciencedirect.com, accessed at 20.01.2010.<br />

Banabic D., Modelarea curbelor limită de deformare, un nou instrument al fabricaţiei<br />

virtuale în procesele de deformare a tablelor metalice, raport cercetare. 2008;<br />

http://www.mcld.utcluj.ro/Raport_2008.pdf, accessed at 13.07.2010.<br />

Braha, V., Nagit, Gh., Negoescu, F., (2003), Tehnologia presarii la rece. Ed. CERMI,<br />

Iaşi.<br />

Bressan J.D., Influence of Thickness Size in Sheet Metal Forming. International Journal<br />

of Material Forming, 1, sup. 1, pp.117-119, source: www.springerlink.com,<br />

accessed at 26.02.2010.<br />

Marciniak Z., Duncan J.L., Hu S.J., Mechanics of Sheet Metal Forming (sec. Ed.),<br />

Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 2002.<br />

*** http://www.eqsgroup.com/sheet-metal-forming-services/steel-formability-anal-<br />

ysis-training.asp; accessed at 10.09.2012.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Principalul obiectiv în elaborarea lucrării propuse l-a constituit evaluarea<br />

modului în care curbele limită de deformare pot caracteriza capacitatea de deformare a<br />

unui material. De asemenea, în cadrul demersului s-a dorit identificarea şi studierea<br />

unor factori ce pot altera, sau nu, calitatea informaţiei transmise prin intermediul CLD,<br />

în condiţiile în care la ora actuală curba limită de deformare constituie cel mai utilizat

212 Ovidiu Niţă and Vasile Braha<br />

instrument de apreciere a deformabilităţii tablelor metalice. Astfel, pentru efectuarea<br />

cercetărilor experimentale ce au vizat determinarea CLD s-au luat în calcul trei tipuri de<br />

materiale metalice des utilizate în mediul industrial: alamă, aluminiul si oţelul. Factorii<br />

consideraţi ca factori de influentă ai sistemului au fost grosimea semifabricatului şi<br />

forma plăcilor active folosite în cadrul dispozitivului experimental. Astfel, pentru<br />

efectuarea încercărilor experimentale s-au folosit semifabricate <strong>din</strong> table cu o grosime<br />

de 0,5mm; 1mm si 1,5mm în funcţie de materialul studiat. Trebuie specificat că pentru<br />

obţinerea deformaţiei s-a optat pentru procedeul de umflare hidraulică. De asemenea,<br />

soluţia constructivă a standului de lucru a permis varierea plăcii active între placă cu<br />

forma rotundă, eliptică si patrată.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />



Received: October 12, 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: November 28, 2012<br />

University of Piteşti<br />

Abstract. One of the technologies for modifying the mechanical properties<br />

of materials is the rough chroming. Because of the advantages obtained with this<br />

procedure, rough chroming of steel XC45 was used also for obtaining good<br />

tribological properties.<br />

We have used a pawn-disc tribometer in order to obtain data regar<strong>din</strong>g the<br />

behavior at dry friction. The experimental results and the conclusions are<br />

presented in this paper.<br />

Key words: Tribometer pawn-disc, wear ratio, friction surface<br />

1. Introduction<br />

A great number of modern technologies for modifying the mechanical<br />

properties is used in the industry, to obtain advantages from the mechanical and<br />

tribological properties point of view.<br />

In paper (Popescu et al., 2011) are widely presented the advantages of<br />

rough chroming procedure.<br />

Since paper (Popescu et al., 2011) refers to the testing of steel XC45 at a<br />

temperature of 400°C on a pawn-disc tribometer, this paper presents the testing<br />

of the same material in the same conditions, so we will present only the results.<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: npopa49@yahoo.com

214 Marian Teodor Popescu et al.<br />

2. Experimental Device<br />

Atmospheric tribometer, equiped with a radiative oven (TFA). The<br />

tribometer used for tests was made by Adamou in the tribology laboratory of<br />

ENI Tarbes (Fig. 1). The contact configuration is pawn-disc type.<br />

Fig. 1– The test device and the samples and the pawn dimensions.<br />

During the test, the following parameters have been enlisted, with the<br />

contact pickoff help: the friction coefficient as a raport between the tangential<br />

force and the normal force, in ASCII or EXCEL format; the vertical movement<br />

of the samples, represented by the material wear; the friction coefficient<br />

evolution over time; the contact surface temperature (see Tables 1–3).<br />

The pawn having the plane friction surface is made from steal „Stub”<br />

X22CrNi17, hardness 247 HV30.<br />

Table 1<br />

Functional Parameters<br />

Friction Slipping Configuration, type Plane, open<br />

method<br />

of contact<br />

Type of Uniaxial Conformity of In accordance with the<br />

movement rotation<br />

contact<br />

surface<br />

Ø Punch 6 mm Ø disc 37 mm<br />

Surface of<br />

contact<br />

113 mm 2 Average pressure

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 215<br />

Table 2<br />

Demand conditions<br />

Charge (N) 15<br />

Speed (m.s -1 ) 0.1…1.5<br />

Temperature (°C) 80±5<br />

Browsed distance (m) 19240<br />

Number of performed rotations 1631.16<br />

Theoretical duration (min-s) 35 … 2100<br />

Table 3<br />

Material parameters<br />

Punch (friction) Disc (sample)<br />

Materials Stub X22CrNi17 (AISI431)<br />

Stainless steel martensitic<br />

Elasticity<br />

Toughness H v=247 (H v(30))<br />

Preparing the surfaces<br />

Grin<strong>din</strong>g SiC 240, 400, 1000, 2500, 4000<br />

papers. First 4 papers with thin<br />

adhesive tape, the last paper with<br />

foamy adhesive tape<br />

SiC 600, 1200, 4000 papers. For 5<br />

minutes, each paper.<br />

Speed 150 tr/min<br />

Charge 13 N<br />

Solution Ethanol Water<br />

Device TFA (tribometer) Grinder, Charge 13 N<br />

Cleaning Ethanol Ultrason Ethanol -5min<br />

Oven (60°C)<br />

State of surfaces before friction<br />

Before<br />

(nm)<br />

After (nm) Before (nm) After (nm)<br />

Arithmetic average<br />

rugosity (Ra)<br />

--- 4523 63 4323<br />

Average square<br />

rugosity (Rq)<br />

--- 5566 82 5250<br />

Skewness (Sk) --- -0.34 --- ---<br />

Kurtosis (Ek) --- 2.72 29.58 ---<br />

Due to the fact that the friction device was not dismounted after the<br />

preparation, we do not have images, nor values for the roughness before the test.<br />

The values Ra, Rq, Ssk, Sku are computed accor<strong>din</strong>g to the analysed surface.<br />

The values measured after the test for the sample are taken on the track.<br />

3. Results<br />

Starting from the values enlisted by the couple contact pickoff (Nm) and<br />

knowing the medium radius of the friction track on the disc (r = 0.0135 m) and<br />

the normal force applied on the pawn, the evolution of the friction coefficient in<br />

time can be followed. The friction quotient was deducted from d’Amontons law<br />

(Fig. 2 and Table 4), with the state of the surface presented in Fig. 3.

216 Marian Teodor Popescu et al.<br />

Speed, m/s<br />

μ<br />

max<br />

μ<br />

min<br />

Fig. 2<br />

Table 4<br />

Friction coefficient<br />

μ Evolution<br />

mediu<br />

1 0.1 0.58 0.23 0.48 Increasing<br />

2 0.25 0.98 0.52 0.69 High variations of the friction quotient<br />

value<br />

3 0.5 0.84 0.56 0.68 Variations decrease and appears the<br />

stability tendency<br />

4 0.75 0.77 0.55 0.63 Oscillations around 0.5<br />

5 1 0.73 0.55 0.61 Oscillations around 0.5<br />

6 1.25 0.73 0.56 0.62 Oscillations around 0.5<br />

7 1.5 0.72 0.57 0.63 Oscillations around 0.5<br />

Disc<br />

Before the test After the test<br />

Pawn after the test<br />

Fig. 3

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 217<br />

Morfology. The profilometrical analysis of the disc and of the friction<br />

device is shown in the Fig. 4<br />

Disc<br />

Before the test After the test<br />

Pawn after the test<br />

Before the test After the test<br />

Fig. 4<br />

Wear Rtio. The discs and pawns observation after the tests was made<br />

using the binocular microscop NACHET Z45P mounted on a camera XCD<br />

Sony and operated with the Archimed programmes from Microvision<br />


218 Marian Teodor Popescu et al.<br />

These observations have permitted the surfaces wear procee<strong>din</strong>g<br />

knowledge, the confirmation of the detachable particules presence or absence<br />

and the wear surface dimension.<br />

In order to compute the wear brought during the test, the topographic<br />

characterization of the surface was used. This characterization was made by<br />

interferometry with white light VEECO NT 1100 on a disc portion.<br />

The device permitts the surfaces visualization in 2 or 3 D and gives the<br />

posibility of assesing the material volumes set on one side and the other from a<br />

reference plain (see fig. 5 and Table 5).<br />

Nr.<br />

Wear volume (net missing<br />

volume)<br />

μm 3<br />

Fig, 5<br />

Table 5<br />

Wear values<br />

Damage volume (total<br />

displaced volume)<br />

μm 3<br />

Width of the surface<br />

μm<br />

1 -809652 112703056 2,40E+03<br />

2 -896144 109160720 2,40E+03<br />

3 -957504 141512048 2,40E+03<br />

4 -687784 110011512 2,40E+03<br />

5 -819720 110514248 2,40E+03<br />

Total -4170804 583901584 -------<br />

Average -834161 116780316,8 2.0E+03<br />

Total wear volume µM3 -2.95E+07<br />

Wear ratio (µm 3 .N -1 .m -1 ) -1.22E+03<br />

Total damage volume µm 3<br />

4.13E+09<br />

Damage ratio (µm 3 .N -1 .m -1 ) 171437.8707

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 219<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. At the beginning of the test, with the low speed, the friction quotient<br />

tends to increase from a low value to a maximum value of 0,58.<br />

2. The speed increasing (0.25; 0.5m/s), the friction quotient increases<br />

with a variation between 0.9 and 0.56; at the speed of 0.75; 1; 1.25 and 1.5 m/s<br />

the friction quotient stabilises at an average value of 0.62, with oscillations<br />

around 0,65.<br />

3. In the same test conditions but with a temperature of 400°C, the<br />

average value of the friction quotient was 0.56.<br />


Adamou A.S., Thèse de l’Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France, 2005.<br />

Dalverny D., Thèse de l’Universitè de Bordeaux, France, 1998<br />

Denape J., Introduction a la Triboligie. Frottement et usure des Materiaux. ENI Tarbes<br />

(2008-2009).<br />

Popa N., et al., Elemente de Tribologie. Ed. Univ. Piteşti, 2007.<br />

Popescu M.T., Alexis J., Recherches concernant le comportement des aciers revêtus au<br />

frottement sec et à haute temperature. Ingineria Automobilului, 14 (2010).<br />

Popescu M.T., Popa N., Dobrescu R.N., Denape J., Onescu C., The Rough Chromates<br />

Steel XC45 Wear Behaviour at Dry Friction and High Temperature. Procee<strong>din</strong>gs<br />

of the 7th BALKANTRIB’11 International Conference on Tribology,<br />

Thessaloniky, Grecce, 3-5 oct 2011, pp. 81-87.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Una <strong>din</strong> tehnologiile de modificare a proprietăţilor mecanice ale materialelor este<br />

şi cromarea dură. Deoarece se obţin avantaje cu acest procedeu s-a utilizat cromarea<br />

dură a oţelului XC45 pentru a se obţine şi proprietăţi tribologice bune.<br />

Pentru obţinerea de date privind comportarea la frecare uscată s-a utilizat un<br />

tribometru pion-disc. Rezultatele experimentale şi concluziile sunt prezentate în această<br />



Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />


1 “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi,<br />

2 Universitaty of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr.T. Popa”, Iaşi<br />

Received: May 10, 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: June 10,.2012<br />

Abstract. The general analytical shaping of the biomechanical systems can<br />

be realized accor<strong>din</strong>g to the estate of the analyzed system. The stability of the<br />

mathematical model of a system, i.e. the determination of the equations that<br />

govern its dynamic processes, can be realised from more points of view, out of<br />

which at least two are fundamental. It has been noticed that the dynamic analysis<br />

can be done, likewise the cinematic analysis, adopting either the structural model<br />

with a degree of freedom, or the one with two degrees of freedom, taking into<br />

consideration only the flexure-extension move, or for an ampler analysis, two<br />

independent moves, flexure –extension and pronation - supination; the dynamic<br />

model adopted was the one with a single degree of freedom. Irrespective of the<br />

structural model to be adopted, in the case in which the dynamic analysis is<br />

supposed to determine the torso of articulation reactions, the vectorial method of<br />

bodies separation earlier presented can be applied; in this situation the forces that<br />

cannot be analytically or experimentally determined are reduced to a point given<br />

by a unique torso (force and moment).<br />

Key words: elbow articulation, dynamic analysis.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The analytical shaping of biomechanical systems can be realised<br />

accor<strong>din</strong>g to the analysed system state, therefore:<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: petrouti @ yahoo. com

222 Petronela Paraschiv and Ciprian Paraschiv<br />

i) static shaping, when the system is in equilibrium, stable or unstable,<br />

without move;<br />

ii) cinematic shaping, when only the system movement is regarded,<br />

without taking into consideration the mechanical load (force and force<br />

moments) that produce the movement;<br />

iii) dynamic shaping, when the system movement is analysed taking into<br />

consideration all forces and moments that determine the movement.<br />

The analytical shaping generally behaves the following stages: physical<br />

or structural shaping, mathematical shaping, pysical or structural shaping<br />

supposes the formulation of a “physical model”, which behaviour is supposed to<br />

approximate as well as possible the one of the real system. The physical model<br />

resembles the real system concerning the basic characteristics, but it is simpler<br />

and therefore more approachable to the analysis. Therefore, the component<br />

elements of a biomechanical system can be shaped through solid bodies, rigid or<br />

elastic, bows, buffers etc., while the mutual action of two bodies can be drawn<br />

through concentrated forces, concentrated couples, distributed loads etc.<br />

(Budescu & Iacob, 2005).<br />

In many cases, the dynamic response of the biomechanical structures can<br />

be represented through a model with `concentrated parameters`, composed from<br />

masses, bows and buffers.<br />

The approximations done to the formulation of the physical models refer<br />

to: neglecting the secondary effects; neglecting some interactions with the<br />

environment; replacing the characteristics `distributed` through similar<br />

“concentrated” parameters; linearization of cause – effect relations between<br />

physical variables; neglecting the time variation of some parameters.<br />

Along the improvement of the model and of defining more precisely the<br />

problem analysed, one will give up part of these approximations.<br />

Mathematical shaping supposes the elaboration of a `mathematical<br />

model` that will represent the physical model, respectively the writing of the<br />

estate equations (cinematic, static, dynamic) of the physical system<br />

(Memislogu, 2003).<br />

Passing from the physical model to the mathematical model is realised<br />

through successive stages:<br />

i) choosing variables that describe the estate of the system at a given<br />

moment;<br />

ii) establishing the estate equations (for instance, equilibrium, static or<br />

dynamic equations) for the analysed system;<br />

iii) establishing the compatibility equations, which express the link<br />

between the moves of interconnected subsystems;<br />

iv) writing the physical laws, meaning the constitutive relationships for<br />

each component element of the system (Burnstein & Wright, 1994).

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 223<br />

2. Numerical Results<br />

The stability of the mathematical model of a system, meaning the<br />

determination of the equation that govern its dynamic processes, can be done<br />

from more points of view, out of which, at least two are fundamental.<br />

The first one supposes that the system parameters as well as the signals<br />

(the stimulus) that act over it represent determinist sizes, i.e. sizes which<br />

evolution in time can be established if it is known their anterior evolution. A<br />

system governed by these kinds of laws is described through a determinist<br />

mathematical model and it is obvious that it should be studied easier than a<br />

system that would listen to the laws of hazard. Generally, those kinds of<br />

systems are analyzed for the `normal` estate of health of the shaped<br />

biomechanical system.<br />

The second point of view supposes that an indeterminist system cannot be<br />

described unless by static or probabilistic sizes. The equations that express in<br />

this case the system behaviour represent the probabilistic mathematical model.<br />

Such a biomechanical system is closer to traumatic or pathological states that<br />

can intervene at a given moment over the analysed subject.<br />

Articular rehabilitation at the level of the superior or inferior member of<br />

the human body, using either a mobile orthosis either a specially made<br />

mechanism for generating and controlling the movement of a certain body<br />

segment, supposes the knowledge of some values of the cinematic<br />

characteristics from the respective articulation (especially, the angular<br />

amplitude for active and passive moves), as well as date of the dynamic<br />

characteristics regar<strong>din</strong>g the force and moment of reaction from the articulation<br />

(Deitz, 2003).<br />

Normal articular amplitudes are the same, with small differences,<br />

irrelevant, for all individuals in the same age category, irrespective of sex or<br />

anthropometric data, while the reactions` torso from an articulation depends on<br />

the anthropometric sizes of the analysed subject and the state of mechanical<br />

load at which the considered body segment is subjected. This is why the static<br />

or dynamic analysis, after case, of a customized body biomechanical system is<br />

very important for the conception and realization of any technical system of<br />

articular rehabilitation for a passive move mainly (Elias et al., 2004; Hamilton<br />

& Luttgens, 2002).<br />

For solving the dynamic equations of the forearm, there are necessary<br />

more anthropometric sizes (segmentary lengths, masses, inertness moments<br />

etc), presented in Table 1.<br />

The numeric analysis was accomplished for a human subject with the<br />

height H = 1.71 m and weight M = 76 kg, for whom were determined the<br />

following anthropometric sizes, calculated accor<strong>din</strong>g to the relations in Table 1:<br />

Lb = 0.31806 m; Lab = 0.24966 m; Lab-m = 0.43092 m; Lms = 0.74898 m.

224 Petronela Paraschiv and Ciprian Paraschiv<br />

The position of the weight centre: proximal: arm – 0.13867 m; forearm –<br />

0.10735 m; forearm and hand – 0.29388 m; superior member – 0.39695 m;<br />

distal: arm – 0.17938 m; forearm – 0.14230 m; forearm and hand – 0.13703 m;<br />

superior member – 0.35202 m; weight: arm – 2.128 kg; forearm – 1.216 kg;<br />

forearm and hand – 1.672 kg; superior member – 3.8 kg; mass moment, in ratio<br />

with: weight centre: arm – 2.50630 kg · m 2 ; forearm – 1.74199 kg · m 2 ; forearm<br />

and hand – 7.17301 kg · m 2 ; superior member – 7.70866 kg · m 2 ; proximal: arm –<br />

7.10102 kg · m 2 ; forearm– 5.24969 kg · m 2 ; forearm and hand – 22.39862 kg · m 2 ;<br />

superior member – 23.68117 kg · m 2 ; distal: arm – 10.05638 kg · m 2 ; forearm –<br />

7.94275 kg · m 2 ; forearm and hand – 10.45459 kg · m 2 ; superior member –<br />

20.21977 kg · m 2 .<br />

Table 1<br />

Anthropometric sizes of calculation<br />

Segment<br />

Forearm Whole<br />

Arm Forearm and superior<br />

Anthropometric<br />

size<br />

Hand member<br />

Lenght 0.186H 0.146H 0.252H 0.438H<br />

Position of<br />

The weight<br />

proximal 0.436Lb 0.430Lab 0.682Lab-m 0.530Lms<br />

centre distal 0.564Lb 0.570Lab 0.318Lab-m 0.470Lms<br />

Weight 0.028M 0.016M 0.022M 0.050M<br />

Weight (0.322)<br />

centre<br />

2<br />

(0.303)<br />

MLb<br />

2<br />

(0.468)<br />

MLab<br />

2<br />

(0.368)<br />

MLab-m<br />

2<br />

MLms<br />

proximal (0.542) 2<br />

MLb<br />

(0.526) 2<br />

MLab<br />

(0.827) 2<br />

MLab-m<br />

(0.645) 2<br />

Mass moment,<br />

in ratio with<br />

distal (0.645)<br />

MLms<br />

2<br />

(0.647)<br />

MLb<br />

2<br />

(0.565)<br />

MLab<br />

2<br />

(0.596)<br />

MLab-m<br />

2<br />

MLms<br />

Observations: H [m] – subject height;<br />

M [kg] – subject weight;<br />

Lb , Lab [m] – length of arm, respectively forearm;<br />

Lab-m [m] – length of arm-hand segment;<br />

Lms [m] – length of the superior member.<br />

Using the anterior numerical data, as well as the analytical relations<br />

(Kwak et al., 2000; Nor<strong>din</strong>, 2005), there were determined using the Matlab<br />

programme, the chart of the variation of the components of the reaction force<br />

from the elbow articulation, Rcx and Rcy and the moment of reaction from the<br />

elbow articulation, in flexure move for 1 s, represented in Figs. 1 and 2.<br />

The method of reducing the forces to a given point is useful in the<br />

converse dynamic analysis, given the fact that the muscular forces,<br />

tendons forces, ligament forces and the forces from the bony surfaces in

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 225<br />

contact are unknown, they reducing to a unique torso of the articular<br />

reactions.<br />

Fig. 1 – Variations of the components of the reaction force.<br />

Fig. 2 – Variation of the moment of reaction from the elbow articulation.

226 Petronela Paraschiv and Ciprian Paraschiv<br />

3. Conclusions<br />

As a consequence of the dynamic analysis of the elbow articulation for<br />

the flexure – extent move of the forearm there can be formulated the following<br />

conclusions:<br />

1) The dynamic analysis can be done likewise in the case of cinematic<br />

analysis, adopting either the structural model with a degree of freedom, or the<br />

one with two degrees of freedom, taking into consideration only the flexureextension<br />

move, or for an ampler analysis, two independent moves flexure –<br />

extension and pronation - supination; the dynamic model adopted was the one<br />

with a single degree of freedom.<br />

2) Irrespective of the structural model to be adopted, in the case in which<br />

the dynamic analysis is supposed to determine the torso of articulation<br />

reactions, the vectorial method of bodies separation earlier presented can be<br />

applied; in this situation the forces that cannot be analytically or experimentally<br />

determined are reduced to a point given by a unique torso (force and moment).<br />

3) In the case in which it is desired to obtain the movement equation, it is<br />

used one of the analytical dynamic methods.<br />

4) The torso of the articular reactions, depen<strong>din</strong>g on the state of the<br />

mechanical load of the body segment analyzed, represents a functional<br />

parameter of any technical system used in articular rehabilitation of the superior<br />

of inferior member, particularly the elbow articulation.<br />


Azar F. M., Calandruccio J. H., Arthroplasty of the Shoulder and Elbow. Canale S. T.,<br />

Beaty J. H. (Eds.), Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics, 11th Ed. Mosby,<br />

Philadelphia, 2008.<br />

Budescu E., Iacob I., Bazele biomecanicii în sport. Ed. Universităţii “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi,<br />

2005.<br />

Burnstein A.H., Wright T.M., Fundamentals of Othopaedic Biomechanics. Williams &<br />

Wilkins Ed., New York, 1994.<br />

Deitz D., Optimizing Orthotic Design with FEA. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering,<br />

125, 6, 913 (2003).<br />

Elias J.J., Wilson D.R., Adamson R., Cosgarea A.J., Evaluation of a Computational<br />

Model Used to Predict the Patellofemoral Contact Pressure Distribution. Journal<br />

of Biomechanics, 37(3), 295-302 (2004).<br />

Fisher D. M., Borschel G. H., Curtis C. G., Clarke H.M.,.Evaluation of Elbow Flexion<br />

as a Pedictor of Otcome in Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy. Plast. Reconstr.<br />

Surg., 120, 1585-1590 (2007).<br />

Hamilton N., Luttgens K., Kinesiology. Scientific Basis of Human Motion. McGraw –<br />

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Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 227<br />

Hatze H., The Fundamental Problem of Myoskeletal Inverse Dynamics and its<br />

Implications. Journal of Biomechanics, 35, 109-115 (2002).<br />

Kwak S.D., Blankevoort L., Ateshian G.A., A Mathematical Formulation for 3D Quasistatic<br />

Multibody Models of Diarthrodial Joints. Computer Methods in<br />

Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 3, 41-64 (2000).<br />

Memişoglu A., Human Motion Control Using Inverse Kinematics. Master of Science<br />

Thesis, Bilkent University, 2003.<br />

Nor<strong>din</strong> F., Biomechanics of Bone. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, 2005.<br />

Pop C., Biomechanical Model of Human Body Using Bondgraphs, Inverse Dynamics,<br />

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Evaluation of Human Locomotion Using Experimental Data. Gait and Posture,<br />

35, 4 (2001).<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Modelarea analitică a sistemelor biomecanice trebuie elaborată în conformitate<br />

cu starea sistemului analizat. Stabilitatea modelului <strong>din</strong>amic al unui sistem, adică<br />

determinarea ecuaţiilor <strong>din</strong>amice, poate fi realizată <strong>din</strong> mai multe puncte de vedere<br />

<strong>din</strong>tre care două cel puţin sunt fundamentale. S-a remarcat că analiza <strong>din</strong>amică poate fi<br />

realizată în acelaşi mod cu analiza cinematică adoptând modelul structural cu un grad de<br />

libertate sau cel cu două grade de libertate, luând în consideraţie numai mişcarea de<br />

flexie – extensie sau pentru o mai amplă analiză – două mişcări independente flexie –<br />

extensie şi pronaţie – supinaţie. Modelul <strong>din</strong>amic adoptat este cel cu un grad de<br />

libertate. Independent de modelul structural adoptat, în cazul în care analiza <strong>din</strong>amică<br />

presupune determinarea torsorului de reacţiune <strong>din</strong> articulaţii, metoda vectorială a<br />

separării corpurilor poate fi aplicată. În această situaţie forţele care nu pot fi determinate<br />

analitic sau experimental sunt reduse într-un punct dat de un torsor unic (forţă şi<br />



Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />


Received July 20, 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: November 10, 2012<br />

“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi,<br />

Department of Mechanisms Theory and Robotics<br />

Abstract. The paper presents three-dimensional dynamic model of the<br />

ankle joint, considering the independent movements the dorsal-plantar flexion<br />

and the inversion-eversion. Internal forces which acting on the foot were reduced<br />

in the ankle joint center to a single force and a moment of force. Using inverse<br />

dynamic analysis were written equations of motion of the foot, for four different<br />

positions of contact between foot and ground, during walking. Equations can be<br />

used to determine the resultant force and moment of force of ankle joint,<br />

requiring values of anthropometric characteristics, force and moment of inertia<br />

and the contact force between the foot and the ground.<br />

Key words: biomechanics, ankle joint, 3D structural model, dynamics.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The goal of the paper is to present a 3D dynamic model of the ankle joint<br />

for determining the resultant force and moment acting on this articulation, in<br />

different stages of the contact between the foot and ground during the gait.<br />

The ankle joint in made by two big articulations, namely: an upper joint<br />

formed by the lower extremities of the shank bones (tibia and fibula) and the<br />

upper face of the talus (talocrural joint) and a lower joint formed by talus and<br />

calcaneus (talocalcanean joint) (Papilian, 1982).<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: ebudescu2006@yahoo.com

230 Victor Cotoros and Emil Budescu<br />

The 3D structural model of the assembly shank-foot, used in the<br />

followings as required model for biomechanical analysis, is represented in Fig.<br />

1, where the notations signify:<br />

1, 2, 3 – represent the shank, the talus and respectively, the calcaneus<br />

together with the foot;<br />

A, B, C – represent the joint of the knee, the talocrural joint and<br />

respectively, the talocalcanean joint;<br />

L, M – represent the main anterior, posterior and lateral ligaments and<br />

respectively, the main muscular groups which perform the motions of dorsalplantar<br />

flexion and eversion – inversion of the foot with respect to shank.<br />

The same structural model but in which the shank is detailed represented<br />

with tibia and fibula, the foot is in contact with the ground and the muscular<br />

groups are not shown, can be observed in Fig. 2. In this case, the following<br />

notations were used:<br />

1 – thigh; 2 – tibia; 3 – fibula; 4 – talus; 5 – calcaneus-foot assembly; 6 –<br />

ground; 7, 7’, 8, 8’ – medial and external colateral ligaments; A – knee joint; B<br />

– talocrural joint; C – talocalcanean joint; D – contact between foot and ground<br />

(external link);<br />

( x1O1y1z 1)<br />

– fixed orthogonal reference system with the origin in knee<br />

joint, with the medio-lateral axis O1y 1,<br />

vertical axis Oz 1 1 and the axis Ox 1 1<br />

completing the right orthogonal system (antero–posterior);<br />

( x2O2y2z 2)<br />

– mobile orthogonal system solidar with the shank (elements<br />

2 and 3), with the origin in the talocrural joint and with the possibility to<br />

perform the flexion-extension motion of the shank with the angle ϕ 1 ; the<br />

rotation of shank is done around the medio–lateral axis O1y 1,<br />

the axes O1y 1and<br />

O2y 2 staying parallel;<br />

( x4O4y4z 4)<br />

– mobile orthogonal system solidar with the talus (element<br />

4), with the origin in the talocalcanean joint (C), where the axis y 4 is<br />

perpendicular to y 2 and around which the foot can perform the eversion–<br />

inversion motion; the angle of rotation of eversion–inversion was denoted with<br />

ϕ 4 ;<br />

( 5 5 5 5<br />

x O y z ) – mobile orthogonal system solidar with the assembly talusfoot,<br />

with the origin in the contact point of the foot with the ground (D),<br />

respectively the external link between foot and ground (element 6).<br />

The successive coor<strong>din</strong>ate systems solidar with the elements of the<br />

kinematic chain, represented in Fig. 2, are useful for the kinematic analysis of<br />

the biomechanical system shank-ankle-foot, being possible to define the<br />

position matrix operators, function of the two geometric angular coor<strong>din</strong>ates φ1<br />

and φ4.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 231<br />

In the case of dynamic analysis, during the gait, the force and the moment<br />

in the ankle joint can be determined, through inverse analysis, using the method<br />

of bodies isolation, by writing the motion equations either for the shank, or for<br />

the foot, thus being removed one of the segments of the biomechanical system<br />

shank-ankle-foot. For inverse dynamic analysis, the linear and angular<br />

accelerations of the foot must be known, these being usually experimentally<br />

determined. At the same time, the contact force between foot and ground must<br />

be known, in order to solve the system of dynamics equations.<br />

A<br />

M<br />

3<br />

L<br />

M<br />

L L<br />

B<br />

M<br />

2 L<br />

C<br />

M<br />

Fig. 1 – Structural biomechanical model shank-foot.<br />

2. Forces in the Ankle Joint<br />

Determining the reaction forces and the rotation moment in the ankle<br />

joint, requires to know all internal forces acting on muscles, tendons and<br />

ligaments and between bones surfaces in contact, the insertion points of the<br />

muscles, as well as the distances between the insertion points and the rotation<br />

center of the ankle. Taken together, all these conditions are, practically,<br />

impossible to be realized, because the static or dynamic biomechanical model<br />

would be very complex. To get rid of this drawback, the method of force<br />

reducing can be used. Through this method, the resultant force and moment in<br />

the articulation is determined. The method of force reducing, applied to the<br />

ankle, implies to cover the following steps (Fig. 3):<br />

i) there are highlighted, on the structural model, all internal and external<br />

forces acting on the system ankle-foot;<br />

ii) a force denoted with F, is considered to be the resultant of all forces<br />

exerted by muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones in contact;<br />


232 Victor Cotoros and Emil Budescu<br />

iii) a new force denoted with F * , is considered in ankle joint, as being the<br />

resultant of all the forces exerted by muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones in<br />

contact, like previous F, but translated in the articulation;<br />

iv) for system balance, that is, to cancel the new introduced force F * , the<br />

force -F * is considered, which has the same application point, the same direction<br />

but inverse sense with respect to force F * ;<br />

v) the couple of forces (F, - F * ) is representing a muscular moment Mg<br />

acting on the ankle joint. The muscular moment Mg takes into account both<br />

agonist and antagonist muscles;<br />

vi) the resultant force F * , with the application point at the rotation center<br />

of the ankle, is decomposed on the directions Ox, Oy and Oz , into R , R<br />

and respectively R , for the 3D structural model.<br />

g z<br />

6<br />

x5<br />

x2<br />

5<br />

z4<br />

x1<br />

4<br />

x2<br />

ϕ<br />

1<br />

x1<br />

z5<br />

ϕ 4<br />

8'<br />

D<br />

8<br />

ϕ 4<br />

A<br />

3<br />

x4<br />

O 1<br />

z1 z2<br />

ϕ<br />

1<br />

Fig. 2 – Definition of geometrical variable parameters (ϕ1 and ϕ4).<br />

C<br />

z2<br />

O 2<br />

B<br />

y5<br />

2<br />

7<br />

7'<br />

1<br />

y2<br />

y1<br />

y2<br />

g x g y<br />

Using this method of force reducing, all the forces are reduced to a<br />

unique resultant force and resultant moment into a certain point. This is the<br />

preliminary stage for writing and solving the equations of static or dynamic<br />

balance, for the biomechanical system shank-ankle-foot. In Fig. 3 there is<br />

presented, in successive images, the method of force reducing for the ankle. In<br />

this figure, the notations represent: F are the forces in the muscles acting<br />

m1,2,3..n<br />

on the foot; F are the forces acting in tendons; Fo is the force acting in<br />

t 1,2,3..n<br />

bone structures (tibia, fibula and talus), inclu<strong>din</strong>g the joint ligaments; RSxyz<br />

are<br />

the reaction forces of the ground on the foot along the directions Ox, Oy,Oz; GP is the weight force of the foot; F is the resultant of all forces previously

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 233<br />

mentioned (force F is reduced in rotation center C of the ankle to a torsor<br />

formed by the force F * = F and a moment denoted Mg, equal to the moment of<br />

the couple of forces (-F * , F)); Rgx,y,z are the reaction forces in ankle joint on the<br />

directions Ox, Oy and Oz; O is the mass center of the foot; A, B, C, D are the<br />

tips of the tetrahedron representing the anatomic system ankle-foot, respectively<br />

heel, ankle and the tips of the fingers, for a spatial model 3D. At the foot level,<br />

there are taken in discussion the weight force of the foot, Gp, the inertia force<br />

with its components along the three axes, mpax, mpay, mpaz, the reaction force<br />

between foot and ground with the components RSx, RSy and RSz, the resultant<br />

force in the ankle decomposed along the three axes, Rgx, Rgy and Rgz, as well as<br />

the resultant moment, Mg.<br />

The successive foot positions, represented in Figs. 4....7, are<br />

correspon<strong>din</strong>g to the initial contact of the foot with the ground, on the heel, the<br />

middle of total support, the begin of support on the tips of fingers and<br />

respectively the end of support on the tips of fingers. In these figures the<br />

following notations were used:<br />

Rgx,y,z is the resultant reaction force in the ankle, acting on directions Ox,<br />

Oy and Oz; Rsx,y,z is the reaction force of the ground on the foot, acting on<br />

directions Ox, Oy and Oz, with the application point at the heel A (for the first<br />

stage of support), at 70.5% from the length of the foot from the heel (for the<br />

second stage), on the tips of fingers B (for stages III and IV); Gp, the weight<br />

force of the foot, which has the origin in the mass center of the trihedron<br />

ABCD, as can be seen in Fig. 3; Mg, the moment acting in the ankle joint; ax,y,z<br />

is the acceleration of the foot at the mass center of that, on the directions Ox, Oy<br />

and Oz; α is the angle between the ground plane and plantar surface of the foot;<br />

β is the angle between the horizontal and the symmetry axis of the shank; C, is<br />

the ankle; A, is the heel; B and D, are the tips of fingers, considered to be the<br />

tips of the first and the fifth metatarsian; O, the mass center of the foot; d1,2, the<br />

distances, on the horizontal and vertical, between the rotation center of the ankle<br />

and the point of support of the foot on ground; d3,4, the distances, on the<br />

horizontal and vertical, between the mass center of the foot and the rotation<br />

center of the ankle; d5, the horizontal distance, in frontal plane, between the<br />

mass center, O, and the support point of the foot on ground.<br />

3. The Equations of Inverse Dynamic Analysis<br />

In order the foot or any other body segment to be in dynamic<br />

equilibrium, it is necessary that the sum of all mechanical loads acting on the<br />

body, namely: mechanical loads (forces and moments) external (active and<br />

passive), internal (active and passive), constraints and inertia forces, to be equal<br />

to zero (Budescu & Iacob, 2005; Poteraşu & Popescu, 1995). The dynamic<br />

balance equations for each of the four positions of support of the foot on the<br />

ground, represented in Figs. 4 ... 7, are the following:

234 Victor Cotoros and Emil Budescu<br />

where<br />

for the dynamic balance of the initial contact on the heel (Fig. 4),<br />

⎧RSx<br />

− Rgx = mpax, ⎪<br />

⎪RSy<br />

− Rgy = mpay, ⎪<br />

⎨<br />

⎪RSz<br />

+ Rgz − Gp= mpaz, ⎪<br />

i<br />

⎪⎩ + ( R ) + ( G ) + ( F ) = J ,<br />

M M M M ε p<br />

g C s C p C p<br />

i j k<br />

M ( R ) = r × R = x 0 − z = i( zR ) + j( −xR− zR ) + k xR ,<br />

C S A S A A A Sy A Sz A Sx A Sy<br />

R R R<br />

Sx Sy Sz<br />

i j k<br />

M ( G ) = r × G = x y − z = i( − z G ) + k( −x<br />

G ) ,<br />

C p O p O O O O p O p<br />

0 −G<br />

0<br />

i j k<br />

p<br />

i i<br />

M ( F ) = r × F = x y − z = i(<br />

m a y + m a z ) +<br />

C O O O O p z O p y O<br />

ma ma ma<br />

p x p y p z<br />

+ j( −max − maz ) + k(<br />

max −may<br />

).<br />

p z O p x O p y O p x O<br />

mp, Jp – the mass and respectively the mass inertia moment of the foot, εp –<br />

angular acceleration of the foot, F i – inertia force of the foot, yiel<strong>din</strong>g the<br />

expressions to calculate the unknowns:<br />

⎧ Rgx = RSx −mpa,<br />

⎪<br />

⎪ xRgy = RSy −mpay,<br />

⎪<br />

⎪ Rgz =− RSz + Gp+ mpa, ⎨<br />

y<br />

⎪Mgx<br />

=− zARSy + zOGp+ Jpxε px −may p z O −maz<br />

p y O,<br />

⎪<br />

Mgy = RSx yA+ RSz xA+ Jpyε py + max p z O + maz p x O,<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪⎩ Mgy =− RSyxA+ GpxO+ Jpzε pz − max p y O + may p x O.<br />

For the dynamic balance of total support of the foot on the ground (Fig. 5),<br />

(1)<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 235<br />

Fig. 3 – Force reducing for biomechanical system ankle-foot.

236 Victor Cotoros and Emil Budescu<br />

Rgx<br />

RSx RSy<br />

RSy<br />

A<br />

M<br />

RSz<br />

RSy<br />

Rgz<br />

mpaz<br />

mpay<br />

RSz<br />

M<br />

Rgy<br />

RSx<br />

mpax<br />

Gp<br />

α<br />

d2<br />

Fig. 4 – Mechanical load for the initial contact on heel.<br />

RSz<br />

d5<br />

O<br />

RSx<br />

Gp<br />

d2<br />

β<br />

Z<br />

Fig. 5 – Mechanical load at the middle of total support of the foot on ground.<br />

β<br />

Z<br />

A<br />

d1<br />

C<br />

d1<br />

Y<br />

C<br />

d3<br />

Y<br />

X<br />

d3<br />

O<br />

X<br />

B<br />

α<br />

A O B<br />

d4<br />


Rgz<br />

A<br />

Rg<br />

m pa y<br />

M<br />

C<br />

Gp<br />

R Sx<br />

R Sy<br />

R Sz<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012<br />

Rg<br />

m pa z<br />

O m pa x<br />

d5<br />

R Sz<br />

O<br />

Gp<br />

B<br />

R Sy<br />

R Sx<br />

d2<br />

α<br />

β<br />

A<br />

C<br />

O<br />

Fig. 6 – Mechanical load at the begin of the support on the fingers tips.<br />

M<br />

A<br />

R gz<br />

m pa y<br />

Gp<br />

C<br />

R gy<br />

O<br />

B<br />

m pa x<br />

R Sz<br />

R gx<br />

Z<br />

mpa z<br />

R Sy<br />

R Sx<br />

R Sx<br />

R Sy<br />

Y<br />

RS<br />

d 5<br />

Fig. 7 – Mechanical load at the end of the support on the fingers tips.<br />

Z<br />

X<br />

d 2<br />

O<br />

Gp<br />

α<br />

Y<br />

β<br />

X<br />

d3<br />

A<br />

d1<br />

d 3<br />

C<br />

B<br />

O<br />

d 1<br />

B<br />

d 4<br />

d 4<br />

α<br />

α<br />


238 Victor Cotoros and Emil Budescu<br />

were<br />

⎧RSx<br />

− Rgx = mpax, ⎪<br />

⎪RSy<br />

− Rgy = mpay, ⎨<br />

⎪RSz<br />

+ Rgz − Gp= mpaz, ⎪<br />

⎩ g + C( Rs) + C( Gp) = Jp<br />

,<br />

M M M p ε<br />

i j k<br />

MC( RS ) = rE× RS= xE0 zE= i( − zER Sy ) + j( − xERSz + zERSx ) + kxER Sy ,<br />

R R R<br />

Sx Sy Sz<br />

i j k<br />

MC( Gp) = rO× Gp = xO yO − zO = i( − zOGp) + k ( −x<br />

OG<br />

p ) ,<br />

0 −G<br />

0<br />

p x p y p z<br />

p<br />

i j k<br />

i<br />

i<br />

MC(F ) = rO × F = xO yO − zO = i(<br />

mpazyO + mpayzO) +<br />

ma ma ma<br />

+ j( −max − maz ) + k(<br />

max −may),<br />

p z O p x O p y O p x O<br />

yiel<strong>din</strong>g the expressions to calculate the unknowns<br />

⎧Rgx<br />

= RSx −mpax,<br />

⎪<br />

⎪Rgy<br />

= RSy −mpay,<br />

⎪<br />

⎪ Rgz = Gp− RSy + mpaz, ⎪<br />

⎨<br />

⎪<br />

Mgx = zERSy + zOGp+ Jpxε px −may p z O −maz<br />

p y O ,<br />

⎪<br />

⎪Mgy<br />

= xERSz − zERSx + Jpyεpy + max p z O + maz p x O,<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎩Mgz<br />

=− RSy xE+ GpxO+ Jpzε pz − max p y O + may p x O.<br />

For the dynamic balance of the start of support on the tips of fingers (Fig. 6),<br />

the equations are<br />

(3)<br />


where<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 239<br />

⎧−<br />

RSx + Rgx = mpax, ⎪<br />

⎪RSy<br />

− Rgy = mpay, ⎪<br />

⎨<br />

⎪RSz<br />

+ Rgz− Gp= mpaz, ⎪<br />

⎪⎩<br />

+ ( R ) + ( G ) = J ,<br />

M M M ε p<br />

g C s C p p<br />

i j k<br />

M (R ) = x y z = i(<br />

y R −zR<br />

) +<br />

C S E E E E Sz E Sy<br />

−R<br />

R R<br />

Sx Sy Sz<br />

+ j( −x R − z R ) + k(x<br />

R + y R ),<br />

E Sz E Sx E Sy E Sx<br />

i j k<br />

M ( G ) = r × G = x y − z = i( − z G ) + k ( −x<br />

G ) ,<br />

C p O p O O O O p<br />

O p<br />

0 −G<br />

0<br />

i j k<br />

p<br />

i i<br />

M ( F ) = r × F = x y − z = i(<br />

m a y + m a z ) +<br />

C O O O O p z O p y O<br />

ma ma ma<br />

p x p y p z<br />

+ j( −max − maz ) + k(<br />

max −may<br />

),<br />

p z O p x O p y O p x O<br />

yiel<strong>din</strong>g the expressions to calculate the unknowns<br />

⎧Rgx<br />

= RSx + mpax, ⎪<br />

⎪ Rgy = RSy −mpay,<br />

⎪<br />

⎪ Rgz = Gp− RSy + mpaz, ⎪<br />

⎨<br />

Mgx = zERSy − yERSz + zOGp+ Jpxε px −may p z O −maz<br />

p y O,<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪ Mgy = xERSz+ zERSx + Jpyε py + max p z O + maz p x O ,<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪⎩<br />

Mgz =−RSx yE− xERSy + GpxO+ Jpzε pz − max p y O + may p x O.<br />

For the static balance of the end of support on the tips of fingers (Fig. 7), there<br />

are available the equations:<br />

,<br />

(5)<br />


240 Victor Cotoros and Emil Budescu<br />

where<br />

⎧RSx<br />

− Rgx = mpax, ⎪<br />

RSy − Rgy = mpay, ⎪<br />

⎨<br />

⎪RSz<br />

+ Rgz − Gp= mpaz, ⎪<br />

⎪⎩ g + C( Rs) + C( Gp) = Jp<br />

,<br />

M M M ε p<br />

i j k<br />

MC( RS ) = rE× RS= xE0 zE= i( − zER Sy ) + j( − xERSz + zERSx ) + kxER Sy ,<br />

R R R<br />

Sx Sy Sz<br />

i j k<br />

MC( Gp) = rO× Gp = xO yO − zO = i( − zOGp) + k ( −x<br />

OG<br />

p ) ,<br />

0 −G<br />

0<br />

p<br />

i j kk<br />

i i<br />

MC( F ) = rO× F = xO yO − zO = i(<br />

mpazyO + mpay O)<br />

+<br />

ma ma ma<br />

z<br />

r<br />

p x p y p z<br />

+ j( −max− maz ) + k(<br />

max−may ),<br />

p z O p x O p y O p x O<br />

yiel<strong>din</strong>g the expressions to calculate the unknowns<br />

⎧Rgx<br />

= RSx −mpax,<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

Rgy = RSy −mpay,<br />

⎪ Rgz = Gp− RSy+ mpaz, ⎪<br />

⎨ Mgx = zERSy + zOGp+ Jpxε px −may p z O −maz<br />

p y O ,<br />

⎪<br />

⎪ Mgy = xERSz − zERSx + Jpyε py + max p z O + maz p x O,<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎩<br />

Mgz =− RSy xE+ GpxO+ Jpzεpz − max p y O + may p x O ,<br />

For the dynamic balance of the start of support on the tips of fingers (Fig. 6),<br />

the equations are given by Eqs. (5) and (6)<br />

(7)<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 241<br />

From Eqs. (2), (4) and (6), (7) there can be seen that the unknowns Rgx,<br />

Rgy, Rgz and Mgx, Mgy, Mgz are linearly depen<strong>din</strong>g on the components of the<br />

reaction with the ground Sx R , Sy R and Sz R the weight force of the foot Gp, the<br />

linear and angular accelerations of the foot but, at the same time, they are<br />

depen<strong>din</strong>g on the anthropometrical data of the foot, geometrical position of the<br />

contact point between the foot and ground, as well as the angles of dorsal –<br />

plantar and inversion – eversion flexions.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. From Eqs. (2), (4) and (6), (7) there can be determined the reaction<br />

forces and moments in ankle joint, which are necessary to evaluate the<br />

mechanical stresses loa<strong>din</strong>g tibia, fibula or astragal. Function of the value of<br />

these stresses, there can be analyzed various osteosynthesis techniques and can<br />

be made recommendations regar<strong>din</strong>g the gait during bone healing<br />

(osteosynthesis) as simultaneous technique of articular rehabilitation.<br />

2. In case of tibial malleolus fracture, the mechanical load of the<br />

osteosynthesis assembly during the gait should not exceed the critical values for<br />

fracture fragments displacement. Thus, on the basis of reaction forces and<br />

moments in ankle, there can be analyzed the distribution of mechanical stresses<br />

in tibia and certain features of the gait can be recommended to patient, for a<br />

correct healing and articular rehabilitation.<br />


Budescu E., Iacob I., Bazele biomecanicii în sport. Ed. Univ. “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, 2005.<br />

Papilian V., Anatomia omului. Vol. 1, Aparatul locomotor. Ed. Didactică şi Pedagogică,<br />

Bucureşti, 1982.<br />

Poteraşu V.F., Popescu D., Curs de mecanică teoretică. Vol. 1 şi 2, Ed. Universităţii<br />

Tehnice “Gheorghe Asachi”, Iaşi, 1995.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Lucrarea prezintă modelul <strong>din</strong>amic tridimensional al articulaţiei gleznei,<br />

considerând ca mişcări independente flexia dorsală-plantară şi inversia-eversia. Forţele<br />

interne care acţionează asupra piciorului au fost reduse în centrul articulaţiei la o forţă şi<br />

un moment unice. Folosind analiza <strong>din</strong>amică inversă, au fost scrise ecuaţiile de mişcare<br />

ale piciorului, pentru patru poziţii distincte ale contactului <strong>din</strong>tre picior şi sol în timpul<br />

mersului. Ecuaţiile pot fi folosite pentru determinarea forţei şi momentului articular <strong>din</strong><br />

gleznă, fiind necesare valori ale caracteristicilor antropometrice, forţei şi momentului de<br />

inerţie şi forţei de contact <strong>din</strong>tre picior şi sol.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />


Received July 20, 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: November 10, 2012<br />

“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi,<br />

Department of Mechanisms Theory and Robotics<br />

Abstract. The paper presents virtual models of the tibial malleolus fracture<br />

and the analysis of the state of stress for three orthopedical surgical procedures.<br />

Three osteosynthesis assemblies are CAD modeled and the models are subjected<br />

to finite element analysis (FEA). The states of stress for each osteosynthesis<br />

assembly are compared one to each other, resulting the most suitable surgical<br />

procedure.<br />

Key words: biomechanics, tibia, virtual model, strength, stress, finite<br />

element.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Virtual simulation of the mechanical behavior of an osteosynthesis<br />

assembly provides to the surgeon useful information regar<strong>din</strong>g the most suitable<br />

surgical techniques, being possible multiple analysis by the multitude of<br />

simulation variants, both from technical and surgical point of view.<br />

One of the most used methods of analysis of the state of stress and<br />

deformation into a virtual assembly of bodies is the finite element method<br />

(FEA). The idea laying to the base of the finite element method is that the<br />

irregular geometrical structure is partitioned in many parts with regular<br />

geometry, the so called finite elements, whose properties can be expressed by<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: emertica@mail.tuiasi.ro

244 Victor Cotoros and Eugen Merticaru<br />

the computer through equations that can be solved. The partitioning of the entire<br />

structure in many small parts is named discretization. Through this<br />

discretization, a difficult problem (practicly impossible to solve) is replaced<br />

with a simplier one. Mechanical stresses obtained with finite element method<br />

analysis are known as "von Mises stresses", these being equivalent mechanical<br />

stresses, that are iclu<strong>din</strong>g both normal and shear stresses. These stresses are<br />

giving an overall image rega<strong>din</strong>g the stress distribution into the analyzed<br />

assembly, they being able to be used for dimensioning some technical elements.<br />

For the proposed purpose, there was started from the virtual model of the<br />

osteosynthesis assembly bone-implant, designed in CAD software SolidWorks<br />

and ProEngineering. The model was then imported in the software ANSYS for<br />

finite element analysis.<br />

ANSYS is a software for numerical simulation with finite element. It is<br />

used to analyse the complex problems of mechanical structures, thermal<br />

proceses, fluid mechanics, magnetism, electric field etc. ANSYS has many<br />

graphical abilities that may be used to assess and present the anaysis results.<br />

There were analyzed 3 surgical orthopedical procedures: osteosynthesis<br />

with malleolar screw; osteosynthesis with Kirschner broaches and link with<br />

metalic wire; osteosynthesis with Kirschner broach, link with metalic bracing<br />

wire and cortical screw.<br />

2. Finite Element Analysis of the Osteosynthesis with Malleolar Screw<br />

There was started from the virtual model of the osteosynthesis assembly<br />

bone-implant screw, designed in the CAD software SolidWorks and<br />

ProEngineering. The model was then imported in the software ANSYS for<br />

finite element analysis.<br />

The geometrical complexity of the implanted functional unit leads to a<br />

complex static structural behavior which is impossible to be assessed by classic<br />

strength calculus. For this reason, there was used the finite element analysis<br />

with the software ANSYS. The assessment of the state of stress, strain and<br />

contact of the designed elements was done by structural static analysis of the<br />

assembly, in the same conditions of loa<strong>din</strong>g and support. Thus, there were<br />

assessed the effects of loa<strong>din</strong>g at the level of interface bone-screw.<br />

In order to assess the state of stress and strain that occurs in bone, due to<br />

malleolar screw, the osteosynthesis assembly was analyzed with the finite<br />

element method for traction loa<strong>din</strong>g, as can be seen in figure 1. This mechanical<br />

loa<strong>din</strong>g was considered to be the most disadvantageous for fracture<br />

osteosynthesis, that is, the type of loa<strong>din</strong>g which shows if such a type of<br />

assembly resists or not to maintain the contact between the fracture fragments.<br />

At the same time, the analytical data can be compared with the experimental<br />

data, because the experimental testing to traction is an usual loa<strong>din</strong>g for special<br />

testing machines.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 245<br />

The mechanical properties of the elements of the analyzed assembly,<br />

required for finite element analysis in ANSYS, are presented in Table 1.<br />

separati<br />

on<br />

F<br />

F<br />

Fig. 1 – Traction loa<strong>din</strong>g of the assembly bone-implant.<br />

Table 1<br />

Mechanical properties required for FEA<br />

Materials<br />

Elascicity modulus<br />

E [MPa]<br />

Poisson<br />

coefficient, ν<br />

Austenitic stainless steel 1.93⋅10 5 0.31 7.86⋅10 -6<br />

Porous bone 100 0.27 1⋅10 -6<br />

Periosteum 15.3⋅10 3 0.28 1.8⋅10 -6<br />

Compact (cortical) bone 17.5⋅10<br />

3<br />

0.28<br />

-6<br />

2⋅10<br />

Density 3<br />

ρ [kg/mm ]<br />

The first stage of the numerical analysis with finite element was to<br />

import the assembly CAD model and to declare all the materials involved in<br />

analysis. Thus, the uased materials were: austenitic stainless steel for the screw,<br />

porous bone for the internal layer of the lower epiphysis of tibia, periosteum for<br />

surface layer of tibia and compact (cortical) bone for lower layer of tibia<br />

diaphysis. The next stage was to declare the contact between elements. This<br />

operation was done automatically, the software ANSYS identifiyng the surfaces<br />

in contact and declaring links.<br />

Numerical analysis with finite element continued by dicretizing the<br />

assembly into finite elements. Discretization was done automatically, using<br />

tetrahedrical elements, respectively “10-Node Tetrahedral Structural Solid”.<br />

Initially, was tried manual discretization of the assembbly, but certain regions of<br />

the threaded zone could not be discretized due to assigning too small<br />

dimensions for discretized elements. Thus, the automatic discretization was<br />

chosen. Another reason for chosing automatic discretization is that the calculus<br />

requirements are increasing exponentially at the same time with decreasing the

246 Victor Cotoros and Eugen Merticaru<br />

dimension of the finite element. In Fig. 2 there is presented the osteosynthesis<br />

assembly bone-screw, after discretization.<br />

Fig. 2 – Discretization of the assembly bone-screw.<br />

The next stage was to establish the constraints and the loads acting on the<br />

assembly. Thus, the assembly is subjected to a traction force, and at the upper<br />

zone it is constrained through embed<strong>din</strong>g (zero degrees of freedom). The value<br />

of traction force was adopted to be equal to maximum resultant reaction force,<br />

this value being Rg ≈ 750 N. The direction of the force was considered to be<br />

vertical.<br />

Fig. 3 – Distribution of stress in the model tibia-malleolar screw.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 247<br />

Graphical representation of the equivalent stress von Mises for the<br />

oesteosynthesis tibia-malleolar screw, obtained with the software ANSYS, is<br />

represented in Fig. 3. Analyzing the stresses, graphically represented with<br />

different colours, there can be observed that they are varying between 156 MPa<br />

and 941 MPa. The unit measure Pa, called Pascal, is equivalent with N/m 2 , and<br />

MPa represents 10 6 · Pa = 1 N/mm 2 .<br />

From the analysis of stresses in longitu<strong>din</strong>al section through 3D model,<br />

there can be seen the fact that the biggest values of stress occur at the limit<br />

between the screw thread and porous bone tissue, that correspon<strong>din</strong>g to<br />

observed reality. Comparing the value of stress with the admissible one, there<br />

can be observed that if the fractured ankle is not immobilized, but subjected to<br />

normal gait, the maximum stresses could exceed the admissible values, the bone<br />

tissue could break and the osteosynthesis assembly could be destroyed.<br />

3. CAD Model of the System Bone-Kirschner Broaches–link with Metalic<br />

Wire and Finite Element Analysis of the Osteosynthesis Assembly<br />

The CAD model of the two Kirschner broaches was obtained very easy<br />

with the software ProEngineering, the broach being modeled as a steel rod, as<br />

can be seen in Fig. 4.<br />

Fig. 4 – Kirschner broach.<br />

The CAD model of the assembly tibia-Kirschner broaches–metalic wire<br />

(wire of thickness 3 [mm]) is presented in Fig. 5, in overall view, and in Fig. 6,<br />

in section view.<br />

The metalic wire was taken as a closed loop, because the spliced<br />

representation could not be possible.<br />

Analysis of the state of stress and strain done with the software ANSYS,<br />

emphasyzed the following aspects for this technique of osteosynthesis of the<br />

tibia malleolus fracture:<br />

i) when the separation plane of the fracture is traction loaded, the<br />

mechanical stress varies between 121 MPa and 364 MPa, as can be seen in<br />

Fig.7;<br />

ii) the stresses in the lower malleolar fragment have big values at the<br />

interface between broaches and bone, so that, for the given load, the bone tissue<br />

could be destroyed;<br />

iii) compared with the osteosynthesis technique with malleolar screw, the<br />

mechanical stresses are smaller in this case, the maximum value being much<br />

smaller, this meaning that this techinque is more suitable than the first one;

248 Victor Cotoros and Eugen Merticaru<br />

iv) displacement of the lower fractured fragment is smaller than for the<br />

first analyzed technique of osteosynthesis, so that this technique is better also,<br />

from this point of view, than the previous technique.<br />

Fig. 5 – CAD model of the assembly tibia – Kirschner broaches – metalic wire.<br />

Fig. 6 – Longitu<strong>din</strong>al section through osteosynthesis assembly.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 249<br />

Fig. 7 – Stress distribution for the osteosynthesis assembly bone-broaches-wire.<br />

In Fig. 7 the fracture fragments were born away, after simulation, in order<br />

to envision the stresses in broaches.<br />

Simulation performed for the virtual model tibia-two broahes-bracing<br />

wire was done for ideal condition of mechanical loa<strong>din</strong>g, namely for normal<br />

gate, with a healthy articulation, without taking into account that ankle<br />

immobilization reduces the force acting on tibia at only 30 … 40 N, in regard to<br />

value of 750 N considered for simulation.<br />

4. CAD Model of Kirschner Broaches, Link with Bracing Wire and<br />

Cortical Screw and Finite Element Analysis of Virtual Assembly<br />

In the case of the third osteosynthesis technique, there were modeled,<br />

additionally to the previous technique, the cortical screw and the bracing wire<br />

for tieing the cortical screw with the two Kirschner broaches.<br />

The connecting screw is intended for joints with cortical bone structures<br />

and is characterized by saw shape profile with small deep and filleted bottom.<br />

The cortical screw is standardized element with the symbol M 3.5 and has the<br />

following features (dimensions): central axis diamater: 2.4 mm; spire diameter:<br />

3.5 mm; thread length: 12 mm; total length: 20 mm; thread deep: 0.45 mm;<br />

thread pitch: 0.5 mm; head diameter: 6 mm; internal hole diameter: 3 mm.

250 Victor Cotoros and Eugen Merticaru<br />

The virtual model of the screw was done with software SolidWorks, as<br />

can be seen in Fig. 8.<br />

Fig. 8 – Cortical screw.<br />

With the software ProEngineering there was obtained the CAD model of<br />

the whole osteosynthesis assembly, formed by the two Kirschner broaches,<br />

cortical screw and bracing wire, as can be seen in Fig. 9, in overall view and in<br />

Fig. 10, in longitu<strong>din</strong>al section through tibia.<br />

The bracing wire was difficult to represent because there was not possible<br />

to represent the knot bon<strong>din</strong>g; consequently, the bracing wire was represented<br />

as a continuous loop in order to obtain the virtual CAD model of the link with<br />

the metalic wire between the two broaches and the cortical screw. Another<br />

modeling difficulty was to represent the contact between the wire, bone,<br />

broaches and the cortical screw, due to varying geometry of the external surface<br />

of tibia. At the same time, as can be seen in Fig. 9, at the loop with „8” shape of<br />

the bracing wire, there was avoided direct contact of the wire segments in order<br />

to not be taken as being welded at that point (otherwise, the type of link is<br />

altered). The CAD model was transferred in software ANSYS were the<br />

assembly was discretized, as can be seen in Fig. 11.<br />

Then, there were established the constraints (embe<strong>din</strong>g in the upper zone<br />

of tibia) and mechanical loads (vertical traction force equal to maximum<br />

resultant force in ankle joint, in dynamic regime), identical like in the two<br />

previous cases. For a correct simulation of the displacement of the fractured<br />

fragment of the malleolus with respect to tibia, there was considered a<br />

separation plane between the fragments, at which level the traction force acted,<br />

situation being similar with the previous cases.<br />

Finite element analysis has emphasized the following aspects of the<br />

osteosynthesis technique with two Kirschner broaches, cortical screw and link<br />

with bracing wire:<br />

i) the traction force was equal to 750 [N], mechanical stress varies from<br />

81 [MPa] up to 246 [MPa]; after simulation, a broach was removed in order to<br />

see the stress distribution in the hole in bone (Fig. 12);

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 251<br />

ii) the most loaded zone is the interface bone-Kirschner broaches, being<br />

possible destruction of bone tissue at the considered value of traction force;<br />

iii) the values between which the mechanical strees varies are the smallest<br />

among the three analyzed osteosynthesis techniques; thus, this last surgical<br />

technique is recommended from biomechanical point of view;<br />

iv) deformations produced in the model are smaller with respect to those<br />

from the technique with only broaches and wire (previous case);<br />

v) theoretically, as resulting from simulation, there are not relative<br />

displacements between fracture fragments, these being very smal, by the order<br />

of microns, being insignificant;<br />

vi) theoretically, if destruction of the porous bone tissue arround the<br />

broaches would not occur, the patient could stress the ankle in normal gait<br />

condition, without relative displacement of the fracture fragments.<br />

Fig. 9 – General view for tibia-broaches-cortical screw-bracing wire.<br />

The osteosynthesis technique with Kirschner broaches, cortical screw and<br />

bracing wire ensures a very good stability of fracture fragments, even when the<br />

ankle is loaded with forces equal to the entire body weight. In reality, due to<br />

patient immobilisation until the bone is completely recovered, as well as due to<br />

the fact that mechanical load acting on the ankle is smaller, of approximately 30<br />

… 50 N, fracture fragments have not any relative displacement one to each<br />


252 Victor Cotoros and Eugen Merticaru<br />

Fig. 10 – Longitu<strong>din</strong>al section through tibia with fractured malleolus.<br />

Fig. 11 – Discretization of the osteosynthesis assembly.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 253<br />

Fig. 12 – Distribution of mechanical stresses in osteosynthesis model.<br />

The finite elemnt analysis allows the orthopedic surgeon to use the<br />

simulation of various techniques, personalized for a patient, so that, before<br />

operation, to chose the most suitable technique.<br />

Like in engineering, in biomechanics there are always used the „safety<br />

coefficients”, with value bigger than unit, as big as the uncertainty level of the<br />

model is big and the risk of accident is pregnant.<br />

5. Conclusions<br />

Virtual modeling of the osteosynthesis assemblies for fracture of tibia<br />

malleolus and the analysis with finite elements have emphasized the following<br />

aspects:<br />

a) virtual 3D modeling of the anatomic elements is a proces of imagistic<br />

technique still troublesome, due to complexity of represented surfaces;<br />

b) there is the possibility to derive some virtual models, that is, to alter<br />

the scale ratios or the anthropometrical dimensions of a model already done;<br />

c) with the help of finite element analysis there can be simulated various<br />

osteosynthesis techniques, trying both various techniques and various<br />

dimensions of the elements of a certain technique, aiming to identify the<br />

suitable solution for a given case;<br />

d) among the three types of analyzed osteosynthesis techniques, the most<br />

suitable for the given case, is the technique with two Kirschner broaches,<br />

cortical screw and bracing wire, that ensuring the smallest state of stress as well<br />

as the smallest strains in bone tissue;

254 Victor Cotoros and Eugen Merticaru<br />

e) the malleolar screw produces, during traction loa<strong>din</strong>g, a very big stress<br />

in bone tissue which is excee<strong>din</strong>g the breaking stress of the tissue, this situation<br />

lea<strong>din</strong>g to fractured fragments displacement and disparagement of<br />

osteosynthesis; this technique may be used when the ankle is immobilized or<br />

the load is very small;<br />

f) simulation and finite element analysis provide the possibility to<br />

determine the limit values of the forces acting on the osteosynthesis assembly,<br />

so that the surgeon to make the recommendation regar<strong>din</strong>g the gait of the<br />

patient after the operation (for example, the gait with or without support).<br />


Bozday T., Burjan T., Bagdi C., Floris I., Vendegh Z., Varadi K., Evaluation of<br />

Stabilization Methods of Pelvic Ring Injuries by Finite Element Modeling. Eklem<br />

Hastalik Cerrahisi, 19, 127-132 (2008).<br />

Budescu E., Iacob I., Bazele biomecanicii în sport. Ed. Universităţii “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi,<br />

2005.<br />

Papilian V., Anatomia omului. Vol. 1, Aparatul locomotor. Ed. Didactică şi Pedagogică,<br />

Bucureşti, 1982.<br />

Poteraşu V.F., Popescu D., Curs de mecanică teoretică. Vol. 1 şi 2, Univ. <strong>Tehnică</strong><br />

“Gheorghe Asachi” Iaşi, 1995.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Lucrarea prezintă modele virtuale ale fracturii maleolei tibiale şi analiza stării<br />

de tensiuni pentru trei proceduri ortopedice chirurgicale. Trei ansamble de osteosinteză<br />

sunt modelate CAD şi modelele sunt supuse analizei cu elemente finite (FEA). Starea de<br />

tensiuni pentru fiecare ansamblu de osteosinteză este comparată cu fiecare <strong>din</strong> celelalte,<br />

rezultând cea mai potrivită procedură chirurgicală.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />





BY<br />


University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iasi,<br />

Department of Pedotechnica<br />

Received: September 30, 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: December 10, 2012<br />

Abstract. The physical degradation of soil due to the interaction with the<br />

active parts of the agricultural units and with the wheels of the agricultural units<br />

consists mainly in the deterioration of its structure and also in its compaction. In<br />

order to quantify these aspects, experimental studies should be developed to<br />

establish the values of the active parts and wheels’ working parameters lea<strong>din</strong>g<br />

to soil degradation. A laboratory test rig with soil bin was designed and built in<br />

order to perform studies regar<strong>din</strong>g the interaction of agricultural machineries<br />

active parts and wheels with the ground. The studies carried out on the rig allow<br />

the determination of the working parameters for the active parts and the wheels<br />

(forces of resistance, slip etc), and their impact on the physical and mechanical<br />

properties of soil.<br />

Key words: active parts, wheel, soil channel.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The interaction of the active parts and wheels of the agricultural<br />

equipments with the ground determines its physical degradation, in particular by<br />

compaction, but also through the deterioration of its structure (Căproiu et al.,<br />

1982; Jităreanu et al., 2007; Ţenu et al., 2010). Experimental studies are<br />

necessary to quantify these aspects, in order to establish the values of the active<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: itenu@uaiasi.ro

256 Iona Ţenu et al.<br />

parts and wheels’ working parameters lea<strong>din</strong>g to soil degradation and<br />

compaction. In this context, correlations must be established between the<br />

wheels’ working parameters, soil compaction and the degradation level<br />

(Căproiu et al.,1973; Drăgan,1969; Neculăiasa,1971; Şandru et al.,1983), as<br />

well as the evaluation of the impact of the active parts on soil physical<br />

degradation indices.<br />

In order to solve the above-mentioned problems, a laboratory rig with soil<br />

bin was built in order to study the interaction of the active parts and wheels with<br />

the ground.<br />

2. Material and Method<br />

The test rig (Fig. 1) consists of the frame of the soil bin (1), the soil bin<br />

(2) and the carriage (3), on which the tillage active part (6), the tyre wheel (7)<br />

and the compacting roller (8) are mounted; and at the end of the soil bin frame<br />

an electric cable drum is attached, in order to tow the carriage by the means of<br />

the cable (5).<br />

The electric cable drum consists of an electric motor (9), a cylindrical<br />

gear drive and a drum (10); the latter one operates the cable (5), which is towing<br />

the carriage (3). The towing cable ends (5) are connected to the carriage frame<br />

by the means of two strain gauge load cells (4), allowing the measurement of<br />

the traction force needed to displace the carriage or to drive the tyre wheel.<br />

An electric motor (12) is mounted on the carriage and also a cylindrical<br />

gear for driving the tyre wheel (7). The lifting screw mechanisms (13) are used<br />

in order to adjust the working depth of the active part (6). The screw<br />

mechanism (14) allows the adjustment of the wheel’s vertical position; the<br />

vertical position of the compacting roller is adjusted by means of the screw<br />

mechanism (15).<br />

The carriage levelling-compacting roller (8) is used in order to achieve a<br />

certain level of soil compaction before the operation of the tillage active part or<br />

before testing the tyre wheel.<br />

When the carriage is towed by the means of the cable and the electric<br />

motor (9), the tyre wheel (7) has a free rotation movement due to its interaction<br />

with the soil and allows the modelling of the wheel-ground interaction process<br />

for a driven tractor wheel. When the carriage is not towed by the means of the<br />

cable, movement is achieved due to the tyre wheel (7), which is driving the<br />

carraige: the wheel is driven by electric motor (12) through a cylindrical gear<br />

and a trapezoidal belt drive. This latter situation allows modelling the wheelground<br />

interaction for tractor driving wheels.<br />

The force measuring system positioned in the front of the carriage is used<br />

to measure the resistance force developed by the active part at the interaction<br />

interface of the agricultural equipment active part-ground. The force<br />

measuring system located at the rear of the carriage allows the measurement of<br />

the driving force developed by the driving tyre wheel.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 257<br />

The electrical equipment of the laboratory test rig is used to supply<br />

electrical power to the two electric motors. Variable-speed and braking is<br />

achieved by means of a frequency converter.<br />

Fig.1 – Laboratory test rig with soil channel for the active parts-soil and wheel-soil<br />

interaction study: a – longitu<strong>din</strong>al vertical plane view; b – horizontal plane view;<br />

c – vertical cross section view.<br />

The traction force is measured by the force transducer. This device<br />

measures and displays the tension in the towing cable that pulls the carriage<br />

back and forth, by means of two 1000 daN load cells (strain gauge load cells),<br />

provided with ball joints at both ends, which operate in tandem with a<br />

programmable state-of-the-art weighing controller.<br />

The electric motor for cable carriage towing has a power of 5.5 kW and a<br />

speed of 1000 rpm and the electric motor used to drive the carriage powered<br />

wheel has 3 kW, with a speed of 1000 rpm.The carriage travelling speed when it<br />

is towed by the means of the 5.5 kW electric motor is 0.5… 1.55 m/s (1.8…<br />

5.58 km/h). The bin of the test rig was filled with a cambic chernozem soil, with<br />

a loam-clay texture, the size of the aggregates between 0.02… 50 mm and<br />

humidity of 17 to 19 %.<br />

3. Results and Discussions<br />

The laboratory test rig for the study of the interaction between the tyre<br />

wheel and ground and between the active part and ground was tested in two<br />

stages .<br />

In the first stage, the laboratory test rig was tested in order to check the<br />

constructive-functional parameters imposed by design. It has been found that<br />

the designed and built laboratory rig has the following constructive-functional

258 Iona Ţenu et al.<br />

parameters: working depth of the tillage equipment active parts: 0...300 mm; the<br />

setting angle of the tillage tool: -25 0 ...+25 0 (it is possible to adjust the active<br />

part soil penetration angle with 25 degrees more or less than average angle); the<br />

carriage speed (when towed by the cable by the 5.5 kw electric motor): 0.5…<br />

1.55 m/s; the tyre wheel and compaction roller maximum vertical load: 500<br />

daN; the maximum towing force (of the carriage) at the carriage speed of 0.55<br />

m/s: 800 daN; the maximum towing force (of the carriage) at a carriage speed<br />

of 1.55 m/s: 280 daN; the minimum breaking strength of the towing cable:<br />

40.83 kN. It was concluded that there were no significant differences between<br />

the design parameters and the achieved ones.<br />

In the second stage, the laboratory rig was tested in order to evaluate the<br />

moldboard plough body-ground interaction and tyre wheel- ground interaction<br />

(Fig.2).<br />

3.1. Tests under Laboratory Conditions Regvar<strong>din</strong>g the Active Part-soil<br />

Interaction<br />

A plough body with the working width of 200 mm, mounted on the rig<br />

carriage, was tested. In this case, the effects of the working depth, soil<br />

penetration resistance and working speed of the plough body over the towing<br />

force and specific power consumption were evaluated. The results of the tests<br />

are<br />

presented in Table 1.<br />

The results show that the increase of plough body travelling speed leads<br />

to a increase of the towing resistance force. At the same time, the increasing<br />

speed of the plough body has the effect of a pronounced increase of the specific<br />

power consumption. It may also be noted that an increased soil penetration<br />

resistance leads to a significant increase of the towing resistance force. In the<br />

meantime, an increased soil penetration resistance leads to a significant increase<br />

of the specific power consumption.<br />

It was also found that as the body plough working depth increases, there<br />

is a notable increase of the towing resistance force.<br />

In the meantime, the increase of the plough body working depth causes a<br />

slight and uneven variation of the specific power consumption: increasing the<br />

working depth from 100 mm to 150 mm leads to a slight decrease of the<br />

specific power consumption; when further increasing the working depth from<br />

150 mm to 200 mm, an increase of the specific power consumption was<br />

recorded. These variations of the specific consumption of power may be thus<br />

explained: for low working depths (bellow 15 cm), the slice of soil displaced<br />

does not form a furrow (there is no slice roll-over), so the specific power<br />

consumption is low; for working depths above 15 cm the conditions for the<br />

furrow rollover are becoming better (in this situation, the torsion and inversion<br />

of the furrow are achieved and the specific power consumption increases), so<br />

that the specific energy consumption is getting higher.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 259<br />

Table 1<br />

The working parameters of the test rig for the plough body-ground modelling<br />

interaction<br />

Plough body<br />

working<br />

depth<br />

mm<br />

100<br />

150<br />

200<br />

Soil penetration<br />

resistance<br />

MPa<br />

0.2<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

0.4<br />

Plough body Towing Specific power<br />

speed resistance<br />

force<br />

consumption<br />

m/s<br />

N<br />

W/cm 2<br />

0.75 705 2.65<br />

1.00 720 3.60<br />

1.25 735 4.59<br />

0.75 925 3.47<br />

1.00 940 4.70<br />

1.25 960 6.00<br />

0.75 1055 2.64<br />

1.00 1070 3.57<br />

1.25 1080 4.50<br />

0.75 1380 3.45<br />

1.00 1400 4.67<br />

1.25 1420 5.92<br />

0.75 1450 2.72<br />

1.00 1470 3.67<br />

1.25 1485 4.64<br />

0.75 1859 3.47<br />

1.00 1890 4.72<br />

1.5 1930 6,03<br />

a b<br />

Fig. 2 – The test rig experimentation under laboratory conditions of the tyre wheel and<br />

active part interactions with the ground: a – the wheel-ground interaction study;<br />

b – the plough body-ground interaction study.

260 Iona Ţenu et al.<br />

3.2. Tests under Laboratory Conditions Regar<strong>din</strong>g the Wheel-soil Interaction<br />

Respecting the laws of similarity, a 5.00-12/4PR TA60 tread traction tyre<br />

wheel, mounted on the the laboratory rig carriage, was tested in laboratory<br />

conditions. In these tests, the tyre wheel performed as a driving wheel, being<br />

driven by the 3 kW electrical motor mounted on the carriage, so the tyre wheel<br />

moved the carriage along the rig soil channel.<br />

Driving<br />

wheel<br />

speed<br />

rot/min<br />

20<br />

30<br />

40<br />

Table 2<br />

Main working parameters of the test rig with driving wheel<br />

Soil Wheel Carriage Driving Driving<br />

penetration load speed wheel slip wheel<br />

resistance<br />

traction<br />

force<br />

MPa N m/s %<br />

N<br />

500 0.50 17 230<br />

0,2 750 0.51 15 360<br />

1000 0.53 14 580<br />

500 0.51 15 290<br />

0,4 750 0.52 15 442<br />

1000 0.54 13 610<br />

500 0.75 16 220<br />

0,2 750 0.76 15 350<br />

1000 0.79 12 570<br />

500 0.76 15 285<br />

0,4 750 0.77 14 438<br />

1000 0.79 12 600<br />

500 0.99 15 220<br />

0,2 750 1.01 14 340<br />

1000 1.02 11 560<br />

500 1.01 14 280<br />

0,4 750 1.01 13 410<br />

1000 1.04 10 580<br />

The purpose of these tests was to evaluate the main laboratory rig<br />

working parameters for the driving wheel condition of service. Research has<br />

been conducted in order to evaluate the effect of the driving wheel rotational<br />

speed, penetration resistance of the soil and the wheel load over the speed of the<br />

carriage, driving wheel slip and traction force. The results obtained in these<br />

experiments are presented in Table 2.<br />

Based on the experimental results it was established that the increase of<br />

the driving wheel’s rotational speed leads to a significant increase of its<br />

travelling speed and also to the decrease of wheel slip.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 261<br />

By analysing the experimental results it was found that an increased soil<br />

penetration resistance is lea<strong>din</strong>g to a slightly increased driving wheel travelling<br />

speed; this is explained by the fact that for more compact soil the driving<br />

wheel-soil adhesion increases, causing the decrease of wheel slip and therefore<br />

increasing the carriage travelling speed. It was also concluded that an increased<br />

soil resistance to penetration increases the traction force developed by the<br />

driving wheel, as a result of the wheel–soil adhesion increase.<br />

Regar<strong>din</strong>g the influence of the driving wheel vertical load over the soil, it<br />

was established that the rise of this force leads to an increased travelling speed<br />

of the driving wheel, and, therefore, of the carriage, due to the increase of<br />

wheel- soil adhesion, that makes its slippage to diminish.<br />

In all cases, driving wheel slip had values that fell within the limits laid<br />

down by agro-technical requirements; these requirements provide that on<br />

compacted soil driving wheels slip should not exceed a maximum of 20 %.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The laboratory test rig with soil channel, aiming to study the wheelground<br />

interaction, is a very important achievement, absolutely necessary in the<br />

experimental researches carried out in laboratory conditions regar<strong>din</strong>g this<br />

interaction. This laboratory test rig was constructed as a result of the PNCDI II-<br />

52107 research grant.<br />

2. Experimental research carried out with plough body shows that the<br />

increase of plough body travelling speed leads to a increase of the towing<br />

resistance force and of the specific power consumption (a significant increase<br />

of specific power consumption). It may also be noted that an increased soil<br />

penetration resistance leads to a notable increase of towing resistance force and<br />

of the specific power consumption.<br />

3. It must be emphasized that as the body plough working depth<br />

increases, there is a increase of the towing resistance force.Regar<strong>din</strong>g the<br />

specific power consumption, it was concluded that: increasing the working<br />

depth from 100 mm to 150 mm leads to a slight decrease of the specific power<br />

consumption and by increasing the working depth from 150 mm to 200 mm it is<br />

found a significant increase of the specific power consumption. These<br />

variations may be thus explained: the working depth increase leads to a increase<br />

of specific power consumption for rolling over and breaking down the<br />

displaced slice of soil.<br />

4. Based on the experimental results, it was established that the increase<br />

of the driving wheel rotational speed leads to a increase of its travelling speed<br />

and traction force and a a decrease of the wheel slip. It was also established that<br />

an increased soil penetration resistance resulted in increased driving wheel<br />

speed and traction force, while its slip decreased.

262 Iona Ţenu et al.<br />


Căproiu Şt. et al., Maşini agricole de lucrat solul, semănat şi întreţinere a culturilor.<br />

Ed. Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1982.<br />

Jităreanu G. şi colab., Tehnologii şi maşini pentru mecanizarea lucrărilor solului în<br />

vederea practicării conceptului de agricultură durabilă. Ed. "Ion Ionescu de la<br />

Brad", Iaşi, 2007.<br />

Popescu V., Cum lucrăm pământul. Ed. Tehnica Agricolă, Bucureşti, 1993.<br />

Roş V., Maşini agricole pentru lucrările solului. Institutul Politehnic Cluj, 1984.<br />

Scripnic V., Babiciu P., Maşini agricole. Ed. Ceres, Bucureşti, 1979.<br />

Şandru A. et al., Exploatarea utilajelor agricole. Ed. Didactică şi Pedagogică,<br />

Bucureşti, 1983.<br />

Ţenu I. et al., Interacţiunea solului cu organele de lucru ale agregatelor agricole. Ed.<br />

"Ion Ionescu de la Brad", Iaşi, 2010.<br />




(Rezumat)<br />

Degradarea fizică a solului, determinată de interacţiunea organelor de lucru şi a<br />

roţilor de sprijin ale agregatelor agricole, se referă în special la deteriorarea structurii şi<br />

la compactarea acestuia.<br />

În vederea cuantificării acestor aspecte sunt necesare studii pentru a se stabili la<br />

ce valori ale parametrilor de funcţionare a organelor de lucru şi a roţilor de sprijin<br />

începe procesul de degradare fizică a solului.<br />

Pentru efectuarea acestor studii s-a proiectat şi realizat un stand de laborator cu<br />

canal de sol pentru studiul interacţiunii organelor de lucru şi a roţilor de sprijin ale<br />

utilajelor agricole cu solul. Cercetările ce se efectuează, prin intermediul standului,<br />

permit determinarea atât a parametrilor de lucru pentru organele de lucru şi roţi (forţe de<br />

rezistenţă, patinare etc), cât şi a impactului acestora asupra însuşirilor fizico-mecanice<br />

ale solului.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />



Received: November 10, 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: November 28, 2012<br />

„Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău<br />

Abstract. In this article presents a method to determine the trajectory of a<br />

real particle on an oscillating surface. A special attention was given to recor<strong>din</strong>g<br />

the mode of trajectory and for this purpose we used two cameras of the same<br />

type. Tridimensional trajectory of the particle on the oscillating surface was<br />

achieved through SyntEyes program. And been it was also determine the real<br />

speed of the particle.<br />

Key words: flat surface oscillatory motion, the particle trajectory.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Vegetable products from agriculture and some of the products resulting<br />

from various industrial processes (grin<strong>din</strong>g, granulating, briquetting etc.) is a<br />

heterogeneous mixture. To separate such a mixture may use different methods,<br />

which are chosen taking into account the nature of the system and its properties<br />

(phase discontinuous nature, size, temperature etc.) (Moşneguţu et al., 2007).<br />

Separation of a mixture of solid particles on their size difference is the<br />

most popular method, used to both cleaning and sorting mixtures of particles<br />

(Nedeff et al., 2001).<br />

The separations of solid particles by size represent the most old<br />

separation technology and we find many studies about it. But the most<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: emos@ub.ro

264 Emilian Moşneguţu et al.<br />

significant studies have been done by Brereton and Dymott in 1973, Rose and<br />

English in 1973, De Pretis in 1977 and Ferrara in 1988, studies which aim, in<br />

especially, to increase the efficiency of separation (Tsakalakis, 2001),<br />

(Sol<strong>din</strong>ger, 1999).<br />

However the separation of solid particles by size is not well known, in the<br />

specialty literature, have appeared three trends to study this process:<br />

i) experimental studies (Trumic, 2011);<br />

ii) theoretical studies (Sol<strong>din</strong>ger, 2002), (Li et al., 2003), (Stoicovici et<br />

al., 2008), (Szymański et al., 2003), (Xie, 2007);<br />

iii) studying the process through the simulation (Dong, 2009), (Zhao,<br />

2010), (Jianzhang & Xin, 2012).<br />

From specialty literature study is established that the process separation<br />

of solid particles after their size depends on several factors (Tsakalakis, 2001):<br />

i) size and shape aperture sieve;<br />

ii) particle size and form; moisture particles undergo the process of<br />

separation; intensity of vibration, respectively frequency and amplitude;<br />

iii) quantity of material that is fed sieve; sieve length.<br />

These factors also influence the behavior of solid particle on to surface<br />

oscillating respectively its trajectory.<br />

2. Materials and Equipment<br />

In the specialty literature there are very few experimental determinations<br />

which involving the use of real particles to determine the trajectory and speed of<br />

movement thereof on an oscillating surface. Therefore, the experimental<br />

determinations have performed using real particles, respectively particles of<br />

beans and using the worksheet - Triplot was determined form of these types of<br />

solid particle (Fig. 1).<br />

To generate oscillatory movement was used laboratory stand equipped<br />

with a crank rod mechanism (<br />

Fig. 2). Because the laboratory stand has tyrants horizontal and vertical<br />

the sieve<br />

block executes oscillations on three directions.<br />

It is very difficult to follow the solid particle on the surface oscillating, so<br />

it was used two video cameras, Sony DCR-SR 36, which has record speed is 25<br />

frames/second. Cameras have been placed in two perpendicular planes (Fig. 3),<br />

in order to track particle movement<br />

on plans:<br />

a) XOY – camera no. 1;<br />

b) XOZ – camera no. 2.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 265<br />

During these measurements we used a blind screen inclined to the<br />

horizontal at an angle of 7. Inclined flat surface was subjected to oscillatory<br />

motion of amplitudes:<br />

a) on axis OX on 0.723 mm;<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

b) on axis OY on 0.38 mm;<br />

c) on axis OZ on 1.01 mm.<br />

Fig. 1 – Determination of solid particle shape: a – length, b – width, c – thickness.<br />

5 6 7 8<br />

F ig. 2 – Laboratory stand components: 1 – flow control system, 2 – block the sieve,<br />

3 – device to control of block angle of sieve, 4 – frameworks,<br />

5 – counterweight,<br />

13<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />


266 Emilian Moşneguţu et al.<br />

6 – eccentric the shaft, 7 – horizontal longitu<strong>din</strong>al thrusts, 8 – belt, 9 – vertical rod,<br />

10 – transverse horizontal thrusts, 11 – electric motor, 12 – collection cassette of<br />

fractions, 13 – evacuation chute.<br />

Values have been determined using a Vibrotest 60.<br />

To follow as possible the path exactly of particle solid, on the working<br />

surface<br />

was limited<br />

the distance on which has followed the travel of particle and<br />

was draw a marker line in order to be view the particle movements in sideways<br />

( Fig. 4).<br />

video camera no. 1<br />

X<br />

Fig. 3 – The video cameras location.<br />

Fig. 4 – Marks used on oscillating surface.<br />

Z<br />

O<br />

Y<br />

video camera no. 2<br />

For obtaining the coor<strong>din</strong>ates of the point followed, regardless of video<br />

camera position, was used software SynthEyes, such:

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 267<br />

i) values obtained from the analysis of motion in the plane XOY (Fig. 5)<br />

will be determine: the travel time of solid particle on monitoring distance; the<br />

solid particle trajectory on oscillating surface; velocity of solid particle;<br />

ii) the second video camera (shooting in the plane XOZ) aims to<br />

determine the solid particle jumps on which made them at the time they travel<br />

on blind sieve (Fig. 6).<br />

Fi g. 5. Manner of determining<br />

the Fig. 6. Manner<br />

of determining the<br />

coor<strong>din</strong>ates<br />

of point in the plane XOY. coor<strong>din</strong>ates of point in the plane XOZ.<br />

3. Experimental Results<br />

In the processing of experimental data was taken into account: focus<br />

distance, aiming<br />

at the values obtained from the calculation correspond to real<br />

coor<strong>din</strong>ates;<br />

the angle of the plane surface.<br />

So after processing the data obtained with the help of SynthEyes, it could<br />

determine:<br />

A) Solid particle trajectory on the two planes tracked by video cameras<br />

(Fig. 7).<br />

B) Tridimensional trajectory of the solid particle moving on the<br />

oscillating flat surface, obtained by combining the two trajectories previously<br />

presented (Fig. 8);<br />

C) Knowing the time to follow the solid particle on oscillating surface<br />

and the distance traveled of particle after each frame it’s possible to determine<br />

the speed of movement (Fig. 9);

268 Emilian Moşneguţu et al.<br />

Fig. 7 – Moving the particle solid on oscillating surface.<br />

11.0<br />

Axis OY movement (mm)<br />

8.8<br />

6.6<br />

4.4<br />

2.2<br />

0.0<br />

0<br />

100<br />

200<br />

6.5<br />

0.0<br />

Axis OX movement (mm)<br />

F ig. 8 – 3D trajectory of a particle on the oscillating surface.<br />

Fig. 9 – Velocity of solid particle<br />

on surface oscillating.<br />

13.0<br />

300<br />

32.5<br />

26.0<br />

19.5<br />

Axis OZ movement (mm)

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 269<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The separation of solid particles after size is a complex process<br />

influ enced by several factors, which depend of the particles and characteristics<br />

of equipment used.<br />

2. In the experimental measurements were used real particles and from<br />

analysis of the Triplot chart<br />

shows that particle is used as lamellar particle.<br />

3. Because tyrants, stand used in the experimental determinations<br />

executed<br />

oscillations along three axes.<br />

4. By using two video cameras with purpose to tracking the solid particle<br />

trajectory was be achieved, with help of SynthEyes program, obtaining a threedimensional<br />

trajectory.<br />

5. Also from experimental data could determine the variation of solid<br />

particle<br />

velocity on the oscillating surface.<br />


Dong K.J., Yu A.B., Brake I., DEM Simulation of Particle<br />

Flow on a Multi-deck<br />

Banana Screen. Minerals Engineering, 22, 910-920 (2009).<br />

Li J. , Webb C., Pandiella S.S., Campbell G.M., Discrete Particle Motion on Sieves — A<br />

Numerical Study Using the DEM Simulation. Powder Technology, 133, 1-3,<br />

30,<br />

190-202 (July 2003).<br />

Moşneguţu E., Panainte M., Savin C., Măcărescu B., Nedeff V., Separarea<br />

amestecurilor de particule solide în curenţi de aer verticali. Ed. Alma Mater,<br />

Bacău, 2007.<br />

Nedeff V., Moşneguţu E., Băisan I., Separarea mecanică a produselor granulometrice<br />

şi pulverulente <strong>din</strong> industria alimentară. Ed. Tehnica-Info, Chişinău, 2001.<br />

Shilin Xie, Siu Wing Or, Helen Lai Wa Chan, Ping<br />

Kong Choy, Peter Chou Kee Liu,<br />

Analysis of Vibration Power Flow from a Vibrating Machinery to a Floating<br />

Elastic Panel. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 21, 1, 389-404 (January<br />

2007).<br />

Sol<strong>din</strong>ger<br />

M., Transport Velocity of a Crushed Rock Material Bed on a Screen.<br />

Minerals Engineering, 15, 1-2, 7-17 (January 2002).<br />

Stoic ovici D.I., Ungureanu M., Ungureanu N., Bănică, M., A Computer Model for<br />

Sieves’ Vibrations Analysis, Using an Algorithm Based on the “False-position”<br />

Method. American Journal of Applied Sciences,<br />

5, 12, 48-56 (2008).<br />

Szymański T., Wodziński P., Scre ening on a Screen with a Vibrating Sieve.<br />

Physicochemical<br />

Problems of Mineral Processing, 37, 27-36 (2003).<br />

Trumic M., Magdalinovic N., New Model of Screening Kinetics, Minerals Engineering,<br />

24, 42-49 (2011).<br />

Tsakalakis K., Some Basic Factors Affecting Scree Performance in Horizontal<br />

Vibrating Screens. The European Journal of Mineral Processing and<br />

Environmental Protection, I, 42-54 (2001).<br />

Xiao Jianzhang, Tong Xin, Particle Stratification and Penetration of a Linear Vibrating<br />

Screen by the Discrete Element Method. International Journal of Mining Science<br />

and Technology (2012).

270 Emilian Moşneguţu et al.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

O parte <strong>din</strong> produsele <strong>din</strong> agricultură sau rezultate <strong>din</strong> diferite procese industriale<br />

sunt supuse separării. Cea mai utilizată metodă de separare a unor astfel de produse o<br />

reprezintă separarea după dimensiunile particulelor care alcătuiesc amestecul eterogen.<br />

Cu toate că procesul de separare după dimensiuni este unul <strong>din</strong>tre cele mai răspândite,<br />

în literatura de specialitate sunt puţine studii care să prezinte modul de determinare a<br />

traiectoriei unei particule pe suprafaţa oscilantă a blocului de site. Articolul de faţă<br />

prezintă o metodă de determinare a acestei traiectorii, pentru o particulă reală, utilizând<br />

o sită oarbă care execută o mişcare oscilantă plană. Pentru determinarea traiectoriei<br />

particulei reale s-au utilizat două camere video care au avut drept scop filmarea<br />

deplasării particulei solide după planurile XOY şi XOZ. Cu ajutorul soft-ului SynthEyes<br />

s-au extras coordonatele punctului urmărit. Datele obţinute au fost prelucrate ţinându-se<br />

cont de distanţa de focalizare şi de unghiul de înclinare al suprafeţei plane. Prelucrarea<br />

datelor a avut drept scop determinarea traiectoriei reale a particulei şi viteza de<br />

deplasare a acesteia.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />





BY<br />

GELU NUŢU *1 and IOAN BĂISAN 2<br />

1 APIA Bacău<br />

2 „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi<br />

Received: November 10, 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: November 28, 2012<br />

Abstract. This paper presents the construction of a stand to study plant<br />

stems cutting force, cutting apparatus knife-finger type. Stand using a force<br />

transducer and a displacement with high sensitivity, which allows to obtain<br />

accurate values in real working conditions. Are presented the experimental<br />

results for three variants of the knife and three species of cereal grains, the cut<br />

stems between nodes and on the node.<br />

Key words: laboratory stand, cutting blade, cutting force.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Plant stems cutting operation is particularly important in the mechanical<br />

harvesting of plants, in terms of work quality indices and the energy<br />

(Neculăiasa 2002). Knife cutting machines, reciprocating finger found in<br />

construction combine harvester, a forage harvester and some mowers.<br />

Theoretical study of cutting operation with these devices is subject to a number<br />

of factors that can not be put into mathematical equations, and therefore the<br />

design and execution of their extensive use of experimental data.<br />

The force required depends on the shape of plant stems cutting blades,<br />

by way of bearing the strain during cutting, the physical and mechanical<br />

_______________________________<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: ngsax63@yahoo.com

272 Gelu Nuţu and Ioan Băisan<br />

characteristics and which are variable over time, depen<strong>din</strong>g on the state of<br />

vegetation (Filipescu 1998).<br />

2. Material and Working Method<br />

To study the operation of plant stems cutting machines with cutting knife-<br />

finger was designed and built a laboratory stand whose construction is shown in<br />

Fig. 1.<br />

Fig. 1 – Overview of the laboratory stand.<br />

Fig. 2 – Schematic diagram of the operation stand.<br />

Fig. 2 shows the schematic diagram of the operation of the stand. In bar 4<br />

port blades are mounted blades 5 and is engaged with a screw mechanism<br />

provided at one end to the handle 11 for actuation. Between the screw<br />

mechanism is mounted sensor bar port power strip 3. 2 through connector that<br />

allows rotating screw mechanism, horizontal movement is made, the entire<br />

assembly for displacement transducer 7. Plant stems are cut under 6 placed<br />

between fixed fingers. Signals from the two transducers are taken converters 8

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 273<br />

and 9, and sent purchasing card 10. After each experimental determination will<br />

get a feature cutting force-displacement type knife.<br />

Fig. 3 – Scheme for measuring the cutting force and blade movement.<br />

Fig. 3 present a schematic diagram of measuring force and displacement<br />

cutting blade during cutting plant stems.<br />

For cutting force measurement using a force transducer CTS63200KC25<br />

type and displacement measuring transducer type TLDT 50, whose sizes were<br />

taken out two type converters TA4D/2. Processed signals are transmitted to a<br />

data acquisition board model NI USB-6008 and from there to the central unit<br />

where information processing takes place using specialized software.<br />

Measurement resulting from a diagram that includes variation of force<br />

and displacement during cutting blade, such as in Fig. 4<br />

Table 1<br />

Geometric dimensions of the blades<br />

Type blade A B C D E F G<br />

Vindrover 21.6 58.4 80 12 50 76 2.27<br />

SEMA 17 58 75 7 50 76 2.3<br />

FENDT 30 50 80 15 51 76 2.61<br />

For experimental trials were used three variants of the cutting blades<br />

fitted vindrovers, combine SEMA and FENDT, whose geometric features (in<br />

mm) are presented in Fig. 5 and Table 1.<br />

The study was performed on the cut stalks of wheat, barley and oats at<br />

harvest, upright and inclined at 45 0 , between nodes and the node cutting<br />


274 Gelu Nuţu and Ioan Băisan<br />

Fig. 4 – Diagram obtained by computer.<br />

Fig. 5 – The structural characteristics of the cutting blade.<br />

Strains used in the tests had medium size, whose size was determ ined<br />

with a micrometer.<br />

3. Experimental Results<br />

Strains, from measurements had values between 4.51 to 4.74 mm for<br />

wheat, between 2.94 to 3.02 mm for barley and between<br />

2.82 to 3.17 mm from<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 275<br />

From experimental data presented in Table 1 can be seen that the shear<br />

force has the highest values in the case of strains of wheat, and here vindrover<br />

knives<br />

are cut with the smallest force, the vertical strains and strains inclined.<br />

As expected, the shear force values register lower in all cultures whose<br />

stem is inclined, in this case cutting is more advantageous energetically.<br />

Cutting force size changes significantly when cutting is performed on a<br />

node of<br />

the stem. The biggest differences are the cut stems of wheat is 2.5 times<br />

higher in type FENDT knife blades, knife type blades 2.7 times at SEMA and 6<br />

times higher in type vindrover knife blades.<br />

Table 2<br />

Variation of cutting force and displacement of the cutting blade plant strains<br />

Vindrover SEMA<br />

FENDT<br />

force (N) displacement force (N) displacement force (N) displacement<br />

(mm) (mm) (mm)<br />

vertical strain-cutting between nodes<br />

wheat 14,95-22,09 10,1-11,2 27,16-27,36 10,1-11,1 28,18-31,24<br />

17,1-18,7<br />

barley 9,85-12,1 9 ,1-10,5 1 4,95-19,03 16,2-17, 6 1 4,95-15,97 14 ,8-16,3<br />

oats 11,89-13,93 9,4-10,7 15,97-19,03 7,7-8,9 10,81-12,91 19, 2-20,2<br />

inclined stra in-cutting between nodes<br />

wheat 1 3,93-22,09 10,1-11,2 25,16-29,2 11,8-13,2 27,45-32,21 15,1-16,7<br />

barley 9,25-11,89 12,8-13,8 11,89-16,98 1 1,4-13,1 14,73-16,57 15,4-16,9<br />

oats 7,81-11,89 14,9-16,5 13,25-17,02 8,9-10,1 7,77-9,79 17,6-19,2<br />

vertical strain-cutting p er node<br />

wheat 117,8-132,1 8,2-10,1 62,84-73,1 12,2-13,3 62,84-76,9 19,2-21,1<br />

barley 15,79-20,05 8,9-10,1 32,28-44,48 10,0-11,3 2 2,09-27,16 14,8-16,3<br />

oats 26,14-34,3 6,7-7,8 57,74-68,5 7,9-9,3 25, 12-26,14 19,1-20,2<br />

The<br />

cutting force cutting strains of barley is a smaller increase, from 1.66<br />

times at<br />

vindrover and 2.31 ti mes at SEMA, while the oats betwee n 2.02<br />

times<br />

at FENDT and 3.57 times at SEMA.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The stand realized allows the<br />

determination with sufficient accuracy<br />

cutting force and displacement stems vegetable knife<br />

while cutting the node or<br />

between nodes.<br />

2. The construction is equipped with load and displacement with high<br />

sensitivity and presentation software makes chart as measured values.<br />

3. The stand<br />

can be used to measure cutting force for any crop at all<br />

stages of vegetation and any constructive variant of type knife-finger cutting<br />

apparatus.<br />


Filipescu I. , Contribuţii<br />

la tăierea mecanizată a viţei de vie în uscat. Teză de<br />

doctorat, <strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> ,,Gheorghe Asachi” Iaşi, 1998.

276 Gelu Nuţu and Ioan Băisan<br />

Neculăiasa V., Operaţii şi procese de lucru ale maşinilor<br />

agricole de recoltat. Ed.<br />

,,Gheorghe Asachi”, Iaşi, 2002.<br />





(Rezumat)<br />

Lucrarea faţă de prezintă construcţia şi funcţionarea unui stand de laborator<br />

destinat studiului tăierii tulpinilor vegetale şi care permite măsurarea forţei<br />

de tăiere şi a<br />

deplasării cuţitului în timpul tăierii, parametri ce se pot determina pentru orice fel de<br />

cultură agricolă şi pentru diferite tipuri constructive şi unghiuri de ascuţire a lamelor.<br />

Standul utilizează un traductor de forţă şi unul de deplasare cu sensibilitate<br />

ridicată, fapt ce permite obţinerea unor valori precise, în condiţii reale de lucru.<br />

Încercările experimentale au fost efectuate pentru trei culturi agricole, grâu, orz<br />

şi ovăz, toate la momentul recoltării efective <strong>din</strong> câmp, pe stand fiind folosite lamele<br />

tăietoare ce echipează trei game de maşini de recoltat: vindrovere pentru plante furajere<br />

şi combinele SEMA, respectiv FENDT. S-a urmărit determinarea forţei de tăiere pentru<br />

plantele aflate în poziţie verticală (în cea mai mare parte ) şi înclinate la 45 0 (în cazul<br />

culturilor culcate de vânt), tăierea fiind executată atât pe intervalul <strong>din</strong>tre nodurile<br />

tulpinii, cât şi pe nod.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />





Received:<br />

Accepted for publication:<br />

BY<br />


1 APIA Bacău<br />

2 Technical University „G. Asachi” from Iaşi<br />

Abstract. This paper presents experimental results obtained from strains<br />

cutting of crops, with the help of cutting apparatus, knife-finger type, out of<br />

grain harvesters in use in the Romanian agriculture. Cutting devices have been<br />

studied from combine DROPIA, SEMA GLORIA, CLASS, JOHN DEERE,<br />

FENDT and NEW HOLLAND, on a stand that allowed the cutting force<br />

measurement of strains on the interval between nodes and on the node.<br />

As study material, we used strains of main agricultural crops which are<br />

harvested by these machines, during special maturity stage at harvest.<br />

Key words: cutting force, strain vegetable, harvester.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Machine harvesters are generally designed for harvesting cereal grains,<br />

which have adapted working equipment for harvesting and other crops like<br />

corn, sunflower, bean peas, soybean, etc..<br />

Cutting machines used in construction machinery plant for harvesters are,<br />

in most, like knife finger, the finger pads mounted cutting board. They work<br />

properly in cultures with densities ranging from 200...800 plants/m 2 , between<br />

1.5 to 4.5 mm diameter stems and cut resistance between 0.2 to 0.8 N/cm 2<br />

(Bochat, 2009).<br />

______________________________<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: ngsax63@yahoo.com

278 Gelu Nuţu and Ioan Băisan<br />

To calculate the power necessary for operating the cutting machine knifefinger,<br />

experimental data is being used which recommend values between<br />

0.58...1.18 kW/m working width linear harvesting grain, and between<br />

1.10...1.84 kW/m to forage harvesting. The drive power needed for the cutting<br />

machine increases to values of 1.77 to 2.2 kW/m when fitted with two knives<br />

(Neculăiasa, 2002).<br />

If we take into account the above, knowledge of cutting force of strains,<br />

depen<strong>din</strong>g on the design of the cutting device, is required for optimal choice in<br />

terms of energy alternatives.<br />

2. Material and Working Method<br />

For experimental studies there were used active elements of the cutting<br />

apparatus of harvesters SEMA, DROPIA 1110, GLORIA 1120 and GLORIA<br />

1422 from romanian production, and the harvesters of CLASS, NEW<br />

HOLLAND, JOHN DEERE and FENDT, from import. The structural<br />

characteristics of the cutting blades (A-H in mm, and the angles i and α in<br />

degrees) are shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, respectively Table 1. Sharpening angle<br />

of the cutting blade is 20O for romanian combine and 19O for the import and<br />

the cutting was done with upright stems as found in most of their field.<br />

With a force transducer, the force required to cut stems of 11 cultures was<br />

measured, the most widely used in agricultural practice in the country (wheat,<br />

barley, oats, triticale, corn, sunflower, bean, peas, soybeans, sorghum and<br />

rapeseed) both when cutting between strain nodes and on the node. Strains<br />

humidity was specific during the optimal timing of harvesting crops studied.<br />

Fig. 1 – Construction of the cutting blade from combines SEMA, DROPIA, GLORIA,<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 279<br />

Experimental attempts aimed cutting force variation for the four types of<br />

cutting devices, in order to find advice on choosing the type of cutting device<br />

accor<strong>din</strong>g to culture, such as cutting energy consumption to be minimized.<br />

Fig. 2 – Construction of the cutting blade from combines JOHN DEERE and FENDT.<br />

SEMA<br />

DROPIA<br />

GLORIA<br />

NEW<br />


Table 1<br />

Geometric characteristics of the blades from combine<br />

A B C D E F G H i α<br />

7 58 17 50 75 2,3 5 1.45 20 55<br />

13 53 30.4 51 83.4 2.82 7 1.31 19 27.3<br />

CLASS 16 51 33 51 84 2.44 9 1.83 19 31<br />

JOHN<br />

DEERE<br />

13 50 31 51 81 2.67 5.5 1.4 19 46<br />

FENDT 15 50 30 51 80 2.61 7.5 1.75 19 38<br />

Experimental attempts aimed cutting force variation for the four types of<br />

cutting devices, in order to find advice on choosing the type of cutting device<br />

accor<strong>din</strong>g to culture, such as cutting energy consumption is minimized.<br />

3. Experimental Results<br />

Experimental data obtained from measurements are presented in Table 2,<br />

for cutting stems between nodes and Table 3 for cutting stems per node.

280 Gelu Nuţu and Ioan Băisan<br />

Table 2<br />

Cutting force for cutting plant stems between nodes (in N)<br />


SEMA<br />

GLORIA<br />


Wheat 21.39-29.55 21.41-24.43 23.41-26.49 16.32-19.35 20.37-25.47<br />

Soybean 64.18-83.54 38.71-67.24 46.05-58.09 45.85-59.11 41.77-51.97<br />

Rapeseed 103-114 93.7-107 80.5-108 90.68-104 86.60-95.78<br />

Sunflowers 178-191 153-170 142-154 126-138 153-168<br />

Sorghum 137-167 106-136 133-160 149-166 132-173<br />

Barley 9.18-11.22 5.04-8.16 6.8-10.20 7.14-8.89 5.10-9.18<br />

Oats 6.16-10.22 3.06-6.08 4.04-8.12 8.20-11.24 5.16-8.55<br />

Triticale 77-102 72.3-92.7 80.5-93.74 78.46-89.66 81.50-98.72<br />

Peas 6.12-11.41 4.62-8.06 5.08-11.10 7.14-9.16 5.87-10.2<br />

Beans 20.37-28.53 18.29-25.47 17.34-23.53 19.35-26.31 12.27-22.29<br />

Corn 484-653 552-577 426-482 396-471 570-633<br />

Table 3<br />

Cutting force for cutting plant stems on the nodes (in N)<br />


SEMA<br />

GLORIA<br />


Wheat 65.20 68.26 62.15 61.13 61.45<br />

Soybean 130.4 114.1 97.82 59.11 83.54<br />

Rapeseed 131.4 125.3 138.5 137.5 129.3<br />

Sunflowers 200.9 206.1 183.0 190.5 208.5<br />

Sorghum 243.4 210.3 232.9 221.0 223.1<br />

Barley 26.67 18.25 22.41 21.43 25.47<br />

Oats 29.23 25.27 21.39 28.73 22.14<br />

Triticale 131.81 112.74 95.78 109.22 101.88<br />

Peas 23.43 14.20 17.26 18.30 21.39<br />

Beans 52.99 55.10 45.85 49.93 62.30<br />

Corn 752 814 620 674 727<br />

From the analysis of experimental data can be seen that there is no a<br />

constructive type cutting blades or cutting device that records the minimum<br />

values of cutting force at all the cultures. So, at wheat, sunflower, triticale and<br />

corn the lowest values were recorded with JOHN DEERE blades type, at<br />

soybean, rapeseed and bean with NEW HOLLAND blades type , at sorghum,<br />

barley, oats, triticale and peas with CLASS blades type, while only on bean<br />

with FENDT blades type.<br />

It can be seen that the cutting blades model from romanian combines are<br />

not recorded cutting force values closer to the minimum in any one culture,<br />

which should lead for more attention of fin<strong>din</strong>g the correspon<strong>din</strong>g solutions.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 281<br />

There have been the measurements of cutting force strains on the node,<br />

the values in Table 3 were obtained for the following node diameters: 4.74 mm<br />

for wheat, 3.02 mm at barley, 3.17 mm at oats, 6.93 mm at triticale, 4.92 mm at<br />

soybean, 3.45 mm at pea, 4.72 mm at beans, 11.56 mm at rapeseed, 22.68 mm<br />

for sunflower, 8.13 mm at sorghum and 31.02 mm for maize. So, for wheat the<br />

lowest values of cutting force is recorded at the JOHN DEERE and NEW<br />

HOLLAND blades type, at soybean, rapeseed, sorghum, oats and peas CLASS<br />

model, at sunflower oats, triticale and corn bean FENDT model, followed by<br />

JOHN DEERE model at soy, oats and corn.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. Having regard to specific geometric characteristics of each type of<br />

cutting blades, in terms of width blade, sharpening angle and opening angle of<br />

the blade grained, one can say that there is no constructive alternative to record<br />

the minimum cutting force values for all the cultures studied.<br />

2. On the basis of experimental data can be choosing a type of harvester<br />

for each crop, or a group of crops for which the values of the cutting force are<br />

minimum.<br />

3. As regards of the process of cutting the stems, cutting blades from the<br />

romanian combines registered values not closer to the minimum in any of the<br />

cultures studied, and this must be investigated and find a solution to reduce<br />

cutting force levels comparable with the imported machinery.<br />


Bochat A., Identification of Quasi-static Cutting Force of Triticale-straws for<br />

Designing Use of Scissor and Finger Cutting Sets. Journal of Polish CIMAC, 4-3,<br />

17-22 (2009).<br />

Neculaiasa V., Operaţii şi procese de lucru ale maşinilor agricole de recoltat. Ed.<br />

,,Gheorghe Asachi”, Iaşi, 2002.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Se prezintă rezultatele experimentale obţinute la tăierea tulpinilor la 11 culturi<br />

agricole, cele mai importante în agricultura românească, folosind aparatelor de tăiere de<br />

tip cuţit deget <strong>din</strong> dotarea unor combine de recoltat cereale aflate în exploatare. Au fost<br />

studiate aparatele de tăiere de la combinele româneşti DROPIA, SEMA şi GLORIA,<br />

precum şi de la combinele CLASS, FENDT, JOHN DEERE şi NEW HOLLAND, pe un<br />

stand care a permis măsurarea forţei de tăiere a tulpinilor pe intervalul <strong>din</strong>tre noduri şi<br />

pe nod.<br />

Cu ajutorul unui traductor de forţă s-a măsurat forţa necesară tăierii tulpinilor la<br />

grâu, orz, ovăz, triticale, porumb, floarea-soarelui, mazăre, soia, fasole, sorg şi rapiţă,<br />

atât la tăierea între nodurile tulpinilor, cât şi la tăierea pe nod.

282 Gelu Nuţu and Ioan Băisan<br />

Rezultatele experimentale au arătat că nu există în acest moment un aparat de<br />

tăiere care să realizeze forţe de tăiere minime pentru toate culturile luate în studiu. Pe<br />

baza datelor experimentale se poate face alegerea unui tip de combină de recoltat pentru<br />

fiecare cultură agricolă, sau pentru un grup de culturi pentru care se înregistrează valori<br />

minime ale acesteia.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 4, 2012<br />

Secţia<br />





BY<br />



1 ”Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău,<br />

Faculty of Engineering<br />

Department of Environmental and Mechanical Engineering<br />

Received: November 20, 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: December 10, 2012<br />

Abstract. Studies and experimental research in the shred<strong>din</strong>g by cutting<br />

field at food materials with soft texture are particularly important; their results<br />

can provide more clarification in terms of the shred analysis at food materials<br />

with soft texture regar<strong>din</strong>g aspect on the cut results, quantitative and qualitative<br />

analysis of material losses, to determine cutting forces.<br />

The paper presents results of a study that followed an analysis in the<br />

laboratory conditions by shred<strong>din</strong>g by cutting process: how to behave material to<br />

shred, the forces necessary to shred<strong>din</strong>g, and the shred<strong>din</strong>g aspects.<br />

Key words. shred<strong>din</strong>g process, soft texture, process, force.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Many manufacturing processes require shred<strong>din</strong>g of food in advance of<br />

food materials with soft texture. In general notion of particle is used to illustrate<br />

a volume of material. These particles can be the result of a natural process<br />

(fruits and vegetables) or obtained as a result of technological processes<br />

(cheese, crap food, butter etc.).<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: mirelap@ub.ro

284 Mirela Panaite et al.<br />

Shred<strong>din</strong>g of food materials with soft texture is the process to creation of<br />

new surfaces.<br />

Shred<strong>din</strong>g of food products must ensure the properties of materials, in the<br />

shred<strong>din</strong>g process must not appear excessive heating or possibly tearing due to<br />

improper choice of the working body. To improve performance can be use different<br />

types of automation systems to ensure proper shred<strong>din</strong>g and increased<br />

efficiency of shred<strong>din</strong>g (Brown, 2005), (Brown et al., 2000), (Fellows, 1999),<br />

(Reilly, 2004).<br />

At shred<strong>din</strong>g by cutting of soft textured materials, their condition changes<br />

in multiple aspects. They are required during shred<strong>din</strong>g both mechanical and<br />

thermal. As they develop conditions of deformation and structural changes<br />

especially at newly created surfaces.<br />

The research conducted so far shows that are not known in detail<br />

shred<strong>din</strong>g forces on products subject to shred and cut body influence the process<br />

of shred<strong>din</strong>g and shred productivity (Ciumac, 1995), (Raven, 1998),<br />

(Shmulevich, 2003).<br />

Few studies in the literature have investigated in detail the behavior of<br />

food materials with soft texture during the shred<strong>din</strong>g by cutting operation. In<br />

general it was considered food materials ben<strong>din</strong>g test, which tests were used to<br />

study the behavior of soft textured cheese at low temperatures (Charalambides<br />

et al., 1995), (Charalambides et al., 2001), Imbeni et al., 2001), (Walstra &Van<br />

Vliet 1982).<br />

For optimal development of the shred<strong>din</strong>g system, are needed data on<br />

cutting forces for different types of food and how they may vary depen<strong>din</strong>g on<br />

various factors such as cutting force, cutting speed, type of device cutting.<br />

2. Research Method and Experimental Results<br />

Studies and experimental research in shred by cutting domain of food<br />

materials with soft texture are particularly important; their results can provide<br />

more clarification in terms of shred food material with soft texture on the cut<br />

results, analysis of quantitative and qualitative losses of material, determine the<br />

forces necessary to shred at different speeds (Olaru et al., 2011)<br />

The experiment was conducted under laboratory conditions, and as a<br />

working method was used texture analysis method (Olaru, 2012).<br />

With TA.HDPlus texture analyzer (Fig. 1) and specialized software<br />

Texture Exponent could get a full three-dimensional analysis of processed<br />

samples (different materials with soft texture) by force, distance and time.<br />

TA.HDPlus texture analyzer works through a cell resistant to a<br />

temperature field varying between (50…200) 0 C. The "Texture Exponent" runs<br />

under Windows and purchase view and analyzes data from TA.HDPlus texture<br />

analyzer. One of the most important characteristics of the analyzer is able to<br />

store as one of the procedures and have immediate access to it.

PC<br />

Cell calibration<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 285<br />

Fig. 1 – Texture analyser - TA.HDPlus.<br />

To determine the characteristics of texture, the "Texture Exponent"<br />

covers a wide range of probes and cutting devices (needles, knives of various<br />

shapes). To achieve experience was used probe HDP/BSK (with blade knife set)<br />

which has the classical form of knife which is suitable for shred<strong>din</strong>g to cutting<br />

of food products with soft textures.<br />

Food materials studied were: curdled cheese, strawberries, peeled<br />

bananas and Turkish delight. For analyzing the crack propagation for soft<br />

textured materials studied on texture analyzer was used different values of<br />

speed range: 40 mm/s, 10 mm/s and 5 mm/s.<br />

In Figs. 2, 3, 4 and 5 is presented the variation of cutting force while the<br />

textured soft food shred<strong>din</strong>g materials studied for different values of cutting<br />

speed.<br />

Force, [N]<br />

Time, [s]<br />

Fig. 2 – The cutting force variation in time to shred<strong>din</strong>g cheese for different<br />

cutting speeds: 40 mm/s, 10 mm/s, 5 mm/s.

286 Mirela Panaite et al.<br />

Force, [N]<br />

Time, [s]<br />

Fig. 3 – The cutting force variation in time to shred<strong>din</strong>g strawberry for different<br />

cutting speeds: 40 mm/s, 10 mm/s, 5 mm/s.<br />

Force, [N]<br />

Time, [s]<br />

Fig. 4 – The cutting force variation in time to shred<strong>din</strong>g peeled bananas for<br />

different cutting speeds: 40 mm/s, 10 mm/s, 5 mm/s.<br />

Force, [N]<br />

Time, [s]<br />

Fig. 5 – The cutting force variation in time to shred<strong>din</strong>g Turkish delight for<br />

different cutting speeds: 40 mm/s, 10 mm/s, 5 mm/s.<br />

The analysis of graphs obtained can be seen that high-speed shred<strong>din</strong>g<br />

resulting a high cutting forces and small times.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 287<br />

As can be seen from analysis of data obtained cutting force varies directly<br />

with changes in cutting speed, that at high cutting speeds are required high<br />

cutting forces. If shred strawberries (we used baked strawberry-sized) found<br />

that the highest values of cutting force were recorded for cutting speed of 40<br />

mm/s, the cutting force decreased gradually with decreasing cutting speed.<br />

As with other types of material and bananas have used the same cutting<br />

speed, thus observing that due to their homogeneous structure cutting force<br />

varies directly with the cutting speed. In case of Turkish delight shred highest<br />

values of cutting forces were obtained for small cutting speeds, this being due to<br />

the relatively homogeneous composition of these materials.<br />

Table 1<br />

Working indices obtained for the shred<strong>din</strong>g of soft –textured food materials through<br />

probe HDP/BSK, with v = 40 mm/s.<br />

Food<br />

material<br />

Curdled<br />

cheese<br />

Average<br />

cutting<br />

surface<br />

a× b(d 2 )<br />

mm 2<br />

Weight<br />

before<br />

cutting<br />

g<br />

Weight<br />

after<br />

cutting<br />

g<br />

Percentage<br />

of losses<br />

%<br />

Adherence<br />

to the<br />

cutter<br />

30 x 30 35.8 35.55 0.70 Small<br />

Strawberries 25 x 25 21.1 21.03 0.36 Small<br />

Peeled<br />

bananas<br />

Turkish<br />

delight<br />

Cutting<br />

aspect<br />

With<br />

roughness<br />

Few<br />

roughness<br />

30 x 30 35.16 35.04 0.34 Small Regular<br />

35 x 35 44.32 44.25 0.17 High<br />

Few<br />

roughness<br />

Table 2<br />

Working indices obtained for the shred<strong>din</strong>g of soft –textured food materials through<br />

probe HDP/BSK, with v = 10 mm/s.<br />

Food<br />

material<br />

Curdled<br />

cheese<br />

Average<br />

cutting<br />

surface<br />

a× b(d 2 )<br />

mm 2<br />

Weight<br />

before<br />

cutting<br />

g<br />

Weight<br />

after<br />

cutting<br />

g<br />

Percentage<br />

of losses<br />

%<br />

Adherence<br />

to the<br />

cutter<br />

30 x 30 38.1 37.85 0.66 Small<br />

Strawberries 25 x 25 20.5 20.44 0.29 Small<br />

Peeled<br />

bananas<br />

Turkish<br />

delight<br />

Cutting<br />

aspect<br />

With<br />

roughness<br />

Few<br />

roughness<br />

30 x 30 40.1 39.99 0.27 Small Regular<br />

35 x 35 45.5 45.44 0.13 High<br />

Few<br />


288 Mirela Panaite et al.<br />

With the analytical balance and visual analysis of food subject to shred<br />

material appearance were followed a series of work indices such as: adherence<br />

to the working body, the cut, loss of juice. In Tables 1, 2 and 3 present the<br />

results obtained.<br />

Table 3<br />

Working indices obtained for the shred<strong>din</strong>g of soft –textured food materials through<br />

probe HDP/BSK, with v = 5 mm/s.<br />

Food<br />

material<br />

Curdled<br />

cheese<br />

Average<br />

cutting<br />

surface<br />

a× b(d 2 )<br />

mm 2<br />

Weight<br />

before<br />

cutting<br />

g<br />

Weight<br />

after<br />

cutting<br />

g<br />

Percentage<br />

of losses<br />

%<br />

Adherence<br />

to the<br />

cutter<br />

30 x 30 34.6 34.4 0.58 Small<br />

Strawberries 25 x 25 25.3 25.24 0.24 Small<br />

Peeled<br />

bananas<br />

Turkish<br />

delight<br />

Cutting<br />

aspect<br />

With<br />

roughness<br />

Few<br />

roughness<br />

30 x 30 32.16 32.10 0.20 Small Regular<br />

35 x 35 43.12 43.08 0.10 High<br />

3. Conclusions<br />

Few<br />

roughness<br />

From the study the shred by cutting of food material with soft texture can<br />

be seen that:<br />

i) to high cutting speed and high cutting forces resulting small times;<br />

ii) with decreasing speed cutting below 10 mm/s due to specific<br />

properties of each material cutting times increase than in conjunction with lower<br />

cutting forces;<br />

iii) in terms of the cut body cutter used experiments conducted have<br />

shown a number of disadvantages related to product quality resulting from<br />

shred, as follows: a big loss especially for strawberry (0.24% ÷ 0.36%) and loss<br />

of material for cheese (0.58% ÷ 0.70%) and lower for bananas (0.20% ÷ 0.34%)<br />

and Turkish delight (0.10% ÷ 0.17%); large frictional force especially for<br />

Turkish delight and even bananas, material adhering to shred body; the cut<br />

aspects with rough one particularly curdled cheese; loss of the initial form of<br />

materials subject to shred in particular at cheese;<br />

iv) thus improving the quality of shred by cutting at food materials with<br />

soft texture in the further research is necessary to establish a correlation<br />

between the working parameters, textural characteristics of the products subject<br />

to shred, cutter geometry to obtain more regular cutting surfaces while reducing<br />

juice and material losses resulting from shred.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 289<br />


Brown T., Cutting Forces in Foods: Experimental Measurements. Journal of Food<br />

Engineering, 199-204 (2005).<br />

Brown T., Gigiel A.J., Swain, M.V., James C., Practical Investigations of Two-stage<br />

Bacon Tempering. International Journal of Refrigeration, 690-697 (2003).<br />

Brown T., James, S.J., Purnell G., Swain M. J., Improving Food Cutting Systems.<br />

Procee<strong>din</strong>gs of IChemE Food and Drink, 2000, pp. 103-106.<br />

Charalambides M.N., Goh S.M., Lim S.L., Williams J.G., The Analysis of the Frictional<br />

Effect on Stress–strain Data from Uniaxial Compression of Cheese. Journal of<br />

Material Science, 13-21 (2001).<br />

Charalambides M.N., Williams J.G., Chakrabarti S., A Study of the Influence of Ageing<br />

on the Mechanical Properties of Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Material Science, 13<br />

-21 (1995).<br />

Ciumac J., Merceologia produselor alimentare. Ed. <strong>Tehnică</strong>, Chişinău, 1995.<br />

Fellows P., Food Processing Technology. Principles and practice. Sec. Ed., Woodhead<br />

Publishers, Gainthersburg, 1999.<br />

Imbeni V., Atkins A.G., Jeronimidis J., Yeo J., Rate and Temperature Dependence of<br />

the Mechanical Properties of Cheddar Cheese. Procee<strong>din</strong>gs of 10th International<br />

Conference on Fracture, 2001 .<br />

Nedeff V., Procese de lucru, maşini şi instalaţii pentru industria alimentară. Bucureşti,<br />

Redacţia Revistelor Agricole, Ed. Agris, 1997.<br />

Olaru C., Contribuţii la studiul regimului de mărunţire a materialelor agroalimentare<br />

cu textură moale. Teză de doctorat, 2012.<br />

Olaru C., Nedeff V., Panainte M., Studies and Research on the Possibilities of Cutting<br />

Analysis of Food Materials With Soft Texture. Journal of Engineering Studies and<br />

Research, 1, 17, 70-76 (2011).<br />

Panainte M., Mosneguţu E., Savin C., Nedeff V., Echipamente de proces în industria<br />

alimentară. Mărunţirea produselor agroalimentare, Ed. Meronia şi Rovimed<br />

Publishers, 2005.<br />

Raven T., The Future of Texture Analysis. International Food Ingredients, 1, 42-44<br />

(1998).<br />

Reilly G.A., McCormack B.A.O., Taylor D., Cutting Sharpness Measurement: A<br />

Critical Review. Journal of Materials Processing Technology (2004).<br />

Shmulevich I., Nondistructive Texture Assesment of Fruitss and Vegetables. Acta<br />

Horticulturae, 599, 289-296 (2003).<br />

Walstra P., Van Vliet T., Rheology of Cheese. Bull. IDF, 22-27 (1982).<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Lucrarea prezintă rezultatele unui studiu în care s-a urmărit realizarea unei<br />

analize în condiţii de laborator a procesului de mărunţire prin tăiere a produsele<br />

alimentare cu textură moale funcţie de: modului în care se comportă materialul supus<br />

mărunţirii, forţele necesare mărunţirii, aspectul tăieturii.

290 Mirela Panaite et al.<br />

Metoda folosită în studiu a fost metoda analizei de textură, metodă ce permite<br />

studierea comportamentului vîscoelastic a produselor vegetale cu textură moale.<br />

Cercetările s-au realizat pe o gamă largă de produse alimenatre cu textură moale:<br />

brânză închegată, căpşuni, banane decojite, rahat alimentar.<br />

Rezultatele experimentale obţinute evidenţiază faptul că forţa de tăiere variază<br />

direct proporţional cu variaţia vitezei de tăiere, adică la viteze mari de tăiere sunt<br />

necesare forţe de tăiere mari, excepţie făcând rahatul alimentar unde valori mari ale<br />

forţei de tăiere s-au obţinut la viteze mici de tăiere acest lucru datorându-se structurii<br />

omogene a acestui tip de material.<br />

Textura produsului precum şi tipul, forma organului de lucru influenţează<br />

semnificativ produsul final, astfel <strong>din</strong> rezultatele obţinute în urma cercetărilor<br />

experimentale dezvoltate au arătat că: pierderi mari de suc s-au obţinut la mărunţirea<br />

căpşunilor iar la brânzeturi s-au înregistrat pierderi semnificative de material, de<br />

asemeni pentru această categorie de produse suprafaţa obţinută în urma mărunţirii<br />

prezintă multe asperităţi. Aderenţa materialului la organul de lucru s-a putut observa la<br />

mărunţirea rahatului şi chiar a bananelor.<br />



BY<br />



Received:<br />

Accepted for publication:<br />

„Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău,<br />

Abstract. In this article presents a method to determine the trajectory of a<br />

real particle on an oscillating surface. A special attention was given to recor<strong>din</strong>g<br />

the mode of trajectory and for this purpose we used two cameras of the same<br />

type. Tridimensional trajectory of the particle on the oscillating surface was<br />

achieved through SyntEyes program. And been it was also determine the real<br />

speed of the particle.<br />

Key words: flat surface oscillatory motion, the particle trajectory.<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: emos@ub.ro

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 291<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Vegetable products from agriculture and some of the products resulting<br />

from various industrial processes (grin<strong>din</strong>g, granulating, briquetting etc.) is a<br />

heterogeneous mixture. To separate such a mixture may use different methods,<br />

which are chosen taking into account the nature of the system and its properties<br />

(phase discontinuous nature, size, temperature etc.) (Moşneguţu et al., 2007).<br />

Separation of a mixture of solid particles on their size difference is the<br />

most popular method, used to both cleaning and sorting mixtures of particles<br />

(Nedeff et al., 2001).<br />

The separations of solid particles by size represent the most old<br />

separation technology and we find many studies about it. But the most<br />

significant studies have been done by Brereton and Dymott in 1973, Rose and<br />

English in 1973, De Pretis in 1977 and Ferrara in 1988, studies which aim, in<br />

especially, to increase the efficiency of separation (Tsakalakis, 2001),<br />

(Sol<strong>din</strong>ger, 1999).<br />

However the separation of solid particles by size is not well known, in the<br />

specialty literature, have appeared three trends to study this process:<br />

- experimental studies (Trumic, 2011);<br />

- theoretical studies (Sol<strong>din</strong>ger, 2002), (Li et al., 2003), (Stoicovici et<br />

al., 2008), (Szymański et al., 2003), (Xie, 2007);<br />

- studying the process through the simulation (Dong, 2009), (Zhao,<br />

2010), (Jianzhang & Xin , 2012) .<br />

From specialty literature study is established that the process separation<br />

of solid particles after their size depends on several factors (Tsakalakis, 2001):<br />

- size and shape aperture sieve;<br />

- particle size and form;<br />

- moisture particles undergo the process of separation;<br />

- intensity of vibration, respectively frequency and amplitude;<br />

- quantity of material that is fed sieve;<br />

- sieve length.<br />

These factors also influence the behavior of solid particle on to surface<br />

oscillating respectively its trajectory.<br />

2. Materials and equipment<br />

In the specialty literature there are very few experimental determinations<br />

which involving the use of real particles to determine the trajectory and speed of<br />

movement thereof on an oscillating surface. Therefore, the experimental<br />

determinations have performed using real particles, respectively particles of<br />

beans and using the worksheet - Triplot was determined form of these types of<br />

solid particle (Fig. 1).

292 Mirela Panaite et al.<br />

To generate oscillatory movement was used laboratory stand equipped<br />

with a crank rod mechanism (<br />

Fig. 2). Because the laboratory stand has tyrants horizontal and vertical<br />

the sieve block executes oscillations on three directions.<br />

It is very difficult to follow the solid particle on the surface oscillating, so<br />

it was used two video cameras, Sony DCR-SR 36, which has record speed is 25<br />

frames / second. Cameras have been placed in two perpendicular planes (Fig.<br />

3), in order to track particle movement on plans:<br />

- XOY – camera no. 1;<br />

- XOZ – camera no. 2.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

Fig. 1. Determination of solid particle shape:<br />

a - length, b - width, c – thickness.<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 293<br />

6<br />

5 7 8<br />

Fig. 2. Laboratory stand components:<br />

1 - flow control system, 2 - block the sieve, 3 - device to control of block angle of sieve,<br />

4 - frameworks, 5 - counterweight, 6 - eccentric the shaft 7 - horizontal longitu<strong>din</strong>al<br />

thrusts, 8 - belt, 9 - vertical rod, 10 - transverse horizontal thrusts, 11 - electric motor,<br />

12 - collection cassette of fractions, 13 - evacuation chute.<br />

During these measurements we used a blind screen inclined to the<br />

horizontal at an angle of 7. Inclined flat surface was subjected to oscillatory<br />

motion of which amplitude was:<br />

- on axis OX on 0.723 mm;<br />

- on axis OY on 0.38 mm;<br />

- on axis OZ on 1.01 mm.<br />

Values have been determined using a Vibrotest 60.<br />

To follow as possible the path exactly of particle solid, on the working<br />

surface was limited the distance on which has followed the travel of particle and<br />

was draw a marker line in order to be view the particle movements in sideways<br />

(Fig. 4).<br />

video camera no. 1<br />

Z<br />

O<br />

X Y<br />

Fig. 3. The video cameras location.<br />

9<br />

video camera no. 2<br />

10<br />

11<br />


294 Mirela Panaite et al.<br />

Fig. 4. Marks used on oscillating surface.<br />

For obtaining the coor<strong>din</strong>ates of the point followed, regardless of video<br />

camera position, was used software SynthEyes, such:<br />

- values obtained from the analysis of motion in the plane XOY (Fig.<br />

5) will be determine:<br />

- the travel time of solid particle on monitoring distance;<br />

- the solid particle trajectory on oscillating surface;<br />

- velocity of solid particle.<br />

- the second video camera (shooting in the plane XOZ) aims to<br />

determine the solid particle jumps on which made them at the time they travel<br />

on blind sieve (Fig. 6).<br />

Fig. 5. Manner of determining the<br />

coor<strong>din</strong>ates of point in the plane XOY.<br />

3. Experimental results<br />

Fig. 6. Manner of determining the<br />

coor<strong>din</strong>ates of point in the plane XOZ.<br />

In the processing of experimental data was taken into account:

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 295<br />

- focus distance, aiming at the values obtained from the calculation<br />

correspond to real coor<strong>din</strong>ates;<br />

- the angle of the plane surface.<br />

So after processing the data obtained with the help of SynthEyes, it could<br />

determine:<br />

A) Solid particle trajectory on the two planes tracked by video cameras<br />

(Fig. 7).<br />

B) Tridimensional trajectory of the solid particle moving on the<br />

oscillating flat surface, obtained by combining the two trajectories previously<br />

presented (Fig. 8);<br />

C) Knowing the time to follow the solid particle on oscillating surface<br />

and the distance traveled of particle after each frame it’s possible to determine<br />

the speed of movement (Fig. 9);<br />

Fig. 7. Moving the particle solid on oscillating surface.<br />

11.0<br />

Axis OY movement (mm)<br />

8.8<br />

6.6<br />

4.4<br />

2.2<br />

0.0<br />

0<br />

100<br />

200<br />

6.5<br />

0.0<br />

Axis OX movement (mm)<br />

Fig. 8. 3D trajectory of a particle on the oscillating surface.<br />

13.0<br />

300<br />

32.5<br />

26.0<br />

19.5<br />

Axis OZ movement (mm)

296 Mirela Panaite et al.<br />

Fig. 9. Velocity of solid particle on surface oscillating<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

The separation of solid particles after size is a complex process<br />

influenced by several factors, which depend of the particles and characteristics<br />

of equipment used.<br />

In the experimental measurements were used real particles and from<br />

analysis of the Triplot chart shows that particle is used as lamellar particle.<br />

Because tyrants, stand used in the experimental determinations executed<br />

oscillations along three axes.<br />

By using two video cameras with purpose to tracking the solid particle<br />

trajectory was be achieved, with help of SynthEyes program, obtaining a threedimensional<br />

trajectory.<br />

Also from experimental data could determine the variation of solid<br />

particle velocity on the oscillating surface.<br />


Dong K.J, Yu A.B., Brake I., (2009), DEM simulation of particle flow on a multi-deck<br />

banana screen, Minerals Engineering, 22, 910 – 920.<br />

Li J., Webb C., Pandiella S.S., Campbell G.M., (July 2003), Discrete particle motion on<br />

sieves—a numerical study using the DEM simulation, Powder Technology, 133, 1–<br />

3, 30, 190–202.<br />

Moşnegutu E., Panainte Mirela, Savin Carmen, Măcărescu B., Nedeff V., (2007),<br />

Separarea amestecurilor de particule solide în curenţi de aer verticali, Ed. Alma<br />

Mater Bacău.<br />

Nedeff V., Moşneguţu E., Băisan I., (2001), Separarea mecanică a produselor<br />

granulometrice şi pulverulente <strong>din</strong> industria alimentară, Ed. Tehnica-Info,<br />

Chişinău.<br />

Shilin Xie, Siu Wing Or, Helen Lai Wa Chan, Ping Kong Choy, Peter Chou Kee Liu,<br />

(January 2007), Analysis of vibration power flow from a vibrating machinery to a

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 297<br />

floating elastic panel, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 21, 1, , 389–<br />

404.<br />

Sol<strong>din</strong>ger M., Transport velocity of a crushed rock material bed on a screen, (January<br />

2002), Minerals Engineering, 15, Issues 1–2, 7–17.<br />

Stoicovici D.I., Ungureanu M., Ungureanu N., Bănică, M., (2008), A computer model<br />

for sieves’ vibrations analysis, using an algorithm based on the “false-position<br />

method, American Journal of Applied Sciences, 5, 12, pag.48-56.<br />

Szymański T., Wodziński P., Screening on a screen with a vibrating sieve, (2003),<br />

Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, vol. 37, 27-36.<br />

Trumic Milan and Magdalinovic Nedeljko, (2011), New model of screening kinetics,<br />

Minerals Engineering, 24, 42 – 49.<br />

Tsakalakis K., (2001), Some basic factors affecting scree performance in horizontal<br />

vibrating screens, The European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental<br />

Protection, I, 42 – 54.<br />

Xiao Jianzhang, Tong Xin, (2012), Particle stratification and penetration of a linear<br />

vibrating screen by the discrete element method, International Journal of Mining<br />

Science and Technology.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

O parte <strong>din</strong> produsele <strong>din</strong> agricultură sau rezultate <strong>din</strong> diferite procese industriale<br />

sunt supuse separării. Cea mai utilizată metodă de separare a unor astfel de produse o<br />

reprezintă separarea după dimensiunile particulelor care alcătuiesc amestecul eterogen.<br />

Cu toate că procesul de separare după dimensiuni este unul <strong>din</strong>tre cel mai răspândit, în<br />

literatura de specialitate sunt puţine studii care să prezinte modul de determinare a<br />

traiectoriei unei particule pe suprafaţa oscilantă a blocului de site. Articolul de faţă<br />

prezintă o metodă de determinare a acestei traiectorii, pentru o particulă reală, utilizând<br />

o sită oarbă care execută o mişcare oscilantă plană. Pentru determinarea traiectoriei<br />

particulei reale s-au utilizat două camere video care au avut drept scop filmarea<br />

deplasării particulei solide după planurile XOY şi XOZ. Cu ajutorul soft-ului SynthEyes<br />

s-au extras coordonatele punctului urmărit. Datele obţinute au fost prelucrate ţinându-se<br />

cont de distanţa de focalizare şi de unghiul de înclinare al suprafeţei plane. Prelucrarea<br />

datelor a avut drept scop determinarea traiectoriei reale a particulei şi viteza de<br />

deplasare a acesteia.<br />




298 Mirela Panaite et al.<br />

BY<br />


and ANA ŢÂRLEA 2<br />

1 Romanian General Association of Refrigeration of Bucharest<br />

2 Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest<br />

Received: September 20, 2012<br />

Accepted for publication: November 10, 2012<br />

Abstract. Several natural refrigerant alternatives are compared on the basis<br />

of their cycle coefficient of performance and TEWI factor (Total Equivalent<br />

Warming Impact – in respect with SR EN 378-1).<br />

These natural alternatives: ammonia and mixtures have zero or low global<br />

warming potential (GWP).<br />

The theoretical study uses as reference a single stage refrigeration system<br />

which works with R 404A. To implement the international Legislation, in the<br />

future it is necessary to retrofit HFC refrigerants with ecological refrigerants<br />

(with zero ODP and zero GWP).<br />

Energy efficiency is directly related to global warming and greenhouse<br />

gases emissions<br />

Key words: energy efficiency, TEWI, natural refrigerants, refrigeration<br />

system.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The retrofitted single stage refrigeration system is used for chilled<br />

products in a cold storage (0…4°C). Initial refrigeration system is composed by:<br />

condenser, scroll compressors, evaporators, refrigerant vessel and thermostatic<br />

valves.<br />

The single stage refrigeration system was upgraded by replacing the<br />

scroll compressor (working with R404A) with open drive screw compressor<br />

(working with R717). The new refrigeration system is composed by: condenser,<br />

open drive screw compressor, ammonia vessel, ammonia pump, cooling oil<br />

vessel, and equalization column and ammonia evaporators.<br />

In the following lines the eco-efficiency comparative study between three<br />

refrigerants (R717, R404A and R507A) are described. The eco-efficiency<br />

comparative study consists in performance coefficient, annual energy<br />

consumption and TEWI factor (Ţârlea et al., 2010).<br />

2. Study Case<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: gratiela.tarlea@gmail.com

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 299<br />

In this section, the method and step calculation for eco-efficiency of<br />

single stage refrigeration system will be described. Fig. 1 shows the schematic<br />

representation of the single stage refrigeration system which must be retrofitted<br />

from R404A to R717. The R404A refrigerant from the discharge compressor<br />

port goes to the condenser (where appear the condensation process), then from<br />

the condenser outlet it goes into liquid receiver. From the liquid receiver the<br />

refrigerant enter in evaporator 1 and 2 (where appear evaporation process) and<br />

after the evaporator the refrigerant goes to suction port of the compressor.<br />

First the working conditions are described; secondly the theoretical ecoefficiency<br />

parameters (presented in the introduction) and thirdly the results of<br />

the theoretical study are shown.<br />

The working conditions are given in Table 1. The refrigeration system<br />

works 8 hours/day (nhours) and 261 days/year (ndays). The life cycle of the<br />

refrigeration system is 15 years (nyears). The refrigerant charge (m) is: R404A –<br />

14kg, R717 – 6.45 kg and R507A – 14.11 kg. The requirement electrical power<br />

(Pe) is shown in Table 1. The carbon dioxide emission (β) is 0,6kg/kWh. The<br />

recovery factor (αrec) is 75%. The refrigerant leak (msc) is 8%.<br />

The electrical power values were calculated and established by each<br />

refrigeration system, depen<strong>din</strong>g on properties and evaporation temperature<br />

(Zabet, 2011).<br />

Table 1<br />

Working conditions<br />

Refrigerant Φ0 (kW)<br />

M<br />

(kg)<br />

Tc (K)<br />

TSH (K)<br />

TSUB (K)<br />

T0 (K)<br />

263.2 273.2<br />

Pe (kW)<br />

278.2<br />

R404A 12.3 14 3.70 5.25 5.47<br />

R717 10 6.45 308.2 10 3 3.55 4.00 3.85<br />

R507A 10 14.11<br />

3.80 3.94 4.07<br />

where: Φ0 is refrigerant capacity, T0 evaporation temperature; TC condensing<br />

temperature, TSH superheating temperature; TSUB subcooling.

300 Mirela Panaite et al.<br />

Fig. 1 – Schematic representation of refrigeration system: where: T1 1 – refrigerant<br />

temperature at suction compressor [ºC]; T2 T2 – refrigerant temperature at discharge<br />

compressor [ºC]; T3 T3 refrigerant temperature at condenser inlet [ºC]; T4 T4 – refrigerant<br />

temperature at condenser outlet [ºC]; T5 T5 – air temperature at inlet evaporator 1 [ºC]; T6 T6<br />

–air temperature at outlet evaporator 1 [ºC]; T7 T7 – refrigerant temperature at discharge of<br />

evaporator 1 [ºC]; T8 T8 – air temperature at inlet evaporator 2 [ºC]; T9 T9 – air temperature at<br />

outlet evaporator 2 [ºC]; T10 T10 – refrigerant temperature at discharge of evaporator 2 [ºC];<br />

T11 T11 – air temperature at condenser inlet [ºC]; T12 T12 – air temperature at condenser<br />

outlet [ºC].<br />

2.1. Calculation of the Theoretical Eco-efficiency Parameters<br />

The theoretical eco-efficiency parameters discussed in this paper are: the<br />

performance coefficient, annual energy consumption and TEWI factor. For<br />

fin<strong>din</strong>g the eco-efficiency parameters, classic thermodynamics thermodynamics relations<br />

together with parameters defined defined in Table 1 were used (Ţârlea (Ţârlea et al., 2010). 2010).<br />

Fin<strong>din</strong>g the performance coefficient:<br />

First of all was calculated the refrigerant mass flow by<br />

M&<br />

Φ<br />

=<br />

Δh<br />

0 ,<br />

ev<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 301<br />

where Δhev<br />

is enthalpy difference at evaporation working condition [kJ/kg]; M<br />

is the refrigerant mass flow rate [kg/s].<br />

Secondly, the mechanical power for the compressor was found, by<br />

(2)<br />

,<br />

W& = M& Δh<br />

cp cp<br />

where: Wcp is the mechanical power [kW];<br />

&<br />

compression working conditions [kJ/kg].<br />

Δ hcp<br />

is the enthalpy difference at<br />

Finally, the results of the coefficient of performance (COP) by<br />

Φ0<br />

COP = .<br />

W&<br />

Fin<strong>din</strong>g the annual energy consumption:<br />

The annual energy consumption (Eannual) is calculated accor<strong>din</strong>g SR EN<br />

378-1 by<br />

E = n n P<br />

(4)<br />

cp<br />

annual hours days e.<br />

Fin<strong>din</strong>g the TEWI factor<br />

The TEWI factor is calculated by SR EN 378-1 by<br />

TEWI = GWP ⋅ Ln + GWP ⋅m1− α + n E β (5)<br />

( )<br />

years rec years annual<br />

where: GWP – global warming potential [-]; L – refrigerant leak during a year<br />

working [kg].<br />

Table 2 shows the global warming and ozone depletion potential values<br />

for analysed refrigerants (Ţârlea et al., 2011).<br />

Table 2<br />

Global warming and ozone depletion potential values<br />

Refrigerant GWP ODP<br />

R404A 3260 0<br />

R717 0 0<br />

R507A 3300 0<br />

(3)<br />

L= mscm. (6)<br />

3. Theoretical Eco-Efficiency Study Results<br />

The theoretical results are presented in the next lines by tables and<br />

figures. Table 3 shows the study results for the coefficient of performance,<br />

annual energy consumption and TEWI factor (Zabet & Ţârlea, 2011).<br />

As it is shown in Fig. 2, the electrical power for R717 refrigerant is 15%<br />

smaller than R404A and R507A and this electrical power savings has a great<br />

impact over the environment pollution and maintenance cost.

302 Mirela Panaite et al.<br />

Table 3<br />

The study results<br />

Refrigerant COP [-] E annual [kWh] TEWI [tonsCO 2]<br />

R404A 4.484 6.328 7.724 10962 8352 8227 164.8 141.3 140.2<br />

R717 4.812 6.689 8.101 7726 7412 7934 69.5 66.7 71.4<br />

R507A 4.461 6.273 7.639 11421 8039 8498 170.3 139.9 144<br />

Fig. 2 – Electrical power versus evaporation temperature.<br />

Fig. 3 shows the variation of the coefficient of performance’s versus<br />

evaporation temperature. One could observe that the coefficient of performance<br />

for R717 refrigerant is higher by 6% than R404A and by 7% than R507A<br />

(Ţârlea et al., 2010). This is happens due to convenient thermodynamics<br />

properties of R717.<br />

Fig. 3 – Coefficient of performance versus evaporation temperature.<br />

Fig. 4 presents the variation of TEWI factor versus evaporation<br />

temperature. As shown, the TEWI factor for R717 refrigerant is 60% smaller<br />

than R404A and R507A. This implies that R717 refrigerant is the most suitable<br />

for environment from the global warming point of view.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 303<br />

Fig. 4 – TEWI factor versus evaporation temperature.<br />

Fig. 5 shows the annual energy consumption versus the evaporation<br />

temperature. It can be observed that the annual energy consumption for R717<br />

refrigerant is 15% smaller than R404A and R507A.<br />

Fig. 5 – Annual energy consumption versus evaporation temperature.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The theoretical study analysed a single stage refrigeration system with<br />

R 404A as refrigerant.<br />

2. To improve the eco-efficiency, the HFC refrigerant was replaced with<br />

an ecological refrigerant R717.<br />

3. The comparative study of these facilities was based on the coefficient<br />

of performance of a refrigeration system and the TEWI factor.

304 Mirela Panaite et al.<br />

4. The refrigerant R717 is more eco-efficient than R404A and R507A<br />

with a 15% lower electrical power consumption, 6% higher coefficient of<br />

performance, 60% lower TEWI factor and 15% lower annual energy<br />

consumption.<br />

5. Retrofitting the single stage refrigeration system by replacing R404A<br />

refrigerant with R717 it is proven that the savings are higher from the ecoefficiency<br />

point of view and the costs are lower (more equipment in the case of<br />

R717 than R404A).<br />


Ţărlea G.M., Vinceriuc M., Zabet I., Ţărlea A., Ecological Alternative for R404A<br />

Refrigerant. The 41st HVAC&R Congress KGH 2010 tome “Heating,<br />

Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning” 3-5 December, Belgrad, Serbia, 27-33<br />

(2010).<br />

Ţărlea G.M.,Vinceriuc M., Zabet I., Ţărlea A., Theoretically Study of Ecological<br />

Alternative for R404A, R507A and R22. The 42nd International Congress and<br />

Exhibition Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning 30 November – 2<br />

December, Belgrade (2011).<br />

Ţărlea G.M., Vinceriuc M., Zabet I., Ammonia as a Very Eco-efficient Romanian<br />

Refrigerant. International Congress, 5-7 May COFRET Iasi (2010).<br />

Zabet I., Contribution Regar<strong>din</strong>g the Study of the Eco-efficiency in Refrigeration<br />

Systems. PhD Thesis, 2011.<br />





(Rezumat)<br />

Criza energetică majoră precum şi încălzirea globală care afectează în prezent<br />

economia mondială şi viitorul societăţii umane, impun creşterea performanţelor<br />

energetice şi ecologice ale echipamentelor şi sistemelor frigorifice şi de aer condiţionat.<br />

În acest scop pe plan mondial există un efort susţinut pentru reducerea emisiilor de<br />

dioxid de carbon rezultate <strong>din</strong> arderea combustibililor fosili şi a altor emisii de gaze cu<br />

efect de seră.<br />

In aceasta lucrare se prezintă un sistem frigorific intr-o treapta de comprimare cu<br />

vapori funcţionând cu agentul frigorific R404A, instalaţie care a fost optimizata prin<br />

înlocuirea cu agentul frigorific R717.<br />

Structura aleasa la redactarea lucrării prezente este următoarea: in prima parte s-a<br />

făcut o scurta descriere a condiţiilor de lucru, in partea a doua s-au calculat parametrii<br />

teoretici de eco-eficienţă (TEWI, COP, puterea electrica consumata si consumul anual<br />

de energie electrica) si in a treia parte s-au prezentat rezultatele obţinute in urma<br />

studiului teoretic.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 4, 2012 305<br />

Conform celor arătate in Fig. 2 consumul electric al sistemului frigorific<br />

funcţionând cu agentul frigorific R717 este cu 15% mai mic decât in cazul utilizării<br />

agentului frigorific R404A si R507A. Aceasta reducere aduce un câştig semnificativ <strong>din</strong><br />

punct de vedere al costurilor precum si al impactului ecologic asupra mediului<br />

înconjurător.<br />

Conform celor prezentate in Fig. 3 se poate observa un coeficient de performantă<br />

mai mare in cazul agentului frigorific R717: cu 6% fata de R404A si cu 7% fata de<br />

R507A.<br />

In concluzie se poate afirma ca optimizarea sistemului frigorific cu vapori intr-o<br />

treapta de comprimare prin înlocuirea agentului frigorific R404A cu agentul frigorific<br />

R717 aduce un câştig <strong>din</strong> punct de vedere al eficientei energetice, costurilor si un<br />

avantaj <strong>din</strong> punct de vedere al mediului înconjurător prin reducerea gradului de poluare.

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