Teacher's Guide - Diwa Learning Systems

Teacher's Guide - Diwa Learning Systems Teacher's Guide - Diwa Learning Systems


Third Year ARTICLE 1: THE MANY FACES OF A CRYSTAL I. LEARNING OBJECTIVES A. To define terms related to the polyhedron B. To discover the relationship between the number of edges, vertices, and faces of a polyhedron and determine one given the others C. To present a rough proof of why there are only five platonic solids D. To find the dual of a given polyhedron II. SUBJECT MATTER 3D-Geometric Relations III. MATERIALS Real polyhedral objects or pictures of crystals Pair of scissors, pieces of cardboard, paste IV. REFERENCES Brown and Montgomery, Plane and Solid Geometry Bennett and Nelson, Mathematics an Informal Approach Encyclopedia Britannica 2003 (CD Rom) Tatsulok. Third Year, Vol. 13, Issue 2, SY 2007-2008 V. LEARNING STRATEGIES A. Opening Activity • Ask your students if they have jewelry made up of precious stones. Let them describe the shapes of the stones embedded in their jewelry. • Say that these precious stones are examples of crystals, which are formed by the solidification of a chemical element, a compound, or a mixture and has a regularly repeating internal arrangement of its atoms and often external plane faces. B. Development Activity • Relate these crystals to the polyhedra. Show some polyhedral objects like the cube, tetrahedron, prism, etc. Show the edges, faces, and vertices of the polyhedra and guide the students in coming up with their own definition of these terms. • Starting with the tetrahedron, guide the students in determining the relationship among 3 Teacher’s Guide Vol. 13 No. 2 SY 2007-2008 the number of vertices, faces, and edges of the polyhedra. Let them verify this relationship by counting the vertices, faces, and edges of other polyhedra. As stated in the article “Crystals and the Platonic Solids,” this relationship is now stated as the Euler’s formula. Guide them in completing the table for the vertices, faces, and edges of several polyhedra given in the article. Give more examples to emphasize the application of Euler’s formula. • Introduce the platonic solids as special polyhedra. Say that Euclid was the first to prove that there are only five such polyhedra. Give a brief background of how Euclid proved it and challenge them to try proving it on their own (they may prove this by constructing regular polygons and by trying to assemble some of these polygons to form solids–-they must be able to show that regular polygons with more than five sides cannot be assembled to form a solid with properties of the platonic ones). • PROOF OF THE PLATONIC SOLIDS The proof that there are only five regular convex polyhedra (the Platonic solids) and the determination of what these five are made use of “exhausting the possibilities”. From the definition of regularity (equal sides and angles), it is easy to deduce that all the faces of a Platonic solid must be congruent regular n-gons for a suitable n, and that all the vertices must belong to the same number j of n-gons. Because the sum of the face angles at a vertex of a convex polyhedron is less than 2π (360°), and because each angle of the n-gon ( ) is n − 2 À ( n − 2) 180 ° (or ) , it follows that n n j n ( − 2) À < 2À, or (j – 2)(n – 2) < 4. Therefore, n the only possibilities for the pair (j, n) are (3, 3), (3, 4), (3, 5), (4, 3), and (5, 3). It may be verified that each of these pairs actually corresponds to a Platonic solid, namely, to the tetrahedron (with 3 equilateral triangles at each vertex), the cube (3 squares at each vertex), the dodecahedron (3 1 Vol. 13 No. 2 SY 2007-2008

Third Year<br />



A. To define terms related to the polyhedron<br />

B. To discover the relationship between the number<br />

of edges, vertices, and faces of a polyhedron and<br />

determine one given the others<br />

C. To present a rough proof of why there are only five<br />

platonic solids<br />

D. To find the dual of a given polyhedron<br />


3D-Geometric Relations<br />


Real polyhedral objects or pictures of crystals<br />

Pair of scissors, pieces of cardboard, paste<br />


Brown and Montgomery, Plane and Solid Geometry<br />

Bennett and Nelson, Mathematics an Informal Approach<br />

Encyclopedia Britannica 2003 (CD Rom)<br />

Tatsulok. Third Year, Vol. 13, Issue 2, SY 2007-2008<br />


A. Opening Activity<br />

• Ask your students if they have jewelry made up<br />

of precious stones. Let them describe the shapes<br />

of the stones embedded in their jewelry.<br />

• Say that these precious stones are examples of<br />

crystals, which are formed by the solidification<br />

of a chemical element, a compound, or a<br />

mixture and has a regularly repeating internal<br />

arrangement of its atoms and often external<br />

plane faces.<br />

B. Development Activity<br />

• Relate these crystals to the polyhedra. Show<br />

some polyhedral objects like the cube, tetrahedron,<br />

prism, etc. Show the edges, faces, and<br />

vertices of the polyhedra and guide the students<br />

in coming up with their own definition of these<br />

terms.<br />

• Starting with the tetrahedron, guide the students<br />

in determining the relationship among<br />

3<br />

Teacher’s <strong>Guide</strong><br />

Vol. 13 No. 2 SY 2007-2008<br />

the number of vertices, faces, and edges of the<br />

polyhedra. Let them verify this relationship by<br />

counting the vertices, faces, and edges of other<br />

polyhedra. As stated in the article “Crystals and<br />

the Platonic Solids,” this relationship is now<br />

stated as the Euler’s formula. <strong>Guide</strong> them in<br />

completing the table for the vertices, faces, and<br />

edges of several polyhedra given in the article.<br />

Give more examples to emphasize the application<br />

of Euler’s formula.<br />

• Introduce the platonic solids as special polyhedra.<br />

Say that Euclid was the first to prove<br />

that there are only five such polyhedra. Give a<br />

brief background of how Euclid proved it and<br />

challenge them to try proving it on their own<br />

(they may prove this by constructing regular<br />

polygons and by trying to assemble some of<br />

these polygons to form solids–-they must be<br />

able to show that regular polygons with more<br />

than five sides cannot be assembled to form a<br />

solid with properties of the platonic ones).<br />


The proof that there are only five regular<br />

convex polyhedra (the Platonic solids) and the<br />

determination of what these five are made use<br />

of “exhausting the possibilities”.<br />

From the definition of regularity (equal<br />

sides and angles), it is easy to deduce that all<br />

the faces of a Platonic solid must be congruent<br />

regular n-gons for a suitable n, and that all the<br />

vertices must belong to the same number j of<br />

n-gons. Because the sum of the face angles at<br />

a vertex of a convex polyhedron is less than 2π<br />

(360°), and because each angle of the n-gon<br />

( )<br />

is n − 2 À ( n − 2) 180 °<br />

(or ) , it follows that<br />

n<br />

n<br />

j n ( − 2)<br />

À<br />

< 2À,<br />

or (j – 2)(n – 2) < 4. Therefore,<br />

n<br />

the only possibilities for the pair (j, n) are (3, 3),<br />

(3, 4), (3, 5), (4, 3), and (5, 3). It may be verified<br />

that each of these pairs actually corresponds to a<br />

Platonic solid, namely, to the tetrahedron (with<br />

3 equilateral triangles at each vertex), the cube<br />

(3 squares at each vertex), the dodecahedron (3<br />

1 Vol. 13 No. 2 SY 2007-2008

egular pentagons at each vertex), the octahedron<br />

(4 equilateral triangles at each vertex), and<br />

the icosahedron (5 equilateral triangles at each<br />

vertex), respectively.<br />

• Introduce next, the duals of polyhedra. Show<br />

them first how the duals are determined and then<br />

let them determine the duals of some polyhedra.<br />

• <strong>Guide</strong> them in constructing models of the platonic<br />

solids. Let them do the activity page of the<br />

article.<br />

C. Generalization/Summary<br />

• A polyhedron is formed by the union of polygons<br />

intersecting at their sides and vertices.<br />

• Crystals are natural representations of polyhedra.<br />

• Euler related the number of faces (f), vertices (v),<br />

and edges (e) of any polyhedron in the equation<br />

f + v = e + 2. If two of these are given, one can<br />

be determined.<br />

• There are only five platonic solids---they are the<br />

tetrahedron (triangular pyramid), tetrahedron<br />

(cube), octahedron, dodecahedron, and the icosahedron.<br />

The key observation is that the interior<br />

angles of the polygons meeting at a vertex of a<br />

polyhedron add to less than 360 degrees. This<br />

is because if such polygons met in a plane, the<br />

interior angles of all the polygons meeting at a<br />

vertex would add to exactly 360 degrees.<br />

o Triangles. The interior angle of an equilateral<br />

triangle is 60 degrees. Thus on a<br />

regular polyhedron, only three, four, or five<br />

triangles can meet a vertex. If there were<br />

more than six, their angles would add up<br />

to at least 360 degrees which they can’t.<br />

Consider the possibilities:<br />

♦ Three triangles meet at each vertex.<br />

This gives rise to a tetrahedron.<br />

♦ Four triangles meet at each vertex. This<br />

gives rise to an octahedron.<br />

♦ Five triangles meet at each vertex. This<br />

gives rise to an icosahedron<br />

o Squares. Since the interior angle of a<br />

square is 90 degrees, at most three squares<br />

can meet at a vertex. This is indeed possible<br />

and it gives rise to a hexahedron or cube.<br />

o Pentagons. As in the case of cubes, the only<br />

possibility is that three pentagons meet at a<br />

vertex. This gives rise to a dodecahedron.<br />

o Hexagons or regular polygons with more<br />

than six sides cannot form the faces of<br />

a regular polyhedron since their interior<br />

angles are at least 120 degrees.<br />

3<br />

D. Assignment<br />

Do the following:<br />

1. Find the duals of the platonic solids.<br />

2. Make models of these duals using bendable<br />

plastic (e.g. transparent plastic folders).<br />

Answers:<br />

1. The dual of a tetrahedron is another tetrahedron.<br />

The cube and the octahedron are duals of each<br />

other while the dodecahedron and the icosahedron<br />

are also duals of each other.<br />

2. They may copy the patterns given in the article<br />

for their models.<br />


Let the students answer the worksheet on page 15<br />

of the magazine.<br />


<strong>Guide</strong> questions:<br />

1. How are polyhedra formed? (They are formed by<br />

the union of polygons intersecting at their edges or<br />

sides and vertices.)<br />

2. How are the number of faces (f), vertices (v) and<br />

edges (e) of any polyhedron related? (The equation<br />

f + v = e + 2 relates the three.)<br />

3. How are the duals of polyhedra formed? (They are<br />

formed by connecting the center points of the faces<br />

of the polyhedra.)<br />


The Elements Linked to the Platonic Solids<br />

Plato associates four of the Platonic Solids with the<br />

four elements. He writes:<br />

We must proceed to distribute the figures [the solids]<br />

we have just described between fire, earth, water,<br />

and air. . .<br />

Let us assign the cube to earth, for it is the most<br />

immobile of the four bodies and most retentive of shape<br />

the least mobile of the remaining figures, icosahedron,<br />

to water, the most mobile, tetrahedron, to fire, the intermediate,<br />

octahedron, to air.<br />

(Note that Earth is associated with the cube, with its<br />

six square faces. This lent support to the notion of the<br />

“foursquaredness” of the Earth.)<br />

But there are five regular polyhedra and only four<br />

elements. Plato writes:<br />

“There still remained a fifth construction, which<br />

the god used for embroidering the constellations on the<br />

whole heaven.”<br />

Plato’s statement is vague, and he gives no further<br />

explanation. Later Greek philosophers assign the dodecahedron<br />

to the ether or heaven or the cosmos. The<br />

dodecahedron has 12 faces, and our number symbolism<br />

2 Vol. 13 No. 2 SY 2007-2008

associates 12 with the zodiac. This might be Plato’s meaning<br />

when he writes of “embroidering the constellations”<br />

on the dodecahedron.<br />

(You may let your students research about Sacred<br />

Geometry to learn more about the Platonic Solids linked<br />

to the elements of the universe.)<br />



A. To define tilings and tessellations<br />

B. To find polygons that will tessellate<br />

C. To create their own tessellations<br />


Tilings and Tessellations<br />


Pictures of tiled floor, ceilings, walls, etc.<br />

Sample pictures of tessellations by M.C. Escher (or any<br />

other tessellations if these are not available)<br />

Pieces of cardboard, pair of scissors, masking tape, clean<br />

bond paper or construction paper, coloring materials<br />


Brown and Montgomery, Plane and Solid Geometry<br />

Bennett and Nelson, Mathematics an Informal Approach<br />

Tatsulok. Third Year, Vol. 13, Issue 2, SY 2007-2008<br />


A. Opening Activity<br />

• Show the pictures of tiled floor, walls, or ceilings,<br />

or you may let your students look for patterns<br />

like these, around them. Let them describe<br />

how these are made.<br />

• Also show the sample pictures of tessellations<br />

by Escher. Ask the students to describe the pictures<br />

as to what they are composed of. (They<br />

must see that these pictures are composed of<br />

repeating patterns or figures.)<br />

• Say that they will be creating their own tilings<br />

and tessellations later.<br />

B. Development Activity<br />

• Introduce the words tilings and tessellations. Say<br />

that tessellations are special kinds of tilings.<br />

• Discuss which polygons may tile up. <strong>Guide</strong> them<br />

in discovering that the sum of the measures of<br />

the angles of the polygons that meet at one point<br />

must be 360 degrees, otherwise, they cannot be<br />

made to tile up. Ask them which of the regular<br />

polygons can be used to tile or cover a plane. Let<br />

3<br />

them show some tilings by cutting out regular<br />

polygons and arranging them.<br />

• Discuss how tessellations are made. Demonstrate<br />

the steps presented in the article and let<br />

your students do the same. Challenge them to<br />

create their own tessellations, applying the steps<br />

presented in the article.<br />

C. Generalization/Summary<br />

• Tiling refers to any arrangement of non-overlapping<br />

polygons that can be placed together to<br />

cover a region.<br />

• Tessellations are special kinds of tilings where<br />

irregularly shaped polygons (which where created<br />

by transforming convex polygons) are used<br />

repeatedly to cover a region.<br />

• For polygons to tile up or tessellate, the sum<br />

of their angles that meet at a point must be 360<br />

degrees. The square, equilateral triangle and<br />

regular hexagon are the only regular polygons<br />

that tessellate by themselves. However, combinations<br />

of some regular polygons like the square<br />

and the regular octagon may also tessellate.<br />

• To create a tessellation, start with a polygon,<br />

transform it by cutting and then translating, rotating<br />

or reflecting the cut part, bearing in mind<br />

that no part of the polygon must be wasted. To<br />

complete the tessellation, trace the transformed<br />

polygons on a clean sheet of paper, making sure<br />

that no part of the paper is left uncovered. Apply<br />

designs and colors to the tessellated pieces to<br />

make them more attractive.<br />

D. Assignment<br />

Do the following:<br />

1. Create a tiling using combinations of regular<br />

polygons.<br />

Answers here will vary. But here is a sample<br />

tiling using the regular triangle and the regular<br />

dodecagon.<br />

2. Create a tessellation by transforming the<br />

square.<br />

Answers here will vary.<br />

3 Vol. 13 No. 2 SY 2007-2008


Let the students accomplish the worksheet on page<br />

16 of the magazine.<br />


1. How do tilings and tessellations differ? (The two do<br />

not really differ. The first is the term which generally<br />

refers to the use of repeating polygons to cover<br />

a plane while the second is a special type under the<br />

first.)<br />

2. What is the most important property to consider in<br />

finding polygons that will tile up or tessellate? (Their<br />

interior angles-–when arranged about a point must<br />

sum up to 360 degrees.)<br />



These are tessellations made of three or more regular<br />

polygons combined. Here is a sample of these tessellations.<br />

You may let your students create their own.<br />



A. To define topology<br />

B. To explain why the coffee cup and the donut are<br />

equivalent<br />

C. To create figures that are topologically equivalent<br />




Ball of clay<br />

Pieces of string<br />

The letters of the alphabet<br />


Brown and Montgomery, Plane and Solid Geometry<br />

Bennett and Nelson, Mathematics: An Informal Approach<br />

Tatsulok. Third Year, Vol. 13, Issue 2, SY 2007-2008<br />

3<br />


A. Opening Activity<br />

• Pose this question: Did you know that the coffee<br />

cup is equivalent to a donut? (Anticipate different<br />

reactions from your students.) Ask them to<br />

figure out why if they can.<br />

B. Development Activity<br />

• Introduce the word topology. Ask one to look<br />

up its meaning in a dictionary and explain what<br />

he understood about it.<br />

• Discuss its relation to geometry as presented<br />

in the article. Show examples of topologically<br />

equivalent things by demonstrating them thru<br />

the ball of clay (transform it to any form without<br />

tearing)<br />

• After the discussion, challenge the students to<br />

explain why the coffee cup is equivalent to a<br />

donut.<br />

• Present the letter of the alphabet and then let<br />

them figure out which letters are topologically<br />

equivalent.<br />

• Let them answer the activity sheet after the<br />

article.<br />

C. Generalization/Summary<br />

Topology is an extension of geometry. It involves<br />

analyzing or studying figures and surfaces that<br />

are formed into another figure or surface by twisting,<br />

bending, stretching, shrinking or any motion that<br />

does not allow tearing parts apart or removing any<br />

part from the bunch of stuff. It is also sometimes<br />

referred to as the Rubber Sheet Geometry because<br />

topological transformations can be performed as if<br />

the original object is a sheet of rubber.<br />

D. Assignment<br />

List as many pairs of things around which you<br />

think are topologically equivalent. Explain your<br />

samples.<br />

(Answers here will vary but you may give this<br />

as an example: the plate and the spoon are topologically<br />

equivalent because they contain no holes and<br />

that they may have been formed by transforming a<br />

solid ball into their shapes now.)<br />


Let the students accomplish the worksheet on page<br />

17 of the magazine.<br />


1. Why is the coffee cup equivalent to the donut?<br />

(Both of them have one hole-–the donut has a hole<br />

at the center while the coffee cup has a hole that<br />

separates the handle and the body of the cup. Had<br />

4 Vol. 13 No. 2 SY 2007-2008

the donut been a ball of clay, it can be bent twisted<br />

and stretched to form the coffee cup)<br />

2. Why are D and P equivalent? (They both have one<br />

hole each.) Which other letters of the alphabet are<br />

topologically equivalent? (C E F G H I J K L M N S<br />

T U V W X Y Z are topologically equivalent to each<br />

other, A D O P Q R are also topologically equivalent<br />

and B is the only letter which has no topological<br />

equivalent in the alphabet.)<br />



Sculpture as an art form goes back to prehistoric<br />

times. Most Stone Age statuettes were made of soft stones<br />

and clay. Let your students relate sculpture to topology.<br />

To let them appreciate topology, let them create their<br />

own sculpture using clay.<br />


Article 1: The Many Faces of a Crystal<br />

Problem Buster (Article 1)<br />

Students should be able to construct 5 polyhedra using the<br />

cutouts.<br />

Worksheet 1 (PAGE 15)<br />

The five platonic solids are as follows:<br />

1. zircon crystal<br />

12 faces, 10 vertices, and 20 edges<br />

2. dual of the zircon crystal<br />

10 faces, 12 vertices, and 20 edges<br />

3<br />

3. boracite crystal<br />

26 faces, 24 vertices, and 48 edges<br />

4. 24 faces, 26 vertices, and 48 edges<br />

5. A semi-regular polyhedron with 8 regular hexagon edges,<br />

6 square faces, and 24 vertices<br />


Problem Buster (Article 2)<br />

Answers will vary.<br />

Worksheet 2 (PAGE 16)<br />

Answer Key:<br />

A.<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

cut and<br />

rotated<br />

cut and<br />

rotated<br />

cut and<br />

translated<br />

cut and<br />

rotated<br />

cut and<br />

translated<br />

5 Vol. 13 No. 2 SY 2007-2008

3.<br />

cut and translated<br />

3<br />

cut, translated,<br />

and rotated<br />

B. Answers here will vary but here is a sample tessellation<br />

of the first figure.<br />

Article 3: The Art of Distortion<br />

Problem Buster (Article 3)<br />

A.<br />

Worksheet 3 (PAGE 17)<br />

A.<br />

1. Figure 1<br />

2. Figure 2<br />

3. Figure 3<br />

4. Figure 2<br />

5. Figure 1<br />

6. Figure 1<br />

7. Figure 3<br />

8. Figure 1<br />

9. Figure 2<br />

10. Figure 3<br />

B.<br />

Category 1: Letters that are topologically equivalent to a line<br />

segment:<br />

C E F G H I J K L M N S T U V W X Y Z<br />

Category 2: 1-holed letters:<br />

A D O P Q R<br />

Category 3: 2-holed letters:<br />

B<br />


What Letters?<br />

Answer: Y, X, and Z<br />

Figure Operations<br />

Answer:<br />

Pass around the Candies Please . . .<br />

Answer: 6 children<br />


6 Vol. 13 No. 2 SY 2007-2008

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