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- ~.-U1R=iI.FG<br />

__. iii - - I 81 ,<br />

-..'-H-~ - •<br />

Burma. ~ai:;a hcndhuntcr- 1iH'e1 in a tall.<br />

talized st.itc for ,e\cral \\ceb after .\,\"<br />

pLIlK" 1>er;:11lappc;nilll; ill tlieir skic-. ThC\.<br />

could never r;d closc enough to dctcrnnnc<br />

<strong>the</strong> ,iz,e or tcmpeLnncnt of <strong>the</strong> winl;cd<br />

creatllfe" 'J'lie I;r(';lt '1l1estioll in N;n;a so.<br />

cictv became. "Vvlicrc do <strong>the</strong> warbirds<br />

sleep?" 'Thcv seemed ra<strong>the</strong>r hlg to roost 1I1<br />

trees. Tlie 1'\al:;;ls sellt ;1 xront on <strong>the</strong> Jonl:;<br />

trek to all :\:\I! .urba «: in Assam, and <strong>the</strong>re<br />

he found <strong>the</strong> am\\Trs to all hi, quest ions.<br />

illcilidilig tIle 1>il:;l:;nt ,mpri,se tll:lt <strong>the</strong> sndJ,<br />

est of t lu- w.nhirr}, had \\'inr;s vix 'pear, ill<br />

length, lie \\'a, so thrilled .md :mlazed that<br />

tlie cOllIlll;llIding officer of a fighter grollp<br />

a,ked <strong>the</strong> n.rt ivc if he want cc] to t.ik« a ride.<br />

The vi-at or \\':IS invu ltrr]. "TIle '\:If,;:IS,"<br />

he s:lid l);/lIghhh, "ar c 1:1\\' ;Ibidinr; pcople.<br />

It is not our custom to go up in <strong>the</strong> air."<br />

I::ngland. On D plus 1 <strong>the</strong> Britisll Bro1(l<br />

ostlllg COIllP:Ill\' wcnt :lbont its job witlt<br />

such uurclcnt iut; casnalllc" that it :illilost<br />

it-elf got 1>litzc'e], .\t:1 flight cont ro] st.it iou<br />

011 <strong>the</strong> co",t IIcr\T, \\Tre still slLnp, Plotter,<br />

were temch' tr:lcking airrruft acro" <strong>the</strong><br />

ch.mm-! .md np .md d 01\'1 I <strong>the</strong> CherbolHg<br />

l'c-ninsul:r. Fighter rout rolk-r-, \\'('fC still<br />

vedoring <strong>the</strong>ir pLme, over \'el\' Ilir;h Frcqlll'nc\'<br />

r.ulio to t"rgd, Oil Ihc lx-nchhc.nl<br />

.vbout t li.rt t imc t lu- BBC m.ul« itself<br />

heard. \\-itli uc-vlv stepped np tr.mxm ivsiou.<br />

it bc.uuccl out in <strong>the</strong> directioll of t hc in.<br />

'''sioll, hoomin£; into <strong>the</strong> control station's<br />

\'111: ()lIC of'tlie cOlltrollers \\,:IS hronglit<br />

np sliort I", COll\CrS:ltioll Oil his Iic':It!sl'l tll,lt<br />

\\'as dhtilllth 1I0t IVT. "I Ie 11 0, \LlrI,<br />

horongh. \ Ln:lhorongli. is t h:lt \'on:" >aid an<br />

;Igit:ltccl "(lice> .. ' I'here'" ~()1l1Ct-Iiill~ \\T()11L';<br />

\\ith OlH \'llli .\11 \\C gd is ,onlC gill<br />

singillg 'her\tl'ill£; I ILln' Is Yoms'." ,\<br />

n]()llIent later, Illore fnriollS-"C:'II't \\e £;et<br />

tl"lt t!:llIllIed hoogic \\oor;ic off Ihc air:"<br />

\lId from thc 'Clolld Llbid controller:<br />

"1\10\\' it np' \'cdor ,olllchoeh' OI'cr <strong>the</strong>re<br />

:llId tell hilll to llit itl" l'ortnn:lteh' for<br />

I\BC, <strong>the</strong>\ fonlld :1 hctter way. .<br />

Sicily. \"hen Lt, Robert 1. Gr;letz \\';lS<br />

forccd to clileh hi, .\ ,() in <strong>the</strong> :\lcditer-<br />

r.mc.m. his back-pack dingl,,' snnk and he<br />

swam for 1, hour. hefore draggmg hllllSelf<br />

nlJ:1l1Sted npoll a beach. The fir,t .Vmc riClm<br />

Cractz, nut were two \ II'" One<br />

\\ .ir ucc] him gran'h' that he \\'as ont of uuiform.<br />

:\0 necktie. The ot hcr cautioned<br />

Cradz, of <strong>the</strong> d:mger' wh ich mlf;ht lx-i.ill<br />

hun while goillg wit h ont his hclnut.<br />

Hawaii. Pvt. Clcnn Bricker of Plul.idclphi»<br />

cooks for :1 colruul Oil :111ivl.uul 1r:l'C,<br />

J'illislllllg brc.rkfuvt one 1I101llillg, <strong>the</strong> colonel<br />

left 1m office. :11,,1 Brickcr lru;:lll tlchlllg np<br />

:1ron IIlJ t lu pl.ic« \\'hcII he pro£;rcssed to<br />

tire colollcl', bedroom, he deCided th.it .:<br />

little 11:11'conld do 110 h:11II1. IIi, lint cont.ut<br />

wit l: t lu: \\':lnill£; world \\:IS thc colollel.<br />

nate .md noi-v Ire'ick Ium. "\\-h:lt's thi,?'<strong>the</strong><br />

officer w:I'recl. ;iltho'H,;1i it \\;1, prdh ',Ip'<br />

p.mut t h.r! tlie pr iv.it c \\':1' :lskep iu bi,<br />

lx«]. "Srr. J muvt h.ivr bCllI t ind." Bricker<br />

1I111111bke!. Then his mind bcg:lIl to click,<br />

"I \\orked 1:11' int o t lu. lIi~llt "II '''1I1l' (lIS<br />

t:1lC1 pies--' he .iddcd. Thc col"nel's voi.c<br />

11:,,1,,,ftc III ,1 uot icciblv :IS <strong>the</strong> pr iv.it c g"t to<br />

his feet. "Tho-«. pic, had better lx good,"<br />

l«. "lie!. T1Il'\ \\Tle, .md <strong>the</strong> C;;'C \\;l, ('l(l\ld,<br />

At Sea. The ;ton gocs that a :\'aH PBY<br />

ill IJlllllho "'en-icc: :1 lJi~ld:. c'tCl ill~'(l 'l';1<br />

1(.'"CllL' ()r~;llli/;lti{)ll. :-,p{)t-tl'd ;\ 111;111 ;!t!Iift<br />

in a r.if t .u«] illllncdi:llc'h set .rbout t o pic k<br />

him np, Thc\ flc'\\' OITr lmu , hilt t h« 1I1:111<br />

did 1I0t look np or \\:I\T Ihl' IIstL;] grc cIIJI~',<br />

TI,c\ ].;lIC\\' he \\':1, ;J1i\T, lie,,\( \(1, 'Ibn'<br />

conl.] ,ee huu nlO,ill£; hi-, :IfIIIS, hu-ilv CII1.<br />

plmed wit h 'Olllethillg ill t lu: water. 'I he:<br />

]'IlY l.md.d :md t:mccl t ow.u c] <strong>the</strong> r.if t ,<br />

whcnupon <strong>the</strong> 11I:1ll beg:lll \\:nill£; thcm<br />

:'\\'a\' and lI]()tioning for quiet. The rc-cuc<br />

crcw. \\'ho could ,ee t lic fhlT" -\nm \\ m",<br />

.mcl kh.ik: xhirt , tholl£;ht lie 1I111't Ire Sllnl~--<br />

IIlg from ,bock "r <strong>the</strong> ]ICIt. \\'hell thcv<br />

I"llled alonr;siele bis Lift, <strong>the</strong> m.m got<br />

l'lghh indigllallt. It \\:IS t lun thn lI"ti~ecl<br />

tlI:l! lie \\':1, 11'lllg llis ellllTgCIIC\ t:lcklc ;md<br />

1ud :llre:le], Clllght Olle: fIsh, ~-\t <strong>the</strong> mo.<br />


ment he \\'as after something really big. and<br />

didn't want to be rescllcd juvt vet I Ic pre.<br />

fence]' hc said. to wait for <strong>the</strong> ncx! Dumbo.<br />

Ra<strong>the</strong>r p.rt icutlv, tire PBY pilot explained<br />

that \\'lrile Dumbo scrvic« \\'a, dependable,<br />

it didn't run quite so re£;lIhrh' a, a com-<br />

1I111ter's train. Rcluct.mt lv <strong>the</strong> ..\,\F man<br />

got .rboarr] anel <strong>the</strong> ])lIlnhc') took off,<br />

1', S, \\'c dout belie\e t h i, ei<strong>the</strong>r,<br />

Italy. Latest to attack <strong>the</strong> ..\.\1< mst rt unon<br />

of thing pa\ IS an organization of Filt h<br />

.Vnuv Ch who wr ot c : "1 !:I\'ing crawled<br />

thwngh all <strong>the</strong> in ncl ;mel clu-t in Italv, we<br />

w.rut extra 1':1\ for '\OT fl\ing," '<br />

France. One of <strong>the</strong> b:l,ic divt intt ions be.<br />

t wc cn pcnu.mcut .iucl tcrupor.uv r.mk \\'as<br />

rlcenth chrilled I" \1:Jj, John L \IcCinn<br />

ef Long Beach. C:J1if.. a \lmt:lIlg s'ln:ldron<br />

k.ndcr. Th.it ;Iftellloon <strong>the</strong> III:lJor had been<br />

c'ii\ing on .m \11,: 1lI') \\hcn .in im por.rt ivc<br />

voirc blur ted in his r.ulio. "C;et :1\\':1\' from<br />

tl.crc: Don't sli",,! hun ' lle-', lIlme~'" The<br />

il'::jor pullcc] IIJl .n«] ouc: of hi, pilot». l st<br />

Lt. John R. I :skridgc of lImorc Cit v. Okla.<br />

dl\ ((I dO\\11 .rn.] ,k'!rm cd t lu: (;nlll:111. lip,<br />

ell retmning 10 hi, b:lse \ l.ijor :\ Ic-Cinn jok<br />

j"e:h' pointed out Fskridge :IS a m.m holding<br />

I l«. pc nu.iucnt r.uik "f l icut cu.rut.<br />

U.S.A. This account ek:l], with thc fir,t<br />

p:n:llronpcr ever hor n in :1 p.rr.rchutc. The<br />

Let t hut it \\:IS :1 j"ge()]1 p:ll:l!ro"per oulx<br />

slie:lith ClilllS Ihe lustre of <strong>the</strong>: t.ilc. It xccmv<br />

tlr.it iucu \\ ho tLIIII Imci, .rt tlie ,\\1: Tnct ic;;]<br />

Ccnt or III OrLilldo. ILL, iu.rk« ccr t.un<br />

111:lt 110 novit« plgcolls :IIT sellt over-cas.<br />

'I lie Cllles ,ekctld :IS pigeoll p:ILJtroopers<br />

1':1\(' :illl':lch completed ;ldY:1l1c'l'll flight<br />

!LlIlIille: :llId :Ill' klIO\\11 to be stIllC!" dc<br />

pllle!:ll;k birds, Thc\ :IIC £;i\l'n pLldice<br />

JllIlIl" 1I11ti! thc\ (;In hit tlie silk like :I<br />

st lIlIt jlllllpeL <strong>the</strong>ir l()]lIpkte eOl11pOSllfe<br />

\":1' dClllomtLlted recc'nth' \\hell :1 COllt:lilln<br />

of tlllTe Imds \\':lS lost :dtn beill£; droppe:eL<br />

I 0111 d:I", !:ltn <strong>the</strong> pi£;eom \n'fe: fC)]l11el,1m<br />

milled bllt hllll£;r\', Tlin h:ld Cltell part<br />

ell <strong>the</strong> str:I\\' flooring of <strong>the</strong>ir eOllt:liller. :llld<br />

111 Ol1e e()flln <strong>the</strong> fc-llJ:i!e of <strong>the</strong> p:nh h:ld<br />

!:lid :In e£;£;, \\hell h:llehed. th:lt - little<br />

jllgCOll \\'()]j't llccd to ask IllS eLidch \\'ILlt he<br />

did ill <strong>the</strong> \\:11'. ,t,. '<br />


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