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Pretty Lt. Bernie Manning wlio I', of COliN:, from 11011\\'O()(!. Illilh" life i1' plcns.mt<br />

as life call be in Ass.un. India, CIs refer to this arca as " 1';111 t\ .vllcv." IZcading right<br />

to left: pant\' girdle, stockings, CI p.mtic-, Lt. \Lllllling, 10llg undcrwcar p.mt x.<br />

F L I G H T N U R S E (Cont inucd from I'age 30)<br />

months a flatiron in a man's IWl1\e gale<br />

him a better line th.m etchings ell' I' did.<br />

"Vvc would go on ironing dates." <strong>the</strong><br />

girls cxpl.unccl. "Keeping om clo<strong>the</strong>s<br />

neat \\'as om tough est problem at first.<br />

\\'e had water three times a dil\'-for a<br />

couple of minutes each time-;'lJld that<br />

lI'as all. \ V c could alw.ivs I\'ash om<br />

clo<strong>the</strong>s in <strong>the</strong> river hut \I'C 'couldn't iron<br />

<strong>the</strong>m became we didn't hale clcctricitv<br />

at that time, The fellOlI'S did. so ,ve'~1<br />

take om clo<strong>the</strong>s O\'lT to <strong>the</strong>ir place and<br />

spend a quiet, domestic elTning at <strong>the</strong><br />

ironing board. Oli, no. thcv didn't<br />

mind-too much, Said it lent a horncv<br />

touch to <strong>the</strong> place." ,<br />

]\;mscs in most of <strong>the</strong> Pacific <strong>the</strong>aters<br />

th' .m uvcrngc of about SO hours a<br />

month. One month a girl spcnt I IS<br />

hours aloft in her evacuation pl.mc.<br />

l"ligh ts uxu.illv avcr.igc fom to cigh t<br />

hours' f1I'ing time, And <strong>the</strong> long 01('['<br />

water hops arc not made easier hv <strong>the</strong><br />

turbulent atmosphcre usuullv cnc'ollnt,<br />

crcd in that arcu. or by <strong>the</strong> possibilitics<br />

of enCI11\' attack on a hcavilv Iouclcd,<br />

unannce( pl.mc. ,<br />

One thing impoxsiblc. however. is to<br />

get a 11\' flight nurse to admit <strong>the</strong>re'« a11\'thinr;<br />

heroic-or even diflicnlt-i-nbout<br />

<strong>the</strong> Job she's choscu, In <strong>the</strong> first place,<br />

she'cJ 5;1\ thcre isn't time to think about<br />

l'lTsclf ;md on cv.rcuntiou missions this<br />

is litcrullv true. I,ooking after 24 mcn<br />

Ivhosc care h;ls lx-cn cu t irr-lv cntrustcd<br />

to one \I'OIn;111is a full-time Job. It permits<br />

no thought of comforts left behind.<br />

;\IIl:I\'s her paticnh come first. It's<br />

IlP to <strong>the</strong> nurse to cU'C for <strong>the</strong>m. make<br />

<strong>the</strong>m comfort.rblr- .mcl sec th.rt thcv ;1[rive<br />

at <strong>the</strong> destination in as good pi,,'sical<br />

condition ;IS cxpcr! nllI'sing care can<br />

:lSSIlIT, AmI where uir tLIITI is COl]ccruccl.<br />

tl: i' t ll1can s bei n ~ prcp.ncd to<br />

cope witl; <strong>the</strong> uucxpcct cd. Several<br />

month, "go. <strong>the</strong> pl.m« Oil wh ich Lt.<br />

Oorotl,,' Shikmki \I':]) f1i~ht nu rsc Ivas<br />

forced cloxvn .it se:!. In <strong>the</strong> crash 1'\nrsc<br />

Shikml,i\ hIck \1;1, seriomh' injurcel,<br />

Yet, \lith 110 thollght for hcr o\\'n com-<br />

62<br />

fort, she helped her patienh in to life<br />

r"ft" clrcel for <strong>the</strong>ir wou ncl s and attended<br />

<strong>the</strong>m const.mtlv until <strong>the</strong>y were<br />

picked up,<br />

Once an cv.icnat ion plane is airborne,<br />

<strong>the</strong> cabin becomes litcrallv a<br />

hospital warcl with <strong>the</strong> nurse in ch,,'rge,<br />

"Routine nursing c.uc.' it is call eel but<br />

;111\' m.in evacuated bv air knows that<br />

it'~ more th.m just ,vatching svmptoms,<br />

changing dressing. giling plasma or<br />

bringing out <strong>the</strong> morphine svrcttc when<br />

she sees fists clenched in silent pain,<br />

It's more th.m adjmting <strong>the</strong> splint on a<br />

na livcs leg. or treating an Auvtrali.m<br />

for "shock." or asking <strong>the</strong> pilot to descend<br />

slOldy so that a too-snddcn pressure<br />

change wont make a tank man's<br />

condition I\'CJrSC,<br />

~ lavbc it's a lot of little things-likc<br />

<strong>the</strong> subtle \1;1\' she 1"ls of kccping a<br />

hOI's mind off fcl!'S of Iming his injured<br />

leg, Or thc manner in which she calms<br />

a fcll(lII's nerves when sllc c.m sce ho-v<br />

jmnpl' he is abont taking his first flight.<br />

Or <strong>the</strong> \1;1\' shc asks "\\'onldn't \'CHI<br />

like a cup of chocolate?" "110\1' al)out<br />

a ci~;]!:ettc. s,~Tgcn~j?" "IIcre arc some<br />

books or I Iere s a nc-v game \IT<br />

picked up on <strong>the</strong> last flight," "Ll\he<br />

it': <strong>the</strong> f:Iet th.it. hu-v ;IS she is, she<br />

still h:l' time to t:IIL .<br />

Or it could be her sm ilc. her calm<br />

efficiellC'\' .md <strong>the</strong> 11';1\'she keeps C\,(TI'thing<br />

nndcr control. ,\m;lIing wumcn.<br />

<strong>the</strong>se airborne nlH'CS. 110\1' tlicv kecp up<br />

<strong>the</strong> hurd. tire,omc fli~hh month :lftn<br />

month in e\TI'\' clim.rt« of <strong>the</strong> ~lohc, .\<br />

p:ltient's own 'trel\]bles he~in to he forgotten<br />

in achnir.rt iou for <strong>the</strong> nur:«:<br />

aboard hi, p1:Iuc-'~:lllel <strong>the</strong> l11mdreels of<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r nlH'CS just like her.<br />

Call it nlHsillg C:lIT. c.ill it builcliut;<br />

morale, call it :llllthillc;-<strong>the</strong> f1i~ht<br />

IIm,e's sincerc elcsire to help .mr] comfort<br />

hn p.it icut«. her w.nm spirit .nul<br />

fr ic-nd lv disposition h.rvc won for her<br />

Ihe s.nuc hiC;h .rccol.ulc on CITIT b.rttlcfront<br />

\I here -;\mcricm soleliers ;ire fighting:<br />

"Geez, isn't she \\,(JIlelerful!" U<br />


(COli till lied from 1':lgc :;)<br />

<strong>the</strong> whole perioel USSTAF bombers<br />

maintained <strong>the</strong>ir plnnllleling of German<br />

:lirficlds in France, GcnU;lll\', <strong>the</strong> Low<br />

Countries, lt.ilv, nut] <strong>the</strong> Baibns,<br />

Xlcauwlnlc '<strong>the</strong> 9th <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong>, <strong>the</strong><br />

RAF 2nd Tactical .md <strong>the</strong> Mcclitcr-<br />

LmCII1 A11ied <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong>s were gi\ing<br />

strong tactical support to <strong>the</strong> ndv.mccs<br />

of <strong>the</strong> land armies. In <strong>the</strong>ir desperate<br />

d.ish northward from <strong>the</strong> Falaisc sector<br />

<strong>the</strong> Germans were bombed and strafed<br />

into one of <strong>the</strong> II'()[St traffic tic-ups in<br />

<strong>the</strong> history of <strong>the</strong> world. 1"01' miles vchicks<br />

Il'n'e j.muncd blllnper to bumper<br />

in hopeless congestion on main high-<br />

\I':II'S and in <strong>the</strong> sur rouudiug maze of<br />

couut rv lanes. Tow.ud <strong>the</strong> end, <strong>the</strong><br />

Ccnu.ms were trying to withdraw in<br />

d;]ylight, an act of desperation in itself.<br />

Ccruuin prisoners, pouri ng in to All icd<br />

h.mds through <strong>the</strong>se hectic weeks, testified<br />

to <strong>the</strong> pS\'C'ho]ogie"l effect of AAF<br />

and R,\F opcr.rt ions. Thcv revealed not<br />

onlv <strong>the</strong> ten or of bombardrncnt but <strong>the</strong><br />

critical short:lges of food. nmmuuitiou,<br />

w.rtcr and fuel that dircctlv resulted<br />

from it. The g:lsolinc sllOrtage had hecome<br />

acute and nobodv knows how<br />

Ill;my :t'\;lZi t:mks were -bl()\\n up by<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir 'erCII'S when thcv h:id no more<br />

fuel. lnfuut rvuicn on <strong>the</strong> so-called<br />

"holding front" h.ul gone without food<br />

for fi\e or si x d;ll's in xomc c;]ses-anel<br />

noth ing could h:IIT tolel <strong>the</strong>m so well<br />

that <strong>the</strong>ir cause in lr.mcc II':lS kaput.<br />

?'ot <strong>the</strong> least of A\F exploits dming<br />

<strong>the</strong> RIttle of Fr.mcc \I;IS <strong>the</strong> flving<br />

of equipment to <strong>the</strong> j\ Iuquis. For weeks<br />

13-1- s of <strong>the</strong> Sth <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> were secretly<br />

dropping red, yell 011' and white p;]rachntcel<br />

IJl1nclles to rcnck/\o\1) points in<br />

<strong>the</strong> 1:l11cI's. hi11s and p1:Iins of France,<br />

Thcv delivered an avtonishius; total of<br />

more th;1I1 90 percent of <strong>the</strong>se cargoes<br />

;mel nCITr perh;lps were guus. anuuunit<br />

ion ;md supplies put to more ef1cctil'C<br />

usc. A, Fr.mc« II':IS libcra tcd. in town<br />

;Ifter town sobhing men .md women<br />

sw.iru ud h.ippilv into <strong>the</strong>ir sunlit<br />

squ;nes to sing L:l .\ LlrseilJ:l;\e once<br />

:l~;lin, The vict orv \I;IS deserl'l'Cllv<br />

sh.rrcd bv <strong>the</strong> French <strong>Force</strong>s of <strong>the</strong><br />

III tcr ior. '<br />

In CH!I' Septelllher <strong>the</strong> cucmv's situation<br />

I\:IS still detnior:1 ti ng. hut <strong>the</strong><br />

'\;l/i, h:id something left, The Luf t-<br />

'1;ltTe h:lel put into ;Iction <strong>the</strong>ir \1l':-2h2<br />

;11Ie1 o<strong>the</strong>r jet .mcl roch't-propellnl air-<br />

CLIft. These p1:Ines h.«] been met in<br />

com hilt .md IHTe kn(J\\n to he extremelv<br />

f.r-.t. possihh' ~O()(1. 1\'(';1pOJl) , The<br />

Ccnuu n-, lr.ul rcxcrvc ground force, .md<br />

strong ddemi'e posit ion». But that<br />

thcv could ITeOlTr from <strong>the</strong>ir m.mv d ix-<br />

:lstc:rs or m.ik« " st:lnel on <strong>the</strong> \\'~stern<br />

I,'wnt for long \I';IS unlikely. U<br />


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